No Matches
dbm_matrix.c File Reference
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dbm_hyperparams.h"
#include "dbm_matrix.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void dbm_create (dbm_matrix_t **matrix_out, dbm_distribution_t *dist, const char name[], const int nrows, const int ncols, const int row_sizes[nrows], const int col_sizes[ncols])
 Creates a new matrix.
void dbm_release (dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Releases a matrix and all its ressources.
void dbm_copy (dbm_matrix_t *matrix_a, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_b)
 Copies content of matrix_b into matrix_a. Matrices must have the same row/col block sizes and distribution.
void dbm_redistribute (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, dbm_matrix_t *redist)
 Copies content of matrix_b into matrix_a. Matrices may have different distributions.
void dbm_get_block_p (dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int row, const int col, double **block, int *row_size, int *col_size)
 Looks up a block from given matrics. This routine is thread-safe. If the block is not found then a null pointer is returned.
void dbm_put_block (dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int row, const int col, const bool summation, const double *block)
 Adds a block to given matrix. This routine is thread-safe. If block already exist then it gets overwritten (or summed).
void dbm_clear (dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Remove all blocks from matrix, but does not release underlying memory.
void dbm_filter (dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const double eps)
 Removes all blocks from the matrix whose norm is below the threshold. Blocks of size zero are always kept.
void dbm_reserve_blocks (dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int nblocks, const int rows[], const int cols[])
 Adds list of blocks efficiently. The blocks will be filled with zeros. This routine must always be called within an OpenMP parallel region.
void dbm_scale (dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const double alpha)
 Multiplies all entries in the given matrix by the given factor alpha.
void dbm_zero (dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Sets all blocks in the given matrix to zero.
void dbm_add (dbm_matrix_t *matrix_a, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix_b)
 Adds matrix_b to matrix_a.
void dbm_iterator_start (dbm_iterator_t **iter_out, const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Creates an iterator for the blocks of the given matrix. The iteration order is not stable. This routine must always be called within an OpenMP parallel region.
int dbm_iterator_num_blocks (const dbm_iterator_t *iter)
 Returns number of blocks the iterator will provide to calling thread.
bool dbm_iterator_blocks_left (const dbm_iterator_t *iter)
 Tests whether the given iterator has any block left.
void dbm_iterator_next_block (dbm_iterator_t *iter, int *row, int *col, double **block, int *row_size, int *col_size)
 Returns the next block from the given iterator.
void dbm_iterator_stop (dbm_iterator_t *iter)
 Releases the given iterator.
static double kahan_sum (double value, double *accumulator, double *compensation)
 Private routine to accumulate using Kahan's summation.
double dbm_checksum (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Computes a checksum of the given matrix.
double dbm_maxabs (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Returns the largest absolute value of all matrix elements.
const char * dbm_get_name (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Returns the name of the matrix of the given matrix.
int dbm_get_nze (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Returns the number of local Non-Zero Elements of the given matrix.
int dbm_get_num_blocks (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Returns the number of local blocks of the given matrix.
void dbm_get_row_sizes (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, int *nrows, const int **row_sizes)
 Returns the row block sizes of the given matrix.
void dbm_get_col_sizes (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, int *ncols, const int **col_sizes)
 Returns the column block sizes of the given matrix.
void dbm_get_local_rows (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, int *nlocal_rows, const int **local_rows)
 Returns the local row block sizes of the given matrix.
void dbm_get_local_cols (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, int *nlocal_cols, const int **local_cols)
 Returns the local column block sizes of the given matrix.
int dbm_get_stored_coordinates (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int row, const int col)
 Returns the MPI rank on which the given block should be stored.
const dbm_distribution_tdbm_get_distribution (const dbm_matrix_t *matrix)
 Returns the distribution of the given matrix.

Function Documentation

◆ dbm_create()

void dbm_create ( dbm_matrix_t **  matrix_out,
dbm_distribution_t dist,
const char  name[],
const int  nrows,
const int  ncols,
const int  row_sizes[nrows],
const int  col_sizes[ncols] 

Creates a new matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 23 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_release()

void dbm_release ( dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Releases a matrix and all its ressources.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 68 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_copy()

void dbm_copy ( dbm_matrix_t matrix_a,
const dbm_matrix_t matrix_b 

Copies content of matrix_b into matrix_a. Matrices must have the same row/col block sizes and distribution.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 86 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbm_redistribute()

void dbm_redistribute ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix,
dbm_matrix_t redist 

Copies content of matrix_b into matrix_a. Matrices may have different distributions.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 111 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_block_p()

void dbm_get_block_p ( dbm_matrix_t matrix,
const int  row,
const int  col,
double **  block,
int *  row_size,
int *  col_size 

Looks up a block from given matrics. This routine is thread-safe. If the block is not found then a null pointer is returned.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 209 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_put_block()

void dbm_put_block ( dbm_matrix_t matrix,
const int  row,
const int  col,
const bool  summation,
const double *  block 

Adds a block to given matrix. This routine is thread-safe. If block already exist then it gets overwritten (or summed).

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 231 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_clear()

void dbm_clear ( dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Remove all blocks from matrix, but does not release underlying memory.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 260 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_filter()

void dbm_filter ( dbm_matrix_t matrix,
const double  eps 

Removes all blocks from the matrix whose norm is below the threshold. Blocks of size zero are always kept.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 279 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_reserve_blocks()

void dbm_reserve_blocks ( dbm_matrix_t matrix,
const int  nblocks,
const int  rows[],
const int  cols[] 

Adds list of blocks efficiently. The blocks will be filled with zeros. This routine must always be called within an OpenMP parallel region.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 333 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_scale()

void dbm_scale ( dbm_matrix_t matrix,
const double  alpha 

Multiplies all entries in the given matrix by the given factor alpha.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 364 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbm_zero()

void dbm_zero ( dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Sets all blocks in the given matrix to zero.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 387 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbm_add()

void dbm_add ( dbm_matrix_t matrix_a,
const dbm_matrix_t matrix_b 

Adds matrix_b to matrix_a.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 401 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbm_iterator_start()

void dbm_iterator_start ( dbm_iterator_t **  iter_out,
const dbm_matrix_t matrix 

Creates an iterator for the blocks of the given matrix. The iteration order is not stable. This routine must always be called within an OpenMP parallel region.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 434 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_iterator_num_blocks()

int dbm_iterator_num_blocks ( const dbm_iterator_t iter)

Returns number of blocks the iterator will provide to calling thread.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 454 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_iterator_blocks_left()

bool dbm_iterator_blocks_left ( const dbm_iterator_t iter)

Tests whether the given iterator has any block left.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 468 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_iterator_next_block()

void dbm_iterator_next_block ( dbm_iterator_t iter,
int *  row,
int *  col,
double **  block,
int *  row_size,
int *  col_size 

Returns the next block from the given iterator.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 476 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_iterator_stop()

void dbm_iterator_stop ( dbm_iterator_t iter)

Releases the given iterator.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 506 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kahan_sum()

static double kahan_sum ( double  value,
double *  accumulator,
double *  compensation 

Private routine to accumulate using Kahan's summation.

Hans Pabst

Definition at line 512 of file dbm_matrix.c.

◆ dbm_checksum()

double dbm_checksum ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Computes a checksum of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 527 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbm_maxabs()

double dbm_maxabs ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Returns the largest absolute value of all matrix elements.

Returns the absolute value of the larges element of the entire matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 544 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_name()

const char * dbm_get_name ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Returns the name of the matrix of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 560 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_nze()

int dbm_get_nze ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Returns the number of local Non-Zero Elements of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 566 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_num_blocks()

int dbm_get_num_blocks ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Returns the number of local blocks of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 578 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_row_sizes()

void dbm_get_row_sizes ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix,
int *  nrows,
const int **  row_sizes 

Returns the row block sizes of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 590 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_col_sizes()

void dbm_get_col_sizes ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix,
int *  ncols,
const int **  col_sizes 

Returns the column block sizes of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 600 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_local_rows()

void dbm_get_local_rows ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix,
int *  nlocal_rows,
const int **  local_rows 

Returns the local row block sizes of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 610 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_local_cols()

void dbm_get_local_cols ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix,
int *  nlocal_cols,
const int **  local_cols 

Returns the local column block sizes of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 620 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_stored_coordinates()

int dbm_get_stored_coordinates ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix,
const int  row,
const int  col 

Returns the MPI rank on which the given block should be stored.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 630 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dbm_get_distribution()

const dbm_distribution_t * dbm_get_distribution ( const dbm_matrix_t matrix)

Returns the distribution of the given matrix.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 639 of file dbm_matrix.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function: