No Matches
atom_types::atom_type Type Reference

Provides all information about an atomic kind. More...

Data Fields

integer z = 0
integer zcore = 0
logical pp_calc = .FALSE.
logical do_zmp = .FALSE.
logical doread = .FALSE.
logical read_vxc = .FALSE.
logical dm = .FALSE.
character(len=default_string_length) ext_file = ""
character(len=default_string_length) ext_vxc_file = ""
character(len=default_string_length) zmp_restart_file = ""
integer method_type = do_rks_atom
integer relativistic = do_nonrel_atom
integer coulomb_integral_type = do_analytic
integer exchange_integral_type = do_analytic
real(kind=dp) lambda = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) rho_diff_integral = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) weight = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) zmpgrid_tol = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) zmpvxcgrid_tol = 0.0_dp
type(atom_basis_type), pointer basis => NULL()
type(atom_potential_type), pointer potential => NULL()
type(atom_state), pointer state => NULL()
type(atom_integrals), pointer integrals => NULL()
type(atom_orbitals), pointer orbitals => NULL()
type(atom_energy_type) energy = atom_energy_type()
type(atom_optimization_typeoptimization = atom_optimization_type()
type(section_vals_type), pointer xc_section => NULL()
type(section_vals_type), pointer zmp_section => NULL()
type(opmat_type), pointer fmat => NULL()
type(atom_hfx_typehfx_pot = atom_hfx_type()

Detailed Description

Provides all information about an atomic kind.

Definition at line 290 of file atom_types.F.

Field Documentation

◆ z

integer atom_types::atom_type::z = 0

Definition at line 291 of file atom_types.F.

◆ zcore

integer atom_types::atom_type::zcore = 0

Definition at line 292 of file atom_types.F.

◆ pp_calc

logical atom_types::atom_type::pp_calc = .FALSE.

Definition at line 293 of file atom_types.F.

◆ do_zmp

logical atom_types::atom_type::do_zmp = .FALSE.

Definition at line 295 of file atom_types.F.

◆ doread

logical atom_types::atom_type::doread = .FALSE.

Definition at line 295 of file atom_types.F.

◆ read_vxc

logical atom_types::atom_type::read_vxc = .FALSE.

Definition at line 295 of file atom_types.F.

◆ dm

logical atom_types::atom_type::dm = .FALSE.

Definition at line 295 of file atom_types.F.

◆ ext_file

character(len=default_string_length) atom_types::atom_type::ext_file = ""

Definition at line 296 of file atom_types.F.

◆ ext_vxc_file

character(len=default_string_length) atom_types::atom_type::ext_vxc_file = ""

Definition at line 296 of file atom_types.F.

◆ zmp_restart_file

character(len=default_string_length) atom_types::atom_type::zmp_restart_file = ""

Definition at line 296 of file atom_types.F.

◆ method_type

integer atom_types::atom_type::method_type = do_rks_atom

Definition at line 299 of file atom_types.F.

◆ relativistic

integer atom_types::atom_type::relativistic = do_nonrel_atom

Definition at line 300 of file atom_types.F.

◆ coulomb_integral_type

integer atom_types::atom_type::coulomb_integral_type = do_analytic

Definition at line 301 of file atom_types.F.

◆ exchange_integral_type

integer atom_types::atom_type::exchange_integral_type = do_analytic

Definition at line 302 of file atom_types.F.

◆ lambda

real(kind=dp) atom_types::atom_type::lambda = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 304 of file atom_types.F.

◆ rho_diff_integral

real(kind=dp) atom_types::atom_type::rho_diff_integral = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 305 of file atom_types.F.

◆ weight

real(kind=dp) atom_types::atom_type::weight = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 306 of file atom_types.F.

◆ zmpgrid_tol

real(kind=dp) atom_types::atom_type::zmpgrid_tol = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 306 of file atom_types.F.

◆ zmpvxcgrid_tol

real(kind=dp) atom_types::atom_type::zmpvxcgrid_tol = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 306 of file atom_types.F.

◆ basis

type(atom_basis_type), pointer atom_types::atom_type::basis => NULL()

Definition at line 308 of file atom_types.F.

◆ potential

type(atom_potential_type), pointer atom_types::atom_type::potential => NULL()

Definition at line 309 of file atom_types.F.

◆ state

type(atom_state), pointer atom_types::atom_type::state => NULL()

Definition at line 310 of file atom_types.F.

◆ integrals

type(atom_integrals), pointer atom_types::atom_type::integrals => NULL()

Definition at line 311 of file atom_types.F.

◆ orbitals

type(atom_orbitals), pointer atom_types::atom_type::orbitals => NULL()

Definition at line 312 of file atom_types.F.

◆ energy

type(atom_energy_type) atom_types::atom_type::energy = atom_energy_type()

Definition at line 313 of file atom_types.F.

◆ optimization

type(atom_optimization_type) atom_types::atom_type::optimization = atom_optimization_type()

Definition at line 314 of file atom_types.F.

◆ xc_section

type(section_vals_type), pointer atom_types::atom_type::xc_section => NULL()

Definition at line 315 of file atom_types.F.

◆ zmp_section

type(section_vals_type), pointer atom_types::atom_type::zmp_section => NULL()

Definition at line 315 of file atom_types.F.

◆ fmat

type(opmat_type), pointer atom_types::atom_type::fmat => NULL()

Definition at line 316 of file atom_types.F.

◆ hfx_pot

type(atom_hfx_type) atom_types::atom_type::hfx_pot = atom_hfx_type()

Definition at line 317 of file atom_types.F.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: