![]() |
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine, public | tddfpt_init_mos (qs_env, gs_mos, iounit) |
Prepare MOs for TDDFPT Calculations. | |
subroutine, public | tddfpt_init_ground_state_mos (gs_mos, mo_set, nlumo, blacs_env, cholesky_method, matrix_ks, matrix_s, mos_virt, evals_virt, qs_env) |
Generate all virtual molecular orbitals for a given spin by diagonalising the corresponding Kohn-Sham matrix. | |
subroutine, public | tddfpt_release_ground_state_mos (gs_mos) |
Release molecular orbitals. | |
subroutine, public | tddfpt_oecorr (qs_env, gs_mos, matrix_ks_oep) |
Callculate orbital corrected KS matrix for TDDFPT. | |
pure integer(kind=int_8) function, public | tddfpt_total_number_of_states (gs_mos) |
Compute the number of possible singly excited states (occ -> virt) | |
subroutine, public | tddfpt_guess_vectors (evects, evals, gs_mos, log_unit) |
Generate missed guess vectors. | |
subroutine, public qs_tddfpt2_utils::tddfpt_init_mos | ( | type(qs_environment_type), pointer | qs_env, |
type(tddfpt_ground_state_mos), dimension(:), pointer | gs_mos, | ||
integer, intent(in) | iounit | ||
) |
Prepare MOs for TDDFPT Calculations.
qs_env | Quickstep environment |
gs_mos | ... |
iounit | ... |
Definition at line 99 of file qs_tddfpt2_utils.F.
subroutine, public qs_tddfpt2_utils::tddfpt_init_ground_state_mos | ( | type(tddfpt_ground_state_mos) | gs_mos, |
type(mo_set_type), intent(in) | mo_set, | ||
integer, intent(in) | nlumo, | ||
type(cp_blacs_env_type), pointer | blacs_env, | ||
integer, intent(in) | cholesky_method, | ||
type(dbcsr_type), pointer | matrix_ks, | ||
type(dbcsr_type), pointer | matrix_s, | ||
type(cp_fm_type), intent(in), pointer | mos_virt, | ||
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer | evals_virt, | ||
type(qs_environment_type), intent(in), pointer | qs_env | ||
) |
Generate all virtual molecular orbitals for a given spin by diagonalising the corresponding Kohn-Sham matrix.
gs_mos | structure to store occupied and virtual molecular orbitals (allocated and initialised on exit) |
mo_set | ground state molecular orbitals for a given spin |
nlumo | number of unoccupied states to consider (-1 means all states) |
blacs_env | BLACS parallel environment |
cholesky_method | Cholesky method to compute the inverse overlap matrix |
matrix_ks | Kohn-Sham matrix for a given spin |
matrix_s | overlap matrix |
mos_virt | precomputed (OT) expansion coefficients of virtual molecular orbitals (in addition to the ADDED_MOS, if present). NULL when no OT is in use. |
evals_virt | orbital energies of precomputed (OT) virtual molecular orbitals. NULL when no OT is in use. |
qs_env | ... |
Definition at line 235 of file qs_tddfpt2_utils.F.
subroutine, public qs_tddfpt2_utils::tddfpt_release_ground_state_mos | ( | type(tddfpt_ground_state_mos), intent(inout) | gs_mos | ) |
Release molecular orbitals.
gs_mos | structure that holds occupied and virtual molecular orbitals |
Definition at line 546 of file qs_tddfpt2_utils.F.
subroutine, public qs_tddfpt2_utils::tddfpt_oecorr | ( | type(qs_environment_type), pointer | qs_env, |
type(tddfpt_ground_state_mos), dimension(:), pointer | gs_mos, | ||
type(dbcsr_p_type), dimension(:), pointer | matrix_ks_oep | ||
) |
Callculate orbital corrected KS matrix for TDDFPT.
qs_env | Quickstep environment |
gs_mos | ... |
matrix_ks_oep | ... |
Definition at line 591 of file qs_tddfpt2_utils.F.
pure integer(kind=int_8) function, public qs_tddfpt2_utils::tddfpt_total_number_of_states | ( | type(tddfpt_ground_state_mos), dimension(:), intent(in) | gs_mos | ) |
Compute the number of possible singly excited states (occ -> virt)
gs_mos | occupied and virtual molecular orbitals optimised for the ground state |
Definition at line 734 of file qs_tddfpt2_utils.F.
subroutine, public qs_tddfpt2_utils::tddfpt_guess_vectors | ( | type(cp_fm_type), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) | evects, |
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) | evals, | ||
type(tddfpt_ground_state_mos), dimension(size(evects, 1)), intent(in) | gs_mos, | ||
integer, intent(in) | log_unit | ||
) |
Generate missed guess vectors.
evects | guess vectors distributed across all processors (initialised on exit) |
evals | guessed transition energies (initialised on exit) |
gs_mos | occupied and virtual molecular orbitals optimised for the ground state |
log_unit | output unit |
Based on the subroutine co_initial_guess() which was originally created by Thomas Chassaing on 06.2003.
Only not associated guess vectors 'evects(spin, state)matrix' are allocated and initialised; associated vectors assumed to be initialised elsewhere (e.g. using a restart file).
Definition at line 930 of file qs_tddfpt2_utils.F.