No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cai_operators_r12::ab_sint_osInterface for the calculation of integrals over s-functions and the s-type auxiliary integrals using the Obara-Saika (OS) scheme
 Cqmmm_types_low::add_shell_typeParameters for core-shell model potentials
 Cadmm_types::admm_gapw_r3d_rs_typeA subtype of the admm_env that contains the extra data needed for an ADMM GAPW calculation
 Cadmm_types::admm_typeStores some data used in wavefunction fitting
 Catom_types::atom_basis_typeProvides all information about a basis set
 Catom_types::atom_gthpot_typeProvides all information about a pseudopotential
 Catom_types::atom_hfx_typeProvides info about hartree-fock exchange (For now, we only support potentials that can be represented with Coulomb and longrange-coulomb potential)
 Catom_types::atom_optimization_typeInformation on optimization procedure
 Catom_types::atom_orbitalsHolds atomic orbitals and energies
 Catom_types::atom_stateProvides all information on states and occupation
 Catom_types::atom_typeProvides all information about an atomic kind
 Catomic_kind_list_types::atomic_kind_list_p_typePointer to a list
 Catomic_kind_list_types::atomic_kind_list_typeRepresent a list of objects
 Catomic_kind_types::atomic_kind_typeProvides all information about an atomic kind
 Catprop_types::atprop_typeType for the atomic properties
 Cbackend_context_tPrivate struct for storing the context of the multiplication backend
 Coptimize_basis_types::basis_optimization_typeType containing all information needed for basis matching
 Ccp_parser_buffer_types::buffer_typeBuffer type for speeding-up the parsing in parallel
 Ccab_storeCab matrix container to be passed through get_force/virial to cab_get
 Cnegf_integr_cc::ccquad_typeAdaptive Clenshaw-Curtis environment
 Cqs_cdft_types::cdft_group_typeControl parameters for CDFT simulations
 Cqs_cdft_opt_types::cdft_opt_typeParameters needed by CDFT specific optimizers
 Ccell_opt_types::cell_opt_env_typeType containing all informations abour the simulation cell optimization
 Ccell_types::cell_typeType defining parameters related to the simulation cell
 Ccolvar_types::colvar_typeParameters for a collective variable
 Ccp_cfm_types::copy_cfm_info_typeStores the state of a copy between cp_cfm_start_copy_general and cp_cfm_finish_copy_general
 Ccp_fm_types::copy_info_typeStores the state of a copy between cp_fm_start_copy_general and cp_fm_finish_copy_general
 Ccp2k_csr_interop_typeCP2K's C-interoperable CSR matrix This definition matches the respective type definition in the transport_env_types module
 Ccp2k_transport_parametersTransport parameters read from a CP2K input file. This definition matches the respective type definition in the transport_env_types module
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_c_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_c_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_i_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_i_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_logical_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_logical_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_r_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_r_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 1d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_c_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_c_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_i_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_i_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_logical_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_logical_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_r_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_r_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 2d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_c_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_c_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 3d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_i_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_i_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 3d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_logical_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_logical_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 3d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_r_cp_typeRepresent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array
 Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_r_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a 3d array
 Ccp_cfm_types::cp_cfm_p_typeJust to build arrays of pointers to matrices
 Ccp_cfm_types::cp_cfm_typeRepresent a complex full matrix
 Ccp_fm_types::cp_fm_p_typeJust to build arrays of pointers to matrices
 Ccp_fm_pool_types::cp_fm_pool_p_typeTo create arrays of pools
 Ccp_fm_pool_types::cp_fm_pool_typeRepresent a pool of elements with the same structure
 Ccp_fm_struct::cp_fm_struct_typeKeeps the information about the structure of a full matrix
 Ccp_fm_types::cp_fm_typeRepresent a full matrix
 Ccp_iter_types::cp_iteration_info_typeInformation about the current state of the program to be able to decide if output is necessary
 Ccp_lbfgs_optimizer_gopt::cp_lbfgs_opt_gopt_typeInfo for the optimizer (see the description of this module)
 Ccp_log_handling::cp_logger_typeType of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be logged (0 note, 1 warning, 2 failure, 3 fatal) it could be expanded with the ability to focus on one or more module/object/thread/processor
 Ccp_parser_types::cp_parser_typeRepresent a parser
 Ccp_result_types::cp_result_typeArbitrary information which need to be stored
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_c_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_c_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_r_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_r_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_c_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_c_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_r_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_r_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_char_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_char_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_sll_fm_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_sll_fm_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_int_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_int_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_logical_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_logical_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_real_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_real_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_rs_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_rs_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_val_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_val_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_sll_xc_deriv_p_typePointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers)
 Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_sll_xc_deriv_typeRepresent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements
 Ccp_subsys_types::cp_subsys_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a subsys, to be able to create arrays of pointers
 Ccp_subsys_types::cp_subsys_typeSystem: atoms, molecules, their pos,vel,..
