Madmm_dm_methods | Contains ADMM methods which only require the density matrix |
►Madmm_dm_types | Types and set/get functions for auxiliary density matrix methods |
Cadmm_dm_type | |
Cmcweeny_history_type | |
Madmm_methods | Contains ADMM methods which require molecular orbitals |
►Madmm_types | Types and set/get functions for auxiliary density matrix methods |
Cadmm_gapw_r3d_rs_type | A subtype of the admm_env that contains the extra data needed for an ADMM GAPW calculation |
Cadmm_type | Stores some data used in wavefunction fitting |
Madmm_utils | Contains methods used in the context of density fitting |
Mai_angmom | Calculation of the angular momentum integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
►Mai_contraction | Set of routines to: Contract integrals over primitive Gaussians Decontract (density) matrices Trace matrices to get forces Block copy and add matrices |
Cblock_add | |
Ccontraction | |
Cdecontraction | |
Cforce_trace | |
Mai_contraction_sphi | Contraction of integrals over primitive Cartesian Gaussians based on the contraction matrix sphi which is part of the gto_basis_set_type |
Mai_coulomb | Calculation of Coulomb integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions (electron repulsion integrals, ERIs) |
Mai_coulomb_test | Test of Electron Repulsion Routines (ERI) |
Mai_derivatives | Calculate the first derivative of an integral block |
Mai_elec_field | Calculation of Coulomb integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions (electron repulsion integrals, ERIs) |
Mai_eri_debug | Calculation of Coulomb integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions (electron repulsion integrals, ERIs) |
Mai_fermi_contact | Calculation of the Fermi contact integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_kinetic | Calculation of the kinetic energy integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_moments | Calculation of the moment integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_onecenter | |
Mai_oneelectron | Calculation of general three-center integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions and a spherical operator centered at position C |
Mai_operator_ra2m | Calculation of integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions for [a|(r-Ra)^(2m)|b] Ra is the position of center a |
►Mai_operators_r12 | Calculation of integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions for different r12 operators: 1/r12, erf(omega*r12/r12), erfc(omega*r12/r12), exp(-omega*r12^2)/r12 and exp(-omega*r12^2) |
Cab_sint_os | Interface for the calculation of integrals over s-functions and the s-type auxiliary integrals using the Obara-Saika (OS) scheme |
Mai_os_rr | |
Mai_overlap | Calculation of the overlap integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_overlap3 | |
Mai_overlap3_debug | Three-center integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_overlap_aabb | Calculation of the overlap integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_overlap_debug | Two-center overlap integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_overlap_ppl | Calculation of three-center overlap integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions for the second term V(ppl) of the local part of the Goedecker pseudopotential (GTH): |
Mai_spin_orbit | Calculation of spin orbit integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mai_verfc | Build up the nuclear potential part of the core Hamiltonian matrix in the case of an allelectron calculation by computing the nuclear attraction integral matrix <a|-Z/r|b> and the integral matrix <a|Z*erf(r)/r|b>. The integrals <a|Z*erf(r)/r|b> can be rewritten as the three-center Coulomb integrals <ab||c> with a primitive s-type Gaussian function c multiplied by a factor N |
Mal_system_dynamics | |
Mal_system_init | |
Mal_system_mapping | |
►Mal_system_types | Type for the canonical sampling through velocity rescaling |
Cal_system_type | |
Malmo_scf | Routines for all ALMO-based SCF methods 'RZK-warning' marks unresolved issues |
►Malmo_scf_diis_types | A DIIS implementation for the ALMO-based SCF methods |
Calmo_scf_diis_init | |
Calmo_scf_diis_type | |
Malmo_scf_env_methods | Almo_scf_env methods |
►Malmo_scf_lbfgs_types | Limited memory BFGS |
Clbfgs_history_type | |
Malmo_scf_methods | Subroutines for ALMO SCF |
Malmo_scf_optimizer | Optimization routines for all ALMO-based SCF methods |
Malmo_scf_qs | Interface between ALMO SCF and QS |
►Malmo_scf_types | Types for all ALMO-based methods |
Calmo_scf_env_type | |
Calmo_scf_history_type | |
Coptimizer_options_type | |
Mao_util | All kind of helpful little routines |
Marnoldi_api | Arnoldi iteration using dbcsr |
Marnoldi_data_methods | The methods which allow to analyze and manipulate the arnoldi procedure The main routine and this should eb the only public access point for the method |
Marnoldi_geev | Unified interface to lapack geev routines |
Marnoldi_methods | Methods for arnoldi iteration |
►Marnoldi_types | Collection of types used in arnoldi |
Carnoldi_control_type | |
Carnoldi_data_type | |
Carnoldi_env_type | |
Cm_x_v_vectors_type | |
Marnoldi_vector | Operations for skinny matrices/vectors expressed in dbcsr form |
Matom | |
Matom_admm_methods | |
Matom_basis | |
Matom_electronic_structure | |
Matom_energy | |
Matom_fit | Routines that fit parameters for /from atomic calculations |
►Matom_grb | |
Cbasis_p_type | |
Matom_kind_orbitals | Calculate the orbitals for a given atomic kind type |
Matom_operators | Calculate the atomic operator matrices |
►Matom_optimization | Optimizer for the atomic code |
Catom_history_type | |
Matom_output | Routines that print various information about an atomic kind |
Matom_pseudo | |
Matom_set_basis | |
►Matom_sgp | |
Catom_sgp_potential_type | |
►Matom_types | Define the atom type and its sub types |
Catom_basis_type | Provides all information about a basis set |
Catom_ecppot_type | |
Catom_gthpot_type | Provides all information about a pseudopotential |
Catom_hfx_type | Provides info about hartree-fock exchange (For now, we only support potentials that can be represented with Coulomb and longrange-coulomb potential) |
Catom_integrals | |
Catom_optimization_type | Information on optimization procedure |
Catom_orbitals | Holds atomic orbitals and energies |
Catom_p_type | |
Catom_potential_type | |
Catom_sgppot_type | |
Catom_state | Provides all information on states and occupation |
Catom_type | Provides all information about an atomic kind |
Ceri | Holds atomic integrals |
Copgrid_type | Operator grids |
Copmat_type | Operator matrices |
►Matom_upf | Routines that process Quantum Espresso UPF files |
Catom_upfpot_type | |
►Matom_utils | Some basic routines for atomic calculations |
Cintegrate_grid | |
Matom_xc | Routines that build the integrals of the Vxc potential calculated for the atomic code |
Matomic_charges | Simple routine to print charges for all atomic charge methods (currently mulliken, lowdin and ddapc) |
►Matomic_kind_list_types | Represent a simple array based list of the given type |
Catomic_kind_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Catomic_kind_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
►Matomic_kind_types | Define the atomic kind types and their sub types |
Catomic_kind_type | Provides all information about an atomic kind |
Matoms_input | |
►Matprop_types | Holds information on atomic properties |
Catprop_type | Type for the atomic properties |
Mauto_basis | Automatic generation of auxiliary basis sets of different kind |
Maux_basis_set | |
►Maverages_types | Handles the type to compute averages during an MD |
Caverage_quantities_type | |
Cget_averages | |
►Mbarostat_types | Barostat structure: module containing barostat available for MD |
Cbarostat_type | |
Mbarostat_utils | Barostat utils |
Mbase_hooks | Central dispatch for basic hooks |
►Mbasis_set_container_types | |
Cbasis_set_container_type | |
Mbasis_set_output | Print basis sets in CP2K format |
►Mbasis_set_types | |
Cgto_basis_set_p_type | |
Cgto_basis_set_type | |
Cread_gto_basis_set | |
Csto_basis_set_type | |
Mbessel_lib | Calculates Bessel functions |
Mbeta_gamma_psi | |
Mbfgs_optimizer | Routines for Geometry optimization using BFGS algorithm |
Mbibliography | Collects all references to literature in CP2K as new algorithms / method are included from literature sources we add a citation, to give credit to the authors (often ourselves, but this need not to be the case), and as a form of documentation |
►Mblock_p_types | Collect pointers to a block of reals |
Cblock_p_type | |
Mbse_full_diag | Routines for the full diagonalization of GW + Bethe-Salpeter for computing electronic excitations |
Mbse_iterative | Iterative routines for GW + Bethe-Salpeter for computing electronic excitations |
Mbse_main | Main routines for GW + Bethe-Salpeter for computing electronic excitations |
Mbse_print | Routines for printing information in context of the BSE calculation |
►Mbse_properties | Routines for computing excitonic properties, e.g. exciton diameter, from the BSE |
Cexciton_descr_type | |
Mbse_util | Auxiliary routines for GW + Bethe-Salpeter for computing electronic excitations |
Mbsse | Module to perform a counterpoise correction (BSSE) |
►Mcallgraph | |
Ccallgraph_item_type | |
Ccallgraph_type | |
Mcell_methods | Handles all functions related to the CELL |
Mcell_opt | Performs CELL optimization |
►Mcell_opt_types | Contains type used for a Simulation Cell Optimization |
Ccell_opt_env_type | Type containing all informations abour the simulation cell optimization |
Mcell_opt_utils | Functional that calculates the energy and its derivatives for the geometry optimizer |
►Mcell_types | Handles all functions related to the CELL |
Ccell_p_type | |
Ccell_type | Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell |
Cpbc | |
Mcg_optimizer | Routines for Geometry optimization using Conjugate Gradients |
Mcg_test | Test of Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients |
Mcg_utils | Utilities for Geometry optimization using Conjugate Gradients |
Mcolvar_methods | Defines collective variables s({R}) and the derivative of this variable wrt R these can then be used in constraints, restraints and metadynamics .. |
►Mcolvar_types | Initialize the collective variables types |
Ccolvar_counters | |
Ccolvar_p_type | |
Ccolvar_type | Parameters for a collective variable |
Mcolvar_utils | Evaluations of colvar for internal coordinates schemes |
Mcommutator_rkinetic | Calculation of commutator of kinetic energy and position operator |
Mcommutator_rpnl | Calculation of the non-local pseudopotential contribution to the core Hamiltonian <a|V(non-local)|b> = <a|p(l,i)>h(i,j)<p(l,j)|b> |
Mconstants_operator | Constants for the different operators of the 2c-integrals |
Mconstraint | |
Mconstraint_3x3 | |
Mconstraint_4x6 | |
Mconstraint_clv | Module that handles the COLLECTIVE constraints |
Mconstraint_fxd | |
Mconstraint_util | Contains routines useful for the application of constraints during MD |
Mconstraint_vsite | Routines to handle the virtual site constraint/restraint |
Mconstruct_shg | Calculation of the integrals over solid harmonic Gaussian(SHG) functions. Routines for (a|O(r12)|b) and overlap integrals (ab), (aba) and (abb) |
Mcore_ae | Calculation of the nuclear attraction contribution to the core Hamiltonian <a|erfc|b> :we only calculate the non-screened part |
Mcore_ppl | Calculation of the local pseudopotential contribution to the core Hamiltonian <a|V(local)|b> = <a|Sum e^a*rc**2|b> |
Mcore_ppnl | Calculation of the non-local pseudopotential contribution to the core Hamiltonian <a|V(non-local)|b> = <a|p(l,i)>h(i,j)<p(l,j)|b> |
Mcp2k_debug | Debug energy and derivatives w.r.t. finite differences |
Mcp2k_info | Some minimal info about CP2K, including its version and license |
Mcp2k_runs | |
Mcp2k_shell | Interactive shell of CP2K |
Mcp_array_sort | Routine for sorting an array |
►Mcp_array_utils | Various utilities that regard array of different kinds: output, allocation,... maybe it is not a good idea mixing output and memeory utils.. |
Ccp_1d_c_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_1d_c_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Ccp_1d_i_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_1d_i_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Ccp_1d_logical_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_1d_logical_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Ccp_1d_r_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_1d_r_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Ccp_2d_c_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_2d_c_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_2d_i_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_2d_i_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_2d_logical_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_2d_logical_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_2d_r_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_2d_r_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_3d_c_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_3d_c_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
Ccp_3d_i_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_3d_i_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
Ccp_3d_logical_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_3d_logical_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
Ccp_3d_r_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_3d_r_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
Ccp_guarantee_size | |
►Mcp_blacs_env | Methods related to the blacs parallel environment |
Ccp_blacs_env_type | Represent a blacs multidimensional parallel environment (for the mpi corrispective see cp_paratypes/mp_para_cart_type) |
►Mcp_blacs_types | Wrappers for the actual blacs calls. all functionality needed in the code should actually be provide by cp_blacs_env these functions should be private members of that module |
Ccp_blacs_type | |
►Mcp_cfm_basic_linalg | Basic linear algebra operations for complex full matrices |
Ccp_cfm_scale | |
Mcp_cfm_cholesky | Various cholesky decomposition related routines |
Mcp_cfm_diag | Used for collecting diagonalization schemes available for cp_cfm_type |
Mcp_cfm_dlaf_api | |
►Mcp_cfm_types | Represents a complex full matrix distributed on many processors |
Ccopy_cfm_info_type | Stores the state of a copy between cp_cfm_start_copy_general and cp_cfm_finish_copy_general |
Ccp_cfm_p_type | Just to build arrays of pointers to matrices |
Ccp_cfm_to_cfm | |
Ccp_cfm_type | Represent a complex full matrix |
►Mcp_control_types | Defines control structures, which contain the parameters and the settings for the DFT-based calculations |
Cadmm_control_type | |
Cddapc_restraint_type | |
Cdft_control_type | |
Cdftb_control_type | |
Cefield_type | |
Cexpot_control_type | |
Cgapw_control_type | |
Cmaxwell_control_type | |
Cmulliken_restraint_type | |
Cproj_mo_type | |
Cqs_control_type | |
Crtp_control_type | |
Cs2_restraint_type | |
Csccs_control_type | |
Csemi_empirical_control_type | |
Csmeared_type | |
Cstda_control_type | |
Ctddfpt2_control_type | |
Cxtb_control_type | |
Mcp_control_utils | Utilities to set up the control types |
►Mcp_dbcsr_api | |
Cdbcsr_create | |
Cdbcsr_distribution_type | |
Cdbcsr_iterator_type | |
Cdbcsr_p_type | |
Cdbcsr_type | |
Mcp_dbcsr_cholesky | Interface to (sca)lapack for the Cholesky based procedures |
Mcp_dbcsr_contrib | |
Mcp_dbcsr_cp2k_link | Routines that link DBCSR and CP2K concepts together |
Mcp_dbcsr_diag | Interface to (sca)lapack for the Cholesky based procedures |
►Mcp_dbcsr_operations | DBCSR operations in CP2K |
Cdbcsr_allocate_matrix_set | |
Cdbcsr_deallocate_matrix_set | |
Mcp_dbcsr_output | DBCSR output in CP2K |
Mcp_ddapc | Density Derived atomic point charges from a QM calculation (see Bloechl, J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 103 pp. 7422-7428) |
Mcp_ddapc_forces | Density Derived atomic point charges from a QM calculation (see J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 103 pp. 7422-7428) |
Mcp_ddapc_methods | Information regarding the decoupling/recoupling method of Bloechl |
►Mcp_ddapc_types | Information regarding the decoupling/recoupling method of Bloechl |
Ccp_ddapc_ewald_type | |
Ccp_ddapc_type | |
Mcp_ddapc_util | Density Derived atomic point charges from a QM calculation (see Bloechl, J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 103 pp. 7422-7428) |
Mcp_dlaf_utils_api | |
►Mcp_eri_mme_interface | Interface to Minimax-Ewald method for periodic ERI's to be used in CP2K |
Ccp_eri_mme_param | |
Ccp_eri_mme_set_params | |
Mcp_error_handling | Module that contains the routines for error handling |
Mcp_external_control | Routines to handle the external control of CP2K |
Mcp_files | Utility routines to open and close files. Tracking of preconnections |
►Mcp_fm_basic_linalg | Basic linear algebra operations for full matrices |
Ccp_fm_contracted_trace | |
Ccp_fm_trace | |
Mcp_fm_cholesky | Various cholesky decomposition related routines |
Mcp_fm_cusolver_api | Wrapper for cuSOLVERMp |
Mcp_fm_diag | Used for collecting some of the diagonalization schemes available for cp_fm_type. cp_fm_power also moved here as it is very related |
►Mcp_fm_diag_utils | Auxiliary tools to redistribute cp_fm_type matrices before and after diagonalization. Heuristics are used to determine the optimal number of CPUs for diagonalization and the input matrices are redistributed if necessary |
Ccp_fm_redistribute_info | |
Mcp_fm_dlaf_api | |
Mcp_fm_elpa | Wrapper for ELPA |
►Mcp_fm_pool_types | Pool for for elements that are retained and released |
Ccp_fm_pool_p_type | To create arrays of pools |
Ccp_fm_pool_type | Represent a pool of elements with the same structure |
Cfm_pools_create_fm_vect | |
Cfm_pools_give_back_fm_vect | |
►Mcp_fm_struct | Represent the structure of a full matrix |
Ccp_fm_struct_p_type | |
Ccp_fm_struct_type | Keeps the information about the structure of a full matrix |
►Mcp_fm_types | Represent a full matrix distributed on many processors |
Ccopy_info_type | Stores the state of a copy between cp_fm_start_copy_general and cp_fm_finish_copy_general |
Ccp_fm_p_type | Just to build arrays of pointers to matrices |
Ccp_fm_release | |
Ccp_fm_to_fm | |
Ccp_fm_type | Represent a full matrix |
►Mcp_iter_types | Collection of routines to handle the iteration info |
Ccp_iteration_info_type | Information about the current state of the program to be able to decide if output is necessary |
Mcp_lbfgs | LBFGS-B routine (version 3.0, April 25, 2011) |
Mcp_lbfgs_geo | Main driver for L-BFGS optimizer |
►Mcp_lbfgs_optimizer_gopt | Routines that optimize a functional using the limited memory bfgs quasi-newton method. The process set up so that a master runs the real optimizer and the others help then to calculate the objective function. The arguments for the objective function are physically present in every processor (nedeed in the actual implementation of pao). In the future tha arguments themselves could be distributed |
Ccp_lbfgs_opt_gopt_type | Info for the optimizer (see the description of this module) |
►Mcp_linked_list_fm | |
Ccp_create | |
Ccp_dealloc | |
Ccp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_get_length | |
Ccp_get_rest | |
Ccp_insert | |
Ccp_next | |
Ccp_remove_all | |
Ccp_remove_el | |
Ccp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_sll_fm_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_fm_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_to_array | |
►Mcp_linked_list_input | |
Ccp_create | |
Ccp_dealloc | |
Ccp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_get_length | |
Ccp_get_rest | |
Ccp_insert | |
Ccp_next | |
Ccp_remove_all | |
Ccp_remove_el | |
Ccp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_sll_char_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_char_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_int_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_int_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_logical_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_logical_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_real_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_real_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_val_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_val_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_to_array | |
►Mcp_linked_list_pw | |
Ccp_create | |
Ccp_dealloc | |
Ccp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_get_length | |
Ccp_get_rest | |
Ccp_insert | |
Ccp_next | |
Ccp_remove_all | |
Ccp_remove_el | |
Ccp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_sll_1d_c_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_1d_c_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_1d_r_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_1d_r_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_3d_c_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_3d_c_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_3d_r_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_3d_r_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_sll_rs_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_rs_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_to_array | |
►Mcp_linked_list_xc_deriv | |
Ccp_create | |
Ccp_dealloc | |
Ccp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_get_length | |
Ccp_get_rest | |
Ccp_insert | |
Ccp_next | |
Ccp_remove_all | |
Ccp_remove_el | |
Ccp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_sll_xc_deriv_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_sll_xc_deriv_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_to_array | |
►Mcp_log_handling | Various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should not be done in the code that generates the log, but should be globally changeable a central place. So some care has been taken to have enough information about the place from where the log comes so that in the future intelligent and flexible decisions can be taken by the logger, without having to change other code |
Ccp_logger_p_type | |
Ccp_logger_type | Type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be logged (0 note, 1 warning, 2 failure, 3 fatal) it could be expanded with the ability to focus on one or more module/object/thread/processor |
Ccp_to_string | |
►Mcp_min_heap | |
Ccp_heap_type | |
Mcp_output_handling | Routines to handle the output, The idea is to remove the decision of wheter to output and what to output from the code that does the output, and centralize it here |
►Mcp_parser_buffer_types | Module to allow simple buffering of read lines of a parser |
Cbuffer_type | Buffer type for speeding-up the parsing in parallel |
Mcp_parser_ilist_methods | Module to allow simple internal preprocessing in input files |
►Mcp_parser_ilist_types | Module to allow simple internal preprocessing in input files |
Cilist_type | |
Mcp_parser_inpp_methods | Module to allow simple internal preprocessing in input files |
►Mcp_parser_inpp_types | Module to allow simple internal preprocessing in input files |
Cinpp_type | |
►Mcp_parser_methods | Utility routines to read data from files. Kept as close as possible to the old parser because |
Cparser_get_object | |
►Mcp_parser_status_types | Module to allow the storage of the parser status |
Cstatus_type | |
►Mcp_parser_types | Utility routines to read data from files. Kept as close as possible to the old parser because |
Ccp_parser_type | Represent a parser |
Mcp_realspace_grid_cube | A wrapper around pw_to_cube() which accepts particle_list_type |
Mcp_realspace_grid_init | |
►Mcp_result_methods | Set of type/routines to handle the storage of results in force_envs |
Cget_results | |
Cput_results | |
►Mcp_result_types | Set of type/routines to handle the storage of results in force_envs |
Ccp_result_p_type | |
Ccp_result_type | Arbitrary information which need to be stored |
Mcp_spline_utils | Utils to manipulate splines on the regular grid of a pw |
Mcp_subsys_methods | Initialize a small environment for a particular calculation |
►Mcp_subsys_types | Types that represent a subsys, i.e. a part of the system |
Ccp_subsys_p_type | Represent a pointer to a subsys, to be able to create arrays of pointers |
Ccp_subsys_type | System: atoms, molecules, their pos,vel,.. |
Mcp_symmetry | Work with symmetry |
►Mcp_units | Unit conversion facility |
Ccp_unit_set_type | Stores the default units to be used |
Ccp_unit_type | Stores a unit |
►Mcryssym | K-points and crystal symmetry routines |
Ccsym_type | CSM type |
Mcsvr_system_dynamics | |
Mcsvr_system_init | |
Mcsvr_system_mapping | |
►Mcsvr_system_types | Type for the canonical sampling through velocity rescaling |
Ccsvr_system_type | |
Mcsvr_system_utils | |
Mct_methods | Cayley transformation methods |
►Mct_types | Types for all cayley transformation methods |
Cct_step_env_type | |
►Mcube_utils | For a given dr()/dh(r) this will provide the bounds to be used if one wants to go over a sphere-subregion of given radius |
Ccube_info_type | |
Md3_poly | Routines to efficiently handle dense polynomial in 3 variables up to a given degree. Multiplication, partial evaluation, affine transform (change of reference system), differentiation are efficiently implemented. some functions accept or return several polynomial together, these have to have all the same size, and are stored one after the other in an unique 1d array. This gives them an easy handling and even seem to be faster than the transposed layout |
►Mdamping_dipole_types | |
Cdamping_info_type | |
Cdamping_p_type | |
Cdamping_type | |
►Mdbm_api | |
Cdbm_distribution_obj | |
Cdbm_iterator | |
Cdbm_type | |
Mdbm_tests | |
►Mdbt_allocate_wrap | Wrapper for allocating, copying and reshaping arrays |
Callocate_any | |
Mdbt_api | This is the start of a dbt_api, all publically needed functions are exported here. The others remain private to the library. Currently, this is the CP2K used set. Ultimately, a reduced subset and well defined api will remain, possibly grouped in to standard and expert api. Currently, this is work in progress |
►Mdbt_array_list_methods | Representation of arbitrary number of 1d integer arrays with arbitrary sizes. This is needed for generic handling of dimension-specific tensor quantities (such as block index) |
Carray_list | |
Cget_ith_array | |
►Mdbt_block | Methods to operate on n-dimensional tensor blocks |
Cblock_nd | |
Ccreate_block | |
Cdbt_get_block | |
Cdbt_iterator_type | |
Cdbt_put_block | |
Cdbt_reserve_blocks | |
►Mdbt_index | Tensor index and mapping to DBM index |
Cnd_to_2d_mapping | |
Mdbt_io | DBT tensor Input / Output |
Mdbt_methods | DBT tensor framework for block-sparse tensor contraction. Representation of n-rank tensors as DBT tall-and-skinny matrices. Support for arbitrary redistribution between different representations. Support for arbitrary tensor contractions |
Mdbt_reshape_ops | Routines to reshape / redistribute tensors |
Mdbt_split | Routines to split blocks and to convert between tensors with different block sizes |
►Mdbt_tas_base | Tall-and-skinny matrices: base routines similar to DBM API, mostly wrappers around existing DBM routines |
Cdbt_tas_create | |
Cdbt_tas_iterator_next_block | |
Cdbt_tas_reserve_blocks | |
►Mdbt_tas_global | Global data (distribution and block sizes) for tall-and-skinny matrices For very sparse matrices with one very large dimension, storing array data of the same size as the matrix dimensions may require too much memory and we need to compute them on the fly for a given row or column. Hence global array data such as distribution and block sizes are specified as function objects, leaving up to the caller how to efficiently store global data |
Cdbt_tas_blk_size_arb | Type for arbitrary block sizes |
Cdbt_tas_blk_size_one | Type for blocks of size one |
Cdbt_tas_blk_size_repl | Type for replicated block sizes |
Cdbt_tas_dist_arb | Type for arbitrary distributions |
Cdbt_tas_dist_cyclic | Type for cyclic (round robin) distribution: |
Cdbt_tas_dist_repl | Type for replicated distribution |
Cdbt_tas_distribution | |
Cdbt_tas_rowcol_data | |
Crowcol_dist | Map matrix rows/cols to distribution rows/cols |
Mdbt_tas_io | Tall-and-skinny matrices: Input / Output |
Mdbt_tas_mm | Matrix multiplication for tall-and-skinny matrices. This uses the k-split (non-recursive) CARMA algorithm that is communication-optimal as long as the two smaller dimensions have the same size. Submatrices are obtained by splitting a dimension of the process grid. Multiplication of submatrices uses DBM Cannon algorithm. Due to unknown sparsity pattern of result matrix, parameters (group sizes and process grid dimensions) can not be derived from matrix dimensions and need to be set manually |
Mdbt_tas_reshape_ops | Communication routines to reshape / replicate / merge tall-and-skinny matrices |
►Mdbt_tas_split | Methods to split tall-and-skinny matrices along longest dimension. Basically, we are splitting process grid and each subgrid holds its own DBM matrix |
Cdbt_tas_mp_comm | |
Mdbt_tas_test | Testing infrastructure for tall-and-skinny matrices |
►Mdbt_tas_types | DBT tall-and-skinny base types. Mostly wrappers around existing DBM routines |
Cdbt_tas_distribution_type | |
Cdbt_tas_iterator | |
Cdbt_tas_mm_storage | |
Cdbt_tas_split_info | |
Cdbt_tas_type | |
►Mdbt_tas_util | Often used utilities for tall-and-skinny matrices |
Carray_eq | |
Cswap | |
Mdbt_test | General methods for testing DBT tensors |
►Mdbt_types | DBT tensor framework for block-sparse tensor contraction: Types and create/destroy routines |
Cdbt_contraction_storage | |
Cdbt_create | |
Cdbt_distribution_type | |
Cdbt_pgrid_type | |
Cdbt_type | |
►Mdct | Type I Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT-I) |
Cdct_type | |
Mdebug_os_integrals | Debugs Obara-Saika integral matrices |
►Mdeepmd_wrapper | Interface to the DeePMD-kit or a c++ wrapper |
Cdeepmd_model_type | |
Mdft_plus_u | Add the DFT+U contribution to the Hamiltonian matrix |
►Mdg_rho0_types | |
Cdg_rho0_type | Type for Gaussian Densities type = type of gaussian (PME) grid = grid number gcc = Gaussian contraction coefficient zet = Gaussian exponent |
►Mdg_types | |
Cdg_type | |
►Mdgemm_counter_types | Counters to determine the performance of parallel DGEMMs |
Cdgemm_counter_type | |
►Mdgs | |
Cdg_get_patch | |
Cdg_sum_patch | |
Cdg_sum_patch_force_1d | |
Cdg_sum_patch_force_3d | |
►Mdielectric_methods | Methods for evaluating the dielectric constant |
Cdielectric_compute | |
►Mdielectric_types | Dielectric constant data type |
Cdielectric_parameters | |
Cdielectric_type | |
Mdimer_methods | Contains types used for a Dimer Method calculations |
►Mdimer_types | Contains types used for a Dimer Method calculations |
Cdimer_env_type | Defines the environment for a Dimer Method calculation |
Mdimer_utils | Contains utilities for a Dimer Method calculations |
Mdirichlet_bc_methods | Subroutines for defining and creating Dirichlet type subdomains |
►Mdirichlet_bc_types | Dirichlet boundary condition data types |
Cdirichlet_bc_p_type | |
Cdirichlet_bc_parameters | |
Cdirichlet_bc_type | |
Ctile_p_type | |
Ctile_type | |
►Mdistribution_1d_types | Stores a lists of integer that are local to a processor. The idea is that these integers represent objects that are distributed between the different processors. The ordering is just to make some operation more efficient, logically these lists are like sets. Some operations assume that the integers represent a range of values from 1 to a (not too big) maxval, and that an element is present just once, and only on a processor (these assumption are marked in the documentation of such operations). The concrete task for which this structure was developed was distributing atoms between the processors |
Cdistribution_1d_type | Structure to store local (to a processor) ordered lists of integers |
►Mdistribution_2d_types | Stores a mapping of 2D info (e.g. matrix) on a 2D processor distribution (i.e. blacs grid) where cpus in the same blacs row own the same rows of the 2D info (and similar for the cols) |
Cdistribution_2d_type | Distributes pairs on a 2d grid of processors |
Mdistribution_methods | Distribution methods for atoms, particles, or molecules |
Mdkh_main | |
Mdm_ls_chebyshev | Routines using linear scaling chebyshev methods |
Mdm_ls_scf | Routines for a linear scaling quickstep SCF run based on the density matrix |
Mdm_ls_scf_create | Routines for a linear scaling quickstep SCF run based on the density matrix |
Mdm_ls_scf_curvy | Density matrix optimization using exponential transformations |
Mdm_ls_scf_methods | Lower level routines for linear scaling SCF |
Mdm_ls_scf_qs | Routines for a linear scaling quickstep SCF run based on the density matrix, with a focus on the interface between dm_ls_scf and qs |
►Mdm_ls_scf_types | Types needed for a linear scaling quickstep SCF run based on the density matrix |
Cls_mstruct_type | |
Cls_scf_curvy_type | |
Cls_scf_env_type | |
►Mdomain_submatrix_methods | Subroutines to handle submatrices |
Cadd_submatrices | |
Ccopy_submatrices | |
Cinit_submatrices | |
Cmultiply_submatrices | |
Crelease_submatrices | |
Cset_submatrices | |
►Mdomain_submatrix_types | Types to handle submatrices |
Cdomain_map_type | |
Cdomain_submatrix_type | |
Mec_efield_local | Calculates the energy contribution and the mo_derivative of a static electric field (nonperiodic) |
►Mec_env_types | Types needed for a for a Energy Correction |
Cenergy_correction_type | Contains information on the energy correction functional for KG |
Mec_environment | Energy correction environment setup and handling |
Mec_external | Routines for an external energy correction on top of a Kohn-Sham calculation |
Mec_methods | Routines used for Harris functional Kohn-Sham calculation |
Mec_orth_solver | AO-based conjugate-gradient response solver routines |
Med_analysis | Calculate Energy Decomposition analysis |
Meeq_data | EEQ data from different sources |
►Meeq_input | Input definition and setup for EEQ model |
Ceeq_solver_type | |
Meeq_method | Calculation of charge equilibration method |
Mefield_tb_methods | Calculation of electric field contributions in TB |
Mefield_utils | All routins needed for a nonperiodic electric field |
►Meigenvalueproblems | Provides interfaces to LAPACK eigenvalue/SVD routines |
Cdiagonalise | |
Meip_environment | Methods and functions on the EIP environment |
►Meip_environment_types | The environment for the empirical interatomic potential methods |
Ceip_environment_type | The empirical interatomic potential environment |
Meip_silicon | Empirical interatomic potentials for Silicon |
Membed_environment | Initialize embed environment: clone of the mixed environment |
Membed_main | Main force create for embedding |
►Membed_types | |
Cembed_env_type | Embedding environment type |
Copt_dmfet_pot_type | Type containing main data for matrix embedding potential optimization |
Copt_embed_pot_type | Type containing main data for embedding potential optimization |
Menergy_corrections | Routines for an energy correction on top of a Kohn-Sham calculation |
Menvironment | Sets up and terminates the global environment variables |
Meri_mme_error_control | Methods aiming for error estimate and automatic cutoff calibration. integrals |
Meri_mme_gaussian | Methods related to properties of Hermite and Cartesian Gaussian functions |
Meri_mme_integrate | Minimax-Ewald (MME) method for calculating 2-center and 3-center electron repulsion integrals (ERI) of periodic systems using a Hermite Gaussian basis. The method relies on analytical Fourier transforms of Cartesian and Hermite Gaussian functions and Poisson summation formula to represent ERIs as a discrete sum over direct lattice vectors or reciprocal lattice vectors. The reciprocal space potential 1/G^2 is approximated by a linear combination of Gaussians employing minimax approximation. Not yet implemented: 3c ERIs for nonorthogonal cells |
Meri_mme_lattice_summation | Ewald sums to represent integrals in direct and reciprocal lattice |
Meri_mme_test | Methods for testing / debugging |
►Meri_mme_types | Types and initialization / release routines for Minimax-Ewald method for electron repulsion integrals |
Ceri_mme_param | |
Meri_mme_util | Some utility methods used in different contexts |
Met_coupling | Calculates the electron transfer coupling elements Wu, Van Voorhis, JCP 125, 164105 (2006) |
Met_coupling_proj | Calculates the electron transfer coupling elements by projection-operator approach Kondov et al. J.Phys.Chem.C 2007, 111, 11970-11981 |
►Met_coupling_types | Definition and initialisation of the et_coupling data type |
Cet_coupling_type | |
►Mewald_environment_types | |
Cewald_environment_type | To build arrays of pointers |
Mewald_methods_tb | Calculation of Ewald contributions in DFTB |
Mewald_pw_methods | Pw_methods |
►Mewald_pw_types | Pw_types |
Cewald_pw_type | |
Mewald_spline_util | Setting up the Spline coefficients used to Interpolate the G-Term in Ewald sums |
Mewalds | |
Mewalds_multipole | Treats the electrostatic for multipoles (up to quadrupoles) |
Mex_property_calculation | Routines for property calculations of excited states |
Mexcited_states | Routines for total energy and forces of excited states |
►Mexclusion_types | Exclusion type |
Cexclusion_type | A type used to store lists of exclusions and onfos |
►Mexstates_types | Types for excited states potential energies |
Cexcited_energy_type | Contains information on the excited states energy |
Cwfn_history_type | |
Mextended_system_dynamics | |
Mextended_system_init | |
Mextended_system_mapping | |
►Mextended_system_types | Lumps all possible extended system variables into one type for easy access and passing |
Clnhc_parameters_type | |
Cmap_info_type | |
Cnpt_info_type | |
Mexternal_potential_methods | Methods to include the effect of an external potential during an MD or energy calculation |
►Mexternal_potential_types | Definition of the atomic potential types |
Call_potential_type | |
Callocate_potential | |
Ccopy_potential | |
Cdeallocate_potential | |
Cfist_potential_type | |
Cget_potential | |
Cgth_potential_p_type | |
Cgth_potential_type | |
Cinit_potential | |
Clocal_potential_type | |
Cread_potential | |
Cset_potential | |
Csgp_potential_p_type | |
Csgp_potential_type | |
Cwrite_potential | |
►Mf77_interface | Interface to use cp2k as library |
Cf_env_type | |
Mfarming_methods | |
►Mfarming_types | |
Cfarming_env_type | |
Mfermi_utils | Deal with the Fermi distribution, compute it, fix mu, get derivs |
Mfft_kinds | Defines the basic variable types |
Mfft_lib | |
►Mfft_plan | Type to store data about a (1D or 3D) FFT, including FFTW plan |
Cfft_plan_type | |
►Mfft_tools | |
Cfft3d | |
Cfft_scratch_pool_type | |
Cfft_scratch_sizes | |
Cfft_scratch_type | |
Mfftsg_lib | |
►Mfftw3_lib | |
Cfftw_alloc | |
Cfftw_dealloc | |
Mfist_efield_methods | |
►Mfist_efield_types | |
Cfist_efield_type | |
►Mfist_energy_types | |
Cfist_energy_type | |
Mfist_environment | Initialize fist environment |
►Mfist_environment_types | |
Cfist_environment_type | |
Mfist_force | |
Mfist_intra_force | |
Mfist_main | Perform classical molecular dynamics and path integral simulations |
Mfist_neighbor_list_control | |
►Mfist_neighbor_list_types | Define the neighbor list data types and the corresponding functionality |
Cfist_neighbor_type | |
Cneighbor_kind_pairs_type | |
Mfist_neighbor_lists | Generate the atomic neighbor lists for FIST |
►Mfist_nonbond_env_types | |
Callegro_data_type | |
Cdeepmd_data_type | |
Ceam_type | |
Cfist_nonbond_env_type | |
Cnequip_data_type | |
Cpos_type | |
Cquip_data_type | |
Mfist_nonbond_force | |
Mfist_pol_scf | |
Mforce_env_methods | Interface for the force calculations |
►Mforce_env_types | Interface for the force calculations |
Cforce_env_p_type | Allows for the creation of an array of force_env |
Cforce_env_type | Wrapper to abstract the force evaluation of the various methods |
Mforce_env_utils | Util force_env module |
►Mforce_field_kind_types | Define all structure types related to force field kinds |
Cbend_kind_type | |
Cbond_kind_type | |
Cimpr_kind_type | |
Clegendre_data_type | |
Copbend_kind_type | |
Ctorsion_kind_type | |
Cub_kind_type | |
►Mforce_field_types | Define all structures types related to force_fields |
Camber_info_type | |
Ccharmm_info_type | |
Cforce_field_type | |
Cgromos_info_type | |
Cinput_info_type | |
Mforce_fields | |
Mforce_fields_all | |
Mforce_fields_ext | |
Mforce_fields_input | |
Mforce_fields_util | |
Mfp_methods | Methods used in the flexible partitioning scheme |
►Mfp_types | Types used in the flexible partitioning scheme |
Cfp_type | |
Mfparser | This public domain function parser module is intended for applications where a set of mathematical expressions is specified at runtime and is then evaluated for a large number of variable values. This is done by compiling the set of function strings into byte code, which is interpreted very efficiently for the various variable values |
Mfree_energy_methods | Methods to perform free energy and free energy derivatives calculations |
►Mfree_energy_types | Defines types for metadynamics calculation |
Cfree_energy_type | |
Cui_var_type | |
Mgamma | Calculation of the incomplete Gamma function F_n(t) for multi-center integrals over Cartesian Gaussian functions |
Mgapw_1c_basis_set | |
►Mgaussian_gridlevels | |
Cgridlevel_info_type | |
Mgeneric_os_integrals | Calculation of contracted, spherical Gaussian integrals using the (OS) integral scheme. Routines for the following two-center integrals: i) (a|O(r12)|b) where O(r12) is the overlap, coulomb operator etc. ii) (aba) and (abb) s-overlaps |
Mgeneric_shg_integrals | Calculation of contracted, spherical Gaussian integrals using the solid harmonic Gaussian (SHG) integral scheme. Routines for the following two-center integrals: i) (a|O(r12)|b) where O(r12) is the overlap, coulomb operator etc. ii) (aba) and (abb) s-overlaps |
Mgeneric_shg_integrals_init | Initialization for solid harmonic Gaussian (SHG) integral scheme. Scheme for calculation of contracted, spherical Gaussian integrals using the solid harmonics. Initialization of the contraction matrices |
Mgeo_opt | Performs geometry optimization |
Mgfun | Calculation of the G function G_n(t) for 1/R^2 operators |
Mglbopt_callback | Callback used by global geometry optimization schemes |
►Mglbopt_history | History of minima, calculates, stores and compares fingerprints of minima. Used by Minima Hopping and Minima Crawling |
Chistory_fingerprint_type | |
Chistory_type | |
Mglbopt_input | Declares the input for global optimization |
►Mglbopt_master | Master's routines for global optimization |
Cglbopt_master_type | |
►Mglbopt_mincrawl | Routines for the Minima Crawling global optimization scheme |
Cmincrawl_type | |
►Mglbopt_minhop | Routines for the Minima Hopping global optimization scheme |
Cminhop_type | |
►Mglbopt_worker | Worker routines used by global optimization schemes |
Cglbopt_worker_type | |
Mgle_system_dynamics | |
►Mgle_system_types | |
Cgle_type | |
►Mglobal_types | Define type storing the global information of a run. Keep the amount of stored data small. Use it sparingly and try not to send it too deep in your structures |
Cglobal_environment_type | Initially parsed file and the initial parallel environment |
Mgopt_f_methods | Functional that calculates the energy and its derivatives for the geometry optimizer |
►Mgopt_f_types | Functional that calculates the energy and its derivatives for the geometry optimizer |
Cgopt_f_type | Calculates the potential energy of a system, and its derivatives |
►Mgopt_param_types | Typo and related routines to handle parameters controlling the GEO_OPT module |
Cgopt_param_type | |
Mgraph_methods | Program to Map on grid the hills spawned during a metadynamics run |
►Mgraph_utils | Module containing utils for mapping FESs |
Cmep_input_data_type | |
►Mgraphcon | Uses a combination of graphs and hashing to determine if two molecules are topologically equivalent, and if so, finds the one by one mapping |
Cgraph_type | |
Cvertex | |
►Mgrid_api | Fortran API for the grid package, which is written in C |
Cgrid_basis_set_type | |
Cgrid_task_list_type | |
►Mgroup_dist_types | Types to describe group distributions |
Ccreate_group_dist | |
Cget_group_dist | |
Cgroup_dist_d0_type | |
Cgroup_dist_d1_type | |
Crelease_group_dist | |
Mgrrm_utils | GRRM interface |
Mgw_communication | |
Mgw_integrals | Utility method to build 3-center integrals for small cell GW |
Mgw_kp_to_real_space_and_back | |
Mgw_large_cell_gamma | Routines from paper [Graml2024] |
Mgw_main | |
Mgw_small_cell_full_kp | |
Mgw_utils | |
Mhartree_local_methods | |
►Mhartree_local_types | |
Cecoul_1center_type | |
Chartree_local_type | |
Mhdf5_wrapper | A wrapper around the HDF5 Fortran API |
Mheader | |
Mhelium_common | Independent helium subroutines shared with other modules |
Mhelium_interactions | Methods that handle helium-solvent and helium-helium interactions |
Mhelium_io | I/O subroutines for helium |
Mhelium_methods | Methods dealing with helium_solvent_type |
Mhelium_nnp | Methods dealing with Neural Network interaction potential |
Mhelium_sampling | Methods for sampling helium variables |
►Mhelium_types | Data types representing superfluid helium |
Chelium_solvent_p_type | Data structure for array of solvent helium environments |
Chelium_solvent_type | Data structure for solvent helium |
Cint_arr_ptr | A pointer to an integer array, data type to be used in arrays of pointers |
Mhelium_worm | Methods dealing with the canonical worm alogrithm |
Mhfx_admm_utils | Utilities for hfx and admm methods |
Mhfx_communication | Routines for data exchange between MPI processes |
Mhfx_compression_core_methods | Contains routines for data compression. PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY |
Mhfx_compression_methods | Routines and types for Hartree-Fock-Exchange |
Mhfx_contract_block | Routines to contract density matrix blocks with the for center integrals to yield the Kohn-Sham matrix. The specialized routines are about 1.2-2.0 as fast as the default one |
Mhfx_contraction_methods | Contains routines for contraction without dgemms. PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY. \notes Contains specific routines for contraction. The compiler flag -D__MAX_CONTR defines the maximum angular momentum up to which specialized code will be used. Default setting is d-functions. Increasing -D__MAX_CONTR produces faster code but might overburden the optimization capabilities of some poor compilers. This file contains specific code up to g-functions. If you need more look at cp2k/tools/hfx_tools/contraction/ |
Mhfx_derivatives | Routines to calculate derivatives with respect to basis function origin |
Mhfx_energy_potential | Routines to calculate HFX energy and potential |
Mhfx_exx | Routines to calculate EXX in RPA and energy correction methods |
Mhfx_helpers | Some auxiliary functions and subroutines needed for HFX calculations |
Mhfx_libint_interface | Interface to the Libint-Library |
Mhfx_load_balance_methods | Routines for optimizing load balance between processes in HFX calculations |
Mhfx_pair_list_methods | Routines for optimizing load balance between processes in HFX calculations |
Mhfx_pw_methods | Test routines for HFX caclulations using PW |
Mhfx_ri | RI-methods for HFX |
Mhfx_ri_kp | RI-methods for HFX and K-points. \auhtor Augustin Bussy (01.2023) |
Mhfx_screening_methods | Several screening methods used in HFX calcualtions |
►Mhfx_types | Types and set/get functions for HFX |
Cblock_ind_type | |
Chfx_2d_map | |
Chfx_basis_info_type | |
Chfx_basis_type | |
Chfx_block_range_type | |
Chfx_cache_type | |
Chfx_cell_type | |
Chfx_compression_type | |
Chfx_container_type | |
Chfx_distribution | |
Chfx_general_type | |
Chfx_load_balance_type | |
Chfx_memory_type | |
Chfx_p_kind | |
Chfx_pgf_list | |
Chfx_pgf_product_list | |
Chfx_potential_type | |
Chfx_ri_type | |
Chfx_screen_coeff_type | |
Chfx_screening_type | |
Chfx_task_list_type | |
Chfx_type | Stores some data used in construction of Kohn-Sham matrix |
Cpair_list_element_type | |
Cpair_list_type | |
Cpair_set_list_type | |
Mhirshfeld_methods | Calculate Hirshfeld charges and related functions |
►Mhirshfeld_types | The types needed for the calculation of Hirshfeld charges and related functions |
Chirshfeld_type | Quantities needed for a Hirshfeld based partitioning of real space |
►Miao_analysis | Calculate intrinsic atomic orbitals and analyze wavefunctions |
Ciao_calculate_dmat | |
►Miao_types | Calculate ntrinsic atomic orbitals and analyze wavefunctions |
Ciao_env_type | |
Minput_constants | Collects all constants needed in input so that they can be used without circular dependencies |
Minput_cp2k | Builds the input structure for cp2k |
Minput_cp2k_almo | Input for the ALMO SCF section |
Minput_cp2k_as | Function that build the active space section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_atom | Builds the input structure for the ATOM module |
Minput_cp2k_atprop | Input section for atomic properties |
Minput_cp2k_barostats | |
Minput_cp2k_binary_restarts | Routines to read the binary restart file of CP2K |
Minput_cp2k_check | Checks the input and perform some automatic "magic" on it |
Minput_cp2k_colvar | |
Minput_cp2k_constraints | |
Minput_cp2k_dft | Function that build the dft section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_distribution | Function that builds the distribution section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_ec | Function that build the dft section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_eip | Creates the EIP section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_embed | Builds the input structure for the EMBED environment: clone of MIXED environment |
Minput_cp2k_exstate | Excited state input section |
Minput_cp2k_external | Function that build the input sections for external [potential, density VXC] |
Minput_cp2k_field | Function that build the field section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_force_eval | Builds the input structure for the FORCE_EVAL section of cp2k |
Minput_cp2k_free_energy | |
Minput_cp2k_global | Builds the global input section for cp2k |
Minput_cp2k_harris | Harris input section |
Minput_cp2k_hfx | Function that builds the hartree fock exchange section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_kpoints | Function that build the kpoints section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_loc | |
Minput_cp2k_ls | Input for the linear scaling (LS) section |
Minput_cp2k_md | |
Minput_cp2k_mixed | Builds the input structure for the MIXED environment |
Minput_cp2k_mm | Creates the mm section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_motion | |
Minput_cp2k_motion_print | |
Minput_cp2k_mp2 | Input section for MP2 |
Minput_cp2k_neb | |
Minput_cp2k_negf | Input section for NEGF based quantum transport calculations |
Minput_cp2k_nnp | Creates the NNP section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_opt | Function that build the dft section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_poisson | Function that build the poisson section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_print_dft | Function that build the print section of the dft input |
Minput_cp2k_projection_rtp | Function that builds the projection of MO in RTP section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_properties_dft | Function that build the dft section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_pwdft | |
Minput_cp2k_qmmm | Creates the qmmm section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_qs | Function that build the QS section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_read | Parse cp2k input files |
Minput_cp2k_resp | Function that builds the resp section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_restarts | Set of routines to dump the restart file of CP2K |
Minput_cp2k_restarts_util | |
Minput_cp2k_rsgrid | |
Minput_cp2k_scf | Function that build the scf section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_se | Function that build the semi empirical section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_smeagol | Functions that build SMEAGOL input section |
Minput_cp2k_subsys | Builds the subsystem section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_tb | Function that build the dft section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_thermostats | |
Minput_cp2k_tmc | |
Minput_cp2k_transport | Input section for NEGF based quantum transport calculations (integration with the quantum transport code OMEN) |
Minput_cp2k_vib | Builds the input structure for the VIBRATIONAL_ANALYSIS module |
Minput_cp2k_voronoi | Function that build the dft section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_xas | Function that build the XAS section of the input |
Minput_cp2k_xc | Function that build the xc section of the input |
►Minput_enumeration_types | Enumeration, i.e. a mapping between integers and strings |
Cenumeration_type | |
►Minput_keyword_types | Keywords in an input |
Ckeyword_p_type | Represent a pointer to a keyword (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ckeyword_type | Represent a keyword in the input |
Minput_optimize_basis | Builds the input structure for optimize_basis |
Minput_optimize_input | Builds the input structure for optimize_input |
Minput_parsing | Routines that parse the input |
Minput_restart_force_eval | |
Minput_restart_rng | |
►Minput_section_types | Objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section |
Csection_type | Represent a section of the input file |
Csection_vals_type | Stores the values of a section |
►Minput_val_types | Wrapper for basic fortran types |
Cval_p_type | Pointer to a val, to create arrays of pointers |
Cval_type | Type to have a wrapper that stores any basic fortran type |
►Mintegration_grid_types | |
Cintegration_grid_type | |
Cintegration_grid_value_type | |
Mintegrator | Provides integrator routines (velocity verlet) for all the ensemble types |
►Mintegrator_utils | Provides integrator utility routines for the integrators |
Cdamp_v | |
Cold_variables_type | |
Cset | |
Ctmp_variables_type | |
Cupdate_pv | |
Mipi_driver | Driver mode - To communicate with i-PI Python wrapper |
Mipi_environment | Methods and functions on the i–PI environment |
►Mipi_environment_types | The environment for the empirical interatomic potential methods |
Cipi_environment_type | The i–PI environment |
Mipi_server | I–PI server mode: Communication with i–PI clients |
►Miterate_matrix | Routines useful for iterative matrix calculations |
Cpurify_mcweeny | |
►Mkahan_sum | Sums arrays of real/complex numbers with much reduced round-off as compared to a naive implementation (or the one found in most compiler's SUM intrinsic) using an implementation of Kahan's algorithm for summing real numbers that can be used instead of the standard Fortran SUM(array[,mask]) |
Caccurate_dot_product | |
Caccurate_dot_product_2 | |
Caccurate_sum | |
Mkg_correction | Routines for a Kim-Gordon-like partitioning into molecular subunits |
Mkg_environment | Routines for a Kim-Gordon-like partitioning into molecular subunits |
►Mkg_environment_types | Types needed for a Kim-Gordon-like partitioning into molecular subunits |
Cenergy_correction_type | Contains information on the energy correction functional for KG |
Ckg_environment_type | Contains all the info needed for KG runs.. |
Mkg_tnadd_mat | Calculation of the local potential contribution of the nonadditive kinetic energy <a|V(local)|b> = <a|Sum e^a*rc**2|b> |
Mkg_vertex_coloring_methods | Routines for a Kim-Gordon-like partitioning into molecular subunits unsing a vertex coloring algorithm (DSATUR) to find non-interating subsets, such that two molecules within the same subset have small/zero overlap (in other words: this molecular pair is not present in the neighborlist sab_orb for the current value of EPS_DEFAULT) |
Mkinds | Defines the basic variable types |
Mkpoint_coulomb_2c | Routines to compute the Coulomb integral V_(alpha beta)(k) for a k-point k using lattice summation in real space. These integrals are e.g. needed in periodic RI for RPA, GW |
Mkpoint_io | Restart file for k point calculations |
Mkpoint_methods | Routines needed for kpoint calculation |
►Mkpoint_transitional | Datatype to translate between k-points (2d) and gamma-point (1d) code |
Ckpoint_transitional_type | |
►Mkpoint_types | Types and basic routines needed for a kpoint calculation |
Ckind_rotmat_type | Rotation matrices for basis sets |
Ckpoint_env_p_type | |
Ckpoint_env_type | Keeps information about a specific k-point |
Ckpoint_sym_type | Keeps symmetry information about a specific k-point |
Ckpoint_type | Contains information about kpoints |
Mkpsym | K-points and crystal symmetry routines based on |
Mlazy | Filters for interpolating scaling functions |
Mlebedev | Generation of the spherical Lebedev grids. All Lebedev grids were generated with a precision of at least 33 digits (Mathematica). Thus the Lebedev abscissas and weights are accurate to 32 digits (quadruple precision) |
Mlibcp2k | CP2K C/C++ interface |
►Mlibgrpp | |
Clibgrpp_finalize | |
Clibgrpp_init | |
Clibgrpp_set_angular_screening_tolerance | |
Clibgrpp_set_cartesian_order | |
Clibgrpp_set_default_parameters | |
Clibgrpp_set_modified_bessel_tolerance | |
Clibgrpp_set_radial_tolerance | |
Clibgrpp_spin_orbit_integrals | |
Clibgrpp_spin_orbit_integrals_gradient | |
Clibgrpp_type1_integrals | |
Clibgrpp_type1_integrals_gradient | |
Clibgrpp_type2_integrals | |
Clibgrpp_type2_integrals_gradient | |
Mlibgrpp_integrals | Local and semi-local ECP integrals using the libgrpp library |
►Mlibint_2c_3c | 2- and 3-center electron repulsion integral routines based on libint2 Currently available operators: Coulomb, Truncated Coulomb, Short Range (erfc), Overlap |
Clibint_potential_type | |
►Mlibint_wrapper | Interface to the Libint-Library or a c++ wrapper |
Ccp_libint_t | |
Mlibrary_tests | Performance tests for basic tasks like matrix multiplies, copy, fft |
Mlinear_systems | Provides interfaces to LAPACK routines for factorisation and linear system solving |
►Mlinesearch | A generic framework to calculate step lengths for 1D line search |
Clinesearch_type | |
►Mlist | An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the size will be allocated and the items are copied over |
Clist_destroy | |
Clist_get | |
Clist_init | |
Clist_isready | |
Clist_peek | |
Clist_pop | |
Clist_push | |
Clist_size | |
►Mlist_callstackentry | An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the size will be allocated and the items are copied over |
Clist_callstackentry_type | |
►Mlist_routinereport | An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the size will be allocated and the items are copied over |
Clist_routinereport_type | |
►Mlist_routinestat | An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the size will be allocated and the items are copied over |
Clist_routinestat_type | |
►Mlist_timerenv | An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the size will be allocated and the items are copied over |
Clist_timerenv_type | |
►Mlocal_gemm_api | |
Clocal_gemm_ctxt_type | |
Mlocalization_tb | Localization/Wannier functions for TB |
Mlri_compression | Integral compression (fix point accuracy) |
Mlri_environment_init | Initializes the environment for lri lri : local resolution of the identity |
Mlri_environment_methods | Calculates integral matrices for LRIGPW method lri : local resolution of the identity |
►Mlri_environment_types | Types and subroutines for dealing with the lri_env lri : local resolution of the identity |
Ccarray | |
Cint_container | |
Clri_density_type | |
Clri_environment_type | |
Clri_force_type | |
Clri_int_rho_type | |
Clri_int_type | |
Clri_kind_type | |
Clri_list_type | |
Clri_rhoab_type | |
Mlri_forces | Calculates forces for LRIGPW method lri : local resolution of the identity |
►Mlri_integrals | Calculates integrals for LRIGPW method lri : local resolution of the identity |
Cdint_type | |
Cint_type | |
Mlri_ks_methods | Routines that build the Kohn-Sham matrix for the LRIGPW and xc parts |
Mlri_optimize_ri_basis | Optimizes exponents and contraction coefficients of the lri auxiliary basis sets using the UOBYQA minimizer lri : local resolution of the identity |
►Mlri_optimize_ri_basis_types | Sets the environment for optimization of exponents and contraction coefficients of the lri auxiliary lri : local resolution of the identity |
Clri_opt_type | |
Mls_matrix_exp | Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential with dbcsr matrices. Based on the code in matrix_exp.F from Florian Schiffmann |
►Mmachine | Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX |
Cm_cpuid_static | Target architecture or instruction set extension according to compiler target flags |
Cm_omp_trace_issues | Trace OpenMP constructs if ennvironment variable CP2K_OMP_TRACE=1 |
Mmanybody_allegro | |
Mmanybody_deepmd | |
Mmanybody_eam | |
Mmanybody_gal | Implementation of the GAL19 potential |
Mmanybody_gal21 | Implementation of the GAL21 potential |
Mmanybody_nequip | |
Mmanybody_potential | |
Mmanybody_quip | |
Mmanybody_siepmann | Implementation of dipole and three-body part of Siepmann-Sprik potential dipole term: 3rd term in Eq. (1) in J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 102, p.511 three-body term: Eq. (4) in J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 102, p. 511 remaining terms of Siepmann-Sprik potential can be given via the GENPOT section |
Mmanybody_tersoff | |
Mmao_basis | Calculate MAO's and analyze wavefunctions |
Mmao_methods | Calculate MAO's and analyze wavefunctions |
Mmao_optimizer | Calculate MAO's and analyze wavefunctions |
Mmao_types | The types needed for the calculation of modified atomic orbitals (MAO) |
Mmao_wfn_analysis | Calculate MAO's and analyze wavefunctions |
Mmathconstants | Definition of mathematical constants and functions |
►Mmathlib | Collection of simple mathematical functions and subroutines |
Cdet_3x3 | |
Cinvert_matrix | |
Cset_diag | |
Cunit_matrix | |
Mmatrix_exp | Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential |
Mmaxwell_solver_interface | Interface to Maxwell equation solver |
Mmc_control | Some general routines for dealing with the restart files and creating force_env for MC use |
Mmc_coordinates | Miscellaneous subroutines used in the Monte Carlo runs,mostly geared towards changes in coordinates |
Mmc_ensembles | Used to run the bulk of the MC simulation, doing things like choosing move types and writing data to files |
►Mmc_environment_types | Subroutines for dealing with the mc_env |
Cmc_environment_p_type | |
Cmc_environment_type | |
Mmc_ge_moves | Monte Carlo moves that can handle more than one box, including the Quickstep move, a volume swap between boxes, and a particle swap between boxes |
Mmc_misc | Miscellaneous subroutines used in the Monte Carlo runs, mostly I/O stuff |
Mmc_move_control | Control the handling of the move data in Monte Carlo (MC) simulations |
Mmc_moves | Various moves in Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, including change of internal conformation, translation of a molecule, rotation of a molecule, and changing the size of the simulation box |
Mmc_run | Preps the system for a Monte Carlo run (sets up some environments, calls the routines to read in the MC parameters)...converted from qs_mc.F |
►Mmc_types | Holds all the structure types needed for Monte Carlo, except the mc_environment_type |
Caccattempt | |
Cmc_averages_p_type | |
Cmc_averages_type | |
Cmc_ekin_type | |
Cmc_input_file_type | |
Cmc_molecule_info_type | |
Cmc_moves_p_type | |
Cmc_moves_type | |
Cmc_simpar_type | |
Cmc_simulation_parameters_p_type | |
Mmd_conserved_quantities | Computes the conserved quantities for a given md ensemble and also kinetic energies, thermo/barostat stuff |
►Mmd_ener_types | Split md_ener module from md_environment_type |
Cmd_ener_type | |
Mmd_energies | Prints all energy info per timestep to the screen or to user defined output files |
►Mmd_environment_types | |
Cmd_environment_type | |
Mmd_run | Perform a molecular dynamics (MD) run using QUICKSTEP |
Mmd_util | Utilities for Molecular Dynamics |
Mmd_vel_utils | Collection of utilities for setting-up and handle velocities in MD runs |
Mmdctrl_methods | A common interface (wrapper) for a callback into the md_run loop. Currently this is only used by the glbopt machinery, but its meant to be extended if others need to control the md_run loop, too |
►Mmdctrl_types | A common interface for passing a callback into the md_run loop |
Cglbopt_mdctrl_data_type | |
Cmdctrl_type | |
►Mmemory_utilities | Utility routines for the memory handling |
Creallocate | |
►Mmessage_passing | Interface to the message passing library MPI |
Cmp_allocate | |
Cmp_cart_type | |
Cmp_comm_type | |
Cmp_deallocate | |
Cmp_file_descriptor_type | |
Cmp_file_type | |
Cmp_info_type | |
Cmp_para_cart_type | Represent a multidimensional parallel environment |
Cmp_para_env_p_type | Represent a pointer to a para env (to build arrays) |
Cmp_para_env_type | Stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment |
Cmp_request_type | |
Cmp_testall | |
Cmp_testany | |
Cmp_type_descriptor_type | |
Cmp_type_make | |
Cmp_waitall | |
Cmp_win_type | |
Mmetadynamics | Performs the metadynamics calculation |
►Mmetadynamics_types | Defines types for metadynamics calculation |
Chills_env_type | Defines types for HILLS |
Cmeta_env_type | Defines meta_env type |
Cmetavar_type | Defines types for COLVAR used in the metadynamics |
Cmultiple_walkers_type | Defines types for multiple walkers run |
Mmetadynamics_utils | Performs the metadynamics calculation |
Mmin_basis_set | Generate or use from input minimal basis set |
Mminbas_methods | Calculate localized minimal basis |
Mminbas_wfn_analysis | Calculate localized minimal basis and analyze wavefunctions |
Mminimax_exp | Routines to calculate the minimax coefficients in order to approximate 1/x as a sum over exponential functions 1/x ~ SUM_{i}^{K} w_i EXP(-a_i * x) for x belonging to [1:Rc] |
Mminimax_exp_gw | Routines to calculate the minimax coefficients in order to approximate 1/x as a sum over exponential functions 1/x ~ SUM_{i}^{K} w_i EXP(-a_i * x) for x belonging to [1:Rc]. This module contains coefficients for minimax approximations with 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 points that give well-converged GW results |
Mminimax_exp_k15 | Routines to calculate the minimax coefficients in order to approximate 1/x as a sum over exponential functions 1/x ~ SUM_{i}^{K} w_i EXP(-a_i * x) for x belonging to [1:Rc]. This module contains coefficients for minimax approximations with 1 <= k <= 15 |
Mminimax_exp_k53 | Routines to calculate the minimax coefficients in order to approximate 1/x as a sum over exponential functions 1/x ~ SUM_{i}^{K} w_i EXP(-a_i * x) for x belonging to [1:Rc]. This module contains coefficients for minimax approximations with 1 <= k <= 53. Generated from data from See also This module should not be modified manually and should not be used anywhere except in main minimax module. This file was created using the scripts in cp2k/tools/minimax_tools |
Mminimax_rpa | Routines to calculate the minimax coefficients for approximating 1/x as 1/x ~ 1/pi SUM_{i}^{K} w_i x^2/(x^2+a_i^2)^2 for x belonging to [1:Rc] |
Mmixed_cdft_methods | Methods for mixed CDFT calculations |
►Mmixed_cdft_types | Types for mixed CDFT calculations |
Cmixed_cdft_settings_type | Container for constraint settings to check consistency of force_evals |
Cmixed_cdft_type | Main mixed CDFT control type |
Mmixed_cdft_utils | Utility subroutines for mixed CDFT calculations |
►Mmixed_energy_types | |
Cmixed_energy_type | |
Cmixed_force_type | |
Mmixed_environment | Initialize mixed environment |
►Mmixed_environment_types | |
Cmixed_environment_type | |
Mmixed_environment_utils | Util mixed_environment |
Mmixed_main | Perform biased molecular dynamics (H= k H1 + (1-k) H2 [linear or general mixing) |
Mmltfftsg_tools | |
Mmm_collocate_potential | Calculate the MM potential by collocating the primitive Gaussian functions (pgf) |
Mmm_mapping_library | Contains the mapping ATOM_KIND -> ELEMENT for the most common cases in CHARMM and AMBER This should avoid in most cases the need to provide the element column in the PDB if in the atom_name column of the PDB is provided instead the atom kind |
Mmode_selective | Module performing a mdoe selective vibrational analysis |
Mmol_force | |
Mmolden_utils | Functions handling the MOLDEN format. Split from mode_selective |
Mmolecular_dipoles | Set of routines handling the localization for molecular properties |
Mmolecular_moments | Set of routines handling the localization for molecular properties |
Mmolecular_states | Routines for the calculation of molecular states |
►Mmolecule_kind_list_types | Represent a simple array based list of the given type |
Cmolecule_kind_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Cmolecule_kind_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
►Mmolecule_kind_types | Define the molecule kind structure types and the corresponding functionality |
Catom_type | |
Cbend_type | |
Cbond_type | |
Ccolvar_constraint_type | |
Cfixd_constraint_type | |
Cg3x3_constraint_type | |
Cg4x6_constraint_type | |
Cimpr_type | |
Clocal_fixd_constraint_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_type | |
Copbend_type | |
Cshell_type | |
Ctorsion_type | |
Cub_type | |
Cvsite_constraint_type | |
►Mmolecule_list_types | Represent a simple array based list of the given type |
Cmolecule_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Cmolecule_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
►Mmolecule_types | Define the data structure for the molecule information |
Cglobal_constraint_type | |
Clocal_colvar_constraint_type | |
Clocal_constraint_type | |
Clocal_g3x3_constraint_type | |
Clocal_g4x6_constraint_type | |
Clocal_states_type | |
Cmolecule_type | |
►Mmolsym | Molecular symmetry routines |
Cmolsym_type | Container for information about molecular symmetry |
Mmoments_utils | Calculates the moment integrals <a|r^m|b> |
Mmotion_utils | Output Utilities for MOTION_SECTION |
Mmp2 | Routines to calculate MP2 energy |
Mmp2_cphf | Routines to calculate CPHF like update and solve Z-vector equation for MP2 gradients (only GPW) |
Mmp2_direct_method | Routines to calculate MP2 energy |
►Mmp2_eri | Interface to direct methods for electron repulsion integrals for MP2 |
Cmp2_eri_force | |
Mmp2_eri_gpw | Routines to calculate 2c- and 3c-integrals for RI with GPW |
Mmp2_gpw | Calls routines to get RI integrals and calculate total energies |
Mmp2_gpw_method | Routines to calculate MP2 energy using GPW method |
Mmp2_grids | Routines to calculate frequency and time grids (integration points and weights) for correlation methods |
Mmp2_integrals | Routines to calculate and distribute 2c- and 3c- integrals for RI |
Mmp2_laplace | Routines to calculate MP2 energy with laplace approach |
Mmp2_optimize_ri_basis | Routines to optimize the RI-MP2 basis. Only exponents of non-contracted auxiliary basis basis are optimized. The derivative of the MP2 energy with respect to the exponents of the basis are calculated numerically |
Mmp2_ri_2c | Framework for 2c-integrals for RI |
Mmp2_ri_gpw | Routines to calculate RI-GPW-MP2 energy using pw |
Mmp2_ri_grad | Routines to calculate gradients of RI-GPW-MP2 energy using pw |
Mmp2_ri_grad_util | Routines for calculating RI-MP2 gradients |
Mmp2_ri_libint | Routines to calculate the 3 and 2 center ERI's needed in the RI approximation using libint |
Mmp2_setup | Types needed for MP2 calculations |
►Mmp2_types | Types needed for MP2 calculations |
Cinteg_mat_buffer_type | |
Cinteg_mat_buffer_type_2d | |
Cmp2_biel_type | |
Cmp2_type | |
Cone_dim_int_array | |
Cone_dim_real_array | |
Cpair_list_type_mp2 | |
Cthree_dim_real_array | |
Ctwo_dim_int_array | |
Ctwo_dim_real_array | |
►Mmp_perf_env | Defines all routines to deal with the performance of MPI routines |
Cmp_perf_env_type | |
Mmp_perf_test | Interface to the message passing library MPI |
Mmscfg_methods | Subroutines to perform calculations on molecules from a bigger system. Useful to generate a high-quality MO guess for systems of many molecules with complex electronic structure, to bootstrap ALMO simulations, etc |
►Mmscfg_types | Types used to generate the molecular SCF guess |
Cmolecular_scf_guess_env_type | |
Mmt_util | |
►Mmulliken | Compute mulliken charges we (currently) define them as c_i = 1/2 [ (PS)_{ii} + (SP)_{ii} ] |
Cao_charges | |
Cmulliken_charges | |
►Mmultipole_types | Multipole structure: for multipole (fixed and induced) in FF based MD |
Cmultipole_type | Define multipole type |
Mneb_io | I/O Module for Nudged Elastic Band Calculation |
Mneb_md_utils | Module with utility to perform MD Nudged Elastic Band Calculation |
Mneb_methods | Module performing a Nudged Elastic Band Calculation |
Mneb_opt_utils | Module with utility to perform MD Nudged Elastic Band Calculation |
►Mneb_types | Typo for Nudged Elastic Band Calculation |
Cneb_type | |
Cneb_var_type | |
Mneb_utils | Module with utility for Nudged Elastic Band Calculation |
►Mnegf_alloc_types | Allocatable vectors for NEGF based quantum transport calculations |
Cnegf_allocatable_imatrix | Allocatable 2-D integer matrix |
Cnegf_allocatable_ivector | Allocatable 1-D integer vector |
Cnegf_allocatable_rmatrix | Allocatable 2-D real matrix |
Cnegf_allocatable_rvector | Allocatable 1-D real vector |
►Mnegf_atom_map | Map atoms between various force environments |
Cnegf_atom_map_type | Structure that maps the given atom in the sourse FORCE_EVAL section with another atom from the target FORCE_EVAL section |
►Mnegf_control_types | Input control types for NEGF based quantum transport calculations |
Cnegf_control_contact_type | Input parameters related to a single contact |
Cnegf_control_type | Input parameters related to the NEGF run |
►Mnegf_env_types | Environment for NEGF based quantum transport calculations |
Cnegf_env_contact_type | Contact-specific NEGF environment |
Cnegf_env_type | NEGF environment |
►Mnegf_green_cache | Storage to keep precomputed surface Green's functions |
Cgreen_functions_cache_type | Storage to keep surface Green's functions |
►Mnegf_green_methods | Subroutines to compute Green functions |
Csancho_work_matrices_type | |
►Mnegf_integr_cc | Adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature algorithm to integrate a complex-valued function in a complex plane |
Cccquad_type | Adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis environment |
►Mnegf_integr_simpson | Adaptive Simpson's rule algorithm to integrate a complex-valued function in a complex plane |
Csimpsonrule_type | A structure to store data needed for adaptive Simpson's rule algorithm |
►Mnegf_integr_utils | Helper functions for integration routines |
Cequidistant_nodes_a_b | |
Mnegf_matrix_utils | Helper routines to manipulate with matrices |
Mnegf_methods | NEGF based quantum transport calculations |
►Mnegf_subgroup_types | Environment for NEGF based quantum transport calculations |
Cnegf_subgroup_env_type | Parallel (sub)group environment |
Mnegf_vectors | Routines to deal with vectors in 3-D real space |
Mnnp_acsf | Functionality for atom centered symmetry functions for neural network potentials |
Mnnp_environment | Methods dealing with Neural Network potentials |
►Mnnp_environment_types | Data types for neural network potentials |
Cnnp_acsf_ang_type | Set of angular symmetry function type |
Cnnp_acsf_rad_type | Set of radial symmetry function type |
Cnnp_arc_type | Data type for artificial neural networks |
Cnnp_neighbor_type | Contains neighbors list of an atom |
Cnnp_type | Main data type collecting all relevant data for neural network potentials |
Mnnp_force | Methods dealing with Neural Network potentials |
Mnnp_model | Methods dealing with core routines for artificial neural networks |
►Moffload_api | Fortran API for the offload package, which is written in C |
Coffload_buffer_type | |
Moptbas_fenv_manipulation | |
Moptbas_opt_utils | |
Moptimize_basis | |
►Moptimize_basis_types | |
Cbasis_optimization_type | Type containing all information needed for basis matching |
Cderived_basis_info | |
Cflex_basis_type | |
Csubset_type | |
Moptimize_basis_utils | |
Moptimize_dmfet_potential | |
Moptimize_embedding_potential | |
Moptimize_input | |
Morbital_pointers | Provides Cartesian and spherical orbital pointers and indices |
Morbital_symbols | Orbital_symbols |
►Morbital_transformation_matrices | Calculation of the spherical harmonics and the corresponding orbital transformation matrices |
Corbrotmat_type | |
►Mouter_scf_control_types | Parameters that control the outer loop of an SCF iteration |
Couter_scf_control_type | Parameters needed by a scf run |
Cqs_outer_scf_type | |
Mpair_potential | |
Mpair_potential_coulomb | |
►Mpair_potential_types | |
Callegro_pot_type | |
Cdeepmd_pot_type | |
Ceam_pot_type | |
Cft_pot_type | |
Cgal21_pot_type | |
Cgal_pot_type | |
Cipbv_pot_type | |
Cnequip_pot_type | |
Cpair_potential_p_type | |
Cpair_potential_pp_type | |
Cpair_potential_single_type | |
Cquip_pot_type | |
Csiepmann_pot_type | |
Ctab_pot_type | |
Ctersoff_pot_type | |
Mpair_potential_util | |
Mpao_input | |
►Mpao_io | Routines for reading and writing restart files |
Cpao_ioblock_type | |
Cpao_iokind_type | |
Mpao_linpot_full | Full parametrization of Fock matrix, ie. the identity parametrization |
Mpao_linpot_rotinv | Rotationally invariant parametrization of Fock matrix |
Mpao_main | Main module for the PAO method |
Mpao_methods | Methods used by pao_main.F |
Mpao_ml | Main module for PAO Machine Learning |
Mpao_ml_descriptor | Feature vectors for describing chemical environments in a rotationally invariant fashion |
Mpao_ml_gaussprocess | Gaussian Process implementation |
Mpao_ml_neuralnet | Neural Network implementation |
Mpao_model | Module for equivariant PAO-ML based on PyTorch |
Mpao_optimizer | Optimizers used by pao_main.F |
Mpao_param | Front-End for any PAO parametrization |
Mpao_param_equi | Equivariant parametrization |
Mpao_param_exp | Original matrix exponential parametrization |
Mpao_param_fock | Common framework for using eigenvectors of a Fock matrix as PAO basis |
Mpao_param_gth | Parametrization based on GTH pseudo potentials |
Mpao_param_linpot | Common framework for a linear parametrization of the potential |
Mpao_param_methods | Common routines for PAO parametrizations |
Mpao_potentials | Factory routines for potentials used e.g. by pao_param_exp and pao_ml |
►Mpao_types | Types used by the PAO machinery |
Cpao_env_type | |
Cpao_model_type | PAO-ML model for a single atomic kind |
Ctraining_matrix_type | |
►Mparallel_gemm_api | Basic linear algebra operations for full matrixes |
Cparallel_gemm | |
►Mparallel_rng_types | Parallel (pseudo)random number generator (RNG) for multiple streams and substreams of random numbers |
Crng_stream_p_type | |
Crng_stream_type | |
►Mparticle_list_types | Represent a simple array based list of the given type |
Cparticle_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Cparticle_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
Mparticle_methods | Define methods related to particle_type |
►Mparticle_types | Define the data structure for the particle information |
Cparticle_type | |
Mpaw_basis_types | |
►Mpaw_proj_set_types | |
Cpaw_proj_set_type | |
Mperiodic_table | Periodic Table related data definitions |
►Mpexsi_interface | Interface to the PEXSI library, providing wrappers for all PEXSI routines that are called inside CP2K. Requires PEXSI version 0.10.x |
Ccp_pexsi_options | |
Mpexsi_methods | Methods using the PEXSI library to calculate the density matrix and related quantities using the Kohn-Sham and overlap matrices from the linear scaling quickstep SCF environment |
►Mpexsi_types | Environment storing all data that is needed in order to call the DFT driver of the PEXSI library with data from the linear scaling quickstep SCF environment, mainly parameters and intermediate data for the matrix conversion between DBCSR and CSR format |
Clib_pexsi_env | All PEXSI related data |
Mphyscon | Definition of physical constants: |
Mpint_gle | Methods to apply GLE to PI runs |
Mpint_io | I/O subroutines for pint_env |
Mpint_methods | Methods to performs a path integral run |
Mpint_normalmode | Data type and methods dealing with PI calcs in normal mode coords |
Mpint_piglet | Methods to apply the piglet thermostat to PI runs |
Mpint_pile | Methods to apply a simple Lagevin thermostat to PI runs. v_new = c1*vold + SQRT(kT/m)*c2*random |
Mpint_public | Public path integral routines that can be called from other modules |
Mpint_qtb | Methods to apply the QTB thermostat to PI runs. Based on the PILE implementation from Felix Uhl (pint_pile.F) |
Mpint_staging | Data type and methods dealing with PI calcs in staging coordinates |
Mpint_transformations | |
►Mpint_types | |
Cnormalmode_env_type | Data to perform the normalmode transformation |
Cpiglet_therm_type | Data to use the piglet thermostat |
Cpile_therm_type | Data to use the pile thermostat |
Cpint_env_type | Environment for a path integral run |
Cqtb_therm_type | Data to use the qtb thermostat |
Cstaging_env_type | Data to perform the staging transformation |
Mpme | |
Mpme_tools | Tools common both to PME and SPME |
Mpopulation_analyses | Provide various population analyses and print the requested output information |
Mpost_scf_bandstructure_methods | |
►Mpost_scf_bandstructure_types | |
Cband_edges_type | |
Cdata_3_type | |
Cpost_scf_bandstructure_type | |
Mpost_scf_bandstructure_utils | |
►Mpowell | |
Copt_state_type | |
►Mpreconditioner | Computes preconditioners, and implements methods to apply them currently used in qs_ot |
Capply_preconditioner | |
Mpreconditioner_apply | Computes preconditioners, and implements methods to apply them currently used in qs_ot |
Mpreconditioner_makes | Computes preconditioners, and implements methods to apply them currently used in qs_ot |
Mpreconditioner_solvers | Solves the preconditioner, contains to utility function for fm<->dbcsr transfers, should be moved soon |
►Mpreconditioner_types | Types of preconditioners |
Cpreconditioner_p_type | |
Cpreconditioner_type | |
Mprint_messages | Perform an abnormal program termination |
Mps_implicit_methods | The implicit (generalized) Poisson solver |
►Mps_implicit_types | Types containing essential information for running implicit (iterative) Poisson solver |
Cps_implicit_parameters | |
Cps_implicit_type | |
Mps_wavelet_base | Creates the wavelet kernel for the wavelet based poisson solver |
Mps_wavelet_fft3d | |
Mps_wavelet_kernel | Creates the wavelet kernel for the wavelet based poisson solver |
Mps_wavelet_methods | Definition and initialisation of the ps_wavelet data type. \history 01.2014 Renamed from ps_wavelet_types to disentangle dependencies (Ole Schuett) |
Mps_wavelet_scaling_function | Creates the wavelet kernel for the wavelet based poisson solver |
►Mps_wavelet_types | Definition and initialisation of the ps_wavelet data type |
Cps_wavelet_type | |
Mps_wavelet_util | Performs a wavelet based solution of the Poisson equation |
Mpw_copy_all | |
Mpw_env_methods | Methods of pw_env that have dependence on qs_env |
►Mpw_env_types | Container for various plainwaves related things |
Cpw_env_type | Contained for different pw related things |
Mpw_fpga | |
Mpw_gpu | |
Mpw_grid_info | This module returns additional info on PW grids |
►Mpw_grid_types | |
Cmap_pn | |
Cpw_grid_type | |
►Mpw_grids | This module defines the grid data type and some basic operations on it |
Cpw_grid_create | |
►Mpw_methods | |
Cpw_axpy | |
Cpw_copy | |
Cpw_copy_from_array | |
Cpw_copy_to_array | |
Cpw_gather | |
Cpw_integral_a2b | |
Cpw_integral_ab | |
Cpw_integrate_function | |
Cpw_multiply | |
Cpw_multiply_with | |
Cpw_scale | |
Cpw_scatter | |
Cpw_set | |
Cpw_transfer | |
Cpw_write | |
Cpw_zero | |
►Mpw_poisson_methods | |
Cpw_poisson_rebuild | |
Cpw_poisson_solve | |
Mpw_poisson_read_input | Reading of input parameters for the pw_poisson-modules |
►Mpw_poisson_types | Functions related to the poisson solver on regular grids |
Cgreens_fn_type | All the informations needed by the fft based poisson solvers |
Cpw_poisson_parameter_type | Parameters for the poisson solver independet of input_section |
Cpw_poisson_type | Environment for the poisson solver |
►Mpw_pool_types | Manages a pool of grids (to be used for example as tmp objects), but can also be used to instantiate grids that are never given back |
Cpw_pool_p_type | To create arrays of pools |
Cpw_pool_type | Manages a pool of grids (to be used for example as tmp objects), but can also be used to instantiate grids that are never given back |
Cpw_pools_create_pws | |
Cpw_pools_give_back_pws | |
►Mpw_spline_utils | Different utils that are useful to manipulate splines on the regular grid of a pw |
Cpw_spline_precond_type | Stores information for the preconditioner used to calculate the coeffs of splines |
►Mpw_types | |
Cpw_c1d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_c1d_gs_type | |
Cpw_c1d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_c1d_rs_type | |
Cpw_c3d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_c3d_gs_type | |
Cpw_c3d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_c3d_rs_type | |
Cpw_r1d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_r1d_gs_type | |
Cpw_r1d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_r1d_rs_type | |
Cpw_r3d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_r3d_gs_type | |
Cpw_r3d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_r3d_rs_type | |
Mpwdft_environment | Methods and functions on the PWDFT environment |
►Mpwdft_environment_types | The type definitions for the PWDFT environment |
Cpwdft_energy_type | The PWDFT energy type |
Cpwdft_environment_type | The PWDFT environment type |
►Mqcschema | The module to read/write QCSchema HDF5 files for interfacing CP2K with other programs |
Cqcschema_type | The full QCSchema output type. For more information refer to: |
Mqmmm_create | Initialize a QM/MM calculation |
Mqmmm_elpot | |
Mqmmm_ff_fist | |
Mqmmm_force | Calculates QM/MM energy and forces |
Mqmmm_gaussian_data | GEEP coefficients for fixed radii. THIS IS THE GEEP LIB. They can be used together with the "omotetia" rule for erf function to obtain the expansion for whatever radius one desires Radius value are in Angstrom |
Mqmmm_gaussian_init | Initialize the use of the gaussians to treat the QMMM coupling potential |
Mqmmm_gaussian_input | Set the QMMM Gaussian Input Environment |
►Mqmmm_gaussian_types | Sets the typo for the gaussian treatment of the qm/mm interaction |
Cqmmm_gaussian_p_type | Represent a pointer to a qmmm_gaussian_type, to be able to create arrays of pointers |
Cqmmm_gaussian_type | |
Mqmmm_gpw_energy | A collection of methods to treat the QM/MM electrostatic coupling |
Mqmmm_gpw_forces | Routines to compute energy and forces in a QM/MM calculation |
Mqmmm_image_charge | Routines for image charge calculation within QM/MM |
Mqmmm_init | Initialize a QM/MM calculation |
Mqmmm_links_methods | A collection of methods to treat the QM/MM links |
Mqmmm_per_elpot | Setting up the potential for QM/MM periodic boundary conditions calculations |
Mqmmm_pw_grid | Sets variables for the qmmm pool of pw_types |
Mqmmm_se_energy | Calculation of the QMMM Hamiltonian integral matrix <a|\sum_i q_i|b> for semi-empirical methods |
Mqmmm_se_forces | Calculation of the derivative of the QMMM Hamiltonian integral matrix <a|\sum_i q_i|b> for semi-empirical methods |
Mqmmm_tb_coulomb | Calculation of QMMM Coulomb contributions in TB |
Mqmmm_tb_methods | TB methods used with QMMM |
Mqmmm_topology_util | |
►Mqmmm_types | Basic container type for QM/MM |
Cqmmm_env_type | |
►Mqmmm_types_low | |
Cadd_set_type | .. |
Cadd_shell_type | Parameters for core-shell model potentials |
Cqmmm_env_mm_type | .. |
Cqmmm_env_qm_type | .. |
Cqmmm_imomm_link_type | LINKs IMOMM |
Cqmmm_links_type | LINKs summary |
Cqmmm_per_pot_p_type | |
Cqmmm_per_pot_type | Periodic Potential |
Cqmmm_pot_p_type | |
Cqmmm_pot_type | Real Space Potential |
Mqmmm_util | |
Mqmmmx_create | Initialize a QM/MM calculation with Force-Mixing |
Mqmmmx_force | Calculates QM/MM energy and forces with Force-Mixing |
►Mqmmmx_types | Basic container type for QM/MM with force mixing |
Cqmmmx_env_type | |
Mqmmmx_update | Update a QM/MM calculations with force mixing |
Mqmmmx_util | Routines used for force-mixing QM/MM calculations |
Mqs_2nd_kernel_ao | Routines to calculate 2nd order kernels from a given response density in ao basis linear response scf |
Mqs_active_space_methods | Determine active space Hamiltonian |
►Mqs_active_space_types | The types needed for the calculation of active space Hamiltonians |
Cactive_space_type | |
Ceri_type | |
Ceri_type_eri_element_func | Abstract function object for the eri_type_eri_foreach method |
Ceri_type_eri_element_func_interface | The function signature to be implemented by a child of eri_type_eri_element_func |
Mqs_active_space_utils | Contains utility routines for the active space module |
Mqs_atomic_block | Routine to return block diagonal density matrix. Blocks correspond to the atomic densities |
Mqs_band_structure | Calculation of band structures |
Mqs_basis_gradient | .. |
Mqs_basis_rotation_methods | |
►Mqs_block_davidson_types | Module that contains the algorithms to perform an itrative diagonalization by the block-Davidson approach P. Blaha, et al J. Comp. Physics, 229, (2010), 453-460 \Iterative diagonalization in augmented plane wave based methods in electronic structure calculations\ |
Cdavidson_type | |
Mqs_cdft_methods | Subroutines for building CDFT constraints |
►Mqs_cdft_opt_types | Control parameters for optimizers that work with CDFT constraints |
Ccdft_opt_type | Parameters needed by CDFT specific optimizers |
Mqs_cdft_scf_utils | Auxiliary routines for performing a constrained DFT SCF run with Quickstep |
►Mqs_cdft_types | Defines CDFT control structures |
Cbecke_constraint_type | |
Ccdft_control_type | |
Ccdft_group_type | Control parameters for CDFT simulations |
Chirshfeld_constraint_type | |
Mqs_cdft_utils | Utility subroutines for CDFT calculations |
Mqs_charge_mixing | |
Mqs_chargemol | Write wfx file, works as interface to chargemol and multiwfn |
►Mqs_charges_types | Container for information about total charges on the grids |
Cqs_charges_type | Container for information about total charges on the grids |
►Mqs_collocate_density | Calculate the plane wave density by collocating the primitive Gaussian functions (pgf) |
Ccalculate_rho_core | |
Ccalculate_rho_resp_all | |
Mqs_commutators | Calculation of commutator [H,r] matrices |
Mqs_condnum | Calculation of overlap matrix condition numbers |
►Mqs_core_energies | Calculation of the energies concerning the core charge distribution |
Ccalculate_ptrace | |
Mqs_core_hamiltonian | Calculation of the core Hamiltonian integral matrix <a|H|b> over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions |
Mqs_dcdr | Calculate the derivatives of the MO coefficients wrt nuclear coordinates |
Mqs_dcdr_ao | Calculate the derivatives of the MO coefficients wrt nuclear coordinates |
Mqs_dcdr_utils | Calculate the derivatives of the MO coefficients wrt nuclear coordinates |
►Mqs_density_matrices | Collects routines that calculate density matrices |
Ccalculate_density_matrix | |
Ccalculate_w_matrix | |
►Mqs_density_mixing_types | Module that contains the definitions of the scf types |
Ccp_1d_z_p_type | |
Cmixing_storage_type | |
Mqs_dftb3_methods | Calculation of DFTB3 Terms |
Mqs_dftb_coulomb | Calculation of Coulomb contributions in DFTB |
Mqs_dftb_dispersion | Calculation of dispersion in DFTB |
Mqs_dftb_matrices | Calculation of Overlap and Hamiltonian matrices in DFTB |
Mqs_dftb_parameters | |
►Mqs_dftb_types | Definition of the DFTB parameter types |
Cqs_dftb_atom_type | |
Cqs_dftb_pairpot_type | |
Mqs_dftb_utils | Working with the DFTB parameter types |
Mqs_diis | Apply the direct inversion in the iterative subspace (DIIS) of Pulay in the framework of an SCF iteration for convergence acceleration |
►Mqs_diis_types | Buffer for the diis of the scf |
Cqs_diis_buffer_type | Keeps a buffer with the previous values of s,p,k |
Cqs_diis_buffer_type_kp | Build arrau of pointers to diis buffers in the k-point (complex full matrices) case |
Cqs_diis_buffer_type_sparse | Build array of pointers to diis buffers for sparse matrix case |
►Mqs_dispersion_cnum | Coordination number routines for dispersion pairpotentials |
Cdcnum_type | |
Mqs_dispersion_d2 | Calculation of D2 dispersion |
Mqs_dispersion_d3 | Calculation of D3 dispersion |
Mqs_dispersion_d4 | Calculation of dispersion using pair potentials |
Mqs_dispersion_nonloc | Calculation of non local dispersion functionals Some routines adapted from: Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group Copyright (C) 2009 Brian Kolb, Timo Thonhauser - Wake Forest University This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file ‘License’ in the root directory of the present distribution, or |
Mqs_dispersion_pairpot | Calculation of dispersion using pair potentials |
►Mqs_dispersion_types | Definition of disperson types for DFT calculations |
Cqs_atom_dispersion_type | |
Cqs_dispersion_type | |
Mqs_dispersion_utils | Set disperson types for DFT calculations |
Mqs_dos | Calculation and writing of density of states |
Mqs_efield_berry | Calculates the energy contribution and the mo_derivative of a static periodic electric field |
Mqs_efield_local | Calculates the energy contribution and the mo_derivative of a static electric field (nonperiodic) |
Mqs_eht_guess | Generate an initial guess (dm and orb) from EHT calculation |
Mqs_elec_field | Distribution of the electric field gradient integral matrix |
Mqs_electric_field_gradient | Calculates electric field gradients H.M. Petrili, P.E. Blochl, P. Blaha, K. Schwarz, PRB 57, 14690 (1998) |
Mqs_elf_methods | Does all kind of post scf calculations for GPW/GAPW |
Mqs_energy | Perform a QUICKSTEP wavefunction optimization (single point) |
Mqs_energy_init | Utility subroutine for qs energy calculation |
►Mqs_energy_types | |
Cqs_energy_type | |
Mqs_energy_utils | Utility subroutine for qs energy calculation |
Mqs_energy_window | Does all kind of post scf calculations for GPW/GAPW |
Mqs_environment | |
Mqs_environment_methods | Qs_environment methods that use many other modules |
►Mqs_environment_types | |
Cqs_environment_type | |
Mqs_epr_hyp | Calculates hyperfine values |
Mqs_external_density | Routines to handle an external density The external density can be generic and is provided by user input |
Mqs_external_potential | Routines to handle an external electrostatic field The external field can be generic and is provided by user input |
►Mqs_fb_atomic_halo_types | |
Cfb_atomic_halo_list_obj | Defines a fb_atomic_halo_list object |
Cfb_atomic_halo_obj | Defines a fb_atomic_halo object |
Mqs_fb_atomic_matrix_methods | |
►Mqs_fb_buffer_types | |
Cfb_buffer_add | |
Cfb_buffer_create | |
Cfb_buffer_d_obj | Object/pointer wrapper for fb_buffer object |
Cfb_buffer_get | |
Cfb_buffer_has_data | |
Cfb_buffer_nullify | |
Cfb_buffer_release | |
Cfb_buffer_replace | |
►Mqs_fb_com_tasks_types | |
Cfb_com_atom_pairs_obj | Defines a fb_com_atom_pairs object |
Cfb_com_tasks_obj | Defines a fb_com_tasks object |
Mqs_fb_distribution_methods | |
Mqs_fb_env_methods | |
►Mqs_fb_env_types | |
Cfb_env_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_env |
Mqs_fb_filter_matrix_methods | |
►Mqs_fb_hash_table_types | A simple hash table of integer keys, using hash function: H(k) = (k*p) mod n + 1 where: k = key p = a prime number >= n n = size of the hash table And collision resolvation is done by open addressing with linear probing |
Cfb_hash_table_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_hash_table objects |
Mqs_fb_input | |
►Mqs_fb_matrix_data_types | |
Cfb_matrix_data_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_matrix_data objects |
►Mqs_fb_trial_fns_types | |
Cfb_trial_fns_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_trial_fns objects |
Mqs_fermi_contact | Distribution of the Fermi contact integral matrix |
Mqs_force | Quickstep force driver routine |
►Mqs_force_types | |
Cqs_force_type | |
Mqs_fxc | Https:// |
Mqs_gamma2kp | Initialize a qs_env for kpoint calculations starting from a gamma point qs_env |
Mqs_gapw_densities | |
Mqs_gcp_method | Calculation of gCP pair potentials |
►Mqs_gcp_types | Definition of gCP types for DFT calculations |
Cqs_gcp_type | |
Mqs_gcp_utils | Set disperson types for DFT calculations |
►Mqs_grid_atom | |
Catom_integration_grid_type | |
Cgrid_atom_type | |
Mqs_gspace_mixing | |
►Mqs_harmonics_atom | |
Cget_none0_cg_list | |
Charmonics_atom_type | |
►Mqs_harris_types | Types needed for a for a Harris model calculation |
Charris_energy_type | |
Charris_rhoin_type | |
Charris_type | Contains information on the Harris method |
Mqs_harris_utils | Harris method environment setup and handling |
Mqs_hash_table_functions | Functions which are common to different hash tables Derived from qs_fb_hash_table_types and qs_fb_hash_table_types (Mark Tucker, Jun 2016) |
Mqs_initial_guess | Routines to somehow generate an initial guess |
►Mqs_integral_utils | Some utility functions for the calculation of integrals |
Cget_memory_usage | |
Mqs_integrate_potential | Integrate single or product functions over a potential on a RS grid |
Mqs_integrate_potential_product | Build up the plane wave density by collocating the primitive Gaussian functions (pgf) |
Mqs_integrate_potential_single | Build up the plane wave density by collocating the primitive Gaussian functions (pgf) |
Mqs_interactions | Calculate the interaction radii for the operator matrix calculation |
Mqs_kernel_methods | |
►Mqs_kernel_types | |
Cfull_kernel_env_type | Collection of variables required to evaluate adiabatic TDDFPT kernel |
Ckernel_env_type | Type to hold environments for the different kernels |
►Mqs_kind_types | Define the quickstep kind type and their sub types |
Cpao_descriptor_type | Holds information about a PAO descriptor |
Cpao_potential_type | Holds information about a PAO potential |
Cqs_kind_type | Provides all information about a quickstep kind |
Mqs_kinetic | Calculation of kinetic energy matrix and forces |
Mqs_kpp1_env_methods | Module that builds the second order perturbation kernel kpp1 = delta_rho|_P delta_rho|_P E drho(P1) drho |
►Mqs_kpp1_env_types | Basis types for the calculation of the perturbation of density theory |
Cqs_kpp1_env_type | Environment that keeps the informations and temporary val to build the kpp1 kernel matrix |
Mqs_ks_apply_restraints | Set of routines to apply restraints to the KS hamiltonian |
Mqs_ks_atom | Routines that build the Kohn-Sham matrix contributions coming from local atomic densities |
Mqs_ks_methods | Routines that build the Kohn-Sham matrix (i.e calculate the coulomb and xc parts |
Mqs_ks_qmmm_methods | |
►Mqs_ks_qmmm_types | |
Cqs_ks_qmmm_env_type | Calculation environment to calculate the ks_qmmm matrix, holds the QM/MM potential and all the needed variables to compute the QM/MM electrostatic 1-electron ks matrix assumes that the core hamiltonian and energy are up to date. v_metal_rspace is the potential at the metal sites within the image charge approach |
Mqs_ks_reference | Calculate the KS reference potentials |
►Mqs_ks_types | |
Cqs_ks_env_type | Calculation environment to calculate the ks matrix, holds all the needed vars. assumes that the core hamiltonian and energy are up to date |
Mqs_ks_utils | Routines that build the Kohn-Sham matrix (i.e calculate the coulomb and xc parts |
Mqs_linres_atom_current | Given the response wavefunctions obtained by the application of the (rxp), p, and ((dk-dl)xp) operators, here the current density vector (jx, jy, jz) is computed for the 3 directions of the magnetic field (Bx, By, Bz) |
Mqs_linres_current | Given the response wavefunctions obtained by the application of the (rxp), p, and ((dk-dl)xp) operators, here the current density vector (jx, jy, jz) is computed for the 3 directions of the magnetic field (Bx, By, Bz) |
Mqs_linres_current_utils | Chemical shift calculation by dfpt Initialization of the nmr_env, creation of the special neighbor lists Perturbation Hamiltonians by application of the p and rxp oprtators to psi0 Write output Deallocate everything |
Mqs_linres_epr_nablavks | Calculates Nabla V_KS (local part if PSP) on the different grids |
Mqs_linres_epr_ownutils | |
Mqs_linres_epr_utils | G tensor calculation by dfpt Initialization of the epr_env, creation of the special neighbor lists Perturbation Hamiltonians by application of the p and rxp oprtators to psi0 Write output Deallocate everything |
Mqs_linres_issc_utils | Chemical shift calculation by dfpt Initialization of the issc_env, creation of the special neighbor lists Perturbation Hamiltonians by application of the p and rxp oprtators to psi0 Write output Deallocate everything |
Mqs_linres_kernel | Linres kernel functions |
Mqs_linres_methods | Localize wavefunctions linear response scf |
Mqs_linres_module | Contains the setup for the calculation of properties by linear response by the application of second order density functional perturbation theory. The knowledge of the ground state energy, density and wavefunctions is assumed. Uses the self consistent approach. Properties that can be calculated : none |
Mqs_linres_nmr_epr_common_utils | Given the response wavefunctions obtained by the application of the (rxp), p, and ((dk-dl)xp) operators, here the current density vector (jx, jy, jz) is computed for the 3 directions of the magnetic field (Bx, By, Bz) |
Mqs_linres_nmr_shift | From the response current density calculates the shift tensor and the susceptibility |
Mqs_linres_nmr_utils | Chemical shift calculation by dfpt Initialization of the nmr_env, creation of the special neighbor lists Perturbation Hamiltonians by application of the p and rxp oprtators to psi0 Write output Deallocate everything |
Mqs_linres_op | Calculate the operators p rxp and D needed in the optimization of the different contribution of the firs order response orbitals in a epr calculation |
Mqs_linres_polar_utils | Polarizability calculation by dfpt Initialization of the polar_env, Perturbation Hamiltonian by application of the Berry phase operator to psi0 Write output Deallocate everything periodic Raman SL February 2013 |
►Mqs_linres_types | Type definitiona for linear response calculations |
Ccurrent_env_type | |
Cdcdr_env_type | |
Cepr_env_type | |
Cissc_env_type | |
Cjrho_atom_type | |
Clinres_control_type | General settings for linear response calculations |
Cnablavks_atom_type | |
Cnmr_env_type | |
Cpolar_env_type | |
Cvcd_env_type | |
Mqs_loc_dipole | |
Mqs_loc_main | Driver for the localization that should be general for all the methods available and all the definition of the spread functional Write centers, spread and cubes only if required and for the selected states The localized functions are copied in the standard mos array for the next use |
Mqs_loc_methods | Driver for the localization that should be general for all the methods available and all the definition of the spread functional Write centers, spread and cubes only if required and for the selected states The localized functions are copied in the standard mos array for the next use |
Mqs_loc_molecules | Set of routines handling the localization for molecular properties |
Mqs_loc_states | |
►Mqs_loc_types | New version of the module for the localization of the molecular orbitals This should be able to use different definition of the spread functional It should also calculate the integrals analytically so that it can be used irrespective of the pw_env and the collocation of wfn on the grids It should also work with a selected set of states, instead than all of them, in this case one should check that the selected states have the same occupation number The spread functional can be only estimated, or also optimized by minimization and in principle also maximization should be available. This operations can be required irrespective of the printing requirements It would be highly desirable to do all this along a MD run every N steps, and have a trajectory of the centeroids of the localized wfn In addition these functions can be used for properties calculations like NMR and XAS. Therefore it is necessary that the rotated wfn are then copied in the mos fm matrix to be available for next use |
Clocalized_wfn_control_type | A type that holds controlling information for the calculation of the spread of wfn and the optimization of the spread functional |
Cqs_loc_env_type | All the info needed by quickstep to calculate the spread of a selected set of orbitals and if required to minimize or maximize the spread by rotation of the orbitals |
Mqs_loc_utils | Some utilities for the construction of the localization environment |
Mqs_local_properties | Routines for calculating local energy and stress tensor |
►Mqs_local_rho_types | |
Clocal_rho_type | |
Crhoz_type | |
Mqs_localization_methods | Localization methods such as 2x2 Jacobi rotations Steepest Decents Conjugate Gradient |
►Mqs_matrix_pools | Wrapper for the pools of matrixes |
Cqs_matrix_pools_type | Container for the pools of matrixes used by qs |
Mqs_matrix_w | Utility subroutine for qs energy calculation |
Mqs_mfp | |
Mqs_mixing_utils | |
Mqs_mo_io | Definition and initialisation of the mo data type |
►Mqs_mo_methods | Collects routines that perform operations directly related to MOs |
Ccalculate_subspace_eigenvalues | |
Cmake_basis_sv | |
►Mqs_mo_occupation | Set occupation of molecular orbitals |
Cset_mo_occupation | |
►Mqs_mo_types | Definition and initialisation of the mo data type |
Cmo_set_p_type | |
Cmo_set_type | |
Mqs_mom_methods | Methods for deltaSCF calculations |
Mqs_mom_types | Manage control variables for the maximum overlap method |
Mqs_moments | Calculates the moment integrals <a|r^m|b> and <a|r x d/dr|b> |
►Mqs_neighbor_list_types | Define the neighbor list data types and the corresponding functionality |
Cneighbor_list_iterator_p_type | |
Cneighbor_list_p_type | |
Cneighbor_list_set_p_type | |
Cneighbor_list_set_type | |
Cneighbor_list_task_type | |
Cnl_sub_iterate | |
►Mqs_neighbor_lists | Generate the atomic neighbor lists |
Clocal_atoms_type | |
►Mqs_nl_hash_table_types | A simple hash table of integer keys, using hash function: H(k) = (k*p) mod n + 1 where: k = key p = a prime number >= n n = size of the hash table And collision resolvation is done by open addressing with linear probing |
Cnl_hash_table_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to nl_hash_table objects |
Mqs_nonscf | Routines for Quickstep NON-SCF run |
Mqs_nonscf_utils | Routines for Quickstep NON-SCF run |
Mqs_o3c_methods | Methods used with 3-center overlap type integrals containers |
►Mqs_o3c_types | 3-center overlap type integrals containers |
Co3c_container_type | |
Co3c_iterator_type | |
Co3c_vec_type | |
Mqs_oce_methods | Routines for the construction of the coefficients for the expansion of the atomic densities rho1_hard and rho1_soft in terms of primitive spherical gaussians |
►Mqs_oce_types | |
Coce_matrix_type | |
Mqs_operators_ao | |
Mqs_ot | Orbital transformations |
Mqs_ot_eigensolver | Eigen-space solver for the generalised symmetric eigenvalue problem for sparse matrices, needing only multiplications |
Mqs_ot_minimizer | Orbital transformations |
Mqs_ot_scf | Basic functionality for using ot in the scf routines |
►Mqs_ot_types | Orbital transformations |
Cqs_ot_settings_type | Notice, this variable needs to be copyable, needed for spins as e.g. in qs_ot_scf |
Cqs_ot_type | |
Mqs_outer_scf | Routines for performing an outer scf loop |
►Mqs_overlap | Calculation of overlap matrix, its derivatives and forces |
Ccreate_sab_matrix | |
Mqs_p_env_methods | Utility functions for the perturbation calculations |
►Mqs_p_env_types | Basis types for the calculation of the perturbation of density theory |
Cqs_p_env_type | Represent a qs system that is perturbed. Can calculate the linear operator and the rhs of the system of equations that needs to be solved for the perturbation |
Mqs_pdos | Calculation and writing of projected density of states The DOS is computed per angular momentum and per kind |
►Mqs_period_efield_types | Type for berry phase efield matrices. At the moment only used for cosmat and sinmat |
Cefield_berry_type | |
Mqs_resp | Resp fit for gas phase systems |
Mqs_rho0_ggrid | |
Mqs_rho0_methods | |
►Mqs_rho0_types | |
Cmpole_gau_overlap | |
Cmpole_rho_atom | |
Crho0_atom_type | |
Crho0_mpole_type | |
Mqs_rho_atom_methods | |
►Mqs_rho_atom_types | |
Crho_atom_coeff | |
Crho_atom_type | |
Mqs_rho_methods | Methods of the rho structure (defined in qs_rho_types) |
►Mqs_rho_types | Superstucture that hold various representations of the density and keeps track of which ones are valid |
Cqs_rho_p_type | |
Cqs_rho_type | Keeps the density in various representations, keeping track of which ones are valid |
Mqs_sccs | Self-consistent continuum solvation (SCCS) model implementation |
Mqs_scf | Routines for the Quickstep SCF run |
Mqs_scf_block_davidson | Module that contains the algorithms to perform an itrative diagonalization by the block-Davidson approach P. Blaha, et al J. Comp. Physics, 229, (2010), 453-460 Iterative diagonalization in augmented plane wave based methods in electronic structure calculations |
Mqs_scf_csr_write | Functions to print the KS and S matrix in the CSR format to file |
Mqs_scf_diagonalization | Different diagonalization schemes that can be used for the iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem |
Mqs_scf_initialization | Utility routines for qs_scf |
Mqs_scf_lanczos | Module that contains the algorithms to perform an itrative diagonalization by the block-Lanczos approach |
Mqs_scf_loop_utils | Utility routines for qs_scf |
►Mqs_scf_methods | Groups fairly general SCF methods, so that modules other than qs_scf can use them too split off from qs_scf to reduce dependencies |
Ccombine_ks_matrices | |
Mqs_scf_output | |
Mqs_scf_post_gpw | Does all kind of post scf calculations for GPW/GAPW |
Mqs_scf_post_scf | Utility routines for qs_scf |
Mqs_scf_post_se | Does all kind of post scf calculations for semi-empirical |
Mqs_scf_post_tb | Does all kind of post scf calculations for DFTB |
►Mqs_scf_types | Module that contains the definitions of the scf types |
Ckrylov_space_type | Wrapper for temporary and cached objects used in the scf iteration |
Cqs_scf_env_type | |
Csubspace_env_type | |
Mqs_scf_wfn_mix | Does all kind of post scf calculations for GPW/GAPW |
Mqs_spin_orbit | Distribution of the spin orbit integral matrix |
Mqs_subsys_methods | Routines that work on qs_subsys_type |
►Mqs_subsys_types | Types that represent a quickstep subsys |
Cqs_subsys_type | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_assign | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_densities | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_eigensolver | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_fhxc | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_fhxc_forces | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_forces | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_fprint | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_lri_utils | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_methods | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_operators | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_properties | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_restart | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_smearing_methods | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_soc | |
►Mqs_tddfpt2_soc_types | |
Csoc_atom_env_type | |
Csoc_env_type | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_soc_utils | Utilities absorption spectroscopy using TDDFPT with SOC |
►Mqs_tddfpt2_stda_types | Simplified Tamm Dancoff approach (sTDA) |
Cstda_env_type | |
Mqs_tddfpt2_stda_utils | Simplified Tamm Dancoff approach (sTDA) |
►Mqs_tddfpt2_subgroups | |
Ctddfpt_subgroup_env_type | Parallel (sub)group environment |
►Mqs_tddfpt2_types | |
Ctddfpt_ground_state_mos | Ground state molecular orbitals |
Ctddfpt_work_matrices | Set of temporary ("work") matrices |
Mqs_tddfpt2_utils | |
Mqs_tensors | Utility methods to build 3-center integral tensors of various types |
►Mqs_tensors_types | Utility methods to build 3-center integral tensors of various types |
Cdistribution_3d_type | |
Cneighbor_list_3c_iterator_type | |
Cneighbor_list_3c_type | |
Mqs_update_s_mstruct | Qs_environment methods that use many other modules |
Mqs_vcd | |
Mqs_vcd_ao | |
Mqs_vcd_utils | |
Mqs_vxc | |
Mqs_vxc_atom | Routines that build the integrals of the Vxc potential calculated for the atomic density in the basis set of spherical primitives |
Mqs_wannier90 | Interface to Wannier90 code |
Mqs_wf_history_methods | Storage of past states of the qs_env. Methods to interpolate (or actually normally extrapolate) the new guess for density and wavefunctions |
►Mqs_wf_history_types | Interpolate the wavefunctions to speed up the convergence when doing MD |
Cqs_wf_history_p_type | To create arrays of pointers to qs_wf_history_type |
Cqs_wf_history_type | Keeps track of the previous wavefunctions and can extrapolate them for the next step of md |
Cqs_wf_snapshot_type | Represent a past snapshot of the wavefunction. some elements might not be associated (to spare memory) depending on how the snapshot was taken |
Mrealspace_grid_cube | Generate Gaussian cube files |
►Mrealspace_grid_types | |
Crealspace_grid_desc_p_type | |
Crealspace_grid_desc_type | |
Crealspace_grid_input_type | |
Crealspace_grid_p_type | |
Crealspace_grid_type | |
Mreference_manager | Uniform framework to add references to CP2K cite and output these |
►Mreftraj_types | Initialization of the reftraj structure used to analyse previously generated trajectories |
Creftraj_msd_type | |
Creftraj_type | |
Mreftraj_util | Initialize the analysis of trajectories to be done by activating the REFTRAJ ensemble |
►Mrel_control_types | Parameters that control a relativistic calculation |
Crel_control_type | Parameters needed by a relativistic calculation |
Mreplica_methods | Methods to setup replicas of the same system differing only by atom positions and velocities (as used in path integral or nudged elastic band for example) |
►Mreplica_types | Types used to handle many replica of the same system that differ only in atom positions, and velocity. This is useful for things like path integrals or nudged elastic band |
Creplica_env_type | Keeps replicated information about the replicas |
Mresponse_solver | Calculate the CPKS equation and the resulting forces |
Mrestraint | Handles all possible kinds of restraints in CP2K |
Mri_environment_methods | Calculates integral matrices for RIGPW method |
Mrmsd | Defines functions to perform rmsd in 3D |
►Nrocm_backend | |
Ccontext_info | |
Cgpu_vector | |
Cgrid_info | |
Ckernel_params | Parameters of the collocate kernel |
Cldiffs_value | Differences in angular momentum |
Corbital | Orbital angular momentum |
Csmem_parameters | |
Csmem_task | Data needed for calculating the coefficients, forces, and stress |
Csmem_task_reduced | Data needed for collocate and integrate kernels |
Ctask_info | Internal representation of a task |
►Mroutine_map | |
Croutine_map_item_type | |
Croutine_map_type | |
Mrpa_communication | Auxiliary routines necessary to redistribute an fm_matrix from a given blacs_env to another |
►Mrpa_exchange | Auxiliary routines needed for RPA-exchange given blacs_env to another |
Crpa_exchange_work_type | |
►Mrpa_grad | Routines to calculate RI-RPA and SOS-MP2 gradients |
Crpa_grad_type | |
Mrpa_gw | Routines for GW, continuous development [Jan Wilhelm] |
Mrpa_gw_ic | Routines to calculate image charge corrections |
Mrpa_gw_im_time_util | Utility routines for GW with imaginary time |
Mrpa_gw_kpoints_util | Routines treating GW and RPA calculations with kpoints |
Mrpa_gw_sigma_x | Routines to calculate EXX within GW |
Mrpa_im_time | Routines for low-scaling RPA/GW with imaginary time |
Mrpa_im_time_force_methods | Routines needed for cubic-scaling RPA and SOS-Laplace-MP2 forces |
►Mrpa_im_time_force_types | Types needed for cubic-scaling RPA and SOS-Laplace-MP2 forces |
Cim_time_force_type | |
Mrpa_main | Routines to calculate RI-RPA energy |
Mrpa_rse | Routines to compute singles correction to RPA (RSE) |
►Mrpa_sigma_functional | Routines to calculate RI-RPA energy and Sigma correction to the RPA energies using the cubic spline based on eigen values of Q(w) |
Crpa_sigma_type | |
Mrpa_util | Utility functions for RPA calculations |
Mrs_methods | Numerical operations on real-space grid |
Mrs_pw_interface | Transfers densities from PW to RS grids and potentials from PW to RS |
►Mrt_bse | Routines for the propagation via RT-BSE method |
Cget_hartree | |
Cget_sigma | |
Mrt_bse_io | Input/output from the propagation via RT-BSE method |
►Mrt_bse_types | Data storage and other types for propagation via RT-BSE method |
Crtbse_env_type | |
Mrt_delta_pulse | Routines to apply a delta pulse for RTP and EMD |
Mrt_hfx_utils | Utility functions that are needed for RTP/EMD in combination with HF or hybrid functionals (needs to deal with imaginary KS and P |
Mrt_make_propagators | Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential |
Mrt_projection_mo_utils | Function related to MO projection in RTP calculations |
Mrt_propagation | Routines for the real time propagation |
Mrt_propagation_forces | Routines needed for EMD |
Mrt_propagation_methods | Routines for propagating the orbitals |
Mrt_propagation_output | Routine for the real time propagation output |
►Mrt_propagation_types | Types and set_get for real time propagation depending on runtype and diagonalization method different matrices are allocated exp_H_old, exp_H_new, mos_new, mos_old contain always real and imaginary parts of the matrices odd index = real part (alpha, beta spin) even index= imaginary part (alpha, beta spin) |
Crt_prop_type | |
Mrt_propagation_utils | Routines needed for EMD |
Mrt_propagation_velocity_gauge | Routines to perform the RTP in the velocity gauge |
Mrt_propagator_init | Routines for that prepare rtp and EMD |
Mrtp_admm_methods | Utilities for rtp in combination with admm methods adapted routines from admm_method (author Manuel Guidon) |
Ms_contract_shg | Routines for calculating the s-integrals and their scalar derivatives with respect to rab2 over solid harmonic Gaussian (SHG) functions + contraction routines for these integrals i) (s|O(r12)|s) where O(r12) is the overlap, coulomb operator etc. ii) (aba) and (abb) s-overlaps |
Ms_square_methods | Methods related to (\cal S)^2 (i.e. spin) |
►Msap_kind_types | General overlap type integrals containers |
Calist_type | |
Cclist_type | |
Csap_int_type | |
►Mscf_control_types | Parameters that control an scf iteration |
Cscf_control_type | |
Csmear_type | Parameters needed by a scf run |
Mscine_utils | SCINE interface |
Mse_core_core | Split and build its own idependent core_core SE interaction module |
Mse_core_matrix | Calculation of the Hamiltonian integral matrix <a|H|b> for semi-empirical methods |
Mse_fock_matrix | Calculation of the Fock matrix for SE methods |
Mse_fock_matrix_coulomb | Module that collects all Coulomb parts of the fock matrix construction |
Mse_fock_matrix_dbg | |
Mse_fock_matrix_exchange | Construction of the Exchange part of the Fock Matrix |
Mse_fock_matrix_integrals | Provides the low level routines to build both the exchange and the Coulomb Fock matrices.. This routines support d-orbitals and should be changed only if one knows exactly what he is doing. |
Msemi_empirical_expns3_methods | Methods for handling the 1/R^3 residual integral part |
►Msemi_empirical_expns3_types | Definition of the type to handle the 1/R^3 residual integral part |
Csemi_empirical_expns3_p_type | 1/R^3 expansion type: array of pointers |
Msemi_empirical_int3_utils | Utilities for evaluating the residual part (1/r^3) of Integrals for semi-empiric methods |
Msemi_empirical_int_ana | Analytical derivatives of Integrals for semi-empirical methods |
Msemi_empirical_int_arrays | Arrays of parameters used in the semi-empirical calculations \References Everywhere in this module TCA stands for: |
Msemi_empirical_int_gks | Integral GKS scheme: The order of the integrals in makeCoul reflects the standard order by MOPAC |
Msemi_empirical_int_num | Integrals for semi-empiric methods |
Msemi_empirical_int_utils | Utilities for Integrals for semi-empiric methods |
Msemi_empirical_integrals | Set of wrappers for semi-empirical analytical/numerical Integrals routines |
Msemi_empirical_mpole_methods | Setup and Methods for semi-empirical multipole types |
►Msemi_empirical_mpole_types | Definition of the semi empirical multipole integral expansions types |
Cnddo_mpole_type | Global Multipolar NDDO information type |
Csemi_empirical_mpole_p_type | Semi-empirical integral multipole expansion type - pointer type |
Csemi_empirical_mpole_type | Semi-empirical integral multipole expansion type |
►Msemi_empirical_par_utils | Utilities to post-process semi-empirical parameters |
Camn_l | |
Msemi_empirical_parameters | Default parameter sets for semi empirical models: sep%... ass, asp, app, a.u. parameters for the SCP-NDDO calculations ad, am, aq, a.u. parameters for the multipole approximation to dd, qq a.u. the two-centre, two-electron integrals. alp A**(-1) the exponents used to calculate the core-core repulsion terms. beta eV parameters for the two-centre, one-electron core resonance integrals. z the CORE charge on each element. eheat kcal/mol the experimental heat of formation for each element. eisol eV the calculated electronic energies for each element. fn1 A*eV AM1/PM3 specific parameters fn2 A**(-2) for the core-core repulsion fn3 A interaction. pre eV PDDG function d A PDDG function bfn1-3 special core-core interactions |
►Msemi_empirical_store_int_types | Type to store integrals for semi-empirical calculations |
Csemi_empirical_si_type | Semi-empirical store integrals type |
►Msemi_empirical_types | Definition of the semi empirical parameter types |
Crotmat_type | Rotation Matrix Type |
Cse_int_control_type | |
Cse_int_screen_type | Store the value of the tapering function and possibly its derivative for screened integrals |
Cse_taper_type | Taper type use in semi-empirical calculations |
Csemi_empirical_p_type | |
Csemi_empirical_type | Semi-empirical type |
Msemi_empirical_utils | Working with the semi empirical parameter types |
Mshell_opt | |
►Mshell_potential_types | |
Cshell_kind_type | Define the shell type |
Cshell_p_type | |
Mshg_integrals_test | Calculates 2-center integrals for different r12 operators comparing the Solid harmonic Gaussian integral scheme to the Obara-Saika (OS) scheme |
Msimpar_methods | Methods for storing MD parameters type |
►Msimpar_types | Type for storing MD parameters |
Csimpar_type | Simulation parameter type for molecular dynamics |
Msirius_interface | Interface to the SIRIUS Library |
►Msmeagol_control_types | Input control types for NEGF/SMEAGOL transport calculations |
Csmeagol_control_type | SMEAGOL-related input parameters |
Msmeagol_emtoptions | CP2K+SMEAGOL interface |
Msmeagol_interface | CP2K+SMEAGOL interface |
►Msmeagol_matrix_utils | Routines to convert sparse matrices between DBCSR (distributed-blocks compressed sparse rows) and SIESTA (distributed compressed sparse columns) formats |
Csiesta_distrib_csc_struct_type | Sparsity pattern of replicated SIESTA compressed sparse column (CSC) matrices |
Msoc_pseudopotential_methods | |
Msoc_pseudopotential_utils | |
►Msockets_interface | Implements UNIX and INET sockets |
Caccept_socket | |
Cclose_socket | |
Clisten_socket | |
Copen_bind_socket | |
Copen_connect_socket | |
Creadbuffer | |
Cremove_socket_file | |
Cuwait | |
Cwritebuffer | |
Msoft_basis_set | |
Mspace_groups | Space Group Symmetry Module (version 1.0, January 16, 2020) |
►Mspace_groups_types | Space Group Symmetry Type Module (version 1.0, Ferbruary 12, 2021) |
Cspgr_type | |
Mspglib_f08 | Interface for SPGLIB symmetry routines |
►Mspherical_harmonics | Calculate spherical harmonics |
Cclebsch_gordon | |
Cdy_lm | |
Cy_lm | |
Msplines | Simple splines Splines are fully specified by the interpolation points, except that at the ends, we have the freedom to prescribe the second derivatives. If we know a derivative at an end (exactly), then best is to impose that. Otherwise, it is better to use the "consistent" end conditions: the second derivative is determined such that it is smooth |
Msplines_methods | Routines for handling splines |
►Msplines_types | Routines for handling splines_types |
Cspline_data_p_type | |
Cspline_data_type | Data-structure that holds all needed information about a specific spline interpolation |
Cspline_environment_type | |
Cspline_factor_type | |
►Mspme | Calculate the electrostatic energy by the Smooth Particle Ewald method |
Cget_patch | |
Mstatistical_methods | Methods to perform on the fly statistical analysis of data -) Schiferl and Wallace, J. Chem. Phys. 83 (10) 1985 |
Mstm_images | Calculation of STM image as post processing of an electronic structure calculation, |
Msto_ng | |
Mstring_table | Generates a unique id number for a string (str2id) that can be used two compare two strings. I.e. if (str1==str2) => str2id(str1)==str2id(str2) if (str1.NE.str2) => str2id(str1).NE.str2id(str2) and the other way around. Given an id, the string can be retrieved |
►Mstring_utilities | Utilities for string manipulations |
Cs2a | |
►Mstructure_factor_types | |
Cstructure_factor_type | |
Mstructure_factors | |
►Msubcell_types | Subcell types and allocation routines |
Csubcell_type | |
►Msubmatrix_dissection | |
Csubmatrix_dissection_type | |
►Msubmatrix_types | |
Cbuffer_type | |
Cbufptr_type | |
Cintbuffer_type | |
Cset_type | |
Csetarray_type | |
Msurface_dipole | |
Mswarm | Swarm-framwork, provides a convenient master/worker architecture |
Mswarm_input | Declares the input for swarm framework |
►Mswarm_master | Master's routines for the swarm-framework |
Cswarm_master_type | |
►Mswarm_message | Swarm-message, a convenient data-container for with build-in serialization |
Cswarm_message_add | Adds an entry from a swarm-message |
Cswarm_message_get | Returns an entry from a swarm-message |
Cswarm_message_type | |
►Mswarm_mpi | Handles the MPI communication of the swarm framework |
Cswarm_mpi_type | |
►Mswarm_worker | Workers's routines for the swarm-framework |
Cswarm_worker_type | |
Mt_c_g0 | This module computes the basic integrals for the truncated coulomb operator |
Mt_sh_p_s_c | .. |
Mtamc_run | Perform a temperature accelarated hybrid monte carlo (TAHMC) run using QUICKSTEP |
►Mtaper_types | Definition of the semi empirical parameter types |
Ctaper_type | Taper type |
Mtask_list_methods | Generate the tasks lists used by collocate and integrate routines |
►Mtask_list_types | Types for task lists |
Catom_pair_type | |
Ctask_list_type | |
Ctask_type | |
►Mthermal_region_types | Thermal regions type: to initialize and control the temperature of different regions |
Cthermal_region_type | |
Cthermal_regions_type | |
Mthermal_region_utils | Setup of regions with different temperature |
Mthermostat_mapping | |
Mthermostat_methods | Methods for Thermostats |
►Mthermostat_types | Thermostat structure: module containing thermostat available for MD |
Cthermostat_info_type | |
Cthermostat_type | |
Cthermostats_type | Define thermostat types |
Mthermostat_utils | Utilities for thermostats |
Mtimings | Timing routines for accounting |
►Mtimings_base_type | Types used by timings.F and timings_report.F The types in this module are used within dict or list, which are in turn used in timer_env_type from timings_type.F Due to the fortran restriction on cicular module-dependencies these "inner-types" had to go into a separate module |
Ccall_stat_type | |
Ccallstack_entry_type | |
Croutine_report_type | |
Croutine_stat_type | |
Mtimings_report | Timing routines for accounting |
►Mtimings_types | Types used by timings.F and timings_report.F Due to the fortran restriction on cicular module-dependencies the types, which are used through dict or list had to go into the separate module timings_base_type.F |
Ctimer_env_type | |
Mtip_scan_methods | |
►Mtip_scan_types | |
Cscanning_type | |
Mtmc_analysis | Module analyses element of the TMC tree element structure e.g. density, radial distribution function, dipole correlation,.. |
►Mtmc_analysis_types | Module provides variables for the TMC analysis tool |
Catom_pairs_type | |
Cdipole_moment_type | |
Cpair_correl_type | |
Ctmc_ana_list_type | |
Ctmc_analysis_env | |
Mtmc_calculations | Calculation section for TreeMonteCarlo |
Mtmc_cancelation |
- to decrease the used memory size, just actual needed tree elements should be stored in memory, other ones should be written out in file
Mtmc_dot_tree | Module for printing tree structures in GraphViz dot files for visualizing the trees |
Mtmc_file_io |
- writing and printing the files, trajectory (pos, cell, dipoles) as well as restart files
Mtmc_master | Module contains the master routine handling the tree creation, communication with workers and task distribution For each idle working group the master creates a new global tree element, and if neccessay a related sub tree element, OR find the next element to calculate the exact energy. Goal is to keep at least the exact energy calculation working groups as busy as possible. Master also checks for incomming results and update the tree and the acceptance ratios |
Mtmc_messages | Set up the different message for different tasks A TMC message consists of 3 parts (messages) 1: first a message with task type (STATUS) and SIZES of submessages 2: (if existing) a message with INTEGER values 3: (if existing) a message with REAL values submessages 2 and 3 include relevant data, e.g. positions, box sizes.. |
Mtmc_move_handle | Acceptance ratio handling of the different Monte Carlo Moves types For each move type and each temperature average acceptance is determined. For each move is a weight (mv_weight) defined, which defines the probability to perform the move. We distinguish between moves performed on the exact potential (move on the master, energy on the energy worker) and NMC moves, which are performed on the worker using the approximate potential. The energies are calculated as usual on the energy worker with the exact potential. The move probabilities to perform a NMC is stored in the NMC move. The probilities of the single move types (performed with the approximate potential) are only compared within the NMC move |
►Mtmc_move_types | Tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc |
Ctmc_move_type | |
Mtmc_moves | Different move types are applied |
Mtmc_setup | Tree Monte Carlo entry point, set up, CPU redistribution and input reading |
Mtmc_stati | Tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc |
Mtmc_tree_acceptance | Tree nodes acceptance code is separated in 3 parts, first the acceptance criteria, second the tree node acceptance handling, searching etc. and than the acceptance probability handling |
Mtmc_tree_build | Tree nodes creation, deallocation, references etc |
Mtmc_tree_references | Global tree references |
Mtmc_tree_search | Tree nodes search etc |
►Mtmc_tree_types | Module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent element / \ accepted (acc) / \ not accepted (nacc) / \ child child / \ / \ |
Celem_array_type | |
Celem_list_type | |
Cglobal_tree_type | |
Cgt_elem_list_type | |
Ctree_type | |
►Mtmc_types | Module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent element / \ accepted (acc) / \ not accepted (nacc) / \ child child / \ / \ |
Ctmc_atom_type | |
Ctmc_comp_set_type | |
Ctmc_env_type | |
Ctmc_param_type | |
Mtmc_utils | Utillities for the TMC |
Mtmc_worker | Module contains the worker routine handling the communication and the calculation / creation of the configurations |
Mtopology | Control for reading in different topologies and coordinates |
Mtopology_amber | Handles all functions used to read and interpret AMBER coordinates and topology files |
Mtopology_cif | Handles CIF (Crystallographic Information File) files |
Mtopology_connectivity_util | Collection of subroutine needed for topology related things |
Mtopology_constraint_util | Collection of subroutine needed for topology related things |
Mtopology_coordinate_util | Collection of subroutine needed for topology related things |
Mtopology_cp2k | |
Mtopology_generate_util | Collection of subroutine needed for topology related things |
Mtopology_gromos | |
Mtopology_input | Reads the input sections "topology" |
Mtopology_multiple_unit_cell | Handles the multiple unit cell option regarding atomic coordinates |
Mtopology_pdb | Handles PDB files |
Mtopology_psf | Functionality to read in PSF topologies and convert it into local data structures |
►Mtopology_types | |
Catom_info_type | |
Cconnectivity_info_type | |
Cconstr_list_type | |
Cconstraint_info_type | |
Ctopology_parameters_type | |
►Mtopology_util | Collection of subroutine needed for topology related things |
Carray1_list_type | |
Carray2_list_type | |
Creorder_structure | |
Mtopology_xtl | Handles XTL (Molecular Simulations, Inc (MSI)) files |
Mtopology_xyz | |
►Mtorch_api | |
Ctorch_dict_type | |
Ctorch_model_get_attr | |
Ctorch_model_type | |
Ctorch_tensor_data_ptr | |
Ctorch_tensor_from_array | |
Ctorch_tensor_type | |
Mtransport | Routines for DFT+NEGF calculations (coupling with the quantum transport code OMEN) |
►Mtransport_env_types | CP2K transport environment and related C-interoperable types |
Ccp2k_csr_interop_type | |
Ccp2k_transport_parameters | |
Ctransport_env_type | |
Mtrexio_utils | The module to read/write TREX IO files for interfacing CP2K with other programs |
Muff_vdw_radii_table | Table for UFF vdW radii: Rappe et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 10024 (1992) |
►Mutil | All kind of helpful little routines |
Cfind_boundary | |
Csort | |
Csort_unique | |
Mvelocity_verlet_control | Provides an interface to the velocity-verlet based integrator routines for all ensembles |
Mvibrational_analysis | Module performing a vibrational analysis |
Mvirial_methods | |
►Mvirial_types | |
Cvirial_p_type | |
Cvirial_type | |
Mvoronoi_interface | Interface for Voronoi Integration and output of BQB files |
Mwannier90 | Outtakes from Wannier90 code |
Mwannier_states | Routines for the calculation of wannier states |
►Mwannier_states_types | Defines the type needed for computing wannier states expectations |
Cwannier_centres_type | |
Mwhittaker | Calculates special integrals |
Mwiener_process | Handling of the Wiener process currently employed in turn of the Langevin dynamics |
►Mxas_control | Defines control structures, which contain the parameters and the settings for the calculations |
Cxas_control_type | A type that holds controlling information for a xas calculation |
►Mxas_env_types | Define create destroy get and put information in xas_env to calculate the x-ray absorption spectra |
Cxas_environment_type | |
Mxas_methods | Driver for the xas calculation and xas_scf for the tp method |
Mxas_restart | Initialize the XAS orbitals for specific core excitations Either the GS orbitals are used as initial guess, or the xas mos are read from a previous calculation. In the latter case, the core-hole potetial should be the same |
Mxas_tdp_atom | This module deals with all the integrals done on local atomic grids in xas_tdp. This is mostly used to compute the xc kernel matrix elements wrt two RI basis elements (centered on the same excited atom) <P|fxc(r)|Q>, where the kernel fxc is purely a function of the ground state density and r. This is also used to compute the SOC matrix elements in the orbital basis |
Mxas_tdp_correction | Second order perturbation correction to XAS_TDP spectra (i.e. shift) |
Mxas_tdp_integrals | 3-center integrals machinery for the XAS_TDP method |
Mxas_tdp_kernel | All the kernel specific subroutines for XAS TDP calculations |
Mxas_tdp_methods | Methods for X-Ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) using TDDFPT |
►Mxas_tdp_types | Define XAS TDP control type and associated create, release, etc subroutines, as well as XAS TDP environment type and associated set, get, etc subroutines |
Cbatch_info_type | |
Cdonor_state_type | Type containing informations about a single donor state |
Cxas_atom_env_type | Environment type that contains all the info needed for XAS_TDP atomic grid calculations |
Cxas_tdp_control_type | Type containing control information for TDP XAS calculations |
Cxas_tdp_env_type | Type containing informations such as inputs and results for TDP XAS calculations |
Mxas_tdp_utils | Utilities for X-ray absorption spectroscopy using TDDFPT |
Mxas_tp_scf | Xas_scf for the tp method It is repeaated for every atom that have to be excited |
Mxc | Exchange and Correlation functional calculations |
Mxc_adiabatic_methods | Contains some functions used in the context of adiabatic hybrid functionals |
Mxc_adiabatic_utils | |
Mxc_atom | |
Mxc_b97 | Calculates the b97 correlation functional |
Mxc_b97_fxc | Calculates fxc in the spirit of the b97 exchange/correlation functional |
Mxc_cs1 | Calculate the CS1 Functional (Handy s improved LYP functional) |
Mxc_derivative_desc | Module with functions to handle derivative descriptors. derivative description are strings have the following form "rhorhorhoa" which means that it is a forth order derivative, twice with respect to rho, once with respect to rhoa and once with respect to drhoa. Possible derivatives are: |
►Mxc_derivative_set_types | Represent a group ofunctional derivatives |
Cxc_derivative_set_type | A derivative set contains the different derivatives of a xc-functional in form of a linked list |
►Mxc_derivative_types | Provides types for the management of the xc-functionals and their derivatives |
Cxc_derivative_p_type | Represent a pointer to a derivative (to have arrays of derivatives) |
Cxc_derivative_type | Represent a derivative of a functional |
Mxc_derivatives | |
Mxc_exchange_gga | Calculate several different exchange energy functionals with a GGA form |
►Mxc_functionals_utilities | Utility routines for the functional calculations |
Ccalc_fx | |
Ccalc_rs | |
Mxc_fxc_kernel | Exchange and Correlation kernel functionals |
Mxc_hcth | Calculate the Hamprecht, Cohen, Tozer, and Handy (HCTH) exchange functional |
Mxc_input_constants | Input constants for xc |
Mxc_ke_gga | Calculate the several different kinetic energy functionals with a GGA form |
Mxc_libxc | Calculates a functional from libxc and its derivatives |
Mxc_libxc_wrap | Includes all necessary routines, functions and parameters from libxc. Provides CP2K routines/functions where the LibXC calling list is version dependent (>=4.0.3). The naming convention for such routines/functions is xc_f03_XXX --> 'xc_libxc_wrap_XXX'. All version independent routines/functions are just bypassed to higher level module file 'xc_libxc' |
Mxc_lyp | Calculates the lyp correlation functional |
Mxc_lyp_adiabatic | Calculates the density_scaled Lyp functional when used in adiabatic hybrids. The energy is given as |
Mxc_optx | Calculate optx |
Mxc_pade | Calculate the LDA functional in the Pade approximation Literature: S. Goedecker, M. Teter and J. Hutter, Phys. Rev. B 54, 1703 (1996) |
Mxc_pbe | Calculates the pbe correlation functional |
Mxc_perdew86 | Calculate the Perdew Correlation from 1986 |
Mxc_perdew_wang | Calculate the Perdew-Wang correlation potential and energy density and ist derivatives with respect to the spin-up and spin-down densities up to 3rd order |
Mxc_perdew_zunger | Calculate the Perdew-Zunger correlation potential and energy density and ist derivatives with respect to the spin-up and spin-down densities up to 3rd order |
Mxc_pot_saop | Calculate the saop potential |
►Mxc_rho_cflags_types | Structure |
Cxc_rho_cflags_type | Flag for each component of xc_rho_set, so that you can use it to tell which components you need, which ones you need,... |
►Mxc_rho_set_types | Structure |
Cxc_rho_set_type | Represent a density, with all the representation and data needed to perform a functional evaluation |
Mxc_tfw | Calculate the Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy functional plus the von Weizsaecker term |
Mxc_thomas_fermi | Calculate the Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy functional |
Mxc_tpss | Calculates the tpss functional |
►Mxc_util | Utility functions for the xc package |
Cxc_pw_derive | |
Cxc_pw_laplace | |
Mxc_vwn | Calculate the LDA functional according to Vosk, Wilk and Nusair Literature: S. H. Vosko, L. Wilk and M. Nusair, Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 (1980) |
Mxc_write_output | Writes information on XC functionals to output |
Mxc_xalpha | Calculate the local exchange functional |
Mxc_xbecke88 | Calculates the Becke 88 exchange functional |
Mxc_xbecke88_long_range | Calculates the longrange part of Becke 88 exchange functional |
Mxc_xbecke88_lr_adiabatic | Calculates the density_scaled BECKE88 long-range functional when used in adiabatic hybrids. The energy is given as |
Mxc_xbecke_roussel | Calculates the exchange energy based on the Becke-Roussel exchange hole. Takes advantage of an analytical representation of the hole in order to avoid solving a non-linear equation by means of Newton- Raphson algorithm |
Mxc_xbeef | Calculates the Exchange contribution in the BEEF-vdW functional |
Mxc_xbr_pbe_lda_hole_t_c_lr | This functional is a combination of three different exchange hole models. The ingredients are: |
Mxc_xlda_hole_t_c_lr | Calculates the lda exchange hole in a truncated coulomb potential. Can be used as longrange correction for truncated hfx calculations |
Mxc_xpbe_hole_t_c_lr | Calculates the exchange energy for the pbe hole model in a truncated coulomb potential, considering the long range part only. Can be used as longrange correction to a truncated Hartree Fock calculation |
Mxc_xwpbe | Calculates short range exchange part for wPBE functional and averaged PBE exchange-hole functional (omega = 0.0 ) |
Mxmgrace | Routines to facilitate writing XMGRACE files |
Mxray_diffraction | |
Mxtb_coulomb | Calculation of Coulomb contributions in xTB |
Mxtb_eeq | Calculation of charge equilibration in xTB |
Mxtb_ehess | Calculation of Coulomb Hessian contributions in xTB |
Mxtb_ehess_force | Calculation of forces for Coulomb contributions in response xTB |
Mxtb_hab_force | Calculation of xTB Hamiltonian derivative Reference: Stefan Grimme, Christoph Bannwarth, Philip Shushkov JCTC 13, 1989-2009, (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118 |
Mxtb_hcore | Calculation of EHT matrix elements in xTB Reference: Stefan Grimme, Christoph Bannwarth, Philip Shushkov JCTC 13, 1989-2009, (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118 |
Mxtb_ks_matrix | Calculation of KS matrix in xTB Reference: Stefan Grimme, Christoph Bannwarth, Philip Shushkov JCTC 13, 1989-2009, (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118 |
Mxtb_matrices | Calculation of Overlap and Hamiltonian matrices in xTB Reference: Stefan Grimme, Christoph Bannwarth, Philip Shushkov JCTC 13, 1989-2009, (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118 |
Mxtb_parameters | Read xTB parameters |
►Mxtb_potentials | XTB (repulsive) pair potentials Reference: Stefan Grimme, Christoph Bannwarth, Philip Shushkov JCTC 13, 1989-2009, (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118 |
Cneighbor_atoms_type | |
Mxtb_qresp | Calculation of charge response in xTB (EEQ only) Reference: Stefan Grimme, Christoph Bannwarth, Philip Shushkov JCTC 13, 1989-2009, (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118 |
►Mxtb_types | Definition of the xTB parameter types |
Cxtb_atom_type | |