57#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
63 CHARACTER(len=*),
PRIVATE :: moduleN =
83 CHARACTER(len=*),
PARAMETER :: routinen =
85 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: elem
86 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: filename
87 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length), &
POINTER :: tmpstringlist
89 INTEGER :: do_eric, do_erie, handle, i, im, in, iw, k, maxl, mb, method, mo, n_meth, n_rep, &
90 nder, nr_gh, num_gau, num_gto, num_pol, reltyp, zcore, zval, zz
DIMENSION(0:lmat) :: maxn
93 LOGICAL :: dm, do_gh, do_zmp, doread, eri_c, eri_e, &
94 graph, had_ae, had_pp, lcomp, lcond, &
96 REAL(kind=
dp) :: crad, delta, lambda
97 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:) :: ext_density, ext_vxc
98 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(0:lmat, 10) :: pocc
103 TYPE(
POINTER :: atom_info
107 TYPE(
POINTER :: admm_section, basis_section, external_vxc_section, &
108 method_section, opt_section, potential_section, powell_section, sgp_section, xc_section, &
109 zmp_restart_section, zmp_section
111 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
118 IF (
ptable(i)%symbol == elem)
123 IF (zz /= 1) zval = zz
126 ALLOCATE (ae_basis, pp_basis)
128 NULLIFY (ae_basis%grid)
130 NULLIFY (pp_basis%grid)
137 IF (iw > 0)
CALL atom_print_info(zval,
"Atomic Energy Calculation", iw)
147 NULLIFY (potential_section)
149 ALLOCATE (ae_pot, p_pot)
167 DO in = 1, min(
SIZE(cn), 4)
168 maxn(in - 1) = cn(in)
171 maxn(in) = min(maxn(in), ae_basis%nbas(in))
172 maxn(in) = min(maxn(in), pp_basis%nbas(in))
189 ALLOCATE (ae_int, pp_int)
191 ALLOCATE (atom_info(n_rep, n_meth))
196 NULLIFY (atom_info(in, im)%atom)
199 atom_info(in, im)%atom%optimization = optimization
201 atom_info(in, im)%atom%z = zval
203 atom_info(in, im)%atom%xc_section => xc_section
212 atom_info(in, im)%atom%do_zmp = do_zmp
214 atom_info(in, im)%atom%ext_file = filename
216 r_val=atom_info(in, im)%atom%zmpgrid_tol)
218 atom_info(in, im)%atom%lambda = lambda
220 atom_info(in, im)%atom%dm = dm
224 atom_info(in, im)%atom%doread = doread
226 atom_info(in, im)%atom%zmp_restart_file = filename
231 atom_info(in, im)%atom%read_vxc = read_vxc
233 atom_info(in, im)%atom%ext_vxc_file = filename
235 r_val=atom_info(in, im)%atom%zmpvxcgrid_tol)
241 c_vals=tmpstringlist)
249 state%maxl_calc = max(maxl, state%maxl_occ)
250 state%maxl_calc = min(
lmat, state%maxl_calc)
252 DO k = 0, state%maxl_calc
253 state%maxn_calc(k) = max(maxn(k), state%maxn_occ(k))
257 pp_calc = any(index(tmpstringlist(1:),
"CORE") /= 0)
262 zcore = zval - nint(sum(state%core))
263 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, zcore=zcore, pp_calc=.true.)
266 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, zcore=zval, pp_calc=.false.)
271 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, method_type=method, relativistic=reltyp)
291 potential=p_pot, eri_coulomb=eri_c, eri_exchange=eri_e)
295 NULLIFY (pp_int%tzora, pp_int%hdkh)
297 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, basis=pp_basis, integrals=pp_int, potential=p_pot)
298 state%maxn_calc(:) = min(state%maxn_calc(:), pp_basis%nbas(:))
299 cpassert(all(state%maxn_calc(:) >= state%maxn_occ))
304 eri_coulomb=eri_c, eri_exchange=eri_e)
310 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, basis=ae_basis, integrals=ae_int, potential=ae_pot)
311 state%maxn_calc(:) = min(state%maxn_calc(:), ae_basis%nbas(:))
312 cpassert(all(state%maxn_calc(:) >= state%maxn_occ))
316 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, state=state)
318 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, coulomb_integral_type=do_eric, &
319 exchange_integral_type=do_erie)
320 atom_info(in, im)%atom%hfx_pot%do_gh = do_gh
321 atom_info(in, im)%atom%hfx_pot%nr_gh = nr_gh
324 mo = maxval(state%maxn_calc)
325 mb = maxval(atom_info(in, im)%atom%basis%nbas)
327 CALL set_atom(atom_info(in, im)%atom, orbitals=orbitals)
336 IF (atom_info(in, im)%atom%do_zmp)
339 ALLOCATE (ext_density(atom_info(in, im)%atom%basis%grid%nr))
343 atom=atom_info(in, im)%atom, &
345 DEALLOCATE (ext_density)
348 IF (atom_info(in, im)%atom%read_vxc)
349 ALLOCATE (ext_vxc(atom_info(in, im)%atom%basis%grid%nr))
353 atom=atom_info(in, im)%atom, &
371 CALL atom_fit_density(atom_info(in, im)%atom, num_gto, 0, iw, powell_section=powell_section)
381 CALL atom_fit_kgpot(atom_info(in, im)%atom, num_gau, num_pol, iw, powell_section=powell_section)
390 CALL atom_response_basis(atom_info(in, im)%atom, delta, nder, iw)
396 file_position=
398 CALL atom_write_upf(atom_info(in, im)%atom, iw)
407 iw =
cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, atom_section,
416 CALL section_vals_val_get(atom_section,
434 CALL atom_admm(atom_info, admm_section, iw)
439 iw =
cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, atom_section,
468 DEALLOCATE (atom_info)
470 DEALLOCATE (ae_pot, p_pot, ae_basis, pp_basis, ae_int, pp_int)
472 CALL timestop(handle)
486 SUBROUTINE atom_response_basis(atom, delta, nder, iw)
489 REAL(kind=
INTENT(IN) :: delta
INTENT(IN) :: nder, iw
492 INTEGER :: i, ider, j, k, l, lhomo, m, n, nhomo, &
494 REAL(kind=
dp) :: dene, emax, expzet, fhomo, o, prefac, &
496 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:, :) :: amat
497 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: rbasis
498 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:, :, :, :) :: wfn
499 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:, :, :),
POINTER :: ovlp
502 WRITE (iw,
'(/," ",79("*"),/,T30,A,A/," ",79("*"))')
505 ovlp =>
511 DO l = 0, state%maxl_occ
512 DO i = 1, state%maxn_occ(l)
513 IF (
atom%orbitals%ener(i, l) > emax)
516 emax =
atom%orbitals%ener(i, l)
517 fhomo = state%occupation(l, i)
522 s1 =
atom%orbitals%wfn, 1)
523 s2 =
atom%orbitals%wfn, 2)
524 ALLOCATE (wfn(s1, s2, 0:
lmat, -nder:nder))
525 s2 = maxval(state%maxn_occ) + nder
526 ALLOCATE (rbasis(s1, s2, 0:
529 DO ider = -nder, nder
530 dene = real(ider, kind=
531 cpassert(fhomo > abs(dene))
532 state%occupation(lhomo, nhomo) = fhomo + dene
534 wfn(:, :, :, ider) =
535 state%occupation(lhomo, nhomo) = fhomo
538 DO l = 0, state%maxl_occ
540 DO i = 1, max(state%maxn_occ(l), 1)
541 rbasis(:, i, l) = wfn(:, i, l, 0)
545 i = max(state%maxn_occ(l), 1)
548 rbasis(:, i + 1, l) = 0.5_dp*(wfn(:, i, l, 1) - wfn(:, i, l, -1))/delta
550 rbasis(:, i + 2, l) = 0.25_dp*(wfn(:, i, l, 2) - 2._dp*wfn(:, i, l, 0) + wfn(:, i, l, -2))/delta**2
552 rbasis(:, i + 3, l) = 0.125_dp*(wfn(:, i, l, 3) - 3._dp*wfn(:, i, l, 1) &
553 + 3._dp*wfn(:, i, l, -1) - wfn(:, i, l, -3))/delta**3
560 n = state%maxn_occ(l) + nder
561 m =
564 o = dot_product(rbasis(1:m, j, l), reshape(matmul(ovlp(1:m, 1:m, l), rbasis(1:m, i:i, l)), (/m/)))
565 rbasis(1:m, i, l) = rbasis(1:m, i, l) - o*rbasis(1:m, j, l)
567 o = dot_product(rbasis(1:m, i, l), reshape(matmul(ovlp(1:m, 1:m, l), rbasis(1:m, i:i, l)), (/m/)))
568 rbasis(1:m, i, l) = rbasis(1:m, i, l)/sqrt(o)
572 ALLOCATE (amat(n, n))
573 amat(1:n, 1:n) = matmul(transpose(rbasis(1:m, 1:n, l)), matmul(ovlp(1:m, 1:m, l), rbasis(1:m, 1:n, l)))
575 amat(i, i) = amat(i, i) - 1._dp
577 IF (maxval(abs(amat)) > 1.e-12)
578 WRITE (iw,
" Orthogonality error ", maxval(abs(amat))
583 WRITE (iw,
" Angular momentum :", l
585 WRITE (iw,
" Exponent Coef.(Quickstep Normalization), first ", &
586 n - nder,
" valence ", nder,
" response"
587 expzet = 0.25_dp*real(2*l + 3,
588 prefac = sqrt(
rootpi/2._dp**(l + 2)*
dfac(2*l + 1))
590 zeta = (2._dp*
atom%basis%am(i, l))**expzet
591 WRITE (iw,
atom%basis%am(i, l), ((prefac*rbasis(i, k, l)/zeta), k=1, n)
596 DEALLOCATE (wfn, rbasis)
598 WRITE (iw,
'(" ",79("*"))')
600 END SUBROUTINE atom_response_basis
609 SUBROUTINE atom_write_upf(atom, iw)
INTENT(IN) :: iw
614 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: string
615 INTEGER :: i, ibeta, j, k, l, lmax, nbeta, nr, &
618 REAL(kind=
dp) :: pf, rl, rmax
619 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:) :: beta, corden, dens, ef, locpot, rp
620 REAL(kind=
DIMENSION(:, :) :: dij
623 IF (.NOT.
625 pot =>
626 cpassert(.NOT. pot%lsdpot)
628 WRITE (iw,
'<UPF version="2.0.1">'
630 WRITE (iw,
631 WRITE (iw,
'Converted from CP2K GTH format'
632 WRITE (iw,
634 WRITE (iw,
635 WRITE (iw,
636 WRITE (iw,
637 WRITE (iw,
'generated="Generated in analytical, separable form"'
638 WRITE (iw,
639 WRITE (iw,
'date="Phys.Rev.B58, 3641 (1998); B54, 1703 (1996)"'
640 WRITE (iw,
'comment="This file generated by CP2K ATOM code"'
641 CALL compose(string,
"element", cval=pot%symbol)
642 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
643 WRITE (iw,
644 WRITE (iw,
645 WRITE (iw,
646 WRITE (iw,
647 WRITE (iw,
648 WRITE (iw,
649 WRITE (iw,
650 WRITE (iw,
651 WRITE (iw,
653 WRITE (iw,
655 WRITE (iw,
657 WRITE (iw,
658 CALL compose(string,
"z_valence", rval=pot%zion)
659 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
660 CALL compose(string,
"total_psenergy", rval=2._dp*
661 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
662 WRITE (iw,
663 WRITE (iw,
666 IF (pot%nl(l) > 0) lmax = l
668 CALL compose(string,
"l_max", ival=lmax)
669 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
670 WRITE (iw,
671 WRITE (iw,
672 nr =
673 CALL compose(string,
"mesh_size", ival=nr)
674 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
675 nwfc = sum(
676 CALL compose(string,
"number_of_wfc", ival=nwfc)
677 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
679 CALL compose(string,
"number_of_proj", ival=nbeta)
680 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)//
683 up =
atom%basis%grid%rad(1) <
684 WRITE (iw,
685 WRITE (iw,
686 CALL compose(string,
"mesh", ival=nr)
687 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
688 WRITE (iw,
689 rmax = maxval(
690 CALL compose(string,
"rmax", rval=rmax)
691 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
692 WRITE (iw,
693 WRITE (iw,
'<PP_R type="real"'
694 CALL compose(string,
"size", ival=nr)
695 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,A)') trim(string)
696 WRITE (iw,
698 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (
atom%basis%grid%rad(i), i=1, nr)
700 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (
atom%basis%grid%rad(i), i=nr, 1, -1)
702 WRITE (iw,
703 WRITE (iw,
'<PP_RAB type="real"'
704 CALL compose(string,
"size", ival=nr)
705 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,A)') trim(string)
706 WRITE (iw,
708 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (
atom%basis%grid%rad2(i), i=1, nr)
710 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (
atom%basis%grid%rad2(i), i=nr, 1, -1)
712 WRITE (iw,
713 WRITE (iw,
717 WRITE (iw,
'<PP_NLCC type="real"'
718 CALL compose(string,
"size", ival=nr)
719 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
720 WRITE (iw,
721 ALLOCATE (corden(nr))
725 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,4ES25.12E3)') (corden(i), i=1, nr)
727 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,4ES25.12E3)') (corden(i), i=nr, 1, -1)
730 WRITE (iw,
734 WRITE (iw,
'<PP_LOCAL type="real"'
735 CALL compose(string,
"size", ival=nr)
736 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
737 WRITE (iw,
738 ALLOCATE (locpot(nr))
742 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,4ES25.12E3)') (2.0_dp*locpot(i), i=1, nr)
744 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,4ES25.12E3)') (2.0_dp*locpot(i), i=nr, 1, -1)
747 WRITE (iw,
750 WRITE (iw,
751 ALLOCATE (rp(nr), ef(nr), beta(nr))
754 IF (pot%nl(l) == 0) cycle
756 rp(:) =
757 ef(:) = exp(-0.5_dp*rp*rp/(rl*rl))
759 pf = rl**(l + 0.5_dp*(4._dp*i - 1._dp))
761 pf = sqrt(2._dp)/(pf*sqrt(
762 beta(:) = pf*rp**(l + 2*i - 2)*ef
764 CALL compose(string,
"<PP_BETA", counter=ibeta)
765 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
766 CALL compose(string,
"angular_momentum", ival=l)
767 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,A)') trim(string)
768 WRITE (iw,
769 CALL compose(string,
"size", ival=nr)
770 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,A)') trim(string)
771 WRITE (iw,
774 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (2._dp*beta(j), j=1, nr)
776 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (2._dp*beta(j), j=nr, 1, -1)
778 CALL compose(string,
"</PP_BETA", counter=ibeta, isfinal=.true.)
779 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
782 DEALLOCATE (rp, ef, beta)
784 ALLOCATE (dij(nbeta, nbeta))
787 IF (pot%nl(l) == 0) cycle
788 ibeta = sum(pot%nl(0:l - 1)) + 1
789 i = ibeta + pot%nl(l) - 1
790 dij(ibeta:i, ibeta:i) = pot%hnl(1:pot%nl(l), 1:pot%nl(l), l)
792 WRITE (iw,
'<PP_DIJ type="real"'
793 WRITE (iw,
794 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') ((0.5_dp*dij(i, j), j=1, nbeta), i=1, nbeta)
795 WRITE (iw,
797 WRITE (iw,
801 WRITE (iw,
805 IF (abs(
atom%state%occupation(l, i)) == 0._dp) cycle
807 CALL compose(string,
"<PP_CHI", counter=nwfn)
808 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
809 CALL compose(string,
"l", ival=l)
810 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,A)') trim(string)
811 CALL compose(string,
"occupation", rval=
atom%state%occupation(l, i))
812 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,A)') trim(string)
813 CALL compose(string,
"pseudo_energy", rval=2._dp*
atom%orbitals%ener(i, l))
814 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,A)') trim(string)
815 WRITE (iw,
817 DO k = 1,
818 beta(:) = beta(:) +
atom%orbitals%wfn(k, i, l)*
atom%basis%bf(:, k, l)
820 beta(:) = beta*
822 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (beta(j)*
atom%basis%grid%rad(j), j=1, nr)
824 WRITE (iw,
'(T12,4ES25.12E3)') (beta(j)*
atom%basis%grid%rad(j), j=nr, 1, -1)
826 CALL compose(string,
"</PP_CHI", counter=nwfn, isfinal=.true.)
827 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
830 WRITE (iw,
835 WRITE (iw,
'<PP_RHOATOM type="real"'
836 CALL compose(string,
"size", ival=nr)
837 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,A)') trim(string)
838 WRITE (iw,
840 "RHO",
842 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,4ES25.12E3)') (4._dp*
atom%basis%grid%rad2(j), j=1, nr)
844 WRITE (iw,
'(T8,4ES25.12E3)') (4._dp*
atom%basis%grid%rad2(j), j=nr, 1, -1)
846 WRITE (iw,
849 WRITE (iw,
851 END SUBROUTINE atom_write_upf
865 SUBROUTINE compose(string, tag, counter, rval, ival, cval, isfinal)
866 CHARACTER(len=*),
INTENT(OUT) :: string
867 CHARACTER(len=*),
INTENT(IN) :: tag
OPTIONAL :: counter
869 REAL(kind=
OPTIONAL :: rval
OPTIONAL :: ival
871 CHARACTER(len=*),
OPTIONAL :: cval
OPTIONAL :: isfinal
874 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: str
877 IF (
878 WRITE (str,
"(I12)") counter
879 ELSEIF (
880 WRITE (str,
"(G18.8)") rval
881 ELSEIF (
882 WRITE (str,
"(I12)") ival
883 ELSEIF (
884 WRITE (str,
"(A)") trim(adjustl(cval))
886 WRITE (str,
889 IF (
PRESENT(isfinal)) fin = isfinal
890 IF (
892 WRITE (string,
"(A,A1,A,A1)") trim(adjustl(tag)),
'.', trim(adjustl(str)),
894 WRITE (string,
"(A,A1,A)") trim(adjustl(tag)),
'.', trim(adjustl(str))
898 WRITE (string,
"(A,A2,A,A2)") trim(adjustl(tag)),
'="', trim(adjustl(str)),
900 WRITE (string,
"(A,A2,A,A1)") trim(adjustl(tag)),
'="', trim(adjustl(str)),
903 END SUBROUTINE compose
program graph
Program to Map on grid the hills spawned during a metadynamics run.
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE orbital up(const int i, const orbital a)
Increase i'th component of given orbital angular momentum.
subroutine, public atom_admm(atom_info, admm_section, iw)
Analysis of ADMM approximation to exact exchange.
subroutine, public calculate_atom(atom, iw, noguess, converged)
General routine to perform electronic structure atomic calculations.
subroutine, public atom_energy_opt(atom_section)
Compute the atomic energy.
routines that fit parameters for /from atomic calculations
subroutine, public atom_fit_density(atom, num_gto, norder, iunit, agto, powell_section, results)
Fit the atomic electron density using a geometrical Gaussian basis set.
subroutine, public atom_fit_kgpot(atom, num_gau, num_pol, iunit, powell_section, results)
subroutine, public atom_grb_construction(atom_info, atom_section, iw)
Construct geometrical response basis set.
Calculate the atomic operator matrices.
subroutine, public atom_ppint_release(integrals)
Release memory allocated for atomic integrals (core electrons).
subroutine, public atom_int_setup(integrals, basis, potential, eri_coulomb, eri_exchange, all_nu)
Set up atomic integrals.
subroutine, public atom_relint_setup(integrals, basis, reltyp, zcore, alpha)
subroutine, public atom_relint_release(integrals)
Release memory allocated for atomic integrals (relativistic effects).
subroutine, public atom_ppint_setup(integrals, basis, potential)
subroutine, public atom_int_release(integrals)
Release memory allocated for atomic integrals (valence electrons).
Routines that print various information about an atomic kind.
subroutine, public atom_print_orbitals(atom, iw, xmgrace)
Print atomic orbitals.
subroutine, public atom_print_basis(atom_basis, iw, title)
Print atomic basis set.
subroutine, public atom_write_pseudo_param(gthpot, iunit)
Print GTH pseudo-potential parameters.
subroutine, public atom_print_method(atom, iw)
Print information about the electronic structure method in use.
subroutine, public atom_print_potential(potential, iw)
Print information about the pseudo-potential.
subroutine, public atom_print_info(zval, info, iw)
Print an information string related to the atomic kind.
subroutine, public atom_sgp_construction(atom_info, input_section, iw)
Define the atom type and its sub types.
subroutine, public read_atom_opt_section(optimization, opt_section)
subroutine, public create_atom_type(atom)
subroutine, public release_atom_type(atom)
subroutine, public release_atom_potential(potential)
subroutine, public init_atom_basis(basis, basis_section, zval, btyp)
Initialize the basis for the atomic code.
integer, parameter, public lmat
subroutine, public set_atom(atom, basis, state, integrals, orbitals, potential, zcore, pp_calc, do_zmp, doread, read_vxc, method_type, relativistic, coulomb_integral_type, exchange_integral_type, fmat)
subroutine, public init_atom_potential(potential, potential_section, zval)
subroutine, public release_atom_basis(basis)
subroutine, public create_atom_orbs(orbs, mbas, mo)
Some basic routines for atomic calculations.
subroutine, public atom_condnumber(basis, crad, iw)
Print condition numbers of the given atomic basis set.
pure subroutine, public atom_local_potential(locpot, gthpot, rr)
subroutine, public atom_read_external_vxc(vxc, atom, iw)
ZMP subroutine to read external v_xc in the atomic code.
pure logical function, public atom_consistent_method(method, multiplicity)
Check that the atomic multiplicity is consistent with the electronic structure method.
subroutine, public atom_core_density(corden, potential, typ, rr)
pure integer function, dimension(0:lmat), public get_maxn_occ(occupation)
Return the maximum principal quantum number of occupied orbitals.
subroutine, public atom_density(density, pmat, basis, maxl, typ, rr)
Map the electron density on an atomic radial grid.
subroutine, public atom_read_external_density(density, atom, iw)
ZMP subroutine to read external density from linear grid of density matrix.
subroutine, public atom_completeness(basis, zv, iw)
Estimate completeness of the given atomic basis set.
subroutine, public atom_write_zmp_restart(atom)
ZMP subroutine to write external restart file.
subroutine, public atom_set_occupation(ostring, occupation, wfnocc, multiplicity)
Set occupation of atomic orbitals.
pure integer function, public get_maxl_occ(occupation)
Return the maximum orbital quantum number of occupied orbitals.
routines that build the integrals of the Vxc potential calculated for the atomic code
subroutine, public calculate_atom_ext_vxc(vxc, atom, lprint, xcmat)
ZMP subroutine for the scf external density from the external v_xc.
subroutine, public calculate_atom_zmp(ext_density, atom, lprint, xcmat)
ZMP subroutine for the calculation of the effective constraint potential in the atomic code.
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
routines to handle the output, The idea is to remove the decision of wheter to output and what to out...
integer function, public cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, basis_section, print_key_path, extension, middle_name, local, log_filename, ignore_should_output, file_form, file_position, file_action, file_status, do_backup, on_file, is_new_file, mpi_io, fout)
subroutine, public cp_print_key_finished_output(unit_nr, logger, basis_section, print_key_path, local, ignore_should_output, on_file, mpi_io)
should be called after you finish working with a unit obtained with cp_print_key_unit_nr,...
Defines the basic variable types.
integer, parameter, public dp
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition of mathematical constants and functions.
real(kind=dp), dimension(0:maxfac), parameter, public gamma1
real(kind=dp), parameter, public pi
real(kind=dp), dimension(-1:2 *maxfac+1), parameter, public dfac
real(kind=dp), parameter, public rootpi
Periodic Table related data definitions.
type(atom), dimension(0:nelem), public ptable
integer, parameter, public nelem
Definition of physical constants:
real(kind=dp), parameter, public bohr
Routines to facilitate writing XMGRACE files.
Provides all information about a basis set.
Provides all information about a pseudopotential.
Information on optimization procedure.
Holds atomic orbitals and energies.
Provides all information on states and occupation.
Provides all information about an atomic kind.
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...