No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief Module performing a mdoe selective vibrational analysis
10!> \note
11!> Numerical accuracy for parallel runs:
12!> Each replica starts the SCF run from the one optimized
13!> in a previous run. It may happen then energies and derivatives
14!> of a serial run and a parallel run could be slightly different
15!> 'cause of a different starting density matrix.
16!> Exact results are obtained using:
17!> EXTRAPOLATION USE_GUESS in QS section (Teo 08.2006)
18!> \author Florian Schiffmann 08.2006
19! **************************************************************************************************
21 USE cp_files, ONLY: close_file,&
39 USE kinds, ONLY: default_path_length,&
41 dp,&
43 USE mathlib, ONLY: diamat_all
47 USE physcon, ONLY: bohr,&
48 debye,&
49 massunit,&
50 vibfac
53 USE util, ONLY: sort
54#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
59 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'mode_selective'
60 LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: debug_this_module = .false.
62 TYPE ms_vib_type
63 INTEGER :: mat_size = -1
64 INTEGER :: select_id = -1
65 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: inv_atoms => null()
66 REAL(KIND=dp) :: eps(2) = 0.0_dp
67 REAL(KIND=dp) :: sel_freq = 0.0_dp
68 REAL(KIND=dp) :: low_freq = 0.0_dp
69 REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :) :: b_vec => null()
70 REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :) :: delta_vec => null()
71 REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :) :: ms_force => null()
72 REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: eig_bfgs => null()
73 REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: f_range => null()
74 REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: inv_range => null()
75 REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: step_b => null()
76 REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: step_r => null()
77 REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: b_mat => null()
78 REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: dip_deriv => null()
79 REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: hes_bfgs => null()
80 REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: s_mat => null()
81 INTEGER :: initial_guess = -1
82 END TYPE ms_vib_type
84 PUBLIC :: ms_vb_anal
87! **************************************************************************************************
88!> \brief Module performing a vibrational analysis
89!> \param input ...
90!> \param rep_env ...
91!> \param para_env ...
92!> \param globenv ...
93!> \param particles ...
94!> \param nrep ...
95!> \param calc_intens ...
96!> \param dx ...
97!> \param output_unit ...
98!> \param logger ...
99!> \author Teodoro Laino 08.2006
100! **************************************************************************************************
101 SUBROUTINE ms_vb_anal(input, rep_env, para_env, globenv, particles, &
102 nrep, calc_intens, dx, output_unit, logger)
103 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input
104 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
105 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
106 TYPE(global_environment_type), POINTER :: globenv
107 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particles
108 INTEGER :: nrep
109 LOGICAL :: calc_intens
110 REAL(kind=dp) :: dx
111 INTEGER :: output_unit
112 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
114 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'ms_vb_anal'
116 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: description
117 INTEGER :: handle, i, ip1, j, natoms, ncoord
118 LOGICAL :: converged
119 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: mass, pos0
120 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: tmp_deriv
121 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER :: tmp_dip
122 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
124 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
125 converged = .false.
126 natoms = SIZE(particles)
127 ncoord = 3*natoms
128 ALLOCATE (mass(3*natoms))
129 DO i = 1, natoms
130 DO j = 1, 3
131 mass((i - 1)*3 + j) = particles(i)%atomic_kind%mass
132 mass((i - 1)*3 + j) = sqrt(mass((i - 1)*3 + j))
133 END DO
134 END DO
135 ! Allocate working arrays
136 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%delta_vec(ncoord, nrep))
137 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%b_vec(ncoord, nrep))
138 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%step_r(nrep))
139 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%step_b(nrep))
140 IF (calc_intens) THEN
141 description = '[DIPOLE]'
142 ALLOCATE (tmp_dip(nrep, 3, 2))
143 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv(3, nrep))
144 END IF
145 CALL ms_initial_moves(para_env, nrep, input, globenv, ms_vib, &
146 particles, &
147 mass, &
148 dx, &
149 calc_intens, logger)
150 ncoord = 3*natoms
151 ALLOCATE (pos0(ncoord))
152 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%ms_force(ncoord, nrep))
153 DO i = 1, natoms
154 DO j = 1, 3
155 pos0((i - 1)*3 + j) = particles((i))%r(j)
156 END DO
157 END DO
158 ncoord = 3*natoms
159 DO
160 ms_vib%ms_force = huge(0.0_dp)
161 DO i = 1, nrep
162 DO j = 1, ncoord
163 rep_env%r(j, i) = pos0(j) + ms_vib%step_r(i)*ms_vib%delta_vec(j, i)
164 END DO
165 END DO
166 CALL rep_env_calc_e_f(rep_env, calc_f=.true.)
168 DO i = 1, nrep
169 IF (calc_intens) THEN
170 CALL get_results(results=rep_env%results(i)%results, &
171 description=description, &
172 n_rep=ip1)
173 CALL get_results(results=rep_env%results(i)%results, &
174 description=description, &
175 values=tmp_dip(i, :, 1), &
176 nval=ip1)
177 END IF
178 DO j = 1, ncoord
179 ms_vib%ms_force(j, i) = rep_env%f(j, i)
180 END DO
181 END DO
182 DO i = 1, nrep
183 DO j = 1, ncoord
184 rep_env%r(j, i) = pos0(j) - ms_vib%step_r(i)*ms_vib%delta_vec(j, i)
185 END DO
186 END DO
187 CALL rep_env_calc_e_f(rep_env, calc_f=.true.)
188 IF (calc_intens) THEN
189 DO i = 1, nrep
190 CALL get_results(results=rep_env%results(i)%results, &
191 description=description, &
192 n_rep=ip1)
193 CALL get_results(results=rep_env%results(i)%results, &
194 description=description, &
195 values=tmp_dip(i, :, 2), &
196 nval=ip1)
197 ms_vib%dip_deriv(:, ms_vib%mat_size + i) = (tmp_dip(i, :, 1) - tmp_dip(i, :, 2))/(2*ms_vib%step_b(i))
198 END DO
199 END IF
201 CALL evaluate_h_update_b(rep_env, ms_vib, input, nrep, &
202 particles, &
203 mass, &
204 converged, &
205 dx, calc_intens, &
206 output_unit, logger)
207 IF (converged) EXIT
208 IF (calc_intens) THEN
209 ALLOCATE (tmp_deriv(3, ms_vib%mat_size))
210 tmp_deriv = ms_vib%dip_deriv
211 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv)
212 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv(3, ms_vib%mat_size + nrep))
213 ms_vib%dip_deriv(:, 1:ms_vib%mat_size) = tmp_deriv(:, 1:ms_vib%mat_size)
214 DEALLOCATE (tmp_deriv)
215 END IF
216 END DO
217 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%ms_force)
218 DEALLOCATE (pos0)
219 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%step_r)
220 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%step_b)
221 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%b_vec)
222 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%delta_vec)
223 DEALLOCATE (mass)
224 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%b_mat)
225 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%s_mat)
226 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 3) THEN
227 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%inv_atoms)
228 END IF
229 IF (ASSOCIATED(ms_vib%eig_bfgs)) THEN
230 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%eig_bfgs)
231 END IF
232 IF (ASSOCIATED(ms_vib%hes_bfgs)) THEN
233 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%hes_bfgs)
234 END IF
235 IF (calc_intens) THEN
236 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv)
237 DEALLOCATE (tmp_dip)
238 END IF
239 CALL timestop(handle)
240 END SUBROUTINE ms_vb_anal
241! **************************************************************************************************
242!> \brief Generates the first displacement vector for a mode selctive vibrational
243!> analysis. At the moment this is a random number for selected atoms
244!> \param para_env ...
245!> \param nrep ...
246!> \param input ...
247!> \param globenv ...
248!> \param ms_vib ...
249!> \param particles ...
250!> \param mass ...
251!> \param dx ...
252!> \param calc_intens ...
253!> \param logger ...
254!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
255! **************************************************************************************************
256 SUBROUTINE ms_initial_moves(para_env, nrep, input, globenv, ms_vib, particles, &
257 mass, dx, &
258 calc_intens, logger)
259 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
260 INTEGER :: nrep
261 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input
262 TYPE(global_environment_type), POINTER :: globenv
263 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
264 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particles
265 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: mass
266 REAL(kind=dp) :: dx
267 LOGICAL :: calc_intens
268 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
270 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'MS_initial_moves'
272 INTEGER :: guess, handle, i, j, jj, k, m, &
273 n_rep_val, natoms, ncoord
276 LOGICAL :: do_involved_atoms, ionode
277 REAL(kind=dp) :: my_val, norm
278 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: involved_at_section, ms_vib_section
280 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
281 NULLIFY (ms_vib%eig_bfgs, ms_vib%f_range, ms_vib%hes_bfgs, ms_vib%inv_range)
282 ms_vib_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "VIBRATIONAL_ANALYSIS%MODE_SELECTIVE")
283 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "INITIAL_GUESS", i_val=guess)
284 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "EPS_MAX_VAL", r_val=ms_vib%eps(1))
285 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "EPS_NORM", r_val=ms_vib%eps(2))
286 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "RANGE", n_rep_val=n_rep_val)
287 ms_vib%select_id = 0
288 IF (n_rep_val .NE. 0) THEN
289 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "RANGE", r_vals=ms_vib%f_range)
290 IF (ms_vib%f_range(1) .GT. ms_vib%f_range(2)) THEN
291 my_val = ms_vib%f_range(2)
292 ms_vib%f_range(2) = ms_vib%f_range(1)
293 ms_vib%f_range(1) = my_val
294 END IF
295 ms_vib%select_id = 2
296 END IF
297 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "FREQUENCY", r_val=ms_vib%sel_freq)
298 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "LOWEST_FREQUENCY", r_val=ms_vib%low_freq)
299 IF (ms_vib%sel_freq .GT. 0._dp) ms_vib%select_id = 1
300 involved_at_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(ms_vib_section, "INVOLVED_ATOMS")
301 CALL section_vals_get(involved_at_section, explicit=do_involved_atoms)
302 IF (do_involved_atoms) THEN
303 CALL section_vals_val_get(involved_at_section, "INVOLVED_ATOMS", n_rep_val=n_rep_val)
304 jj = 0
305 DO k = 1, n_rep_val
306 CALL section_vals_val_get(involved_at_section, "INVOLVED_ATOMS", i_rep_val=k, i_vals=tmplist)
307 DO j = 1, SIZE(tmplist)
308 jj = jj + 1
309 END DO
310 END DO
311 IF (jj .GE. 1) THEN
312 natoms = jj
313 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%inv_atoms(natoms))
314 jj = 0
315 DO m = 1, n_rep_val
316 CALL section_vals_val_get(involved_at_section, "INVOLVED_ATOMS", i_rep_val=m, i_vals=tmplist)
317 DO j = 1, SIZE(tmplist)
318 ms_vib%inv_atoms(j) = tmplist(j)
319 END DO
320 END DO
321 ms_vib%select_id = 3
322 END IF
323 CALL section_vals_val_get(involved_at_section, "RANGE", n_rep_val=n_rep_val)
324 IF (n_rep_val .NE. 0) THEN
325 CALL section_vals_val_get(involved_at_section, "RANGE", r_vals=ms_vib%inv_range)
326 IF (ms_vib%inv_range(1) .GT. ms_vib%inv_range(2)) THEN
327 ms_vib%inv_range(2) = my_val
328 ms_vib%inv_range(2) = ms_vib%inv_range(1)
329 ms_vib%inv_range(1) = my_val
330 END IF
331 END IF
332 END IF
333 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 0) &
334 cpabort("no frequency, range or involved atoms specified ")
335 ionode = para_env%is_source()
336 SELECT CASE (guess)
337 CASE (ms_guess_atomic)
338 ms_vib%initial_guess = 1
339 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "ATOMS", n_rep_val=n_rep_val)
340 jj = 0
341 DO k = 1, n_rep_val
342 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "ATOMS", i_rep_val=k, i_vals=tmplist)
343 DO j = 1, SIZE(tmplist)
344 jj = jj + 1
345 END DO
346 END DO
347 IF (jj < 1) THEN
348 natoms = SIZE(particles)
349 ALLOCATE (map_atoms(natoms))
350 DO j = 1, natoms
351 map_atoms(j) = j
352 END DO
353 ELSE
354 natoms = jj
355 ALLOCATE (map_atoms(natoms))
356 jj = 0
357 DO m = 1, n_rep_val
358 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "ATOMS", i_rep_val=m, i_vals=tmplist)
359 DO j = 1, SIZE(tmplist)
360 map_atoms(j) = tmplist(j)
361 END DO
362 END DO
363 END IF
365 ! apply random displacement along the mass weighted nuclear cartesian coordinates
366 ms_vib%b_vec = 0._dp
367 ms_vib%delta_vec = 0._dp
368 jj = 0
370 DO i = 1, nrep
371 DO j = 1, natoms
372 DO k = 1, 3
373 jj = (map_atoms(j) - 1)*3 + k
374 ms_vib%b_vec(jj, i) = abs(globenv%gaussian_rng_stream%next())
375 END DO
376 END DO
377 norm = sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%b_vec(:, i), ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)))
378 ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)/norm
379 END DO
381 IF (nrep .GT. 1) THEN
382 DO k = 1, 10
383 DO j = 1, nrep
384 DO i = 1, nrep
385 IF (i .NE. j) THEN
386 ms_vib%b_vec(:, j) = &
387 ms_vib%b_vec(:, j) - dot_product(ms_vib%b_vec(:, j), ms_vib%b_vec(:, i))*ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)
388 ms_vib%b_vec(:, j) = &
389 ms_vib%b_vec(:, j)/sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%b_vec(:, j), ms_vib%b_vec(:, j)))
390 END IF
391 END DO
392 END DO
393 END DO
394 END IF
396 ms_vib%mat_size = 0
397 DO i = 1, SIZE(ms_vib%b_vec, 1)
398 ms_vib%delta_vec(i, :) = ms_vib%b_vec(i, :)/mass(i)
399 END DO
400 CASE (ms_guess_bfgs)
402 ms_vib%initial_guess = 2
403 CALL bfgs_guess(ms_vib_section, ms_vib, particles, mass, para_env, nrep)
404 ms_vib%mat_size = 0
408 ms_vib%initial_guess = 3
409 ncoord = 3*SIZE(particles)
410 CALL rest_guess(ms_vib_section, para_env, ms_vib, mass, ionode, particles, nrep, calc_intens)
412 ms_vib%mat_size = 0
413 CASE (ms_guess_restart)
414 ms_vib%initial_guess = 4
415 ncoord = 3*SIZE(particles)
416 CALL rest_guess(ms_vib_section, para_env, ms_vib, mass, ionode, particles, nrep, calc_intens)
418 CASE (ms_guess_molden)
419 ms_vib%initial_guess = 5
420 ncoord = 3*SIZE(particles)
421 CALL molden_guess(ms_vib_section, input, para_env, ms_vib, mass, ncoord, nrep, logger)
422 ms_vib%mat_size = 0
424 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%b_vec)
425 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%delta_vec)
426 DO i = 1, nrep
427 ms_vib%step_r(i) = dx/sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%delta_vec(:, i), ms_vib%delta_vec(:, i)))
428 ms_vib%step_b(i) = sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%step_r(i)*ms_vib%b_vec(:, i), ms_vib%step_r(i)*ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)))
429 END DO
430 CALL timestop(handle)
432 END SUBROUTINE ms_initial_moves
434! **************************************************************************************************
435!> \brief ...
436!> \param ms_vib_section ...
437!> \param ms_vib ...
438!> \param particles ...
439!> \param mass ...
440!> \param para_env ...
441!> \param nrep ...
442!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
443! **************************************************************************************************
444 SUBROUTINE bfgs_guess(ms_vib_section, ms_vib, particles, mass, para_env, nrep)
446 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: ms_vib_section
447 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
448 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particles
449 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: mass
450 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
451 INTEGER :: nrep
453 CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: hes_filename
454 INTEGER :: hesunit, i, j, jj, k, natoms, ncoord, &
455 output_unit, stat
457 REAL(kind=dp) :: my_val, norm
458 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: tmp
459 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
461 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
462 output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
464 natoms = SIZE(particles)
465 ncoord = 3*natoms
467 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%hes_bfgs(ncoord, ncoord))
468 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%eig_bfgs(ncoord))
470 IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
471 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "RESTART_FILE_NAME", c_val=hes_filename)
472 IF (hes_filename == "") hes_filename = "HESSIAN"
473 CALL open_file(file_name=hes_filename, file_status="OLD", &
474 file_form="UNFORMATTED", file_action="READ", unit_number=hesunit)
475 ALLOCATE (tmp(ncoord))
476 ALLOCATE (tmplist(ncoord))
478 ! should use the cp_fm_read_unformatted...
479 DO i = 1, ncoord
480 READ (unit=hesunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%hes_bfgs(:, i)
481 END DO
482 CALL close_file(hesunit)
483 IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
484 IF (stat /= 0) THEN
485 WRITE (output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") "** Error while reading HESSIAN **"
486 ELSE
487 WRITE (output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") &
488 "*** Initial Hessian has been read successfully ***"
489 END IF
490 END IF
491 DO i = 1, ncoord
492 DO j = 1, ncoord
493 ms_vib%hes_bfgs(i, j) = ms_vib%hes_bfgs(i, j)/(mass(i)*mass(j))
494 END DO
495 END DO
497 CALL diamat_all(ms_vib%hes_bfgs, ms_vib%eig_bfgs)
498 tmp(:) = 0._dp
499 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 1) my_val = (ms_vib%sel_freq/vibfac)**2/massunit
500 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 2) my_val = (((ms_vib%f_range(2) + ms_vib%f_range(1))*0.5_dp)/vibfac)**2/massunit
501 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 1 .OR. ms_vib%select_id == 2) THEN
502 DO i = 1, ncoord
503 tmp(i) = abs(my_val - ms_vib%eig_bfgs(i))
504 END DO
505 ELSE IF (ms_vib%select_id == 3) THEN
506 DO i = 1, ncoord
507 DO j = 1, SIZE(ms_vib%inv_atoms)
508 DO k = 1, 3
509 jj = (ms_vib%inv_atoms(j) - 1)*3 + k
510 tmp(i) = tmp(i) + sqrt(ms_vib%hes_bfgs(jj, i)**2)
511 END DO
512 END DO
513 IF ((sign(1._dp, ms_vib%eig_bfgs(i))*sqrt(abs(ms_vib%eig_bfgs(i))*massunit)*vibfac) .LE. 400._dp) tmp(i) = 0._dp
514 END DO
515 tmp(:) = -tmp(:)
516 END IF
517 CALL sort(tmp, ncoord, tmplist)
518 DO i = 1, nrep
519 ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%hes_bfgs(:, tmplist(i))
520 norm = sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%b_vec(:, i), ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)))
521 ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)/norm
522 END DO
523 DO i = 1, SIZE(ms_vib%b_vec, 1)
524 ms_vib%delta_vec(i, :) = ms_vib%b_vec(i, :)/mass(i)
525 END DO
526 DEALLOCATE (tmp)
527 DEALLOCATE (tmplist)
528 END IF
530 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%b_vec)
531 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%delta_vec)
533 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%hes_bfgs)
534 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%eig_bfgs)
535 ms_vib%mat_size = 0
537 END SUBROUTINE bfgs_guess
539! **************************************************************************************************
540!> \brief ...
541!> \param ms_vib_section ...
542!> \param para_env ...
543!> \param ms_vib ...
544!> \param mass ...
545!> \param ionode ...
546!> \param particles ...
547!> \param nrep ...
548!> \param calc_intens ...
549!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
550! **************************************************************************************************
551 SUBROUTINE rest_guess(ms_vib_section, para_env, ms_vib, mass, ionode, particles, nrep, calc_intens)
553 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: ms_vib_section
554 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
555 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
556 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: mass
557 LOGICAL :: ionode
558 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particles
559 INTEGER :: nrep
560 LOGICAL :: calc_intens
562 CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: ms_filename
563 INTEGER :: hesunit, i, j, mat, natoms, ncoord, &
564 output_unit, stat, statint
566 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: eigenval
567 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: approx_h
568 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
570 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
571 output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
573 natoms = SIZE(particles)
574 ncoord = 3*natoms
575 IF (calc_intens) THEN
576 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv)
577 END IF
579 IF (ionode) THEN
581 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "RESTART_FILE_NAME", c_val=ms_filename)
582 IF (ms_filename == "") ms_filename = "MS_RESTART"
583 CALL open_file(file_name=ms_filename, &
584 file_status="UNKNOWN", &
585 file_form="UNFORMATTED", &
586 file_action="READ", &
587 unit_number=hesunit)
588 READ (unit=hesunit, iostat=stat) mat
589 cpassert(stat == 0)
590 ms_vib%mat_size = mat
591 END IF
592 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%mat_size)
593 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%b_mat(ncoord, ms_vib%mat_size))
594 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%s_mat(ncoord, ms_vib%mat_size))
595 IF (calc_intens) THEN
596 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv(3, ms_vib%mat_size + nrep))
597 END IF
598 IF (ionode) THEN
599 statint = 0
600 READ (unit=hesunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%b_mat
601 READ (unit=hesunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%s_mat
602 IF (calc_intens) READ (unit=hesunit, iostat=statint) ms_vib%dip_deriv(:, 1:ms_vib%mat_size)
603 IF (statint /= 0 .AND. output_unit > 0) WRITE (output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") "** Error while reading MS_RESTART,", &
604 "intensities are requested but not present in restart file **"
605 CALL close_file(hesunit)
606 IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
607 IF (stat /= 0) THEN
608 WRITE (output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") "** Error while reading MS_RESTART **"
609 ELSE
610 WRITE (output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") "*** RESTART has been read successfully ***"
611 END IF
612 END IF
613 END IF
614 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%b_mat)
615 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%s_mat)
616 IF (calc_intens) CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%dip_deriv)
617 ALLOCATE (approx_h(ms_vib%mat_size, ms_vib%mat_size))
618 ALLOCATE (eigenval(ms_vib%mat_size))
619 ALLOCATE (ind(ms_vib%mat_size))
621 CALL dgemm('T', 'N', ms_vib%mat_size, ms_vib%mat_size, SIZE(ms_vib%s_mat, 1), 1._dp, ms_vib%b_mat, SIZE(ms_vib%b_mat, 1), &
622 ms_vib%s_mat, SIZE(ms_vib%s_mat, 1), 0._dp, approx_h, ms_vib%mat_size)
623 CALL diamat_all(approx_h, eigenval)
625 CALL select_vector(ms_vib, nrep, mass, ncoord, approx_h, eigenval, ind, ms_vib%b_vec)
626 IF (ms_vib%initial_guess .NE. 4) THEN
628 ms_vib%b_vec = 0._dp
629 DO i = 1, nrep
630 DO j = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
631 ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) + approx_h(j, ind(i))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, j)
632 END DO
633 ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)/sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%b_vec(:, i), ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)))
634 END DO
636 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%s_mat)
637 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%b_mat)
638 IF (calc_intens) THEN
639 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv)
640 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%dip_deriv(3, nrep))
641 END IF
642 END IF
643 DEALLOCATE (approx_h)
644 DEALLOCATE (eigenval)
645 DEALLOCATE (ind)
646 DO i = 1, nrep
647 ms_vib%delta_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)/mass(:)
648 END DO
650 END SUBROUTINE rest_guess
652! **************************************************************************************************
653!> \brief ...
654!> \param ms_vib_section ...
655!> \param input ...
656!> \param para_env ...
657!> \param ms_vib ...
658!> \param mass ...
659!> \param ncoord ...
660!> \param nrep ...
661!> \param logger ...
662!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
663! **************************************************************************************************
664 SUBROUTINE molden_guess(ms_vib_section, input, para_env, ms_vib, mass, ncoord, nrep, logger)
665 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: ms_vib_section, input
666 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
667 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
668 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: mass
669 INTEGER :: ncoord, nrep
670 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
672 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: at_name
673 CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: ms_filename
674 CHARACTER(LEN=max_line_length) :: info
675 INTEGER :: i, istat, iw, j, jj, k, nvibs, &
676 output_molden, output_unit, stat
678 LOGICAL :: reading_vib
679 REAL(kind=dp) :: my_val, norm
680 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: freq, tmp
681 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: modes
682 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, ncoord/3) :: pos
684 output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
686 CALL section_vals_val_get(ms_vib_section, "RESTART_FILE_NAME", c_val=ms_filename)
687 IF (ms_filename == "") output_molden = &
688 cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, input, "VIBRATIONAL_ANALYSIS%PRINT%MOLDEN_VIB", &
689 extension=".mol", file_status='UNKNOWN', &
690 file_action="READ")
691 IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
693 IF (ms_filename == "") THEN
694 iw = output_molden
695 ELSE
696 CALL open_file(file_name=trim(ms_filename), &
697 file_status="UNKNOWN", &
698 file_form="FORMATTED", &
699 file_action="READ", &
700 unit_number=iw)
701 END IF
702 info = ""
703 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) info
704 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) info
705 istat = 0
706 nvibs = 0
707 reading_vib = .false.
708 DO
709 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) info
710 istat = istat + stat
711 IF (trim(adjustl(info)) == "[FR-COORD]") EXIT
713 cpassert(stat == 0)
715 IF (reading_vib) nvibs = nvibs + 1
716 IF (trim(adjustl(info)) == "[FREQ]") reading_vib = .true.
717 END DO
718 rewind(iw)
719 istat = 0
720 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) info
721 istat = istat + stat
722 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) info
723 istat = istat + stat
724 ! Skip [Atoms] section
725 DO
726 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) info
727 istat = istat + stat
728 cpassert(stat == 0)
729 IF (trim(adjustl(info)) == "[FREQ]") EXIT
730 END DO
731 ! Read frequencies and modes
732 ALLOCATE (freq(nvibs))
733 ALLOCATE (modes(ncoord, nvibs))
735 DO i = 1, nvibs
736 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) freq(i)
737 istat = istat + stat
738 END DO
739 READ (iw, *) info
740 DO i = 1, ncoord/3
741 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) at_name, pos(:, i)
742 istat = istat + stat
743 END DO
744 READ (iw, *) info
745 DO i = 1, nvibs
746 READ (iw, *) info
747 istat = istat + stat
748 DO j = 1, ncoord/3
749 k = (j - 1)*3 + 1
750 READ (iw, *, iostat=stat) modes(k:k + 2, i)
751 istat = istat + stat
752 END DO
753 END DO
754 IF (ms_filename .NE. "") CALL close_file(iw)
755 IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
756 IF (istat /= 0) THEN
757 WRITE (output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") "** Error while reading MOLDEN file **"
758 ELSE
759 WRITE (output_unit, fmt="(/,T2,A)") "*** MOLDEN file has been read successfully ***"
760 END IF
761 END IF
762 !!!!!!! select modes !!!!!!
763 ALLOCATE (tmp(nvibs))
764 tmp(:) = 0.0_dp
765 ALLOCATE (tmplist(nvibs))
766 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 1) my_val = ms_vib%sel_freq
767 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 2) my_val = (ms_vib%f_range(2) + ms_vib%f_range(1))*0.5_dp
768 IF (ms_vib%select_id == 1 .OR. ms_vib%select_id == 2) THEN
769 DO i = 1, nvibs
770 tmp(i) = abs(my_val - freq(i))
771 END DO
772 ELSE IF (ms_vib%select_id == 3) THEN
773 DO i = 1, nvibs
774 DO j = 1, SIZE(ms_vib%inv_atoms)
775 DO k = 1, 3
776 jj = (ms_vib%inv_atoms(j) - 1)*3 + k
777 tmp(i) = tmp(i) + sqrt(modes(jj, i)**2)
778 END DO
779 END DO
780 IF (freq(i) .LE. 400._dp) tmp(i) = 0._dp
781 END DO
782 tmp(:) = -tmp(:)
783 END IF
784 CALL sort(tmp, nvibs, tmplist)
785 DO i = 1, nrep
786 ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) = modes(:, tmplist(i))*mass(:)
787 norm = sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%b_vec(:, i), ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)))
788 ms_vib%b_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)/norm
789 END DO
790 DO i = 1, nrep
791 ms_vib%delta_vec(:, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)/mass(:)
792 END DO
794 DEALLOCATE (freq)
795 DEALLOCATE (modes)
796 DEALLOCATE (tmp)
797 DEALLOCATE (tmplist)
799 END IF
800 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%b_vec)
801 CALL para_env%bcast(ms_vib%delta_vec)
803 IF (ms_filename == "") CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(output_molden, logger, input, &
805 END SUBROUTINE molden_guess
807! **************************************************************************************************
808!> \brief Davidson algorithm for to generate a approximate Hessian for mode
809!> selective vibrational analysis
810!> \param rep_env ...
811!> \param ms_vib ...
812!> \param input ...
813!> \param nrep ...
814!> \param particles ...
815!> \param mass ...
816!> \param converged ...
817!> \param dx ...
818!> \param calc_intens ...
819!> \param output_unit_ms ...
820!> \param logger ...
821!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
822! **************************************************************************************************
823 SUBROUTINE evaluate_h_update_b(rep_env, ms_vib, input, nrep, &
824 particles, &
825 mass, &
826 converged, dx, &
827 calc_intens, output_unit_ms, logger)
828 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
829 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
830 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input
831 INTEGER :: nrep
832 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particles
833 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: mass
834 LOGICAL :: converged
835 REAL(kind=dp) :: dx
836 LOGICAL :: calc_intens
837 INTEGER :: output_unit_ms
838 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
840 INTEGER :: i, j, jj, k, natoms, ncoord
842 LOGICAL :: dump_only_positive
843 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: eigenval, freq
844 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: approx_h, h_save, residuum, tmp_b, tmp_s
845 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(2, nrep) :: criteria
846 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: intensities
848 natoms = SIZE(particles)
849 ncoord = 3*natoms
850 nrep = SIZE(rep_env%f, 2)
852 !!!!!!!! reallocate and update the davidson matrices !!!!!!!!!!
853 IF (ms_vib%mat_size .NE. 0) THEN
855 ALLOCATE (tmp_b(3*natoms, ms_vib%mat_size))
856 ALLOCATE (tmp_s(3*natoms, ms_vib%mat_size))
858 tmp_b(:, :) = ms_vib%b_mat
859 tmp_s(:, :) = ms_vib%s_mat
861 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%b_mat)
862 DEALLOCATE (ms_vib%s_mat)
863 END IF
865 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%b_mat(3*natoms, ms_vib%mat_size + nrep))
866 ALLOCATE (ms_vib%s_mat(3*natoms, ms_vib%mat_size + nrep))
868 ms_vib%s_mat = 0.0_dp
870 DO i = 1, 3*natoms
871 IF (ms_vib%mat_size .NE. 0) THEN
872 DO j = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
873 ms_vib%b_mat(i, j) = tmp_b(i, j)
874 ms_vib%s_mat(i, j) = tmp_s(i, j)
875 END DO
876 END IF
877 DO j = 1, nrep
878 ms_vib%b_mat(i, ms_vib%mat_size + j) = ms_vib%b_vec(i, j)
879 END DO
880 END DO
882 IF (ms_vib%mat_size .NE. 0) THEN
883 DEALLOCATE (tmp_s)
884 DEALLOCATE (tmp_b)
885 END IF
887 ms_vib%mat_size = ms_vib%mat_size + nrep
889 ALLOCATE (approx_h(ms_vib%mat_size, ms_vib%mat_size))
890 ALLOCATE (h_save(ms_vib%mat_size, ms_vib%mat_size))
891 ALLOCATE (eigenval(ms_vib%mat_size))
893 !!!!!!!!!!!! calculate the new derivativ and the approximate hessian
895 DO i = 1, nrep
896 DO j = 1, 3*natoms
897 ms_vib%s_mat(j, ms_vib%mat_size - nrep + i) = -(ms_vib%ms_force(j, i) - rep_env%f(j, i))/(2*ms_vib%step_b(i)*mass(j))
898 END DO
899 END DO
901 CALL dgemm('T', 'N', ms_vib%mat_size, ms_vib%mat_size, SIZE(ms_vib%s_mat, 1), 1._dp, ms_vib%b_mat, SIZE(ms_vib%b_mat, 1), &
902 ms_vib%s_mat, SIZE(ms_vib%s_mat, 1), 0._dp, approx_h, ms_vib%mat_size)
903 h_save(:, :) = approx_h
905 CALL diamat_all(approx_h, eigenval)
907 !!!!!!!!!!!! select eigenvalue(s) and vector(s) and calculate the new displacement vector
908 ALLOCATE (ind(ms_vib%mat_size))
909 ALLOCATE (residuum(SIZE(ms_vib%s_mat, 1), nrep))
911 CALL select_vector(ms_vib, nrep, mass, ncoord, approx_h, eigenval, ind, residuum, criteria)
913 DO i = 1, nrep
914 DO j = 1, natoms
915 DO k = 1, 3
916 jj = (j - 1)*3 + k
917 ms_vib%delta_vec(jj, i) = ms_vib%b_vec(jj, i)/mass(jj)
918 END DO
919 END DO
920 END DO
922 DO i = 1, nrep
923 ms_vib%step_r(i) = dx/sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%delta_vec(:, i), ms_vib%delta_vec(:, i)))
924 ms_vib%step_b(i) = sqrt(dot_product(ms_vib%step_r(i)*ms_vib%b_vec(:, i), ms_vib%step_r(i)*ms_vib%b_vec(:, i)))
925 END DO
926 converged = .false.
927 IF (maxval(criteria(1, :)) .LE. ms_vib%eps(1) .AND. maxval(criteria(2, :)) &
928 .LE. ms_vib%eps(2) .OR. ms_vib%mat_size .GE. ncoord) converged = .true.
929 ALLOCATE (freq(nrep))
930 DO i = 1, nrep
931 freq(i) = sqrt(abs(eigenval(ind(i)))*massunit)*vibfac
932 END DO
934 !!! write information and output !!!
935 IF (converged) THEN
936 eigenval(:) = sign(1._dp, eigenval(:))*sqrt(abs(eigenval(:))*massunit)*vibfac
937 ALLOCATE (tmp_b(ncoord, ms_vib%mat_size))
938 tmp_b = 0._dp
939 ALLOCATE (tmp_s(3, ms_vib%mat_size))
940 tmp_s = 0._dp
941 IF (calc_intens) THEN
942 ALLOCATE (intensities(ms_vib%mat_size))
943 intensities = 0._dp
944 END IF
945 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
946 DO j = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
947 tmp_b(:, i) = tmp_b(:, i) + approx_h(j, i)*ms_vib%b_mat(:, j)/mass(:)
948 END DO
949 tmp_b(:, i) = tmp_b(:, i)/sqrt(dot_product(tmp_b(:, i), tmp_b(:, i)))
950 END DO
951 IF (calc_intens) THEN
952 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
953 DO j = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
954 tmp_s(:, i) = tmp_s(:, i) + ms_vib%dip_deriv(:, j)*approx_h(j, i)
955 END DO
956 IF (calc_intens) intensities(i) = sqrt(dot_product(tmp_s(:, i), tmp_s(:, i)))
957 END DO
958 END IF
959 IF (calc_intens) THEN
960 CALL ms_out(output_unit_ms, converged, freq, criteria, ms_vib, &
961 input, nrep, approx_h, eigenval, calc_intens, &
962 intensities=intensities, logger=logger)
963 ELSE
964 CALL ms_out(output_unit_ms, converged, freq, criteria, ms_vib, &
965 input, nrep, approx_h, eigenval, calc_intens, logger=logger)
966 END IF
967 dump_only_positive = ms_vib%low_freq .GT. 0.0_dp
968 CALL write_vibrations_molden(input, particles, eigenval, tmp_b, intensities, calc_intens, &
969 dump_only_positive=dump_only_positive, logger=logger)
970 IF (calc_intens) THEN
971 DEALLOCATE (intensities)
972 END IF
973 DEALLOCATE (tmp_b)
974 DEALLOCATE (tmp_s)
975 END IF
977 IF (.NOT. converged) CALL ms_out(output_unit_ms, converged, freq, criteria, &
978 ms_vib, input, nrep, approx_h, eigenval, calc_intens, logger=logger)
980 DEALLOCATE (freq)
981 DEALLOCATE (approx_h)
982 DEALLOCATE (eigenval)
983 DEALLOCATE (residuum)
984 DEALLOCATE (ind)
986 END SUBROUTINE evaluate_h_update_b
988! **************************************************************************************************
989!> \brief writes the output for a mode tracking calculation
990!> \param ms_vib ...
991!> \param nrep ...
992!> \param mass ...
993!> \param ncoord ...
994!> \param approx_H ...
995!> \param eigenval ...
996!> \param ind ...
997!> \param residuum ...
998!> \param criteria ...
999!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
1000! **************************************************************************************************
1001 SUBROUTINE select_vector(ms_vib, nrep, mass, ncoord, approx_H, eigenval, ind, residuum, criteria)
1003 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
1004 INTEGER :: nrep
1005 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: mass
1006 INTEGER :: ncoord
1007 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: approx_h
1008 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: eigenval
1009 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:) :: ind
1010 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: residuum
1011 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(2, nrep), OPTIONAL :: criteria
1013 INTEGER :: i, j, jj, k
1014 REAL(kind=dp) :: my_val, norm
1015 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: tmp
1016 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: tmp_b
1018 ALLOCATE (tmp(ms_vib%mat_size))
1020 SELECT CASE (ms_vib%select_id)
1021 CASE (1)
1022 my_val = (ms_vib%sel_freq/(vibfac))**2/massunit
1023 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1024 tmp(i) = abs(my_val - eigenval(i))
1025 END DO
1026 CALL sort(tmp, (ms_vib%mat_size), ind)
1027 residuum = 0._dp
1028 DO j = 1, nrep
1029 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1030 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j) + approx_h(i, ind(j))*(ms_vib%s_mat(:, i) - eigenval(ind(j))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))
1031 END DO
1032 END DO
1033 CASE (2)
1034 CALL get_vibs_in_range(ms_vib, approx_h, eigenval, residuum, nrep, ind)
1035 CASE (3)
1037 ALLOCATE (tmp_b(ncoord, ms_vib%mat_size))
1038 tmp_b = 0._dp
1040 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1041 DO j = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1042 tmp_b(:, i) = tmp_b(:, i) + approx_h(j, i)*ms_vib%b_mat(:, j)/mass(:)
1043 END DO
1044 tmp_b(:, i) = tmp_b(:, i)/sqrt(dot_product(tmp_b(:, i), tmp_b(:, i)))
1045 END DO
1046 tmp = 0._dp
1047 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1048 DO j = 1, SIZE(ms_vib%inv_atoms)
1049 DO k = 1, 3
1050 jj = (ms_vib%inv_atoms(j) - 1)*3 + k
1051 tmp(i) = tmp(i) + sqrt(tmp_b(jj, i)**2)
1052 END DO
1053 END DO
1054 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(ms_vib%inv_range)) THEN
1055 IF ((sign(1._dp, eigenval(i))*sqrt(abs(eigenval(i))*massunit)*vibfac) .LE. 400._dp) tmp(i) = 0._dp
1056 ELSE
1057 IF ((sign(1._dp, eigenval(i))*sqrt(abs(eigenval(i))*massunit)*vibfac) .LE. ms_vib%inv_range(1)) tmp(i) = 0._dp
1058 IF ((sign(1._dp, eigenval(i))*sqrt(abs(eigenval(i))*massunit)*vibfac) .GE. ms_vib%inv_range(2)) tmp(i) = 0._dp
1059 END IF
1060 END DO
1061 tmp(:) = -tmp(:)
1062 CALL sort(tmp, (ms_vib%mat_size), ind)
1063 residuum(:, :) = 0._dp
1065 DO j = 1, nrep
1066 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1067 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j) + approx_h(i, ind(j))*(ms_vib%s_mat(:, i) - eigenval(ind(j))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))
1068 END DO
1069 END DO
1070 DEALLOCATE (tmp_b)
1073 DO j = 1, nrep
1074 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1075 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j) - dot_product(residuum(:, j), ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i)
1076 END DO
1077 END DO
1078 IF (PRESENT(criteria)) THEN
1079 DO i = 1, nrep
1080 criteria(1, i) = maxval((residuum(:, i)))
1081 criteria(2, i) = sqrt(dot_product(residuum(:, i), residuum(:, i)))
1082 END DO
1083 END IF
1085 DO i = 1, nrep
1086 norm = sqrt(dot_product(residuum(:, i), residuum(:, i)))
1087 residuum(:, i) = residuum(:, i)/norm
1088 END DO
1090 DO k = 1, 10
1091 DO j = 1, nrep
1092 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1093 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j) - dot_product(residuum(:, j), ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i)
1094 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j)/sqrt(dot_product(residuum(:, j), residuum(:, j)))
1095 END DO
1096 IF (nrep .GT. 1) THEN
1097 DO i = 1, nrep
1098 IF (i .NE. j) THEN
1099 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j) - dot_product(residuum(:, j), residuum(:, i))*residuum(:, i)
1100 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j)/sqrt(dot_product(residuum(:, j), residuum(:, j)))
1101 END IF
1102 END DO
1103 END IF
1104 END DO
1105 END DO
1106 ms_vib%b_vec = residuum
1107 DEALLOCATE (tmp)
1108 END SUBROUTINE select_vector
1110! **************************************************************************************************
1111!> \brief writes the output for a mode tracking calculation
1112!> \param iw ...
1113!> \param converged ...
1114!> \param freq ...
1115!> \param criter ...
1116!> \param ms_vib ...
1117!> \param input ...
1118!> \param nrep ...
1119!> \param approx_H ...
1120!> \param eigenval ...
1121!> \param calc_intens ...
1122!> \param intensities ...
1123!> \param logger ...
1124!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
1125! **************************************************************************************************
1126 SUBROUTINE ms_out(iw, converged, freq, criter, ms_vib, input, nrep, &
1127 approx_H, eigenval, calc_intens, intensities, logger)
1129 INTEGER :: iw
1130 LOGICAL :: converged
1131 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: freq
1132 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: criter
1133 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
1134 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: input
1135 INTEGER :: nrep
1136 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: approx_h
1137 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: eigenval
1138 LOGICAL :: calc_intens
1139 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL :: intensities
1140 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
1142 INTEGER :: i, j, msunit, stat
1143 REAL(kind=dp) :: crit_a, crit_b, fint, gintval
1144 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: residuum
1145 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: ms_vib_section
1147 ms_vib_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, &
1150 fint = 42.255_dp*massunit*debye**2*bohr**2
1152 IF (converged) THEN
1153 IF (iw .GT. 0) THEN
1155 DO i = 1, nrep
1156 WRITE (iw, '(T2,"MS| TRACKED FREQUENCY (",I0,") IS:",F12.6,3X,A)') i, freq(i), 'cm-1'
1157 END DO
1158 ALLOCATE (residuum(SIZE(ms_vib%b_mat, 1)))
1159 WRITE (iw, '( /, 1X, 79("-") )')
1161 IF (PRESENT(intensities)) THEN
1163 ELSE
1165 END IF
1166 DO i = 1, SIZE(ms_vib%b_mat, 2)
1167 residuum = 0._dp
1168 DO j = 1, SIZE(ms_vib%b_mat, 2)
1169 residuum(:) = residuum(:) + approx_h(j, i)*(ms_vib%s_mat(:, j) - eigenval(i)*ms_vib%b_mat(:, j))
1170 END DO
1171 DO j = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1172 residuum(:) = residuum(:) - dot_product(residuum(:), ms_vib%b_mat(:, j))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, j)
1173 END DO
1174 crit_a = maxval(residuum(:))
1175 crit_b = sqrt(dot_product(residuum, residuum))
1176 IF (PRESENT(intensities)) THEN
1177 gintval = fint*intensities(i)**2
1178 IF (crit_a .LE. ms_vib%eps(1) .AND. crit_b .LE. ms_vib%eps(2)) THEN
1179 IF (eigenval(i) .GT. ms_vib%low_freq) WRITE (iw, '(2X,A,2X,F9.3,1X,F12.6,3X,E12.3,7X,E12.3,11X,A)') &
1180 'VIB|', eigenval(i), gintval, crit_a, crit_b, 'YES'
1181 ELSE
1182 IF (eigenval(i) .GT. ms_vib%low_freq) WRITE (iw, '(2X,A,2X,F9.3,1X,F12.6,3X,E12.3,7X,E12.3,11X,A)') &
1183 'VIB|', eigenval(i), gintval, crit_a, crit_b, 'NO'
1184 END IF
1185 ELSE
1186 IF (crit_a .LE. ms_vib%eps(1) .AND. crit_b .LE. ms_vib%eps(2)) THEN
1187 IF (eigenval(i) .GT. ms_vib%low_freq) WRITE (iw, '(2X,A,2X,F9.3,5X,E12.6,5X,E12.3,11X,A)') &
1188 'VIB|', eigenval(i), crit_a, crit_b, 'YES'
1189 ELSE
1190 IF (eigenval(i) .GT. ms_vib%low_freq) WRITE (iw, '(2X,A,2X,F9.3,5X,E12.6,5X,E12.3,11X,A)') &
1191 'VIB|', eigenval(i), crit_a, crit_b, 'NO'
1192 END IF
1193 END IF
1194 END DO
1195 DEALLOCATE (residuum)
1197 msunit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, ms_vib_section, &
1198 "PRINT%MS_RESTART", extension=".bin", middle_name="MS_RESTART", &
1199 file_status="REPLACE", file_form="UNFORMATTED", &
1200 file_action="WRITE")
1202 IF (msunit > 0) THEN
1203 WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%mat_size
1204 WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%b_mat
1205 WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%s_mat
1206 IF (calc_intens) WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%dip_deriv
1207 END IF
1209 CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(msunit, logger, ms_vib_section, &
1211 END IF
1212 ELSE
1213 IF (iw .GT. 0) THEN
1214 msunit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, ms_vib_section, &
1215 "PRINT%MS_RESTART", extension=".bin", middle_name="MS_RESTART", &
1216 file_status="REPLACE", file_form="UNFORMATTED", &
1217 file_action="WRITE")
1219 IF (msunit > 0) THEN
1220 WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%mat_size
1221 WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%b_mat
1222 WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%s_mat
1223 IF (calc_intens) WRITE (unit=msunit, iostat=stat) ms_vib%dip_deriv
1224 END IF
1226 CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(msunit, logger, ms_vib_section, &
1229 WRITE (iw, '(T2,A,3X,I6)') "MS| ITERATION STEP", ms_vib%mat_size/nrep
1230 DO i = 1, nrep
1231 IF (criter(1, i) .LE. 1e-7 .AND. (criter(2, i)) .LE. 1e-6) THEN
1232 WRITE (iw, '(T2,A,3X,F12.6,A)') "MS| TRACKED MODE ", freq(i), "cm-1 IS CONVERGED"
1233 ELSE
1234 WRITE (iw, '(T2,A,3X,F12.6,A)') "MS| TRACKED MODE ", freq(i), "cm-1 NOT CONVERGED"
1235 END IF
1236 END DO
1237 END IF
1238 END IF
1240 END SUBROUTINE ms_out
1242! **************************************************************************************************
1243!> \brief ...
1244!> \param ms_vib ...
1245!> \param approx_H ...
1246!> \param eigenval ...
1247!> \param residuum ...
1248!> \param nrep ...
1249!> \param ind ...
1250!> \author Florian Schiffmann 11.2007
1251! **************************************************************************************************
1252 SUBROUTINE get_vibs_in_range(ms_vib, approx_H, eigenval, residuum, nrep, ind)
1254 TYPE(ms_vib_type) :: ms_vib
1255 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: approx_h
1256 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: eigenval
1257 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: residuum
1258 INTEGER :: nrep
1259 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:) :: ind
1261 INTEGER :: count1, count2, i, j
1264 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: tmp, tmp1
1265 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: tmp_resid
1266 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(2) :: myrange
1268 myrange(:) = (ms_vib%f_range(:)/(vibfac))**2/massunit
1269 count1 = 0
1270 count2 = 0
1271 residuum = 0.0_dp
1272 ms_vib%mat_size = SIZE(ms_vib%b_mat, 2)
1273 ALLOCATE (map1(SIZE(eigenval), 2))
1274 ALLOCATE (tmp(SIZE(eigenval)))
1275 DO i = 1, SIZE(eigenval)
1276 IF (abs(eigenval(i) - myrange(1)) + abs(eigenval(i) - myrange(2)) .LE. &
1277 abs(myrange(1) - myrange(2)) + myrange(1)*0.001_dp) THEN
1278 count1 = count1 + 1
1279 map1(count1, 1) = i
1280 ELSE
1281 count2 = count2 + 1
1282 map1(count2, 2) = i
1283 tmp(count2) = min(abs(eigenval(i) - myrange(1)), abs(eigenval(i) - myrange(2)))
1284 END IF
1285 END DO
1287 IF (count1 .EQ. nrep) THEN
1288 DO j = 1, count1
1289 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1290 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j) + approx_h(i, map1(j, 1))*(ms_vib%s_mat(:, i) - eigenval(map1(j, 1))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))
1291 ind(j) = map1(j, 1)
1292 END DO
1293 END DO
1294 ELSE IF (count1 .GT. nrep) THEN
1295 ALLOCATE (tmp_resid(SIZE(ms_vib%b_mat, 1), count1))
1296 ALLOCATE (tmp1(count1))
1297 ALLOCATE (map2(count1))
1298 tmp_resid = 0._dp
1299 DO j = 1, count1
1300 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1301 tmp_resid(:, j) = tmp_resid(:, j) + approx_h(i, map1(j, 1))* &
1302 (ms_vib%s_mat(:, i) - eigenval(map1(j, 1))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))
1303 END DO
1304 END DO
1306 DO j = 1, count1
1307 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1308 tmp_resid(:, j) = tmp_resid(:, j) - dot_product(tmp_resid(:, j), ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i)
1309 END DO
1310 tmp(j) = maxval(tmp_resid(:, j))
1311 END DO
1312 CALL sort(tmp, count1, map2)
1313 DO j = 1, nrep
1314 residuum(:, j) = tmp_resid(:, map2(count1 + 1 - j))
1315 ind(j) = map1(map2(count1 + 1 - j), 1)
1316 END DO
1317 DEALLOCATE (tmp_resid)
1318 DEALLOCATE (tmp1)
1319 DEALLOCATE (map2)
1320 ELSE IF (count1 .LT. nrep) THEN
1322 ALLOCATE (map2(count2))
1323 IF (count1 .NE. 0) THEN
1324 DO j = 1, count1
1325 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1326 residuum(:, j) = residuum(:, j) + approx_h(i, map1(j, 1))* &
1327 (ms_vib%s_mat(:, i) - eigenval(map1(j, 1))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))
1328 END DO
1329 ind(j) = map1(j, 1)
1330 END DO
1331 END IF
1332 CALL sort(tmp, count2, map2)
1333 DO j = 1, nrep - count1
1334 DO i = 1, ms_vib%mat_size
1335 residuum(:, count1 + j) = residuum(:, count1 + j) + approx_h(i, map1(map2(j), 2)) &
1336 *(ms_vib%s_mat(:, i) - eigenval(map1(map2(j), 2))*ms_vib%b_mat(:, i))
1337 END DO
1338 ind(count1 + j) = map1(map2(j), 2)
1339 END DO
1341 DEALLOCATE (map2)
1342 END IF
1344 DEALLOCATE (map1)
1345 DEALLOCATE (tmp)
1347 END SUBROUTINE get_vibs_in_range
1348END MODULE mode_selective
static void dgemm(const char transa, const char transb, const int m, const int n, const int k, const double alpha, const double *a, const int lda, const double *b, const int ldb, const double beta, double *c, const int ldc)
Convenient wrapper to hide Fortran nature of dgemm_, swapping a and b.
Utility routines to open and close files. Tracking of preconnections.
Definition cp_files.F:16
subroutine, public open_file(file_name, file_status, file_form, file_action, file_position, file_pad, unit_number, debug, skip_get_unit_number, file_access)
Opens the requested file using a free unit number.
Definition cp_files.F:308
subroutine, public close_file(unit_number, file_status, keep_preconnection)
Close an open file given by its logical unit number. Optionally, keep the file and unit preconnected.
Definition cp_files.F:119
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
returns the unit nr for the ionode (-1 on all other processors) skips as well checks if the procs cal...
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
routines to handle the output, The idea is to remove the decision of wheter to output and what to out...
integer function, public cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, basis_section, print_key_path, extension, middle_name, local, log_filename, ignore_should_output, file_form, file_position, file_action, file_status, do_backup, on_file, is_new_file, mpi_io, fout)
subroutine, public cp_print_key_finished_output(unit_nr, logger, basis_section, print_key_path, local, ignore_should_output, on_file, mpi_io)
should be called after you finish working with a unit obtained with cp_print_key_unit_nr,...
set of type/routines to handle the storage of results in force_envs
Define type storing the global information of a run. Keep the amount of stored data small....
collects all constants needed in input so that they can be used without circular dependencies
integer, parameter, public ms_guess_restart
integer, parameter, public ms_guess_restart_vec
integer, parameter, public ms_guess_molden
integer, parameter, public ms_guess_atomic
integer, parameter, public ms_guess_bfgs
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
recursive type(section_vals_type) function, pointer, public section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals, subsection_name, i_rep_section, can_return_null)
returns the values of the requested subsection
subroutine, public section_vals_get(section_vals, ref_count, n_repetition, n_subs_vals_rep, section, explicit)
returns various attributes about the section_vals
subroutine, public section_vals_val_get(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, n_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals, i_vals, r_vals, c_vals, explicit)
returns the requested value
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public max_line_length
Definition kinds.F:59
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition kinds.F:57
integer, parameter, public default_path_length
Definition kinds.F:58
Collection of simple mathematical functions and subroutines.
Definition mathlib.F:15
subroutine, public diamat_all(a, eigval, dac)
Diagonalize the symmetric n by n matrix a using the LAPACK library. Only the upper triangle of matrix...
Definition mathlib.F:373
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Module performing a mdoe selective vibrational analysis.
subroutine, public ms_vb_anal(input, rep_env, para_env, globenv, particles, nrep, calc_intens, dx, output_unit, logger)
Module performing a vibrational analysis.
Functions handling the MOLDEN format. Split from mode_selective.
subroutine, public write_vibrations_molden(input, particles, freq, eigen_vec, intensities, calc_intens, dump_only_positive, logger, list)
writes the output for vibrational analysis in MOLDEN format
Define the data structure for the particle information.
Definition of physical constants:
Definition physcon.F:68
real(kind=dp), parameter, public vibfac
Definition physcon.F:189
real(kind=dp), parameter, public massunit
Definition physcon.F:141
real(kind=dp), parameter, public bohr
Definition physcon.F:147
real(kind=dp), parameter, public debye
Definition physcon.F:201
methods to setup replicas of the same system differing only by atom positions and velocities (as used...
subroutine, public rep_env_calc_e_f(rep_env, calc_f)
evaluates the forces
types used to handle many replica of the same system that differ only in atom positions,...
All kind of helpful little routines.
Definition util.F:14
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...
contains the initially parsed file and the initial parallel environment
stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment
keeps replicated information about the replicas