void | dbm_mpi_init (int *argc, char ***argv) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Init.
void | dbm_mpi_finalize () |
| Wrapper around MPI_Finalize.
dbm_mpi_comm_t | dbm_mpi_get_comm_world () |
dbm_mpi_comm_t | dbm_mpi_comm_f2c (const int fortran_comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Comm_f2c.
int | dbm_mpi_comm_c2f (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Comm_c2f.
int | dbm_mpi_comm_rank (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Comm_rank.
int | dbm_mpi_comm_size (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Comm_size.
void | dbm_mpi_dims_create (const int nnodes, const int ndims, int dims[]) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Dims_create.
dbm_mpi_comm_t | dbm_mpi_cart_create (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm_old, const int ndims, const int dims[], const int periods[], const int reorder) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Cart_create.
void | dbm_mpi_cart_get (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm, int maxdims, int dims[], int periods[], int coords[]) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Cart_get.
int | dbm_mpi_cart_rank (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm, const int coords[]) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Cart_rank.
dbm_mpi_comm_t | dbm_mpi_cart_sub (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm, const int remain_dims[]) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Cart_sub.
void | dbm_mpi_comm_free (dbm_mpi_comm_t *comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Comm_free.
bool | dbm_mpi_comms_are_similar (const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm1, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm2) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Comm_compare.
void | dbm_mpi_max_int (int *values, const int count, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Allreduce for op MPI_MAX and datatype MPI_INT.
void | dbm_mpi_max_uint64 (uint64_t *values, const int count, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Allreduce for op MPI_MAX and datatype MPI_UINT64_T.
void | dbm_mpi_max_double (double *values, const int count, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Allreduce for op MPI_MAX and datatype MPI_DOUBLE.
void | dbm_mpi_sum_int (int *values, const int count, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Allreduce for op MPI_SUM and datatype MPI_INT.
void | dbm_mpi_sum_int64 (int64_t *values, const int count, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Allreduce for op MPI_SUM and datatype MPI_INT64_T.
void | dbm_mpi_sum_double (double *values, const int count, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Allreduce for op MPI_SUM and datatype MPI_DOUBLE.
int | dbm_mpi_sendrecv_byte (const void *sendbuf, const int sendcount, const int dest, const int sendtag, void *recvbuf, const int recvcount, const int source, const int recvtag, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Sendrecv for datatype MPI_BYTE.
int | dbm_mpi_sendrecv_double (const double *sendbuf, const int sendcount, const int dest, const int sendtag, double *recvbuf, const int recvcount, const int source, const int recvtag, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Sendrecv for datatype MPI_DOUBLE.
void | dbm_mpi_alltoall_int (const int *sendbuf, const int sendcount, int *recvbuf, const int recvcount, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Alltoall for datatype MPI_INT.
void | dbm_mpi_alltoallv_byte (const void *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, void *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Alltoallv for datatype MPI_BYTE.
void | dbm_mpi_alltoallv_double (const double *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, double *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, const dbm_mpi_comm_t comm) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Alltoallv for datatype MPI_DOUBLE.
void * | dbm_mpi_alloc_mem (size_t size) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Alloc_mem.
void | dbm_mpi_free_mem (void *mem) |
| Wrapper around MPI_Free_mem.