No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief calculation section for TreeMonteCarlo
10!> \par History
11!> 11.2012 created [Mandes Schoenherr]
12!> \author Mandes
13! **************************************************************************************************
16 USE cell_methods, ONLY: init_cell
17 USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_copy,&
18 cell_type,&
19 get_cell,&
20 pbc
22 USE f77_interface, ONLY: calc_energy,&
25 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
26 USE mathconstants, ONLY: pi
28 USE physcon, ONLY: boltzmann,&
29 joule
30 USE tmc_move_types, ONLY: mv_type_md
31 USE tmc_stati, ONLY: task_type_mc,&
34 USE tmc_tree_types, ONLY: tree_type
35 USE tmc_types, ONLY: tmc_atom_type,&
38#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
44 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'tmc_calculations'
46 PUBLIC :: calc_potential_energy
48 PUBLIC :: nearest_distance
50 PUBLIC :: init_vel, calc_e_kin
55! **************************************************************************************************
56!> \brief start the calculation of the energy
57!> (distinguish between exact and approximate)
58!> \param conf actual configurations to calculate potential energy
59!> \param env_id f77_interface env id
60!> \param exact_approx_pot flag if result should be stores in exact or approx
61!> energy variable
62!> \param tmc_env TMC environment parameters
63!> \author Mandes 01.2013
64! **************************************************************************************************
65 SUBROUTINE calc_potential_energy(conf, env_id, exact_approx_pot, &
66 tmc_env)
67 TYPE(tree_type), POINTER :: conf
68 INTEGER :: env_id
69 LOGICAL :: exact_approx_pot
70 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
72 INTEGER :: ierr
73 LOGICAL :: flag
74 REAL(kind=dp) :: e_pot, rnd
75 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: tmp_cell
77 rnd = 0.0_dp
79 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(conf))
80 cpassert(env_id .GT. 0)
81 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env))
83 SELECT CASE (tmc_env%params%task_type)
85 !CALL gaussian_adaptation_energy(, )
86 CASE (task_type_mc)
87 IF (tmc_env%params%pressure .GE. 0.0_dp) THEN
88 ALLOCATE (tmp_cell)
89 CALL get_scaled_cell(cell=tmc_env%params%cell, box_scale=conf%box_scale, &
90 scaled_cell=tmp_cell)
91 CALL set_cell(env_id=env_id, new_cell=tmp_cell%hmat, ierr=ierr)
92 cpassert(ierr .EQ. 0)
93 DEALLOCATE (tmp_cell)
96 ! TODO check for minimal distances
97 flag = .true.
98 IF (flag .EQV. .true.) THEN
99 IF (tmc_env%params%print_forces .OR. &
100 conf%move_type .EQ. mv_type_md) THEN
101 e_pot = 0.0_dp
102 conf%frc(:) = 0.0_dp
103 CALL calc_force(env_id=env_id, pos=conf%pos, n_el_pos=SIZE(conf%pos), &
104 e_pot=e_pot, force=conf%frc, &
105 n_el_force=SIZE(conf%frc), ierr=ierr)
106 ELSE
107 e_pot = 0.0_dp
108 CALL calc_energy(env_id=env_id, pos=conf%pos, n_el=SIZE(conf%pos), e_pot=e_pot, ierr=ierr)
109 END IF
110 ELSE
111 e_pot = huge(e_pot)
112 END IF
114 e_pot = 0.0_dp
116 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
117 "worker task typ is unknown "// &
118 cp_to_string(tmc_env%params%task_type))
121 ! --- wait a bit
122 rnd = tmc_env%rng_stream%next()
123 !rnd = 0.5
124!TODO IF(worker_random_wait.AND.exact_approx_pot)THEN
125! CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(time0, time_rate, time_max)
126! wait_end=time0+(1.0+rnd)*worker_wait_msec*time_rate/1000.0
127! !wait_end=time0+((worker_wait_msec*time_rate+999)/1000)
128! time_wait: DO
129! CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(time1, time_rate, time_max)
130! IF(time1<time0.OR.time1>wait_end) exit time_wait
131! END DO time_wait
132! END IF
133 IF (exact_approx_pot) THEN
134 conf%potential = e_pot
135 ELSE
136 conf%e_pot_approx = e_pot
137 END IF
138 END SUBROUTINE calc_potential_energy
140! **************************************************************************************************
141!> \brief handles properties and calculations of a scaled cell
142!> \param cell original cell
143!> \param box_scale scaling factors for each direction
144!> \param scaled_hmat returns the scaled h matrix (matrix of cell vectors)
145!> \param scaled_cell ...
146!> \param vol returns the cell volume
147!> \param abc ...
148!> \param vec a vector, which will be folded (pbc) in the cell
149!> \author Mandes 11.2012
150! **************************************************************************************************
151 SUBROUTINE get_scaled_cell(cell, box_scale, scaled_hmat, scaled_cell, vol, &
152 abc, vec)
153 TYPE(cell_type), INTENT(IN), POINTER :: cell
154 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: box_scale
155 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), OPTIONAL :: scaled_hmat
156 TYPE(cell_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: scaled_cell
157 REAL(kind=dp), OPTIONAL :: vol
158 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: abc
159 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3), OPTIONAL :: vec
161 LOGICAL :: new_scaled_cell
162 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: tmp_cell
164 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(cell))
165 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(box_scale))
167 new_scaled_cell = .false.
169 IF (.NOT. PRESENT(scaled_cell)) THEN
170 ALLOCATE (tmp_cell)
171 new_scaled_cell = .true.
172 ELSE
173 tmp_cell => scaled_cell
174 END IF
175 CALL cell_copy(cell_in=cell, cell_out=tmp_cell)
176 tmp_cell%hmat(:, 1) = tmp_cell%hmat(:, 1)*box_scale(1)
177 tmp_cell%hmat(:, 2) = tmp_cell%hmat(:, 2)*box_scale(2)
178 tmp_cell%hmat(:, 3) = tmp_cell%hmat(:, 3)*box_scale(3)
179 CALL init_cell(cell=tmp_cell)
181 IF (PRESENT(scaled_hmat)) &
182 scaled_hmat(:, :) = tmp_cell%hmat
184 IF (PRESENT(vec)) THEN
185 vec = pbc(r=vec, cell=tmp_cell)
186 END IF
188 IF (PRESENT(vol)) CALL get_cell(cell=tmp_cell, deth=vol)
189 IF (PRESENT(abc)) CALL get_cell(cell=tmp_cell, abc=abc)
190 IF (new_scaled_cell) DEALLOCATE (tmp_cell)
192 END SUBROUTINE get_scaled_cell
194! **************************************************************************************************
195!> \brief handles properties and calculations of a scaled cell
196!> \param cell original cell
197!> \param scaled_hmat returns the scaled h matrix (matrix of cell vectors)
198!> \param box_scale scaling factors for each direction
199!> \author Mandes 11.2012
200! **************************************************************************************************
201 SUBROUTINE get_cell_scaling(cell, scaled_hmat, box_scale)
202 TYPE(cell_type), INTENT(IN), POINTER :: cell
203 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), INTENT(IN) :: scaled_hmat
204 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: box_scale
206 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: abc_new, abc_orig
207 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: tmp_cell
209 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(cell))
211 ALLOCATE (tmp_cell)
212 CALL cell_copy(cell_in=cell, cell_out=tmp_cell)
213 tmp_cell%hmat(:, :) = scaled_hmat(:, :)
214 CALL init_cell(cell=tmp_cell)
215 CALL get_cell(cell=cell, abc=abc_orig)
216 CALL get_cell(cell=tmp_cell, abc=abc_new)
218 box_scale(:) = abc_new(:)/abc_orig(:)
220 DEALLOCATE (tmp_cell)
221 END SUBROUTINE get_cell_scaling
223! **************************************************************************************************
224!> \brief neares distance of atoms within the periodic boundary condition
225!> \param x1 ...
226!> \param x2 ...
227!> \param cell ...
228!> \param box_scale ...
229!> \return ...
230!> \author Mandes 11.2012
231! **************************************************************************************************
232 FUNCTION nearest_distance(x1, x2, cell, box_scale) RESULT(res)
233 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x1, x2
234 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
235 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: box_scale
236 REAL(kind=dp) :: res
238 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: dist_vec
239 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tmp_box_scale
241 NULLIFY (tmp_box_scale)
243 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(cell))
244 cpassert(SIZE(x1) .EQ. 3)
245 cpassert(SIZE(x2) .EQ. 3)
247 dist_vec(:) = x2(:) - x1(:) ! distance vector between atoms
248 ALLOCATE (tmp_box_scale(3))
249 IF (PRESENT(box_scale)) THEN
250 cpassert(SIZE(box_scale) .EQ. 3)
251 tmp_box_scale(:) = box_scale
252 ELSE
253 tmp_box_scale(:) = 1.0_dp
254 END IF
255 CALL get_scaled_cell(cell=cell, box_scale=box_scale, vec=dist_vec)
256 res = sqrt(sum(dist_vec(:)*dist_vec(:)))
257 DEALLOCATE (tmp_box_scale)
258 END FUNCTION nearest_distance
260! **************************************************************************************************
261!> \brief calculate the geometrical center of an amount of atoms
262!> array size should be multiple of dim_per_elem
263!> \param pos list of atoms
264!> \param center return value, the geometrical center
265!> \author Mandes 11.2012
266! **************************************************************************************************
267 SUBROUTINE geometrical_center(pos, center)
268 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: pos
269 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: center
271 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'geometrical_center'
273 INTEGER :: handle, i
275 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(center))
276 cpassert(SIZE(pos) .GE. SIZE(center))
278 ! start the timing
279 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
281 center = 0.0_dp
282 DO i = 1, SIZE(pos), SIZE(center)
283 center(:) = center(:) + &
284 pos(i:i + SIZE(center) - 1)/(SIZE(pos)/real(SIZE(center), kind=dp))
285 END DO
286 ! end the timing
287 CALL timestop(handle)
288 END SUBROUTINE geometrical_center
290! **************************************************************************************************
291!> \brief calculate the center of mass of an amount of atoms
292!> array size should be multiple of dim_per_elem
293!> \param pos ...
294!> \param atoms ...
295!> \param center ...
296!> \param
297!> \param
298!> \author Mandes 11.2012
299! **************************************************************************************************
300 SUBROUTINE center_of_mass(pos, atoms, center)
301 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: pos
302 TYPE(tmc_atom_type), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL :: atoms
303 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: center
305 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'center_of_mass'
307 INTEGER :: handle, i
308 REAL(kind=dp) :: mass_sum, mass_tmp
310 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(center))
311 cpassert(SIZE(pos) .GE. SIZE(center))
313 ! start the timing
314 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
316 center = 0.0_dp
317 mass_sum = 0.0_dp
318 DO i = 1, SIZE(pos), SIZE(center)
319 IF (PRESENT(atoms)) THEN
320 cpassert(SIZE(atoms) .EQ. SIZE(pos)/SIZE(center))
321 mass_tmp = atoms(int(i/real(SIZE(center), kind=dp)) + 1)%mass
322 center(:) = center(:) + pos(i:i + SIZE(center) - 1)/ &
323 (SIZE(pos)/real(SIZE(center), kind=dp))*mass_tmp
324 mass_sum = mass_sum + mass_tmp
325 ELSE
326 cpwarn("try to calculate center of mass without any mass.")
327 center(:) = center(:) + pos(i:i + SIZE(center) - 1)/ &
328 (SIZE(pos)/real(SIZE(center), kind=dp))
329 mass_sum = 1.0_dp
330 END IF
331 END DO
332 center(:) = center(:)/mass_sum
333 ! end the timing
334 CALL timestop(handle)
335 END SUBROUTINE center_of_mass
337! **************************************************************************************************
338!> \brief routine sets initial velocity, using the Box-Muller Method for Normal
339!> (Gaussian) Deviates
340!> \param vel ...
341!> \param atoms ...
342!> \param temerature ...
343!> \param rng_stream ...
344!> \param rnd_seed ...
345!> \author Mandes 11.2012
346! **************************************************************************************************
347 SUBROUTINE init_vel(vel, atoms, temerature, rng_stream, rnd_seed)
348 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: vel
349 TYPE(tmc_atom_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atoms
350 REAL(kind=dp) :: temerature
351 TYPE(rng_stream_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: rng_stream
352 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, 2, 3) :: rnd_seed
354 INTEGER :: i
355 REAL(kind=dp) :: kb, mass_tmp, rnd1, rnd2
357 kb = boltzmann/joule
359 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(vel))
360 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(atoms))
362 CALL rng_stream%set(bg=rnd_seed(:, :, 1), cg=rnd_seed(:, :, 2), ig=rnd_seed(:, :, 3))
363 DO i = 1, SIZE(vel)
364 rnd1 = rng_stream%next()
365 rnd2 = rng_stream%next()
367 mass_tmp = atoms(int(i/real(3, kind=dp)) + 1)%mass
369 vel(i) = sqrt(-2.0_dp*log(rnd1))*cos(2.0_dp*pi*rnd2)* &
370 sqrt(kb*temerature/mass_tmp)
371 END DO
372 CALL rng_stream%get(bg=rnd_seed(:, :, 1), cg=rnd_seed(:, :, 2), ig=rnd_seed(:, :, 3))
374 END SUBROUTINE init_vel
376! **************************************************************************************************
377!> \brief routine calculates the kinetic energy, using the velocities
378!> and atom mass, both in atomic units
379!> \param vel ...
380!> \param atoms ...
381!> \return ...
382!> \author Mandes 11.2012
383! **************************************************************************************************
384 FUNCTION calc_e_kin(vel, atoms) RESULT(ekin)
385 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: vel
386 TYPE(tmc_atom_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atoms
387 REAL(kind=dp) :: ekin
389 INTEGER :: i
390 REAL(kind=dp) :: mass_tmp
392 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(vel))
393 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(atoms))
394 ekin = 0.0_dp
396 DO i = 1, SIZE(vel)
397 mass_tmp = atoms(int(i/real(3, kind=dp)) + 1)%mass
398 ekin = ekin + 0.5_dp*mass_tmp*vel(i)*vel(i)
399 END DO
400 END FUNCTION calc_e_kin
402! **************************************************************************************************
403!> \brief assuming an (exponential) decreasing function, this function
404!> extrapolate the converged value
405!> \param v1 function values
406!> \param v2 function values
407!> \param v3 function values
408!> \param extrapolate extrapolated final value (result)
409!> \param res_err error of the result
410!> \author Mandes 12.2012
411! **************************************************************************************************
412 SUBROUTINE three_point_extrapolate(v1, v2, v3, extrapolate, res_err)
413 REAL(kind=dp) :: v1, v2, v3
414 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: extrapolate, res_err
416 REAL(kind=dp) :: e1, e2, e3
417 REAL(kind=dp) :: a, b, c, d12, d23, ddd
419 extrapolate = huge(extrapolate)
421 !> solve({exp(a+b)+c = e1, exp(2*a+b)+c = e2, exp(3*a+b)+c = e3}, [a, b, c])
422 !> solve({a*b+c = e1, a^2*b+c = e2, a^3*b+c = e3}, [a, b, c]);
423 ! [[ 3 2 ]]
424 ! [[ -e3 + e2 (e1 - e2) -e2 + e1 e3 ]]
425 ! [[a = --------, b = ---------------------------, c = --------------]]
426 ! [[ e1 - e2 (-e3 + e2) (e3 - 2 e2 + e1) e3 - 2 e2 + e1]]
428 ! sort so that e1>=e2>=e3
429 e1 = v1; e2 = v2; e3 = v3
430 CALL swap(e1, e2)
431 CALL swap(e1, e3)
432 CALL swap(e2, e3)
433 ! we need extra care if some of the difference e1-e2, e3-e2 are nearly zero,
434 ! since the formulae suffer from sever loss of precision
435 d12 = e1 - e2
436 d23 = e2 - e3
437 ddd = d12 - d23
438 IF (d12 == 0 .OR. d23 == 0 .OR. abs(ddd) == 0) THEN
439 ! a degenerate case, we do no extrapolation
440 extrapolate = e3
441 res_err = e1 - e3
442 ELSE
443 a = d23/d12
444 b = (d12**3/(d23*ddd))
445 c = e2 - (d12*d23)/ddd
446 ! extrapolation, let's only look 4 iterations ahead, more is presumably anyway not accurate
447 ! fewer is maybe more stable
448 extrapolate = a**7*b + c
449 res_err = e3 - extrapolate
450 END IF
451 cpassert(extrapolate .NE. huge(extrapolate))
453! **************************************************************************************************
454!> \brief ...
455!> \param x1 ...
456!> \param x2 ...
457! **************************************************************************************************
458 SUBROUTINE swap(x1, x2)
459 REAL(kind=dp) :: x1, x2
461 REAL(kind=dp) :: tmp
463 IF (x2 > x1) THEN
464 tmp = x2
465 x2 = x1
466 x1 = tmp
467 END IF
469 END SUBROUTINE three_point_extrapolate
471! **************************************************************************************************
472!> \brief calculates the probability of acceptance for given intervals of the
473!> exact energy
474!> \param E_n_mu energy distribution of new configuration
475!> \param E_n_sigma energy distribution of new configuration
476!> \param E_o_mu energy distribution of old configuration
477!> \param E_o_sigma energy distribution of old configuration
478!> \param E_classical_diff the difference in approximated energies for the
479!> old and new configuration (E_o-E_n)
480!> \param prior_mu energy distribution of the already converged
481!> energies
482!> \param prior_sigma energy distribution of the already converged
483!> energies
484!> \param p the random number, the criteria has to be smaller than this
485!> \param beta ...
486!> \return return probability of acceptance
487!> \author Mandes 12.2012
488! **************************************************************************************************
489 FUNCTION compute_prob(E_n_mu, E_n_sigma, E_o_mu, E_o_sigma, E_classical_diff, &
490 prior_mu, prior_sigma, p, beta) RESULT(prob)
491 REAL(kind=dp) :: e_n_mu, e_n_sigma, e_o_mu, e_o_sigma, &
492 e_classical_diff, prior_mu, &
493 prior_sigma, p, beta, prob
495! INTEGER :: io,in
496! REAL(KIND=dp) :: diff,E_n,E_o,surface,lower_bound,upper_bound,delta
498 prob = 0.5_dp*erfc(-0.5_dp*sqrt(2.0_dp)*( &
499 (-prior_sigma**2 - e_o_sigma**2 - e_n_sigma**2)*log(p) + &
500 ((e_classical_diff - e_n_mu + e_o_mu)*prior_sigma**2 - prior_mu*(e_n_sigma**2 + e_o_sigma**2))*beta)/ &
501 (sqrt(e_o_sigma**2 + e_n_sigma**2)*sqrt(prior_sigma**2 + e_o_sigma**2 + e_n_sigma**2)*prior_sigma*beta))
503 prob = min(1.0_dp - epsilon(1.0_dp), max(epsilon(1.0_dp), prob))
505 END FUNCTION compute_prob
507! **************************************************************************************************
508!> \brief extimates the probability of acceptance considering the intermetiate
509!> step energies
510!> \param elem_old old/parent sub tree element
511!> \param elem_new new/actual sub tree element, which schould be checked
512!> \param E_classical_diff difference in the classical energy of the old and
513!> new configuration
514!> \param rnd_nr random number acceptance check will be done with
515!> \param beta 1/(kB*T) can differ for different acceptance checks
516!> \param tmc_params TMC environment parameters
517!> \return estimated acceptance probability
518!> \author Mandes 12.2012
519! **************************************************************************************************
520 FUNCTION compute_estimated_prob(elem_old, elem_new, E_classical_diff, &
521 rnd_nr, beta, tmc_params) RESULT(prob)
522 TYPE(tree_type), POINTER :: elem_old, elem_new
523 REAL(kind=dp) :: e_classical_diff, rnd_nr, beta
524 TYPE(tmc_param_type), POINTER :: tmc_params
525 REAL(kind=dp) :: prob
527 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'compute_estimated_prob'
529 INTEGER :: handle
530 REAL(kind=dp) :: e_mu_tmp, e_n_mu, e_n_sigma, e_o_mu, &
531 e_o_sigma, e_sigma_tmp, prior_sigma
533 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(elem_old))
534 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(elem_new))
535 cpassert(rnd_nr .GT. 0.0_dp)
537 ! start the timing
538 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
540 prob = -1.0_dp
541 IF ((elem_new%scf_energies_count .GE. 3) .AND. &
542 (elem_old%scf_energies_count .GE. 3) .AND. &
543 tmc_params%prior_NMC_acc%counter .GE. 10) THEN
544 !-- first the new element energy estimation
545 ! using 3 point extrapolation of two different intervals -> more stable estimation
546 ! the energies are sorted in the three_point_extrapolate routine !
547 ! But with array of length 4 we have to select the 3 connected ones
548 CALL three_point_extrapolate(v1=elem_new%scf_energies(mod(elem_new%scf_energies_count - 3, 4) + 1), &
549 v2=elem_new%scf_energies(mod(elem_new%scf_energies_count - 2, 4) + 1), &
550 v3=elem_new%scf_energies(mod(elem_new%scf_energies_count - 1, 4) + 1), &
551 extrapolate=e_mu_tmp, res_err=e_sigma_tmp)
552 IF ((elem_new%scf_energies_count .GT. 3)) THEN
553 CALL three_point_extrapolate(v1=elem_new%scf_energies(mod(elem_new%scf_energies_count - 4, 4) + 1), &
554 v2=elem_new%scf_energies(mod(elem_new%scf_energies_count - 3, 4) + 1), &
555 v3=elem_new%scf_energies(mod(elem_new%scf_energies_count - 2, 4) + 1), &
556 extrapolate=e_n_mu, res_err=e_n_sigma)
557 e_n_sigma = max(e_n_sigma, abs(e_n_mu - e_mu_tmp))
558 ELSE
559 e_n_sigma = e_sigma_tmp
560 e_n_mu = e_mu_tmp
561 END IF
563 !-- the old/parent element energy estimation
564 CALL three_point_extrapolate(v1=elem_old%scf_energies(mod(elem_old%scf_energies_count - 3, 4) + 1), &
565 v2=elem_old%scf_energies(mod(elem_old%scf_energies_count - 2, 4) + 1), &
566 v3=elem_old%scf_energies(mod(elem_old%scf_energies_count - 1, 4) + 1), &
567 extrapolate=e_mu_tmp, res_err=e_sigma_tmp)
568 IF ((elem_old%scf_energies_count .GT. 3)) THEN
569 CALL three_point_extrapolate(v1=elem_old%scf_energies(mod(elem_old%scf_energies_count - 4, 4) + 1), &
570 v2=elem_old%scf_energies(mod(elem_old%scf_energies_count - 3, 4) + 1), &
571 v3=elem_old%scf_energies(mod(elem_old%scf_energies_count - 2, 4) + 1), &
572 extrapolate=e_o_mu, res_err=e_o_sigma)
573 e_o_sigma = max(e_o_sigma, abs(e_o_mu - e_mu_tmp))
574 ELSE
575 e_o_sigma = e_sigma_tmp
576 e_o_mu = e_mu_tmp
577 END IF
579 ! calculate the estimation for the average of the trajectory elements
580 prior_sigma = sqrt(abs(tmc_params%prior_NMC_acc%aver_2 &
581 - tmc_params%prior_NMC_acc%aver**2))
583 ! calculate the probability of acceptance for those two elements with their energy
584 ! swap and 2 potential moves are distinguished using the difference in classical energy and different betas
585 prob = compute_prob(e_n_mu=e_n_mu, e_n_sigma=e_n_sigma, e_o_mu=e_o_mu, e_o_sigma=e_o_sigma, &
586 e_classical_diff=e_classical_diff, &
587 prior_mu=tmc_params%prior_NMC_acc%aver, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, &
588 p=rnd_nr, beta=beta)
589 END IF
590 ! end the timing
591 CALL timestop(handle)
592 END FUNCTION compute_estimated_prob
594! **************************************************************************************************
595!> \brief calculated the rate of used tree elements to created tree elements
596!> for every temperature
597!> \param tmc_env TMC environment variables
598!> \param eff result efficiency
599!> \author Mandes 01.2013
600! **************************************************************************************************
601 SUBROUTINE get_subtree_efficiency(tmc_env, eff)
602 TYPE(tmc_env_type), POINTER :: tmc_env
603 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: eff
605 INTEGER :: i
607 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env))
608 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%params))
609 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(tmc_env%m_env))
611 eff(:) = 0.0_dp
613 DO i = 1, tmc_env%params%nr_temp
614 IF (tmc_env%m_env%tree_node_count(i) > 0) &
615 eff(i) = tmc_env%params%move_types%mv_count(0, i)/ &
616 (tmc_env%m_env%tree_node_count(i)*1.0_dp)
617 eff(0) = eff(0) + tmc_env%params%move_types%mv_count(0, i)/ &
618 (sum(tmc_env%m_env%tree_node_count(1:))*1.0_dp)
619 END DO
620 END SUBROUTINE get_subtree_efficiency
621END MODULE tmc_calculations
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
subroutine, public init_cell(cell, hmat, periodic)
Initialise/readjust a simulation cell after hmat has been changed.
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
Definition cell_types.F:15
subroutine, public get_cell(cell, alpha, beta, gamma, deth, orthorhombic, abc, periodic, h, h_inv, symmetry_id, tag)
Get informations about a simulation cell.
Definition cell_types.F:195
subroutine, public cell_copy(cell_in, cell_out, tag)
Copy cell variable.
Definition cell_types.F:126
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
interface to use cp2k as library
subroutine, public get_cell(env_id, cell, per, ierr)
gets a cell
recursive subroutine, public calc_energy(env_id, pos, n_el, e_pot, ierr)
returns the energy of the configuration given by the positions passed as argument
subroutine, public set_cell(env_id, new_cell, ierr)
sets a new cell
recursive subroutine, public calc_force(env_id, pos, n_el_pos, e_pot, force, n_el_force, ierr)
returns the energy of the configuration given by the positions passed as argument
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
Definition of mathematical constants and functions.
real(kind=dp), parameter, public pi
Parallel (pseudo)random number generator (RNG) for multiple streams and substreams of random numbers.
Definition of physical constants:
Definition physcon.F:68
real(kind=dp), parameter, public boltzmann
Definition physcon.F:129
real(kind=dp), parameter, public joule
Definition physcon.F:159
calculation section for TreeMonteCarlo
subroutine, public init_vel(vel, atoms, temerature, rng_stream, rnd_seed)
routine sets initial velocity, using the Box-Muller Method for Normal (Gaussian) Deviates
subroutine, public geometrical_center(pos, center)
calculate the geometrical center of an amount of atoms array size should be multiple of dim_per_elem
real(kind=dp) function, public compute_estimated_prob(elem_old, elem_new, e_classical_diff, rnd_nr, beta, tmc_params)
extimates the probability of acceptance considering the intermetiate step energies
subroutine, public get_scaled_cell(cell, box_scale, scaled_hmat, scaled_cell, vol, abc, vec)
handles properties and calculations of a scaled cell
subroutine, public get_subtree_efficiency(tmc_env, eff)
calculated the rate of used tree elements to created tree elements for every temperature
subroutine, public get_cell_scaling(cell, scaled_hmat, box_scale)
handles properties and calculations of a scaled cell
real(kind=dp) function, public calc_e_kin(vel, atoms)
routine calculates the kinetic energy, using the velocities and atom mass, both in atomic units
subroutine, public center_of_mass(pos, atoms, center)
calculate the center of mass of an amount of atoms array size should be multiple of dim_per_elem
subroutine, public calc_potential_energy(conf, env_id, exact_approx_pot, tmc_env)
start the calculation of the energy (distinguish between exact and approximate)
real(kind=dp) function, public nearest_distance(x1, x2, cell, box_scale)
neares distance of atoms within the periodic boundary condition
tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc.
integer, parameter, public mv_type_md
tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc.
Definition tmc_stati.F:15
integer, parameter, public task_type_gaussian_adaptation
Definition tmc_stati.F:47
integer, parameter, public task_type_mc
Definition tmc_stati.F:44
integer, parameter, public task_type_ideal_gas
Definition tmc_stati.F:45
module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent elemen...
module handles definition of the tree nodes for the global and the subtrees binary tree parent elemen...
Definition tmc_types.F:32
Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell.
Definition cell_types.F:55