Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Utility subroutine for qs energy calculation
10 !> \par History
11 !> none
12 !> \author MK (29.10.2002)
13 ! **************************************************************************************************
15  USE atomic_kind_types, ONLY: atomic_kind_type
16  USE atprop_types, ONLY: atprop_array_add,&
18  atprop_type
19  USE cp_control_types, ONLY: dft_control_type
21  USE dbcsr_api, ONLY: dbcsr_copy,&
22  dbcsr_create,&
23  dbcsr_p_type,&
24  dbcsr_release,&
25  dbcsr_set
26  USE et_coupling, ONLY: calc_et_coupling
29  USE hartree_local_types, ONLY: ecoul_1center_type
32  section_vals_type
33  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
34  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_para_env_type
35  USE mulliken, ONLY: atom_trace
37  USE pw_env_types, ONLY: pw_env_get,&
38  pw_env_type
39  USE pw_methods, ONLY: pw_axpy,&
40  pw_scale
41  USE pw_pool_types, ONLY: pw_pool_type
42  USE pw_types, ONLY: pw_r3d_rs_type
43  USE qs_dispersion_types, ONLY: qs_dispersion_type
44  USE qs_energy_types, ONLY: qs_energy_type
45  USE qs_environment_types, ONLY: get_qs_env,&
46  qs_environment_type
47  USE qs_integrate_potential, ONLY: integrate_v_core_rspace,&
48  integrate_v_rspace
49  USE qs_kind_types, ONLY: qs_kind_type
50  USE qs_ks_atom, ONLY: update_ks_atom
52  USE qs_ks_types, ONLY: qs_ks_env_type
54  USE qs_local_rho_types, ONLY: local_rho_type
56  USE qs_rho_atom_types, ONLY: rho_atom_type,&
58  USE qs_rho_types, ONLY: qs_rho_get,&
59  qs_rho_type
60  USE qs_scf, ONLY: scf
61  USE qs_tddfpt2_methods, ONLY: tddfpt
62  USE qs_vxc, ONLY: qs_xc_density
65  USE xas_methods, ONLY: xas
66  USE xas_tdp_methods, ONLY: xas_tdp
68  USE xc_rho_cflags_types, ONLY: xc_rho_cflags_type
69 #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
75 ! *** Global parameters ***
77  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'qs_energy_utils'
79  PUBLIC :: qs_energies_properties
83 ! **************************************************************************************************
84 !> \brief Refactoring of qs_energies_scf. Moves computation of properties
85 !> into separate subroutine
86 !> \param qs_env ...
87 !> \param calc_forces ...
88 !> \par History
89 !> 05.2013 created [Florian Schiffmann]
90 ! **************************************************************************************************
92  SUBROUTINE qs_energies_properties(qs_env, calc_forces)
93  TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
94  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: calc_forces
96  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'qs_energies_properties'
98  INTEGER :: handle, natom
99  LOGICAL :: do_et, do_et_proj, &
100  do_post_scf_bandstructure, do_tip_scan
101  REAL(kind=dp) :: ekts
102  TYPE(atprop_type), POINTER :: atprop
103  TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER :: dft_control
104  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
105  TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER :: pw_env
106  TYPE(pw_r3d_rs_type), POINTER :: v_hartree_rspace
107  TYPE(qs_energy_type), POINTER :: energy
108  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input, post_scf_bands_section, &
109  proj_section, rest_b_section, &
110  tip_scan_section
112  NULLIFY (atprop, energy, pw_env)
113  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
115  ! atomic energies using Mulliken partition
116  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, &
117  dft_control=dft_control, &
118  input=input, &
119  atprop=atprop, &
120  energy=energy, &
121  v_hartree_rspace=v_hartree_rspace, &
122  para_env=para_env, &
123  pw_env=pw_env)
124  IF (atprop%energy) THEN
125  CALL qs_energies_mulliken(qs_env)
126  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, natom=natom)
127  IF (.NOT. dft_control%qs_control%semi_empirical .AND. &
128  .NOT. dft_control%qs_control%xtb .AND. &
129  .NOT. dft_control%qs_control%dftb) THEN
130  ! Nuclear charge correction
131  CALL integrate_v_core_rspace(v_hartree_rspace, qs_env)
132  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(atprop%ateb)) THEN
133  CALL atprop_array_init(atprop%ateb, natom)
134  END IF
135  ! Kohn-Sham Functional corrections
136  CALL ks_xc_correction(qs_env)
137  END IF
138  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%ateb)
139  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%ateself)
140  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%atexc)
141  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%atecoul)
142  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%atevdw)
143  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%ategcp)
144  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%atecc)
145  CALL atprop_array_add(atprop%atener, atprop%ate1c)
146  ! entropic energy
147  ekts = energy%kts/real(natom, kind=dp)/real(para_env%num_pe, kind=dp)
148  atprop%atener(:) = atprop%atener(:) + ekts
149  END IF
151  ! ET coupling - projection-operator approach
152  NULLIFY (proj_section)
153  proj_section => &
154  section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "PROPERTIES%ET_COUPLING%PROJECTION")
155  CALL section_vals_get(proj_section, explicit=do_et_proj)
156  IF (do_et_proj) THEN
157  CALL calc_et_coupling_proj(qs_env)
158  END IF
160  ! ********** Calculate the electron transfer coupling elements********
161  do_et = .false.
162  do_et = dft_control%qs_control%et_coupling_calc
163  IF (do_et) THEN
164  qs_env%et_coupling%energy = energy%total
165  qs_env%et_coupling%keep_matrix = .true.
166  qs_env%et_coupling%first_run = .true.
167  CALL qs_ks_update_qs_env(qs_env, calculate_forces=.false., just_energy=.true.)
168  qs_env%et_coupling%first_run = .false.
169  IF (dft_control%qs_control%ddapc_restraint) THEN
170  rest_b_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "PROPERTIES%ET_COUPLING%DDAPC_RESTRAINT_B")
171  CALL read_ddapc_section(qs_control=dft_control%qs_control, &
172  ddapc_restraint_section=rest_b_section)
173  END IF
174  CALL scf(qs_env=qs_env)
175  qs_env%et_coupling%keep_matrix = .true.
177  CALL qs_ks_update_qs_env(qs_env, calculate_forces=.false., just_energy=.true.)
178  CALL calc_et_coupling(qs_env)
179  END IF
181  !Properties
182  IF (dft_control%do_xas_calculation) THEN
183  CALL xas(qs_env, dft_control)
184  END IF
186  IF (dft_control%do_xas_tdp_calculation) THEN
187  CALL xas_tdp(qs_env)
188  END IF
190  ! Compute Linear Response properties as post-scf
191  IF (.NOT. qs_env%linres_run) THEN
192  CALL linres_calculation_low(qs_env)
193  END IF
195  IF (dft_control%tddfpt2_control%enabled) THEN
196  CALL tddfpt(qs_env, calc_forces)
197  END IF
199  ! post-SCF bandstructure calculation from higher level methods
200  NULLIFY (post_scf_bands_section)
201  post_scf_bands_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(qs_env%input, "PROPERTIES%BANDSTRUCTURE")
202  CALL section_vals_get(post_scf_bands_section, explicit=do_post_scf_bandstructure)
203  IF (do_post_scf_bandstructure) THEN
204  CALL post_scf_bandstructure(qs_env, post_scf_bands_section)
205  END IF
207  ! tip scan
208  NULLIFY (tip_scan_section)
209  tip_scan_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "PROPERTIES%TIP_SCAN")
210  CALL section_vals_get(tip_scan_section, explicit=do_tip_scan)
211  IF (do_tip_scan) THEN
212  CALL tip_scanning(qs_env, tip_scan_section)
213  END IF
215  CALL timestop(handle)
217  END SUBROUTINE qs_energies_properties
219 ! **************************************************************************************************
220 !> \brief Use a simple Mulliken-like energy decomposition
221 !> \param qs_env ...
222 !> \date 07.2011
223 !> \author JHU
224 !> \version 1.0
225 ! **************************************************************************************************
226  SUBROUTINE qs_energies_mulliken(qs_env)
228  TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
230  INTEGER :: ispin
231  TYPE(atprop_type), POINTER :: atprop
232  TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: matrix_h, matrix_ks, rho_ao
233  TYPE(qs_rho_type), POINTER :: rho
235  NULLIFY (atprop, matrix_h, matrix_ks, rho, rho_ao)
236  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, matrix_ks=matrix_ks, matrix_h=matrix_h, &
237  rho=rho, atprop=atprop)
238  CALL qs_rho_get(rho, rho_ao=rho_ao)
240  IF (atprop%energy) THEN
241  ! E = 0.5*Tr(H*P+F*P)
242  atprop%atener = 0._dp
243  DO ispin = 1, SIZE(rho_ao)
244  CALL atom_trace(matrix_h(1)%matrix, rho_ao(ispin)%matrix, &
245  0.5_dp, atprop%atener)
246  CALL atom_trace(matrix_ks(ispin)%matrix, rho_ao(ispin)%matrix, &
247  0.5_dp, atprop%atener)
248  END DO
249  END IF
251  END SUBROUTINE qs_energies_mulliken
253 ! **************************************************************************************************
254 !> \brief ...
255 !> \param qs_env ...
256 ! **************************************************************************************************
257  SUBROUTINE ks_xc_correction(qs_env)
258  TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
260  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'ks_xc_correction'
262  INTEGER :: handle, iatom, ispin, natom, nspins
263  LOGICAL :: gapw, gapw_xc
264  REAL(kind=dp) :: eh1, exc1
265  TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set
266  TYPE(atprop_type), POINTER :: atprop
267  TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: matrix_s, rho_ao, xcmat
268  TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: matrix_p
269  TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER :: dft_control
270  TYPE(ecoul_1center_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ecoul_1c
271  TYPE(local_rho_type), POINTER :: local_rho_set
272  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
273  TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER :: pw_env
274  TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER :: auxbas_pw_pool
275  TYPE(pw_r3d_rs_type) :: xc_den
276  TYPE(pw_r3d_rs_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vtau, vxc
277  TYPE(pw_r3d_rs_type), POINTER :: v_hartree_rspace
278  TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER :: dispersion_env
279  TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
280  TYPE(qs_ks_env_type), POINTER :: ks_env
281  TYPE(qs_rho_type), POINTER :: rho_struct
282  TYPE(rho_atom_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: rho_atom_set
283  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: xc_fun_section, xc_section
284  TYPE(xc_rho_cflags_type) :: needs
286  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
288  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, ks_env=ks_env, dft_control=dft_control, pw_env=pw_env, atprop=atprop)
290  IF (atprop%energy) THEN
292  nspins = dft_control%nspins
293  xc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(qs_env%input, "DFT%XC")
294  xc_fun_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(xc_section, "XC_FUNCTIONAL")
295  needs = xc_functionals_get_needs(xc_fun_section, (nspins == 2), .true.)
296  gapw = dft_control%qs_control%gapw
297  gapw_xc = dft_control%qs_control%gapw_xc
299  ! Nuclear charge correction
300  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, v_hartree_rspace=v_hartree_rspace)
301  IF (gapw .OR. gapw_xc) THEN
302  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, local_rho_set=local_rho_set, &
303  rho_atom_set=rho_atom_set, ecoul_1c=ecoul_1c, &
304  natom=natom, para_env=para_env)
305  CALL zero_rho_atom_integrals(rho_atom_set)
306  CALL calculate_vxc_atom(qs_env, .false., exc1)
307  IF (gapw) THEN
308  CALL vh_1c_gg_integrals(qs_env, eh1, ecoul_1c, local_rho_set, para_env, tddft=.false.)
309  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set)
310  CALL integrate_vhg0_rspace(qs_env, v_hartree_rspace, para_env, calculate_forces=.false., &
311  local_rho_set=local_rho_set, atener=atprop%ateb)
312  END IF
313  END IF
315  CALL pw_env_get(pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool)
316  CALL auxbas_pw_pool%create_pw(xc_den)
317  ALLOCATE (vxc(nspins))
318  DO ispin = 1, nspins
319  CALL auxbas_pw_pool%create_pw(vxc(ispin))
320  END DO
321  IF (needs%tau .OR. needs%tau_spin) THEN
322  ALLOCATE (vtau(nspins))
323  DO ispin = 1, nspins
324  CALL auxbas_pw_pool%create_pw(vtau(ispin))
325  END DO
326  END IF
328  IF (gapw_xc) THEN
329  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, rho_xc=rho_struct, dispersion_env=dispersion_env)
330  ELSE
331  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, rho=rho_struct, dispersion_env=dispersion_env)
332  END IF
333  IF (needs%tau .OR. needs%tau_spin) THEN
334  CALL qs_xc_density(ks_env, rho_struct, xc_section, dispersion_env=dispersion_env, &
335  xc_den=xc_den, vxc=vxc, vtau=vtau)
336  ELSE
337  CALL qs_xc_density(ks_env, rho_struct, xc_section, dispersion_env=dispersion_env, &
338  xc_den=xc_den, vxc=vxc)
339  END IF
340  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, rho=rho_struct)
341  CALL qs_rho_get(rho_struct, rho_ao=rho_ao)
342  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, natom=natom, matrix_s=matrix_s)
343  CALL atprop_array_init(atprop%atexc, natom)
344  ALLOCATE (xcmat(nspins))
345  DO ispin = 1, nspins
346  ALLOCATE (xcmat(ispin)%matrix)
347  CALL dbcsr_create(xcmat(ispin)%matrix, template=matrix_s(1)%matrix)
348  CALL dbcsr_copy(xcmat(ispin)%matrix, matrix_s(1)%matrix)
349  CALL dbcsr_set(xcmat(ispin)%matrix, 0.0_dp)
350  CALL pw_scale(vxc(ispin), -0.5_dp)
351  CALL pw_axpy(xc_den, vxc(ispin))
352  CALL pw_scale(vxc(ispin), vxc(ispin)%pw_grid%dvol)
353  CALL integrate_v_rspace(qs_env=qs_env, v_rspace=vxc(ispin), hmat=xcmat(ispin), &
354  calculate_forces=.false., gapw=(gapw .OR. gapw_xc))
355  IF (needs%tau .OR. needs%tau_spin) THEN
356  CALL pw_scale(vtau(ispin), -0.5_dp*vtau(ispin)%pw_grid%dvol)
357  CALL integrate_v_rspace(qs_env=qs_env, v_rspace=vtau(ispin), &
358  hmat=xcmat(ispin), calculate_forces=.false., &
359  gapw=(gapw .OR. gapw_xc), compute_tau=.true.)
360  END IF
361  END DO
362  IF (gapw .OR. gapw_xc) THEN
363  ! remove one-center potential matrix part
364  CALL qs_rho_get(rho_struct, rho_ao_kp=matrix_p)
365  CALL update_ks_atom(qs_env, xcmat, matrix_p, forces=.false., kscale=-0.5_dp)
366  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, rho_atom_set=rho_atom_set)
367  CALL atprop_array_init(atprop%ate1c, natom)
368  atprop%ate1c = 0.0_dp
369  DO iatom = 1, natom
370  atprop%ate1c(iatom) = atprop%ate1c(iatom) + &
371  rho_atom_set(iatom)%exc_h - rho_atom_set(iatom)%exc_s
372  END DO
373  IF (gapw) THEN
374  CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, ecoul_1c=ecoul_1c)
375  DO iatom = 1, natom
376  atprop%ate1c(iatom) = atprop%ate1c(iatom) + &
377  ecoul_1c(iatom)%ecoul_1_h - ecoul_1c(iatom)%ecoul_1_s + &
378  ecoul_1c(iatom)%ecoul_1_z - ecoul_1c(iatom)%ecoul_1_0
379  END DO
380  END IF
381  END IF
382  DO ispin = 1, nspins
383  CALL atom_trace(xcmat(ispin)%matrix, rho_ao(ispin)%matrix, 1.0_dp, atprop%atexc)
384  CALL dbcsr_release(xcmat(ispin)%matrix)
385  DEALLOCATE (xcmat(ispin)%matrix)
386  END DO
387  DEALLOCATE (xcmat)
389  CALL auxbas_pw_pool%give_back_pw(xc_den)
390  DO ispin = 1, nspins
391  CALL auxbas_pw_pool%give_back_pw(vxc(ispin))
392  END DO
393  IF (needs%tau .OR. needs%tau_spin) THEN
394  DO ispin = 1, nspins
395  CALL auxbas_pw_pool%give_back_pw(vtau(ispin))
396  END DO
397  END IF
399  END IF
401  CALL timestop(handle)
403  END SUBROUTINE ks_xc_correction
405 END MODULE qs_energy_utils
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
Holds information on atomic properties.
Definition: atprop_types.F:14
subroutine, public atprop_array_add(array_a, array_b)
Definition: atprop_types.F:129
subroutine, public atprop_array_init(atarray, natom)
Definition: atprop_types.F:98
Defines control structures, which contain the parameters and the settings for the DFT-based calculati...
Utilities to set up the control types.
subroutine, public read_ddapc_section(qs_control, qs_section, ddapc_restraint_section)
reads the input parameters needed for ddapc.
calculates the electron transfer coupling elements by projection-operator approach Kondov et al....
subroutine, public calc_et_coupling_proj(qs_env)
calculates the electron transfer coupling elements by projection-operator approach Kondov et al....
calculates the electron transfer coupling elements Wu, Van Voorhis, JCP 125, 164105 (2006)
Definition: et_coupling.F:13
subroutine, public calc_et_coupling(qs_env)
Definition: et_coupling.F:62
subroutine, public vh_1c_gg_integrals(qs_env, energy_hartree_1c, ecoul_1c, local_rho_set, para_env, tddft, local_rho_set_2nd, core_2nd)
Calculates one center GAPW Hartree energies and matrix elements Hartree potentials are input Takes po...
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
recursive type(section_vals_type) function, pointer, public section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals, subsection_name, i_rep_section, can_return_null)
returns the values of the requested subsection
subroutine, public section_vals_get(section_vals, ref_count, n_repetition, n_subs_vals_rep, section, explicit)
returns various attributes about the section_vals
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
compute mulliken charges we (currently) define them as c_i = 1/2 [ (PS)_{ii} + (SP)_{ii} ]
Definition: mulliken.F:13
subroutine, public atom_trace(amat, bmat, factor, atrace)
Compute partial trace of product of two matrices.
Definition: mulliken.F:915
subroutine, public post_scf_bandstructure(qs_env, post_scf_bandstructure_section)
Perform post-SCF band structure calculations from higher level methods.
container for various plainwaves related things
Definition: pw_env_types.F:14
subroutine, public pw_env_get(pw_env, pw_pools, cube_info, gridlevel_info, auxbas_pw_pool, auxbas_grid, auxbas_rs_desc, auxbas_rs_grid, rs_descs, rs_grids, xc_pw_pool, vdw_pw_pool, poisson_env, interp_section)
returns the various attributes of the pw env
Definition: pw_env_types.F:113
Manages a pool of grids (to be used for example as tmp objects), but can also be used to instantiate ...
Definition: pw_pool_types.F:24
Definition of disperson types for DFT calculations.
Utility subroutine for qs energy calculation.
subroutine, public qs_energies_properties(qs_env, calc_forces)
Refactoring of qs_energies_scf. Moves computation of properties into separate subroutine.
subroutine, public get_qs_env(qs_env, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, cell, super_cell, cell_ref, use_ref_cell, kpoints, dft_control, mos, sab_orb, sab_all, qmmm, qmmm_periodic, sac_ae, sac_ppl, sac_lri, sap_ppnl, sab_vdw, sab_scp, sap_oce, sab_lrc, sab_se, sab_xtbe, sab_tbe, sab_core, sab_xb, sab_xtb_nonbond, sab_almo, sab_kp, sab_kp_nosym, particle_set, energy, force, matrix_h, matrix_h_im, matrix_ks, matrix_ks_im, matrix_vxc, run_rtp, rtp, matrix_h_kp, matrix_h_im_kp, matrix_ks_kp, matrix_ks_im_kp, matrix_vxc_kp, kinetic_kp, matrix_s_kp, matrix_w_kp, matrix_s_RI_aux_kp, matrix_s, matrix_s_RI_aux, matrix_w, matrix_p_mp2, matrix_p_mp2_admm, rho, rho_xc, pw_env, ewald_env, ewald_pw, active_space, mpools, input, para_env, blacs_env, scf_control, rel_control, kinetic, qs_charges, vppl, rho_core, rho_nlcc, rho_nlcc_g, ks_env, ks_qmmm_env, wf_history, scf_env, local_particles, local_molecules, distribution_2d, dbcsr_dist, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, subsys, cp_subsys, oce, local_rho_set, rho_atom_set, task_list, task_list_soft, rho0_atom_set, rho0_mpole, rhoz_set, ecoul_1c, rho0_s_rs, rho0_s_gs, do_kpoints, has_unit_metric, requires_mo_derivs, mo_derivs, mo_loc_history, nkind, natom, nelectron_total, nelectron_spin, efield, neighbor_list_id, linres_control, xas_env, virial, cp_ddapc_env, cp_ddapc_ewald, outer_scf_history, outer_scf_ihistory, x_data, et_coupling, dftb_potential, results, se_taper, se_store_int_env, se_nddo_mpole, se_nonbond_env, admm_env, lri_env, lri_density, exstate_env, ec_env, dispersion_env, gcp_env, vee, rho_external, external_vxc, mask, mp2_env, bs_env, kg_env, WannierCentres, atprop, ls_scf_env, do_transport, transport_env, v_hartree_rspace, s_mstruct_changed, rho_changed, potential_changed, forces_up_to_date, mscfg_env, almo_scf_env, gradient_history, variable_history, embed_pot, spin_embed_pot, polar_env, mos_last_converged, rhs)
Get the QUICKSTEP environment.
Integrate single or product functions over a potential on a RS grid.
Define the quickstep kind type and their sub types.
Definition: qs_kind_types.F:23
routines that build the Kohn-Sham matrix contributions coming from local atomic densities
Definition: qs_ks_atom.F:12
subroutine, public update_ks_atom(qs_env, ksmat, pmat, forces, tddft, rho_atom_external, kind_set_external, oce_external, sab_external, kscale, kintegral, kforce, fscale)
The correction to the KS matrix due to the GAPW local terms to the hartree and XC contributions is he...
Definition: qs_ks_atom.F:110
routines that build the Kohn-Sham matrix (i.e calculate the coulomb and xc parts
Definition: qs_ks_methods.F:22
subroutine, public qs_ks_update_qs_env(qs_env, calculate_forces, just_energy, print_active)
updates the Kohn Sham matrix of the given qs_env (facility method)
Contains the setup for the calculation of properties by linear response by the application of second ...
subroutine, public linres_calculation_low(qs_env)
Linear response can be called as run type or as post scf calculation Initialize the perturbation envi...
subroutine, public integrate_vhg0_rspace(qs_env, v_rspace, para_env, calculate_forces, local_rho_set, local_rho_set_2nd, atener, kforce)
subroutine, public zero_rho_atom_integrals(rho_atom_set)
superstucture that hold various representations of the density and keeps track of which ones are vali...
Definition: qs_rho_types.F:18
subroutine, public qs_rho_get(rho_struct, rho_ao, rho_ao_im, rho_ao_kp, rho_ao_im_kp, rho_r, drho_r, rho_g, drho_g, tau_r, tau_g, rho_r_valid, drho_r_valid, rho_g_valid, drho_g_valid, tau_r_valid, tau_g_valid, tot_rho_r, tot_rho_g, rho_r_sccs, soft_valid, complex_rho_ao)
returns info about the density described by this object. If some representation is not available an e...
Definition: qs_rho_types.F:229
Routines for the Quickstep SCF run.
Definition: qs_scf.F:47
subroutine, public scf(qs_env, has_converged, total_scf_steps)
perform an scf procedure in the given qs_env
Definition: qs_scf.F:201
subroutine, public tddfpt(qs_env, calc_forces)
Perform TDDFPT calculation.
routines that build the integrals of the Vxc potential calculated for the atomic density in the basis...
Definition: qs_vxc_atom.F:12
subroutine, public calculate_vxc_atom(qs_env, energy_only, exc1, gradient_atom_set, adiabatic_rescale_factor, kind_set_external, rho_atom_set_external, xc_section_external)
Definition: qs_vxc_atom.F:87
Definition: qs_vxc.F:16
subroutine, public qs_xc_density(ks_env, rho_struct, xc_section, dispersion_env, xc_ener, xc_den, vxc, vtau)
calculates the XC density: E_xc(r) - V_xc(r)*rho(r) or E_xc(r)/rho(r)
Definition: qs_vxc.F:573
subroutine, public tip_scanning(qs_env, input_section)
Perform tip scanning calculation.
driver for the xas calculation and xas_scf for the tp method
Definition: xas_methods.F:15
subroutine, public xas(qs_env, dft_control)
Driver for xas calculations The initial mos are prepared A loop on the atoms to be excited is started...
Definition: xas_methods.F:162
Methods for X-Ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) using TDDFPT.
subroutine, public xas_tdp(qs_env)
Driver for XAS TDDFT calculations.
type(xc_rho_cflags_type) function, public xc_functionals_get_needs(functionals, lsd, calc_potential)
contains the structure