Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief testing infrastructure for tall-and-skinny matrices
10 !> \author Patrick Seewald
11 ! **************************************************************************************************
13  USE dbm_api, ONLY: &
14  dbm_add, dbm_checksum, dbm_create, dbm_distribution_new, dbm_distribution_obj, &
17  dbm_scale, dbm_type
19  USE dbt_tas_base, ONLY: &
23  USE dbt_tas_global, ONLY: dbt_tas_blk_size_arb,&
25  dbt_tas_dist_cyclic
26  USE dbt_tas_mm, ONLY: dbt_tas_multiply
29  USE dbt_tas_types, ONLY: dbt_tas_distribution_type,&
30  dbt_tas_type
31  USE kinds, ONLY: dp,&
32  int_8
33  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_cart_type,&
34  mp_comm_type
35 #include "../../base/base_uses.f90"
40  PUBLIC :: &
48  INTEGER, SAVE :: randmat_counter = 0
49  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: rand_seed_init = 12341313
53 ! **************************************************************************************************
54 !> \brief Setup tall-and-skinny matrix for testing
55 !> \param matrix ...
56 !> \param mp_comm_out ...
57 !> \param mp_comm ...
58 !> \param nrows ...
59 !> \param ncols ...
60 !> \param rbsizes ...
61 !> \param cbsizes ...
62 !> \param dist_splitsize ...
63 !> \param name ...
64 !> \param sparsity ...
65 !> \param reuse_comm ...
66 !> \author Patrick Seewald
67 ! **************************************************************************************************
68  SUBROUTINE dbt_tas_setup_test_matrix(matrix, mp_comm_out, mp_comm, nrows, ncols, rbsizes, &
69  cbsizes, dist_splitsize, name, sparsity, reuse_comm)
70  TYPE(dbt_tas_type), INTENT(OUT) :: matrix
71  TYPE(mp_cart_type), INTENT(OUT) :: mp_comm_out
73  CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: mp_comm
74  INTEGER(KIND=int_8), INTENT(IN) :: nrows, ncols
75  INTEGER, DIMENSION(nrows), INTENT(IN) :: rbsizes
76  INTEGER, DIMENSION(ncols), INTENT(IN) :: cbsizes
77  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN) :: dist_splitsize
78  CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: name
79  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: sparsity
80  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: reuse_comm
82  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'dbt_tas_setup_test_matrix'
84  INTEGER :: col_size, handle, max_col_size, max_nze, &
85  max_row_size, mynode, node_holds_blk, &
86  nze, row_size
87  INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: col, col_s, ncol, nrow, row, row_s
88  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: pdims
89  INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: iseed, jseed
90  LOGICAL :: reuse_comm_prv, tr
91  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: values
92  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(1) :: rn
93  TYPE(dbt_tas_blk_size_arb) :: cbsize_obj, rbsize_obj
94  TYPE(dbt_tas_dist_cyclic) :: col_dist_obj, row_dist_obj
95  TYPE(dbt_tas_distribution_type) :: dist
97  ! we don't reserve blocks prior to putting them, so this time is meaningless and should not
98  ! be considered in benchmark!
99  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
101  ! Check that the counter was initialised (or has not overflowed)
102  cpassert(randmat_counter .NE. 0)
103  ! the counter goes into the seed. Every new call gives a new random matrix
104  randmat_counter = randmat_counter + 1
106  IF (PRESENT(reuse_comm)) THEN
107  reuse_comm_prv = reuse_comm
108  ELSE
109  reuse_comm_prv = .false.
110  END IF
112  IF (reuse_comm_prv) THEN
113  mp_comm_out = mp_comm
114  ELSE
115  mp_comm_out = dbt_tas_mp_comm(mp_comm, nrows, ncols)
116  END IF
118  mynode = mp_comm_out%mepos
119  pdims = mp_comm_out%num_pe_cart
121  row_dist_obj = dbt_tas_dist_cyclic(dist_splitsize(1), pdims(1), nrows)
122  col_dist_obj = dbt_tas_dist_cyclic(dist_splitsize(2), pdims(2), ncols)
124  rbsize_obj = dbt_tas_blk_size_arb(rbsizes)
125  cbsize_obj = dbt_tas_blk_size_arb(cbsizes)
127  CALL dbt_tas_distribution_new(dist, mp_comm_out, row_dist_obj, col_dist_obj)
128  CALL dbt_tas_create(matrix, name=trim(name), dist=dist, &
129  row_blk_size=rbsize_obj, col_blk_size=cbsize_obj, own_dist=.true.)
131  max_row_size = maxval(rbsizes)
132  max_col_size = maxval(cbsizes)
133  max_nze = max_row_size*max_col_size
135  nrow = dbt_tas_nblkrows_total(matrix)
136  ncol = dbt_tas_nblkcols_total(matrix)
138  ALLOCATE (values(max_row_size, max_col_size))
140  jseed = generate_larnv_seed(7, 42, 3, 42, randmat_counter)
142  DO row = 1, dbt_tas_nblkrows_total(matrix)
143  DO col = 1, dbt_tas_nblkcols_total(matrix)
144  CALL dlarnv(1, jseed, 1, rn)
145  IF (rn(1) .LT. sparsity) THEN
146  tr = .false.
147  row_s = row; col_s = col
148  CALL dbt_tas_get_stored_coordinates(matrix, row_s, col_s, node_holds_blk)
150  IF (node_holds_blk .EQ. mynode) THEN
151  row_size = rbsize_obj%data(row_s)
152  col_size = cbsize_obj%data(col_s)
153  nze = row_size*col_size
154  iseed = generate_larnv_seed(int(row_s), int(nrow), int(col_s), int(ncol), randmat_counter)
155  CALL dlarnv(1, iseed, max_nze, values)
156  CALL dbt_tas_put_block(matrix, row_s, col_s, values(1:row_size, 1:col_size))
157  END IF
158  END IF
159  END DO
160  END DO
162  CALL dbt_tas_finalize(matrix)
164  CALL timestop(handle)
168 ! **************************************************************************************************
169 !> \brief Benchmark routine. Due to random sparsity (as opposed to structured sparsity pattern),
170 !> this may not be representative for actual applications.
171 !> \param transa ...
172 !> \param transb ...
173 !> \param transc ...
174 !> \param matrix_a ...
175 !> \param matrix_b ...
176 !> \param matrix_c ...
177 !> \param compare_dbm ...
178 !> \param filter_eps ...
179 !> \param io_unit ...
180 !> \author Patrick Seewald
181 ! **************************************************************************************************
182  SUBROUTINE dbt_tas_benchmark_mm(transa, transb, transc, matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, compare_dbm, filter_eps, io_unit)
184  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: transa, transb, transc
185  TYPE(dbt_tas_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c
186  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: compare_dbm
187  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: filter_eps
190  INTEGER :: handle1, handle2
191  INTEGER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: cd_a, cd_b, cd_c, col_block_sizes_a, &
192  col_block_sizes_b, col_block_sizes_c, rd_a, rd_b, rd_c, row_block_sizes_a, &
193  row_block_sizes_b, row_block_sizes_c
194  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: npdims
195  TYPE(dbm_distribution_obj) :: dist_a, dist_b, dist_c
196  TYPE(dbm_type) :: dbm_a, dbm_a_mm, dbm_b, dbm_b_mm, dbm_c, &
197  dbm_c_mm
198  TYPE(mp_cart_type) :: comm_dbm, mp_comm
200 !
201 ! TODO: Dedup with code in dbt_tas_test_mm.
202 !
203  IF (PRESENT(io_unit)) THEN
204  IF (io_unit > 0) THEN
205  WRITE (io_unit, "(A)") "starting tall-and-skinny benchmark"
206  END IF
207  END IF
208  CALL timeset("benchmark_tas_mm", handle1)
209  CALL dbt_tas_multiply(transa, transb, transc, 1.0_dp, matrix_a, matrix_b, &
210  0.0_dp, matrix_c, &
211  filter_eps=filter_eps, unit_nr=io_unit)
212  CALL timestop(handle1)
213  IF (PRESENT(io_unit)) THEN
214  IF (io_unit > 0) THEN
215  WRITE (io_unit, "(A)") "tall-and-skinny benchmark completed"
216  END IF
217  END IF
219  IF (compare_dbm) THEN
220  CALL dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix_a, dbm_a)
221  CALL dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix_b, dbm_b)
222  CALL dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix_c, dbm_c)
224  CALL dbt_tas_get_split_info(dbt_tas_info(matrix_a), mp_comm=mp_comm)
225  npdims(:) = 0
226  CALL comm_dbm%create(mp_comm, 2, npdims)
228  ALLOCATE (rd_a(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a))))
229  ALLOCATE (rd_b(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b))))
230  ALLOCATE (rd_c(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c))))
231  ALLOCATE (cd_a(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a))))
232  ALLOCATE (cd_b(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b))))
233  ALLOCATE (cd_c(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c))))
235  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a))), &
236  npdims(1), dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a), rd_a)
237  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a))), &
238  npdims(2), dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a), cd_a)
239  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b))), &
240  npdims(1), dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b), rd_b)
241  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b))), &
242  npdims(2), dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b), cd_b)
243  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c))), &
244  npdims(1), dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c), rd_c)
245  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c))), &
246  npdims(2), dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c), cd_c)
248  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_a, comm_dbm, rd_a, cd_a)
249  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_b, comm_dbm, rd_b, cd_b)
250  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_c, comm_dbm, rd_c, cd_c)
251  DEALLOCATE (rd_a, rd_b, rd_c, cd_a, cd_b, cd_c)
253  ! Store pointers in intermediate variables to workaround a CCE error.
254  row_block_sizes_a => dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a)
255  col_block_sizes_a => dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a)
256  row_block_sizes_b => dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b)
257  col_block_sizes_b => dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b)
258  row_block_sizes_c => dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c)
259  col_block_sizes_c => dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c)
261  CALL dbm_create(matrix=dbm_a_mm, name=dbm_get_name(dbm_a), dist=dist_a, &
262  row_block_sizes=row_block_sizes_a, col_block_sizes=col_block_sizes_a)
264  CALL dbm_create(matrix=dbm_b_mm, name=dbm_get_name(dbm_b), dist=dist_b, &
265  row_block_sizes=row_block_sizes_b, col_block_sizes=col_block_sizes_b)
267  CALL dbm_create(matrix=dbm_c_mm, name=dbm_get_name(dbm_c), dist=dist_c, &
268  row_block_sizes=row_block_sizes_c, col_block_sizes=col_block_sizes_c)
270  CALL dbm_finalize(dbm_a_mm)
271  CALL dbm_finalize(dbm_b_mm)
272  CALL dbm_finalize(dbm_c_mm)
274  CALL dbm_redistribute(dbm_a, dbm_a_mm)
275  CALL dbm_redistribute(dbm_b, dbm_b_mm)
276  IF (PRESENT(io_unit)) THEN
277  IF (io_unit > 0) THEN
278  WRITE (io_unit, "(A)") "starting dbm benchmark"
279  END IF
280  END IF
281  CALL timeset("benchmark_block_mm", handle2)
282  CALL dbm_multiply(transa, transb, 1.0_dp, dbm_a_mm, dbm_b_mm, &
283  0.0_dp, dbm_c_mm, filter_eps=filter_eps)
284  CALL timestop(handle2)
285  IF (PRESENT(io_unit)) THEN
286  IF (io_unit > 0) THEN
287  WRITE (io_unit, "(A)") "dbm benchmark completed"
288  END IF
289  END IF
291  CALL dbm_release(dbm_a)
292  CALL dbm_release(dbm_b)
293  CALL dbm_release(dbm_c)
294  CALL dbm_release(dbm_a_mm)
295  CALL dbm_release(dbm_b_mm)
296  CALL dbm_release(dbm_c_mm)
297  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_a)
298  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_b)
299  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_c)
301  CALL comm_dbm%free()
302  END IF
306 ! **************************************************************************************************
307 !> \brief Test tall-and-skinny matrix multiplication for accuracy
308 !> \param transa ...
309 !> \param transb ...
310 !> \param transc ...
311 !> \param matrix_a ...
312 !> \param matrix_b ...
313 !> \param matrix_c ...
314 !> \param filter_eps ...
315 !> \param unit_nr ...
316 !> \param log_verbose ...
317 !> \author Patrick Seewald
318 ! **************************************************************************************************
319  SUBROUTINE dbt_tas_test_mm(transa, transb, transc, matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, filter_eps, unit_nr, log_verbose)
320  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: transa, transb, transc
321  TYPE(dbt_tas_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c
322  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: filter_eps
323  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit_nr
324  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: log_verbose
326  REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: test_tol = 1.0e-10_dp
328  CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: status_str
329  INTEGER :: io_unit, mynode
330  INTEGER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: cd_a, cd_b, cd_c, col_block_sizes_a, &
331  col_block_sizes_b, col_block_sizes_c, rd_a, rd_b, rd_c, row_block_sizes_a, &
332  row_block_sizes_b, row_block_sizes_c
333  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: npdims
334  LOGICAL :: abort, transa_prv, transb_prv
335  REAL(kind=dp) :: norm, rc_cs, sq_cs
336  TYPE(dbm_distribution_obj) :: dist_a, dist_b, dist_c
337  TYPE(dbm_type) :: dbm_a, dbm_a_mm, dbm_b, dbm_b_mm, dbm_c, &
338  dbm_c_mm, dbm_c_mm_check
339  TYPE(mp_cart_type) :: comm_dbm, mp_comm
341 !
342 ! TODO: Dedup with code in dbt_tas_benchmark_mm.
343 !
345  CALL dbt_tas_get_split_info(dbt_tas_info(matrix_a), mp_comm=mp_comm)
346  mynode = mp_comm%mepos
347  abort = .false.
348  io_unit = -1
349  IF (mynode .EQ. 0) io_unit = unit_nr
351  CALL dbt_tas_multiply(transa, transb, transc, 1.0_dp, matrix_a, matrix_b, &
352  0.0_dp, matrix_c, &
353  filter_eps=filter_eps, unit_nr=io_unit, log_verbose=log_verbose, optimize_dist=.true.)
355  CALL dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix_a, dbm_a)
356  CALL dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix_b, dbm_b)
357  CALL dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix_c, dbm_c)
359  npdims(:) = 0
360  CALL comm_dbm%create(mp_comm, 2, npdims)
362  ALLOCATE (rd_a(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a))))
363  ALLOCATE (rd_b(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b))))
364  ALLOCATE (rd_c(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c))))
365  ALLOCATE (cd_a(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a))))
366  ALLOCATE (cd_b(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b))))
367  ALLOCATE (cd_c(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c))))
369  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a))), &
370  npdims(1), dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a), rd_a)
371  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a))), &
372  npdims(2), dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a), cd_a)
373  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b))), &
374  npdims(1), dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b), rd_b)
375  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b))), &
376  npdims(2), dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b), cd_b)
377  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c))), &
378  npdims(1), dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c), rd_c)
379  CALL dbt_tas_default_distvec(int(SIZE(dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c))), &
380  npdims(2), dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c), cd_c)
382  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_a, comm_dbm, rd_a, cd_a)
383  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_b, comm_dbm, rd_b, cd_b)
384  CALL dbm_distribution_new(dist_c, comm_dbm, rd_c, cd_c)
385  DEALLOCATE (rd_a, rd_b, rd_c, cd_a, cd_b, cd_c)
387  ! Store pointers in intermediate variables to workaround a CCE error.
388  row_block_sizes_a => dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_a)
389  col_block_sizes_a => dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_a)
390  row_block_sizes_b => dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_b)
391  col_block_sizes_b => dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_b)
392  row_block_sizes_c => dbm_get_row_block_sizes(dbm_c)
393  col_block_sizes_c => dbm_get_col_block_sizes(dbm_c)
395  CALL dbm_create(matrix=dbm_a_mm, name="matrix a", dist=dist_a, &
396  row_block_sizes=row_block_sizes_a, col_block_sizes=col_block_sizes_a)
398  CALL dbm_create(matrix=dbm_b_mm, name="matrix b", dist=dist_b, &
399  row_block_sizes=row_block_sizes_b, col_block_sizes=col_block_sizes_b)
401  CALL dbm_create(matrix=dbm_c_mm, name="matrix c", dist=dist_c, &
402  row_block_sizes=row_block_sizes_c, col_block_sizes=col_block_sizes_c)
404  CALL dbm_create(matrix=dbm_c_mm_check, name="matrix c check", dist=dist_c, &
405  row_block_sizes=row_block_sizes_c, col_block_sizes=col_block_sizes_c)
407  CALL dbm_finalize(dbm_a_mm)
408  CALL dbm_finalize(dbm_b_mm)
409  CALL dbm_finalize(dbm_c_mm)
410  CALL dbm_finalize(dbm_c_mm_check)
412  CALL dbm_redistribute(dbm_a, dbm_a_mm)
413  CALL dbm_redistribute(dbm_b, dbm_b_mm)
414  CALL dbm_redistribute(dbm_c, dbm_c_mm_check)
416  transa_prv = transa; transb_prv = transb
418  IF (.NOT. transc) THEN
419  CALL dbm_multiply(transa_prv, transb_prv, 1.0_dp, &
420  dbm_a_mm, dbm_b_mm, &
421  0.0_dp, dbm_c_mm, filter_eps=filter_eps)
422  ELSE
423  transa_prv = .NOT. transa_prv
424  transb_prv = .NOT. transb_prv
425  CALL dbm_multiply(transb_prv, transa_prv, 1.0_dp, &
426  dbm_b_mm, dbm_a_mm, &
427  0.0_dp, dbm_c_mm, filter_eps=filter_eps)
428  END IF
430  sq_cs = dbm_checksum(dbm_c_mm)
431  rc_cs = dbm_checksum(dbm_c_mm_check)
432  CALL dbm_scale(dbm_c_mm_check, -1.0_dp)
433  CALL dbm_add(dbm_c_mm_check, dbm_c_mm)
434  norm = dbm_maxabs(dbm_c_mm_check)
436  IF (io_unit > 0) THEN
437  IF (abs(norm) > test_tol) THEN
438  status_str = " failed!"
439  abort = .true.
440  ELSE
441  status_str = " passed!"
442  abort = .false.
443  END IF
444  WRITE (io_unit, "(A)") &
445  trim(dbm_get_name(matrix_a%matrix))//" x "// &
446  trim(dbm_get_name(matrix_b%matrix))//trim(status_str)
447  WRITE (io_unit, "(A,1X,E9.2,1X,E9.2)") "checksums", sq_cs, rc_cs
448  WRITE (io_unit, "(A,1X,E9.2)") "difference norm", norm
449  IF (abort) cpabort("DBT TAS test failed")
450  END IF
452  CALL dbm_release(dbm_a)
453  CALL dbm_release(dbm_a_mm)
454  CALL dbm_release(dbm_b)
455  CALL dbm_release(dbm_b_mm)
456  CALL dbm_release(dbm_c)
457  CALL dbm_release(dbm_c_mm)
458  CALL dbm_release(dbm_c_mm_check)
460  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_a)
461  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_b)
462  CALL dbm_distribution_release(dist_c)
464  CALL comm_dbm%free()
466  END SUBROUTINE dbt_tas_test_mm
468 ! **************************************************************************************************
469 !> \brief Calculate checksum of tall-and-skinny matrix consistent with dbm_checksum
470 !> \param matrix ...
471 !> \return ...
472 !> \author Patrick Seewald
473 ! **************************************************************************************************
474  FUNCTION dbt_tas_checksum(matrix)
475  TYPE(dbt_tas_type), INTENT(IN) :: matrix
476  REAL(kind=dp) :: dbt_tas_checksum
478  TYPE(dbm_type) :: dbm_m
480  CALL dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix, dbm_m)
482  CALL dbm_release(dbm_m)
485 ! **************************************************************************************************
486 !> \brief Create random block sizes
487 !> \param sizes ...
488 !> \param repeat ...
489 !> \param dbt_sizes ...
490 !> \author Patrick Seewald
491 ! **************************************************************************************************
492  SUBROUTINE dbt_tas_random_bsizes(sizes, repeat, dbt_sizes)
494  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: repeat
495  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: dbt_sizes
497  INTEGER :: d, size_i
499  DO d = 1, SIZE(dbt_sizes)
500  size_i = mod((d - 1)/repeat, SIZE(sizes)) + 1
501  dbt_sizes(d) = sizes(size_i)
502  END DO
505 ! **************************************************************************************************
506 !> \brief Reset the seed used for generating random matrices to default value
507 !> \author Patrick Seewald
508 ! **************************************************************************************************
510  randmat_counter = rand_seed_init
Definition: dbm_api.F:8
subroutine, public dbm_multiply(transa, transb, alpha, matrix_a, matrix_b, beta, matrix_c, retain_sparsity, filter_eps, flop)
Computes matrix product: matrix_c = alpha * matrix_a * matrix_b + beta * matrix_c.
Definition: dbm_api.F:736
subroutine, public dbm_redistribute(matrix, redist)
Copies content of matrix_b into matrix_a. Matrices may have different distributions.
Definition: dbm_api.F:412
real(kind=dp) function, public dbm_maxabs(matrix)
Returns the absolute value of the larges element of the entire given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:996
subroutine, public dbm_scale(matrix, alpha)
Multiplies all entries in the given matrix by the given factor alpha.
Definition: dbm_api.F:631
subroutine, public dbm_distribution_release(dist)
Decreases the reference counter of the given distribution.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1401
subroutine, public dbm_create(matrix, name, dist, row_block_sizes, col_block_sizes)
Creates a new matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:293
integer function, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public dbm_get_row_block_sizes(matrix)
Returns the row block sizes of the given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1103
character(len=default_string_length) function, public dbm_get_name(matrix)
Returns the name of the matrix of the given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1023
real(kind=dp) function, public dbm_checksum(matrix)
Computes a checksum of the given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:969
subroutine, public dbm_add(matrix_a, matrix_b)
Adds matrix_b to matrix_a.
Definition: dbm_api.F:692
subroutine, public dbm_finalize(matrix)
Needed to be called for DBCSR after blocks where inserted. For DBM it's a no-opt.
Definition: dbm_api.F:339
subroutine, public dbm_release(matrix)
Releases a matrix and all its ressources.
Definition: dbm_api.F:354
integer function, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public dbm_get_col_block_sizes(matrix)
Returns the column block sizes of the given matrix.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1130
subroutine, public dbm_distribution_new(dist, mp_comm, row_dist_block, col_dist_block)
Creates a new two dimensional distribution.
Definition: dbm_api.F:1294
integer function, dimension(4), public generate_larnv_seed(irow, nrow, icol, ncol, ival)
Generate a seed respecting the lapack constraints,.
Definition: dbm_tests.F:435
Tall-and-skinny matrices: base routines similar to DBM API, mostly wrappers around existing DBM routi...
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:13
subroutine, public dbt_tas_convert_to_dbm(matrix_rect, matrix_dbm)
Convert a tall-and-skinny matrix into a normal DBM matrix. This is not recommended for matrices with ...
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:524
subroutine, public dbt_tas_get_stored_coordinates(matrix, row, column, processor)
As dbt_get_stored_coordinates.
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:462
integer(kind=int_8) function, public dbt_tas_nblkrows_total(matrix)
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:835
subroutine, public dbt_tas_finalize(matrix)
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:327
subroutine, public dbt_tas_distribution_new(dist, mp_comm, row_dist, col_dist, split_info, nosplit)
create new distribution. Exactly like dbm_distribution_new but with custom types for row_dist and col...
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:346
type(dbt_tas_split_info) function, public dbt_tas_info(matrix)
get info on mpi grid splitting
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:822
integer(kind=int_8) function, public dbt_tas_nblkcols_total(matrix)
Definition: dbt_tas_base.F:861
subroutine, public dbt_tas_put_block(matrix, row, col, block, summation)
As dbm_put_block.
Global data (distribution and block sizes) for tall-and-skinny matrices For very sparse matrices with...
subroutine, public dbt_tas_default_distvec(nblk, nproc, blk_size, dist)
get a load-balanced and randomized distribution along one tensor dimension
Matrix multiplication for tall-and-skinny matrices. This uses the k-split (non-recursive) CARMA algor...
Definition: dbt_tas_mm.F:18
recursive subroutine, public dbt_tas_multiply(transa, transb, transc, alpha, matrix_a, matrix_b, beta, matrix_c, optimize_dist, split_opt, filter_eps, flop, move_data_a, move_data_b, retain_sparsity, simple_split, unit_nr, log_verbose)
tall-and-skinny matrix-matrix multiplication. Undocumented dummy arguments are identical to arguments...
Definition: dbt_tas_mm.F:105
methods to split tall-and-skinny matrices along longest dimension. Basically, we are splitting proces...
Definition: dbt_tas_split.F:13
subroutine, public dbt_tas_get_split_info(info, mp_comm, nsplit, igroup, mp_comm_group, split_rowcol, pgrid_offset)
Get info on split.
type(mp_cart_type) function, public dbt_tas_mp_comm(mp_comm, split_rowcol, nsplit)
Create default cartesian process grid that is consistent with default split heuristic of dbt_tas_crea...
testing infrastructure for tall-and-skinny matrices
Definition: dbt_tas_test.F:12
subroutine, public dbt_tas_test_mm(transa, transb, transc, matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, filter_eps, unit_nr, log_verbose)
Test tall-and-skinny matrix multiplication for accuracy.
Definition: dbt_tas_test.F:320
subroutine, public dbt_tas_reset_randmat_seed()
Reset the seed used for generating random matrices to default value.
Definition: dbt_tas_test.F:510
subroutine, public dbt_tas_benchmark_mm(transa, transb, transc, matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, compare_dbm, filter_eps, io_unit)
Benchmark routine. Due to random sparsity (as opposed to structured sparsity pattern),...
Definition: dbt_tas_test.F:183
subroutine, public dbt_tas_setup_test_matrix(matrix, mp_comm_out, mp_comm, nrows, ncols, rbsizes, cbsizes, dist_splitsize, name, sparsity, reuse_comm)
Setup tall-and-skinny matrix for testing.
Definition: dbt_tas_test.F:70
real(kind=dp) function, public dbt_tas_checksum(matrix)
Calculate checksum of tall-and-skinny matrix consistent with dbm_checksum.
Definition: dbt_tas_test.F:475
subroutine, public dbt_tas_random_bsizes(sizes, repeat, dbt_sizes)
Create random block sizes.
Definition: dbt_tas_test.F:493
DBT tall-and-skinny base types. Mostly wrappers around existing DBM routines.
Definition: dbt_tas_types.F:13
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public int_8
Definition: kinds.F:54
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Interface to the message passing library MPI.