86#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
92 CHARACTER(len=*),
PRIVATE :: moduleN =
PARAMETER :: routinen =
113 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_sigma_x_gamma, fm_w_mic_time
114 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: fm_sigma_c_gamma_time
116 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
121 CALL get_mat_chi_gamma_tau(bs_env, qs_env, bs_env%mat_chi_Gamma_tau)
124 CALL get_w_mic(bs_env, qs_env, bs_env%mat_chi_Gamma_tau, fm_w_mic_time)
128 CALL get_sigma_x(bs_env, qs_env, fm_sigma_x_gamma)
132 CALL get_sigma_c(bs_env, qs_env, fm_w_mic_time, fm_sigma_c_gamma_time)
135 CALL compute_qp_energies(bs_env, qs_env, fm_sigma_x_gamma, fm_sigma_c_gamma_time)
139 CALL timestop(handle)
149 SUBROUTINE get_mat_chi_gamma_tau(bs_env, qs_env, mat_chi_Gamma_tau)
152 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_chi_gamma_tau
PARAMETER :: routinen =
156 INTEGER :: handle, i_intval_idx, i_t, inner_loop_atoms_interval_index, ispin, j_intval_idx
DIMENSION(2) :: i_atoms, il_atoms, j_atoms
158 LOGICAL :: dist_too_long_i, dist_too_long_j
159 REAL(kind=
dp) :: t1, tau
160 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_3c_for_gocc, &
161 t_3c_for_gvir, t_3c_x_gocc, &
162 t_3c_x_gocc_2, t_3c_x_gvir, &
165 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
167 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
171 IF (bs_env%read_chi(i_t))
173 CALL fm_read(bs_env%fm_RI_RI, bs_env, bs_env%chi_name, i_t)
176 keep_sparsity=.false.)
178 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
179 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,I5,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') &
180 χτ
'Read (i,k=0) from file for time point ', i_t,
' /', &
181 bs_env%num_time_freq_points, &
189 IF (.NOT. bs_env%calc_chi(i_t)) cycle
191 CALL create_tensors_chi(t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_3c_for_gocc, t_3c_for_gvir, &
192 t_3c_x_gocc, t_3c_x_gvir, t_3c_x_gocc_2, t_3c_x_gvir_2, bs_env)
198 tau = bs_env%imag_time_points(i_t)
200 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
201 CALL g_occ_vir(bs_env, tau, bs_env%fm_Gocc, ispin, occ=.true., vir=.false.)
202 CALL g_occ_vir(bs_env, tau, bs_env%fm_Gvir, ispin, occ=.false., vir=.true.)
205 bs_env%mat_ao_ao_tensor%matrix, t_2c_gocc, bs_env, &
206 bs_env%atoms_j_t_group)
208 bs_env%mat_ao_ao_tensor%matrix, t_2c_gvir, bs_env, &
209 bs_env%atoms_i_t_group)
213 DO i_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_i
214 DO j_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_j
215 i_atoms = bs_env%i_atom_intervals(1:2, i_intval_idx)
216 j_atoms = bs_env%j_atom_intervals(1:2, j_intval_idx)
218 DO inner_loop_atoms_interval_index = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_inner_loop_atoms
220 il_atoms = bs_env%inner_loop_atom_intervals(1:2, inner_loop_atoms_interval_index)
222 CALL check_dist(i_atoms, il_atoms, qs_env, bs_env, dist_too_long_i)
223 CALL check_dist(j_atoms, il_atoms, qs_env, bs_env, dist_too_long_j)
224 IF (dist_too_long_i .OR. dist_too_long_j) cycle
230 CALL g_times_3c(t_3c_for_gocc, t_2c_gocc, t_3c_x_gocc, bs_env, &
231 j_atoms, i_atoms, il_atoms)
237 CALL g_times_3c(t_3c_for_gvir, t_2c_gvir, t_3c_x_gvir, bs_env, &
238 i_atoms, j_atoms, il_atoms)
243 CALL dbt_copy(t_3c_x_gocc, t_3c_x_gocc_2, move_data=.true., order=[1, 3, 2])
244 CALL dbt_copy(t_3c_x_gvir, t_3c_x_gvir_2, move_data=.true.)
247 CALL dbt_contract(alpha=bs_env%spin_degeneracy, &
248 tensor_1=t_3c_x_gocc_2, tensor_2=t_3c_x_gvir_2, &
249 beta=1.0_dp, tensor_3=bs_env%t_chi, &
250 contract_1=[2, 3], notcontract_1=[1], map_1=[1], &
251 contract_2=[2, 3], notcontract_2=[1], map_2=[2], &
252 filter_eps=bs_env%eps_filter, move_data=.true.)
262 mat_chi_gamma_tau(i_t)%matrix, bs_env%para_env)
264 CALL write_matrix(mat_chi_gamma_tau(i_t)%matrix, i_t, bs_env%chi_name, &
265 bs_env%fm_RI_RI, qs_env)
267 CALL destroy_tensors_chi(t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_3c_for_gocc, t_3c_for_gvir, &
268 t_3c_x_gocc, t_3c_x_gvir, t_3c_x_gocc_2, t_3c_x_gvir_2)
270 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
271 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,I13,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') &
272 χτ
'Computed (i,k=0) for time point', i_t,
' /', bs_env%num_time_freq_points, &
278 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
' '
280 CALL timestop(handle)
282 END SUBROUTINE get_mat_chi_gamma_tau
291 SUBROUTINE fm_read(fm, bs_env, mat_name, idx)
294 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: mat_name
PARAMETER :: routinen =
299 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: f_chi
300 INTEGER :: handle, unit_nr
302 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
305 IF (bs_env%para_env%is_source())
308 WRITE (f_chi,
'(3A,I1,A)') trim(bs_env%prefix), trim(mat_name),
309 ELSE IF (
idx < 100)
310 WRITE (f_chi,
'(3A,I2,A)') trim(bs_env%prefix), trim(mat_name),
312 cpabort(
'Please implement more than 99 time/frequency points.')
315 CALL open_file(file_name=trim(f_chi), file_action=
"READ", file_form=
316 file_position=
"REWIND", file_status=
"OLD", unit_number=unit_nr)
322 IF (bs_env%para_env%is_source())
CALL close_file(unit_number=unit_nr)
324 CALL timestop(handle)
326 END SUBROUTINE fm_read
340 SUBROUTINE create_tensors_chi(t_2c_Gocc, t_2c_Gvir, t_3c_for_Gocc, t_3c_for_Gvir, &
341 t_3c_x_Gocc, t_3c_x_Gvir, t_3c_x_Gocc_2, t_3c_x_Gvir_2, bs_env)
343 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_3c_for_gocc, &
344 t_3c_for_gvir, t_3c_x_gocc, &
345 t_3c_x_gvir, t_3c_x_gocc_2, &
PARAMETER :: routinen =
353 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
355 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_gocc)
356 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_gvir)
357 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_for_gocc)
358 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_for_gvir)
359 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_x_gocc)
360 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_x_gvir)
361 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI__AO_AO, t_3c_x_gocc_2)
362 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI__AO_AO, t_3c_x_gvir_2)
364 CALL timestop(handle)
366 END SUBROUTINE create_tensors_chi
379 SUBROUTINE destroy_tensors_chi(t_2c_Gocc, t_2c_Gvir, t_3c_for_Gocc, t_3c_for_Gvir, &
380 t_3c_x_Gocc, t_3c_x_Gvir, t_3c_x_Gocc_2, t_3c_x_Gvir_2)
381 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_3c_for_gocc, &
382 t_3c_for_gvir, t_3c_x_gocc, &
383 t_3c_x_gvir, t_3c_x_gocc_2, &
PARAMETER :: routinen =
390 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
392 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_gocc)
393 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_gvir)
394 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_for_gocc)
395 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_for_gvir)
396 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_gocc)
397 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_gvir)
398 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_gocc_2)
399 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_gvir_2)
401 CALL timestop(handle)
403 END SUBROUTINE destroy_tensors_chi
413 SUBROUTINE write_matrix(matrix, matrix_index, matrix_name, fm, qs_env)
415 INTEGER :: matrix_index
416 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: matrix_name
PARAMETER :: routinen =
424 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
430 CALL fm_write(fm, matrix_index, matrix_name, qs_env)
432 CALL timestop(handle)
434 END SUBROUTINE write_matrix
443 SUBROUTINE fm_write(fm, matrix_index, matrix_name, qs_env)
445 INTEGER :: matrix_index
446 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: matrix_name
PARAMETER :: key =
450 routinen =
452 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: filename
453 INTEGER :: handle, unit_nr
457 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
465 IF (matrix_index < 10)
466 WRITE (filename,
"RESTART_", matrix_name,
"_0", matrix_index
467 ELSE IF (matrix_index < 100)
468 WRITE (filename,
"RESTART_", matrix_name,
"_", matrix_index
470 cpabort(
'Please implement more than 99 time/frequency points.')
474 file_form=
"UNFORMATTED", middle_name=trim(filename), &
475 file_position=
"REWIND", file_action=
478 IF (unit_nr > 0)
483 CALL timestop(handle)
485 END SUBROUTINE fm_write
496 SUBROUTINE g_occ_vir(bs_env, tau, fm_G_Gamma, ispin, occ, vir)
PARAMETER :: routinen =
505 INTEGER :: handle, homo, i_row_local, j_col, &
506 j_col_local, n_mo, ncol_local, &
POINTER :: col_indices
509 REAL(kind=
dp) :: tau_e
511 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
513 cpassert(occ .NEQV. vir)
516 nrow_local=nrow_local, &
517 ncol_local=ncol_local, &
518 col_indices=col_indices)
521 homo = bs_env%n_occ(ispin)
523 CALL cp_fm_to_fm(bs_env%fm_mo_coeff_Gamma(ispin), bs_env%fm_work_mo(1))
525 DO i_row_local = 1, nrow_local
526 DO j_col_local = 1, ncol_local
528 j_col = col_indices(j_col_local)
530 tau_e = abs(tau*0.5_dp*(bs_env%eigenval_scf_Gamma(j_col, ispin) - bs_env%e_fermi(ispin)))
532 IF (tau_e < bs_env%stabilize_exp)
533 bs_env%fm_work_mo(1)%local_data(i_row_local, j_col_local) = &
534 bs_env%fm_work_mo(1)%local_data(i_row_local, j_col_local)*exp(-tau_e)
536 bs_env%fm_work_mo(1)%local_data(i_row_local, j_col_local) = 0.0_dp
539 IF ((occ .AND. j_col > homo) .OR. (vir .AND. j_col <= homo))
540 bs_env%fm_work_mo(1)%local_data(i_row_local, j_col_local) = 0.0_dp
546 CALL parallel_gemm(transa=
"N", transb=
"T", m=n_mo, n=n_mo, k=n_mo, alpha=1.0_dp, &
547 matrix_a=bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), matrix_b=bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), &
548 beta=0.0_dp, matrix_c=fm_g_gamma)
550 CALL timestop(handle)
552 END SUBROUTINE g_occ_vir
566 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_3c
OPTIONAL :: atoms_ao_1, atoms_ao_2, atoms_ri
PARAMETER :: routinen =
DIMENSION(2) :: my_atoms_ao_1, my_atoms_ao_2, my_atoms_ri
573 TYPE(dbt_type),
DIMENSION(:, :) :: t_3c_array
575 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
580 ALLOCATE (t_3c_array(1, 1))
581 CALL dbt_create(t_3c, t_3c_array(1, 1))
583 IF (
584 my_atoms_ao_1 = atoms_ao_1
586 my_atoms_ao_1 = [1, bs_env%n_atom]
588 IF (
589 my_atoms_ao_2 = atoms_ao_2
591 my_atoms_ao_2 = [1, bs_env%n_atom]
593 IF (
594 my_atoms_ri = atoms_ri
596 my_atoms_ri = [1, bs_env%n_atom]
603 int_eps=bs_env%eps_filter, &
604 basis_i=bs_env%basis_set_RI, &
605 basis_j=bs_env%basis_set_AO, &
606 basis_k=bs_env%basis_set_AO, &
607 potential_parameter=bs_env%ri_metric, &
609 bounds_j=atoms_ao_1, &
610 bounds_k=atoms_ao_2, &
611 desymmetrize=.false.)
613 CALL dbt_copy(t_3c_array(1, 1), t_3c, move_data=.true.)
615 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_array(1, 1))
616 DEALLOCATE (t_3c_array)
618 CALL timestop(handle)
632 SUBROUTINE g_times_3c(t_3c_for_G, t_G, t_M, bs_env, atoms_AO_1, atoms_AO_2, atoms_IL)
633 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_3c_for_g, t_g, t_m
DIMENSION(2) :: atoms_ao_1, atoms_ao_2, atoms_il
PARAMETER :: routinen =
DIMENSION(2) :: bounds_il, bounds_l
DIMENSION(2, 2) :: bounds_k
643 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
649 bounds_il(1:2) = [bs_env%i_ao_start_from_atom(atoms_il(1)), &
650 bs_env%i_ao_end_from_atom(atoms_il(2))]
651 bounds_k(1:2, 1) = [1, bs_env%n_RI]
652 bounds_k(1:2, 2) = [bs_env%i_ao_start_from_atom(atoms_ao_2(1)), &
653 bs_env%i_ao_end_from_atom(atoms_ao_2(2))]
654 bounds_l(1:2) = [bs_env%i_ao_start_from_atom(atoms_ao_1(1)), &
655 bs_env%i_ao_end_from_atom(atoms_ao_1(2))]
657 CALL dbt_contract(alpha=1.0_dp, &
658 tensor_1=t_3c_for_g, &
662 contract_1=[3], notcontract_1=[1, 2], map_1=[1, 2], &
663 contract_2=[2], notcontract_2=[1], map_2=[3], &
664 bounds_1=bounds_il, &
667 filter_eps=bs_env%eps_filter)
669 CALL dbt_clear(t_3c_for_g)
671 CALL timestop(handle)
673 END SUBROUTINE g_times_3c
683 SUBROUTINE check_dist(atoms_1, atoms_2, qs_env, bs_env, dist_too_long)
DIMENSION(2) :: atoms_1, atoms_2
687 LOGICAL :: dist_too_long
PARAMETER :: routinen =
691 INTEGER :: atom_1, atom_2, handle
692 REAL(
dp) :: abs_rab, min_dist_ao_atoms
693 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(3) :: rab
697 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
699 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, cell=cell, particle_set=particle_set)
701 min_dist_ao_atoms = 1.0e5_dp
702 DO atom_1 = atoms_1(1), atoms_1(2)
703 DO atom_2 = atoms_2(1), atoms_2(2)
705 rab =
pbc(particle_set(atom_1)%r(1:3), particle_set(atom_2)%r(1:3), cell)
707 abs_rab = sqrt(rab(1)**2 + rab(2)**2 + rab(3)**2)
709 min_dist_ao_atoms = min(min_dist_ao_atoms, abs_rab)
714 dist_too_long = (min_dist_ao_atoms > bs_env%max_dist_AO_atoms)
716 CALL timestop(handle)
718 END SUBROUTINE check_dist
727 SUBROUTINE get_w_mic(bs_env, qs_env, mat_chi_Gamma_tau, fm_W_MIC_time)
730 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_chi_gamma_tau
731 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
737 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
739 IF (bs_env%all_W_exist)
740 CALL read_w_mic_time(bs_env, mat_chi_gamma_tau, fm_w_mic_time)
742 CALL compute_w_mic(bs_env, qs_env, mat_chi_gamma_tau, fm_w_mic_time)
745 CALL timestop(handle)
747 END SUBROUTINE get_w_mic
756 SUBROUTINE compute_v_k_by_lattice_sum(bs_env, qs_env, fm_V_kp, ikp_batch)
759 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :) :: fm_v_kp
PARAMETER :: routinen =
764 INTEGER :: handle, ikp, ikp_end, ikp_start, &
765 nkp_chi_eps_w_batch, re_im
768 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_v_kp
770 TYPE(
POINTER :: qs_kind_set
772 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
774 nkp_chi_eps_w_batch = bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_batch
776 ikp_start = (ikp_batch - 1)*bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_batch + 1
777 ikp_end = min(ikp_batch*bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_batch, bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W%nkp)
780 ALLOCATE (mat_v_kp(ikp_start:ikp_end, 2))
782 DO ikp = ikp_start, ikp_end
784 NULLIFY (mat_v_kp(ikp, re_im)%matrix)
785 ALLOCATE (mat_v_kp(ikp, re_im)%matrix)
786 CALL dbcsr_create(mat_v_kp(ikp, re_im)%matrix, template=bs_env%mat_RI_RI%matrix)
788 CALL dbcsr_set(mat_v_kp(ikp, re_im)%matrix, 0.0_dp)
794 particle_set=particle_set, &
796 qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, &
797 atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set)
799 IF (ikp_end .LE. bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_orig)
802 bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W%nkp_grid = bs_env%nkp_grid_chi_eps_W_orig
804 ELSE IF (ikp_start > bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_orig .AND. &
805 ikp_end .LE. bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_orig_plus_extra)
808 bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W%nkp_grid = bs_env%nkp_grid_chi_eps_W_extra
812 cpabort(
"Error with k-point parallelization.")
817 bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W, &
818 basis_type=
"RI_AUX", &
820 particle_set=particle_set, &
821 qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, &
822 atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, &
823 size_lattice_sum=bs_env%size_lattice_sum_V, &
825 ikp_start=ikp_start, &
828 bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W%nkp_grid = bs_env%nkp_grid_chi_eps_W_orig
830 ALLOCATE (fm_v_kp(ikp_start:ikp_end, 2))
831 DO ikp = ikp_start, ikp_end
833 CALL cp_fm_create(fm_v_kp(ikp, re_im), bs_env%fm_RI_RI%matrix_struct)
838 DEALLOCATE (mat_v_kp)
840 CALL timestop(handle)
842 END SUBROUTINE compute_v_k_by_lattice_sum
853 SUBROUTINE compute_minvvsqrt_vsqrt(bs_env, qs_env, fm_V_kp, cfm_V_sqrt_ikp, &
854 cfm_M_inv_V_sqrt_ikp, ikp)
857 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :) :: fm_v_kp
858 TYPE(
cp_cfm_type) :: cfm_v_sqrt_ikp, cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp
PARAMETER :: routinen =
863 INTEGER :: handle, info, n_ri
865 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :) :: fm_m_ikp
867 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
873 n_ri, bs_env%ri_metric, do_kpoints=.true., &
874 kpoints=bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W, &
875 regularization_ri=bs_env%regularization_RI, ikp_ext=ikp, &
876 do_build_cell_index=(ikp == 1))
879 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_v_sqrt_ikp, fm_v_kp(ikp, 1)%matrix_struct)
880 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, fm_v_kp(ikp, 1)%matrix_struct)
882 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_m_inv_ikp, fm_v_kp(ikp, 1)%matrix_struct)
884 CALL cp_fm_to_cfm(fm_m_ikp(1, 1), fm_m_ikp(1, 2), cfm_m_inv_ikp)
885 CALL cp_fm_to_cfm(fm_v_kp(ikp, 1), fm_v_kp(ikp, 2), cfm_v_sqrt_ikp)
901 CALL cp_cfm_power(cfm_work, threshold=bs_env%eps_eigval_mat_RI, exponent=-1.0_dp)
910 CALL clean_lower_part(cfm_v_sqrt_ikp)
913 CALL cp_cfm_power(cfm_work, threshold=0.0_dp, exponent=0.5_dp)
919 CALL parallel_gemm(
"C", n_ri, n_ri, n_ri,
z_one, cfm_m_inv_ikp, cfm_v_sqrt_ikp, &
920 z_zero, cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp)
924 CALL timestop(handle)
926 END SUBROUTINE compute_minvvsqrt_vsqrt
934 SUBROUTINE read_w_mic_time(bs_env, mat_chi_Gamma_tau, fm_W_MIC_time)
936 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_chi_gamma_tau
937 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
941 INTEGER :: handle, i_t
944 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
947 CALL create_fm_w_mic_time(bs_env, fm_w_mic_time)
949 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
953 CALL fm_read(fm_w_mic_time(i_t), bs_env, bs_env%W_time_name, i_t)
955 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
956 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,I5,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') &
957 τ
'Read W^MIC(i) from file for time point ', i_t,
' /', bs_env%num_time_freq_points, &
963 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
' '
968 CALL cp_fm_create(bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq_zero, bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq%matrix_struct)
970 CALL fm_read(bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq_zero, bs_env,
"W_freq_rtp", 0)
971 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
972 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,I3,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') &
973 'Read W^MIC(f=0) from file for freq. point ', 1,
' /', 1, &
978 CALL timestop(handle)
980 END SUBROUTINE read_w_mic_time
989 SUBROUTINE compute_w_mic(bs_env, qs_env, mat_chi_Gamma_tau, fm_W_MIC_time)
992 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_chi_gamma_tau
993 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
997 INTEGER :: handle, i_t, ikp, ikp_batch, &
1000 TYPE(
cp_cfm_type) :: cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, cfm_v_sqrt_ikp
1001 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :) :: fm_v_kp
1003 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1005 CALL create_fm_w_mic_time(bs_env, fm_w_mic_time)
1007 DO ikp_batch = 1, bs_env%num_chi_eps_W_batches
1012 CALL compute_v_k_by_lattice_sum(bs_env, qs_env, fm_v_kp, ikp_batch)
1014 DO ikp_in_batch = 1, bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_batch
1016 ikp = (ikp_batch - 1)*bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_batch + ikp_in_batch
1018 IF (ikp > bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_orig_plus_extra) cycle
1020 CALL compute_minvvsqrt_vsqrt(bs_env, qs_env, fm_v_kp, &
1021 cfm_v_sqrt_ikp, cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, ikp)
1023 CALL bs_env%para_env%sync()
1025 DO j_w = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1028 IF (bs_env%approx_kp_extrapol .AND. j_w > 1 .AND. &
1029 ikp > bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_orig) cycle
1031 CALL compute_fm_w_mic_freq_j(bs_env, qs_env, bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq, j_w, ikp, &
1032 mat_chi_gamma_tau, cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, &
1036 CALL fourier_transform_w_to_t(bs_env, fm_w_mic_time, bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq, j_w)
1045 DEALLOCATE (fm_v_kp)
1047 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
1048 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,I12,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') &
1049 τ
'Computed W(i,k) for k-point batch', &
1050 ikp_batch,
' /', bs_env%num_chi_eps_W_batches, &
1056 IF (bs_env%approx_kp_extrapol)
1057 CALL apply_extrapol_factor(bs_env, fm_w_mic_time)
1061 CALL multiply_fm_w_mic_time_with_minv_gamma(bs_env, qs_env, fm_w_mic_time)
1063 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1064 CALL fm_write(fm_w_mic_time(i_t), i_t, bs_env%W_time_name, qs_env)
1074 CALL cp_fm_create(bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq_zero, bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq%matrix_struct)
1078 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1081 bs_env%imag_time_weights_freq_zero(i_t), fm_w_mic_time(i_t))
1084 CALL fm_write(bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq_zero, 0,
"W_freq_rtp", qs_env)
1086 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
1087 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,I11,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') &
1088 'Computed W(f=0,k) for k-point batch', &
1094 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
' '
1096 CALL timestop(handle)
1098 END SUBROUTINE compute_w_mic
1111 SUBROUTINE compute_fm_w_mic_freq_j(bs_env, qs_env, fm_W_MIC_freq_j, j_w, ikp, mat_chi_Gamma_tau, &
1112 cfm_M_inv_V_sqrt_ikp, cfm_V_sqrt_ikp)
1117 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_chi_gamma_tau
1118 TYPE(
cp_cfm_type) :: cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, cfm_v_sqrt_ikp
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1123 TYPE(
cp_cfm_type) :: cfm_chi_ikp_freq_j, cfm_w_ikp_freq_j
1125 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1128 CALL compute_fm_chi_gamma_freq(bs_env, bs_env%fm_chi_Gamma_freq, j_w, mat_chi_gamma_tau)
1134 ikp, qs_env, bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W,
1137 CALL cp_cfm_power(cfm_chi_ikp_freq_j, threshold=0.0_dp, exponent=1.0_dp)
1141 CALL compute_cfm_w_ikp_freq_j(bs_env, cfm_chi_ikp_freq_j, cfm_v_sqrt_ikp, &
1142 cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, cfm_w_ikp_freq_j)
1145 SELECT CASE (bs_env%approx_kp_extrapol)
1149 bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W,
1160 cfm_w_ikp_freq_j, ikp, bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W, &
1163 IF (ikp .LE. bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_orig)
1165 cfm_w_ikp_freq_j, ikp, bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W, &
1166 "RI_AUX", wkp_ext=bs_env%wkp_orig)
1172 IF (ikp .LE. bs_env%nkp_chi_eps_W_orig)
1174 ikp, bs_env%kpoints_chi_eps_W,
"RI_AUX", &
1175 wkp_ext=bs_env%wkp_orig)
1181 CALL timestop(handle)
1183 END SUBROUTINE compute_fm_w_mic_freq_j
1189 SUBROUTINE clean_lower_part(cfm_mat)
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1194 INTEGER :: handle, i_global, i_row, j_col, &
1195 j_global, ncol_local, nrow_local
POINTER :: col_indices, row_indices
1198 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1201 nrow_local=nrow_local, ncol_local=ncol_local, &
1202 row_indices=row_indices, col_indices=col_indices)
1204 DO i_row = 1, nrow_local
1205 DO j_col = 1, ncol_local
1206 i_global = row_indices(i_row)
1207 j_global = col_indices(j_col)
1208 IF (j_global < i_global) cfm_mat%local_data(i_row, j_col) =
1212 CALL timestop(handle)
1214 END SUBROUTINE clean_lower_part
1221 SUBROUTINE apply_extrapol_factor(bs_env, fm_W_MIC_time)
1223 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1227 INTEGER :: handle, i, i_t, j, ncol_local, nrow_local
1228 REAL(kind=
dp) :: extrapol_factor, w_extra_1, w_no_extra_1
1230 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1232 CALL cp_fm_get_info(matrix=fm_w_mic_time(1), nrow_local=nrow_local, ncol_local=ncol_local)
1234 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1235 DO i = 1, nrow_local
1236 DO j = 1, ncol_local
1238 w_extra_1 = bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq_1_extra%local_data(i, j)
1239 w_no_extra_1 = bs_env%fm_W_MIC_freq_1_no_extra%local_data(i, j)
1241 IF (abs(w_no_extra_1) > 1.0e-13)
1242 extrapol_factor = w_extra_1/w_no_extra_1
1244 extrapol_factor = 1.0_dp
1248 IF (abs(extrapol_factor) > 10.0_dp) extrapol_factor = 1.0_dp
1250 fm_w_mic_time(i_t)%local_data(i, j) = fm_w_mic_time(i_t)%local_data(i, j) &
1256 CALL timestop(handle)
1258 END SUBROUTINE apply_extrapol_factor
1267 SUBROUTINE compute_fm_chi_gamma_freq(bs_env, fm_chi_Gamma_freq, j_w, mat_chi_Gamma_tau)
1271 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_chi_gamma_tau
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1275 INTEGER :: handle, i_t
1276 REAL(kind=
dp) :: freq_j, time_i, weight_ij
1278 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1280 CALL dbcsr_set(bs_env%mat_RI_RI%matrix, 0.0_dp)
1282 freq_j = bs_env%imag_freq_points(j_w)
1284 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1286 time_i = bs_env%imag_time_points(i_t)
1287 weight_ij = bs_env%weights_cos_t_to_w(j_w, i_t)
1290 CALL dbcsr_add(bs_env%mat_RI_RI%matrix, mat_chi_gamma_tau(i_t)%matrix, &
1291 1.0_dp, cos(time_i*freq_j)*weight_ij)
1297 CALL timestop(handle)
1299 END SUBROUTINE compute_fm_chi_gamma_freq
1310 SUBROUTINE mat_ikp_from_mat_gamma(mat_ikp_re, mat_ikp_im, mat_Gamma, kpoints, ikp, qs_env)
1311 TYPE(
dbcsr_type) :: mat_ikp_re, mat_ikp_im, mat_gamma
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1318 INTEGER :: col, handle, i_cell, j_cell, num_cells, &
POINTER :: index_to_cell
1321 LOGICAL :: f, i_cell_is_the_minimum_image_cell
1322 REAL(kind=
dp) :: abs_rab_cell_i, abs_rab_cell_j, arg
1323 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(3) :: cell_vector, cell_vector_j, rab_cell_i, &
1325 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(3, 3) :: hmat
1326 REAL(kind=
POINTER :: block_im, block_re, data_block
1331 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1339 NULLIFY (cell, particle_set)
1340 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, cell=cell, particle_set=particle_set)
1343 index_to_cell => kpoints%index_to_cell
1345 num_cells =
SIZE(index_to_cell, 2)
1347 DO i_cell = 1, num_cells
1353 cell_vector(1:3) = matmul(hmat, real(index_to_cell(1:3, i_cell),
1355 rab_cell_i(1:3) =
pbc(particle_set(row)%r(1:3), cell) - &
1356 (
pbc(particle_set(col)%r(1:3), cell) + cell_vector(1:3))
1357 abs_rab_cell_i = sqrt(rab_cell_i(1)**2 + rab_cell_i(2)**2 + rab_cell_i(3)**2)
1360 i_cell_is_the_minimum_image_cell = .true.
1361 DO j_cell = 1, num_cells
1362 cell_vector_j(1:3) = matmul(hmat, real(index_to_cell(1:3, j_cell),
1363 rab_cell_j(1:3) =
pbc(particle_set(row)%r(1:3), cell) - &
1364 (
pbc(particle_set(col)%r(1:3), cell) + cell_vector_j(1:3))
1365 abs_rab_cell_j = sqrt(rab_cell_j(1)**2 + rab_cell_j(2)**2 + rab_cell_j(3)**2)
1367 IF (abs_rab_cell_i > abs_rab_cell_j + 1.0e-6_dp)
1368 i_cell_is_the_minimum_image_cell = .false.
1372 IF (i_cell_is_the_minimum_image_cell)
1373 NULLIFY (block_re, block_im)
1374 CALL dbcsr_get_block_p(matrix=mat_ikp_re, row=row, col=col, block=block_re, found=f)
1375 CALL dbcsr_get_block_p(matrix=mat_ikp_im, row=row, col=col, block=block_im, found=f)
1376 cpassert(all(abs(block_re) < 1.0e-10_dp))
1377 cpassert(all(abs(block_im) < 1.0e-10_dp))
1379 arg = real(index_to_cell(1, i_cell),
dp)*kpoints%xkp(1, ikp) + &
1380 REAL(index_to_cell(2, i_cell),
dp)*kpoints%xkp(2, ikp) + &
1381 REAL(index_to_cell(3, i_cell),
dp)*kpoints%xkp(3, ikp)
1383 block_re(:, :) = cos(
twopi*arg)*data_block(:, :)
1384 block_im(:, :) = sin(
twopi*arg)*data_block(:, :)
1392 CALL timestop(handle)
1394 END SUBROUTINE mat_ikp_from_mat_gamma
1404 SUBROUTINE compute_cfm_w_ikp_freq_j(bs_env, cfm_chi_ikp_freq_j, cfm_V_sqrt_ikp, &
1405 cfm_M_inv_V_sqrt_ikp, cfm_W_ikp_freq_j)
1408 TYPE(
cp_cfm_type) :: cfm_chi_ikp_freq_j, cfm_v_sqrt_ikp, &
1409 cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, cfm_w_ikp_freq_j
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1413 INTEGER :: handle, info, n_ri
1416 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1418 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_work, cfm_chi_ikp_freq_j%matrix_struct)
1425 cfm_chi_ikp_freq_j, cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp,
z_zero, cfm_work)
1429 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_eps_ikp_freq_j, cfm_work%matrix_struct)
1431 cfm_m_inv_v_sqrt_ikp, cfm_work,
z_zero, cfm_eps_ikp_freq_j)
1434 CALL cfm_add_on_diag(cfm_eps_ikp_freq_j,
1447 CALL cfm_add_on_diag(cfm_eps_ikp_freq_j, -
1450 CALL parallel_gemm(
'N', n_ri, n_ri, n_ri,
z_one, cfm_eps_ikp_freq_j, cfm_v_sqrt_ikp, &
1454 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_w_ikp_freq_j, cfm_work%matrix_struct)
1456 z_zero, cfm_w_ikp_freq_j)
1461 CALL timestop(handle)
1463 END SUBROUTINE compute_cfm_w_ikp_freq_j
1470 SUBROUTINE cfm_add_on_diag(cfm, alpha)
1473 COMPLEX(KIND=dp) :: alpha
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1477 INTEGER :: handle, i_global, i_row, j_col, &
1478 j_global, ncol_local, nrow_local
POINTER :: col_indices, row_indices
1481 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1484 nrow_local=nrow_local, &
1485 ncol_local=ncol_local, &
1486 row_indices=row_indices, &
1487 col_indices=col_indices)
1490 DO j_col = 1, ncol_local
1491 j_global = col_indices(j_col)
1492 DO i_row = 1, nrow_local
1493 i_global = row_indices(i_row)
1494 IF (j_global == i_global)
1495 cfm%local_data(i_row, j_col) = cfm%local_data(i_row, j_col) + alpha
1500 CALL timestop(handle)
1502 END SUBROUTINE cfm_add_on_diag
1509 SUBROUTINE create_fm_w_mic_time(bs_env, fm_W_MIC_time)
1511 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1515 INTEGER :: handle, i_t
1517 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1519 ALLOCATE (fm_w_mic_time(bs_env%num_time_freq_points))
1520 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1521 CALL cp_fm_create(fm_w_mic_time(i_t), bs_env%fm_RI_RI%matrix_struct)
1524 CALL timestop(handle)
1526 END SUBROUTINE create_fm_w_mic_time
1535 SUBROUTINE fourier_transform_w_to_t(bs_env, fm_W_MIC_time, fm_W_MIC_freq_j, j_w)
1537 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1543 INTEGER :: handle, i_t
1544 REAL(kind=
dp) :: freq_j, time_i, weight_ij
1546 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1548 freq_j = bs_env%imag_freq_points(j_w)
1550 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1552 time_i = bs_env%imag_time_points(i_t)
1553 weight_ij = bs_env%weights_cos_w_to_t(i_t, j_w)
1557 beta=weight_ij*cos(time_i*freq_j), matrix_b=fm_w_mic_freq_j)
1561 CALL timestop(handle)
1563 END SUBROUTINE fourier_transform_w_to_t
1571 SUBROUTINE multiply_fm_w_mic_time_with_minv_gamma(bs_env, qs_env, fm_W_MIC_time)
1574 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1578 INTEGER :: handle, i_t, n_ri, ndep
1580 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :) :: fm_minv_gamma
1582 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1586 CALL cp_fm_create(fm_work, fm_w_mic_time(1)%matrix_struct)
1590 bs_env%ri_metric, do_kpoints=.false.)
1592 CALL cp_fm_power(fm_minv_gamma(1, 1), fm_work, -1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, ndep)
1595 DO i_t = 1,
1597 CALL parallel_gemm(
'N', n_ri, n_ri, n_ri, 1.0_dp, fm_minv_gamma(1, 1), &
1598 fm_w_mic_time(i_t), 0.0_dp, fm_work)
1600 CALL parallel_gemm(
'N', n_ri, n_ri, n_ri, 1.0_dp, fm_work, &
1601 fm_minv_gamma(1, 1), 0.0_dp, fm_w_mic_time(i_t))
1608 CALL timestop(handle)
1610 END SUBROUTINE multiply_fm_w_mic_time_with_minv_gamma
1618 SUBROUTINE get_sigma_x(bs_env, qs_env, fm_Sigma_x_Gamma)
1621 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_sigma_x_gamma
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1625 INTEGER :: handle, ispin
1627 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1629 ALLOCATE (fm_sigma_x_gamma(bs_env%n_spin))
1630 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
1631 CALL cp_fm_create(fm_sigma_x_gamma(ispin), bs_env%fm_s_Gamma%matrix_struct)
1634 IF (bs_env%Sigma_x_exists)
1635 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
1636 CALL fm_read(fm_sigma_x_gamma(ispin), bs_env, bs_env%Sigma_x_name, ispin)
1639 CALL compute_sigma_x(bs_env, qs_env, fm_sigma_x_gamma)
1642 CALL timestop(handle)
1644 END SUBROUTINE get_sigma_x
1652 SUBROUTINE compute_sigma_x(bs_env, qs_env, fm_Sigma_x_Gamma)
1655 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_sigma_x_gamma
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1659 INTEGER :: handle, i_intval_idx, ispin, j_intval_idx
DIMENSION(2) :: i_atoms, j_atoms
1662 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :) :: fm_vtr_gamma
1664 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_d, t_2c_sigma_x, t_2c_v, t_3c_x_v
1666 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1670 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_d)
1671 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_W, t_2c_v)
1672 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_sigma_x)
1673 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_x_v)
1674 CALL dbcsr_create(mat_sigma_x_gamma, template=bs_env%mat_ao_ao%matrix)
1678 bs_env%trunc_coulomb, do_kpoints=.false.)
1681 CALL multiply_fm_w_mic_time_with_minv_gamma(bs_env, qs_env, fm_vtr_gamma(:, 1))
1683 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
1686 CALL g_occ_vir(bs_env, 0.0_dp, bs_env%fm_work_mo(2), ispin, occ=.true., vir=.false.)
1689 bs_env%mat_ao_ao_tensor%matrix, t_2c_d, bs_env, &
1690 bs_env%atoms_i_t_group)
1693 bs_env%mat_RI_RI_tensor%matrix, t_2c_v, bs_env, &
1694 bs_env%atoms_j_t_group)
1698 DO i_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_i
1699 DO j_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_j
1700 i_atoms = bs_env%i_atom_intervals(1:2, i_intval_idx)
1701 j_atoms = bs_env%j_atom_intervals(1:2, j_intval_idx)
1705 CALL compute_3c_and_contract_w(qs_env, bs_env, i_atoms, j_atoms, t_3c_x_v, t_2c_v)
1709 CALL contract_to_sigma(t_2c_d, t_3c_x_v, t_2c_sigma_x, i_atoms, j_atoms, &
1710 qs_env, bs_env, occ=.true., vir=.false., clear_w=.true.)
1716 mat_sigma_x_gamma, bs_env%para_env)
1718 CALL write_matrix(mat_sigma_x_gamma, ispin, bs_env%Sigma_x_name, &
1719 bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), qs_env)
1725 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
1726 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,T58,A,F7.1,A)') &
1727 Σ
'Computed ^x(k=0),',
' Execution time',
m_walltime() - t1,
' s'
1728 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
' '
1732 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_d)
1733 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_v)
1734 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_sigma_x)
1735 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_v)
1738 CALL timestop(handle)
1740 END SUBROUTINE compute_sigma_x
1749 SUBROUTINE get_sigma_c(bs_env, qs_env, fm_W_MIC_time, fm_Sigma_c_Gamma_time)
1752 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
1753 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: fm_sigma_c_gamma_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1757 INTEGER :: handle, i_intval_idx, i_t, ispin, &
1758 j_intval_idx, read_write_index
DIMENSION(2) :: i_atoms, j_atoms
1760 REAL(kind=
dp) :: t1, tau
1761 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_sigma_neg_tau, mat_sigma_pos_tau
1762 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, &
1763 t_2c_sigma_neg_tau, &
1764 t_2c_sigma_pos_tau, t_2c_w, t_3c_x_w
1766 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1768 CALL create_mat_for_sigma_c(bs_env, t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_2c_w, t_2c_sigma_neg_tau, &
1769 t_2c_sigma_pos_tau, t_3c_x_w, &
1770 mat_sigma_neg_tau, mat_sigma_pos_tau)
1772 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1774 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
1778 read_write_index = i_t + (ispin - 1)*bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1781 IF (bs_env%Sigma_c_exists(i_t, ispin))
1782 CALL fm_read(bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), bs_env, bs_env%Sigma_p_name, read_write_index)
1783 CALL copy_fm_to_dbcsr(bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), mat_sigma_pos_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, &
1784 keep_sparsity=.false.)
1785 CALL fm_read(bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), bs_env, bs_env%Sigma_n_name, read_write_index)
1786 CALL copy_fm_to_dbcsr(bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), mat_sigma_neg_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, &
1787 keep_sparsity=.false.)
1788 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
1789 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,2A,I3,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') Στ
'Read ^c(i,k=0) ', &
1790 'from file for time point ', i_t,
' /', bs_env%num_time_freq_points, &
1798 tau = bs_env%imag_time_points(i_t)
1800 CALL g_occ_vir(bs_env, tau, bs_env%fm_Gocc, ispin, occ=.true., vir=.false.)
1801 CALL g_occ_vir(bs_env, tau, bs_env%fm_Gvir, ispin, occ=.false., vir=.true.)
1805 bs_env%mat_ao_ao_tensor%matrix, t_2c_gocc, bs_env, &
1806 bs_env%atoms_i_t_group)
1808 bs_env%mat_ao_ao_tensor%matrix, t_2c_gvir, bs_env, &
1809 bs_env%atoms_i_t_group)
1811 bs_env%mat_RI_RI_tensor%matrix, t_2c_w, bs_env, &
1812 bs_env%atoms_j_t_group)
1816 DO i_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_i
1817 DO j_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_j
1818 i_atoms = bs_env%i_atom_intervals(1:2, i_intval_idx)
1819 j_atoms = bs_env%j_atom_intervals(1:2, j_intval_idx)
1821 IF (bs_env%skip_Sigma_occ(i_intval_idx, j_intval_idx) .AND. &
1822 bs_env%skip_Sigma_vir(i_intval_idx, j_intval_idx)) cycle
1826 CALL compute_3c_and_contract_w(qs_env, bs_env, i_atoms, j_atoms, t_3c_x_w, t_2c_w)
1830 CALL contract_to_sigma(t_2c_gocc, t_3c_x_w, t_2c_sigma_neg_tau, i_atoms, j_atoms, &
1831 qs_env, bs_env, occ=.true., vir=.false., clear_w=.false., &
1832 can_skip=bs_env%skip_Sigma_occ(i_intval_idx, j_intval_idx))
1835 CALL contract_to_sigma(t_2c_gvir, t_3c_x_w, t_2c_sigma_pos_tau, i_atoms, j_atoms, &
1836 qs_env, bs_env, occ=.false., vir=.true., clear_w=.true., &
1837 can_skip=bs_env%skip_Sigma_vir(i_intval_idx, j_intval_idx))
1845 mat_sigma_neg_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, bs_env%para_env)
1847 mat_sigma_pos_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, bs_env%para_env)
1849 CALL write_matrix(mat_sigma_pos_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, read_write_index, &
1850 bs_env%Sigma_p_name, bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), qs_env)
1851 CALL write_matrix(mat_sigma_neg_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, read_write_index, &
1852 bs_env%Sigma_n_name, bs_env%fm_work_mo(1), qs_env)
1854 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
1855 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,I10,A,I3,A,F7.1,A)') &
1856 Στ
'Computed ^c(i,k=0) for time point ', i_t,
' /', bs_env%num_time_freq_points, &
1864 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
' '
1866 CALL fill_fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(fm_sigma_c_gamma_time, bs_env, &
1867 mat_sigma_pos_tau, mat_sigma_neg_tau)
1869 CALL print_skipping(bs_env)
1871 CALL destroy_mat_sigma_c(t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_2c_w, t_2c_sigma_neg_tau, &
1872 t_2c_sigma_pos_tau, t_3c_x_w, fm_w_mic_time, &
1873 mat_sigma_neg_tau, mat_sigma_pos_tau)
1875 CALL delete_unnecessary_files(bs_env)
1877 CALL timestop(handle)
1879 END SUBROUTINE get_sigma_c
1893 SUBROUTINE create_mat_for_sigma_c(bs_env, t_2c_Gocc, t_2c_Gvir, t_2c_W, t_2c_Sigma_neg_tau, &
1894 t_2c_Sigma_pos_tau, t_3c_x_W, &
1895 mat_Sigma_neg_tau, mat_Sigma_pos_tau)
1898 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_2c_w, &
1899 t_2c_sigma_neg_tau, &
1900 t_2c_sigma_pos_tau, t_3c_x_w
1901 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_sigma_neg_tau, mat_sigma_pos_tau
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1905 INTEGER :: handle, i_t, ispin
1907 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1909 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_gocc)
1910 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_gvir)
1911 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_W, t_2c_w)
1912 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_sigma_neg_tau)
1913 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_G, t_2c_sigma_pos_tau)
1914 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_x_w)
1916 NULLIFY (mat_sigma_neg_tau, mat_sigma_pos_tau)
1917 ALLOCATE (mat_sigma_neg_tau(bs_env%num_time_freq_points, bs_env%n_spin))
1918 ALLOCATE (mat_sigma_pos_tau(bs_env%num_time_freq_points, bs_env%n_spin))
1920 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
1921 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
1922 ALLOCATE (mat_sigma_neg_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix)
1923 ALLOCATE (mat_sigma_pos_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix)
1924 CALL dbcsr_create(mat_sigma_neg_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, template=bs_env%mat_ao_ao%matrix)
1925 CALL dbcsr_create(mat_sigma_pos_tau(i_t, ispin)%matrix, template=bs_env%mat_ao_ao%matrix)
1929 CALL timestop(handle)
1931 END SUBROUTINE create_mat_for_sigma_c
1942 SUBROUTINE compute_3c_and_contract_w(qs_env, bs_env, i_atoms, j_atoms, t_3c_x_W, t_2c_W)
DIMENSION(2) :: i_atoms, j_atoms
1947 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_3c_x_w, t_2c_w
PARAMETER :: routinen =
1951 INTEGER :: handle, ri_intval_idx
DIMENSION(2) :: bounds_j, ri_atoms
1953 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_3c_for_w, t_3c_x_w_tmp
1955 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1957 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI__AO_AO, t_3c_x_w_tmp)
1958 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI__AO_AO, t_3c_for_w)
1960 bounds_j(1:2) = [bs_env%i_RI_start_from_atom(j_atoms(1)), &
1961 bs_env%i_RI_end_from_atom(j_atoms(2))]
1963 DO ri_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_inner_loop_atoms
1964 ri_atoms = bs_env%inner_loop_atom_intervals(1:2, ri_intval_idx)
1968 atoms_ao_1=i_atoms, atoms_ri=ri_atoms)
1971 CALL dbt_contract(alpha=1.0_dp, &
1973 tensor_2=t_3c_for_w, &
1975 tensor_3=t_3c_x_w_tmp, &
1976 contract_1=[2], notcontract_1=[1], map_1=[1], &
1977 contract_2=[1], notcontract_2=[2, 3], map_2=[2, 3], &
1978 bounds_2=bounds_j, &
1979 filter_eps=bs_env%eps_filter)
1984 CALL dbt_copy(t_3c_x_w_tmp, t_3c_x_w, order=[1, 2, 3], move_data=.true.)
1986 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_w_tmp)
1987 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_for_w)
1989 CALL timestop(handle)
1991 END SUBROUTINE compute_3c_and_contract_w
2007 SUBROUTINE contract_to_sigma(t_2c_G, t_3c_x_W, t_2c_Sigma, i_atoms, j_atoms, qs_env, bs_env, &
2008 occ, vir, clear_W, can_skip)
2009 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_g, t_3c_x_w, t_2c_sigma
DIMENSION(2) :: i_atoms, j_atoms
2013 LOGICAL :: occ, vir, clear_w
OPTIONAL :: can_skip
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2018 INTEGER :: handle, inner_loop_atoms_interval_index
2019 INTEGER(KIND=int_8) :: flop
DIMENSION(2) :: bounds_i, il_atoms
2021 REAL(kind=
dp) :: sign_sigma
2022 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_3c_for_g, t_3c_x_g, t_3c_x_g_2
2024 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2026 cpassert(occ .EQV. (.NOT. vir))
2027 IF (occ) sign_sigma = -1.0_dp
2028 IF (vir) sign_sigma = 1.0_dp
2030 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_for_g)
2031 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_x_g)
2032 CALL dbt_create(bs_env%t_RI_AO__AO, t_3c_x_g_2)
2034 bounds_i(1:2) = [bs_env%i_ao_start_from_atom(i_atoms(1)), &
2035 bs_env%i_ao_end_from_atom(i_atoms(2))]
2037 DO inner_loop_atoms_interval_index = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_inner_loop_atoms
2038 il_atoms = bs_env%inner_loop_atom_intervals(1:2, inner_loop_atoms_interval_index)
2041 atoms_ri=j_atoms, atoms_ao_2=il_atoms)
2043 CALL dbt_contract(alpha=1.0_dp, &
2045 tensor_2=t_3c_for_g, &
2047 tensor_3=t_3c_x_g, &
2048 contract_1=[2], notcontract_1=[1], map_1=[3], &
2049 contract_2=[3], notcontract_2=[1, 2], map_2=[1, 2], &
2050 bounds_2=bounds_i, &
2051 filter_eps=bs_env%eps_filter)
2055 CALL dbt_copy(t_3c_x_g, t_3c_x_g_2, order=[1, 3, 2], move_data=.true.)
2057 CALL dbt_contract(alpha=sign_sigma, &
2058 tensor_1=t_3c_x_w, &
2059 tensor_2=t_3c_x_g_2, &
2061 tensor_3=t_2c_sigma, &
2062 contract_1=[1, 2], notcontract_1=[3], map_1=[1], &
2063 contract_2=[1, 2], notcontract_2=[3], map_2=[2], &
2064 filter_eps=bs_env%eps_filter, move_data=clear_w, flop=flop)
2066 IF (
2067 IF (flop == 0_int_8) can_skip = .true.
2070 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_for_g)
2071 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_g)
2072 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_g_2)
2074 CALL timestop(handle)
2076 END SUBROUTINE contract_to_sigma
2085 SUBROUTINE fill_fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(fm_Sigma_c_Gamma_time, bs_env, &
2086 mat_Sigma_pos_tau, mat_Sigma_neg_tau)
2088 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: fm_sigma_c_gamma_time
2090 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_sigma_pos_tau, mat_sigma_neg_tau
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2094 INTEGER :: handle, i_t, ispin, pos_neg
2096 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2098 ALLOCATE (fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(bs_env%num_time_freq_points, 2, bs_env%n_spin))
2099 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
2100 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
2102 CALL cp_fm_create(fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(i_t, pos_neg, ispin), &
2103 bs_env%fm_s_Gamma%matrix_struct)
2106 fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(i_t, 1, ispin))
2108 fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(i_t, 2, ispin))
2112 CALL timestop(handle)
2114 END SUBROUTINE fill_fm_sigma_c_gamma_time
2120 SUBROUTINE print_skipping(bs_env)
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2126 INTEGER :: handle, i_intval_idx, j_intval_idx, &
2129 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2133 DO i_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_i
2134 DO j_intval_idx = 1, bs_env%n_intervals_j
2135 IF (bs_env%skip_Sigma_occ(i_intval_idx, j_intval_idx) .AND. &
2136 bs_env%skip_Sigma_vir(i_intval_idx, j_intval_idx))
2142 IF (bs_env%unit_nr > 0)
2143 WRITE (bs_env%unit_nr,
'(T2,A,T74,F7.1,A)') &
2144 Στ
'Sparsity of ^c(i,k=0): Percentage of skipped atom pairs:', &
2145 REAL(100*n_skip, kind=
dp)/real(i_intval_idx*j_intval_idx, kind=
' %'
2148 CALL timestop(handle)
2150 END SUBROUTINE print_skipping
2164 SUBROUTINE destroy_mat_sigma_c(t_2c_Gocc, t_2c_Gvir, t_2c_W, t_2c_Sigma_neg_tau, &
2165 t_2c_Sigma_pos_tau, t_3c_x_W, fm_W_MIC_time, &
2166 mat_Sigma_neg_tau, mat_Sigma_pos_tau)
2168 TYPE(dbt_type) :: t_2c_gocc, t_2c_gvir, t_2c_w, &
2169 t_2c_sigma_neg_tau, &
2170 t_2c_sigma_pos_tau, t_3c_x_w
2171 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_w_mic_time
2172 TYPE(
POINTER :: mat_sigma_neg_tau, mat_sigma_pos_tau
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2178 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2180 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_gocc)
2181 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_gvir)
2182 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_w)
2183 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_sigma_neg_tau)
2184 CALL dbt_destroy(t_2c_sigma_pos_tau)
2185 CALL dbt_destroy(t_3c_x_w)
2190 CALL timestop(handle)
2192 END SUBROUTINE destroy_mat_sigma_c
2198 SUBROUTINE delete_unnecessary_files(bs_env)
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2203 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: f_chi, f_w_t, prefix
2204 INTEGER :: handle, i_t
2206 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2208 prefix = bs_env%prefix
2210 DO i_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
2213 WRITE (f_chi,
'(3A,I1,A)') trim(prefix), bs_env%chi_name,
"_00", i_t,
2214 WRITE (f_w_t,
'(3A,I1,A)') trim(prefix), bs_env%W_time_name,
"_00", i_t,
2215 ELSE IF (i_t < 100)
2216 WRITE (f_chi,
'(3A,I2,A)') trim(prefix), bs_env%chi_name,
"_0", i_t,
2217 WRITE (f_w_t,
'(3A,I2,A)') trim(prefix), bs_env%W_time_name,
"_0", i_t,
2219 cpabort(
'Please implement more than 99 time/frequency points.')
2222 CALL safe_delete(f_chi, bs_env)
2223 CALL safe_delete(f_w_t, bs_env)
2227 CALL timestop(handle)
2229 END SUBROUTINE delete_unnecessary_files
2236 SUBROUTINE safe_delete(filename, bs_env)
2237 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: filename
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2245 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2247 IF (bs_env%para_env%mepos == 0)
2254 CALL timestop(handle)
2256 END SUBROUTINE safe_delete
2265 SUBROUTINE compute_qp_energies(bs_env, qs_env, fm_Sigma_x_Gamma, fm_Sigma_c_Gamma_time)
2269 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:) :: fm_sigma_x_gamma
2270 TYPE(
DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: fm_sigma_c_gamma_time
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2274 INTEGER :: handle, ikp, ispin, j_t
2275 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:) :: sigma_x_ikp_n, v_xc_ikp_n
2276 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: sigma_c_ikp_n_freq, sigma_c_ikp_n_time
2277 TYPE(
cp_cfm_type) :: cfm_ks_ikp, cfm_mos_ikp, cfm_s_ikp, &
2278 cfm_sigma_x_ikp, cfm_work_ikp
2280 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2282 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_mos_ikp, bs_env%fm_s_Gamma%matrix_struct)
2283 CALL cp_cfm_create(cfm_work_ikp, bs_env%fm_s_Gamma%matrix_struct)
2285 ALLOCATE (v_xc_ikp_n(bs_env%n_ao), sigma_x_ikp_n(bs_env%n_ao))
2286 ALLOCATE (sigma_c_ikp_n_time(bs_env%n_ao, bs_env%num_time_freq_points, 2))
2287 ALLOCATE (sigma_c_ikp_n_freq(bs_env%n_ao, bs_env%num_time_freq_points, 2))
2289 DO ispin = 1, bs_env%n_spin
2291 DO ikp = 1, bs_env%nkp_bs_and_DOS
2295 ikp, qs_env, bs_env%kpoints_DOS,
2299 ikp, qs_env, bs_env%kpoints_DOS,
2302 CALL cp_cfm_geeig(cfm_ks_ikp, cfm_s_ikp, cfm_mos_ikp, &
2303 bs_env%eigenval_scf(:, ikp, ispin), cfm_work_ikp)
2306 CALL to_ikp_and_mo(v_xc_ikp_n, bs_env%fm_V_xc_Gamma(ispin), &
2307 ikp, qs_env, bs_env, cfm_mos_ikp)
2310 CALL to_ikp_and_mo(sigma_x_ikp_n, fm_sigma_x_gamma(ispin), &
2311 ikp, qs_env, bs_env, cfm_mos_ikp)
2314 DO j_t = 1, bs_env%num_time_freq_points
2315 CALL to_ikp_and_mo(sigma_c_ikp_n_time(:, j_t, 1), &
2316 fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(j_t, 1, ispin), &
2317 ikp, qs_env, bs_env, cfm_mos_ikp)
2318 CALL to_ikp_and_mo(sigma_c_ikp_n_time(:, j_t, 2), &
2319 fm_sigma_c_gamma_time(j_t, 2, ispin), &
2320 ikp, qs_env, bs_env, cfm_mos_ikp)
2324 CALL time_to_freq(bs_env, sigma_c_ikp_n_time, sigma_c_ikp_n_freq, ispin)
2329 bs_env%eigenval_scf(:, ikp, ispin), ikp, ispin)
2345 CALL timestop(handle)
2347 END SUBROUTINE compute_qp_energies
2358 SUBROUTINE to_ikp_and_mo(array_ikp_n, fm_Gamma, ikp, qs_env, bs_env, cfm_mos_ikp)
2360 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:) :: array_ikp_n
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2372 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2374 CALL cp_fm_create(fm_ikp_mo_re, fm_gamma%matrix_struct)
2376 CALL fm_gamma_ao_to_cfm_ikp_mo(fm_gamma, fm_ikp_mo_re, ikp, qs_env, bs_env, cfm_mos_ikp)
2382 CALL timestop(handle)
2384 END SUBROUTINE to_ikp_and_mo
2395 SUBROUTINE fm_gamma_ao_to_cfm_ikp_mo(fm_Gamma, fm_ikp_mo_re, ikp, qs_env, bs_env, cfm_mos_ikp)
PARAMETER :: routinen =
2404 INTEGER :: handle, nmo
2405 TYPE(
cp_cfm_type) :: cfm_ikp_ao, cfm_ikp_mo, cfm_tmp
2407 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
2426 CALL timestop(handle)
2428 END SUBROUTINE fm_gamma_ao_to_cfm_ikp_mo
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int idx(const orbital a)
Return coset index of given orbital angular momentum.
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
subroutine, public get_cell(cell, alpha, beta, gamma, deth, orthorhombic, abc, periodic, h, h_inv, symmetry_id, tag)
Get informations about a simulation cell.
constants for the different operators of the 2c-integrals
integer, parameter, public operator_coulomb
Basic linear algebra operations for complex full matrices.
subroutine, public cp_cfm_uplo_to_full(matrix, workspace, uplo)
various cholesky decomposition related routines
subroutine, public cp_cfm_cholesky_decompose(matrix, n, info_out)
Used to replace a symmetric positive definite matrix M with its Cholesky decomposition U: M = U^T * U...
subroutine, public cp_cfm_cholesky_invert(matrix, n, info_out)
Used to replace Cholesky decomposition by the inverse.
used for collecting diagonalization schemes available for cp_cfm_type
subroutine, public cp_cfm_geeig(amatrix, bmatrix, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, work)
General Eigenvalue Problem AX = BXE Single option version: Cholesky decomposition of B.
Represents a complex full matrix distributed on many processors.
subroutine, public cp_cfm_create(matrix, matrix_struct, name)
Creates a new full matrix with the given structure.
subroutine, public cp_cfm_release(matrix)
Releases a full matrix.
subroutine, public cp_fm_to_cfm(msourcer, msourcei, mtarget)
Construct a complex full matrix by taking its real and imaginary parts from two separate real-value f...
subroutine, public cp_cfm_get_info(matrix, name, nrow_global, ncol_global, nrow_block, ncol_block, nrow_local, ncol_local, row_indices, col_indices, local_data, context, matrix_struct, para_env)
Returns information about a full matrix.
subroutine, public cp_cfm_to_fm(msource, mtargetr, mtargeti)
Copy real and imaginary parts of a complex full matrix into separate real-value full matrices.
subroutine, public dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(matrix)
subroutine, public dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iterator, row, column, block, block_number_argument_has_been_removed, row_size, col_size, row_offset, col_offset)
logical function, public dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iterator)
subroutine, public dbcsr_iterator_stop(iterator)
subroutine, public dbcsr_copy(matrix_b, matrix_a, name, keep_sparsity, keep_imaginary)
subroutine, public dbcsr_get_block_p(matrix, row, col, block, found, row_size, col_size)
subroutine, public dbcsr_iterator_start(iterator, matrix, shared, dynamic, dynamic_byrows)
subroutine, public dbcsr_set(matrix, alpha)
subroutine, public dbcsr_release(matrix)
subroutine, public dbcsr_add(matrix_a, matrix_b, alpha_scalar, beta_scalar)
subroutine, public dbcsr_reserve_all_blocks(matrix)
Reserves all blocks.
DBCSR operations in CP2K.
subroutine, public copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix, fm)
Copy a DBCSR matrix to a BLACS matrix.
subroutine, public copy_fm_to_dbcsr(fm, matrix, keep_sparsity)
Copy a BLACS matrix to a dbcsr matrix.
Utility routines to open and close files. Tracking of preconnections.
subroutine, public open_file(file_name, file_status, file_form, file_action, file_position, file_pad, unit_number, debug, skip_get_unit_number, file_access)
Opens the requested file using a free unit number.
subroutine, public close_file(unit_number, file_status, keep_preconnection)
Close an open file given by its logical unit number. Optionally, keep the file and unit preconnected.
logical function, public file_exists(file_name)
Checks if file exists, considering also the file discovery mechanism.
basic linear algebra operations for full matrices
subroutine, public cp_fm_scale_and_add(alpha, matrix_a, beta, matrix_b)
calc A <- alpha*A + beta*B optimized for alpha == 1.0 (just add beta*B) and beta == 0....
used for collecting some of the diagonalization schemes available for cp_fm_type. cp_fm_power also mo...
subroutine, public cp_fm_power(matrix, work, exponent, threshold, n_dependent, verbose, eigvals)
represent a full matrix distributed on many processors
subroutine, public cp_fm_get_diag(matrix, diag)
returns the diagonal elements of a fm
subroutine, public cp_fm_get_info(matrix, name, nrow_global, ncol_global, nrow_block, ncol_block, nrow_local, ncol_local, row_indices, col_indices, local_data, context, nrow_locals, ncol_locals, matrix_struct, para_env)
returns all kind of information about the full matrix
subroutine, public cp_fm_write_unformatted(fm, unit)
subroutine, public cp_fm_read_unformatted(fm, unit)
subroutine, public cp_fm_set_all(matrix, alpha, beta)
set all elements of a matrix to the same value, and optionally the diagonal to a different one
subroutine, public cp_fm_create(matrix, matrix_struct, name, use_sp)
creates a new full matrix with the given structure
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
routines to handle the output, The idea is to remove the decision of wheter to output and what to out...
integer function, public cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, basis_section, print_key_path, extension, middle_name, local, log_filename, ignore_should_output, file_form, file_position, file_action, file_status, do_backup, on_file, is_new_file, mpi_io, fout)
integer, parameter, public cp_p_file
integer function, public cp_print_key_should_output(iteration_info, basis_section, print_key_path, used_print_key, first_time)
returns what should be done with the given property if btest(res,cp_p_store) then the property should...
This is the start of a dbt_api, all publically needed functions are exported here....
subroutine, public fm_to_local_tensor(fm_global, mat_global, mat_local, tensor, bs_env, atom_ranges)
subroutine, public local_dbt_to_global_mat(tensor, mat_tensor, mat_global, para_env)
Routines from paper [Graml2024].
subroutine, public gw_calc_large_cell_gamma(qs_env, bs_env)
Perform GW band structure calculation.
subroutine, public compute_3c_integrals(qs_env, bs_env, t_3c, atoms_ao_1, atoms_ao_2, atoms_ri)
subroutine, public time_to_freq(bs_env, sigma_c_n_time, sigma_c_n_freq, ispin)
subroutine, public de_init_bs_env(bs_env)
subroutine, public analyt_conti_and_print(bs_env, sigma_c_ikp_n_freq, sigma_x_ikp_n, v_xc_ikp_n, eigenval_scf, ikp, ispin)
Defines the basic variable types.
integer, parameter, public int_8
integer, parameter, public dp
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Routines to compute the Coulomb integral V_(alpha beta)(k) for a k-point k using lattice summation in...
subroutine, public build_2c_coulomb_matrix_kp(matrix_v_kp, kpoints, basis_type, cell, particle_set, qs_kind_set, atomic_kind_set, size_lattice_sum, operator_type, ikp_start, ikp_end)
Types and basic routines needed for a kpoint calculation.
Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX.
real(kind=dp) function, public m_walltime()
returns time from a real-time clock, protected against rolling early/easily
Definition of mathematical constants and functions.
complex(kind=dp), parameter, public z_one
real(kind=dp), parameter, public twopi
complex(kind=dp), parameter, public z_zero
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
subroutine, public mp_file_delete(filepath, info)
Deletes a file. Auxiliary routine to emulate 'replace' action for mp_file_open. Only the master proce...
Framework for 2c-integrals for RI.
subroutine, public ri_2c_integral_mat(qs_env, fm_matrix_minv_l_kpoints, fm_matrix_l, dimen_ri, ri_metric, do_kpoints, kpoints, put_mat_ks_env, regularization_ri, ikp_ext, do_build_cell_index)
basic linear algebra operations for full matrixes
Define the data structure for the particle information.
subroutine, public cfm_ikp_from_fm_gamma(cfm_ikp, fm_gamma, ikp, qs_env, kpoints, basis_type)
subroutine, public get_all_vbm_cbm_bandgaps(bs_env)
subroutine, public mic_contribution_from_ikp(bs_env, qs_env, fm_w_mic_freq_j, cfm_w_ikp_freq_j, ikp, kpoints, basis_type, wkp_ext)
subroutine, public get_qs_env(qs_env, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, cell, super_cell, cell_ref, use_ref_cell, kpoints, dft_control, mos, sab_orb, sab_all, qmmm, qmmm_periodic, sac_ae, sac_ppl, sac_lri, sap_ppnl, sab_vdw, sab_scp, sap_oce, sab_lrc, sab_se, sab_xtbe, sab_tbe, sab_core, sab_xb, sab_xtb_pp, sab_xtb_nonbond, sab_almo, sab_kp, sab_kp_nosym, particle_set, energy, force, matrix_h, matrix_h_im, matrix_ks, matrix_ks_im, matrix_vxc, run_rtp, rtp, matrix_h_kp, matrix_h_im_kp, matrix_ks_kp, matrix_ks_im_kp, matrix_vxc_kp, kinetic_kp, matrix_s_kp, matrix_w_kp, matrix_s_ri_aux_kp, matrix_s, matrix_s_ri_aux, matrix_w, matrix_p_mp2, matrix_p_mp2_admm, rho, rho_xc, pw_env, ewald_env, ewald_pw, active_space, mpools, input, para_env, blacs_env, scf_control, rel_control, kinetic, qs_charges, vppl, rho_core, rho_nlcc, rho_nlcc_g, ks_env, ks_qmmm_env, wf_history, scf_env, local_particles, local_molecules, distribution_2d, dbcsr_dist, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, subsys, cp_subsys, oce, local_rho_set, rho_atom_set, task_list, task_list_soft, rho0_atom_set, rho0_mpole, rhoz_set, ecoul_1c, rho0_s_rs, rho0_s_gs, do_kpoints, has_unit_metric, requires_mo_derivs, mo_derivs, mo_loc_history, nkind, natom, nelectron_total, nelectron_spin, efield, neighbor_list_id, linres_control, xas_env, virial, cp_ddapc_env, cp_ddapc_ewald, outer_scf_history, outer_scf_ihistory, x_data, et_coupling, dftb_potential, results, se_taper, se_store_int_env, se_nddo_mpole, se_nonbond_env, admm_env, lri_env, lri_density, exstate_env, ec_env, harris_env, dispersion_env, gcp_env, vee, rho_external, external_vxc, mask, mp2_env, bs_env, kg_env, wanniercentres, atprop, ls_scf_env, do_transport, transport_env, v_hartree_rspace, s_mstruct_changed, rho_changed, potential_changed, forces_up_to_date, mscfg_env, almo_scf_env, gradient_history, variable_history, embed_pot, spin_embed_pot, polar_env, mos_last_converged, eeq, rhs)
Get the QUICKSTEP environment.
Define the quickstep kind type and their sub types.
Utility methods to build 3-center integral tensors of various types.
subroutine, public build_3c_integrals(t3c, filter_eps, qs_env, nl_3c, basis_i, basis_j, basis_k, potential_parameter, int_eps, op_pos, do_kpoints, do_hfx_kpoints, desymmetrize, cell_sym, bounds_i, bounds_j, bounds_k, ri_range, img_to_ri_cell, cell_to_index_ext)
Build 3-center integral tensor.
Routines treating GW and RPA calculations with kpoints.
subroutine, public cp_cfm_power(matrix, threshold, exponent, min_eigval)
Provides all information about an atomic kind.
Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell.
Represent a complex full matrix.
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...
Contains information about kpoints.
Provides all information about a quickstep kind.