C_layout | |
C_task | |
Cai_operators_r12::ab_sint_os | Interface for the calculation of integrals over s-functions and the s-type auxiliary integrals using the Obara-Saika (OS) scheme |
Cmc_types::accattempt | |
Csockets_interface::accept_socket | |
Ckahan_sum::accurate_dot_product | |
Ckahan_sum::accurate_dot_product_2 | |
Ckahan_sum::accurate_sum | |
Cqs_active_space_types::active_space_type | |
Cqmmm_types_low::add_set_type | .. |
Cqmmm_types_low::add_shell_type | Parameters for core-shell model potentials |
Cdomain_submatrix_methods::add_submatrices | |
Ccp_control_types::admm_control_type | |
Cadmm_dm_types::admm_dm_type | |
Cadmm_types::admm_gapw_r3d_rs_type | A subtype of the admm_env that contains the extra data needed for an ADMM GAPW calculation |
Cadmm_types::admm_type | Stores some data used in wavefunction fitting |
Cal_system_types::al_system_type | |
Csap_kind_types::alist_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::all_potential_type | |
Cfist_nonbond_env_types::allegro_data_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::allegro_pot_type | |
Cdbt_allocate_wrap::allocate_any | |
Cexternal_potential_types::allocate_potential | |
Calmo_scf_diis_types::almo_scf_diis_init | |
Calmo_scf_diis_types::almo_scf_diis_type | |
Calmo_scf_types::almo_scf_env_type | |
Calmo_scf_types::almo_scf_history_type | |
Cforce_field_types::amber_info_type | |
Csemi_empirical_par_utils::amn_l | |
Cmulliken::ao_charges | |
Cpreconditioner::apply_preconditioner | |
Carnoldi_types::arnoldi_control_type | |
Carnoldi_types::arnoldi_data_type | |
Carnoldi_types::arnoldi_env_type | |
Ctopology_util::array1_list_type | |
Ctopology_util::array2_list_type | |
Cdbt_tas_util::array_eq | |
Cdbt_array_list_methods::array_list | |
Catom_types::atom_basis_type | Provides all information about a basis set |
Catom_types::atom_ecppot_type | |
Catom_types::atom_gthpot_type | Provides all information about a pseudopotential |
Catom_types::atom_hfx_type | Provides info about hartree-fock exchange (For now, we only support potentials that can be represented with Coulomb and longrange-coulomb potential) |
Catom_optimization::atom_history_type | |
Ctopology_types::atom_info_type | |
Catom_types::atom_integrals | |
Cqs_grid_atom::atom_integration_grid_type | |
Catom_types::atom_optimization_type | Information on optimization procedure |
Catom_types::atom_orbitals | Holds atomic orbitals and energies |
Catom_types::atom_p_type | |
Ctask_list_types::atom_pair_type | |
Ctmc_analysis_types::atom_pairs_type | |
Catom_types::atom_potential_type | |
Catom_sgp::atom_sgp_potential_type | |
Catom_types::atom_sgppot_type | |
Catom_types::atom_state | Provides all information on states and occupation |
Catom_types::atom_type | Provides all information about an atomic kind |
Cmolecule_kind_types::atom_type | |
Catom_upf::atom_upfpot_type | |
Catomic_kind_list_types::atomic_kind_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Catomic_kind_list_types::atomic_kind_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
Catomic_kind_types::atomic_kind_type | Provides all information about an atomic kind |
Catprop_types::atprop_type | Type for the atomic properties |
Caverages_types::average_quantities_type | |
Cbackend_context_t | Private struct for storing the context of the multiplication backend |
Cpost_scf_bandstructure_types::band_edges_type | |
Cbarostat_types::barostat_type | |
Coptimize_basis_types::basis_optimization_type | Type containing all information needed for basis matching |
Catom_grb::basis_p_type | |
Cbasis_set_container_types::basis_set_container_type | |
Cxas_tdp_types::batch_info_type | |
Cqs_cdft_types::becke_constraint_type | |
Cforce_field_kind_types::bend_kind_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::bend_type | |
Cai_contraction::block_add | |
Chfx_types::block_ind_type | |
Cdbt_block::block_nd | |
Cblock_p_types::block_p_type | |
Cforce_field_kind_types::bond_kind_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::bond_type | |
Ccp_parser_buffer_types::buffer_type | Buffer type for speeding-up the parsing in parallel |
Csubmatrix_types::buffer_type | |
Csubmatrix_types::bufptr_type | |
Ccab_store | Cab matrix container to be passed through get_force/virial to cab_get |
Cxc_functionals_utilities::calc_fx | |
Cxc_functionals_utilities::calc_rs | |
Cqs_density_matrices::calculate_density_matrix | |
Cqs_core_energies::calculate_ptrace | |
Cqs_collocate_density::calculate_rho_core | |
Cqs_collocate_density::calculate_rho_resp_all | |
Cqs_mo_methods::calculate_subspace_eigenvalues | |
Cqs_density_matrices::calculate_w_matrix | |
Ctimings_base_type::call_stat_type | |
Ccallgraph::callgraph_item_type | |
Ccallgraph::callgraph_type | |
Ctimings_base_type::callstack_entry_type | |
Clri_environment_types::carray | |
Cnegf_integr_cc::ccquad_type | Adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis environment |
Cqs_cdft_types::cdft_control_type | |
Cqs_cdft_types::cdft_group_type | Control parameters for CDFT simulations |
Cqs_cdft_opt_types::cdft_opt_type | Parameters needed by CDFT specific optimizers |
Ccell_opt_types::cell_opt_env_type | Type containing all informations abour the simulation cell optimization |
Ccell_types::cell_p_type | |
Ccell_types::cell_type | Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell |
Cforce_field_types::charmm_info_type | |
Cspherical_harmonics::clebsch_gordon | |
Csap_kind_types::clist_type | |
Csockets_interface::close_socket | |
Ccollocation_integration_ | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::colvar_constraint_type | |
Ccolvar_types::colvar_counters | |
Ccolvar_types::colvar_p_type | |
Ccolvar_types::colvar_type | Parameters for a collective variable |
Cqs_scf_methods::combine_ks_matrices | |
Ctopology_types::connectivity_info_type | |
Ctopology_types::constr_list_type | |
Ctopology_types::constraint_info_type | |
Crocm_backend::context_info | |
Cai_contraction::contraction | |
Ccp_cfm_types::copy_cfm_info_type | Stores the state of a copy between cp_cfm_start_copy_general and cp_cfm_finish_copy_general |
Ccp_fm_types::copy_info_type | Stores the state of a copy between cp_fm_start_copy_general and cp_fm_finish_copy_general |
Cexternal_potential_types::copy_potential | |
Cdomain_submatrix_methods::copy_submatrices | |
Ccp2k_csr_interop_type | CP2K's C-interoperable CSR matrix This definition matches the respective type definition in the transport_env_types module |
Ctransport_env_types::cp2k_csr_interop_type | |
Ccp2k_transport_parameters | Transport parameters read from a CP2K input file. This definition matches the respective type definition in the transport_env_types module |
Ctransport_env_types::cp2k_transport_parameters | |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_c_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_c_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_i_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_i_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_logical_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_logical_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_r_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 1d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_1d_r_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 1d array |
Cqs_density_mixing_types::cp_1d_z_p_type | |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_c_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_c_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_i_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_i_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_logical_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_logical_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_r_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_2d_r_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 2d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_c_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_c_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_i_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_i_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_logical_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_logical_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_r_cp_type | Represent a pointer to a contiguous 3d array |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_3d_r_p_type | Represent a pointer to a 3d array |
►Ccp_blacs_types::cp_blacs_type | |
Ccp_blacs_env::cp_blacs_env_type | Represent a blacs multidimensional parallel environment (for the mpi corrispective see cp_paratypes/mp_para_cart_type) |
Ccp_cfm_types::cp_cfm_p_type | Just to build arrays of pointers to matrices |
Ccp_cfm_basic_linalg::cp_cfm_scale | |
Ccp_cfm_types::cp_cfm_to_cfm | |
Ccp_cfm_types::cp_cfm_type | Represent a complex full matrix |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_create | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_create | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_create | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_create | |
Ccp_ddapc_types::cp_ddapc_ewald_type | |
Ccp_ddapc_types::cp_ddapc_type | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_dealloc | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_dealloc | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_dealloc | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_dealloc | |
Ccp_eri_mme_interface::cp_eri_mme_param | |
Ccp_eri_mme_interface::cp_eri_mme_set_params | |
Ccp_fm_basic_linalg::cp_fm_contracted_trace | |
Ccp_fm_types::cp_fm_p_type | Just to build arrays of pointers to matrices |
Ccp_fm_pool_types::cp_fm_pool_p_type | To create arrays of pools |
Ccp_fm_pool_types::cp_fm_pool_type | Represent a pool of elements with the same structure |
Ccp_fm_diag_utils::cp_fm_redistribute_info | |
Ccp_fm_types::cp_fm_release | |
Ccp_fm_struct::cp_fm_struct_p_type | |
Ccp_fm_struct::cp_fm_struct_type | Keeps the information about the structure of a full matrix |
Ccp_fm_types::cp_fm_to_fm | |
Ccp_fm_basic_linalg::cp_fm_trace | |
Ccp_fm_types::cp_fm_type | Represent a full matrix |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_get_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_get_first_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_get_length | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_get_length | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_get_length | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_get_length | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_get_rest | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_get_rest | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_get_rest | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_get_rest | |
Ccp_array_utils::cp_guarantee_size | |
Ccp_min_heap::cp_heap_type | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_insert | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_insert | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_insert | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_insert | |
Ccp_iter_types::cp_iteration_info_type | Information about the current state of the program to be able to decide if output is necessary |
Ccp_lbfgs_optimizer_gopt::cp_lbfgs_opt_gopt_type | Info for the optimizer (see the description of this module) |
Clibint_wrapper::cp_libint_t | |
Ccp_log_handling::cp_logger_p_type | |
Ccp_log_handling::cp_logger_type | Type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be logged (0 note, 1 warning, 2 failure, 3 fatal) it could be expanded with the ability to focus on one or more module/object/thread/processor |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_next | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_next | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_next | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_next | |
Ccp_parser_types::cp_parser_type | Represent a parser |
Cpexsi_interface::cp_pexsi_options | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_remove_all | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_remove_all | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_remove_all | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_remove_all | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_remove_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_remove_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_remove_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_remove_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_remove_first_el | |
Ccp_result_types::cp_result_p_type | |
Ccp_result_types::cp_result_type | Arbitrary information which need to be stored |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_set_element_at | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_c_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_c_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_r_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_1d_r_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_c_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_c_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_r_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_3d_r_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_char_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_char_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_sll_fm_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_sll_fm_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_int_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_int_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_logical_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_logical_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_real_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_real_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_rs_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_sll_rs_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_val_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_sll_val_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_sll_xc_deriv_p_type | Pointer to a linked list (to make arrays of pointers) |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_sll_xc_deriv_type | Represent a single linked list that stores pointers to the elements |
Ccp_subsys_types::cp_subsys_p_type | Represent a pointer to a subsys, to be able to create arrays of pointers |
Ccp_subsys_types::cp_subsys_type | System: atoms, molecules, their pos,vel,.. |
Ccp_linked_list_fm::cp_to_array | |
Ccp_linked_list_input::cp_to_array | |
Ccp_linked_list_pw::cp_to_array | |
Ccp_linked_list_xc_deriv::cp_to_array | |
Ccp_log_handling::cp_to_string | |
Ccp_units::cp_unit_set_type | Stores the default units to be used |
Ccp_units::cp_unit_type | Stores a unit |
Cdbt_block::create_block | |
Cgroup_dist_types::create_group_dist | |
Cqs_overlap::create_sab_matrix | |
Ccsvr_system_types::csvr_system_type | |
Ccryssym::csym_type | CSM type |
Cct_types::ct_step_env_type | |
Ccube_utils::cube_info_type | |
Cqs_linres_types::current_env_type | |
Cintegrator_utils::damp_v | |
Cdamping_dipole_types::damping_info_type | |
Cdamping_dipole_types::damping_p_type | |
Cdamping_dipole_types::damping_type | |
Cpost_scf_bandstructure_types::data_3_type | |
Cqs_block_davidson_types::davidson_type | |
Ccp_dbcsr_operations::dbcsr_allocate_matrix_set | |
Ccp_dbcsr_api::dbcsr_create | |
Ccp_dbcsr_operations::dbcsr_deallocate_matrix_set | |
Ccp_dbcsr_api::dbcsr_distribution_type | |
Ccp_dbcsr_api::dbcsr_iterator_type | |
Ccp_dbcsr_api::dbcsr_p_type | |
Ccp_dbcsr_api::dbcsr_type | |
Cdbm_block_t | Internal struct for storing a block's metadata |
Cdbm_comm_iterator_t | Internal struct for storing a communication iterator |
Cdbm_dist_1d_t | Internal struct for storing a one dimensional distribution |
Cdbm_api::dbm_distribution_obj | |
Cdbm_distribution_t | Internal struct for storing a two dimensional distribution |
Cdbm_api::dbm_iterator | |
Cdbm_iterator_t | Internal struct for storing a block iterator |
Cdbm_matrix_t | Internal struct for storing a matrix |
Cdbm_memchunk | Private struct for storing a chunk of memory |
Cdbm_memstats_t | Internal struct for pool statistics |
Cdbm_pack_block_t | Internal struct for storing a dbm_block_t plus its norm |
Cdbm_pack_t | Internal struct for storing a pack - essentially a shard for MPI |
Cdbm_packed_matrix_t | Internal struct for storing a packed matrix |
Cdbm_shard_t | Internal struct for storing a matrix shard |
Cdbm_task_t | Internal struct for storing a task, ie. a single block multiplication |
Cdbm_api::dbm_type | |
Cdbt_types::dbt_contraction_storage | |
Cdbt_types::dbt_create | |
Cdbt_types::dbt_distribution_type | |
Cdbt_block::dbt_get_block | |
Cdbt_block::dbt_iterator_type | |
Cdbt_types::dbt_pgrid_type | |
Cdbt_block::dbt_put_block | |
Cdbt_block::dbt_reserve_blocks | |
Cdbt_tas_base::dbt_tas_create | |
►Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_distribution | |
Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_dist_arb | Type for arbitrary distributions |
Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_dist_cyclic | Type for cyclic (round robin) distribution: |
Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_dist_repl | Type for replicated distribution |
Cdbt_tas_types::dbt_tas_distribution_type | |
Cdbt_tas_types::dbt_tas_iterator | |
Cdbt_tas_base::dbt_tas_iterator_next_block | |
Cdbt_tas_types::dbt_tas_mm_storage | |
Cdbt_tas_split::dbt_tas_mp_comm | |
Cdbt_tas_base::dbt_tas_reserve_blocks | |
►Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_rowcol_data | |
Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_blk_size_arb | Type for arbitrary block sizes |
Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_blk_size_one | Type for blocks of size one |
Cdbt_tas_global::dbt_tas_blk_size_repl | Type for replicated block sizes |
Cdbt_tas_types::dbt_tas_split_info | |
Cdbt_tas_types::dbt_tas_type | |
Cdbt_types::dbt_type | |
Cqs_linres_types::dcdr_env_type | |
Cqs_dispersion_cnum::dcnum_type | |
Cdct::dct_type | |
Ccp_control_types::ddapc_restraint_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::deallocate_potential | |
Cai_contraction::decontraction | |
Cfist_nonbond_env_types::deepmd_data_type | |
Cdeepmd_wrapper::deepmd_model_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::deepmd_pot_type | |
Coptimize_basis_types::derived_basis_info | |
Cmathlib::det_3x3 | |
Ccp_control_types::dft_control_type | |
Ccp_control_types::dftb_control_type | |
Cdgs::dg_get_patch | |
Cdg_rho0_types::dg_rho0_type | Type for Gaussian Densities type = type of gaussian (PME) grid = grid number gcc = Gaussian contraction coefficient zet = Gaussian exponent |
Cdgs::dg_sum_patch | |
Cdgs::dg_sum_patch_force_1d | |
Cdgs::dg_sum_patch_force_3d | |
Cdg_types::dg_type | |
Cdgemm_counter_types::dgemm_counter_type | |
Cdgemm_params_ | |
Ceigenvalueproblems::diagonalise | |
Cdielectric_methods::dielectric_compute | |
Cdielectric_types::dielectric_parameters | |
Cdielectric_types::dielectric_type | |
Cdimer_types::dimer_env_type | Defines the environment for a Dimer Method calculation |
Clri_integrals::dint_type | |
Ctmc_analysis_types::dipole_moment_type | |
Cdirichlet_bc_types::dirichlet_bc_p_type | |
Cdirichlet_bc_types::dirichlet_bc_parameters | |
Cdirichlet_bc_types::dirichlet_bc_type | |
Cdistribution_1d_types::distribution_1d_type | Structure to store local (to a processor) ordered lists of integers |
Cdistribution_2d_types::distribution_2d_type | Distributes pairs on a 2d grid of processors |
Cqs_tensors_types::distribution_3d_type | |
Cdomain_submatrix_types::domain_map_type | |
Cdomain_submatrix_types::domain_submatrix_type | |
Cxas_tdp_types::donor_state_type | Type containing informations about a single donor state |
Cspherical_harmonics::dy_lm | |
Cpair_potential_types::eam_pot_type | |
Cfist_nonbond_env_types::eam_type | |
Chartree_local_types::ecoul_1center_type | |
Ceeq_input::eeq_solver_type | |
Cqs_period_efield_types::efield_berry_type | |
Ccp_control_types::efield_type | |
Ceip_environment_types::eip_environment_type | The empirical interatomic potential environment |
Ctmc_tree_types::elem_array_type | |
Ctmc_tree_types::elem_list_type | |
Cembed_types::embed_env_type | Embedding environment type |
Cec_env_types::energy_correction_type | Contains information on the energy correction functional for KG |
Ckg_environment_types::energy_correction_type | Contains information on the energy correction functional for KG |
Cinput_enumeration_types::enumeration_type | |
Cqs_linres_types::epr_env_type | |
Cnegf_integr_utils::equidistant_nodes_a_b | |
Catom_types::eri | Holds atomic integrals |
Ceri_mme_types::eri_mme_param | |
Cqs_active_space_types::eri_type | |
Cqs_active_space_types::eri_type_eri_element_func | Abstract function object for the eri_type_eri_foreach method |
Cqs_active_space_types::eri_type_eri_element_func_interface | The function signature to be implemented by a child of eri_type_eri_element_func |
Cet_coupling_types::et_coupling_type | |
Cewald_environment_types::ewald_environment_type | To build arrays of pointers |
Cewald_pw_types::ewald_pw_type | |
Cexstates_types::excited_energy_type | Contains information on the excited states energy |
Cbse_properties::exciton_descr_type | |
Cexclusion_types::exclusion_type | A type used to store lists of exclusions and onfos |
Ccp_control_types::expot_control_type | |
Cf77_interface::f_env_type | |
Cfarming_types::farming_env_type | |
Cqs_fb_atomic_halo_types::fb_atomic_halo_list_obj | Defines a fb_atomic_halo_list object |
Cqs_fb_atomic_halo_types::fb_atomic_halo_obj | Defines a fb_atomic_halo object |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_add | |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_create | |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_d_obj | Object/pointer wrapper for fb_buffer object |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_get | |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_has_data | |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_nullify | |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_release | |
Cqs_fb_buffer_types::fb_buffer_replace | |
Cqs_fb_com_tasks_types::fb_com_atom_pairs_obj | Defines a fb_com_atom_pairs object |
Cqs_fb_com_tasks_types::fb_com_tasks_obj | Defines a fb_com_tasks object |
Cqs_fb_env_types::fb_env_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_env |
Cqs_fb_hash_table_types::fb_hash_table_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_hash_table objects |
Cqs_fb_matrix_data_types::fb_matrix_data_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_matrix_data objects |
Cqs_fb_trial_fns_types::fb_trial_fns_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to fb_trial_fns objects |
Cfft_tools::fft3d | |
Cfft_plan::fft_plan_type | |
Cfft_tools::fft_scratch_pool_type | |
Cfft_tools::fft_scratch_sizes | |
Cfft_tools::fft_scratch_type | |
Cfftw3_lib::fftw_alloc | |
Cfftw3_lib::fftw_dealloc | |
Cutil::find_boundary | |
Cfist_efield_types::fist_efield_type | |
Cfist_energy_types::fist_energy_type | |
Cfist_environment_types::fist_environment_type | |
Cfist_neighbor_list_types::fist_neighbor_type | |
Cfist_nonbond_env_types::fist_nonbond_env_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::fist_potential_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::fixd_constraint_type | |
Coptimize_basis_types::flex_basis_type | |
Ccp_fm_pool_types::fm_pools_create_fm_vect | |
Ccp_fm_pool_types::fm_pools_give_back_fm_vect | |
Cforce_env_types::force_env_p_type | Allows for the creation of an array of force_env |
Cforce_env_types::force_env_type | Wrapper to abstract the force evaluation of the various methods |
Cforce_field_types::force_field_type | |
Cai_contraction::force_trace | |
Cfp_types::fp_type | |
Cfree_energy_types::free_energy_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::ft_pot_type | |
Cqs_kernel_types::full_kernel_env_type | Collection of variables required to evaluate adiabatic TDDFPT kernel |
Cmolecule_kind_types::g3x3_constraint_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::g4x6_constraint_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::gal21_pot_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::gal_pot_type | |
Ccp_control_types::gapw_control_type | |
Caverages_types::get_averages | |
Cgroup_dist_types::get_group_dist | |
Crt_bse::get_hartree | |
Cdbt_array_list_methods::get_ith_array | |
Cqs_integral_utils::get_memory_usage | |
Cqs_harmonics_atom::get_none0_cg_list | |
Cspme::get_patch | |
Cexternal_potential_types::get_potential | |
Ccp_result_methods::get_results | |
Crt_bse::get_sigma | |
Cglbopt_master::glbopt_master_type | |
Cmdctrl_types::glbopt_mdctrl_data_type | |
Cglbopt_worker::glbopt_worker_type | |
Cgle_system_types::gle_type | |
Cmolecule_types::global_constraint_type | |
Cglobal_types::global_environment_type | Initially parsed file and the initial parallel environment |
Ctmc_tree_types::global_tree_type | |
Cgopt_f_types::gopt_f_type | Calculates the potential energy of a system, and its derivatives |
Cgopt_param_types::gopt_param_type | |
Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< T > | |
Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< double * > | |
Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< double > | |
Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< int > | |
Crocm_backend::gpu_vector< rocm_backend::task_info > | |
Cgraphcon::graph_type | |
Cnegf_green_cache::green_functions_cache_type | Storage to keep surface Green's functions |
Cpw_poisson_types::greens_fn_type | All the informations needed by the fft based poisson solvers |
Cqs_grid_atom::grid_atom_type | |
Cgrid_basis_set | Internal representation of a basis set |
Cgrid_api::grid_basis_set_type | |
Cgrid_context_ | |
Cgrid_cpu_layout | Internal representation of a grid layout |
Cgrid_cpu_task | Internal representation of a task |
Cgrid_cpu_task_list | Internal representation of a task list |
Crocm_backend::grid_info< T > | |
Cgrid_library_config | Configuration of the grid library |
Cgrid_library_globals | |
Cgrid_ref_layout | Internal representation of a grid layout |
Cgrid_ref_task | Internal representation of a task |
Cgrid_ref_task_list | Internal representation of a task list |
Cgrid_sphere_cache | Struct holding the entire sphere cache, ie. for all grids |
Cgrid_sphere_cache_entry | Struct holding the sphere cache for one grid as specified by dr[3] |
Cgrid_task_list | Internal representation of a task list, abstracting various backends |
Cgrid_api::grid_task_list_type | |
Cgaussian_gridlevels::gridlevel_info_type | |
Cforce_field_types::gromos_info_type | |
Cgroup_dist_types::group_dist_d0_type | |
Cgroup_dist_types::group_dist_d1_type | |
Ctmc_tree_types::gt_elem_list_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::gth_potential_p_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::gth_potential_type | |
Cbasis_set_types::gto_basis_set_p_type | |
Cbasis_set_types::gto_basis_set_type | |
Cqs_harmonics_atom::harmonics_atom_type | |
Cqs_harris_types::harris_energy_type | |
Cqs_harris_types::harris_rhoin_type | |
Cqs_harris_types::harris_type | Contains information on the Harris method |
Chartree_local_types::hartree_local_type | |
Chelium_types::helium_solvent_p_type | Data structure for array of solvent helium environments |
Chelium_types::helium_solvent_type | Data structure for solvent helium |
Chfx_types::hfx_2d_map | |
Chfx_types::hfx_basis_info_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_basis_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_block_range_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_cache_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_cell_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_compression_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_container_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_distribution | |
Chfx_types::hfx_general_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_load_balance_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_memory_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_p_kind | |
Chfx_types::hfx_pgf_list | |
Chfx_types::hfx_pgf_product_list | |
Chfx_types::hfx_potential_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_ri_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_screen_coeff_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_screening_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_task_list_type | |
Chfx_types::hfx_type | Stores some data used in construction of Kohn-Sham matrix |
Cmetadynamics_types::hills_env_type | Defines types for HILLS |
Cqs_cdft_types::hirshfeld_constraint_type | |
Chirshfeld_types::hirshfeld_type | Quantities needed for a Hirshfeld based partitioning of real space |
Cglbopt_history::history_fingerprint_type | |
Cglbopt_history::history_type | |
Ciao_analysis::iao_calculate_dmat | |
Ciao_types::iao_env_type | |
Ccp_parser_ilist_types::ilist_type | |
Crpa_im_time_force_types::im_time_force_type | |
Cforce_field_kind_types::impr_kind_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::impr_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::init_potential | |
Cdomain_submatrix_methods::init_submatrices | |
Ccp_parser_inpp_types::inpp_type | |
Cforce_field_types::input_info_type | |
Chelium_types::int_arr_ptr | A pointer to an integer array, data type to be used in arrays of pointers |
Clri_environment_types::int_container | |
Clri_integrals::int_type | |
Csubmatrix_types::intbuffer_type | |
Cmp2_types::integ_mat_buffer_type | |
Cmp2_types::integ_mat_buffer_type_2d | |
Catom_utils::integrate_grid | |
Cintegration_grid_types::integration_grid_type | |
Cintegration_grid_types::integration_grid_value_type | |
CInterval | |
Cmathlib::invert_matrix | |
Cpair_potential_types::ipbv_pot_type | |
Cipi_environment_types::ipi_environment_type | The i–PI environment |
Cqs_linres_types::issc_env_type | |
Cqs_linres_types::jrho_atom_type | |
Cqs_kernel_types::kernel_env_type | Type to hold environments for the different kernels |
Crocm_backend::kernel_params | Parameters of the collocate kernel |
Cinput_keyword_types::keyword_p_type | Represent a pointer to a keyword (to make arrays of pointers) |
Cinput_keyword_types::keyword_type | Represent a keyword in the input |
Ckg_environment_types::kg_environment_type | Contains all the info needed for KG runs.. |
Ckpoint_types::kind_rotmat_type | Rotation matrices for basis sets |
Ckpoint_types::kpoint_env_p_type | |
Ckpoint_types::kpoint_env_type | Keeps information about a specific k-point |
Ckpoint_types::kpoint_sym_type | Keeps symmetry information about a specific k-point |
Ckpoint_transitional::kpoint_transitional_type | |
Ckpoint_types::kpoint_type | Contains information about kpoints |
Cqs_scf_types::krylov_space_type | Wrapper for temporary and cached objects used in the scf iteration |
Calmo_scf_lbfgs_types::lbfgs_history_type | |
Crocm_backend::ldiffs_value | Differences in angular momentum |
Cforce_field_kind_types::legendre_data_type | |
Cpexsi_types::lib_pexsi_env | All PEXSI related data |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_finalize | |
Clibgrpp_grpp_t | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_init | |
Clibgrpp_parameters_t | |
Clibgrpp_potential_t | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_set_angular_screening_tolerance | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_set_cartesian_order | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_set_default_parameters | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_set_modified_bessel_tolerance | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_set_radial_tolerance | |
Clibgrpp_shell_t | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_spin_orbit_integrals | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_spin_orbit_integrals_gradient | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_type1_integrals | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_type1_integrals_gradient | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_type2_integrals | |
Clibgrpp::libgrpp_type2_integrals_gradient | |
Clibint_2c_3c::libint_potential_type | |
Clinesearch::linesearch_type | |
Cqs_linres_types::linres_control_type | General settings for linear response calculations |
Clist_callstackentry::list_callstackentry_type | |
Clist::list_destroy | |
Clist::list_get | |
Clist::list_init | |
Clist::list_isready | |
Clist::list_peek | |
Clist::list_pop | |
Clist::list_push | |
Clist_routinereport::list_routinereport_type | |
Clist_routinestat::list_routinestat_type | |
Clist::list_size | |
Clist_timerenv::list_timerenv_type | |
Csockets_interface::listen_socket | |
Cextended_system_types::lnhc_parameters_type | |
Cqs_neighbor_lists::local_atoms_type | |
Cmolecule_types::local_colvar_constraint_type | |
Cmolecule_types::local_constraint_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::local_fixd_constraint_type | |
Cmolecule_types::local_g3x3_constraint_type | |
Cmolecule_types::local_g4x6_constraint_type | |
Clocal_gemm_api::local_gemm_ctxt_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::local_potential_type | |
Cqs_local_rho_types::local_rho_type | |
Cmolecule_types::local_states_type | |
Cqs_loc_types::localized_wfn_control_type | A type that holds controlling information for the calculation of the spread of wfn and the optimization of the spread functional |
Clri_environment_types::lri_density_type | |
Clri_environment_types::lri_environment_type | |
Clri_environment_types::lri_force_type | |
Clri_environment_types::lri_int_rho_type | |
Clri_environment_types::lri_int_type | |
Clri_environment_types::lri_kind_type | |
Clri_environment_types::lri_list_type | |
Clri_optimize_ri_basis_types::lri_opt_type | |
Clri_environment_types::lri_rhoab_type | |
Cdm_ls_scf_types::ls_mstruct_type | |
Cdm_ls_scf_types::ls_scf_curvy_type | |
Cdm_ls_scf_types::ls_scf_env_type | |
Cmachine::m_cpuid_static | Target architecture or instruction set extension according to compiler target flags |
Cmachine::m_omp_trace_issues | Trace OpenMP constructs if ennvironment variable CP2K_OMP_TRACE=1 |
Carnoldi_types::m_x_v_vectors_type | |
Cqs_mo_methods::make_basis_sv | |
Cextended_system_types::map_info_type | |
Cpw_grid_types::map_pn | |
Ccp_control_types::maxwell_control_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_averages_p_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_averages_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_ekin_type | |
Cmc_environment_types::mc_environment_p_type | |
Cmc_environment_types::mc_environment_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_input_file_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_molecule_info_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_moves_p_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_moves_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_simpar_type | |
Cmc_types::mc_simulation_parameters_p_type | |
Cadmm_dm_types::mcweeny_history_type | |
Cmd_ener_types::md_ener_type | |
Cmd_environment_types::md_environment_type | |
Cmdctrl_types::mdctrl_type | |
Cgraph_utils::mep_input_data_type | |
Cmetadynamics_types::meta_env_type | Defines meta_env type |
Cmetadynamics_types::metavar_type | Defines types for COLVAR used in the metadynamics |
Cglbopt_mincrawl::mincrawl_type | |
Cglbopt_minhop::minhop_type | |
Cmixed_cdft_types::mixed_cdft_settings_type | Container for constraint settings to check consistency of force_evals |
Cmixed_cdft_types::mixed_cdft_type | Main mixed CDFT control type |
Cmixed_energy_types::mixed_energy_type | |
Cmixed_environment_types::mixed_environment_type | |
Cmixed_energy_types::mixed_force_type | |
Cqs_density_mixing_types::mixing_storage_type | |
Cmmd_data | |
Cqs_mo_types::mo_set_p_type | |
Cqs_mo_types::mo_set_type | |
Cmscfg_types::molecular_scf_guess_env_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_list_types::molecule_kind_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Cmolecule_kind_list_types::molecule_kind_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
Cmolecule_kind_types::molecule_kind_type | |
Cmolecule_list_types::molecule_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Cmolecule_list_types::molecule_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
Cmolecule_types::molecule_type | |
Cmolsym::molsym_type | Container for information about molecular symmetry |
Cmp2_types::mp2_biel_type | |
Cmp2_eri::mp2_eri_force | |
Cmp2_types::mp2_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_allocate | |
►Cmessage_passing::mp_comm_type | |
►Cmessage_passing::mp_cart_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_para_cart_type | Represent a multidimensional parallel environment |
Cmessage_passing::mp_para_env_type | Stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment |
Cmessage_passing::mp_deallocate | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_file_descriptor_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_file_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_info_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_para_env_p_type | Represent a pointer to a para env (to build arrays) |
Cmp_perf_env::mp_perf_env_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_request_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_testall | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_testany | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_type_descriptor_type | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_type_make | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_waitall | |
Cmessage_passing::mp_win_type | |
Cqs_rho0_types::mpole_gau_overlap | |
Cqs_rho0_types::mpole_rho_atom | |
Cmulliken::mulliken_charges | |
Ccp_control_types::mulliken_restraint_type | |
Cmetadynamics_types::multiple_walkers_type | Defines types for multiple walkers run |
Cdomain_submatrix_methods::multiply_submatrices | |
Cmultipole_types::multipole_type | Define multipole type |
Cqs_linres_types::nablavks_atom_type | |
Cdbt_index::nd_to_2d_mapping | |
Csemi_empirical_mpole_types::nddo_mpole_type | Global Multipolar NDDO information type |
Cneb_types::neb_type | |
Cneb_types::neb_var_type | |
Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_imatrix | Allocatable 2-D integer matrix |
Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_ivector | Allocatable 1-D integer vector |
Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_rmatrix | Allocatable 2-D real matrix |
Cnegf_alloc_types::negf_allocatable_rvector | Allocatable 1-D real vector |
Cnegf_atom_map::negf_atom_map_type | Structure that maps the given atom in the sourse FORCE_EVAL section with another atom from the target FORCE_EVAL section |
Cnegf_control_types::negf_control_contact_type | Input parameters related to a single contact |
Cnegf_control_types::negf_control_type | Input parameters related to the NEGF run |
Cnegf_env_types::negf_env_contact_type | Contact-specific NEGF environment |
Cnegf_env_types::negf_env_type | NEGF environment |
Cnegf_subgroup_types::negf_subgroup_env_type | Parallel (sub)group environment |
Cxtb_potentials::neighbor_atoms_type | |
Cfist_neighbor_list_types::neighbor_kind_pairs_type | |
Cqs_tensors_types::neighbor_list_3c_iterator_type | |
Cqs_tensors_types::neighbor_list_3c_type | |
Cqs_neighbor_list_types::neighbor_list_iterator_p_type | |
Cqs_neighbor_list_types::neighbor_list_p_type | |
Cqs_neighbor_list_types::neighbor_list_set_p_type | |
Cqs_neighbor_list_types::neighbor_list_set_type | |
Cqs_neighbor_list_types::neighbor_list_task_type | |
Cfist_nonbond_env_types::nequip_data_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::nequip_pot_type | |
Cqs_nl_hash_table_types::nl_hash_table_obj | Object container which allows for the creation of an array of pointers to nl_hash_table objects |
Cqs_neighbor_list_types::nl_sub_iterate | |
Cqs_linres_types::nmr_env_type | |
Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_acsf_ang_type | Set of angular symmetry function type |
Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_acsf_rad_type | Set of radial symmetry function type |
Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_arc_type | Data type for artificial neural networks |
Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_neighbor_type | Contains neighbors list of an atom |
Cnnp_environment_types::nnp_type | Main data type collecting all relevant data for neural network potentials |
Cpint_types::normalmode_env_type | Data to perform the normalmode transformation |
Cextended_system_types::npt_info_type | |
Cqs_o3c_types::o3c_container_type | |
Cqs_o3c_types::o3c_iterator_type | |
Cqs_o3c_types::o3c_vec_type | |
Cqs_oce_types::oce_matrix_type | |
Coffload_buffer | Internal representation of a buffer |
Coffload_api::offload_buffer_type | |
Cintegrator_utils::old_variables_type | |
Cmp2_types::one_dim_int_array | |
Cmp2_types::one_dim_real_array | |
Cforce_field_kind_types::opbend_kind_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::opbend_type | |
Csockets_interface::open_bind_socket | |
Csockets_interface::open_connect_socket | |
Catom_types::opgrid_type | Operator grids |
Catom_types::opmat_type | Operator matrices |
Cembed_types::opt_dmfet_pot_type | Type containing main data for matrix embedding potential optimization |
Cembed_types::opt_embed_pot_type | Type containing main data for embedding potential optimization |
Cpowell::opt_state_type | |
Calmo_scf_types::optimizer_options_type | |
Corbital | Orbital angular momentum |
Crocm_backend::orbital | Orbital angular momentum |
Corbital_transformation_matrices::orbrotmat_type | |
Couter_scf_control_types::outer_scf_control_type | Parameters needed by a scf run |
Cpab_computation_struct_ | |
Ctmc_analysis_types::pair_correl_type | |
Chfx_types::pair_list_element_type | |
Chfx_types::pair_list_type | |
Cmp2_types::pair_list_type_mp2 | |
Cpair_potential_types::pair_potential_p_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::pair_potential_pp_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::pair_potential_single_type | |
Chfx_types::pair_set_list_type | |
Cqs_kind_types::pao_descriptor_type | Holds information about a PAO descriptor |
Cpao_types::pao_env_type | |
Cpao_io::pao_ioblock_type | |
Cpao_io::pao_iokind_type | |
Cpao_types::pao_model_type | PAO-ML model for a single atomic kind |
Cqs_kind_types::pao_potential_type | Holds information about a PAO potential |
Cparallel_gemm_api::parallel_gemm | |
Ccp_parser_methods::parser_get_object | |
Cparticle_list_types::particle_list_p_type | Pointer to a list |
Cparticle_list_types::particle_list_type | Represent a list of objects |
Cparticle_types::particle_type | |
Cpaw_proj_set_types::paw_proj_set_type | |
Ccell_types::pbc | |
Cpint_types::piglet_therm_type | Data to use the piglet thermostat |
Cpint_types::pile_therm_type | Data to use the pile thermostat |
Cpint_types::pint_env_type | Environment for a path integral run |
Cplan_t | Private struct used for planing during pack_matrix |
Cqs_linres_types::polar_env_type | |
Cfist_nonbond_env_types::pos_type | |
Cpost_scf_bandstructure_types::post_scf_bandstructure_type | |
Cpreconditioner_types::preconditioner_p_type | |
Cpreconditioner_types::preconditioner_type | |
Cprepare_ldiffs | Differences in angular momentum |
Cprocess_ldiffs | Differences in angular momentum |
Ccp_control_types::proj_mo_type | |
Cps_implicit_types::ps_implicit_parameters | |
Cps_implicit_types::ps_implicit_type | |
Cps_wavelet_types::ps_wavelet_type | |
Citerate_matrix::purify_mcweeny | |
Ccp_result_methods::put_results | |
Cpw_methods::pw_axpy | |
Cpw_types::pw_c1d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_c1d_gs_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_c1d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_c1d_rs_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_c3d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_c3d_gs_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_c3d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_c3d_rs_type | |
Cpw_methods::pw_copy | |
Cpw_methods::pw_copy_from_array | |
Cpw_methods::pw_copy_to_array | |
Cpw_env_types::pw_env_type | Contained for different pw related things |
Cpw_methods::pw_gather | |
Cpw_grids::pw_grid_create | |
Cpw_grid_types::pw_grid_type | |
Cpw_methods::pw_integral_a2b | |
Cpw_methods::pw_integral_ab | |
Cpw_methods::pw_integrate_function | |
Cpw_methods::pw_multiply | |
Cpw_methods::pw_multiply_with | |
Cpw_poisson_types::pw_poisson_parameter_type | Parameters for the poisson solver independet of input_section |
Cpw_poisson_methods::pw_poisson_rebuild | |
Cpw_poisson_methods::pw_poisson_solve | |
Cpw_poisson_types::pw_poisson_type | Environment for the poisson solver |
Cpw_pool_types::pw_pool_p_type | To create arrays of pools |
Cpw_pool_types::pw_pool_type | Manages a pool of grids (to be used for example as tmp objects), but can also be used to instantiate grids that are never given back |
Cpw_pool_types::pw_pools_create_pws | |
Cpw_pool_types::pw_pools_give_back_pws | |
Cpw_types::pw_r1d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_r1d_gs_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_r1d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_r1d_rs_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_r3d_gs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_r3d_gs_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_r3d_rs_p_type | |
Cpw_types::pw_r3d_rs_type | |
Cpw_methods::pw_scale | |
Cpw_methods::pw_scatter | |
Cpw_methods::pw_set | |
Cpw_spline_utils::pw_spline_precond_type | Stores information for the preconditioner used to calculate the coeffs of splines |
Cpw_methods::pw_transfer | |
Cpw_methods::pw_write | |
Cpw_methods::pw_zero | |
Cpwdft_environment_types::pwdft_energy_type | The PWDFT energy type |
Cpwdft_environment_types::pwdft_environment_type | The PWDFT environment type |
Cqcschema::qcschema_type | The full QCSchema output type. For more information refer to: https://molssi-qc-schema.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec_components.html#output-components |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_env_mm_type | .. |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_env_qm_type | .. |
Cqmmm_types::qmmm_env_type | |
Cqmmm_gaussian_types::qmmm_gaussian_p_type | Represent a pointer to a qmmm_gaussian_type, to be able to create arrays of pointers |
Cqmmm_gaussian_types::qmmm_gaussian_type | |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_imomm_link_type | LINKs IMOMM |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_links_type | LINKs summary |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_per_pot_p_type | |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_per_pot_type | Periodic Potential |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_pot_p_type | |
Cqmmm_types_low::qmmm_pot_type | Real Space Potential |
Cqmmmx_types::qmmmx_env_type | |
Cqs_dispersion_types::qs_atom_dispersion_type | |
Cqs_charges_types::qs_charges_type | Container for information about total charges on the grids |
Ccp_control_types::qs_control_type | |
Cqs_dftb_types::qs_dftb_atom_type | |
Cqs_dftb_types::qs_dftb_pairpot_type | |
Cqs_diis_types::qs_diis_buffer_type | Keeps a buffer with the previous values of s,p,k |
Cqs_diis_types::qs_diis_buffer_type_kp | Build arrau of pointers to diis buffers in the k-point (complex full matrices) case |
Cqs_diis_types::qs_diis_buffer_type_sparse | Build array of pointers to diis buffers for sparse matrix case |
Cqs_dispersion_types::qs_dispersion_type | |
Cqs_energy_types::qs_energy_type | |
Cqs_environment_types::qs_environment_type | |
Cqs_force_types::qs_force_type | |
Cqs_gcp_types::qs_gcp_type | |
Cqs_kind_types::qs_kind_type | Provides all information about a quickstep kind |
Cqs_kpp1_env_types::qs_kpp1_env_type | Environment that keeps the informations and temporary val to build the kpp1 kernel matrix |
Cqs_ks_types::qs_ks_env_type | Calculation environment to calculate the ks matrix, holds all the needed vars. assumes that the core hamiltonian and energy are up to date |
Cqs_ks_qmmm_types::qs_ks_qmmm_env_type | Calculation environment to calculate the ks_qmmm matrix, holds the QM/MM potential and all the needed variables to compute the QM/MM electrostatic 1-electron ks matrix assumes that the core hamiltonian and energy are up to date. v_metal_rspace is the potential at the metal sites within the image charge approach |
Cqs_loc_types::qs_loc_env_type | All the info needed by quickstep to calculate the spread of a selected set of orbitals and if required to minimize or maximize the spread by rotation of the orbitals |
Cqs_matrix_pools::qs_matrix_pools_type | Container for the pools of matrixes used by qs |
Cqs_ot_types::qs_ot_settings_type | Notice, this variable needs to be copyable, needed for spins as e.g. in qs_ot_scf |
Cqs_ot_types::qs_ot_type | |
Couter_scf_control_types::qs_outer_scf_type | |
Cqs_p_env_types::qs_p_env_type | Represent a qs system that is perturbed. Can calculate the linear operator and the rhs of the system of equations that needs to be solved for the perturbation |
Cqs_rho_types::qs_rho_p_type | |
Cqs_rho_types::qs_rho_type | Keeps the density in various representations, keeping track of which ones are valid |
Cqs_scf_types::qs_scf_env_type | |
Cqs_subsys_types::qs_subsys_type | |
Cqs_wf_history_types::qs_wf_history_p_type | To create arrays of pointers to qs_wf_history_type |
Cqs_wf_history_types::qs_wf_history_type | Keeps track of the previous wavefunctions and can extrapolate them for the next step of md |
Cqs_wf_history_types::qs_wf_snapshot_type | Represent a past snapshot of the wavefunction. some elements might not be associated (to spare memory) depending on how the snapshot was taken |
Cpint_types::qtb_therm_type | Data to use the qtb thermostat |
Cfist_nonbond_env_types::quip_data_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::quip_pot_type | |
Cradial_type1_grid_t | |
Cradial_type1_params_t | |
Cradial_type1_table_t | |
Cradial_type2_grid_t | |
Cradial_type2_params_t | |
Cradial_type2_table_t | |
Cbasis_set_types::read_gto_basis_set | |
Cexternal_potential_types::read_potential | |
Csockets_interface::readbuffer | |
Cmemory_utilities::reallocate | |
Crealspace_grid_types::realspace_grid_desc_p_type | |
Crealspace_grid_types::realspace_grid_desc_type | |
Crealspace_grid_types::realspace_grid_input_type | |
Crealspace_grid_types::realspace_grid_p_type | |
Crealspace_grid_types::realspace_grid_type | |
Creftraj_types::reftraj_msd_type | |
Creftraj_types::reftraj_type | |
Crel_control_types::rel_control_type | Parameters needed by a relativistic calculation |
Cgroup_dist_types::release_group_dist | |
Cdomain_submatrix_methods::release_submatrices | |
Csockets_interface::remove_socket_file | |
Ctopology_util::reorder_structure | |
Creplica_types::replica_env_type | Keeps replicated information about the replicas |
Cqs_rho0_types::rho0_atom_type | |
Cqs_rho0_types::rho0_mpole_type | |
Cqs_rho_atom_types::rho_atom_coeff | |
Cqs_rho_atom_types::rho_atom_type | |
Cqs_local_rho_types::rhoz_type | |
Cparallel_rng_types::rng_stream_p_type | |
Cparallel_rng_types::rng_stream_type | |
Csemi_empirical_types::rotmat_type | Rotation Matrix Type |
Croutine_map::routine_map_item_type | |
Croutine_map::routine_map_type | |
Ctimings_base_type::routine_report_type | |
Ctimings_base_type::routine_stat_type | |
Cdbt_tas_global::rowcol_dist | Map matrix rows/cols to distribution rows/cols |
Crpa_exchange::rpa_exchange_work_type | |
Crpa_grad::rpa_grad_type | |
Crpa_sigma_functional::rpa_sigma_type | |
Crsh_coef_table_t | |
Crt_propagation_types::rt_prop_type | |
Crt_bse_types::rtbse_env_type | |
Ccp_control_types::rtp_control_type | |
Ccp_control_types::s2_restraint_type | |
Cstring_utilities::s2a | |
Cnegf_green_methods::sancho_work_matrices_type | |
Csap_kind_types::sap_int_type | |
Ctip_scan_types::scanning_type | |
Ccp_control_types::sccs_control_type | |
Cscf_control_types::scf_control_type | |
Csemi_empirical_types::se_int_control_type | |
Csemi_empirical_types::se_int_screen_type | Store the value of the tapering function and possibly its derivative for screened integrals |
Csemi_empirical_types::se_taper_type | Taper type use in semi-empirical calculations |
Cinput_section_types::section_type | Represent a section of the input file |
Cinput_section_types::section_vals_type | Stores the values of a section |
Ccp_control_types::semi_empirical_control_type | |
Csemi_empirical_expns3_types::semi_empirical_expns3_p_type | 1/R^3 expansion type: array of pointers |
Csemi_empirical_mpole_types::semi_empirical_mpole_p_type | Semi-empirical integral multipole expansion type - pointer type |
Csemi_empirical_mpole_types::semi_empirical_mpole_type | Semi-empirical integral multipole expansion type |
Csemi_empirical_types::semi_empirical_p_type | |
Csemi_empirical_store_int_types::semi_empirical_si_type | Semi-empirical store integrals type |
Csemi_empirical_types::semi_empirical_type | Semi-empirical type |
Cintegrator_utils::set | |
Cmathlib::set_diag | |
Cqs_mo_occupation::set_mo_occupation | |
Cexternal_potential_types::set_potential | |
Cdomain_submatrix_methods::set_submatrices | |
Csubmatrix_types::set_type | |
Csubmatrix_types::setarray_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::sgp_potential_p_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::sgp_potential_type | |
Cshell_potential_types::shell_kind_type | Define the shell type |
Cshell_potential_types::shell_p_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::shell_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::siepmann_pot_type | |
Csmeagol_matrix_utils::siesta_distrib_csc_struct_type | Sparsity pattern of replicated SIESTA compressed sparse column (CSC) matrices |
Csimpar_types::simpar_type | Simulation parameter type for molecular dynamics |
Cnegf_integr_simpson::simpsonrule_type | A structure to store data needed for adaptive Simpson's rule algorithm |
Csmeagol_control_types::smeagol_control_type | SMEAGOL-related input parameters |
Cscf_control_types::smear_type | Parameters needed by a scf run |
Ccp_control_types::smeared_type | |
Crocm_backend::smem_parameters | |
Crocm_backend::smem_task< T > | Data needed for calculating the coefficients, forces, and stress |
Crocm_backend::smem_task_reduced< T, T3 > | Data needed for collocate and integrate kernels |
Cqs_tddfpt2_soc_types::soc_atom_env_type | |
Cqs_tddfpt2_soc_types::soc_env_type | |
Cutil::sort | |
Cutil::sort_unique | |
Cspace_groups_types::spgr_type | |
Csplines_types::spline_data_p_type | |
Csplines_types::spline_data_type | Data-structure that holds all needed information about a specific spline interpolation |
Csplines_types::spline_environment_type | |
Csplines_types::spline_factor_type | |
Cpint_types::staging_env_type | Data to perform the staging transformation |
Ccp_parser_status_types::status_type | |
Ccp_control_types::stda_control_type | |
Cqs_tddfpt2_stda_types::stda_env_type | |
Cbasis_set_types::sto_basis_set_type | |
Cstructure_factor_types::structure_factor_type | |
Csubcell_types::subcell_type | |
Csubmatrix_dissection::submatrix_dissection_type | |
Coptimize_basis_types::subset_type | |
Cqs_scf_types::subspace_env_type | |
Cdbt_tas_util::swap | |
Cswarm_master::swarm_master_type | |
Cswarm_message::swarm_message_add | Adds an entry from a swarm-message |
Cswarm_message::swarm_message_get | Returns an entry from a swarm-message |
Cswarm_message::swarm_message_type | |
Cswarm_mpi::swarm_mpi_type | |
Cswarm_worker::swarm_worker_type | |
Cpair_potential_types::tab_pot_type | |
Ctaper_types::taper_type | Taper type |
Crocm_backend::task_info | Internal representation of a task |
Ctask_list_types::task_list_type | |
Ctask_list_types::task_type | |
Ccp_control_types::tddfpt2_control_type | |
Cqs_tddfpt2_types::tddfpt_ground_state_mos | Ground state molecular orbitals |
Cqs_tddfpt2_subgroups::tddfpt_subgroup_env_type | Parallel (sub)group environment |
Cqs_tddfpt2_types::tddfpt_work_matrices | Set of temporary ("work") matrices |
Ctensor_ | |
Cpair_potential_types::tersoff_pot_type | |
Cthermal_region_types::thermal_region_type | |
Cthermal_region_types::thermal_regions_type | |
Cthermostat_types::thermostat_info_type | |
Cthermostat_types::thermostat_type | |
Cthermostat_types::thermostats_type | Define thermostat types |
Cmp2_types::three_dim_real_array | |
Cdirichlet_bc_types::tile_p_type | |
Cdirichlet_bc_types::tile_type | |
Ctimings_types::timer_env_type | |
Ctmc_analysis_types::tmc_ana_list_type | |
Ctmc_analysis_types::tmc_analysis_env | |
Ctmc_types::tmc_atom_type | |
Ctmc_types::tmc_comp_set_type | |
Ctmc_types::tmc_env_type | |
Ctmc_move_types::tmc_move_type | |
Ctmc_types::tmc_param_type | |
Cintegrator_utils::tmp_variables_type | |
Ctopology_types::topology_parameters_type | |
Ctorch_api::torch_dict_type | |
Ctorch_api::torch_model_get_attr | |
Ctorch_api::torch_model_type | |
Ctorch_api::torch_tensor_data_ptr | |
Ctorch_api::torch_tensor_from_array | |
Ctorch_api::torch_tensor_type | |
Cforce_field_kind_types::torsion_kind_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::torsion_type | |
Cpao_types::training_matrix_type | |
Ctransport_env_types::transport_env_type | |
Ctmc_tree_types::tree_type | |
Cmp2_types::two_dim_int_array | |
Cmp2_types::two_dim_real_array | |
Cforce_field_kind_types::ub_kind_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::ub_type | |
Cfree_energy_types::ui_var_type | |
Cmathlib::unit_matrix | |
Cintegrator_utils::update_pv | |
Csockets_interface::uwait | |
Cinput_val_types::val_p_type | Pointer to a val, to create arrays of pointers |
Cinput_val_types::val_type | Type to have a wrapper that stores any basic fortran type |
Cqs_linres_types::vcd_env_type | |
Cgraphcon::vertex | |
Cvirial_types::virial_p_type | |
Cvirial_types::virial_type | |
Cmolecule_kind_types::vsite_constraint_type | |
Cwannier_states_types::wannier_centres_type | |
Cexstates_types::wfn_history_type | |
Cexternal_potential_types::write_potential | |
Csockets_interface::writebuffer | |
Cxas_tdp_types::xas_atom_env_type | Environment type that contains all the info needed for XAS_TDP atomic grid calculations |
Cxas_control::xas_control_type | A type that holds controlling information for a xas calculation |
Cxas_env_types::xas_environment_type | |
Cxas_tdp_types::xas_tdp_control_type | Type containing control information for TDP XAS calculations |
Cxas_tdp_types::xas_tdp_env_type | Type containing informations such as inputs and results for TDP XAS calculations |
Cxc_derivative_types::xc_derivative_p_type | Represent a pointer to a derivative (to have arrays of derivatives) |
Cxc_derivative_set_types::xc_derivative_set_type | A derivative set contains the different derivatives of a xc-functional in form of a linked list |
Cxc_derivative_types::xc_derivative_type | Represent a derivative of a functional |
Cxc_util::xc_pw_derive | |
Cxc_util::xc_pw_laplace | |
Cxc_rho_cflags_types::xc_rho_cflags_type | Flag for each component of xc_rho_set, so that you can use it to tell which components you need, which ones you need,... |
Cxc_rho_set_types::xc_rho_set_type | Represent a density, with all the representation and data needed to perform a functional evaluation |
Cxtb_types::xtb_atom_type | |
Ccp_control_types::xtb_control_type | |
Cspherical_harmonics::y_lm | |