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ct_methods Module Reference

Cayley transformation methods. More...


subroutine, public ct_step_execute (cts_env)
 Performs Cayley transformation.
subroutine, public analytic_line_search (a, b, c, d, minima, nmins)
 Finds real roots of a cubic equation

‍ a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0 and returns only those roots for which the derivative is positive

Step 0: Check the true order of the equation. Cubic, quadratic, linear? Step 1: Calculate p and q p = ( 3*c/a - (b/a)**2 ) / 3 q = ( 2*(b/a)**3 - 9*b*c/a/a + 27*d/a ) / 27 Step 2: Calculate discriminant D D = (p/3)**3 + (q/2)**2 Step 3: Depending on the sign of D, we follow different strategy. If D<0, three distinct real roots. If D=0, three real roots of which at least two are equal. If D>0, one real and two complex roots. Step 3a: For D>0 and D=0, Calculate u and v u = cubic_root(-q/2 + sqrt(D)) v = cubic_root(-q/2 - sqrt(D)) Find the three transformed roots y1 = u + v y2 = -(u+v)/2 + i (u-v)*sqrt(3)/2 y3 = -(u+v)/2 - i (u-v)*sqrt(3)/2 Step 3b Alternately, for D<0, a trigonometric formulation is more convenient y1 = 2 * sqrt(|p|/3) * cos(phi/3) y2 = -2 * sqrt(|p|/3) * cos((phi+pi)/3) y3 = -2 * sqrt(|p|/3) * cos((phi-pi)/3) where phi = acos(-q/2/sqrt(|p|**3/27)) pi = 3.141592654... Step 4 Find the real roots x = y - b/a/3 Step 5 Check the derivative and return only those real roots for which the derivative is positive.

subroutine, public diagonalize_diagonal_blocks (matrix, c, e)
 Diagonalizes diagonal blocks of a symmetric dbcsr matrix and returs its eigenvectors.

Detailed Description

Cayley transformation methods.

2011.06 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
Rustam Z Khaliullin

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ ct_step_execute()

subroutine, public ct_methods::ct_step_execute ( type(ct_step_env_type cts_env)

Performs Cayley transformation.

2011.06 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
Rustam Z Khaliullin

Definition at line 62 of file ct_methods.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ analytic_line_search()

subroutine, public ct_methods::analytic_line_search ( real(kind=dp), intent(in)  a,
real(kind=dp), intent(in)  b,
real(kind=dp), intent(in)  c,
real(kind=dp), intent(in)  d,
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(out)  minima,
integer, intent(out)  nmins 

Finds real roots of a cubic equation

‍ a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0 and returns only those roots for which the derivative is positive

Step 0: Check the true order of the equation. Cubic, quadratic, linear? Step 1: Calculate p and q p = ( 3*c/a - (b/a)**2 ) / 3 q = ( 2*(b/a)**3 - 9*b*c/a/a + 27*d/a ) / 27 Step 2: Calculate discriminant D D = (p/3)**3 + (q/2)**2 Step 3: Depending on the sign of D, we follow different strategy. If D<0, three distinct real roots. If D=0, three real roots of which at least two are equal. If D>0, one real and two complex roots. Step 3a: For D>0 and D=0, Calculate u and v u = cubic_root(-q/2 + sqrt(D)) v = cubic_root(-q/2 - sqrt(D)) Find the three transformed roots y1 = u + v y2 = -(u+v)/2 + i (u-v)*sqrt(3)/2 y3 = -(u+v)/2 - i (u-v)*sqrt(3)/2 Step 3b Alternately, for D<0, a trigonometric formulation is more convenient y1 = 2 * sqrt(|p|/3) * cos(phi/3) y2 = -2 * sqrt(|p|/3) * cos((phi+pi)/3) y3 = -2 * sqrt(|p|/3) * cos((phi-pi)/3) where phi = acos(-q/2/sqrt(|p|**3/27)) pi = 3.141592654... Step 4 Find the real roots x = y - b/a/3 Step 5 Check the derivative and return only those real roots for which the derivative is positive.

2011.06 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
Rustam Z Khaliullin

Definition at line 1374 of file ct_methods.F.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ diagonalize_diagonal_blocks()

subroutine, public ct_methods::diagonalize_diagonal_blocks ( type(dbcsr_type), intent(in)  matrix,
type(dbcsr_type), intent(out)  c,
type(dbcsr_type), intent(out), optional  e 

Diagonalizes diagonal blocks of a symmetric dbcsr matrix and returs its eigenvectors.

2011.07 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
Rustam Z Khaliullin

Definition at line 1497 of file ct_methods.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: