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timings.F File Reference

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module  timings
 Timing routines for accounting.


subroutine, public timings::timings_register_hooks ()
 Registers handlers with base_hooks.F.
subroutine, public timings::add_timer_env (timer_env)
 adds the given timer_env to the top of the stack
subroutine, public timings::rm_timer_env ()
 removes the current timer env from the stack
type(timer_env_type) function, pointer, public timings::get_timer_env ()
 returns the current timer env from the stack
subroutine, public timings::timer_env_retain (timer_env)
 retains the given timer env
subroutine, public timings::timer_env_release (timer_env)
 releases the given timer env
subroutine, public timings::timeset_handler (routinen, handle)
 Start timer.
subroutine, public timings::timestop_handler (handle)
 End timer.
subroutine, public timings::timings_setup_tracing (trace_max, unit_nr, trace_str, routine_names)
 Set routine tracer.
subroutine, public timings::print_stack (unit_nr)
 Print current routine stack.


integer, parameter, public timings::default_timings_level = 1
integer, save, public timings::global_timings_level = default_timings_level
character(len=default_string_length), parameter, public timings::root_cp2k_name = 'CP2K'