No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief module contains the master routine handling the tree creation,
10!> communication with workers and task distribution
11!> For each idle working group the master creates a new global tree
12!> element, and if neccessay a related sub tree element,
13!> OR find the next element to calculate the exact energy.
14!> Goal is to keep at least the exact energy calculation working groups
15!> as busy as possible.
16!> Master also checks for incomming results and update the tree and the
17!> acceptance ratios.
18!> \par History
19!> 11.2012 created [Mandes Schoenherr]
20!> \author Mandes
21! **************************************************************************************************
24 USE cell_methods, ONLY: init_cell
28 USE kinds, ONLY: dp,&
29 int_8
30 USE machine, ONLY: m_flush,&
31 m_memory,&
43 recv_msg,&
44 send_msg,&
47 USE tmc_move_handle, ONLY: check_moves,&
49 USE tmc_stati, ONLY: &
68 USE tmc_tree_types, ONLY: &
73 USE tmc_types, ONLY: tmc_env_type
74#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
80 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'tmc_master'
82 PUBLIC :: do_tmc_master
88! **************************************************************************************************
89!> \brief send cancel request to all workers processing elements in the list
90!> \param cancel_list list with elements to cancel
91!> \param work_list list with all elements processed by working groups
92!> \param cancel_count counter of canceled elements
93!> \param para_env communication environment
94!> \param tmc_env ...
95!> \author Mandes 12.2012
96! **************************************************************************************************
97 SUBROUTINE cancel_calculations(cancel_list, work_list, cancel_count, &
98 para_env, tmc_env)
99 TYPE(elem_list_type), POINTER :: cancel_list
100 TYPE(elem_array_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: work_list
101 INTEGER :: cancel_count
102 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
103 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
105 INTEGER :: i, stat, wg
106 TYPE(elem_list_type), POINTER :: tmp_element
108 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cancel_list)) RETURN
109 NULLIFY (tmp_element)
111 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env))
112 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%params))
113 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%m_env))
114 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(work_list))
115 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(para_env))
117 stat = tmc_status_failed
118 wg = -1
119 cancel_elem_loop: DO
120 ! find certain working group calculating this element
121 working_elem_loop: DO i = 1, SIZE(work_list)
122 ! in special cases element could be distributed to several working groups,
123 ! but all, except of one, should already be in canceling process
124 IF ((.NOT. work_list(i)%canceled) .AND. &
125 ASSOCIATED(work_list(i)%elem)) THEN
126 IF (ASSOCIATED(cancel_list%elem, work_list(i)%elem)) THEN
128 wg = i
129 EXIT working_elem_loop
130 END IF
131 END IF
132 END DO working_elem_loop
134 cpassert(wg .GE. 0)
135 cpassert(stat .NE. tmc_status_failed)
136 cpassert(work_list(wg)%elem%stat .NE. status_calc_approx_ener)
138 IF (debug .GE. 1) &
139 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
140 "TMC|master: cancel group "//cp_to_string(wg)
141 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
142 para_env=para_env, tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
143 work_list(wg)%canceled = .true.
145 ! counting the amount of canceled elements
146 cancel_count = cancel_count + 1
148 ! delete element from canceling list
149 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cancel_list%next)) THEN
150 DEALLOCATE (cancel_list)
151 cancel_list => null()
152 EXIT cancel_elem_loop
153 ELSE
154 tmp_element => cancel_list%next
155 DEALLOCATE (cancel_list)
156 cancel_list => tmp_element
157 END IF
158 END DO cancel_elem_loop
159 END SUBROUTINE cancel_calculations
161! **************************************************************************************************
162!> \brief send analysis request to a worker
163!> \param ana_list list with elements to be analysed
164!> \param ana_worker_info ...
165!> \param para_env communication environment
166!> \param tmc_env ...
167!> \author Mandes 12.2012
168! **************************************************************************************************
169 SUBROUTINE send_analysis_tasks(ana_list, ana_worker_info, para_env, tmc_env)
170 TYPE(elem_list_type), POINTER :: ana_list
171 TYPE(elem_array_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ana_worker_info
172 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
173 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
175 INTEGER :: dest, stat, wg
176 TYPE(elem_list_type), POINTER :: list_tmp
178 NULLIFY (list_tmp)
180 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(ana_worker_info))
181 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(para_env))
183 wg_loop: DO wg = 1, SIZE(ana_worker_info)
184 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(ana_list)) EXIT wg_loop
185 IF (.NOT. ana_worker_info(wg)%busy) THEN
187 dest = wg
188 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=dest, &
189 para_env=para_env, tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
190 list_elem=ana_list)
191 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(ana_list%next)) THEN
192 DEALLOCATE (ana_list)
193 ana_list => null()
194 ELSE
195 list_tmp => ana_list%next
196 DEALLOCATE (ana_list)
197 ana_list => list_tmp
198 END IF
199 END IF
200 END DO wg_loop
201 END SUBROUTINE send_analysis_tasks
203! **************************************************************************************************
204!> \brief global master handling tree creation and communication/work
205!> distribution with workers
206!> \param tmc_env structure for storing all the tmc parameters
207!> \param globenv global environment for external control
208!> \author Mandes 11.2012
209! **************************************************************************************************
210 SUBROUTINE do_tmc_master(tmc_env, globenv)
211 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
212 TYPE(global_environment_type), POINTER :: globenv
214 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'do_tmc_master'
216 INTEGER :: cancel_count, handle, last_output, reactivation_cc_count, &
217 reactivation_ener_count, restart_count, restarted_elem_nr, stat, walltime_delay, &
218 walltime_offset, wg, worker_counter
219 INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: mem
220 INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: nr_of_job
221 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tree_elem_counters, tree_elem_heads
222 LOGICAL :: external_stop, flag, l_update_tree
223 REAL(kind=dp) :: run_time_start
224 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(4) :: worker_timings_aver
225 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: efficiency
226 TYPE(elem_array_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ana_worker_info, worker_info
227 TYPE(global_tree_type), POINTER :: gt_elem_tmp
228 TYPE(tree_type), POINTER :: init_conf
230 external_stop = .false.
231 restarted_elem_nr = 0
232 NULLIFY (init_conf, worker_info, ana_worker_info, gt_elem_tmp, tree_elem_counters)
234 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env))
236 cpassert(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_nr == 0)
237 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set))
238 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w))
240 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%m_env))
242 !-- run time measurment, to end just in time
243 ! start the timing
244 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
245 run_time_start = m_walltime()
246 walltime_delay = 0
247 walltime_offset = 20 ! default value the whole program needs to finalize
249 ! initialize the different modules
250 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) &
251 CALL init_draw_trees(tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
253 !-- initialize variables
254 ! nr_of_job: counting the different task send / received
255 ! (1:NMC submitted, 2:energies submitted, 3:NMC finished 4:energy finished, 5:NMC canceled, 6:energy canceled)
256 nr_of_job(:) = 0
257 worker_counter = -1
258 reactivation_ener_count = 0
259 reactivation_cc_count = 0
260 cancel_count = 0
261 tmc_env%m_env%result_count = 0
262 l_update_tree = .false.
263 restart_count = 1
264 last_output = -1
265 ! average timings
266 ! (1:calculated NMC, 2:calculated ener, 3:canceled NMC, 4: canceled ener)
267 worker_timings_aver(:) = 0.0_dp
268 ! remembers state of workers and their actual configurations
269 ! the actual working group, communicating with
270 ALLOCATE (worker_info(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w%num_pe - 1))
271 ALLOCATE (ana_worker_info(tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana%num_pe - 1))
273 ! get the start configuration form the first (exact energy) worker,
274 ! master should/could have no Force environment
276 wg = 1
277 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
278 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
279 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
280 wait_for_message=.true.)
281 !-- wait for start configuration results and number of dimensions
282 !-- get start configuration (init_conf element should not be allocated already)
283 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=recv_msg, dest=wg, &
284 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
285 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
286 elem=init_conf, success=flag, wait_for_message=.true.)
287 IF (stat .NE. tmc_stat_start_conf_result) &
288 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
289 "receiving start configuration failed, received stat "// &
290 cp_to_string(stat))
291 ! get the atom names from first energy worker
292 CALL communicate_atom_types(atoms=tmc_env%params%atoms, &
293 source=1, &
294 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_first_w)
296 CALL init_cell(cell=tmc_env%params%cell)
298 ! check the configuration consitency with selected moves
299 CALL check_moves(tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
300 move_types=tmc_env%params%move_types, &
301 mol_array=init_conf%mol)
302 IF (ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%params%nmc_move_types)) &
303 CALL check_moves(tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
304 move_types=tmc_env%params%nmc_move_types, &
305 mol_array=init_conf%mol)
307 ! set initial configuration
308 ! set initial random number generator seed (rng seed)
309 ! initialize the tree structure espacially for parallel tmepering,
310 ! seting the subtrees
311 CALL init_tree_mod(start_elem=init_conf, tmc_env=tmc_env, &
312 job_counts=nr_of_job, &
313 worker_timings=worker_timings_aver)
315 ! init restart counter (espacially for restart case)
316 IF (tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step .NE. 0) THEN
317 restart_count = int(tmc_env%m_env%result_count(0)/ &
318 REAL(tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step, kind=dp)) + 1
319 END IF
320 restarted_elem_nr = tmc_env%m_env%result_count(0)
322!TODO check conf and cell of both input files (cell has to be equal,
323! because it is used as reference cell for scaling the cell)
324 ! communicate the reference cell size
325 DO wg = 1, tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w%num_pe - 1
327 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
328 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
329 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
330 END DO
332 ! send the atom informations to all analysis workers
333 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana%num_pe .GT. 1) THEN
334 DO wg = 1, tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana%num_pe - 1
336 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
337 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana, &
338 result_count=tmc_env%m_env%result_count, &
339 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
340 elem=init_conf, &
341 wait_for_message=.true.)
342 END DO
343 CALL communicate_atom_types(atoms=tmc_env%params%atoms, &
344 source=0, &
345 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana)
346 END IF
348 CALL deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem=init_conf)
350 ! regtest output
351 IF (tmc_env%params%print_test_output .OR. debug .GT. 0) &
352 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "TMC|first_global_tree_rnd_nr_X= ", &
353 tmc_env%m_env%gt_head%rnd_nr
355 ! calculate the approx energy of the first element (later the exact)
356 IF (tmc_env%m_env%gt_head%conf(1)%elem%stat .EQ. status_calc_approx_ener) THEN
357 wg = 1
358 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr .GT. 0) &
359 wg = tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr + 1
361 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
362 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
363 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
364 elem=tmc_env%m_env%gt_head%conf(1)%elem)
365 worker_info(wg)%busy = .true.
366 worker_info(wg)%elem => tmc_env%m_env%gt_head%conf(1)%elem
367 init_conf => tmc_env%m_env%gt_head%conf(1)%elem
368 ELSE IF (tmc_env%m_env%gt_head%conf(1)%elem%stat .EQ. status_created) THEN
369 init_conf => tmc_env%m_env%gt_head%conf(1)%elem
370 ! calculation will be done automatically,
371 ! by searching the next conf for energy calculation
372 END IF
373 !-- START WORK --!
374 !-- distributing work:
375 ! 1. receive incoming results
376 ! 2. check new results in tree
377 ! 3. if idle worker, create new tree element and send them to worker
378 task_loop: DO
379 ! =======================================================================
380 !-- RECEIVING ALL incoming messages and handling them
381 ! results of tree node 1 is distributed to all other subtree nodes
382 ! =======================================================================
383 worker_request_loop: DO
384 wg = 1
385 flag = .false.
386 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=recv_msg, dest=wg, &
387 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
388 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
389 elem_array=worker_info(:), success=flag)
391 IF (flag .EQV. .false.) EXIT worker_request_loop
392 ! messages from worker group could be faster then the canceling request
393 IF (worker_info(wg)%canceled .AND. (stat .NE. tmc_canceling_receipt)) THEN
394 IF (debug .GE. 1) &
395 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
396 "TMC|master: recv stat "//cp_to_string(stat)// &
397 " of canceled worker group"
398 cycle worker_request_loop
399 END IF
401 ! in case of parallel tempering canceled element could be reactivated,
402 ! calculated faster and deleted
403 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(worker_info(wg)%elem)) &
404 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
405 "no tree elem exist when receiving stat "// &
406 cp_to_string(stat)//"of group"//cp_to_string(wg))
408 IF (debug .GE. 1) &
409 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
410 "TMC|master: received stat "//cp_to_string(stat)// &
411 " of sub tree "//cp_to_string(worker_info(wg)%elem%sub_tree_nr)// &
412 " elem"//cp_to_string(worker_info(wg)%elem%nr)// &
413 " with stat"//cp_to_string(worker_info(wg)%elem%stat)// &
414 " of group"//cp_to_string(wg)//" group canceled ", worker_info(wg)%canceled
415 SELECT CASE (stat)
416 ! -- FAILED --------------------------
417 CASE (tmc_status_failed)
418 EXIT task_loop
419 ! -- CANCEL_RECEIPT ------------------
421 ! worker should got cancel message before
422 cpassert(worker_info(wg)%canceled)
423 worker_info(wg)%canceled = .false.
424 worker_info(wg)%busy = .false.
426 IF (ASSOCIATED(worker_info(wg)%elem)) THEN
427 SELECT CASE (worker_info(wg)%elem%stat)
428 CASE (status_cancel_ener)
429 !-- timings
430 worker_timings_aver(4) = (worker_timings_aver(4)*nr_of_job(6) + &
431 (m_walltime() - worker_info(wg)%start_time))/real(nr_of_job(6) + 1, kind=dp)
432 nr_of_job(6) = nr_of_job(6) + 1
434 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat = status_canceled_ener
435 worker_info(wg)%elem%potential = 8000.0_dp
436 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) THEN
437 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
438 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
439 END IF
440 CASE (status_cancel_nmc)
441 !-- timings
442 worker_timings_aver(3) = (worker_timings_aver(3)*nr_of_job(5) + &
443 (m_walltime() - worker_info(wg)%start_time))/real(nr_of_job(5) + 1, kind=dp)
444 nr_of_job(5) = nr_of_job(5) + 1
446 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat = status_canceled_nmc
447 worker_info(wg)%elem%potential = 8000.0_dp
448 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) THEN
449 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
450 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
451 END IF
453 ! the subtree element is again in use (reactivated)
455 worker_info(wg)%elem => null()
456 END IF
457 ! -- START_CONF_RESULT ---------------
459 ! start configuration should already be handeled
460 cpabort("")
461 ! -- ENERGY RESULT -----------------
463 nr_of_job(3) = nr_of_job(3) + 1
464 worker_info(wg)%busy = .false.
465 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat = status_created
466 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) THEN
467 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
468 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
469 END IF
470 worker_info(wg)%elem => null()
471 ! nothing to do, the approximate potential
472 ! should be updated in the message interface
473 ! -- NMC / MD RESULT -----------------
475 IF (.NOT. worker_info(wg)%canceled) worker_info(wg)%busy = .false.
476 !-- timings for Nested Monte Carlo calculation
477 worker_timings_aver(1) = (worker_timings_aver(1)*nr_of_job(3) + &
478 (m_walltime() - worker_info(wg)%start_time))/real(nr_of_job(3) + 1, kind=dp)
479 nr_of_job(3) = nr_of_job(3) + 1
481 worker_info(wg)%start_time = m_walltime() - worker_info(wg)%start_time
482 CALL set_walltime_delay(worker_info(wg)%start_time, walltime_delay)
483 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat = status_created
484 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) THEN
485 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
486 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
487 END IF
488 !-- send energy request
489 ! in case of one singe input file, energy is already calculated
490 IF (tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file .EQ. "") THEN
491 worker_info(wg)%elem%potential = worker_info(wg)%elem%e_pot_approx
492 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat = status_calculated
493 ! check acceptance of depending nodes
494 IF (.NOT. (ASSOCIATED(worker_info(wg)%elem, init_conf))) THEN
495 CALL check_acceptance_of_depending_subtree_nodes(tree_elem=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
496 tmc_env=tmc_env)
497 END IF
498 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) THEN
499 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
500 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
501 END IF
502 !-- CANCELING the calculations of the elements, which are definetively not needed anymore
503 CALL cancel_calculations(cancel_list=tmc_env%m_env%cancelation_list, &
504 work_list=worker_info, &
505 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
506 tmc_env=tmc_env, &
507 cancel_count=cancel_count)
508 worker_info(wg)%elem => null()
509 ELSE
510 ! if all working groups are equal, the same group calculates the energy
511 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr .LE. 0 &
512 .AND. (.NOT. worker_info(wg)%canceled)) THEN
513 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat = status_calculate_energy
515 ! immediately send energy request
516 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
517 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
518 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
519 elem=worker_info(wg)%elem)
520 worker_info(wg)%busy = .true.
521 nr_of_job(2) = nr_of_job(2) + 1
522 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) THEN
523 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
524 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
525 END IF
526 !-- set start time for energy calculation
527 worker_info(wg)%start_time = m_walltime()
528 ELSE
529 worker_info(wg)%elem => null()
530 END IF
531 END IF
532 ! -- ENERGY RESULT --------------------
534 !-- timings
535 worker_timings_aver(2) = (worker_timings_aver(2)*nr_of_job(4) + &
536 (m_walltime() - worker_info(wg)%start_time))/real(nr_of_job(4) + 1, kind=dp)
537 nr_of_job(4) = nr_of_job(4) + 1
539 worker_info(wg)%start_time = m_walltime() - worker_info(wg)%start_time
540 CALL set_walltime_delay(worker_info(wg)%start_time, walltime_delay)
542 IF (.NOT. worker_info(wg)%canceled) &
543 worker_info(wg)%busy = .false.
544 ! the first node in tree is always accepted.!.
545 IF (ASSOCIATED(worker_info(wg)%elem, init_conf)) THEN
546 !-- distribute energy of first element to all subtrees
547 CALL finalize_init(gt_tree_ptr=tmc_env%m_env%gt_head, &
548 tmc_env=tmc_env)
549 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) THEN
550 CALL create_global_tree_dot_color(gt_tree_element=tmc_env%m_env%gt_act, &
551 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
552 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
553 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
554 END IF
555 init_conf => null()
556 ELSE
557 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat = status_calculated
558 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) &
559 CALL create_dot_color(worker_info(wg)%elem, &
560 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
561 ! check acceptance of depending nodes
562 ! first (initial) configuration do not have to be checked
563 CALL check_acceptance_of_depending_subtree_nodes(tree_elem=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
564 tmc_env=tmc_env)
565 END IF
566 !-- write out all configurations (not only Markov Chain) e.g. for fitting
567 IF (tmc_env%params%all_conf_file_name .NE. "") THEN
568 CALL write_element_in_file(elem=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
569 file_name=tmc_env%params%all_conf_file_name, &
570 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
571 conf_nr=nr_of_job(4))
572 END IF
574 !-- CANCELING the calculations of the elements,
575 ! which are definetively not needed anymore
576 CALL cancel_calculations(cancel_list=tmc_env%m_env%cancelation_list, &
577 work_list=worker_info, &
578 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
579 tmc_env=tmc_env, &
580 cancel_count=cancel_count)
581 IF (debug .GE. 9) &
582 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
583 "TMC|master: handled energy result of sub tree ", &
584 worker_info(wg)%elem%sub_tree_nr, " elem ", worker_info(wg)%elem%nr, &
585 " with stat", worker_info(wg)%elem%stat
586 worker_info(wg)%elem => null()
588 !-- SCF ENERGY -----------------------
590 IF (.NOT. (ASSOCIATED(worker_info(wg)%elem, init_conf)) .AND. &
591 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat .NE. status_cancel_ener .AND. &
592 worker_info(wg)%elem%stat .NE. status_cancel_nmc) THEN
593 ! update the acceptance probability and the canceling list
594 CALL check_elements_for_acc_prob_update(tree_elem=worker_info(wg)%elem, &
595 tmc_env=tmc_env)
596 END IF
597 ! cancel inlikely elements
598 CALL cancel_calculations(cancel_list=tmc_env%m_env%cancelation_list, &
599 work_list=worker_info, &
600 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
601 tmc_env=tmc_env, &
602 cancel_count=cancel_count)
604 ana_worker_info(wg)%busy = .false.
605 ana_worker_info(wg)%elem => null()
607 cpabort("received message with unknown info/stat type")
609 END DO worker_request_loop
610 !-- do tree update (check new results)
611 CALL tree_update(tmc_env=tmc_env, result_acc=flag, &
612 something_updated=l_update_tree)
613 IF (debug .GE. 2 .AND. l_update_tree) &
614 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
615 "TMC|master: tree updated "//cp_to_string(l_update_tree)// &
616 " of with gt elem "//cp_to_string(tmc_env%m_env%gt_act%nr)// &
617 " with stat"//cp_to_string(tmc_env%m_env%gt_act%stat)
619 CALL send_analysis_tasks(ana_list=tmc_env%m_env%analysis_list, &
620 ana_worker_info=ana_worker_info, &
621 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana, &
622 tmc_env=tmc_env)
624 ! =======================================================================
625 !-- ALL CALCULATIONS DONE (check) ---
626 ! =======================================================================
627 ! if enough configurations are sampled or walltime is exeeded,
628 ! finish building trees
629!TODO set correct logger para_env to use this
630 CALL external_control(should_stop=external_stop, flag="TMC", globenv=globenv)
631 IF ((any(tmc_env%m_env%result_count(1:) .GE. tmc_env%m_env%num_MC_elem) &
632 .AND. flag) .OR. &
633 (m_walltime() - run_time_start .GT. &
634 tmc_env%m_env%walltime - walltime_delay - walltime_offset) .OR. &
635 external_stop) THEN
636 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("=", 79)
637 ! calculations NOT finished, walltime exceeded
638 IF (.NOT. any(tmc_env%m_env%result_count(1:) &
639 .GE. tmc_env%m_env%num_MC_elem)) THEN
640 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "Walltime exceeded.", &
641 m_walltime() - run_time_start, " of ", tmc_env%m_env%walltime - walltime_delay - walltime_offset, &
642 "(incl. delay", walltime_delay, "and offset", walltime_offset, ") left"
643 ELSE
644 ! calculations finished
645 IF (tmc_env%params%print_test_output) &
646 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "Total energy: ", &
647 tmc_env%m_env%result_list(1)%elem%potential
648 END IF
649 IF (tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step .NE. 0) &
650 CALL print_restart_file(tmc_env=tmc_env, job_counts=nr_of_job, &
651 timings=worker_timings_aver)
652 EXIT task_loop
653 END IF
655 ! =======================================================================
656 ! update the rest of the tree (canceling and deleting elements)
657 ! =======================================================================
658 IF (l_update_tree) THEN
659 IF (debug .GE. 2) &
660 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
661 "TMC|master: start remove elem and cancel calculation"
662 !-- CLEANING tree nodes beside the path through the tree from
663 ! end_of_clean_tree to tree_ptr
664 ! --> getting back the end of clean tree
665 CALL remove_all_trees(working_elem_list=worker_info, tmc_env=tmc_env)
666 !-- CANCELING the calculations of the elements,
667 ! which are definetively not needed anymore
668 ! elements are added to canceling list if no global tree reference
669 ! exist anymore
670 CALL cancel_calculations(cancel_list=tmc_env%m_env%cancelation_list, &
671 work_list=worker_info, &
672 cancel_count=cancel_count, &
673 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
674 tmc_env=tmc_env)
675 END IF
677 ! =====================================================================
678 !-- NEW TASK (if worker not busy submit next task)
679 ! =====================================================================
680 worker_counter = worker_counter + 1
681 wg = modulo(worker_counter, tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w%num_pe - 1) + 1
683 IF (debug .GE. 16 .AND. all(worker_info(:)%busy)) &
684 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "all workers are busy"
686 IF (.NOT. worker_info(wg)%busy) THEN
687 IF (debug .GE. 13) &
688 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
689 "TMC|master: search new task for worker ", wg
690 ! no group separation
691 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr .LE. 0) THEN
692 ! search next element to calculate the energy
693 CALL search_next_energy_calc(gt_head=tmc_env%m_env%gt_act, &
694 new_gt_elem=gt_elem_tmp, stat=stat, &
695 react_count=reactivation_ener_count)
696 IF (stat .EQ. tmc_status_wait_for_new_task) THEN
697 CALL create_new_gt_tree_node(tmc_env=tmc_env, stat=stat, &
698 new_elem=gt_elem_tmp, &
699 reactivation_cc_count=reactivation_cc_count)
700 END IF
701 ELSEIF (wg .GT. tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_ener_nr) THEN
702 ! specialized groups (groups for exact energy and groups for configurational change)
703 ! creating new element (configurational change group)
704 !-- crate new node, configurational change is handled in tmc_tree module
705 CALL create_new_gt_tree_node(tmc_env=tmc_env, stat=stat, &
706 new_elem=gt_elem_tmp, &
707 reactivation_cc_count=reactivation_cc_count)
708 ! element could be already created, hence CC worker has nothing to do for this element
709 ! in next round he will get a task
710 IF (stat .EQ. status_created .OR. stat .EQ. status_calculate_energy) &
712 ELSE
713 ! search next element to calculate the energy
714 CALL search_next_energy_calc(gt_head=tmc_env%m_env%gt_act, &
715 new_gt_elem=gt_elem_tmp, stat=stat, &
716 react_count=reactivation_ener_count)
717 END IF
719 IF (debug .GE. 10) &
720 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
721 "TMC|master: send task with elem stat "//cp_to_string(stat)// &
722 " to group "//cp_to_string(wg)
723 ! MESSAGE settings: status informations and task for communication
724 SELECT CASE (stat)
726 cycle task_loop
727 CASE (tmc_status_failed)
728 !STOP "in creating new task, status failed should be handled before"
729 cycle task_loop
731 cycle task_loop
733 ! e.g. after volume move, we need the approximate potential for 2 potential check of following NMC nodes
735 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
736 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
737 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
738 elem=gt_elem_tmp%conf(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf)%elem)
739 nr_of_job(1) = nr_of_job(1) + 1
741 ! in case of parallel tempering the node can be already be calculating (related to another global tree node
742 !-- send task to calculate system property
743 gt_elem_tmp%conf(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf)%elem%stat = status_calculate_energy
744 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) &
745 CALL create_dot_color(tree_element=gt_elem_tmp%conf(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf)%elem, &
746 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
748 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
749 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
750 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
751 elem=gt_elem_tmp%conf(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf)%elem)
752 nr_of_job(2) = nr_of_job(2) + 1
755 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
756 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
757 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
758 elem=gt_elem_tmp%conf(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf)%elem)
759! temperature=tmc_env%params%Temp(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf), &
760 nr_of_job(1) = nr_of_job(1) + 1
762 !-- send information of element, which should be calculated
764 CALL tmc_message(msg_type=stat, send_recv=send_msg, dest=wg, &
765 para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
766 tmc_params=tmc_env%params, &
767 elem=gt_elem_tmp%conf(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf)%elem)
768 nr_of_job(1) = nr_of_job(1) + 1
770 ! skip that task until receipt is received
771 ! no status update
773 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
774 "new task of tree element"// &
775 cp_to_string(gt_elem_tmp%nr)// &
776 "has unknown status"//cp_to_string(stat))
778 worker_info(wg)%elem => gt_elem_tmp%conf(gt_elem_tmp%mv_conf)%elem
779 worker_info(wg)%busy = .true.
780 ! set timer for maximum calculation time recognition
781 worker_info(wg)%start_time = m_walltime()
783 !===================== write out info after x requested tasks==========
784 IF (nr_of_job(4) .GT. last_output .AND. &
785 (modulo(nr_of_job(4), tmc_env%m_env%info_out_step_size) .EQ. 0) .AND. &
786 (stat .NE. tmc_status_failed)) THEN
787 last_output = nr_of_job(4)
788 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("-", 79)
789 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
790 "Tasks submitted: E ", nr_of_job(2), ", cc", nr_of_job(1)
791 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
792 "Results received: E ", nr_of_job(4), ", cc", nr_of_job(3)
793 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
794 "Configurations used:", tmc_env%m_env%result_count(0), &
795 ", sub trees", tmc_env%m_env%result_count(1:)
797 CALL print_move_types(init=.false., file_io=tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, &
798 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
799 ALLOCATE (tree_elem_counters(0:SIZE(tmc_env%params%Temp)))
800 ALLOCATE (tree_elem_heads(0:SIZE(tmc_env%params%Temp)))
801 CALL count_nodes_in_trees(global_tree_ptr=tmc_env%m_env%gt_act, &
802 end_of_clean_trees=tmc_env%m_env%st_clean_ends, &
803 counters=tree_elem_counters, head_elements_nr=tree_elem_heads)
804 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "nodes in trees", tree_elem_counters(:)
805 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "tree heads ", tree_elem_heads(:)
806 IF (tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file .NE. "") THEN
807 CALL count_prepared_nodes_in_trees(global_tree_ptr=tmc_env%m_env%gt_act, &
808 counters=tree_elem_counters)
809 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt=*) &
810 "ener prepared ", tree_elem_counters
811 END IF
812 IF (tmc_env%params%SPECULATIVE_CANCELING) &
813 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
814 "canceled cc|E: ", nr_of_job(5:6), &
815 ", reactivated: cc ", &
816 reactivation_cc_count, &
817 ", reactivated: E ", &
818 reactivation_ener_count
819 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt='(A,2F10.2)') &
820 " Average time for cc/ener calc ", &
821 worker_timings_aver(1), worker_timings_aver(2)
822 IF (tmc_env%params%SPECULATIVE_CANCELING) &
823 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt='(A,2F10.2)') &
824 " Average time until cancel cc/ener calc ", &
825 worker_timings_aver(3), worker_timings_aver(4)
826 IF (tmc_env%params%esimate_acc_prob) &
827 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
828 "Estimate correct (acc/Nacc) | wrong (acc/nacc)", &
829 tmc_env%m_env%estim_corr_wrong(1), &
830 tmc_env%m_env%estim_corr_wrong(3), " | ", &
831 tmc_env%m_env%estim_corr_wrong(2), &
832 tmc_env%m_env%estim_corr_wrong(4)
833 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
834 "Time: ", int(m_walltime() - run_time_start), "of", &
835 int(tmc_env%m_env%walltime - walltime_delay - walltime_offset), &
836 "sec needed."
837 CALL m_memory(mem)
838 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
839 "Memory used: ", int(mem/(1024*1024), kind=kind(0)), "MiBytes"
840 CALL m_flush(tmc_env%m_env%io_unit)
841 DEALLOCATE (tree_elem_heads)
842 DEALLOCATE (tree_elem_counters)
843 END IF
844 !===================== write out restart file after x results============
845 IF (tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step .GT. 0 .AND. &
846 tmc_env%m_env%result_count(0) .GT. &
847 restart_count*tmc_env%m_env%restart_out_step) THEN
848 CALL print_restart_file(tmc_env=tmc_env, job_counts=nr_of_job, &
849 timings=worker_timings_aver)
850 restart_count = restart_count + 1
851 END IF
853 END IF !worker busy?
854 END DO task_loop
856 ! -- END OF WORK (enough configurations are calculated or walltime exceeded
857 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("=", 79)
858 WRITE (unit=tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(T2,A,T35,A,T80,A)") "=", &
859 "finalizing TMC", "="
860 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "acceptance rates:"
861 CALL print_move_types(init=.false., file_io=tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, &
862 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
863 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("-", 79)
864 ! program efficiency result outputs
865 ALLOCATE (efficiency(0:tmc_env%params%nr_temp))
866 CALL get_subtree_efficiency(tmc_env=tmc_env, eff=efficiency)
867 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "Efficiencies:"
868 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(A,F5.2,A,1000F5.2)") &
869 " (MC elements/calculated configuration) global:", &
870 efficiency(0), " sub tree(s): ", efficiency(1:)
871 DEALLOCATE (efficiency)
872 IF (tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%group_cc_nr .GT. 0) &
873 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(A,1000F5.2)") &
874 " (MC elements/created configuration) :", &
875 tmc_env%m_env%result_count(:)/real(nr_of_job(3), kind=dp)
876 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(A,1000F5.2)") &
877 " (MC elements/energy calculated configuration):", &
878 tmc_env%m_env%result_count(:)/real(nr_of_job(4), kind=dp)
879 IF (tmc_env%params%NMC_inp_file .NE. "") THEN
880 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
881 "Amount of canceled elements (E/cc):", &
882 tmc_env%m_env%count_cancel_ener, tmc_env%m_env%count_cancel_NMC
883 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
884 " reactivated E ", reactivation_ener_count
885 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) &
886 " reactivated cc ", reactivation_cc_count
887 END IF
888 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(A,F10.2)") &
889 " computing time of one Markov chain element ", &
890 (m_walltime() - run_time_start)/real(tmc_env%m_env%result_count(0) - &
891 restarted_elem_nr, kind=dp)
892 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(A,F10.2)") " TMC run time[s]: ", m_walltime() - run_time_start
893 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") repeat("=", 79)
895 !-- FINALIZE
896 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "stopping workers"
897 CALL stop_whole_group(para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_w, &
898 worker_info=worker_info, &
899 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
900 DEALLOCATE (worker_info)
901 CALL stop_whole_group(para_env=tmc_env%tmc_comp_set%para_env_m_ana, &
902 worker_info=ana_worker_info, &
903 tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
904 DEALLOCATE (ana_worker_info)
906 !-- deallocating everything in tree module
907 CALL finalize_trees(tmc_env=tmc_env)
909 CALL free_cancelation_list(tmc_env%m_env%cancelation_list)
911 ! -- write final configuration
912 IF (tmc_env%params%DRAW_TREE) &
913 CALL finalize_draw_tree(tmc_params=tmc_env%params)
915 WRITE (tmc_env%m_env%io_unit, *) "TMC master: all work done."
917 ! end the timing
918 CALL timestop(handle)
920 END SUBROUTINE do_tmc_master
922! **************************************************************************************************
923!> \brief routine sets the walltime delay, to the maximum calculation time
924!> hence the program can stop with a proper finailze
925!> \param time actual calculation time
926!> \param walltime_delay the actual biggest calculation time
927!> \author Mandes 12.2012
928! **************************************************************************************************
929 SUBROUTINE set_walltime_delay(time, walltime_delay)
930 REAL(kind=dp) :: time
931 INTEGER :: walltime_delay
933 cpassert(time .GE. 0.0_dp)
935 IF (time .GT. walltime_delay) THEN
936 walltime_delay = int(time) + 1
937 END IF
938 END SUBROUTINE set_walltime_delay
940END MODULE tmc_master
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int modulo(int a, int m)
Equivalent of Fortran's MODULO, which always return a positive number. https://gcc....
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
subroutine, public init_cell(cell, hmat, periodic)
Initialise/readjust a simulation cell after hmat has been changed.
Routines to handle the external control of CP2K.
subroutine, public external_control(should_stop, flag, globenv, target_time, start_time, force_check)
External manipulations during a run : when the <PROJECT_NAME>.EXIT_$runtype command is sent the progr...
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
Define type storing the global information of a run. Keep the amount of stored data small....
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public int_8
Definition kinds.F:54
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX.
Definition machine.F:17
subroutine, public m_memory(mem)
Returns the total amount of memory [bytes] in use, if known, zero otherwise.
Definition machine.F:440
subroutine, public m_flush(lunit)
flushes units if the &GLOBAL flag is set accordingly
Definition machine.F:130
real(kind=dp) function, public m_walltime()
returns time from a real-time clock, protected against rolling early/easily
Definition machine.F:147
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Timing routines for accounting.
Definition timings.F:17
calculation section for TreeMonteCarlo
subroutine, public get_subtree_efficiency(tmc_env, eff)
calculated the rate of used tree elements to created tree elements for every temperature
to decrease the used memory size, just actual needed tree elements should be stored in memory,...
subroutine, public free_cancelation_list(cancel_list)
for correct finalizing deallocate the cancelation list
module for printing tree structures in GraphViz dot files for visualizing the trees
subroutine, public finalize_draw_tree(tmc_params)
close the dot files (write tails)
subroutine, public init_draw_trees(tmc_params)
initializes the dot files (open and write headers)
subroutine, public create_global_tree_dot_color(gt_tree_element, tmc_params)
interfaces the change of color for global tree node on the basis of the element status
subroutine, public create_dot_color(tree_element, tmc_params)
interfaces the change of color for subtree elements on the basis of the element status
writing and printing the files, trajectory (pos, cell, dipoles) as well as restart files
Definition tmc_file_io.F:20
subroutine, public print_restart_file(tmc_env, job_counts, timings)
prints out the TMC restart files with all last configurations and counters etc.
subroutine, public write_element_in_file(elem, tmc_params, temp_index, file_name, conf_nr, conf_info)
writes the trajectory element in a file from sub tree element
module contains the master routine handling the tree creation, communication with workers and task di...
Definition tmc_master.F:23
subroutine, public do_tmc_master(tmc_env, globenv)
global master handling tree creation and communication/work distribution with workers
Definition tmc_master.F:211
set up the different message for different tasks A TMC message consists of 3 parts (messages) 1: firs...
subroutine, public tmc_message(msg_type, send_recv, dest, para_env, tmc_params, elem, elem_array, list_elem, result_count, wait_for_message, success)
tmc message handling, packing messages with integer and real data type. Send first info message with ...
subroutine, public communicate_atom_types(atoms, source, para_env)
routines send atom names to the global master (using broadcast in a specialized group consisting of t...
subroutine, public stop_whole_group(para_env, worker_info, tmc_params)
send stop command to all group participants
logical, parameter, public send_msg
logical, parameter, public recv_msg
acceptance ratio handling of the different Monte Carlo Moves types For each move type and each temper...
subroutine, public check_moves(tmc_params, move_types, mol_array)
checks if the moves are possible
subroutine, public print_move_types(init, file_io, tmc_params)
routine pronts out the probabilities and sized for each type and temperature the output is divided in...
tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc.
Definition tmc_stati.F:15
integer, parameter, public tmc_status_failed
Definition tmc_stati.F:57
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_analysis_request
Definition tmc_stati.F:88
integer, parameter, public tmc_status_worker_init
Definition tmc_stati.F:54
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_md_result
Definition tmc_stati.F:82
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_md_request
Definition tmc_stati.F:81
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_approx_energy_result
Definition tmc_stati.F:69
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_start_conf_result
Definition tmc_stati.F:72
integer, parameter, public tmc_status_wait_for_new_task
Definition tmc_stati.F:52
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_nmc_result
Definition tmc_stati.F:78
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_analysis_result
Definition tmc_stati.F:89
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_init_analysis
Definition tmc_stati.F:87
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_energy_result
Definition tmc_stati.F:75
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_scf_step_ener_receive
Definition tmc_stati.F:85
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_approx_energy_request
Definition tmc_stati.F:68
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_start_conf_request
Definition tmc_stati.F:71
integer, parameter, public tmc_canceling_receipt
Definition tmc_stati.F:64
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_energy_request
Definition tmc_stati.F:74
integer, parameter, public tmc_stat_nmc_request
Definition tmc_stati.F:77
integer, parameter, public tmc_canceling_message
Definition tmc_stati.F:63
tree nodes acceptance code is separated in 3 parts, first the acceptance criteria,...
subroutine, public tree_update(tmc_env, result_acc, something_updated)
searching tree nodes to check for Markov Chain, elements are marked and stored in lists ....
subroutine, public check_acceptance_of_depending_subtree_nodes(tree_elem, tmc_env)
check acceptance of energy calculated element and related childs, when ready
subroutine, public check_elements_for_acc_prob_update(tree_elem, tmc_env)
updates the subtree acceptance probability the swap probabilities are handled within the certain chec...
tree nodes creation, deallocation, references etc.
subroutine, public init_tree_mod(start_elem, tmc_env, job_counts, worker_timings)
routine initiate the global and subtrees with the first elements
subroutine, public deallocate_sub_tree_node(tree_elem)
deallocates an elements of the subtree element structure
subroutine, public create_new_gt_tree_node(tmc_env, stat, new_elem, reactivation_cc_count)
creates new global tree element and if needed new subtree element
subroutine, public finalize_init(gt_tree_ptr, tmc_env)
distributes the initial energy to all subtree (if no restart) and call analysis for this element (wri...
subroutine, public remove_all_trees(working_elem_list, tmc_env)
deallocates the no more used tree nodes beside the result nodes from begin_ptr to end_ptr in global a...
subroutine, public finalize_trees(tmc_env)
deallocating every tree node of every trees (clean up)
tree nodes search etc.
subroutine, public search_next_energy_calc(gt_head, new_gt_elem, stat, react_count)
gt_head head of the global tree
subroutine, public count_nodes_in_trees(global_tree_ptr, end_of_clean_trees, counters, head_elements_nr)
counts the number of existing nodes in global and subtrees
subroutine, public count_prepared_nodes_in_trees(global_tree_ptr, counters)
searches for created configurations in all subtrees
module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent elemen...
integer, parameter, public status_accepted
integer, parameter, public status_calculate_energy
integer, parameter, public status_calculate_md
integer, parameter, public status_canceled_ener
integer, parameter, public status_calculated
integer, parameter, public status_cancel_ener
integer, parameter, public status_cancel_nmc
integer, parameter, public status_canceled_nmc
integer, parameter, public status_calc_approx_ener
integer, parameter, public status_rejected
integer, parameter, public status_calculate_nmc_steps
integer, parameter, public status_created
module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent elemen...
Definition tmc_types.F:32
contains the initially parsed file and the initial parallel environment
stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment