No Matches
rocm_backend Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  context_info
class  gpu_vector
class  grid_info
struct  kernel_params
 Parameters of the collocate kernel. More...
struct  ldiffs_value
 Differences in angular momentum. More...
struct  orbital
 Orbital angular momentum. More...
class  smem_parameters
struct  smem_task
 data needed for calculating the coefficients, forces, and stress More...
struct  smem_task_reduced
 data needed for collocate and integrate kernels More...
struct  task_info
 Internal representation of a task. More...


__device__ __inline__ double fac (const int i)
 Factorial function, e.g. fac(5) = 5! = 120.
__host__ __device__ __inline__ int ncoset (const int l)
 Number of Cartesian orbitals up to given angular momentum quantum.
__host__ __device__ __inline__ int coset (int lx, int ly, int lz)
 Maps three angular momentum components to a single zero based index.
__device__ __inline__ orbital up (const int i, const orbital &a)
 Increase i'th component of given orbital angular momentum.
__inline__ __device__ orbital down (const int i, const orbital &a)
 Decrease i'th component of given orbital angular momentum.
__inline__ __device__ int idx (const orbital a)
 Return coset index of given orbital angular momentum.
__device__ __inline__ double power (const double x, const int expo)
template<typename T = double>
__device__ __inline__ void prep_term (const orbital a, const orbital b, const T value, const int n, T *cab)
 Adds given value to matrix element cab[idx(b)][idx(a)].
static void init_constant_memory ()
 Initializes the device's constant memory.
__inline__ __device__ double3 compute_coordinates (const double *__restrict__ dh_, const double x, const double y, const double z)
__inline__ __device__ float3 compute_coordinates (const float *__restrict__ dh_, const float x, const float y, const float z)
template<typename T >
__inline__ __device__ void compute_alpha (const smem_task< T > &task, T *__restrict__ alpha)
 Computes the polynomial expansion coefficients: (x-a)**lxa (x-b)**lxb -> sum_{ls} alpha(ls,lxa,lxb,1)*(x-p)**ls.
__host__ __inline__ __device__ void convert_to_lattice_coordinates (const double *dh_inv_, const double3 *__restrict__ const rp, double3 *__restrict__ rp_c)
__host__ __inline__ __device__ void convert_from_lattice_coordinates_to_cartesian (const double *__restrict__ dh_, const double3 *__restrict__ const rp, double3 *__restrict__ rp_c)
__host__ __inline__ __device__ void convert_to_lattice_coordinates (const float *dh_inv_, const float3 *__restrict__ const rp, float3 *__restrict__ rp_c)
__host__ __inline__ __device__ void convert_from_lattice_coordinates_to_cartesian (const float *__restrict__ dh_, const float3 *__restrict__ const rp, float3 *__restrict__ rp_c)
template<typename T , typename T3 , bool orthorhombic_>
__inline__ T compute_cube_properties (const T radius, const T *const __restrict__ dh_, const T *const __restrict__ dh_inv_, const T3 *__restrict__ rp, T3 *__restrict__ roffset, int3 *__restrict__ cubecenter, int3 *__restrict__ lb_cube, int3 *__restrict__ cube_size)
__inline__ __device__ void compute_window_size (const int *const grid_size, const int border_mask, const int *border_width, int3 *const window_size, int3 *const window_shift)
template<typename T >
__device__ static __inline__ void cab_to_cxyz (const smem_task< T > &task, const T *__restrict__ alpha, const T *__restrict__ cab, T *__restrict__ cxyz)
 Transforms coefficients C_ab into C_xyz.
template<typename T >
__device__ static __inline__ void cxyz_to_cab (const smem_task< T > &task, const T *__restrict__ alpha, const T *__restrict__ cxyz, T *__restrict__ cab)
 Transforms coefficients C_xyz into C_ab.
template<typename T , typename T3 >
__device__ __inline__ void fill_smem_task_reduced (const kernel_params &dev, const int task_id, smem_task_reduced< T, T3 > &task)
 Copies a task from global to shared memory.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void fill_smem_task_coef (const kernel_params &dev, const int task_id, smem_task< T > &task)
 Copies a task from global to shared memory and does precomputations.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void prepare_pab_AB (const orbital a, const orbital b, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_AB, ie. identity transformation.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void prepare_pab_DADB (const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_DADB.
template<typename T >
__device__ void prepare_pab_ADBmDAB (const int idir, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_ADBmDAB_{X,Y,Z}.
template<typename T >
__device__ void prepare_pab_ARDBmDARB (const int idir, const int ir, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_ARDBmDARB_{X,Y,Z}{X,Y,Z}.
template<typename T >
__device__ void prepare_pab_DABpADB (const int idir, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_DABpADB_{X,Y,Z}.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void prepare_pab_Di (const int ider, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_{DX,DY,DZ}.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void oneterm_dijdij (const int idir, const T func_a, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zetb, const int n, T *cab)
 Helper for grid_prepare_pab_DiDj.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void prepare_pab_DiDj (const int ider1, const int ider2, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_{DXDY,DYDZ,DZDX}.
template<typename T >
__device__ void oneterm_diidii (const int idir, const T func_a, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zetb, const int n, T *cab)
 Helper for grid_prepare_pab_Di2.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void prepare_pab_Di2 (const int ider, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_{DXDX,DYDY,DZDZ}.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void prepare_pab (const enum grid_func func, const orbital a, const orbital b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T pab_val, const int n, T *cab)
 Transforms a given element of the density matrix according to func.
ldiffs_value prepare_get_ldiffs (const enum grid_func func)
 Returns difference in angular momentum range for given func.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T get_term (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns matrix element cab[idx(b)][idx(a)].
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T get_force_a_normal (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const T zeta, const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns i'th component of force on atom a for compute_tau=false.
template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double get_force_a (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const T zeta, const T zetb, const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns i'th component of force on atom a.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double get_force_b_normal (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const T zetb, const T rab[3], const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns i'th component of force on atom b for compute_tau=false.
template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T get_force_b (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T rab[3], const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns i'th component of force on atom b.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double get_virial_a_normal (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const int j, const T zeta, const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns element i,j of virial on atom a for compute_tau=false.
template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T get_virial_a (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const int j, const T zeta, const T zetb, const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns element i,j of virial on atom a.
template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double get_virial_b_normal (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const int j, const T zetb, const T rab[3], const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns element i,j of virial on atom b for compute_tau=false.
template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double get_virial_b (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const int i, const int j, const T zeta, const T zetb, const T rab[3], const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns element i,j of virial on atom b.
template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T get_hab (const orbital &a, const orbital &b, const T zeta, const T zetb, const int n, const T *cab)
 Returns element i,j of hab matrix.
ldiffs_value process_get_ldiffs (bool calculate_forces, bool calculate_virial, bool compute_tau)
 Returns difference in angular momentum range for given flags.


__constant__ orbital coset_inv [1330]
__constant__ int binomial_coef [19][19]

Function Documentation

◆ fac()

__device__ __inline__ double rocm_backend::fac ( const int  i)

Factorial function, e.g. fac(5) = 5! = 120.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 139 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ ncoset()

__host__ __device__ __inline__ int rocm_backend::ncoset ( const int  l)

Number of Cartesian orbitals up to given angular momentum quantum.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 164 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ coset()

__host__ __device__ __inline__ int rocm_backend::coset ( int  lx,
int  ly,
int  lz 

Maps three angular momentum components to a single zero based index.

Definition at line 176 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ up()

__device__ __inline__ orbital rocm_backend::up ( const int  i,
const orbital a 

Increase i'th component of given orbital angular momentum.

Definition at line 188 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ down()

__inline__ __device__ orbital rocm_backend::down ( const int  i,
const orbital a 

Decrease i'th component of given orbital angular momentum.

Definition at line 197 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idx()

__inline__ __device__ int rocm_backend::idx ( const orbital  a)

Return coset index of given orbital angular momentum.

Definition at line 206 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ power()

__device__ __inline__ double rocm_backend::power ( const double  x,
const int  expo 

Definition at line 210 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prep_term()

template<typename T = double>
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::prep_term ( const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  value,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Adds given value to matrix element cab[idx(b)][idx(a)].

Definition at line 221 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ init_constant_memory()

static void rocm_backend::init_constant_memory ( )

Initializes the device's constant memory.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 230 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ compute_coordinates() [1/2]

__inline__ __device__ double3 rocm_backend::compute_coordinates ( const double *__restrict__  dh_,
const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  z 

Definition at line 288 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ compute_coordinates() [2/2]

__inline__ __device__ float3 rocm_backend::compute_coordinates ( const float *__restrict__  dh_,
const float  x,
const float  y,
const float  z 

Definition at line 301 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ compute_alpha()

template<typename T >
__inline__ __device__ void rocm_backend::compute_alpha ( const smem_task< T > &  task,
T *__restrict__  alpha 

Computes the polynomial expansion coefficients: (x-a)**lxa (x-b)**lxb -> sum_{ls} alpha(ls,lxa,lxb,1)*(x-p)**ls.

Definition at line 320 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ convert_to_lattice_coordinates() [1/2]

__host__ __inline__ __device__ void rocm_backend::convert_to_lattice_coordinates ( const double *  dh_inv_,
const double3 *__restrict__ const  rp,
double3 *__restrict__  rp_c 

Definition at line 356 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert_from_lattice_coordinates_to_cartesian() [1/2]

__host__ __inline__ __device__ void rocm_backend::convert_from_lattice_coordinates_to_cartesian ( const double *__restrict__  dh_,
const double3 *__restrict__ const  rp,
double3 *__restrict__  rp_c 

Definition at line 365 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert_to_lattice_coordinates() [2/2]

__host__ __inline__ __device__ void rocm_backend::convert_to_lattice_coordinates ( const float *  dh_inv_,
const float3 *__restrict__ const  rp,
float3 *__restrict__  rp_c 

Definition at line 374 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ convert_from_lattice_coordinates_to_cartesian() [2/2]

__host__ __inline__ __device__ void rocm_backend::convert_from_lattice_coordinates_to_cartesian ( const float *__restrict__  dh_,
const float3 *__restrict__ const  rp,
float3 *__restrict__  rp_c 

Definition at line 383 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ compute_cube_properties()

template<typename T , typename T3 , bool orthorhombic_>
__inline__ T rocm_backend::compute_cube_properties ( const T  radius,
const T *const __restrict__  dh_,
const T *const __restrict__  dh_inv_,
const T3 *__restrict__  rp,
T3 *__restrict__  roffset,
int3 *__restrict__  cubecenter,
int3 *__restrict__  lb_cube,
int3 *__restrict__  cube_size 

Definition at line 392 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ compute_window_size()

__inline__ __device__ void rocm_backend::compute_window_size ( const int *const  grid_size,
const int  border_mask,
const int *  border_width,
int3 *const  window_size,
int3 *const  window_shift 

Definition at line 526 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ cab_to_cxyz()

template<typename T >
__device__ static __inline__ void rocm_backend::cab_to_cxyz ( const smem_task< T > &  task,
const T *__restrict__  alpha,
const T *__restrict__  cab,
T *__restrict__  cxyz 

Transforms coefficients C_ab into C_xyz.

Definition at line 558 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ cxyz_to_cab()

template<typename T >
__device__ static __inline__ void rocm_backend::cxyz_to_cab ( const smem_task< T > &  task,
const T *__restrict__  alpha,
const T *__restrict__  cxyz,
T *__restrict__  cab 

Transforms coefficients C_xyz into C_ab.

Definition at line 609 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ fill_smem_task_reduced()

template<typename T , typename T3 >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::fill_smem_task_reduced ( const kernel_params dev,
const int  task_id,
smem_task_reduced< T, T3 > &  task 

Copies a task from global to shared memory.

Definition at line 661 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ fill_smem_task_coef()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::fill_smem_task_coef ( const kernel_params dev,
const int  task_id,
smem_task< T > &  task 

Copies a task from global to shared memory and does precomputations.

Definition at line 701 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ prepare_pab_AB()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_AB ( const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_AB, ie. identity transformation.

Definition at line 25 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

◆ prepare_pab_DADB()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_DADB ( const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_DADB.

Definition at line 38 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepare_pab_ADBmDAB()

template<typename T >
__device__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_ADBmDAB ( const int  idir,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_ADBmDAB_{X,Y,Z}.

Definition at line 59 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepare_pab_ARDBmDARB()

template<typename T >
__device__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_ARDBmDARB ( const int  idir,
const int  ir,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_ARDBmDARB_{X,Y,Z}{X,Y,Z}.

Definition at line 80 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepare_pab_DABpADB()

template<typename T >
__device__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_DABpADB ( const int  idir,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_DABpADB_{X,Y,Z}.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 105 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepare_pab_Di()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_Di ( const int  ider,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_{DX,DY,DZ}.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 128 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ oneterm_dijdij()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::oneterm_dijdij ( const int  idir,
const T  func_a,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zetb,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Helper for grid_prepare_pab_DiDj.

Definition at line 152 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepare_pab_DiDj()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_DiDj ( const int  ider1,
const int  ider2,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_{DXDY,DYDZ,DZDX}.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 182 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ oneterm_diidii()

template<typename T >
__device__ void rocm_backend::oneterm_diidii ( const int  idir,
const T  func_a,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zetb,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Helper for grid_prepare_pab_Di2.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 209 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepare_pab_Di2()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab_Di2 ( const int  ider,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Implementation of function GRID_FUNC_{DXDX,DYDY,DZDZ}.

Definition at line 224 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepare_pab()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ void rocm_backend::prepare_pab ( const enum grid_func  func,
const orbital  a,
const orbital  b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  pab_val,
const int  n,
T *  cab 

Transforms a given element of the density matrix according to func.

funcTransformation function to apply, one of GRID_FUNC_*.
{a,b}Orbital angular momenta.
zet_{a,b}Gaussian exponents.
pab_valInput matrix element of pab.
nLeading dimensions of output matrix cab.
cabOutput matrix.

Definition at line 252 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

◆ prepare_get_ldiffs()

ldiffs_value rocm_backend::prepare_get_ldiffs ( const enum grid_func  func)

Returns difference in angular momentum range for given func.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 344 of file grid_hip_prepare_pab.h.

◆ get_term()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T rocm_backend::get_term ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns matrix element cab[idx(b)][idx(a)].

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 27 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_force_a_normal()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T rocm_backend::get_force_a_normal ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const T  zeta,
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns i'th component of force on atom a for compute_tau=false.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 37 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_force_a()

template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double rocm_backend::get_force_a ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns i'th component of force on atom a.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 51 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_force_b_normal()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double rocm_backend::get_force_b_normal ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const T  zetb,
const T  rab[3],
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns i'th component of force on atom b for compute_tau=false.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 81 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_force_b()

template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T rocm_backend::get_force_b ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  rab[3],
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns i'th component of force on atom b.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 94 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_virial_a_normal()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double rocm_backend::get_virial_a_normal ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const int  j,
const T  zeta,
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns element i,j of virial on atom a for compute_tau=false.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 125 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_virial_a()

template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T rocm_backend::get_virial_a ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const int  j,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns element i,j of virial on atom a.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 136 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_virial_b_normal()

template<typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double rocm_backend::get_virial_b_normal ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const int  j,
const T  zetb,
const T  rab[3],
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns element i,j of virial on atom b for compute_tau=false.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 168 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_virial_b()

template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ double rocm_backend::get_virial_b ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const int  i,
const int  j,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const T  rab[3],
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns element i,j of virial on atom b.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 186 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_hab()

template<bool compute_tau, typename T >
__device__ __inline__ T rocm_backend::get_hab ( const orbital a,
const orbital b,
const T  zeta,
const T  zetb,
const int  n,
const T *  cab 

Returns element i,j of hab matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 217 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ process_get_ldiffs()

ldiffs_value rocm_backend::process_get_ldiffs ( bool  calculate_forces,
bool  calculate_virial,
bool  compute_tau 

Returns difference in angular momentum range for given flags.

Definition at line 241 of file grid_hip_process_vab.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ coset_inv

__constant__ orbital rocm_backend::coset_inv[1330]

Definition at line 63 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.

◆ binomial_coef

__constant__ int rocm_backend::binomial_coef[19][19]

Definition at line 64 of file grid_hip_internal_header.h.