No Matches
negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type Type Reference

Adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis environment. More...

Data Fields

complex(kind=dp) a = z_zero
 integration lower and upper bounds
complex(kind=dp) b = z_zero
integer interval_id = -1
 integration interval: cc_interval_full – [a .. b], grid density: 'a' .. . . . . . .. 'b'; cc_interval_half – [a .. 2b-a], assuming int_{b}^{2b-a} f(x) dx = 0, grid density: 'a' .. . . . 'b'
integer shape_id = -1
 integration shape
real(kind=dp) error = -1.0_dp
 estimated error
type(cp_cfm_type), pointer integral => NULL()
 approximate integral value
type(cp_fm_type), pointer error_fm => NULL()
 error estimate for every element of the 'integral' matrix
type(cp_fm_type), pointer weights => NULL()
 weights associated with matrix elements; the 'error' variable contains the value Trace(error_fm * weights)
type(cp_cfm_type), dimension(:), allocatable zdata_cache
 integrand value at grid points. Due to symmetry of Clenshaw-Curtis quadratures, we only need to keep the left half-interval
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable tnodes

Detailed Description

Adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis environment.

Definition at line 66 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

Field Documentation

◆ a

complex(kind=dp) negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::a = z_zero

integration lower and upper bounds

Definition at line 68 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ b

complex(kind=dp) negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::b = z_zero

Definition at line 68 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ interval_id

integer negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::interval_id = -1

integration interval: cc_interval_full – [a .. b], grid density: 'a' .. . . . . . .. 'b'; cc_interval_half – [a .. 2b-a], assuming int_{b}^{2b-a} f(x) dx = 0, grid density: 'a' .. . . . 'b'

Definition at line 74 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ shape_id

integer negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::shape_id = -1

integration shape

Definition at line 76 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ error

real(kind=dp) negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::error = -1.0_dp

estimated error

Definition at line 78 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ integral

type(cp_cfm_type), pointer negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::integral => NULL()

approximate integral value

Definition at line 80 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ error_fm

type(cp_fm_type), pointer negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::error_fm => NULL()

error estimate for every element of the 'integral' matrix

Definition at line 82 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ weights

type(cp_fm_type), pointer negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::weights => NULL()

weights associated with matrix elements; the 'error' variable contains the value Trace(error_fm * weights)

Definition at line 84 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ zdata_cache

type(cp_cfm_type), dimension(:), allocatable negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::zdata_cache

integrand value at grid points. Due to symmetry of Clenshaw-Curtis quadratures, we only need to keep the left half-interval

Definition at line 87 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

◆ tnodes

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable negf_integr_cc::ccquad_type::tnodes

Definition at line 88 of file negf_integr_cc.F.

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