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2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief types used to handle many replica of the same system that differ only
10!> in atom positions, and velocity.
11!> This is useful for things like path integrals or nudged elastic band
12!> \note
13!> this is a stupid implementation that replicates all the information
14!> about the replicas, if you really want to do a *lot* of replicas on
15!> a lot of processors you should think about distributiong also that
16!> information
17!> \par History
18!> 09.2005 created [fawzi]
19!> \author fawzi
20! **************************************************************************************************
33 USE kinds, ONLY: default_path_length,&
34 dp
41#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
46 LOGICAL, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: debug_this_module = .true.
47 LOGICAL, SAVE, PRIVATE :: module_initialized = .false.
48 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'replica_types'
50 PUBLIC :: replica_env_type
51 PUBLIC :: rep_env_release
53 PUBLIC :: rep_envs_get_rep_env
55! **************************************************************************************************
56!> \brief keeps replicated information about the replicas
57!> \param ref_count reference count
58!> \param id_nr identity number (unique or each replica_env)
59!> \param nrep number of replicas
60!> \param nparticle number of particles (usually atoms) in each replica
61!> \param ndim = 3*nparticle
62!> \param f_env_id id of the force env that will do the calculations for the
63!> replicas owned by this processor
64!> \param r ,v,f: positions, velocities and forces of the replicas.
65!> the indexing is as follow (idir,iat,irep)
66!> \param replica_owner which replica group number owns the replica irep
67!> \param cart 2d distribution of the processors for the replicas,
68!> a column (or row if row_force was true in the rep_env_create call)
69!> work together on the same force_env (i.e. changing the
70!> row (column) you stay in the same replica), rows (columns) have
71!> different replicas
72!> \param force_dim which dimension of cart works on forces together
73!> used to be hardcoded to 1. Default is still 1, will
74!> be 2 if row_force is true in the rep_env_create call.
75!> \param para_env the global para env that contains all the replicas,
76!> this is just the cart as para_env
77!> \param para_env_f parallel environment of the underlying force
78!> environment
79!> \param inter_rep_rank mapping replica group number -> rank in para_env_inter_rep
80!> (this used to be col_rank)
81!> \param para_env_inter_rep parallel environment between replica
82!> \param force_rank mapping number of processor in force env -> rank in para_env_f
83!> (this used to be row_rank)
84!> \param local_rep_indices indices of the local replicas, starting at 1
85!> \param rep_is_local logical if specific replica is a local one.
86!> \param my_rep_group which replica group number this process belongs to
87!> (this used to be just cart%mepos(2) but with transposing the cart
88!> (row_force=.true.) became cart%mepos(1), and to generalize this it
89!> is now a separate variable, so one does not need to know
90!> which way the cart is mapped.)
91!> \param wf_history wavefunction history for the owned replicas
92!> \param keep_wf_history if the wavefunction history for the owned replicas
93!> should be kept
94!> \author fawzi
95! **************************************************************************************************
97 INTEGER :: ref_count = -1, id_nr = -1, f_env_id = -1, &
98 nrep = -1, ndim = -1, nparticle = -1, &
99 my_rep_group = -1, force_dim = -1
100 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: r => null(), v => null(), f => null()
101 LOGICAL :: sync_v = .false., keep_wf_history = .false.
102 CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: original_project_name = ""
103 TYPE(qs_wf_history_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: wf_history => null()
104 TYPE(cp_result_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: results => null()
105 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: local_rep_indices => null()
106 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: replica_owner => null(), force_rank => null(), &
107 inter_rep_rank => null()
108 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: rep_is_local => null()
109 TYPE(mp_para_cart_type), POINTER :: cart => null()
110 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env => null(), para_env_f => null(), &
111 para_env_inter_rep => null()
112 END TYPE replica_env_type
114! **************************************************************************************************
115!> \brief ****s* replica_types/replica_env_p_type *
117!> to build arrays of pointers to a replica_env_type
118!> \param rep_env the pointer to the replica_env
119!> \author fawzi
120! **************************************************************************************************
121 TYPE replica_env_p_type
122 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env => null()
123 END TYPE replica_env_p_type
125 TYPE(replica_env_p_type), POINTER, DIMENSION(:), PRIVATE :: rep_envs
129! **************************************************************************************************
130!> \brief releases the given replica environment
131!> \param rep_env the replica environment to release
132!> \author fawzi
133!> \note
134!> here and not in replica_types to allow the use of replica_env_type
135!> in a force_env (call to destroy_force_env gives circular dep)
136! **************************************************************************************************
137 SUBROUTINE rep_env_release(rep_env)
138 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
140 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'rep_env_release'
142 INTEGER :: handle, i, ierr
144 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
145 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env)) THEN
146 cpassert(rep_env%ref_count > 0)
147 rep_env%ref_count = rep_env%ref_count - 1
148 IF (rep_env%ref_count == 0) THEN
149 CALL rep_env_destroy_low(rep_env%id_nr, ierr)
150 IF (rep_env%f_env_id > 0) THEN
151 CALL destroy_force_env(rep_env%f_env_id, ierr)
152 cpassert(ierr == 0)
153 END IF
154 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env%r)) THEN
155 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%r)
156 END IF
157 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env%v)) THEN
158 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%v)
159 END IF
160 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env%f)) THEN
161 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%f)
162 END IF
163 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env%wf_history)) THEN
164 DO i = 1, SIZE(rep_env%wf_history)
165 CALL wfi_release(rep_env%wf_history(i)%wf_history)
166 END DO
167 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%wf_history)
168 END IF
169 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env%results)) THEN
170 DO i = 1, SIZE(rep_env%results)
171 CALL cp_result_release(rep_env%results(i)%results)
172 END DO
173 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%results)
174 END IF
175 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%local_rep_indices)
176 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%rep_is_local)
177 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env%replica_owner)) THEN
178 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%replica_owner)
179 END IF
180 DEALLOCATE (rep_env%inter_rep_rank, rep_env%force_rank)
181 CALL mp_para_cart_release(rep_env%cart)
182 CALL mp_para_env_release(rep_env%para_env)
183 CALL mp_para_env_release(rep_env%para_env_f)
184 CALL mp_para_env_release(rep_env%para_env_inter_rep)
185 CALL rep_envs_rm_rep_env(rep_env)
186 DEALLOCATE (rep_env)
187 END IF
188 END IF
189 NULLIFY (rep_env)
190 CALL timestop(handle)
191 END SUBROUTINE rep_env_release
193! **************************************************************************************************
194!> \brief initializes the destruction of the replica_env
195!> \param rep_env_id id_nr of the replica environment that should be initialized
196!> \param ierr will be non zero if there is an initialization error
197!> \author fawzi
198! **************************************************************************************************
199 SUBROUTINE rep_env_destroy_low(rep_env_id, ierr)
200 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: rep_env_id
201 INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ierr
203 INTEGER :: stat
204 TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
205 TYPE(f_env_type), POINTER :: f_env
206 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
208 rep_env => rep_envs_get_rep_env(rep_env_id, ierr=stat)
209 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(rep_env)) &
210 cpabort("could not find rep_env with id_nr"//cp_to_string(rep_env_id))
211 CALL f_env_add_defaults(f_env_id=rep_env%f_env_id, f_env=f_env)
212 logger => cp_get_default_logger()
213 CALL cp_rm_iter_level(iteration_info=logger%iter_info, &
214 level_name="REPLICA_EVAL")
215 CALL f_env_rm_defaults(f_env, ierr)
216 cpassert(ierr == 0)
217 END SUBROUTINE rep_env_destroy_low
219! **************************************************************************************************
220!> \brief sends the data from each replica to all the other
221!> on replica j/=i data from replica i overwrites val(:,i)
222!> \param rep_env replica environment
223!> \param vals the values to synchronize (second index runs over replicas)
224!> \author fawzi
225!> \note
226!> could be optimized: bcast in inter_rep, all2all or shift vs sum
227! **************************************************************************************************
228 SUBROUTINE rep_env_sync(rep_env, vals)
229 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
230 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(inout) :: vals
232 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'rep_env_sync'
234 INTEGER :: handle, irep
236 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
237 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(rep_env))
238 cpassert(rep_env%ref_count > 0)
239 cpassert(SIZE(vals, 2) == rep_env%nrep)
240 DO irep = 1, rep_env%nrep
241 IF (.NOT. rep_env%rep_is_local(irep)) THEN
242 vals(:, irep) = 0._dp
243 END IF
244 END DO
245 CALL rep_env%para_env_inter_rep%sum(vals)
246 CALL timestop(handle)
247 END SUBROUTINE rep_env_sync
249! **************************************************************************************************
250!> \brief sends the data from each replica to all the other
251!> in this case the result type is passed
252!> \param rep_env replica environment
253!> \param results is an array of result_types
254!> \author fschiff
255! **************************************************************************************************
256 SUBROUTINE rep_env_sync_results(rep_env, results)
257 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
258 TYPE(cp_result_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: results
260 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'rep_env_sync_results'
262 INTEGER :: handle, irep, nrep, source
264 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
265 nrep = rep_env%nrep
266 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(rep_env))
267 cpassert(rep_env%ref_count > 0)
268 cpassert(SIZE(results) == rep_env%nrep)
269 DO irep = 1, nrep
270 source = rep_env%inter_rep_rank(rep_env%replica_owner(irep))
271 CALL cp_results_mp_bcast(results(irep)%results, source, rep_env%para_env_inter_rep)
272 END DO
273 CALL timestop(handle)
274 END SUBROUTINE rep_env_sync_results
276! **************************************************************************************************
277!> \brief returns the replica environment with the given id_nr
278!> \param id_nr the id_nr of the requested rep_envs
279!> \param ierr ...
280!> \return ...
281!> \author fawzi
282! **************************************************************************************************
283 FUNCTION rep_envs_get_rep_env(id_nr, ierr) RESULT(res)
284 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id_nr
285 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ierr
286 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: res
288 INTEGER :: i
290 NULLIFY (res)
291 ierr = -1
292 IF (module_initialized) THEN
293 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_envs)) THEN
294 DO i = 1, SIZE(rep_envs)
295 IF (rep_envs(i)%rep_env%id_nr == id_nr) THEN
296 res => rep_envs(i)%rep_env
297 ierr = 0
298 EXIT
299 END IF
300 END DO
301 END IF
302 END IF
303 END FUNCTION rep_envs_get_rep_env
305! **************************************************************************************************
306!> \brief adds the given rep_env to the list of controlled rep_envs.
307!> \param rep_env the rep_env to add
308!> \author fawzi
309! **************************************************************************************************
310 SUBROUTINE rep_envs_add_rep_env(rep_env)
311 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
313 INTEGER :: i, stat
314 TYPE(replica_env_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: new_rep_envs
315 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env2
317 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env)) THEN
318 rep_env2 => rep_envs_get_rep_env(rep_env%id_nr, ierr=stat)
319 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(rep_env2)) THEN
320 IF (module_initialized) THEN
321 IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(rep_envs)) THEN
322 ALLOCATE (rep_envs(1))
323 ELSE
324 ALLOCATE (new_rep_envs(SIZE(rep_envs) + 1))
325 DO i = 1, SIZE(rep_envs)
326 new_rep_envs(i)%rep_env => rep_envs(i)%rep_env
327 END DO
328 DEALLOCATE (rep_envs)
329 rep_envs => new_rep_envs
330 END IF
331 ELSE
332 ALLOCATE (rep_envs(1))
333 END IF
334 rep_envs(SIZE(rep_envs))%rep_env => rep_env
335 module_initialized = .true.
336 END IF
337 END IF
338 END SUBROUTINE rep_envs_add_rep_env
340! **************************************************************************************************
341!> \brief removes the given rep_env to the list of controlled rep_envs.
342!> \param rep_env the rep_env to remove
343!> \author fawzi
344! **************************************************************************************************
345 SUBROUTINE rep_envs_rm_rep_env(rep_env)
346 TYPE(replica_env_type), POINTER :: rep_env
348 INTEGER :: i, ii
349 TYPE(replica_env_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: new_rep_envs
351 IF (ASSOCIATED(rep_env)) THEN
352 cpassert(module_initialized)
353 ALLOCATE (new_rep_envs(SIZE(rep_envs) - 1))
354 ii = 0
355 DO i = 1, SIZE(rep_envs)
356 IF (rep_envs(i)%rep_env%id_nr /= rep_env%id_nr) THEN
357 ii = ii + 1
358 new_rep_envs(ii)%rep_env => rep_envs(i)%rep_env
359 END IF
360 END DO
361 cpassert(ii == SIZE(new_rep_envs))
362 DEALLOCATE (rep_envs)
363 rep_envs => new_rep_envs
364 IF (SIZE(rep_envs) == 0) THEN
365 DEALLOCATE (rep_envs)
366 END IF
367 END IF
368 END SUBROUTINE rep_envs_rm_rep_env
370END MODULE replica_types
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
routines to handle the output, The idea is to remove the decision of wheter to output and what to out...
subroutine, public cp_rm_iter_level(iteration_info, level_name, n_rlevel_att)
Removes an iteration level.
set of type/routines to handle the storage of results in force_envs
subroutine, public cp_results_mp_bcast(results, source, para_env)
broadcast results type
set of type/routines to handle the storage of results in force_envs
subroutine, public cp_result_release(results)
Releases cp_result type.
interface to use cp2k as library
recursive subroutine, public destroy_force_env(env_id, ierr, q_finalize)
deallocates the force_env with the given id
subroutine, public f_env_add_defaults(f_env_id, f_env, handle)
adds the default environments of the f_env to the stack of the defaults, and returns a new error and ...
subroutine, public f_env_rm_defaults(f_env, ierr, handle)
removes the default environments of the f_env to the stack of the defaults, and sets ierr accordingly...
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_path_length
Definition kinds.F:58
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
subroutine, public mp_para_env_release(para_env)
releases the para object (to be called when you don't want anymore the shared copy of this object)
subroutine, public mp_para_cart_release(cart)
releases the given cart
interpolate the wavefunctions to speed up the convergence when doing MD
subroutine, public wfi_release(wf_history)
releases a wf_history of a wavefunction (see doc/ReferenceCounting.html)
types used to handle many replica of the same system that differ only in atom positions,...
subroutine, public rep_envs_add_rep_env(rep_env)
adds the given rep_env to the list of controlled rep_envs.
subroutine, public rep_env_release(rep_env)
releases the given replica environment
type(replica_env_type) function, pointer, public rep_envs_get_rep_env(id_nr, ierr)
returns the replica environment with the given id_nr
subroutine, public rep_env_sync(rep_env, vals)
sends the data from each replica to all the other on replica j/=i data from replica i overwrites val(...
subroutine, public rep_env_sync_results(rep_env, results)
sends the data from each replica to all the other in this case the result type is passed
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...
represent a multidimensional parallel environment
stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment
to create arrays of pointers to qs_wf_history_type
keeps replicated information about the replicas