 Ccp_units::cp_unit_set_typeStores the default units to be used
 Ccp_units::cp_unit_typeStores a unit
 Ccryssym::csym_typeCSM type
 Cdbm_block_tInternal struct for storing a block's metadata
 Cdbm_comm_iterator_tInternal struct for storing a communication iterator
 Cdbm_dist_1d_tInternal struct for storing a one dimensional distribution
 Cdbm_distribution_tInternal struct for storing a two dimensional distribution
 Cdbm_iterator_tInternal struct for storing a block iterator
 Cdbm_matrix_tInternal struct for storing a matrix
 Cdbm_memchunkPrivate struct for storing a chunk of memory
 Cdbm_memstats_tInternal struct for pool statistics
 Cdbm_pack_block_tInternal struct for storing a dbm_block_t plus its norm
 Cdbm_pack_tInternal struct for storing a pack - essentially a shard for MPI
 Cdbm_packed_matrix_tInternal struct for storing a packed matrix
 Cdbm_shard_tInternal struct for storing a matrix shard
 Cdbm_task_tInternal struct for storing a task, ie. a single block multiplication
 Cdg_rho0_types::dg_rho0_typeType for Gaussian Densities type = type of gaussian (PME) grid = grid number gcc = Gaussian contraction coefficient zet = Gaussian exponent
 Cdimer_types::dimer_env_typeDefines the environment for a Dimer Method calculation
 Cdistribution_1d_types::distribution_1d_typeStructure to store local (to a processor) ordered lists of integers
 Cdistribution_2d_types::distribution_2d_typeDistributes pairs on a 2d grid of processors
 Cxas_tdp_types::donor_state_typeType containing informations about a single donor state
 Ceip_environment_types::eip_environment_typeThe empirical interatomic potential environment
 Cembed_types::embed_env_typeEmbedding environment type
 Cec_env_types::energy_correction_typeContains information on the energy correction functional for KG
 Ckg_environment_types::energy_correction_typeContains information on the energy correction functional for KG
 Catom_types::eriHolds atomic integrals
 Cqs_active_space_types::eri_type_eri_element_funcAbstract function object for the eri_type_eri_foreach method
 Cqs_active_space_types::eri_type_eri_element_func_interfaceThe function signature to be implemented by a child of eri_type_eri_element_func
 Cewald_environment_types::ewald_environment_typeTo build arrays of pointers
 Cexstates_types::excited_energy_typeContains information on the excited states energy
 Cexclusion_types::exclusion_typeA type used to store lists of exclusions and onfos
 Cqs_fb_atomic_halo_types::fb_atomic_halo_list_objDefines a fb_atomic_halo_list object
 Cqs_fb_atomic_halo_types::fb_atomic_halo_objDefines a fb_atomic_halo object
 Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_d_objObject/pointer wrapper for fb_buffer object
 Cqs_fb_com_tasks_types::fb_com_atom_pairs_objDefines a fb_com_atom_pairs object
 Cqs_fb_com_tasks_types::fb_com_tasks_objDefines a fb_com_tasks object
 Cqs_fb_env_types::fb_env_objObject container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_env
 Cqs_fb_hash_table_types::fb_hash_table_objObject container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_hash_table objects
 Cqs_fb_matrix_data_types::fb_matrix_data_objObject container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_matrix_data objects
 Cqs_fb_trial_fns_types::fb_trial_fns_objObject container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_trial_fns objects
 Cforce_env_types::force_env_p_typeAllows for the creation of an array of force_env
 Cforce_env_types::force_env_typeWrapper to abstract the force evaluation of the various methods
 Cqs_kernel_types::full_kernel_env_typeCollection of variables required to evaluate adiabatic TDDFPT kernel
 Cglobal_types::global_environment_typeInitially parsed file and the initial parallel environment
 Cgopt_f_types::gopt_f_typeCalculates the potential energy of a system, and its derivatives
 Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< T >
 Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< double * >
 Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< double >
 Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< int >
 Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< rocm_backend::task_info >
 Cnegf_green_cache::green_functions_cache_typeStorage to keep surface Green's functions
 Cpw_poisson_types::greens_fn_typeAll the informations needed by the fft based poisson solvers
 Cgrid_basis_setInternal representation of a basis set
 Cgrid_cpu_layoutInternal representation of a grid layout
 Cgrid_cpu_taskInternal representation of a task
 Cgrid_cpu_task_listInternal representation of a task list
 Crocm_backend::grid_info< T >
 Cgrid_library_configConfiguration of the grid library
 Cgrid_ref_layoutInternal representation of a grid layout
 Cgrid_ref_taskInternal representation of a task
 Cgrid_ref_task_listInternal representation of a task list
 Cgrid_sphere_cacheStruct holding the entire sphere cache, ie. for all grids
 Cgrid_sphere_cache_entryStruct holding the sphere cache for one grid as specified by dr[3]
 Cgrid_task_listInternal representation of a task list, abstracting various backends
 Cqs_harris_types::harris_typeContains information on the Harris method
 Chelium_types::helium_solvent_p_typeData structure for array of solvent helium environments
 Chelium_types::helium_solvent_typeData structure for solvent helium
 Chfx_types::hfx_typeStores some data used in construction of Kohn-Sham matrix
 Cmetadynamics_types::hills_env_typeDefines types for HILLS
 Chirshfeld_types::hirshfeld_typeQuantities needed for a Hirshfeld based partitioning of real space
 Chelium_types::int_arr_ptrA pointer to an integer array, data type to be used in arrays of pointers
 Cipi_environment_types::ipi_environment_typeThe i–PI environment
 Cqs_kernel_types::kernel_env_typeType to hold environments for the different kernels
 Crocm_backend::kernel_paramsParameters of the collocate kernel
 Cinput_keyword_types::keyword_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a keyword (to make arrays of pointers)
 Cinput_keyword_types::keyword_typeRepresent a keyword in the input
 Ckg_environment_types::kg_environment_typeContains all the info needed for KG runs..
 Ckpoint_types::kind_rotmat_typeRotation matrices for basis sets
 Ckpoint_types::kpoint_env_typeKeeps information about a specific k-point
 Ckpoint_types::kpoint_sym_typeKeeps symmetry information about a specific k-point
 Ckpoint_types::kpoint_typeContains information about kpoints
 Cqs_scf_types::krylov_space_typeWrapper for temporary and cached objects used in the scf iteration
 Crocm_backend::ldiffs_valueDifferences in angular momentum
 Cpexsi_types::lib_pexsi_envAll PEXSI related data
 Cqs_linres_types::linres_control_typeGeneral settings for linear response calculations
 Cqs_loc_types::localized_wfn_control_typeA type that holds controlling information for the calculation of the spread of wfn and the optimization of the spread functional
 Cmachine::m_cpuid_staticTarget architecture or instruction set extension according to compiler target flags
 Cmachine::m_omp_trace_issuesTrace OpenMP constructs if ennvironment variable CP2K_OMP_TRACE=1
 Cmetadynamics_types::meta_env_typeDefines meta_env type
 Cmetadynamics_types::metavar_typeDefines types for COLVAR used in the metadynamics
 Cmixed_cdft_types::mixed_cdft_settings_typeContainer for constraint settings to check consistency of force_evals
 Cmixed_cdft_types::mixed_cdft_typeMain mixed CDFT control type
 Cmolecule_kind_list_types::molecule_kind_list_p_typePointer to a list
 Cmolecule_kind_list_types::molecule_kind_list_typeRepresent a list of objects
 Cmolecule_list_types::molecule_list_p_typePointer to a list
 Cmolecule_list_types::molecule_list_typeRepresent a list of objects
 Cmolsym::molsym_typeContainer for information about molecular symmetry
 Cmessage_passing::mp_para_env_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a para env (to build arrays)
 Cmetadynamics_types::multiple_walkers_typeDefines types for multiple walkers run
 Cmultipole_types::multipole_typeDefine multipole type
 Csemi_empirical_mpole_types::nddo_mpole_typeGlobal Multipolar NDDO information type
 Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_imatrixAllocatable 2-D integer matrix
 Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_ivectorAllocatable 1-D integer vector
 Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_rmatrixAllocatable 2-D real matrix
 Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_rvectorAllocatable 1-D real vector
 Cnegf_atom_map::negf_atom_map_typeStructure that maps the given atom in the sourse FORCE_EVAL section with another atom from the target FORCE_EVAL section
 Cnegf_control_types::negf_control_contact_typeInput parameters related to a single contact
 Cnegf_control_types::negf_control_typeInput parameters related to the NEGF run
 Cnegf_env_types::negf_env_contact_typeContact-specific NEGF environment
 Cnegf_env_types::negf_env_typeNEGF environment
 Cnegf_subgroup_types::negf_subgroup_env_typeParallel (sub)group environment
 Cqs_nl_hash_table_types::nl_hash_table_objObject container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to nl_hash_table objects
 Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_acsf_ang_typeSet of angular symmetry function type
 Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_acsf_rad_typeSet of radial symmetry function type
 Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_arc_typeData type for artificial neural networks
 Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_neighbor_typeContains neighbors list of an atom
 Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_typeMain data type collecting all relevant data for neural network potentials
 Cpint_types::normalmode_env_typeData to perform the normalmode transformation
 Coffload_bufferInternal representation of a buffer
 Catom_types::opgrid_typeOperator grids
 Catom_types::opmat_typeOperator matrices
 Cembed_types::opt_dmfet_pot_typeType containing main data for matrix embedding potential optimization
 Cembed_types::opt_embed_pot_typeType containing main data for embedding potential optimization
 CorbitalOrbital angular momentum
 Crocm_backend::orbitalOrbital angular momentum
 Couter_scf_control_types::outer_scf_control_typeParameters needed by a scf run
 Cqs_kind_types::pao_descriptor_typeHolds information about a PAO descriptor
 Cpao_types::pao_model_typePAO-ML model for a single atomic kind
 Cqs_kind_types::pao_potential_typeHolds information about a PAO potential
 Cparticle_list_types::particle_list_p_typePointer to a list
 Cparticle_list_types::particle_list_typeRepresent a list of objects
 Cpint_types::piglet_therm_typeData to use the piglet thermostat
 Cpint_types::pile_therm_typeData to use the pile thermostat
 Cpint_types::pint_env_typeEnvironment for a path integral run
 Cplan_tPrivate struct used for planing during pack_matrix
 Cprepare_ldiffsDifferences in angular momentum
 Cprocess_ldiffsDifferences in angular momentum
 Cpw_env_types::pw_env_typeContained for different pw related things
 Cpw_poisson_types::pw_poisson_parameter_typeParameters for the poisson solver independet of input_section
 Cpw_poisson_types::pw_poisson_typeEnvironment for the poisson solver
 Cpw_pool_types::pw_pool_p_typeTo create arrays of pools
 Cpw_pool_types::pw_pool_typeManages a pool of grids (to be used for example as tmp objects), but can also be used to instantiate grids that are never given back
 Cpw_spline_utils::pw_spline_precond_typeStores information for the preconditioner used to calculate the coeffs of splines
 Cpwdft_environment_types::pwdft_energy_typeThe PWDFT energy type
 Cpwdft_environment_types::pwdft_environment_typeThe PWDFT environment type
 Cqcschema::qcschema_typeThe full QCSchema output type. For more information refer to: https://molssi-qc-schema.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec_components.html#output-components
 Cqmmm_gaussian_types::qmmm_gaussian_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a qmmm_gaussian_type, to be able to create arrays of pointers
 Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_imomm_link_typeLINKs IMOMM
 Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_links_typeLINKs summary
 Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_per_pot_typePeriodic Potential
 Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_pot_typeReal Space Potential
 Cqs_charges_types::qs_charges_typeContainer for information about total charges on the grids
 Cqs_diis_types::qs_diis_buffer_typeKeeps a buffer with the previous values of s,p,k
 Cqs_diis_types::qs_diis_buffer_type_kpBuild arrau of pointers to diis buffers in the k-point (complex full matrices) case
 Cqs_diis_types::qs_diis_buffer_type_sparseBuild array of pointers to diis buffers for sparse matrix case
 Cqs_kind_types::qs_kind_typeProvides all information about a quickstep kind
 Cqs_kpp1_env_types::qs_kpp1_env_typeEnvironment that keeps the informations and temporary val to build the kpp1 kernel matrix
 Cqs_ks_types::qs_ks_env_typeCalculation environment to calculate the ks matrix, holds all the needed vars. assumes that the core hamiltonian and energy are up to date
 Cqs_ks_qmmm_types::qs_ks_qmmm_env_typeCalculation environment to calculate the ks_qmmm matrix, holds the QM/MM potential and all the needed variables to compute the QM/MM electrostatic 1-electron ks matrix assumes that the core hamiltonian and energy are up to date. v_metal_rspace is the potential at the metal sites within the image charge approach
 Cqs_loc_types::qs_loc_env_typeAll the info needed by quickstep to calculate the spread of a selected set of orbitals and if required to minimize or maximize the spread by rotation of the orbitals
 Cqs_matrix_pools::qs_matrix_pools_typeContainer for the pools of matrixes used by qs
 Cqs_ot_types::qs_ot_settings_typeNotice, this variable needs to be copyable, needed for spins as e.g. in qs_ot_scf
 Cqs_p_env_types::qs_p_env_typeRepresent a qs system that is perturbed. Can calculate the linear operator and the rhs of the system of equations that needs to be solved for the perturbation
 Cqs_rho_types::qs_rho_typeKeeps the density in various representations, keeping track of which ones are valid
 Cqs_wf_history_types::qs_wf_history_p_typeTo create arrays of pointers to qs_wf_history_type
 Cqs_wf_history_types::qs_wf_history_typeKeeps track of the previous wavefunctions and can extrapolate them for the next step of md
 Cqs_wf_history_types::qs_wf_snapshot_typeRepresent a past snapshot of the wavefunction. some elements might not be associated (to spare memory) depending on how the snapshot was taken
 Cpint_types::qtb_therm_typeData to use the qtb thermostat
 Crel_control_types::rel_control_typeParameters needed by a relativistic calculation
 Creplica_types::replica_env_typeKeeps replicated information about the replicas
 Csemi_empirical_types::rotmat_typeRotation Matrix Type
 Cdbt_tas_global::rowcol_distMap matrix rows/cols to distribution rows/cols
 Csemi_empirical_types::se_int_screen_typeStore the value of the tapering function and possibly its derivative for screened integrals
 Csemi_empirical_types::se_taper_typeTaper type use in semi-empirical calculations
 Cinput_section_types::section_typeRepresent a section of the input file
 Cinput_section_types::section_vals_typeStores the values of a section
 Csemi_empirical_expns3_types::semi_empirical_expns3_p_type1/R^3 expansion type: array of pointers
 Csemi_empirical_mpole_types::semi_empirical_mpole_p_typeSemi-empirical integral multipole expansion type - pointer type
 Csemi_empirical_mpole_types::semi_empirical_mpole_typeSemi-empirical integral multipole expansion type
 Csemi_empirical_store_int_types::semi_empirical_si_typeSemi-empirical store integrals type
 Csemi_empirical_types::semi_empirical_typeSemi-empirical type
 Cshell_potential_types::shell_kind_typeDefine the shell type
 Csmeagol_matrix_utils::siesta_distrib_csc_struct_typeSparsity pattern of replicated SIESTA compressed sparse column (CSC) matrices
 Csimpar_types::simpar_typeSimulation parameter type for molecular dynamics
 Cnegf_integr_simpson::simpsonrule_typeA structure to store data needed for adaptive Simpson's rule algorithm
 Csmeagol_control_types::smeagol_control_typeSMEAGOL-related input parameters
 Cscf_control_types::smear_typeParameters needed by a scf run
 Crocm_backend::smem_task< T >Data needed for calculating the coefficients, forces, and stress
 Crocm_backend::smem_task_reduced< T, T3 >Data needed for collocate and integrate kernels
 Csplines_types::spline_data_typeData-structure that holds all needed information about a specific spline interpolation
 Cpint_types::staging_env_typeData to perform the staging transformation
 Cswarm_message::swarm_message_addAdds an entry from a swarm-message
 Cswarm_message::swarm_message_getReturns an entry from a swarm-message
 Ctaper_types::taper_typeTaper type
 Crocm_backend::task_infoInternal representation of a task
 Cqs_tddfpt2_types::tddfpt_ground_state_mosGround state molecular orbitals
 Cqs_tddfpt2_subgroups::tddfpt_subgroup_env_typeParallel (sub)group environment
 Cqs_tddfpt2_types::tddfpt_work_matricesSet of temporary ("work") matrices
 Cthermostat_types::thermostats_typeDefine thermostat types
 Cinput_val_types::val_p_typePointer to a val, to create arrays of pointers
 Cinput_val_types::val_typeType to have a wrapper that stores any basic fortran type
 Cxas_tdp_types::xas_atom_env_typeEnvironment type that contains all the info needed for XAS_TDP atomic grid calculations
 Cxas_control::xas_control_typeA type that holds controlling information for a xas calculation
 Cxas_tdp_types::xas_tdp_control_typeType containing control information for TDP XAS calculations
 Cxas_tdp_types::xas_tdp_env_typeType containing informations such as inputs and results for TDP XAS calculations
 Cxc_derivative_types::xc_derivative_p_typeRepresent a pointer to a derivative (to have arrays of derivatives)
 Cxc_derivative_set_types::xc_derivative_set_typeA derivative set contains the different derivatives of a xc-functional in form of a linked list
 Cxc_derivative_types::xc_derivative_typeRepresent a derivative of a functional
 Cxc_rho_cflags_types::xc_rho_cflags_typeFlag for each component of xc_rho_set, so that you can use it to tell which components you need, which ones you need,...
 Cxc_rho_set_types::xc_rho_set_typeRepresent a density, with all the representation and data needed to perform a functional evaluation