No Matches
dbt_methods Module Reference

DBT tensor framework for block-sparse tensor contraction. Representation of n-rank tensors as DBT tall-and-skinny matrices. Support for arbitrary redistribution between different representations. Support for arbitrary tensor contractions. More...


subroutine, public dbt_copy (tensor_in, tensor_out, order, summation, bounds, move_data, unit_nr)
 Copy tensor data. Redistributes tensor data according to distributions of target and source tensor. Permutes tensor index according to order argument (if present). Source and target tensor formats are arbitrary as long as the following requirements are met:
subroutine, public dbt_copy_matrix_to_tensor (matrix_in, tensor_out, summation)
 copy matrix to tensor.
subroutine, public dbt_copy_tensor_to_matrix (tensor_in, matrix_out, summation)
 copy tensor to matrix
subroutine, public dbt_contract (alpha, tensor_1, tensor_2, beta, tensor_3, contract_1, notcontract_1, contract_2, notcontract_2, map_1, map_2, bounds_1, bounds_2, bounds_3, optimize_dist, pgrid_opt_1, pgrid_opt_2, pgrid_opt_3, filter_eps, flop, move_data, retain_sparsity, unit_nr, log_verbose)
 Contract tensors by multiplying matrix representations. tensor_3(map_1, map_2) := alpha * tensor_1(notcontract_1, contract_1)
subroutine, public dbt_batched_contract_init (tensor, batch_range_1, batch_range_2, batch_range_3, batch_range_4)
 Initialize batched contraction for this tensor.
subroutine, public dbt_batched_contract_finalize (tensor, unit_nr)
 finalize batched contraction. This performs all communication that has been postponed in the contraction calls.

Detailed Description

DBT tensor framework for block-sparse tensor contraction. Representation of n-rank tensors as DBT tall-and-skinny matrices. Support for arbitrary redistribution between different representations. Support for arbitrary tensor contractions.

Patrick Seewald

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ dbt_copy()

subroutine, public dbt_methods::dbt_copy ( type(dbt_type), intent(inout), target  tensor_in,
type(dbt_type), intent(inout), target  tensor_out,
integer, dimension(ndims_tensor(tensor_in)), intent(in), optional  order,
logical, intent(in), optional  summation,
integer, dimension(2, ndims_tensor(tensor_in)), intent(in), optional  bounds,
logical, intent(in), optional  move_data,
integer, intent(in), optional  unit_nr 

Copy tensor data. Redistributes tensor data according to distributions of target and source tensor. Permutes tensor index according to order argument (if present). Source and target tensor formats are arbitrary as long as the following requirements are met:

  • source and target tensors have the same rank and the same sizes in each dimension in terms of tensor elements (block sizes don't need to be the same). If order argument is present, sizes must match after index permutation. OR
  • target tensor is not yet created, in this case an exact copy of source tensor is returned.
    orderPermutation of target tensor index. Exact same convention as order argument of RESHAPE intrinsic.
    boundscrop tensor data: start and end index for each tensor dimension
    Patrick Seewald

Definition at line 113 of file dbt_methods.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbt_copy_matrix_to_tensor()

subroutine, public dbt_methods::dbt_copy_matrix_to_tensor ( type(dbcsr_type), intent(in), target  matrix_in,
type(dbt_type), intent(inout)  tensor_out,
logical, intent(in), optional  summation 

copy matrix to tensor.

summationtensor_out = tensor_out + matrix_in
Patrick Seewald

Definition at line 324 of file dbt_methods.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbt_copy_tensor_to_matrix()

subroutine, public dbt_methods::dbt_copy_tensor_to_matrix ( type(dbt_type), intent(inout)  tensor_in,
type(dbcsr_type), intent(inout)  matrix_out,
logical, intent(in), optional  summation 

copy tensor to matrix

summationmatrix_out = matrix_out + tensor_in
Patrick Seewald

Definition at line 384 of file dbt_methods.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbt_contract()

subroutine, public dbt_methods::dbt_contract ( real(dp), intent(in)  alpha,
type(dbt_type), intent(inout), target  tensor_1,
type(dbt_type), intent(inout), target  tensor_2,
real(dp), intent(in)  beta,
type(dbt_type), intent(inout), target  tensor_3,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  contract_1,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  notcontract_1,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  contract_2,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  notcontract_2,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  map_1,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  map_2,
integer, dimension(2, size(contract_1)), intent(in), optional  bounds_1,
integer, dimension(2, size(notcontract_1)), intent(in), optional  bounds_2,
integer, dimension(2, size(notcontract_2)), intent(in), optional  bounds_3,
logical, intent(in), optional  optimize_dist,
type(dbt_pgrid_type), intent(out), optional, pointer  pgrid_opt_1,
type(dbt_pgrid_type), intent(out), optional, pointer  pgrid_opt_2,
type(dbt_pgrid_type), intent(out), optional, pointer  pgrid_opt_3,
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional  filter_eps,
integer(kind=int_8), intent(out), optional  flop,
logical, intent(in), optional  move_data,
logical, intent(in), optional  retain_sparsity,
integer, intent(in), optional  unit_nr,
logical, intent(in), optional  log_verbose 

Contract tensors by multiplying matrix representations. tensor_3(map_1, map_2) := alpha * tensor_1(notcontract_1, contract_1)

  • tensor_2(contract_2, notcontract_2)
  • beta * tensor_3(map_1, map_2)
note 1: block sizes of the corresponding indices need to be the same in all tensors.

note 2: for best performance the tensors should have been created in matrix layouts compatible with the contraction, e.g. tensor_1 should have been created with either map1_2d == contract_1 and map2_2d == notcontract_1 or map1_2d == notcontract_1 and map2_2d == contract_1 (the same with tensor_2 and contract_2 / notcontract_2 and with tensor_3 and map_1 / map_2). Furthermore the two largest tensors involved in the contraction should map both to either tall or short matrices: the largest matrix dimension should be "on the same side" and should have identical distribution (which is always the case if the distributions were obtained with dbt_default_distvec).

note 3: if the same tensor occurs in multiple contractions, a different tensor object should be created for each contraction and the data should be copied between the tensors by use of dbt_copy. If the same tensor object is used in multiple contractions, matrix layouts are not compatible for all contractions (see note 2).

note 4: automatic optimizations are enabled by using the feature of batched contraction, see dbt_batched_contract_init, dbt_batched_contract_finalize. The arguments bounds_1, bounds_2, bounds_3 give the index ranges of the batches.

tensor_1first tensor (in)
tensor_2second tensor (in)
contract_1indices of tensor_1 to contract
contract_2indices of tensor_2 to contract (1:1 with contract_1)
map_1which indices of tensor_3 map to non-contracted indices of tensor_1 (1:1 with notcontract_1)
map_2which indices of tensor_3 map to non-contracted indices of tensor_2 (1:1 with notcontract_2)
notcontract_1indices of tensor_1 not to contract
notcontract_2indices of tensor_2 not to contract
tensor_3contracted tensor (out)
bounds_1bounds corresponding to contract_1 AKA contract_2: start and end index of an index range over which to contract. For use in batched contraction.
bounds_2bounds corresponding to notcontract_1: start and end index of an index range. For use in batched contraction.
bounds_3bounds corresponding to notcontract_2: start and end index of an index range. For use in batched contraction.
optimize_distWhether distribution should be optimized internally. In the current implementation this guarantees optimal parameters only for dense matrices.
pgrid_opt_1Optionally return optimal process grid for tensor_1. This can be used to choose optimal process grids for subsequent tensor contractions with tensors of similar shape and sparsity. Under some conditions, pgrid_opt_1 can not be returned, in this case the pointer is not associated.
pgrid_opt_2Optionally return optimal process grid for tensor_2.
pgrid_opt_3Optionally return optimal process grid for tensor_3.
filter_epsAs in DBM mm
flopAs in DBM mm
move_datamemory optimization: transfer data such that tensor_1 and tensor_2 are empty on return
retain_sparsityenforce the sparsity pattern of the existing tensor_3; default is no
unit_nroutput unit for logging set it to -1 on ranks that should not write (and any valid unit number on ranks that should write output) if 0 on ALL ranks, no output is written
log_verboseverbose logging (for testing only)
Patrick Seewald

Definition at line 491 of file dbt_methods.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbt_batched_contract_init()

subroutine, public dbt_methods::dbt_batched_contract_init ( type(dbt_type), intent(inout)  tensor,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional  batch_range_1,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional  batch_range_2,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional  batch_range_3,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional  batch_range_4 

Initialize batched contraction for this tensor.

   Explanation: A batched contraction is a contraction performed in several consecutive steps
   by specification of bounds in dbt_contract. This can be used to reduce memory by
   a large factor. The routines dbt_batched_contract_init and
   dbt_batched_contract_finalize should be called to define the scope of a batched
   contraction as this enables important optimizations (adapting communication scheme to
   batches and adapting process grid to multiplication algorithm). The routines
   dbt_batched_contract_init and dbt_batched_contract_finalize must be
   called before the first and after the last contraction step on all 3 tensors.

   - the tensors are in a compatible matrix layout (see documentation of
     `dbt_contract`, note 2 & 3). If they are not, process grid optimizations are
     disabled and a warning is issued.
   - within the scope of a batched contraction, it is not allowed to access or change tensor
     data except by calling the routines dbt_contract & dbt_copy.
   - the bounds affecting indices of the smallest tensor must not change in the course of a
     batched contraction (todo: get rid of this requirement).

   Side effects:
   - the parallel layout (process grid and distribution) of all tensors may change. In order
     to disable the process grid optimization including this side effect, call this routine
     only on the smallest of the 3 tensors.
Note 1: for an example of batched contraction see examples/dbt_example.F. (todo: the example is outdated and should be updated).

Note 2: it is meaningful to use this feature if the contraction consists of one batch only but if multiple contractions involving the same 3 tensors are performed (batched_contract_init and batched_contract_finalize must then be called before/after each contraction call). The process grid is then optimized after the first contraction and future contraction may profit from this optimization.

batch_range_irefers to the ith tensor dimension and contains all block indices starting a new range. The size should be the number of ranges plus one, the last element being the block index plus one of the last block in the last range. For internal load balancing optimizations, optionally specify the index ranges of batched contraction.
Patrick Seewald

Definition at line 2090 of file dbt_methods.F.

◆ dbt_batched_contract_finalize()

subroutine, public dbt_methods::dbt_batched_contract_finalize ( type(dbt_type), intent(inout)  tensor,
integer, intent(in), optional  unit_nr 

finalize batched contraction. This performs all communication that has been postponed in the contraction calls.

Patrick Seewald

Definition at line 2174 of file dbt_methods.F.