cp2k_debug Module Reference

Debug energy and derivatives w.r.t. finite differences. More...


subroutine, public cp2k_debug_energy_and_forces (force_env)
 ... More...

Detailed Description

Debug energy and derivatives w.r.t. finite differences.

Use INTERPOLATION USE_GUESS, in order to perform force and energy calculations with the same density. This is not compulsory when iterating to selfconsistency, but essential in the non-selfconsistent case [08.2005,TdK].
12.2004 created [tlaino] 08.2005 consistent_energies option added, to allow FD calculations with the correct energies in the non-selfconsistent case, but keep in mind, that the QS energies and forces are then NOT consistent to each other [TdK]. 08.2005 In case the Harris functional is used, consistent_energies is et to .FALSE., otherwise the QS energies are spuriously used [TdK]. 01.2015 Remove Harris functional option
  • Revised (20.11.2013,MK)
Teodoro Laino

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cp2k_debug_energy_and_forces()

subroutine, public cp2k_debug::cp2k_debug_energy_and_forces ( type(force_env_type), pointer  force_env)



Definition at line 75 of file cp2k_debug.F.

Here is the call graph for this function: