14#include "../offload/offload_runtime.h"
37 const double filter_eps) {
38 const int nrows = (trans) ? matrix->
ncols : matrix->
39 int *nblocks_per_row = calloc(nrows,
40 float *row_max_eps = malloc(nrows *
41 assert(row_max_eps != NULL);
48 for (
int iblock = 0; iblock < shard->
nblocks; iblock++) {
50 const int row = (trans) ? blk->
col : blk->
52 nblocks_per_row[row]++;
59 for (
int i = 0;
i < nrows;
i++) {
61 ((float)filter_eps) / ((float)
imax(1, nblocks_per_row[
62 row_max_eps[
i] = f * f;
66 free(nblocks_per_row);
75#if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_DBM)
76 dbm_multiply_gpu_context_t gpu;
87#if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_DBM)
89 matrix_c->
shards, &ctx->gpu);
105#if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_DBM)
106 dbm_multiply_gpu_upload_packs(pack_a, pack_b, &ctx->gpu);
123#if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_DBM)
124 dbm_multiply_gpu_process_batch(ntasks, batch, alpha, kshard, &ctx->gpu);
125#if defined(DBM_VALIDATE_AGAINST_LIBXSMM) && defined(__LIBXSMM)
126 dbm_shard_gpu_t *
const shard_g = &ctx->gpu.shards_c_dev[kshard];
130 assert(shard_c->
data_size == shard_g->data_size);
133 offloadMemcpyAsyncDtoH(shard_c->
data, shard_g->data,
134 shard_c->
data_size *
double), shard_g->stream);
138 offloadStreamSynchronize(shard_g->stream);
139 libxsmm_matdiff_info diff;
140 libxsmm_matdiff_clear(&diff);
141 for (
int itask = 0; itask < ntasks; ++itask) {
143 const double *
const tst = &shard_c->
145 libxsmm_matdiff_info d;
146 if (EXIT_SUCCESS == libxsmm_matdiff(&d, LIBXSMM_DATATYPE(
double), task.
147 task.
n, ref, tst, NULL ,
149 libxsmm_matdiff_reduce(&diff, &d);
152 const char *
const maxeps_env = getenv(
153 const double maxeps = (NULL == maxeps_env ? 1E-13 : fabs(atof(maxeps_env)));
154 const double epsilon = libxsmm_matdiff_epsilon(&diff);
155 if (maxeps < epsilon) {
156 if (LIBXSMM_NOTNAN(diff.v_tst)) {
157 fprintf(stderr,
"INFO ACC/LIBDBM: diff=%g (|%g-%g|=%g)\n", epsilon,
158 diff.v_ref, diff.v_tst, diff.linf_abs);
160 fprintf(stderr,
"INFO ACC/LIBDBM: diff=%g\n", epsilon);
181#if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_DBM)
182 dbm_multiply_gpu_download_results(&ctx->gpu);
193#if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_DBM)
194 dbm_multiply_gpu_stop(&ctx->gpu);
208 const bool retain_sparsity,
209 const float *rows_max_eps, int64_t *flop,
211 const float alpha2 = alpha * alpha;
212 int64_t flop_sum = 0;
216 int *shard_row_start = calloc(nshard_rows,
217 int *shard_col_start = calloc(nshard_cols,
218 assert(NULL != shard_row_start && NULL != shard_col_start);
220 const int *sum_index_sizes_a =
222 const int *sum_index_sizes_b =
224 const int *free_index_sizes_a =
226 const int *free_index_sizes_b =
229#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : flop_sum)
236#pragma omp for nowait
237 for (
int iblock = 1; iblock < pack_a->
nblocks; iblock++) {
239 const int prev_shard_row =
241 if (prev_shard_row != shard_row) {
242 shard_row_start[shard_row] = iblock;
246 for (
int jblock = 1; jblock < pack_b->
nblocks; jblock++) {
248 const int prev_shard_col =
250 if (prev_shard_col != shard_col) {
251 shard_col_start[shard_col] = jblock;
255#pragma omp for collapse(2) DBM_OMP_SCHEDULE
256 for (
int shard_row = 0; shard_row < nshard_rows; shard_row++) {
257 for (
int shard_col = 0; shard_col < nshard_cols; shard_col++) {
258 const int ishard = shard_row * nshard_cols + shard_col;
264 const int iblock_start = shard_row_start[shard_row];
265 int jblock_start = shard_col_start[shard_col];
266 for (
int iblock = iblock_start; iblock < pack_a->
nblocks; iblock++) {
268 if (blk_a->
free_index % nshard_rows != shard_row) {
271 for (
int jblock = jblock_start; jblock < pack_b->
nblocks; jblock++) {
273 if (blk_b->
free_index % nshard_cols != shard_col) {
286 const float result_norm = alpha2 * blk_a->
norm * blk_b->
287 if (result_norm < rows_max_eps[blk_a->
free_index]) {
292 const int m = free_index_sizes_a[blk_a->
293 const int n = free_index_sizes_b[blk_b->
294 const int k = sum_index_sizes_a[blk_a->
297 assert(k == sum_index_sizes_b[blk_b->
302 if (blk_c == NULL && retain_sparsity) {
304 }
else if (blk_c == NULL) {
306 assert(dbm_get_stored_coordinates(matrix_c, row, col) ==
312 const int64_t task_flops = 2LL * m * n * k;
313 if (task_flops == 0) {
316 flop_sum += task_flops;
330 ishard, shard_c, ctx);
343 free(shard_row_start);
344 free(shard_col_start);
354void dbm_multiply(
const bool transa,
const bool transb,
const double alpha,
357 const bool retain_sparsity,
const double filter_eps,
360 assert(omp_get_num_threads() == 1);
364 const int num_sum_index_a = (transa) ? matrix_a->
nrows : matrix_a->
365 const int num_sum_index_b = (transb) ? matrix_b->
ncols : matrix_b->
366 const int num_free_index_a = (transa) ? matrix_a->
ncols : matrix_a->
367 const int num_free_index_b = (transb) ? matrix_b->
nrows : matrix_b->
370 assert(num_sum_index_a == num_sum_index_b);
371 assert(num_free_index_a == matrix_c->
372 assert(num_free_index_b == matrix_c->
375 dbm_scale(matrix_c, beta);
392 multiply_packs(transa, transb, alpha, pack_a, pack_b, matrix_a, matrix_b,
393 matrix_c, retain_sparsity, rows_max_eps, flop, ctx);
405 dbm_filter(matrix_c, filter_eps);
static int imax(int x, int y)
Returns the larger of two given integers (missing from the C standard)
void dbm_library_counter_increment(const int m, const int n, const int k)
Add given block multiplication to stats. This routine is thread-safe.
static int dbm_get_shard_index(const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int row, const int col)
Internal routine for getting a block's shard index.
static int dbm_get_num_shards(const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
Internal routine that returns the number of shards for given matrix.
void dbm_mempool_host_free(const void *memory)
Internal routine for releasing memory back to the pool.
void * dbm_mempool_host_malloc(size_t size)
Internal routine for allocating host memory from the pool.
void dbm_mpi_sum_int(int *values, const int count, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm)
Wrapper around MPI_Allreduce for op MPI_SUM and datatype MPI_INT.
static void backend_upload_packs(const dbm_pack_t *pack_a, const dbm_pack_t *pack_b, backend_context_t *ctx)
Private routine for handing newly arrived packs to the backend.
static float * compute_rows_max_eps(const bool trans, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const double filter_eps)
Private routine for computing the max filter threshold for each row.
static backend_context_t * backend_start(const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_c)
Private routine for initializing the multiplication backend.
static void backend_process_batch(const int ntasks, dbm_task_t batch[ntasks], const double alpha, const dbm_pack_t *pack_a, const dbm_pack_t *pack_b, const int kshard, dbm_shard_t *shard_c, backend_context_t *ctx)
Private routine for sending a batch to the multiplication backend.
static void backend_stop(backend_context_t *ctx)
Private routine for shutting down the multiplication backend.
static void backend_download_results(backend_context_t *ctx)
Private routine for downloading results of the multiplication backend.
static void multiply_packs(const bool transa, const bool transb, const double alpha, const dbm_pack_t *pack_a, const dbm_pack_t *pack_b, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_a, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_b, dbm_matrix_t *matrix_c, const bool retain_sparsity, const float *rows_max_eps, int64_t *flop, backend_context_t *ctx)
Private routine for multipling two packs.
dbm_comm_iterator_t * dbm_comm_iterator_start(const bool transa, const bool transb, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_a, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_b, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_c)
Internal routine for creating a communication iterator.
void dbm_comm_iterator_stop(dbm_comm_iterator_t *iter)
Internal routine for releasing the given communication iterator.
bool dbm_comm_iterator_next(dbm_comm_iterator_t *iter, dbm_pack_t **pack_a, dbm_pack_t **pack_b)
Internal routine for retriving next pair of packs from given iterator.
void dbm_multiply_cpu_process_batch(const int ntasks, dbm_task_t batch[ntasks], const double alpha, const dbm_pack_t *pack_a, const dbm_pack_t *pack_b, dbm_shard_t *shard_c)
Private hash function based on Szudzik's elegant pairing. Using unsigned int to return a positive num...
void dbm_shard_release(dbm_shard_t *shard)
Internal routine for releasing a shard.
dbm_block_t * dbm_shard_promise_new_block(dbm_shard_t *shard, const int row, const int col, const int block_size)
Internal routine for allocating the metadata of a new block.
dbm_block_t * dbm_shard_lookup(const dbm_shard_t *shard, const int row, const int col)
Internal routine for looking up a block from a shard.
void dbm_shard_allocate_promised_blocks(dbm_shard_t *shard)
Internal routine for allocating and zeroing any promised block's data.
void dbm_shard_init(dbm_shard_t *shard)
Internal routine for initializing a shard.
void dbm_shard_copy(dbm_shard_t *shard_a, const dbm_shard_t *shard_b)
Internal routine for copying content of shard_b into shard_a.
static void const int const int i
Private struct for storing the context of the multiplication backend.
Internal struct for storing a block's metadata.
Internal struct for storing a communication iterator.
Internal struct for storing a matrix.
dbm_distribution_t * dist
Internal struct for storing a dbm_block_t plus its norm.
Internal struct for storing a pack - essentially a shard for MPI.
dbm_pack_block_t * blocks
Internal struct for storing a matrix shard.
Internal struct for storing a task, ie. a single block multiplication.