No Matches
averages_types::average_quantities_type Type Reference

Data Fields

integer ref_count = 0
integer itimes_start = -1
logical do_averages = .FALSE.
type(section_vals_type), pointer averages_section => NULL()
real(kind=dp) avetemp = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avepot = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avekin = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avevol = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) aveca = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avecb = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avecc = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avetemp_baro = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avehugoniot = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avecpu = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) aveal = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avebe = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avega = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avepress = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avekinc = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avetempc = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avepxx = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avetemp_qm = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) avekin_qm = 0.0_dp
real(kind=dp) econs = 0.0_dp
type(virial_type), pointer virial => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer avecolvar => NULL()
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer avemmatrix => NULL()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file averages_types.F.

Field Documentation

◆ ref_count

integer averages_types::average_quantities_type::ref_count = 0

Definition at line 39 of file averages_types.F.

◆ itimes_start

integer averages_types::average_quantities_type::itimes_start = -1

Definition at line 39 of file averages_types.F.

◆ do_averages

logical averages_types::average_quantities_type::do_averages = .FALSE.

Definition at line 40 of file averages_types.F.

◆ averages_section

type(section_vals_type), pointer averages_types::average_quantities_type::averages_section => NULL()

Definition at line 41 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avetemp

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avetemp = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 43 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avepot

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avepot = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 43 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avekin

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avekin = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 43 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avevol

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avevol = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 43 of file averages_types.F.

◆ aveca

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::aveca = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 43 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avecb

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avecb = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 43 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avecc

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avecc = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 43 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avetemp_baro

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avetemp_baro = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 45 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avehugoniot

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avehugoniot = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 45 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avecpu

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avecpu = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 45 of file averages_types.F.

◆ aveal

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::aveal = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 46 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avebe

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avebe = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 46 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avega

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avega = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 46 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avepress

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avepress = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 46 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avekinc

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avekinc = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 46 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avetempc

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avetempc = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 46 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avepxx

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avepxx = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 46 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avetemp_qm

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avetemp_qm = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 48 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avekin_qm

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::avekin_qm = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 48 of file averages_types.F.

◆ econs

real(kind=dp) averages_types::average_quantities_type::econs = 0.0_dp

Definition at line 48 of file averages_types.F.

◆ virial

type(virial_type), pointer averages_types::average_quantities_type::virial => NULL()

Definition at line 50 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avecolvar

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer averages_types::average_quantities_type::avecolvar => NULL()

Definition at line 52 of file averages_types.F.

◆ avemmatrix

real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer averages_types::average_quantities_type::avemmatrix => NULL()

Definition at line 53 of file averages_types.F.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: