Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Timing routines for accounting
10 !> \par History
11 !> 02.2004 made a stacked version (of stacks...) [Joost VandeVondele]
12 !> 11.2004 storable timer_envs (for f77 interface) [fawzi]
13 !> 10.2005 binary search to speed up lookup in timeset [fawzi]
14 !> 12.2012 Complete rewrite based on dictionaries. [ole]
15 !> \author JGH
16 ! **************************************************************************************************
17 MODULE timings
18  USE base_hooks, ONLY: timeset_hook,&
20  USE callgraph, ONLY: callgraph_destroy,&
23  callgraph_item_type,&
26  USE kinds, ONLY: default_string_length,&
27  dp,&
28  int_8
29  USE list, ONLY: &
30  list_destroy, list_get, list_init, list_isready, list_peek, list_pop, list_push, &
31  list_size, list_timerenv_type
32  USE machine, ONLY: m_energy,&
33  m_flush,&
34  m_memory,&
36  USE offload_api, ONLY: offload_mem_info,&
39  USE routine_map, ONLY: routine_map_destroy,&
44  USE timings_base_type, ONLY: call_stat_type,&
45  callstack_entry_type,&
46  routine_stat_type
47  USE timings_types, ONLY: timer_env_type
48 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
55  ! these routines are currently only used by environment.F and f77_interface.F
58  PUBLIC :: timings_setup_tracing
60  ! global variables
61  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'timings'
62  TYPE(list_timerenv_type), SAVE, PRIVATE :: timers_stack
64  !API (via pointer assignment to hook, PR67982, not meant to be called directly)
67  INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: default_timings_level = 1
68  INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE :: global_timings_level = default_timings_level
70  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: root_cp2k_name = 'CP2K'
74 ! **************************************************************************************************
75 !> \brief Registers handlers with base_hooks.F
76 !> \author Ole Schuett
77 ! **************************************************************************************************
81  END SUBROUTINE timings_register_hooks
83 ! **************************************************************************************************
84 !> \brief adds the given timer_env to the top of the stack
85 !> \param timer_env ...
86 !> \par History
87 !> 02.2004 created [Joost VandeVondele]
88 !> \note
89 !> for each init_timer_env there should be the symmetric call to
90 !> rm_timer_env
91 ! **************************************************************************************************
92  SUBROUTINE add_timer_env(timer_env)
93  TYPE(timer_env_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: timer_env
95  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env_
97  IF (PRESENT(timer_env)) timer_env_ => timer_env
98  IF (.NOT. PRESENT(timer_env)) CALL timer_env_create(timer_env_)
99  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(timer_env_)) &
100  cpabort("add_timer_env: not associated")
102  CALL timer_env_retain(timer_env_)
103  IF (.NOT. list_isready(timers_stack)) CALL list_init(timers_stack)
104  CALL list_push(timers_stack, timer_env_)
105  END SUBROUTINE add_timer_env
107 ! **************************************************************************************************
108 !> \brief creates a new timer env
109 !> \param timer_env ...
110 !> \author fawzi
111 ! **************************************************************************************************
112  SUBROUTINE timer_env_create(timer_env)
113  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
115  ALLOCATE (timer_env)
116  timer_env%ref_count = 0
117  timer_env%trace_max = -1 ! tracing disabled by default
118  timer_env%trace_all = .false.
119  CALL routine_map_init(timer_env%routine_names)
120  CALL callgraph_init(timer_env%callgraph)
121  CALL list_init(timer_env%routine_stats)
122  CALL list_init(timer_env%callstack)
123  END SUBROUTINE timer_env_create
125 ! **************************************************************************************************
126 !> \brief removes the current timer env from the stack
127 !> \par History
128 !> 02.2004 created [Joost VandeVondele]
129 !> \note
130 !> for each rm_timer_env there should have been the symmetric call to
131 !> add_timer_env
132 ! **************************************************************************************************
133  SUBROUTINE rm_timer_env()
134  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
136  timer_env => list_pop(timers_stack)
137  CALL timer_env_release(timer_env)
138  IF (list_size(timers_stack) == 0) CALL list_destroy(timers_stack)
139  END SUBROUTINE rm_timer_env
141 ! **************************************************************************************************
142 !> \brief returns the current timer env from the stack
143 !> \return ...
144 !> \author fawzi
145 ! **************************************************************************************************
146  FUNCTION get_timer_env() RESULT(timer_env)
147  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
149  timer_env => list_peek(timers_stack)
150  END FUNCTION get_timer_env
152 ! **************************************************************************************************
153 !> \brief retains the given timer env
154 !> \param timer_env the timer env to retain
155 !> \author fawzi
156 ! **************************************************************************************************
157  SUBROUTINE timer_env_retain(timer_env)
158  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
160  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(timer_env)) &
161  cpabort("timer_env_retain: not associated")
162  IF (timer_env%ref_count < 0) &
163  cpabort("timer_env_retain: negativ ref_count")
164  timer_env%ref_count = timer_env%ref_count + 1
165  END SUBROUTINE timer_env_retain
167 ! **************************************************************************************************
168 !> \brief releases the given timer env
169 !> \param timer_env the timer env to release
170 !> \author fawzi
171 ! **************************************************************************************************
172  SUBROUTINE timer_env_release(timer_env)
173  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
175  INTEGER :: i
176  TYPE(callgraph_item_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ct_items
177  TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: r_stat
179  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(timer_env)) &
180  cpabort("timer_env_release: not associated")
181  IF (timer_env%ref_count < 0) &
182  cpabort("timer_env_release: negativ ref_count")
183  timer_env%ref_count = timer_env%ref_count - 1
184  IF (timer_env%ref_count > 0) RETURN
186  ! No more references left - let's tear down this timer_env...
188  DO i = 1, list_size(timer_env%routine_stats)
189  r_stat => list_get(timer_env%routine_stats, i)
190  DEALLOCATE (r_stat)
191  END DO
193  ct_items => callgraph_items(timer_env%callgraph)
194  DO i = 1, SIZE(ct_items)
195  DEALLOCATE (ct_items(i)%value)
196  END DO
197  DEALLOCATE (ct_items)
199  CALL routine_map_destroy(timer_env%routine_names)
200  CALL callgraph_destroy(timer_env%callgraph)
201  CALL list_destroy(timer_env%callstack)
202  CALL list_destroy(timer_env%routine_stats)
203  DEALLOCATE (timer_env)
204  END SUBROUTINE timer_env_release
206 ! **************************************************************************************************
207 !> \brief Start timer
208 !> \param routineN ...
209 !> \param handle ...
210 !> \par History
211 !> none
212 !> \author JGH
213 ! **************************************************************************************************
214  SUBROUTINE timeset_handler(routineN, handle)
215  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: routinen
216  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: handle
218  CHARACTER(LEN=400) :: line, mystring
219  CHARACTER(LEN=60) :: sformat
220  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: routine_name_dsl
221  INTEGER :: routine_id, stack_size
222  INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: cpumem, gpumem_free, gpumem_total
223  INTEGER, SAVE :: root_cp2k_id
224  TYPE(callstack_entry_type) :: cs_entry
225  TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: r_stat
226  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
230  ! Default value, using a negative value when timing is not taken
231  cs_entry%walltime_start = -huge(1.0_dp)
232  cs_entry%energy_start = -huge(1.0_dp)
233  root_cp2k_id = routine_name2id(root_cp2k_name)
234  !
235  routine_name_dsl = routinen ! converte to default_string_length
236  routine_id = routine_name2id(routine_name_dsl)
237  !
238  ! Take timings when the timings_level is appropriated
239  IF (global_timings_level .NE. 0 .OR. routine_id .EQ. root_cp2k_id) THEN
240  cs_entry%walltime_start = m_walltime()
241  cs_entry%energy_start = m_energy()
242  END IF
243  timer_env => list_peek(timers_stack)
245  IF (len_trim(routinen) > default_string_length) THEN
246  cpabort('timings_timeset: routineN too long: "'//trim(routinen)//"'")
247  END IF
249  ! update routine r_stats
250  r_stat => list_get(timer_env%routine_stats, routine_id)
251  stack_size = list_size(timer_env%callstack)
252  r_stat%total_calls = r_stat%total_calls + 1
253  r_stat%active_calls = r_stat%active_calls + 1
254  r_stat%stackdepth_accu = r_stat%stackdepth_accu + stack_size + 1
256  ! add routine to callstack
257  cs_entry%routine_id = routine_id
258  CALL list_push(timer_env%callstack, cs_entry)
260  !..if debug mode echo the subroutine name
261  IF ((timer_env%trace_all .OR. r_stat%trace) .AND. &
262  (r_stat%total_calls < timer_env%trace_max)) THEN
263  WRITE (sformat, *) "(A,A,", max(1, 3*stack_size - 4), "X,I4,1X,I6,1X,A,A)"
264  WRITE (mystring, sformat) timer_env%trace_str, ">>", stack_size + 1, &
265  r_stat%total_calls, trim(r_stat%routineN), " start"
266  CALL offload_mem_info(gpumem_free, gpumem_total)
267  CALL m_memory(cpumem)
268  WRITE (line, '(A,A,I0,A,A,I0,A)') trim(mystring), &
269  " Hostmem: ", (cpumem + 1024*1024 - 1)/(1024*1024), " MB", &
270  " GPUmem: ", (gpumem_total - gpumem_free)/(1024*1024), " MB"
271  WRITE (timer_env%trace_unit, *) trim(line)
272  CALL m_flush(timer_env%trace_unit)
273  END IF
275  handle = routine_id
277  CALL offload_timeset(routinen)
281  END SUBROUTINE timeset_handler
283 ! **************************************************************************************************
284 !> \brief End timer
285 !> \param handle ...
286 !> \par History
287 !> none
288 !> \author JGH
289 ! **************************************************************************************************
290  SUBROUTINE timestop_handler(handle)
291  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: handle
293  CHARACTER(LEN=400) :: line, mystring
294  CHARACTER(LEN=60) :: sformat
295  INTEGER :: routine_id, stack_size
296  INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: cpumem, gpumem_free, gpumem_total
297  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: routine_tuple
298  REAL(kind=dp) :: en_elapsed, en_now, wt_elapsed, wt_now
299  TYPE(call_stat_type), POINTER :: c_stat
300  TYPE(callstack_entry_type) :: cs_entry, prev_cs_entry
301  TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: prev_stat, r_stat
302  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
304  routine_id = handle
308  CALL offload_timestop()
310  timer_env => list_peek(timers_stack)
311  cs_entry = list_pop(timer_env%callstack)
312  r_stat => list_get(timer_env%routine_stats, cs_entry%routine_id)
314  IF (handle /= cs_entry%routine_id) THEN
315  print *, "list_size(timer_env%callstack) ", list_size(timer_env%callstack), &
316  " handle ", handle, " list_size(timers_stack) ", list_size(timers_stack)
317  cpabort('mismatched timestop '//trim(r_stat%routineN)//' in routine timestop')
318  END IF
320  wt_elapsed = 0
321  en_elapsed = 0
322  ! Take timings only when the start time is >=0, i.e. the timings_level is appropriated
323  IF (cs_entry%walltime_start .GE. 0) THEN
324  wt_now = m_walltime()
325  en_now = m_energy()
326  ! add the elapsed time for this timeset/timestop to the time accumulator
327  wt_elapsed = wt_now - cs_entry%walltime_start
328  en_elapsed = en_now - cs_entry%energy_start
329  END IF
330  r_stat%active_calls = r_stat%active_calls - 1
332  ! if we're the last instance in the stack, we do the accounting of the total time
333  IF (r_stat%active_calls == 0) THEN
334  r_stat%incl_walltime_accu = r_stat%incl_walltime_accu + wt_elapsed
335  r_stat%incl_energy_accu = r_stat%incl_energy_accu + en_elapsed
336  END IF
338  ! exclusive time we always sum, since children will correct this time with their total time
339  r_stat%excl_walltime_accu = r_stat%excl_walltime_accu + wt_elapsed
340  r_stat%excl_energy_accu = r_stat%excl_energy_accu + en_elapsed
342  stack_size = list_size(timer_env%callstack)
343  IF (stack_size > 0) THEN
344  prev_cs_entry = list_peek(timer_env%callstack)
345  prev_stat => list_get(timer_env%routine_stats, prev_cs_entry%routine_id)
346  ! we fixup the clock of the caller
347  prev_stat%excl_walltime_accu = prev_stat%excl_walltime_accu - wt_elapsed
348  prev_stat%excl_energy_accu = prev_stat%excl_energy_accu - en_elapsed
350  !update callgraph
351  routine_tuple = (/prev_cs_entry%routine_id, routine_id/)
352  c_stat => callgraph_get(timer_env%callgraph, routine_tuple, default_value=null(c_stat))
353  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(c_stat)) THEN
354  ALLOCATE (c_stat)
355  c_stat%total_calls = 0
356  c_stat%incl_walltime_accu = 0.0_dp
357  c_stat%incl_energy_accu = 0.0_dp
358  CALL callgraph_set(timer_env%callgraph, routine_tuple, c_stat)
359  END IF
360  c_stat%total_calls = c_stat%total_calls + 1
361  c_stat%incl_walltime_accu = c_stat%incl_walltime_accu + wt_elapsed
362  c_stat%incl_energy_accu = c_stat%incl_energy_accu + en_elapsed
363  END IF
365  !..if debug mode echo the subroutine name
366  IF ((timer_env%trace_all .OR. r_stat%trace) .AND. &
367  (r_stat%total_calls < timer_env%trace_max)) THEN
368  WRITE (sformat, *) "(A,A,", max(1, 3*stack_size - 4), "X,I4,1X,I6,1X,A,F12.3)"
369  WRITE (mystring, sformat) timer_env%trace_str, "<<", stack_size + 1, &
370  r_stat%total_calls, trim(r_stat%routineN), wt_elapsed
371  CALL offload_mem_info(gpumem_free, gpumem_total)
372  CALL m_memory(cpumem)
373  WRITE (line, '(A,A,I0,A,A,I0,A)') trim(mystring), &
374  " Hostmem: ", (cpumem + 1024*1024 - 1)/(1024*1024), " MB", &
375  " GPUmem: ", (gpumem_total - gpumem_free)/(1024*1024), " MB"
376  WRITE (timer_env%trace_unit, *) trim(line)
377  CALL m_flush(timer_env%trace_unit)
378  END IF
382  END SUBROUTINE timestop_handler
384 ! **************************************************************************************************
385 !> \brief Set routine tracer
386 !> \param trace_max maximum number of calls reported per routine.
387 !> Setting this to zero disables tracing.
388 !> \param unit_nr output unit used for printing the trace-messages
389 !> \param trace_str short info-string which is printed along with every message
390 !> \param routine_names List of routine-names.
391 !> If provided only these routines will be traced.
392 !> If not present all routines will traced.
393 !> \par History
394 !> 12.2012 added ability to trace only certain routines [ole]
395 !> \author JGH
396 ! **************************************************************************************************
397  SUBROUTINE timings_setup_tracing(trace_max, unit_nr, trace_str, routine_names)
398  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: trace_max, unit_nr
399  CHARACTER(len=13), INTENT(IN) :: trace_str
400  CHARACTER(len=default_string_length), &
401  DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: routine_names
403  INTEGER :: i, routine_id
404  TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: r_stat
405  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
407  timer_env => list_peek(timers_stack)
408  timer_env%trace_max = trace_max
409  timer_env%trace_unit = unit_nr
410  timer_env%trace_str = trace_str
411  timer_env%trace_all = .true.
412  IF (.NOT. PRESENT(routine_names)) RETURN
414  ! setup routine-specific tracing
415  timer_env%trace_all = .false.
416  DO i = 1, SIZE(routine_names)
417  routine_id = routine_name2id(routine_names(i))
418  r_stat => list_get(timer_env%routine_stats, routine_id)
419  r_stat%trace = .true.
420  END DO
422  END SUBROUTINE timings_setup_tracing
424 ! **************************************************************************************************
425 !> \brief Print current routine stack
426 !> \param unit_nr ...
427 !> \par History
428 !> none
429 !> \author JGH
430 ! **************************************************************************************************
431  SUBROUTINE print_stack(unit_nr)
432  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit_nr
434  INTEGER :: i
435  TYPE(callstack_entry_type) :: cs_entry
436  TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: r_stat
437  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
439  ! catch edge cases where timer_env is not yet/anymore available
440  IF (.NOT. list_isready(timers_stack)) &
442  IF (list_size(timers_stack) == 0) &
445  timer_env => list_peek(timers_stack)
446  WRITE (unit_nr, '(/,A,/)') " ===== Routine Calling Stack ===== "
447  DO i = list_size(timer_env%callstack), 1, -1
448  cs_entry = list_get(timer_env%callstack, i)
449  r_stat => list_get(timer_env%routine_stats, cs_entry%routine_id)
450  WRITE (unit_nr, '(T10,I4,1X,A)') i, trim(r_stat%routineN)
451  END DO
452  CALL m_flush(unit_nr)
454  END SUBROUTINE print_stack
456 ! **************************************************************************************************
457 !> \brief Internal routine used by timestet and timings_setup_tracing.
458 !> If no routine with given name is found in timer_env%routine_names
459 !> then a new entiry is created.
460 !> \param routineN ...
461 !> \return ...
462 !> \author Ole Schuett
463 ! **************************************************************************************************
464  FUNCTION routine_name2id(routineN) RESULT(routine_id)
465  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length), INTENT(IN) :: routinen
466  INTEGER :: routine_id
468  TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: r_stat
469  TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env
471  timer_env => list_peek(timers_stack)
472  routine_id = routine_map_get(timer_env%routine_names, routinen, default_value=-1)
474  IF (routine_id /= -1) RETURN ! found an id - let's return it
475  ! routine not found - let's create it
477  ! enforce space free timer names, to make the output of trace/timings of a fixed number fields
478  IF (index(routinen(1:len_trim(routinen)), ' ') /= 0) THEN
479  cpabort("timings_name2id: routineN contains spaces: "//routinen)
480  END IF
482  ! register routine_name_dsl with new routine_id
483  routine_id = routine_map_size(timer_env%routine_names) + 1
484  CALL routine_map_set(timer_env%routine_names, routinen, routine_id)
486  ALLOCATE (r_stat)
487  r_stat%routine_id = routine_id
488  r_stat%routineN = routinen
489  r_stat%active_calls = 0
490  r_stat%excl_walltime_accu = 0.0_dp
491  r_stat%incl_walltime_accu = 0.0_dp
492  r_stat%excl_energy_accu = 0.0_dp
493  r_stat%incl_energy_accu = 0.0_dp
494  r_stat%total_calls = 0
495  r_stat%stackdepth_accu = 0
496  r_stat%trace = .false.
497  CALL list_push(timer_env%routine_stats, r_stat)
498  cpassert(list_size(timer_env%routine_stats) == routine_map_size(timer_env%routine_names))
499  END FUNCTION routine_name2id
501 END MODULE timings
Central dispatch for basic hooks.
Definition: base_hooks.F:12
procedure(timeset_interface), pointer, public timeset_hook
Definition: base_hooks.F:61
procedure(timestop_interface), pointer, public timestop_hook
Definition: base_hooks.F:62
subroutine, public callgraph_destroy(hash_map)
Deallocated the internal data-structures if the given hash map. Caution: If the stored keys or values...
Definition: callgraph.F:120
subroutine, public callgraph_init(hash_map, initial_capacity)
Allocates the internal data-structures of the given hash map.
Definition: callgraph.F:78
type(callgraph_item_type) function, dimension(:), pointer, public callgraph_items(hash_map)
Returns a pointer to an array of all key/value-items stored in the hash map. Caution: The caller is r...
Definition: callgraph.F:383
type(call_stat_type) function, pointer, public callgraph_get(hash_map, key, default_value)
Gets a value for a given key from the hash map. If the key is not found the default_value will be ret...
Definition: callgraph.F:255
subroutine, public callgraph_set(hash_map, key, value)
Stores, and possibly overwrites, a given value under a given key.
Definition: callgraph.F:147
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public int_8
Definition: kinds.F:54
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition: kinds.F:57
An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the ...
Definition: list.F:24
Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX.
Definition: machine.F:17
subroutine, public m_memory(mem)
Returns the total amount of memory [bytes] in use, if known, zero otherwise.
Definition: machine.F:332
subroutine, public m_flush(lunit)
flushes units if the &GLOBAL flag is set accordingly
Definition: machine.F:106
real(kind=dp) function, public m_energy()
returns the energy used since some time in the past. The precise meaning depends on the infrastructur...
Definition: machine.F:219
real(kind=dp) function, public m_walltime()
returns time from a real-time clock, protected against rolling early/easily
Definition: machine.F:123
Fortran API for the offload package, which is written in C.
Definition: offload_api.F:12
subroutine, public offload_timeset(routineN)
Starts a timing range.
Definition: offload_api.F:191
subroutine, public offload_timestop()
Ends a timing range.
Definition: offload_api.F:209
subroutine, public offload_mem_info(free, total)
Gets free and total device memory.
Definition: offload_api.F:226
integer(kind=int_4) function, public routine_map_get(hash_map, key, default_value)
Gets a value for a given key from the hash map. If the key is not found the default_value will be ret...
Definition: routine_map.F:254
integer function, public routine_map_size(hash_map)
Returns the number of key/value-items currently stored in the hash map.
Definition: routine_map.F:332
subroutine, public routine_map_init(hash_map, initial_capacity)
Allocates the internal data-structures of the given hash map.
Definition: routine_map.F:77
subroutine, public routine_map_destroy(hash_map)
Deallocated the internal data-structures if the given hash map. Caution: If the stored keys or values...
Definition: routine_map.F:119
subroutine, public routine_map_set(hash_map, key, value)
Stores, and possibly overwrites, a given value under a given key.
Definition: routine_map.F:146
Types used by timings.F and timings_report.F The types in this module are used within dict or list,...
Types used by timings.F and timings_report.F Due to the fortran restriction on cicular module-depende...
Definition: timings_types.F:17
Timing routines for accounting.
Definition: timings.F:17
subroutine, public timings_register_hooks()
Registers handlers with base_hooks.F.
Definition: timings.F:79
subroutine, public print_stack(unit_nr)
Print current routine stack.
Definition: timings.F:432
type(timer_env_type) function, pointer, public get_timer_env()
returns the current timer env from the stack
Definition: timings.F:147
integer, save, public global_timings_level
Definition: timings.F:68
subroutine, public timings_setup_tracing(trace_max, unit_nr, trace_str, routine_names)
Set routine tracer.
Definition: timings.F:398
subroutine, public timeset_handler(routineN, handle)
Start timer.
Definition: timings.F:215
subroutine, public add_timer_env(timer_env)
adds the given timer_env to the top of the stack
Definition: timings.F:93
subroutine, public rm_timer_env()
removes the current timer env from the stack
Definition: timings.F:134
subroutine, public timer_env_release(timer_env)
releases the given timer env
Definition: timings.F:173
subroutine, public timestop_handler(handle)
End timer.
Definition: timings.F:291
subroutine, public timer_env_retain(timer_env)
retains the given timer env
Definition: timings.F:158
integer, parameter, public default_timings_level
Definition: timings.F:67
character(len=default_string_length), parameter, public root_cp2k_name
Definition: timings.F:70