Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 MODULE dbm_tests
9  USE omp_lib, ONLY: omp_get_wtime
10  USE dbm_api, ONLY: &
12  dbm_distribution_obj, dbm_distribution_release, dbm_get_col_block_sizes, &
14  dbm_release, dbm_type
15  USE kinds, ONLY: dp,&
16  int_8
17  USE machine, ONLY: m_flush
18  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_cart_type,&
19  mp_comm_type,&
21 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
29  INTEGER, PRIVATE, SAVE :: randmat_counter = 0
33 ! **************************************************************************************************
34 !> \brief Tests the DBM library.
35 !> \param mp_group MPI communicator
36 !> \param io_unit Unit to write to, if not negative
37 !> \param matrix_sizes Size of matrices to test
38 !> \param trs Transposes of the two matrices
39 !> \param bs_m Block sizes of the 1. dimension
40 !> \param bs_n Block sizes of the 2. dimension
41 !> \param bs_k Block sizes of the 3. dimension
42 !> \param sparsities Sparsities of matrices to create
43 !> \param alpha Alpha value to use in multiply
44 !> \param beta Beta value to use in multiply
45 !> \param n_loops Number of repetition for each multiplication
46 !> \param eps Epsilon value for filtering
47 !> \param retain_sparsity Retain the result matrix's sparsity
48 !> \param always_checksum Checksum after each multiplication
49 !> \author Ole Schuett
50 ! **************************************************************************************************
51  SUBROUTINE dbm_run_tests(mp_group, io_unit, matrix_sizes, trs, &
52  bs_m, bs_n, bs_k, sparsities, alpha, beta, &
53  n_loops, eps, retain_sparsity, always_checksum)
55  CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: mp_group
56  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: io_unit
57  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: matrix_sizes
58  LOGICAL, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(in) :: trs
59  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: bs_m, bs_n, bs_k
60  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in) :: sparsities
61  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: alpha, beta
62  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n_loops
63  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: eps
64  LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: retain_sparsity, always_checksum
66  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'dbm_run_tests'
68  INTEGER :: bmax, bmin, handle
69  INTEGER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: col_dist_a, col_dist_b, col_dist_c, &
70  row_dist_a, row_dist_b, row_dist_c, &
71  sizes_k, sizes_m, sizes_n
72  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: npdims
73  TYPE(dbm_distribution_obj) :: dist_a, dist_b, dist_c
74  TYPE(dbm_type), TARGET :: matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c
75  TYPE(mp_cart_type) :: cart_group
77  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
79  ! Create MPI processor grid.
80  npdims(:) = 0
81  CALL mp_dims_create(mp_group%num_pe, npdims)
82  CALL cart_group%create(mp_group, 2, npdims)
83  npdims = cart_group%num_pe_cart
85  ! Initialize random number generator.
86  randmat_counter = 12341313
88  ! Create the row/column block sizes.
89  NULLIFY (sizes_k, sizes_m, sizes_n)
91  bmin = minval(bs_m(2::2))
92  bmax = maxval(bs_m(2::2))
93  CALL generate_mixed_block_sizes(sizes_m, matrix_sizes(1), bs_m)
94  ELSE
95  CALL generate_mixed_block_sizes(sizes_m, matrix_sizes(1), (/1, 13, 2, 5/))
96  bmin = 5; bmax = 13
97  END IF
99  bmin = min(bmin, minval(bs_n(2::2)))
100  bmax = max(bmax, maxval(bs_n(2::2)))
101  CALL generate_mixed_block_sizes(sizes_n, matrix_sizes(2), bs_n)
102  ELSE
103  CALL generate_mixed_block_sizes(sizes_n, matrix_sizes(2), (/1, 13, 2, 5/))
104  bmin = min(bmin, 5); bmax = max(bmax, 13)
105  END IF
107  bmin = min(bmin, minval(bs_k(2::2)))
108  bmax = max(bmax, maxval(bs_k(2::2)))
109  CALL generate_mixed_block_sizes(sizes_k, matrix_sizes(3), bs_k)
110  ELSE
111  CALL generate_mixed_block_sizes(sizes_k, matrix_sizes(3), (/1, 13, 2, 5/))
112  bmin = min(bmin, 5); bmax = max(bmax, 13)
113  END IF
115  ! Create Matrix C
116  CALL generate_1d_dist(row_dist_c, SIZE(sizes_m), npdims(1), sizes_m)
117  CALL generate_1d_dist(col_dist_c, SIZE(sizes_n), npdims(2), sizes_n)
118  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_c, cart_group, row_dist_c, col_dist_c)
119  CALL dbm_create(matrix_c, "Matrix C", dist_c, sizes_m, sizes_n)
120  CALL fill_matrix(matrix_c, sparsity=sparsities(3), group=cart_group)
121  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_c)
123  ! Create Matrix A
124  IF (trs(1)) THEN
125  CALL generate_1d_dist(row_dist_a, SIZE(sizes_k), npdims(1), sizes_k)
126  CALL generate_1d_dist(col_dist_a, SIZE(sizes_m), npdims(2), sizes_m)
127  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_a, cart_group, row_dist_a, col_dist_a)
128  CALL dbm_create(matrix_a, "Matrix A", dist_a, sizes_k, sizes_m)
129  CALL fill_matrix(matrix_a, sparsity=sparsities(1), group=cart_group)
130  DEALLOCATE (row_dist_a, col_dist_a)
131  ELSE
132  CALL generate_1d_dist(col_dist_a, SIZE(sizes_k), npdims(2), sizes_k)
133  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_a, cart_group, row_dist_c, col_dist_a)
134  CALL dbm_create(matrix_a, "Matrix A", dist_a, sizes_m, sizes_k)
135  CALL fill_matrix(matrix_a, sparsity=sparsities(1), group=cart_group)
136  DEALLOCATE (col_dist_a)
137  END IF
138  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_a)
140  ! Create Matrix B
141  IF (trs(2)) THEN
142  CALL generate_1d_dist(row_dist_b, SIZE(sizes_n), npdims(1), sizes_n)
143  CALL generate_1d_dist(col_dist_b, SIZE(sizes_k), npdims(2), sizes_k)
144  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_b, cart_group, row_dist_b, col_dist_b)
145  CALL dbm_create(matrix_b, "Matrix B", dist_b, sizes_n, sizes_k)
146  CALL fill_matrix(matrix_b, sparsity=sparsities(2), group=cart_group)
147  DEALLOCATE (row_dist_b, col_dist_b)
148  ELSE
149  CALL generate_1d_dist(row_dist_b, SIZE(sizes_k), npdims(1), sizes_k)
150  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_b, cart_group, row_dist_b, col_dist_c)
151  CALL dbm_create(matrix_b, "Matrix B", dist_b, sizes_k, sizes_n)
152  CALL fill_matrix(matrix_b, sparsity=sparsities(2), group=cart_group)
153  DEALLOCATE (row_dist_b)
154  END IF
155  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_b)
156  DEALLOCATE (row_dist_c, col_dist_c, sizes_m, sizes_n, sizes_k)
158  ! Prepare test parameters
159  IF (io_unit > 0) THEN
160  WRITE (io_unit, '(A,3(1X,I6),1X,A,2(1X,I5),1X,A,2(1X,L1))') &
161  "Testing with sizes", matrix_sizes(1:3), &
162  "min/max block sizes", bmin, bmax, "transposed?", trs(1:2)
163  END IF
165  CALL run_multiply_test(matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, &
166  transa=trs(1), transb=trs(2), &
167  alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
168  n_loops=n_loops, &
169  eps=eps, &
170  group=cart_group, &
171  io_unit=io_unit, &
172  always_checksum=always_checksum, &
173  retain_sparsity=retain_sparsity)
175  CALL dbm_release(matrix_a)
176  CALL dbm_release(matrix_b)
177  CALL dbm_release(matrix_c)
178  CALL cart_group%free()
180  CALL timestop(handle)
181  END SUBROUTINE dbm_run_tests
183 ! **************************************************************************************************
184 !> \brief Runs the multiplication test.
185 !> \param matrix_a ...
186 !> \param matrix_b ...
187 !> \param matrix_c ...
188 !> \param transa ...
189 !> \param transb ...
190 !> \param alpha ...
191 !> \param beta ...
192 !> \param retain_sparsity ...
193 !> \param n_loops ...
194 !> \param eps ...
195 !> \param group ...
196 !> \param io_unit ...
197 !> \param always_checksum ...
198 !> \author Ole Schuett
199 ! **************************************************************************************************
200  SUBROUTINE run_multiply_test(matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, transa, transb, alpha, beta, &
201  retain_sparsity, n_loops, eps, group, io_unit, always_checksum)
202  TYPE(dbm_type), INTENT(in) :: matrix_a, matrix_b
203  TYPE(dbm_type), INTENT(inout) :: matrix_c
204  LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: transa, transb
205  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: alpha, beta
206  LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: retain_sparsity
207  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n_loops
208  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: eps
210  CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: group
211  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: io_unit
212  LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: always_checksum
214  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'run_multiply_test'
216  INTEGER :: handle, loop_iter
217  INTEGER(kind=int_8) :: flop
218  REAL(kind=dp) :: cs, duration, flops_all, time_start
219  TYPE(dbm_type) :: matrix_c_orig
221  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
223  CALL dbm_create_from_template(matrix_c_orig, "Original Matrix C", matrix_c)
224  CALL dbm_copy(matrix_c_orig, matrix_c)
226  associate(numnodes => group%num_pe)
227  DO loop_iter = 1, n_loops
228  CALL group%sync()
229  time_start = omp_get_wtime()
230  IF (eps < -0.0_dp) THEN
231  CALL dbm_multiply(transa, transb, alpha, matrix_a, matrix_b, beta, matrix_c, &
232  retain_sparsity=retain_sparsity, flop=flop)
233  ELSE
234  CALL dbm_multiply(transa, transb, alpha, matrix_a, matrix_b, beta, matrix_c, &
235  retain_sparsity=retain_sparsity, flop=flop, filter_eps=eps)
236  END IF
237  duration = omp_get_wtime() - time_start
239  CALL group%max(duration)
240  CALL group%sum(flop)
241  duration = max(duration, epsilon(duration)) ! avoid division by zero
242  flops_all = real(flop, kind=dp)/duration/numnodes/(1024*1024)
243  IF (io_unit .GT. 0) THEN
244  WRITE (io_unit, '(A,I5,A,I5,A,F12.3,A,I9,A)') &
245  " loop ", loop_iter, " with ", numnodes, " MPI ranks: using ", &
246  duration, "s ", int(flops_all), " Mflops/rank"
247  CALL m_flush(io_unit)
248  END IF
250  IF (loop_iter .EQ. n_loops .OR. always_checksum) THEN
251  cs = dbm_checksum(matrix_c)
252  IF (io_unit > 0) THEN
253  WRITE (io_unit, *) "Final checksums", cs
254  END IF
255  END IF
257  CALL dbm_copy(matrix_c, matrix_c_orig)
258  END DO
259  END associate
261  CALL dbm_release(matrix_c_orig)
262  CALL timestop(handle)
263  END SUBROUTINE run_multiply_test
265 ! **************************************************************************************************
266 !> \brief Fills give matrix with random blocks.
267 !> \param matrix ...
268 !> \param sparsity ...
269 !> \param group ...
270 ! **************************************************************************************************
271  SUBROUTINE fill_matrix(matrix, sparsity, group)
272  TYPE(dbm_type), INTENT(inout) :: matrix
273  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: sparsity
275  CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: group
277  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'fill_matrix'
279  INTEGER :: block_node, col, handle, ncol, &
280  nrow, row
281  INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: counter, ele, increment, nmax
282  INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: iseed, jseed
283  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: col_block_sizes, row_block_sizes
284  REAL(kind=dp) :: my_sparsity
285  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: block
286  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(1) :: value
288  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
290  ! Check that the counter was initialised (or has not overflowed)
291  cpassert(randmat_counter .NE. 0)
292  ! the counter goes into the seed. Every new call gives a new random matrix
293  randmat_counter = randmat_counter + 1
295  IF (sparsity .GT. 1) THEN
296  my_sparsity = sparsity/100.0
297  ELSE
298  my_sparsity = sparsity
299  END IF
301  row_block_sizes => dbm_get_row_block_sizes(matrix)
302  col_block_sizes => dbm_get_col_block_sizes(matrix)
303  nrow = SIZE(row_block_sizes)
304  ncol = SIZE(col_block_sizes)
305  nmax = int(nrow, kind=int_8)*int(ncol, kind=int_8)
306  ele = -1
307  counter = 0
308  jseed = generate_larnv_seed(7, 42, 3, 42, randmat_counter)
310  associate(mynode => group%mepos)
311  DO
312  ! find the next block to add, this is given by a geometrically distributed variable
313  ! we number the blocks of the matrix and jump to the next one
314  CALL dlarnv(1, jseed, 1, value)
315  IF (my_sparsity > 0) THEN
316  increment = 1 + floor(log(value(1))/log(my_sparsity), kind=int_8)
317  ELSE
318  increment = 1
319  END IF
320  ele = ele + increment
321  IF (ele >= nmax) EXIT
322  counter = counter + 1
323  row = int(ele/ncol) + 1
324  col = int(mod(ele, int(ncol, kind=kind(ele)))) + 1
326  ! Only deal with the local blocks.
327  CALL dbm_get_stored_coordinates(matrix, row, col, block_node)
328  IF (block_node == mynode) THEN
329  ! fill based on a block based seed, makes this the same values in parallel
330  iseed = generate_larnv_seed(row, nrow, col, ncol, randmat_counter)
331  ALLOCATE (block(row_block_sizes(row), col_block_sizes(col)))
332  CALL dlarnv(1, iseed, SIZE(block), block)
333  CALL dbm_put_block(matrix, row, col, block)
334  DEALLOCATE (block)
335  END IF
336  END DO
337  END associate
339  CALL timestop(handle)
340  END SUBROUTINE fill_matrix
342 ! **************************************************************************************************
343 !> \brief Assigns given elements to bins. Uses given element_sizes for load balancing.
344 !> \param bin_dist Distribution of elements to bins
345 !> \param nelements Number of elements
346 !> \param nbins Number of bins
347 !> \param element_sizes sizes of elements
348 !> \author Ole Schuett
349 ! **************************************************************************************************
350  SUBROUTINE generate_1d_dist(bin_dist, nelements, nbins, element_sizes)
352  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nelements, nbins
353  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: element_sizes
355  INTEGER :: bin, i
356  INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbins) :: bin_counts
358  cpassert(SIZE(element_sizes) == nelements)
359  ALLOCATE (bin_dist(nelements))
361  bin_counts(:) = [(0, bin=0, nbins - 1)]
362  DO i = 1, nelements
363  bin = minloc(bin_counts, dim=1) ! greedy algorithm
364  bin_dist(i) = bin - 1
365  bin_counts(bin) = bin_counts(bin) + element_sizes(i)
366  END DO
367  END SUBROUTINE generate_1d_dist
369 ! **************************************************************************************************
370 !> \brief Generates a block_sizes by "randomly" selecting from size_mix.
371 !> \param block_sizes ...
372 !> \param size_sum ...
373 !> \param size_mix ...
374 !> \author Ole Schuett
375 ! **************************************************************************************************
376  SUBROUTINE generate_mixed_block_sizes(block_sizes, size_sum, size_mix)
377  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout), POINTER :: block_sizes
378  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: size_sum
379  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: size_mix
381  INTEGER :: block_size, current_sum, ipass, nblocks, &
382  nsize_mix, selector
385  cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(block_sizes))
386  nsize_mix = SIZE(size_mix)/2
387  ALLOCATE (mixer(3, nsize_mix))
389  ! 1st pass to compute nblocks and allocate block_sizes, 2nd pass to fill block_sizes.
390  DO ipass = 1, 2
391  mixer(1, :) = size_mix(1:nsize_mix*2 - 1:2)
392  mixer(2, :) = size_mix(2:nsize_mix*2:2)
393  mixer(3, :) = 1
394  selector = 1
395  nblocks = 0
396  current_sum = 0
397  DO WHILE (current_sum < size_sum)
398  nblocks = nblocks + 1
399  block_size = min(mixer(2, selector), size_sum - current_sum)
400  IF (ipass == 2) THEN
401  block_sizes(nblocks) = block_size
402  END IF
403  current_sum = current_sum + block_size
404  mixer(3, selector) = mixer(3, selector) + 1
405  IF (mixer(3, selector) > mixer(1, selector)) THEN
406  mixer(3, selector) = 1
407  selector = mod(selector, nsize_mix) + 1
408  END IF
409  END DO
410  IF (ipass == 1) THEN
411  ALLOCATE (block_sizes(nblocks))
412  END IF
413  END DO
415  current_sum = sum(block_sizes)
416  cpassert(current_sum == size_sum)
417  END SUBROUTINE generate_mixed_block_sizes
419 ! **************************************************************************************************
420 !> \brief Generate a seed respecting the lapack constraints,
421 !> - values between 0..4095 (2**12-1)
422 !> - iseed(4) odd
423 !> also try to avoid iseed that are zero.
424 !> Have but with a unique 2D mapping (irow,icol), and a 'mini-seed' ival
425 !>
426 !> \param irow 1..nrow
427 !> \param nrow ...
428 !> \param icol 1..ncol
429 !> \param ncol ...
430 !> \param ival mini-seed
431 !> \return a lapack compatible seed
432 !> \author Patrick Seewald
433 ! **************************************************************************************************
434  FUNCTION generate_larnv_seed(irow, nrow, icol, ncol, ival) RESULT(iseed)
436  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: irow, nrow, icol, ncol, ival
437  INTEGER :: iseed(4)
439  INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: map
441  map = ((irow - 1 + icol*int(nrow, int_8))*(1 + modulo(ival, 2**16)))*2 + 1 + 0*ncol ! ncol used
442  iseed(4) = int(modulo(map, 2_int_8**12)); map = map/2_int_8**12; ! keep odd
443  iseed(3) = int(modulo(ieor(map, 3541_int_8), 2_int_8**12)); map = map/2_int_8**12
444  iseed(2) = int(modulo(ieor(map, 1153_int_8), 2_int_8**12)); map = map/2_int_8**12
445  iseed(1) = int(modulo(ieor(map, 2029_int_8), 2_int_8**12)); map = map/2_int_8**12
446  END FUNCTION generate_larnv_seed
448 END MODULE dbm_tests
void dbm_put_block(dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int row, const int col, const bool summation, const double *block)
Adds a block to given matrix. This routine is thread-safe. If block already exist then it gets overwr...
Definition: dbm_matrix.c:228
int dbm_get_stored_coordinates(const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int row, const int col)
Returns the MPI rank on which the given block should be stored.
Definition: dbm_matrix.c:605
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int modulo(int a, int m)
Equivalent of Fortran's MODULO, which always return a positive number. https://gcc....
Definition: grid_common.h:117
Definition: dbm_api.F:8
subroutine, public dbm_multiply(transa, transb, alpha, matrix_a, matrix_b, beta, matrix_c, retain_sparsity, filter_eps, flop)
Computes matrix product: matrix_c = alpha * matrix_a * matrix_b + beta * matrix_c.
Definition: dbm_api.F:736
subroutine, public dbm_create_from_template(matrix, name, template)
Creates a new matrix from given template, reusing dist and row/col_block_sizes.
Definition: dbm_api.F:265
subroutine, public dbm_distribution_release(dist)
Decreases the reference counter of the given distribution.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1401
subroutine, public dbm_get_stored_coordinates(matrix, row, column, processor)
Returns the MPI rank on which the given block should be stored.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1233
subroutine, public dbm_create(matrix, name, dist, row_block_sizes, col_block_sizes)
Creates a new matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:293
integer function, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public dbm_get_row_block_sizes(matrix)
Returns the row block sizes of the given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1103
subroutine, public dbm_put_block(matrix, row, col, block, summation)
Adds a block to given matrix. This routine is thread-safe. If block already exist then it gets overwr...
Definition: dbm_api.F:491
real(kind=dp) function, public dbm_checksum(matrix)
Computes a checksum of the given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:969
subroutine, public dbm_copy(matrix_a, matrix_b)
Copies content of matrix_b into matrix_a. Matrices must have the same row/col block sizes and distrib...
Definition: dbm_api.F:380
subroutine, public dbm_release(matrix)
Releases a matrix and all its ressources.
Definition: dbm_api.F:354
integer function, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public dbm_get_col_block_sizes(matrix)
Returns the column block sizes of the given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1130
subroutine, public dbm_distribution_new(dist, mp_comm, row_dist_block, col_dist_block)
Creates a new two dimensional distribution.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1294
subroutine, public dbm_run_tests(mp_group, io_unit, matrix_sizes, trs, bs_m, bs_n, bs_k, sparsities, alpha, beta, n_loops, eps, retain_sparsity, always_checksum)
Tests the DBM library.
Definition: dbm_tests.F:54
integer function, dimension(4), public generate_larnv_seed(irow, nrow, icol, ncol, ival)
Generate a seed respecting the lapack constraints,.
Definition: dbm_tests.F:435
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public int_8
Definition: kinds.F:54
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX.
Definition: machine.F:17
subroutine, public m_flush(lunit)
flushes units if the &GLOBAL flag is set accordingly
Definition: machine.F:106
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
subroutine, public mp_dims_create(nodes, dims)
wrapper to MPI_Dims_create