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xc_perdew_zunger Module Reference

Calculate the Perdew-Zunger correlation potential and energy density and ist derivatives with respect to the spin-up and spin-down densities up to 3rd order. More...


subroutine, public pz_info (method, lsd, reference, shortform, needs, max_deriv)
 Return some info on the functionals.
subroutine, public pz_lda_eval (method, rho_set, deriv_set, order, pz_params)
 Calculate the correlation energy and its derivatives wrt to rho (the electron density) up to 3rd order. This is the LDA version of the Perdew-Zunger correlation energy If no order argument is given, then the routine calculates just the energy.
subroutine, public pz_lsd_eval (method, rho_set, deriv_set, order, pz_params)
 Calculate the correlation energy and its derivatives wrt to rho (the electron density) up to 3rd order. This is the LSD version of the Perdew-Zunger correlation energy If no order argument is given, then the routine calculates just the energy.

Detailed Description

Calculate the Perdew-Zunger correlation potential and energy density and ist derivatives with respect to the spin-up and spin-down densities up to 3rd order.

18-MAR-2002, TCH, working version fawzi (04.2004) : adapted to the new xc interface
See also

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ pz_info()

subroutine, public xc_perdew_zunger::pz_info ( integer, intent(in)  method,
logical, intent(in)  lsd,
character(len=*), intent(out), optional  reference,
character(len=*), intent(out), optional  shortform,
type(xc_rho_cflags_type), intent(inout), optional  needs,
integer, intent(out), optional  max_deriv 

Return some info on the functionals.

referenceCHARACTER(*), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL - full reference
shortformCHARACTER(*), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL - short reference
18-MAR-2002, TCH, working version

Definition at line 69 of file xc_perdew_zunger.F.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pz_lda_eval()

subroutine, public xc_perdew_zunger::pz_lda_eval ( integer, intent(in)  method,
type(xc_rho_set_type), intent(in)  rho_set,
type(xc_derivative_set_type), intent(in)  deriv_set,
integer, intent(in)  order,
type(section_vals_type), pointer  pz_params 

Calculate the correlation energy and its derivatives wrt to rho (the electron density) up to 3rd order. This is the LDA version of the Perdew-Zunger correlation energy If no order argument is given, then the routine calculates just the energy.

orderINTEGER, OPTIONAL - order of derivatives to calculate order must lie between -3 and 3. If it is negative then only that order will be calculated, otherwise all derivatives up to that order will be calculated.
pz_paramsinput parameter (scaling)
01.2007 added scaling [Manuel Guidon]

Definition at line 136 of file xc_perdew_zunger.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pz_lsd_eval()

subroutine, public xc_perdew_zunger::pz_lsd_eval ( integer, intent(in)  method,
type(xc_rho_set_type), intent(in)  rho_set,
type(xc_derivative_set_type), intent(in)  deriv_set,
integer, intent(in), optional  order,
type(section_vals_type), pointer  pz_params 

Calculate the correlation energy and its derivatives wrt to rho (the electron density) up to 3rd order. This is the LSD version of the Perdew-Zunger correlation energy If no order argument is given, then the routine calculates just the energy.

orderINTEGER, OPTIONAL - order of derivatives to calculate order must lie between -3 and 3. If it is negative then only that order will be calculated, otherwise all derivatives up to that order will be calculated.
pz_paramsinput parameter (scaling)
01.2007 added scaling [Manuel Guidon]

Definition at line 268 of file xc_perdew_zunger.F.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: