Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc.
10 !> \par History
11 !> 11.2012 created [Mandes Schoenherr]
12 !> \author Mandes 11/2012
13 ! **************************************************************************************************
16  USE kinds, ONLY: default_string_length,&
17  dp
18 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
24  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'tmc_move_types'
26  !-- list of available move types
27  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_none = 0
28  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_swap_conf = 1 ! swapping of 2 configurations of different temperature
29  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_atom_trans = 2 ! atom translation (done in every posible direction)
30  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_mol_trans = 3 ! molecule translation (done in every posible direction)
31  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_mol_rot = 4 ! molecule rotation
32  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_proton_reorder = 5 ! reordering the protons within a chain of molecules
33  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_atom_swap = 6 ! swaps two atoms of different type
34  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_md = 7 ! certain amount of MD steps
35  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_volume_move = 8 ! volume move for NPT simulations
36  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_gausian_adapt = 9 ! gaussian adaptation
37  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: mv_type_nmc_moves = 10 ! indentifies the Nested Monte Carlo move for master
38  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: nr_mv_types = 10 !-- allways update the number of possible types!!
40  PUBLIC :: tmc_move_type, move_types_create, move_types_release
42  TYPE tmc_move_type
43  !-- mv_type, handling indeces to move type (are equal for all several configurations/temperatures)
44  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mv_weight
45  !-- mv_size, moves are normaly done in interval ]-mv_size, mv_size[
46  ! 1st dimension are the different types, 2nd dim for configuration/temperature
47  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: mv_size
48  !-- acc_prob, probability of acceptance of a certain move type for a certain temperature
49  ! 1st dimension are the different move types, 2nd dim for configuration/temperature
50  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: acc_prob
51  !-- count, remembers the certain amount of moves of certain a move type and temperature
52  ! 1st dimension are the different types, 2nd dim for config./Temp
54  !-- count, remembers the certain amount of accepted moves of a certain move type and temperature
55  ! 1st dimension are the different types, 2nd dim for config./Temp
56  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: acc_count
57  !-- subbox_prob, probability of acceptance of a certain move type within subbox,
58  ! done in Nested Monte Carlo routine
59  ! the moves are rejected if atom or center of mass leaves the subbox
60  ! 1st dimension are the different move types
61  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: subbox_acc_count
62  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: subbox_count
63  TYPE(list_atoms), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atom_lists => null()
65  !-- nmc_acc_prob, probability of acceptance of a certain move type,
66  ! done in Nested Monte Carlo routine, for different potential
67  ! 1st dimension are the different move types
68 ! REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmc_nr_acc
70  END TYPE tmc_move_type
72  TYPE list_atoms
73  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length), &
74  DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atoms => null()
75  END TYPE list_atoms
78 ! **************************************************************************************************
79 !> \brief allocating the module variables
80 !> \param move_types pointer to the structure which should be deallocated
81 !> \param nr_temp ...
82 !> \author Mandes 11.2012
83 !> \note deallocating the module variables
84 ! **************************************************************************************************
85  SUBROUTINE move_types_create(move_types, nr_temp)
86  TYPE(tmc_move_type), POINTER :: move_types
87  INTEGER :: nr_temp
89  cpassert(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(move_types))
91  ALLOCATE (move_types)
92  ALLOCATE (move_types%mv_weight(nr_mv_types))
93  move_types%mv_weight(:) = 0.0_dp
94  ALLOCATE (move_types%mv_size(nr_mv_types, nr_temp))
95  move_types%mv_size(:, :) = 0.0_dp
96  ALLOCATE (move_types%acc_prob(0:nr_mv_types, nr_temp))
97  move_types%acc_prob(:, :) = 0.0_dp
98  ALLOCATE (move_types%mv_count(0:nr_mv_types, nr_temp))
99  move_types%mv_count(:, :) = 0
100  ALLOCATE (move_types%acc_count(0:nr_mv_types, nr_temp))
101  move_types%acc_count(:, :) = 0
102  ALLOCATE (move_types%subbox_acc_count(nr_mv_types, nr_temp))
103  move_types%subbox_acc_count(:, :) = 0
104  ALLOCATE (move_types%subbox_count(nr_mv_types, nr_temp))
105  move_types%subbox_count(:, :) = 0
106  NULLIFY (move_types%atom_lists)
107  END SUBROUTINE move_types_create
109 ! **************************************************************************************************
110 !> \brief deallocating the module variables
111 !> \param move_types pointer to the structure which should be deallocated
112 !> \author Mandes 11.2012
113 !> \note deallocating the module variables
114 ! **************************************************************************************************
115  SUBROUTINE move_types_release(move_types)
116  TYPE(tmc_move_type), POINTER :: move_types
118  cpassert(ASSOCIATED(move_types))
120  IF (ASSOCIATED(move_types%atom_lists)) DEALLOCATE (move_types%atom_lists)
121  DEALLOCATE (move_types%mv_weight)
122  DEALLOCATE (move_types%mv_size)
123  DEALLOCATE (move_types%acc_prob)
124  DEALLOCATE (move_types%mv_count)
125  DEALLOCATE (move_types%acc_count)
126  DEALLOCATE (move_types%subbox_acc_count)
127  DEALLOCATE (move_types%subbox_count)
128  DEALLOCATE (move_types)
129  END SUBROUTINE move_types_release
131 END MODULE tmc_move_types
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition: kinds.F:57
tree nodes creation, searching, deallocation, references etc.
integer, parameter, public mv_type_mol_rot
integer, parameter, public mv_type_volume_move
integer, parameter, public mv_type_proton_reorder
integer, parameter, public mv_type_swap_conf
integer, parameter, public mv_type_md
integer, parameter, public mv_type_mol_trans
subroutine, public move_types_create(move_types, nr_temp)
allocating the module variables
integer, parameter, public mv_type_atom_swap
integer, parameter, public mv_type_gausian_adapt
integer, parameter, public mv_type_atom_trans
integer, parameter, public nr_mv_types
integer, parameter, public mv_type_nmc_moves
subroutine, public move_types_release(move_types)
deallocating the module variables
integer, parameter, public mv_type_none