No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief 3-center integrals machinery for the XAS_TDP method
10!> \author A. Bussy (03.2020)
11! **************************************************************************************************
14 USE omp_lib, ONLY: omp_get_max_threads,&
15 omp_get_num_threads,&
16 omp_get_thread_num
23 USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_type
31 USE cp_files, ONLY: close_file,&
33 USE dbcsr_api, ONLY: dbcsr_distribution_get,&
34 dbcsr_distribution_release,&
35 dbcsr_distribution_type
36 USE dbt_api, ONLY: &
37 dbt_create, dbt_distribution_destroy, dbt_distribution_new, dbt_distribution_type, &
38 dbt_finalize, dbt_pgrid_create, dbt_pgrid_destroy, dbt_pgrid_type, dbt_put_block, &
39 dbt_reserve_blocks, dbt_type
44 USE eri_mme_types, ONLY: eri_mme_init,&
46 USE gamma, ONLY: init_md_ftable
53 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
64 USE mathlib, ONLY: invmat_symm
65 USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_comm_type,&
68 USE orbital_pointers, ONLY: ncoset
74 USE qs_kind_types, ONLY: get_qs_kind,&
76 USE qs_neighbor_list_types, ONLY: &
94 USE t_c_g0, ONLY: get_lmax_init,&
95 init
98#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
103 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'xas_tdp_integrals'
111! **************************************************************************************************
112!> \brief Prepares a tensor to hold 3-center integrals (pq|X), where p,q are distributed according
113!> to the given 2d dbcsr distribution of the given . The third dimension of the tensor is
114!> iteslf not distributed (i.e. the t_pgrid's third dimension has size 1). The blocks are
115!> reserved according to the neighbor lists
116!> \param pq_X the tensor to store the integrals
117!> \param ab_nl the 1st and 2nd center neighbor list
118!> \param ac_nl the 1st and 3rd center neighbor list
119!> \param matrix_dist ...
120!> \param blk_size_1 the block size in the first dimension
121!> \param blk_size_2 the block size in the second dimension
122!> \param blk_size_3 the block size in the third dimension
123!> \param only_bc_same_center only keep block if, for the corresponding integral (ab|c), b and c
124!> share the same center, i.e. r_bc = 0.0
125! **************************************************************************************************
126 SUBROUTINE create_pqx_tensor(pq_X, ab_nl, ac_nl, matrix_dist, blk_size_1, blk_size_2, &
127 blk_size_3, only_bc_same_center)
129 TYPE(dbt_type), INTENT(OUT) :: pq_x
130 TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
131 POINTER :: ab_nl, ac_nl
132 TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_type), INTENT(IN) :: matrix_dist
133 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: blk_size_1, blk_size_2, blk_size_3
134 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: only_bc_same_center
136 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'create_pqX_tensor'
138 INTEGER :: a, b, group_handle, handle, i, iatom, &
139 ikind, jatom, katom, kkind, nblk, &
140 nblk_3, nblk_per_thread, nkind
141 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: idx1, idx2, idx3
142 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: pdims
143 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: col_dist, row_dist
144 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: mat_pgrid
145 LOGICAL :: my_sort_bc, symmetric
146 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(3) :: rab, rac, rbc
147 TYPE(dbt_distribution_type) :: t_dist
148 TYPE(dbt_pgrid_type) :: t_pgrid
149 TYPE(mp_comm_type) :: group
151 DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ab_iter, ac_iter
153 NULLIFY (ab_iter, ac_iter, col_dist, row_dist, mat_pgrid)
155 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
157 my_sort_bc = .false.
158 IF (PRESENT(only_bc_same_center)) my_sort_bc = only_bc_same_center
160 CALL get_neighbor_list_set_p(ab_nl, symmetric=symmetric)
161 cpassert(symmetric)
163 !get 2D distribution info from matrix_dist
164 CALL dbcsr_distribution_get(matrix_dist, pgrid=mat_pgrid, group=group_handle, &
165 row_dist=row_dist, col_dist=col_dist)
166 CALL group%set_handle(group_handle)
168 !create the corresponding tensor proc grid and dist
169 pdims(1) = SIZE(mat_pgrid, 1); pdims(2) = SIZE(mat_pgrid, 2); pdims(3) = 1
170 CALL dbt_pgrid_create(group, pdims, t_pgrid)
172 nblk_3 = SIZE(blk_size_3)
173 CALL dbt_distribution_new(t_dist, t_pgrid, nd_dist_1=row_dist, nd_dist_2=col_dist, &
174 nd_dist_3=[(0, i=1, nblk_3)])
176 !create the tensor itself.
177 CALL dbt_create(pq_x, name="(pq|X)", dist=t_dist, map1_2d=[1, 2], map2_2d=[3], &
178 blk_size_1=blk_size_1, blk_size_2=blk_size_2, blk_size_3=blk_size_3)
180 !count the blocks to reserve !note: dbcsr takes care of only keeping unique indices
181 CALL neighbor_list_iterator_create(ab_iter, ab_nl)
182 CALL neighbor_list_iterator_create(ac_iter, ac_nl, search=.true.)
183 nblk = 0
184 DO WHILE (neighbor_list_iterate(ab_iter) == 0)
185 CALL get_iterator_info(ab_iter, ikind=ikind, iatom=iatom, nkind=nkind, r=rab)
187 DO kkind = 1, nkind
188 CALL nl_set_sub_iterator(ac_iter, ikind, kkind, iatom)
190 DO WHILE (nl_sub_iterate(ac_iter) == 0)
192 IF (my_sort_bc) THEN
193 !we check for rbc or rac because of symmetry in ab_nl
194 CALL get_iterator_info(ac_iter, r=rac)
195 rbc(:) = rac(:) - rab(:)
196 IF (.NOT. (all(abs(rbc) .LE. 1.0e-8_dp) .OR. all(abs(rac) .LE. 1.0e-8_dp))) cycle
198 END IF
200 nblk = nblk + 1
201 END DO !ac_iter
202 END DO !kkind
203 END DO !ab_iter
207 ALLOCATE (idx1(nblk), idx2(nblk), idx3(nblk))
209 !actually reserve the blocks
210 CALL neighbor_list_iterator_create(ab_iter, ab_nl)
211 CALL neighbor_list_iterator_create(ac_iter, ac_nl, search=.true.)
212 nblk = 0
213 DO WHILE (neighbor_list_iterate(ab_iter) == 0)
214 CALL get_iterator_info(ab_iter, ikind=ikind, iatom=iatom, jatom=jatom, nkind=nkind, r=rab)
216 DO kkind = 1, nkind
217 CALL nl_set_sub_iterator(ac_iter, ikind, kkind, iatom)
219 DO WHILE (nl_sub_iterate(ac_iter) == 0)
220 CALL get_iterator_info(ac_iter, jatom=katom, r=rac)
222 IF (my_sort_bc) THEN
223 !we check for rbc or rac because of symmetry in ab_nl
224 CALL get_iterator_info(ac_iter, r=rac)
225 rbc(:) = rac(:) - rab(:)
226 IF (.NOT. (all(abs(rbc) .LE. 1.0e-8_dp) .OR. all(abs(rac) .LE. 1.0e-8_dp))) cycle
228 END IF
230 nblk = nblk + 1
232 idx1(nblk) = iatom
233 idx2(nblk) = jatom
234 idx3(nblk) = katom
236 END DO !ac_iter
237 END DO !kkind
238 END DO !ab_iter
242!TODO: Parallelize creation of block list.
243!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) SHARED(pq_X, nblk, idx1, idx2, idx3) PRIVATE(nblk_per_thread,A,b)
244 nblk_per_thread = nblk/omp_get_num_threads() + 1
245 a = omp_get_thread_num()*nblk_per_thread + 1
246 b = min(a + nblk_per_thread, nblk)
247 CALL dbt_reserve_blocks(pq_x, idx1(a:b), idx2(a:b), idx3(a:b))
249 CALL dbt_finalize(pq_x)
251 !clean-up
252 CALL dbt_distribution_destroy(t_dist)
253 CALL dbt_pgrid_destroy(t_pgrid)
255 CALL timestop(handle)
257 END SUBROUTINE create_pqx_tensor
259! **************************************************************************************************
260!> \brief Fills the given 3 dimensional (pq|X) tensor with integrals
261!> \param pq_X the tensor to fill
262!> \param ab_nl the neighbor list for the first 2 centers
263!> \param ac_nl the neighbor list for the first and third centers
264!> \param basis_set_list_a basis sets for first center
265!> \param basis_set_list_b basis sets for second center
266!> \param basis_set_list_c basis sets for third center
267!> \param potential_parameter the operator for the integrals
268!> \param qs_env ...
269!> \param only_bc_same_center same as in create_pqX_tensor
270!> \param eps_screen threshold for possible screening
271!> \note The following indices are happily mixed within this routine: First center i,a,p
272!> Second center: j,b,q Third center: k,c,X
273! **************************************************************************************************
274 SUBROUTINE fill_pqx_tensor(pq_X, ab_nl, ac_nl, basis_set_list_a, basis_set_list_b, &
275 basis_set_list_c, potential_parameter, qs_env, &
276 only_bc_same_center, eps_screen)
278 TYPE(dbt_type) :: pq_x
279 TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
280 POINTER :: ab_nl, ac_nl
281 TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: basis_set_list_a, basis_set_list_b, &
282 basis_set_list_c
283 TYPE(libint_potential_type) :: potential_parameter
284 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
285 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: only_bc_same_center
286 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: eps_screen
288 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'fill_pqX_tensor'
290 INTEGER :: egfa, egfb, egfc, handle, i, iatom, ibasis, ikind, ilist, imax, iset, jatom, &
291 jkind, jset, katom, kkind, kset, m_max, max_ncob, max_ncoc, max_nset, max_nsgfa, &
292 max_nsgfb, maxli, maxlj, maxlk, mepos, nbasis, ncoa, ncob, ncoc, ni, nj, nk, nseta, &
293 nsetb, nsetc, nthread, sgfa, sgfb, sgfc, unit_id
294 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: la_max, la_min, lb_max, lb_min, lc_max, &
295 lc_min, npgfa, npgfb, npgfc, nsgfa, &
296 nsgfb, nsgfc
297 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: first_sgfa, first_sgfb, first_sgfc
298 LOGICAL :: do_screen, my_sort_bc
299 REAL(dp) :: dij, dik, djk, my_eps_screen, ri(3), &
300 rij(3), rik(3), rj(3), rjk(3), rk(3), &
301 sabc_ext, screen_radius
302 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ccp_buffer, cpp_buffer
303 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: max_contr, max_contra, max_contrb, &
304 max_contrc
305 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: iabc, sabc, work
306 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: set_radius_a, set_radius_b, set_radius_c
307 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: rpgf_a, rpgf_b, rpgf_c, zeta, zetb, zetc
308 TYPE(cp_2d_r_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: spb, spc, tspa
309 TYPE(cp_libint_t) :: lib
310 TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: basis_set_list
311 TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER :: basis_set, basis_set_a, basis_set_b, &
312 basis_set_c
313 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
314 TYPE(o3c_container_type), POINTER :: o3c
315 TYPE(o3c_iterator_type) :: o3c_iterator
317 NULLIFY (basis_set, basis_set_list, para_env, la_max, la_min)
318 NULLIFY (lb_max, lb_min, lc_max, lc_min, npgfa, npgfb, npgfc, nsgfa, nsgfb, nsgfc)
319 NULLIFY (first_sgfa, first_sgfb, first_sgfc, set_radius_a, set_radius_b, set_radius_c)
320 NULLIFY (rpgf_a, rpgf_b, rpgf_c, zeta, zetb, zetc)
321 NULLIFY (basis_set_a, basis_set_b, basis_set_c, tspa, spb, spc)
323 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
325 !Need the max l for each basis for libint (and overall max #of sets for screening)
326 nbasis = SIZE(basis_set_list_a)
327 max_nsgfa = 0
328 max_nset = 0
329 maxli = 0
330 DO ibasis = 1, nbasis
331 CALL get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set=basis_set_list_a(ibasis)%gto_basis_set, &
332 maxl=imax, nset=iset, nsgf_set=nsgfa)
333 maxli = max(maxli, imax)
334 max_nset = max(max_nset, iset)
335 max_nsgfa = max(max_nsgfa, maxval(nsgfa))
336 END DO
337 max_nsgfb = 0
338 max_ncob = 0
339 maxlj = 0
340 DO ibasis = 1, nbasis
341 CALL get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set=basis_set_list_b(ibasis)%gto_basis_set, &
342 maxl=imax, nset=iset, nsgf_set=nsgfb, npgf=npgfb)
343 maxlj = max(maxlj, imax)
344 max_nset = max(max_nset, iset)
345 max_nsgfb = max(max_nsgfb, maxval(nsgfb))
346 max_ncob = max(max_ncob, maxval(npgfb)*ncoset(maxlj))
347 END DO
348 maxlk = 0
349 max_ncoc = 0
350 DO ibasis = 1, nbasis
351 CALL get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set=basis_set_list_c(ibasis)%gto_basis_set, &
352 maxl=imax, nset=iset, npgf=npgfc)
353 maxlk = max(maxlk, imax)
354 max_nset = max(max_nset, iset)
355 max_ncoc = max(max_ncoc, maxval(npgfc)*ncoset(maxlk))
356 END DO
357 m_max = maxli + maxlj + maxlk
359 !Screening
360 do_screen = .false.
361 IF (PRESENT(eps_screen)) THEN
362 do_screen = .true.
363 my_eps_screen = eps_screen
364 END IF
365 screen_radius = 0.0_dp
366 IF (potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_truncated .OR. &
367 potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_short) THEN
369 screen_radius = potential_parameter%cutoff_radius*cutoff_screen_factor
370 ELSE IF (potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_coulomb) THEN
372 screen_radius = 1000000.0_dp
373 END IF
375 !get maximum contraction values for abc_contract screening
376 IF (do_screen) THEN
378 !Allocate max_contraction arrays such that we have a specific value for each set/kind
379 ALLOCATE (max_contr(max_nset, nbasis), max_contra(max_nset, nbasis), &
380 max_contrb(max_nset, nbasis), max_contrc(max_nset, nbasis))
382 !Not the most elegent, but better than copying 3 times the same
383 DO ilist = 1, 3
385 IF (ilist == 1) basis_set_list => basis_set_list_a
386 IF (ilist == 2) basis_set_list => basis_set_list_b
387 IF (ilist == 3) basis_set_list => basis_set_list_c
389 max_contr = 0.0_dp
391 DO ibasis = 1, nbasis
392 basis_set => basis_set_list(ibasis)%gto_basis_set
394 DO iset = 1, basis_set%nset
396 ncoa = basis_set%npgf(iset)*ncoset(basis_set%lmax(iset))
397 sgfa = basis_set%first_sgf(1, iset)
398 egfa = sgfa + basis_set%nsgf_set(iset) - 1
400 max_contr(iset, ibasis) = &
401 maxval((/(sum(abs(basis_set%sphi(1:ncoa, i))), i=sgfa, egfa)/))
403 END DO !iset
404 END DO !ibasis
406 IF (ilist == 1) max_contra(:, :) = max_contr(:, :)
407 IF (ilist == 2) max_contrb(:, :) = max_contr(:, :)
408 IF (ilist == 3) max_contrc(:, :) = max_contr(:, :)
409 END DO !ilist
410 DEALLOCATE (max_contr)
411 END IF !do_screen
413 !To minimize memory ops in contraction, we need to pre-allocate buffers, pre-tranpose sphi_a
414 !and also trim sphi in general to have contiguous arrays
415 ALLOCATE (tspa(max_nset, nbasis), spb(max_nset, nbasis), spc(max_nset, nbasis))
416 DO ibasis = 1, nbasis
417 DO iset = 1, max_nset
418 NULLIFY (tspa(iset, ibasis)%array)
419 NULLIFY (spb(iset, ibasis)%array)
420 NULLIFY (spc(iset, ibasis)%array)
421 END DO
422 END DO
424 DO ilist = 1, 3
426 DO ibasis = 1, nbasis
427 IF (ilist == 1) basis_set => basis_set_list_a(ibasis)%gto_basis_set
428 IF (ilist == 2) basis_set => basis_set_list_b(ibasis)%gto_basis_set
429 IF (ilist == 3) basis_set => basis_set_list_c(ibasis)%gto_basis_set
431 DO iset = 1, basis_set%nset
433 ncoa = basis_set%npgf(iset)*ncoset(basis_set%lmax(iset))
434 sgfa = basis_set%first_sgf(1, iset)
435 egfa = sgfa + basis_set%nsgf_set(iset) - 1
437 IF (ilist == 1) THEN
438 ALLOCATE (tspa(iset, ibasis)%array(basis_set%nsgf_set(iset), ncoa))
439 tspa(iset, ibasis)%array(:, :) = transpose(basis_set%sphi(1:ncoa, sgfa:egfa))
440 ELSE IF (ilist == 2) THEN
441 ALLOCATE (spb(iset, ibasis)%array(ncoa, basis_set%nsgf_set(iset)))
442 spb(iset, ibasis)%array(:, :) = basis_set%sphi(1:ncoa, sgfa:egfa)
443 ELSE
444 ALLOCATE (spc(iset, ibasis)%array(ncoa, basis_set%nsgf_set(iset)))
445 spc(iset, ibasis)%array(:, :) = basis_set%sphi(1:ncoa, sgfa:egfa)
446 END IF
448 END DO !iset
449 END DO !ibasis
450 END DO !ilist
452 my_sort_bc = .false.
453 IF (PRESENT(only_bc_same_center)) my_sort_bc = only_bc_same_center
455 !Init the truncated Coulomb operator
456 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, para_env=para_env)
457 IF (potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_truncated) THEN
459 !open the file only if necessary
460 IF (m_max > get_lmax_init()) THEN
461 IF (para_env%mepos == 0) THEN
462 CALL open_file(unit_number=unit_id, file_name=potential_parameter%filename)
463 END IF
464 CALL init(m_max, unit_id, para_env%mepos, para_env)
465 IF (para_env%mepos == 0) THEN
466 CALL close_file(unit_id)
467 END IF
468 END IF
469 END IF
471 !Inint the initial gamma function before the OMP region as it is not thread safe
472 CALL init_md_ftable(nmax=m_max)
474 !Strategy: we use the o3c iterator because it is OMP parallelized and also takes the
475 ! only_bc_same_center argument. Only the dbcsr_put_block is critical
477 nthread = 1
478!$ nthread = omp_get_max_threads()
480 ALLOCATE (o3c)
481 CALL init_o3c_container(o3c, 1, basis_set_list_a, basis_set_list_b, basis_set_list_c, &
482 ab_nl, ac_nl, only_bc_same_center=my_sort_bc)
483 CALL o3c_iterator_create(o3c, o3c_iterator, nthread=nthread)
486!$OMP SHARED (pq_X,do_screen,max_nset,basis_set_list_a,max_contra,max_contrb,max_contrc,max_nsgfa,&
487!$OMP basis_set_list_b, basis_set_list_c,ncoset,screen_radius,potential_parameter,max_ncob,&
488!$OMP my_eps_screen,maxli,maxlj,maxlk,my_sort_bc,nthread,o3c,o3c_iterator,tspa,spb,spc,&
489!$OMP max_ncoc,max_nsgfb) &
490!$OMP PRIVATE (lib,i,mepos,work,iset,ncoa,sgfa,egfa,nseta,&
491!$OMP iatom,ikind,jatom,jkind,katom,kkind,rij,rik,rjk,basis_set_a,nsetb,&
492!$OMP la_max,la_min,lb_max,lb_min,lc_max,lc_min,npgfa,npgfb,npgfc,nsgfa,nsgfb,nsgfc,ri,rk,&
493!$OMP first_sgfa,first_sgfb,first_sgfc,set_radius_a,set_radius_b,set_radius_c, nsetc,rj,&
494!$OMP rpgf_a,rpgf_b,rpgf_c,zeta,zetb,zetc,basis_set_b,basis_set_c,dij,dik,djk,ni,nj,nk,&
495!$OMP iabc,sabc,jset,kset,ncob,ncoc,sgfb,sgfc,egfb,egfc,sabc_ext,cpp_buffer,ccp_buffer)
497 mepos = 0
498!$ mepos = omp_get_thread_num()
500 !pre-allocate work buffers for LIBXSMM contract in order to avoid memory ops
501 ALLOCATE (cpp_buffer(max_nsgfa*max_ncob))
502 ALLOCATE (ccp_buffer(max_nsgfa*max_nsgfb*max_ncoc))
504 !note: we do not initalize libxsmm here, because we assume that if the flag is there, then it
505 ! is done in dbcsr already
507 !each thread need its own libint object (internals may change at different rates)
508 CALL cp_libint_init_3eri(lib, max(maxli, maxlj, maxlk))
509 CALL cp_libint_set_contrdepth(lib, 1)
511 DO WHILE (o3c_iterate(o3c_iterator, mepos=mepos) == 0)
512 CALL get_o3c_iterator_info(o3c_iterator, mepos=mepos, ikind=ikind, jkind=jkind, kkind=kkind, &
513 iatom=iatom, jatom=jatom, katom=katom, rij=rij, rik=rik)
515 !get first center basis info
516 basis_set_a => basis_set_list_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set
517 first_sgfa => basis_set_a%first_sgf
518 la_max => basis_set_a%lmax
519 la_min => basis_set_a%lmin
520 npgfa => basis_set_a%npgf
521 nseta = basis_set_a%nset
522 nsgfa => basis_set_a%nsgf_set
523 zeta => basis_set_a%zet
524 rpgf_a => basis_set_a%pgf_radius
525 set_radius_a => basis_set_a%set_radius
526 ni = sum(nsgfa)
527 !second center basis info
528 basis_set_b => basis_set_list_b(jkind)%gto_basis_set
529 first_sgfb => basis_set_b%first_sgf
530 lb_max => basis_set_b%lmax
531 lb_min => basis_set_b%lmin
532 npgfb => basis_set_b%npgf
533 nsetb = basis_set_b%nset
534 nsgfb => basis_set_b%nsgf_set
535 zetb => basis_set_b%zet
536 rpgf_b => basis_set_b%pgf_radius
537 set_radius_b => basis_set_b%set_radius
538 nj = sum(nsgfb)
539 !third center basis info
540 basis_set_c => basis_set_list_c(kkind)%gto_basis_set
541 first_sgfc => basis_set_c%first_sgf
542 lc_max => basis_set_c%lmax
543 lc_min => basis_set_c%lmin
544 npgfc => basis_set_c%npgf
545 nsetc = basis_set_c%nset
546 nsgfc => basis_set_c%nsgf_set
547 zetc => basis_set_c%zet
548 rpgf_c => basis_set_c%pgf_radius
549 set_radius_c => basis_set_c%set_radius
550 nk = sum(nsgfc)
552 !position and distances, only relative pos matter for libint
553 rjk = rik - rij
554 ri = 0.0_dp
555 rj = rij ! ri + rij
556 rk = rik ! ri + rik
558 djk = norm2(rjk)
559 dij = norm2(rij)
560 dik = norm2(rik)
562 !sgf integrals
563 ALLOCATE (iabc(ni, nj, nk))
564 iabc(:, :, :) = 0.0_dp
566 DO iset = 1, nseta
567 ncoa = npgfa(iset)*ncoset(la_max(iset))
568 sgfa = first_sgfa(1, iset)
569 egfa = sgfa + nsgfa(iset) - 1
571 DO jset = 1, nsetb
572 ncob = npgfb(jset)*ncoset(lb_max(jset))
573 sgfb = first_sgfb(1, jset)
574 egfb = sgfb + nsgfb(jset) - 1
576 !screening (overlap)
577 IF (set_radius_a(iset) + set_radius_b(jset) < dij) cycle
579 DO kset = 1, nsetc
580 ncoc = npgfc(kset)*ncoset(lc_max(kset))
581 sgfc = first_sgfc(1, kset)
582 egfc = sgfc + nsgfc(kset) - 1
584 !screening (potential)
585 IF (set_radius_a(iset) + set_radius_c(kset) + screen_radius < dik) cycle
586 IF (set_radius_b(jset) + set_radius_c(kset) + screen_radius < djk) cycle
588 !pgf integrals
589 ALLOCATE (sabc(ncoa, ncob, ncoc))
590 sabc(:, :, :) = 0.0_dp
592 IF (do_screen) THEN
593 CALL eri_3center(sabc, la_min(iset), la_max(iset), npgfa(iset), zeta(:, iset), &
594 rpgf_a(:, iset), ri, lb_min(jset), lb_max(jset), npgfb(jset), &
595 zetb(:, jset), rpgf_b(:, jset), rj, lc_min(kset), lc_max(kset), &
596 npgfc(kset), zetc(:, kset), rpgf_c(:, kset), rk, dij, dik, &
597 djk, lib, potential_parameter, int_abc_ext=sabc_ext)
598 IF (my_eps_screen > sabc_ext*(max_contra(iset, ikind)* &
599 max_contrb(jset, jkind)* &
600 max_contrc(kset, kkind))) THEN
601 DEALLOCATE (sabc)
602 cycle
603 END IF
604 ELSE
605 CALL eri_3center(sabc, la_min(iset), la_max(iset), npgfa(iset), zeta(:, iset), &
606 rpgf_a(:, iset), ri, lb_min(jset), lb_max(jset), npgfb(jset), &
607 zetb(:, jset), rpgf_b(:, jset), rj, lc_min(kset), lc_max(kset), &
608 npgfc(kset), zetc(:, kset), rpgf_c(:, kset), rk, dij, dik, &
609 djk, lib, potential_parameter)
610 END IF
612 ALLOCATE (work(nsgfa(iset), nsgfb(jset), nsgfc(kset)))
614 CALL abc_contract_xsmm(work, sabc, tspa(iset, ikind)%array, spb(jset, jkind)%array, &
615 spc(kset, kkind)%array, ncoa, ncob, ncoc, nsgfa(iset), &
616 nsgfb(jset), nsgfc(kset), cpp_buffer, ccp_buffer)
618 iabc(sgfa:egfa, sgfb:egfb, sgfc:egfc) = work(:, :, :)
619 DEALLOCATE (sabc, work)
621 END DO !kset
622 END DO !jset
623 END DO !iset
625 !Add the integral to the proper tensor block
627 CALL dbt_put_block(pq_x, [iatom, jatom, katom], shape(iabc), iabc, summation=.true.)
630 DEALLOCATE (iabc)
631 END DO !o3c_iterator
633 CALL cp_libint_cleanup_3eri(lib)
636 CALL o3c_iterator_release(o3c_iterator)
637 CALL release_o3c_container(o3c)
638 DEALLOCATE (o3c)
640 DO iset = 1, max_nset
641 DO ibasis = 1, nbasis
642 IF (ASSOCIATED(tspa(iset, ibasis)%array)) DEALLOCATE (tspa(iset, ibasis)%array)
643 IF (ASSOCIATED(spb(iset, ibasis)%array)) DEALLOCATE (spb(iset, ibasis)%array)
644 IF (ASSOCIATED(spc(iset, ibasis)%array)) DEALLOCATE (spc(iset, ibasis)%array)
645 END DO
646 END DO
647 DEALLOCATE (tspa, spb, spc)
649 CALL timestop(handle)
651 END SUBROUTINE fill_pqx_tensor
653! **************************************************************************************************
654!> \brief Builds a neighbor lists set for overlaping 2-center S_ab, where b is restricted on a
655!> a given list of atoms. Used for Coulomb RI where (aI|P) = sum_b C_bI (ab|P), where
656!> contraction coeff C_bI is assumed to be non-zero only on excited atoms
657!> \param ab_list the neighbor list
658!> \param basis_a basis set list for atom a
659!> \param basis_b basis set list for atom b
660!> \param qs_env ...
661!> \param excited_atoms the indices of the excited atoms on which b is centered
662!> \param ext_dist2d use an external distribution2d
663! **************************************************************************************************
664 SUBROUTINE build_xas_tdp_ovlp_nl(ab_list, basis_a, basis_b, qs_env, excited_atoms, ext_dist2d)
666 TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
667 POINTER :: ab_list
668 TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: basis_a, basis_b
669 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
670 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: excited_atoms
671 TYPE(distribution_2d_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: ext_dist2d
673 INTEGER :: ikind, nkind
674 LOGICAL :: my_restrictb
675 LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: a_present, b_present
676 REAL(dp) :: subcells
677 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: a_radius, b_radius
678 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: pair_radius
679 TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set
680 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
681 TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: distribution_1d
682 TYPE(distribution_2d_type), POINTER :: distribution_2d
683 TYPE(local_atoms_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: atom2d
684 TYPE(molecule_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: molecule_set
685 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
687 NULLIFY (atomic_kind_set, distribution_1d, distribution_2d, molecule_set, particle_set, cell)
689! Initialization
690 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, nkind=nkind)
691 CALL section_vals_val_get(qs_env%input, "DFT%SUBCELLS", r_val=subcells)
693 my_restrictb = .false.
694 IF (PRESENT(excited_atoms)) THEN
695 my_restrictb = .true.
696 END IF
698 ALLOCATE (a_present(nkind), b_present(nkind))
699 a_present = .false.
700 b_present = .false.
701 ALLOCATE (a_radius(nkind), b_radius(nkind))
702 a_radius = 0.0_dp
703 b_radius = 0.0_dp
705! Set up the radii
706 DO ikind = 1, nkind
707 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) THEN
708 a_present(ikind) = .true.
709 CALL get_gto_basis_set(basis_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set, kind_radius=a_radius(ikind))
710 END IF
712 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_b(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) THEN
713 b_present(ikind) = .true.
714 CALL get_gto_basis_set(basis_b(ikind)%gto_basis_set, kind_radius=b_radius(ikind))
715 END IF
716 END DO !ikind
718 ALLOCATE (pair_radius(nkind, nkind))
719 pair_radius = 0.0_dp
720 CALL pair_radius_setup(a_present, b_present, a_radius, b_radius, pair_radius)
722! Set up the nl
723 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, cell=cell, &
724 distribution_2d=distribution_2d, local_particles=distribution_1d, &
725 particle_set=particle_set, molecule_set=molecule_set)
727 !use an external distribution_2d if required
728 IF (PRESENT(ext_dist2d)) distribution_2d => ext_dist2d
730 ALLOCATE (atom2d(nkind))
731 CALL atom2d_build(atom2d, distribution_1d, distribution_2d, atomic_kind_set, &
732 molecule_set, .false., particle_set)
734 IF (my_restrictb) THEN
736 CALL build_neighbor_lists(ab_list, particle_set, atom2d, cell, pair_radius, subcells, &
737 atomb_to_keep=excited_atoms, nlname="XAS_TDP_ovlp_nl")
739 ELSE
741 CALL build_neighbor_lists(ab_list, particle_set, atom2d, cell, pair_radius, subcells, &
742 nlname="XAS_TDP_ovlp_nl")
744 END IF
745! Clean-up
746 CALL atom2d_cleanup(atom2d)
748 END SUBROUTINE build_xas_tdp_ovlp_nl
750! **************************************************************************************************
751!> \brief Builds a neighbor lists set taylored for 3-center integral within XAS TDP, such that only
752!> excited atoms are taken into account for the list_c
753!> \param ac_list the neighbor list ready for 3-center integrals
754!> \param basis_a basis set list for atom a
755!> \param basis_c basis set list for atom c
756!> \param op_type to indicate whther the list should be built with overlap, Coulomb or else in mind
757!> \param qs_env ...
758!> \param excited_atoms the indices of the excited atoms to consider (if not given, all atoms are taken)
759!> \param x_range in case some truncated/screened operator is used, gives its range
760!> \param ext_dist2d external distribution_2d to be used
761!> \note Based on setup_neighbor_list with added features
762! **************************************************************************************************
763 SUBROUTINE build_xas_tdp_3c_nl(ac_list, basis_a, basis_c, op_type, qs_env, excited_atoms, &
764 x_range, ext_dist2d)
766 TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
767 POINTER :: ac_list
768 TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: basis_a, basis_c
769 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: op_type
770 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
771 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: excited_atoms
772 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: x_range
773 TYPE(distribution_2d_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: ext_dist2d
775 INTEGER :: ikind, nkind
776 LOGICAL :: sort_atoms
777 LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: a_present, c_present
778 REAL(dp) :: subcells
779 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: a_radius, c_radius
780 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: pair_radius
781 TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set
782 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
783 TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: distribution_1d
784 TYPE(distribution_2d_type), POINTER :: distribution_2d
785 TYPE(local_atoms_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: atom2d
786 TYPE(molecule_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: molecule_set
787 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
789 NULLIFY (atomic_kind_set, distribution_1d, distribution_2d, molecule_set, particle_set, cell)
791! Initialization
792 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, nkind=nkind)
793 CALL section_vals_val_get(qs_env%input, "DFT%SUBCELLS", r_val=subcells)
794 sort_atoms = .false.
795 IF ((PRESENT(excited_atoms))) sort_atoms = .true.
797 ALLOCATE (a_present(nkind), c_present(nkind))
798 a_present = .false.
799 c_present = .false.
800 ALLOCATE (a_radius(nkind), c_radius(nkind))
801 a_radius = 0.0_dp
802 c_radius = 0.0_dp
804! Set up the radii, depending on the operator type
805 IF (op_type == do_potential_id) THEN
807 !overlap => use the kind radius for both a and c
808 DO ikind = 1, nkind
809 !orbital basis set
810 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) THEN
811 a_present(ikind) = .true.
812 CALL get_gto_basis_set(basis_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set, kind_radius=a_radius(ikind))
813 END IF
814 !RI_XAS basis set
815 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_c(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) THEN
816 c_present(ikind) = .true.
817 CALL get_gto_basis_set(basis_c(ikind)%gto_basis_set, kind_radius=c_radius(ikind))
818 END IF
819 END DO !ikind
821 ELSE IF (op_type == do_potential_coulomb) THEN
823 !Coulomb operator, virtually infinite range => set c_radius to arbitrarily large number
824 DO ikind = 1, nkind
825 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_c(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) THEN
826 c_present(ikind) = .true.
827 c_radius(ikind) = 1000000.0_dp
828 END IF
829 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) a_present(ikind) = .true.
830 END DO !ikind
832 ELSE IF (op_type == do_potential_truncated .OR. op_type == do_potential_short) THEN
834 !Truncated coulomb/short range: set c_radius to x_range + the kind_radii
835 DO ikind = 1, nkind
836 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) THEN
837 a_present(ikind) = .true.
838 CALL get_gto_basis_set(basis_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set, kind_radius=a_radius(ikind))
839 END IF
840 IF (ASSOCIATED(basis_c(ikind)%gto_basis_set)) THEN
841 c_present(ikind) = .true.
842 CALL get_gto_basis_set(basis_c(ikind)%gto_basis_set, kind_radius=c_radius(ikind))
843 c_radius(ikind) = c_radius(ikind) + x_range
844 END IF
845 END DO !ikind
847 ELSE
848 cpabort("Operator not known")
849 END IF
851 ALLOCATE (pair_radius(nkind, nkind))
852 pair_radius = 0.0_dp
853 CALL pair_radius_setup(a_present, c_present, a_radius, c_radius, pair_radius)
855! Actually setup the list
856 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, cell=cell, &
857 distribution_2d=distribution_2d, local_particles=distribution_1d, &
858 particle_set=particle_set, molecule_set=molecule_set)
860 !use an external distribution_2d if required
861 IF (PRESENT(ext_dist2d)) distribution_2d => ext_dist2d
863 ALLOCATE (atom2d(nkind))
864 CALL atom2d_build(atom2d, distribution_1d, distribution_2d, atomic_kind_set, &
865 molecule_set, .false., particle_set)
867 IF (sort_atoms) THEN
868 CALL build_neighbor_lists(ac_list, particle_set, atom2d, cell, pair_radius, subcells, &
869 operator_type="ABC", atomb_to_keep=excited_atoms, &
870 nlname="XAS_TDP_3c_nl")
871 ELSE
872 CALL build_neighbor_lists(ac_list, particle_set, atom2d, cell, pair_radius, subcells, &
873 operator_type="ABC", nlname="XAS_TDP_3c_nl")
874 END IF
876! Clean-up
877 CALL atom2d_cleanup(atom2d)
879 END SUBROUTINE build_xas_tdp_3c_nl
881! **************************************************************************************************
882!> \brief Returns an optimized distribution_2d for the given neighbor lists based on an evaluation
883!> of the cost of the corresponding 3-center integrals
884!> \param opt_3c_dist2d the optimized distribution_2d
885!> \param ab_list ...
886!> \param ac_list ...
887!> \param basis_set_a ...
888!> \param basis_set_b ...
889!> \param basis_set_c ...
890!> \param qs_env ...
891!> \param only_bc_same_center ...
892! **************************************************************************************************
893 SUBROUTINE get_opt_3c_dist2d(opt_3c_dist2d, ab_list, ac_list, basis_set_a, basis_set_b, &
894 basis_set_c, qs_env, only_bc_same_center)
896 TYPE(distribution_2d_type), POINTER :: opt_3c_dist2d
897 TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
898 POINTER :: ab_list, ac_list
899 TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: basis_set_a, basis_set_b, basis_set_c
900 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
901 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: only_bc_same_center
903 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'get_opt_3c_dist2d'
905 INTEGER :: handle, i, iatom, ikind, ip, jatom, &
906 jkind, kkind, mypcol, myprow, n, &
907 natom, nkind, npcol, nprow, nsgfa, &
908 nsgfb, nsgfc
909 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: nparticle_local_col, nparticle_local_row
910 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: col_dist, row_dist
911 LOGICAL :: my_sort_bc
912 REAL(dp) :: cost, rab(3), rac(3), rbc(3)
913 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: col_cost, col_proc_cost, row_cost, &
914 row_proc_cost
915 TYPE(cp_1d_i_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: local_particle_col, local_particle_row
916 TYPE(cp_blacs_env_type), POINTER :: blacs_env
917 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
919 DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ab_iter, ac_iter
920 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
921 TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
923 NULLIFY (para_env, col_dist, row_dist, blacs_env, qs_kind_set, particle_set)
924 NULLIFY (local_particle_col, local_particle_row, ab_iter, ac_iter)
926 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
928 !Idea: create a,b and a,c nl_iterators in the original dist, then loop over them and compute the
929 ! cost of each ab pairs and project on the col/row. Then distribute the atom col/row to
930 ! the proc col/row in order to spread out the cost as much as possible
932 my_sort_bc = .false.
933 IF (PRESENT(only_bc_same_center)) my_sort_bc = only_bc_same_center
935 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, natom=natom, para_env=para_env, blacs_env=blacs_env, &
936 qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, particle_set=particle_set, nkind=nkind)
938 myprow = blacs_env%mepos(1) + 1
939 mypcol = blacs_env%mepos(2) + 1
940 nprow = blacs_env%num_pe(1)
941 npcol = blacs_env%num_pe(2)
943 ALLOCATE (col_cost(natom), row_cost(natom))
944 col_cost = 0.0_dp; row_cost = 0.0_dp
946 ALLOCATE (row_dist(natom, 2), col_dist(natom, 2))
947 row_dist = 1; col_dist = 1
949 CALL neighbor_list_iterator_create(ab_iter, ab_list)
950 CALL neighbor_list_iterator_create(ac_iter, ac_list, search=.true.)
951 DO WHILE (neighbor_list_iterate(ab_iter) == 0)
952 CALL get_iterator_info(ab_iter, ikind=ikind, jkind=jkind, iatom=iatom, jatom=jatom, r=rab)
954 DO kkind = 1, nkind
955 CALL nl_set_sub_iterator(ac_iter, ikind, kkind, iatom)
957 DO WHILE (nl_sub_iterate(ac_iter) == 0)
959 IF (my_sort_bc) THEN
960 !only take a,b,c if b,c (or a,c because of symmetry) share the same center
961 CALL get_iterator_info(ac_iter, r=rac)
962 rbc(:) = rac(:) - rab(:)
963 IF (.NOT. (all(abs(rbc) .LE. 1.0e-8_dp) .OR. all(abs(rac) .LE. 1.0e-8_dp))) cycle
965 END IF
967 !Use the size of integral as measure as contraciton cost seems to dominate
968 nsgfa = basis_set_a(ikind)%gto_basis_set%nsgf
969 nsgfb = basis_set_b(jkind)%gto_basis_set%nsgf
970 nsgfc = basis_set_c(kkind)%gto_basis_set%nsgf
972 cost = real(nsgfa*nsgfb*nsgfc, dp)
974 row_cost(iatom) = row_cost(iatom) + cost
975 col_cost(jatom) = col_cost(jatom) + cost
977 END DO !ac_iter
978 END DO !kkind
979 END DO !ab_iter
983 CALL para_env%sum(row_cost)
984 CALL para_env%sum(col_cost)
986 !Distribute the cost as evenly as possible
987 ALLOCATE (col_proc_cost(npcol), row_proc_cost(nprow))
988 col_proc_cost = 0.0_dp; row_proc_cost = 0.0_dp
989 DO i = 1, natom
990 iatom = maxloc(row_cost, 1)
991 ip = minloc(row_proc_cost, 1)
992 row_proc_cost(ip) = row_proc_cost(ip) + row_cost(iatom)
993 row_dist(iatom, 1) = ip
994 row_cost(iatom) = 0.0_dp
996 iatom = maxloc(col_cost, 1)
997 ip = minloc(col_proc_cost, 1)
998 col_proc_cost(ip) = col_proc_cost(ip) + col_cost(iatom)
999 col_dist(iatom, 1) = ip
1000 col_cost(iatom) = 0.0_dp
1001 END DO
1003 !the usual stuff
1004 ALLOCATE (local_particle_col(nkind), local_particle_row(nkind))
1005 ALLOCATE (nparticle_local_row(nkind), nparticle_local_col(nkind))
1006 nparticle_local_row = 0; nparticle_local_col = 0
1008 DO iatom = 1, natom
1009 ikind = particle_set(iatom)%atomic_kind%kind_number
1011 IF (row_dist(iatom, 1) == myprow) nparticle_local_row(ikind) = nparticle_local_row(ikind) + 1
1012 IF (col_dist(iatom, 1) == mypcol) nparticle_local_col(ikind) = nparticle_local_col(ikind) + 1
1013 END DO
1015 DO ikind = 1, nkind
1016 n = nparticle_local_row(ikind)
1017 ALLOCATE (local_particle_row(ikind)%array(n))
1019 n = nparticle_local_col(ikind)
1020 ALLOCATE (local_particle_col(ikind)%array(n))
1021 END DO
1023 nparticle_local_row = 0; nparticle_local_col = 0
1024 DO iatom = 1, natom
1025 ikind = particle_set(iatom)%atomic_kind%kind_number
1027 IF (row_dist(iatom, 1) == myprow) THEN
1028 nparticle_local_row(ikind) = nparticle_local_row(ikind) + 1
1029 local_particle_row(ikind)%array(nparticle_local_row(ikind)) = iatom
1030 END IF
1031 IF (col_dist(iatom, 1) == mypcol) THEN
1032 nparticle_local_col(ikind) = nparticle_local_col(ikind) + 1
1033 local_particle_col(ikind)%array(nparticle_local_col(ikind)) = iatom
1034 END IF
1035 END DO
1037 !Finally create the dist_2d
1038 row_dist(:, 1) = row_dist(:, 1) - 1
1039 col_dist(:, 1) = col_dist(:, 1) - 1
1040 CALL distribution_2d_create(opt_3c_dist2d, row_distribution_ptr=row_dist, &
1041 col_distribution_ptr=col_dist, local_rows_ptr=local_particle_row, &
1042 local_cols_ptr=local_particle_col, blacs_env=blacs_env)
1044 CALL timestop(handle)
1046 END SUBROUTINE get_opt_3c_dist2d
1048! **************************************************************************************************
1049!> \brief Computes the RI exchange 3-center integrals (ab|c), where c is from the RI_XAS basis and
1050!> centered on excited atoms and kind. The operator used is that of the RI metric
1051!> \param ex_atoms excited atoms on which the third center is located
1052!> \param xas_tdp_env ...
1053!> \param xas_tdp_control ...
1054!> \param qs_env ...
1055!> \note This routine is called once for each excited atom. Because there are many different a,b
1056!> pairs involved, load balance is ok. This allows memory saving
1057! **************************************************************************************************
1058 SUBROUTINE compute_ri_3c_exchange(ex_atoms, xas_tdp_env, xas_tdp_control, qs_env)
1060 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: ex_atoms
1061 TYPE(xas_tdp_env_type), POINTER :: xas_tdp_env
1062 TYPE(xas_tdp_control_type), POINTER :: xas_tdp_control
1063 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
1065 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'compute_ri_3c_exchange'
1067 INTEGER :: handle, natom, nkind
1068 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: blk_size_orb, blk_size_ri
1069 TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_type) :: opt_dbcsr_dist
1070 TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri
1071 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
1072 TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
1073 POINTER :: ab_list, ac_list
1074 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
1075 TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
1077 NULLIFY (basis_set_ri, basis_set_orb, ac_list, ab_list, qs_kind_set, para_env, particle_set)
1079 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1081! Take what we need from the qs_env
1082 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, nkind=nkind, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, para_env=para_env, &
1083 natom=natom, particle_set=particle_set)
1085! Build the basis set lists
1086 ALLOCATE (basis_set_ri(nkind))
1087 ALLOCATE (basis_set_orb(nkind))
1088 CALL basis_set_list_setup(basis_set_ri, "RI_XAS", qs_kind_set)
1089 CALL basis_set_list_setup(basis_set_orb, "ORB", qs_kind_set)
1091! Get the optimized distribution 2d for theses integrals (and store it in xas_tdp_env)
1092 CALL build_xas_tdp_ovlp_nl(ab_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_orb, qs_env)
1093 CALL build_xas_tdp_3c_nl(ac_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri, &
1094 xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential%potential_type, qs_env, &
1095 excited_atoms=ex_atoms, x_range=xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential%cutoff_radius)
1097 CALL get_opt_3c_dist2d(xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_ex, ab_list, ac_list, basis_set_orb, &
1098 basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri, qs_env)
1099 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ab_list)
1100 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ac_list)
1102! Build the ab and ac centers neighbor lists based on the optimized distribution
1103 CALL build_xas_tdp_ovlp_nl(ab_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_orb, qs_env, &
1104 ext_dist2d=xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_ex)
1105 CALL build_xas_tdp_3c_nl(ac_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri, &
1106 xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential%potential_type, qs_env, &
1107 excited_atoms=ex_atoms, x_range=xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential%cutoff_radius, &
1108 ext_dist2d=xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_ex)
1110! Allocate, init and compute the integrals.
1111 ALLOCATE (blk_size_orb(natom), blk_size_ri(natom))
1112 CALL cp_dbcsr_dist2d_to_dist(xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_ex, opt_dbcsr_dist)
1113 CALL get_particle_set(particle_set, qs_kind_set, nsgf=blk_size_orb, basis=basis_set_orb)
1114 CALL get_particle_set(particle_set, qs_kind_set, nsgf=blk_size_ri, basis=basis_set_ri)
1116 ALLOCATE (xas_tdp_env%ri_3c_ex)
1117 CALL create_pqx_tensor(xas_tdp_env%ri_3c_ex, ab_list, ac_list, opt_dbcsr_dist, blk_size_orb, &
1118 blk_size_orb, blk_size_ri)
1119 CALL fill_pqx_tensor(xas_tdp_env%ri_3c_ex, ab_list, ac_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_orb, &
1120 basis_set_ri, xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential, qs_env, &
1121 eps_screen=xas_tdp_control%eps_screen)
1123! Clean-up
1124 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ab_list)
1125 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ac_list)
1126 CALL dbcsr_distribution_release(opt_dbcsr_dist)
1127 DEALLOCATE (basis_set_ri, basis_set_orb)
1129 !not strictly necessary but avoid having any load unbalance here being reported in the
1130 !timings for other routines
1131 CALL para_env%sync()
1133 CALL timestop(handle)
1135 END SUBROUTINE compute_ri_3c_exchange
1137! **************************************************************************************************
1138!> \brief Computes the RI Coulomb 3-center integrals (ab|c), where c is from the RI_XAS basis and
1139!> centered on the excited atoms of xas_tdp_env
1140!> \param xas_tdp_env ...
1141!> \param qs_env ...
1142!> \note The ri_3c_coul tensor of xas_tdp_env is defined and allocated here. Only computed once
1143!> for the whole system (for optimized load balance). Ok because not too much memory needed
1144! **************************************************************************************************
1145 SUBROUTINE compute_ri_3c_coulomb(xas_tdp_env, qs_env)
1147 TYPE(xas_tdp_env_type), POINTER :: xas_tdp_env
1148 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
1150 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'compute_ri_3c_coulomb'
1152 INTEGER :: handle, natom, nkind
1153 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: blk_size_orb, blk_size_ri
1154 TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_type) :: opt_dbcsr_dist
1155 TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri
1156 TYPE(libint_potential_type) :: pot
1157 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
1158 TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
1159 POINTER :: ab_list, ac_list
1160 TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
1161 TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
1163 NULLIFY (basis_set_ri, basis_set_orb, ac_list, ab_list, qs_kind_set, para_env, particle_set)
1165 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
1167! Take what we need from the qs_env
1168 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, nkind=nkind, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, para_env=para_env, &
1169 natom=natom, particle_set=particle_set)
1171! Build the basis set lists
1172 ALLOCATE (basis_set_ri(nkind))
1173 ALLOCATE (basis_set_orb(nkind))
1174 CALL basis_set_list_setup(basis_set_ri, "RI_XAS", qs_kind_set)
1175 CALL basis_set_list_setup(basis_set_orb, "ORB", qs_kind_set)
1177! Get the optimized distribution 2d for these integrals (and store it in xas_tdp_env)
1178 CALL build_xas_tdp_ovlp_nl(ab_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_orb, qs_env, &
1179 excited_atoms=xas_tdp_env%ex_atom_indices)
1180 CALL build_xas_tdp_3c_nl(ac_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri, do_potential_id, &
1181 qs_env, excited_atoms=xas_tdp_env%ex_atom_indices)
1182 CALL get_opt_3c_dist2d(xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_coul, ab_list, ac_list, basis_set_orb, &
1183 basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri, qs_env, only_bc_same_center=.true.)
1184 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ab_list)
1185 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ac_list)
1187! Build a neighbor list for the ab centers. Assume (aI|c) = sum_b c_bI (ab|c), with c_bI only
1188! non-zero for b centered on the same atom as c => build overlap nl, but only keeping b if centered
1189! on an excited atom
1190 CALL build_xas_tdp_ovlp_nl(ab_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_orb, qs_env, &
1191 excited_atoms=xas_tdp_env%ex_atom_indices, &
1192 ext_dist2d=xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_coul)
1194! Build a neighbor list for the ac centers. Since we later contract as (aI|c) and we assume I is
1195! very localized on the same atom as c, we take a,c as neighbors if they overlap
1196 CALL build_xas_tdp_3c_nl(ac_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_ri, do_potential_id, &
1197 qs_env, excited_atoms=xas_tdp_env%ex_atom_indices, &
1198 ext_dist2d=xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_coul)
1200! Allocate, init and compute the integrals
1201 ALLOCATE (blk_size_orb(natom), blk_size_ri(natom))
1202 CALL cp_dbcsr_dist2d_to_dist(xas_tdp_env%opt_dist2d_coul, opt_dbcsr_dist)
1203 CALL get_particle_set(particle_set, qs_kind_set, nsgf=blk_size_orb, basis=basis_set_orb)
1204 CALL get_particle_set(particle_set, qs_kind_set, nsgf=blk_size_ri, basis=basis_set_ri)
1205 pot%potential_type = do_potential_coulomb
1207 ALLOCATE (xas_tdp_env%ri_3c_coul)
1208 CALL create_pqx_tensor(xas_tdp_env%ri_3c_coul, ab_list, ac_list, opt_dbcsr_dist, blk_size_orb, &
1209 blk_size_orb, blk_size_ri, only_bc_same_center=.true.)
1210 CALL fill_pqx_tensor(xas_tdp_env%ri_3c_coul, ab_list, ac_list, basis_set_orb, basis_set_orb, &
1211 basis_set_ri, pot, qs_env, only_bc_same_center=.true.)
1213! Clean-up
1214 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ab_list)
1215 CALL release_neighbor_list_sets(ac_list)
1216 CALL dbcsr_distribution_release(opt_dbcsr_dist)
1217 DEALLOCATE (basis_set_ri, basis_set_orb)
1219 !not strictly necessary but avoid having any load unbalance here being reported in the
1220 !timings for other routines
1221 CALL para_env%sync()
1223 CALL timestop(handle)
1225 END SUBROUTINE compute_ri_3c_coulomb
1227! **************************************************************************************************
1228!> \brief Computes the two-center Exchange integral needed for the RI in kernel calculation. Stores
1229!> the integrals in the xas_tdp_env as global (small) arrays. Does that for a given excited
1230!> kind. The quantity stored is M^-1 (P|Q) M^-1, where M is the RI metric. If the metric is
1231!> the same as the exchange potential, then we end up with the V-approximation (P|Q)^-1
1232!> By default (if no metric), the ri_m_potential is a copy of the x_potential
1233!> \param ex_kind ...
1234!> \param xas_tdp_env ...
1235!> \param xas_tdp_control ...
1236!> \param qs_env ...
1237!> \note Computes all these integrals in non-PBCs as we assume that the range is short enough that
1238!> atoms do not exchange with their periodic images
1239! **************************************************************************************************
1240 SUBROUTINE compute_ri_exchange2_int(ex_kind, xas_tdp_env, xas_tdp_control, qs_env)
1242 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ex_kind
1243 TYPE(xas_tdp_env_type), POINTER :: xas_tdp_env
1244 TYPE(xas_tdp_control_type), POINTER :: xas_tdp_control
1245 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
1247 INTEGER :: egfp, egfq, maxl, ncop, ncoq, nset, &
1248 nsgf, pset, qset, sgfp, sgfq, unit_id
1249 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: lmax, lmin, npgf_set, nsgf_set
1250 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: first_sgf
1251 REAL(dp) :: r(3)
1252 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: metric, pq, work
1253 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: rpgf, sphi, zet
1254 TYPE(cp_libint_t) :: lib
1255 TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER :: ri_basis
1256 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
1257 TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
1259 NULLIFY (ri_basis, qs_kind_set, para_env, lmin, lmax, npgf_set, zet, rpgf, first_sgf)
1260 NULLIFY (sphi, nsgf_set)
1262! Initialization
1263 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, para_env=para_env)
1264 IF (ASSOCIATED(xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex)) THEN
1265 DEALLOCATE (xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex)
1266 END IF
1268! Get the RI basis of interest and its quantum numbers
1269 CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ex_kind), basis_set=ri_basis, basis_type="RI_XAS")
1270 CALL get_gto_basis_set(ri_basis, nsgf=nsgf, maxl=maxl, npgf=npgf_set, lmin=lmin, &
1271 lmax=lmax, zet=zet, pgf_radius=rpgf, first_sgf=first_sgf, &
1272 nsgf_set=nsgf_set, sphi=sphi, nset=nset)
1273 ALLOCATE (metric(nsgf, nsgf))
1274 metric = 0.0_dp
1276 r = 0.0_dp
1278 !init the libint 2-center object
1279 CALL cp_libint_init_2eri(lib, maxl)
1280 CALL cp_libint_set_contrdepth(lib, 1)
1282 !make sure the truncted coulomb is initialized
1283 IF (xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential%potential_type == do_potential_truncated) THEN
1285 IF (2*maxl + 1 > get_lmax_init()) THEN
1286 IF (para_env%mepos == 0) THEN
1287 CALL open_file(unit_number=unit_id, file_name=xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential%filename)
1288 END IF
1289 CALL init(2*maxl + 1, unit_id, para_env%mepos, para_env)
1290 IF (para_env%mepos == 0) THEN
1291 CALL close_file(unit_id)
1292 END IF
1293 END IF
1294 END IF
1296! Compute the RI metric
1297 DO pset = 1, nset
1298 ncop = npgf_set(pset)*ncoset(lmax(pset))
1299 sgfp = first_sgf(1, pset)
1300 egfp = sgfp + nsgf_set(pset) - 1
1302 DO qset = 1, nset
1303 ncoq = npgf_set(qset)*ncoset(lmax(qset))
1304 sgfq = first_sgf(1, qset)
1305 egfq = sgfq + nsgf_set(qset) - 1
1307 ALLOCATE (work(ncop, ncoq))
1308 work = 0.0_dp
1310 CALL eri_2center(work, lmin(pset), lmax(pset), npgf_set(pset), zet(:, pset), rpgf(:, pset), &
1311 r, lmin(qset), lmax(qset), npgf_set(qset), zet(:, qset), rpgf(:, qset), &
1312 r, 0.0_dp, lib, xas_tdp_control%ri_m_potential)
1314 CALL ab_contract(metric(sgfp:egfp, sgfq:egfq), work, sphi(:, sgfp:), sphi(:, sgfq:), &
1315 ncop, ncoq, nsgf_set(pset), nsgf_set(qset))
1317 DEALLOCATE (work)
1318 END DO !qset
1319 END DO !pset
1321! Inverting (to M^-1)
1322 CALL invmat_symm(metric)
1324 IF (.NOT. xas_tdp_control%do_ri_metric) THEN
1326 !If no metric, then x_pot = ri_m_pot and (P|Q)^-1 = M^-1 (V-approximation)
1327 ALLOCATE (xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex(nsgf, nsgf))
1328 xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex(:, :) = metric(:, :)
1329 CALL cp_libint_cleanup_2eri(lib)
1332 END IF
1334 !make sure the truncted coulomb is initialized
1335 IF (xas_tdp_control%x_potential%potential_type == do_potential_truncated) THEN
1337 IF (2*maxl + 1 > get_lmax_init()) THEN
1338 IF (para_env%mepos == 0) THEN
1339 CALL open_file(unit_number=unit_id, file_name=xas_tdp_control%x_potential%filename)
1340 END IF
1341 CALL init(2*maxl + 1, unit_id, para_env%mepos, para_env)
1342 IF (para_env%mepos == 0) THEN
1343 CALL close_file(unit_id)
1344 END IF
1345 END IF
1346 END IF
1348! Compute the proper exchange 2-center
1349 ALLOCATE (pq(nsgf, nsgf))
1350 pq = 0.0_dp
1352 DO pset = 1, nset
1353 ncop = npgf_set(pset)*ncoset(lmax(pset))
1354 sgfp = first_sgf(1, pset)
1355 egfp = sgfp + nsgf_set(pset) - 1
1357 DO qset = 1, nset
1358 ncoq = npgf_set(qset)*ncoset(lmax(qset))
1359 sgfq = first_sgf(1, qset)
1360 egfq = sgfq + nsgf_set(qset) - 1
1362 ALLOCATE (work(ncop, ncoq))
1363 work = 0.0_dp
1365 CALL eri_2center(work, lmin(pset), lmax(pset), npgf_set(pset), zet(:, pset), rpgf(:, pset), &
1366 r, lmin(qset), lmax(qset), npgf_set(qset), zet(:, qset), rpgf(:, qset), &
1367 r, 0.0_dp, lib, xas_tdp_control%x_potential)
1369 CALL ab_contract(pq(sgfp:egfp, sgfq:egfq), work, sphi(:, sgfp:), sphi(:, sgfq:), &
1370 ncop, ncoq, nsgf_set(pset), nsgf_set(qset))
1372 DEALLOCATE (work)
1373 END DO !qset
1374 END DO !pset
1376! Compute and store M^-1 (P|Q) M^-1
1377 ALLOCATE (xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex(nsgf, nsgf))
1378 xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex = 0.0_dp
1380 CALL dgemm('N', 'N', nsgf, nsgf, nsgf, 1.0_dp, metric, nsgf, pq, nsgf, &
1381 0.0_dp, xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex, nsgf)
1382 CALL dgemm('N', 'N', nsgf, nsgf, nsgf, 1.0_dp, xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex, nsgf, metric, nsgf, &
1383 0.0_dp, pq, nsgf)
1384 xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_ex(:, :) = pq(:, :)
1386 CALL cp_libint_cleanup_2eri(lib)
1388 END SUBROUTINE compute_ri_exchange2_int
1390! **************************************************************************************************
1391!> \brief Computes the two-center Coulomb integral needed for the RI in kernel calculation. Stores
1392!> the integrals (P|Q)^-1 in the xas_tdp_env as global (small) arrays. Does that for a given
1393!> excited kind
1394!> \param ex_kind ...
1395!> \param xas_tdp_env ...
1396!> \param xas_tdp_control ...
1397!> \param qs_env ...
1398! **************************************************************************************************
1399 SUBROUTINE compute_ri_coulomb2_int(ex_kind, xas_tdp_env, xas_tdp_control, qs_env)
1401 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ex_kind
1402 TYPE(xas_tdp_env_type), POINTER :: xas_tdp_env
1403 TYPE(xas_tdp_control_type), POINTER :: xas_tdp_control
1404 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
1406 INTEGER :: nsgf
1407 TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER :: ri_basis
1408 TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
1410 NULLIFY (ri_basis, qs_kind_set)
1412! Initialization
1413 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set)
1414 IF (ASSOCIATED(xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_coul)) THEN
1415 DEALLOCATE (xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_coul)
1416 END IF
1418! Get the RI basis of interest and its quantum numbers
1419 CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ex_kind), basis_set=ri_basis, basis_type="RI_XAS")
1420 CALL get_gto_basis_set(ri_basis, nsgf=nsgf)
1421 ALLOCATE (xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_coul(nsgf, nsgf))
1422 xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_coul = 0.0_dp
1424 IF (.NOT. xas_tdp_control%is_periodic) THEN
1425 CALL int_operators_r12_ab_os(r12_operator=operator_coulomb, vab=xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_coul, &
1426 rab=(/0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp/), fba=ri_basis, fbb=ri_basis, &
1427 calculate_forces=.false.)
1428 cpassert(ASSOCIATED(xas_tdp_control))
1429 ELSE
1430 CALL periodic_ri_coulomb2(xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_coul, ri_basis, qs_env)
1431 END IF
1433! Inverting
1434 CALL invmat_symm(xas_tdp_env%ri_inv_coul)
1436 END SUBROUTINE compute_ri_coulomb2_int
1438! **************************************************************************************************
1439!> \brief Computes the two-center inverse coulomb integral in the case of PBCs
1440!> \param ri_coul2 ...
1441!> \param ri_basis ...
1442!> \param qs_env ...
1443! **************************************************************************************************
1444 SUBROUTINE periodic_ri_coulomb2(ri_coul2, ri_basis, qs_env)
1446 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: ri_coul2
1447 TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER :: ri_basis
1448 TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER :: qs_env
1450 INTEGER :: maxco, ncop, ncoq, nset, op, oq, ppgf, &
1451 pset, qpgf, qset, sgfp, sgfq
1452 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: lmax, lmin, npgf, nsgf
1453 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: first_sgf
1454 REAL(dp) :: r(3)
1455 REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: hpq
1456 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: sphi, zet
1457 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
1458 TYPE(cp_eri_mme_param) :: mme_param
1459 TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
1460 TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: qs_kind_set
1462 NULLIFY (cell, qs_kind_set, lmin, lmax, nsgf, npgf, zet, sphi, first_sgf)
1464 ! Use eri_mme for this. Don't want to annoy the user with a full input section just for this
1465 ! tiny bit => initialize our own eri_mme section with the defaults
1467 CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, cell=cell, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, para_env=para_env)
1469 CALL eri_mme_init(mme_param%par, n_minimax=20, cutoff=300.0_dp, do_calib_cutoff=.true., &
1470 cutoff_min=10.0_dp, cutoff_max=10000.0_dp, cutoff_eps=0.01_dp, &
1471 cutoff_delta=0.9_dp, sum_precision=1.0e-12_dp, debug=.false., &
1472 debug_delta=1.0e-6_dp, debug_nsum=1000000, unit_nr=0, print_calib=.false., &
1473 do_error_est=.false.)
1474 mme_param%do_calib = .true.
1476 CALL cp_eri_mme_set_params(mme_param, cell, qs_kind_set, basis_type_1="RI_XAS", para_env=para_env)
1478 CALL get_gto_basis_set(ri_basis, lmax=lmax, npgf=npgf, zet=zet, lmin=lmin, nset=nset, &
1479 nsgf_set=nsgf, sphi=sphi, first_sgf=first_sgf, maxco=maxco)
1481 r = 0.0_dp
1482 ALLOCATE (hpq(nset*maxco, nset*maxco))
1483 hpq = 0.0_dp
1485 DO pset = 1, nset
1486 ncop = npgf(pset)*ncoset(lmax(pset))
1487 sgfp = first_sgf(1, pset)
1489 DO qset = 1, nset
1490 ncoq = npgf(qset)*ncoset(lmax(qset))
1491 sgfq = first_sgf(1, qset)
1493 DO ppgf = 1, npgf(pset)
1494 op = (pset - 1)*maxco + (ppgf - 1)*ncoset(lmax(pset))
1495 DO qpgf = 1, npgf(qset)
1496 oq = (qset - 1)*maxco + (qpgf - 1)*ncoset(lmax(qset))
1498 CALL eri_mme_2c_integrate(mme_param%par, lmin(pset), lmax(pset), lmin(qset), &
1499 lmax(qset), zet(ppgf, pset), zet(qpgf, qset), r, hpq, &
1500 op, oq)
1502 END DO !qpgf
1503 END DO ! ppgf
1505 !contraction into sgfs
1506 op = (pset - 1)*maxco + 1
1507 oq = (qset - 1)*maxco + 1
1509 CALL ab_contract(ri_coul2(sgfp:sgfp + nsgf(pset) - 1, sgfq:sgfq + nsgf(qset) - 1), &
1510 hpq(op:op + ncop - 1, oq:oq + ncoq - 1), sphi(:, sgfp:), sphi(:, sgfq:), &
1511 ncop, ncoq, nsgf(pset), nsgf(qset))
1513 END DO !qset
1514 END DO !pset
1516 !celan-up
1517 CALL eri_mme_release(mme_param%par)
1519 END SUBROUTINE periodic_ri_coulomb2
1521END MODULE xas_tdp_integrals
static int imax(int x, int y)
Returns the larger of two given integer (missing from the C standard)
static void dgemm(const char transa, const char transb, const int m, const int n, const int k, const double alpha, const double *a, const int lda, const double *b, const int ldb, const double beta, double *c, const int ldc)
Convenient wrapper to hide Fortran nature of dgemm_, swapping a and b.
#define idx2(a, i, j)
#define idx3(a, i, j, k)
Contraction of integrals over primitive Cartesian Gaussians based on the contraction matrix sphi whic...
subroutine, public abc_contract_xsmm(abcint, sabc, sphi_a, sphi_b, sphi_c, ncoa, ncob, ncoc, nsgfa, nsgfb, nsgfc, cpp_buffer, ccp_buffer, prefac)
3-center contraction routine from primitive cartesian Gaussians to spherical Gaussian functions....
subroutine, public ab_contract(abint, sab, sphi_a, sphi_b, ncoa, ncob, nsgfa, nsgfb)
contract overlap integrals (a,b) and transfer to spherical Gaussians
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
subroutine, public get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set, name, aliases, norm_type, kind_radius, ncgf, nset, nsgf, cgf_symbol, sgf_symbol, norm_cgf, set_radius, lmax, lmin, lx, ly, lz, m, ncgf_set, npgf, nsgf_set, nshell, cphi, pgf_radius, sphi, scon, zet, first_cgf, first_sgf, l, last_cgf, last_sgf, n, gcc, maxco, maxl, maxpgf, maxsgf_set, maxshell, maxso, nco_sum, npgf_sum, nshell_sum, maxder, short_kind_radius)
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
Definition cell_types.F:15
constants for the different operators of the 2c-integrals
integer, parameter, public operator_coulomb
various utilities that regard array of different kinds: output, allocation,... maybe it is not a good...
methods related to the blacs parallel environment
DBCSR operations in CP2K.
subroutine, public cp_dbcsr_dist2d_to_dist(dist2d, dist)
Creates a DBCSR distribution from a distribution_2d.
Interface to Minimax-Ewald method for periodic ERI's to be used in CP2K.
Utility routines to open and close files. Tracking of preconnections.
Definition cp_files.F:16
subroutine, public open_file(file_name, file_status, file_form, file_action, file_position, file_pad, unit_number, debug, skip_get_unit_number, file_access)
Opens the requested file using a free unit number.
Definition cp_files.F:308
subroutine, public close_file(unit_number, file_status, keep_preconnection)
Close an open file given by its logical unit number. Optionally, keep the file and unit preconnected.
Definition cp_files.F:119
This is the start of a dbt_api, all publically needed functions are exported here....
Definition dbt_api.F:17
stores a lists of integer that are local to a processor. The idea is that these integers represent ob...
stores a mapping of 2D info (e.g. matrix) on a 2D processor distribution (i.e. blacs grid) where cpus...
subroutine, public distribution_2d_create(distribution_2d, blacs_env, local_rows_ptr, n_local_rows, local_cols_ptr, row_distribution_ptr, col_distribution_ptr, n_local_cols, n_row_distribution, n_col_distribution)
initializes the distribution_2d
Minimax-Ewald (MME) method for calculating 2-center and 3-center electron repulsion integrals (ERI) o...
subroutine, public eri_mme_2c_integrate(param, la_min, la_max, lb_min, lb_max, zeta, zetb, rab, hab, o1, o2, g_count, r_count, normalize, potential, pot_par)
Low-level integration routine for 2-center ERIs.
Types and initialization / release routines for Minimax-Ewald method for electron repulsion integrals...
subroutine, public eri_mme_release(param)
subroutine, public eri_mme_init(param, n_minimax, cutoff, do_calib_cutoff, do_error_est, cutoff_min, cutoff_max, cutoff_eps, cutoff_delta, sum_precision, debug, debug_delta, debug_nsum, unit_nr, print_calib)
Calculation of the incomplete Gamma function F_n(t) for multi-center integrals over Cartesian Gaussia...
Definition gamma.F:15
subroutine, public init_md_ftable(nmax)
Initialize a table of F_n(t) values in the range 0 <= t <= 12 with a stepsize of 0....
Definition gamma.F:540
Calculation of contracted, spherical Gaussian integrals using the (OS) integral scheme....
subroutine, public int_operators_r12_ab_os(r12_operator, vab, dvab, rab, fba, fbb, omega, r_cutoff, calculate_forces)
Calcululates the two-center integrals of the type (a|O(r12)|b) using the OS scheme.
collects all constants needed in input so that they can be used without circular dependencies
integer, parameter, public do_potential_truncated
integer, parameter, public do_potential_id
integer, parameter, public do_potential_coulomb
integer, parameter, public do_potential_short
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
subroutine, public section_vals_val_get(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, n_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals, i_vals, r_vals, c_vals, explicit)
returns the requested value
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
2- and 3-center electron repulsion integral routines based on libint2 Currently available operators: ...
subroutine, public eri_2center(int_ab, la_min, la_max, npgfa, zeta, rpgfa, ra, lb_min, lb_max, npgfb, zetb, rpgfb, rb, dab, lib, potential_parameter)
Computes the 2-center electron repulsion integrals (a|b) for a given set of cartesian gaussian orbita...
subroutine, public eri_3center(int_abc, la_min, la_max, npgfa, zeta, rpgfa, ra, lb_min, lb_max, npgfb, zetb, rpgfb, rb, lc_min, lc_max, npgfc, zetc, rpgfc, rc, dab, dac, dbc, lib, potential_parameter, int_abc_ext)
Computes the 3-center electron repulsion integrals (ab|c) for a given set of cartesian gaussian orbit...
real(kind=dp), parameter, public cutoff_screen_factor
Interface to the Libint-Library or a c++ wrapper.
subroutine, public cp_libint_init_2eri(lib, max_am)
subroutine, public cp_libint_init_3eri(lib, max_am)
subroutine, public cp_libint_cleanup_3eri(lib)
subroutine, public cp_libint_set_contrdepth(lib, contrdepth)
subroutine, public cp_libint_cleanup_2eri(lib)
Collection of simple mathematical functions and subroutines.
Definition mathlib.F:15
subroutine, public invmat_symm(a, cholesky_triangle)
returns inverse of real symmetric, positive definite matrix
Definition mathlib.F:574
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Define the data structure for the molecule information.
Provides Cartesian and spherical orbital pointers and indices.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public ncoset
Define methods related to particle_type.
subroutine, public get_particle_set(particle_set, qs_kind_set, first_sgf, last_sgf, nsgf, nmao, basis)
Get the components of a particle set.
Define the data structure for the particle information.
subroutine, public get_qs_env(qs_env, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, cell, super_cell, cell_ref, use_ref_cell, kpoints, dft_control, mos, sab_orb, sab_all, qmmm, qmmm_periodic, sac_ae, sac_ppl, sac_lri, sap_ppnl, sab_vdw, sab_scp, sap_oce, sab_lrc, sab_se, sab_xtbe, sab_tbe, sab_core, sab_xb, sab_xtb_nonbond, sab_almo, sab_kp, sab_kp_nosym, particle_set, energy, force, matrix_h, matrix_h_im, matrix_ks, matrix_ks_im, matrix_vxc, run_rtp, rtp, matrix_h_kp, matrix_h_im_kp, matrix_ks_kp, matrix_ks_im_kp, matrix_vxc_kp, kinetic_kp, matrix_s_kp, matrix_w_kp, matrix_s_ri_aux_kp, matrix_s, matrix_s_ri_aux, matrix_w, matrix_p_mp2, matrix_p_mp2_admm, rho, rho_xc, pw_env, ewald_env, ewald_pw, active_space, mpools, input, para_env, blacs_env, scf_control, rel_control, kinetic, qs_charges, vppl, rho_core, rho_nlcc, rho_nlcc_g, ks_env, ks_qmmm_env, wf_history, scf_env, local_particles, local_molecules, distribution_2d, dbcsr_dist, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, subsys, cp_subsys, oce, local_rho_set, rho_atom_set, task_list, task_list_soft, rho0_atom_set, rho0_mpole, rhoz_set, ecoul_1c, rho0_s_rs, rho0_s_gs, do_kpoints, has_unit_metric, requires_mo_derivs, mo_derivs, mo_loc_history, nkind, natom, nelectron_total, nelectron_spin, efield, neighbor_list_id, linres_control, xas_env, virial, cp_ddapc_env, cp_ddapc_ewald, outer_scf_history, outer_scf_ihistory, x_data, et_coupling, dftb_potential, results, se_taper, se_store_int_env, se_nddo_mpole, se_nonbond_env, admm_env, lri_env, lri_density, exstate_env, ec_env, dispersion_env, gcp_env, vee, rho_external, external_vxc, mask, mp2_env, bs_env, kg_env, wanniercentres, atprop, ls_scf_env, do_transport, transport_env, v_hartree_rspace, s_mstruct_changed, rho_changed, potential_changed, forces_up_to_date, mscfg_env, almo_scf_env, gradient_history, variable_history, embed_pot, spin_embed_pot, polar_env, mos_last_converged, rhs)
Get the QUICKSTEP environment.
Some utility functions for the calculation of integrals.
subroutine, public basis_set_list_setup(basis_set_list, basis_type, qs_kind_set)
Set up an easy accessible list of the basis sets for all kinds.
Define the quickstep kind type and their sub types.
subroutine, public get_qs_kind(qs_kind, basis_set, basis_type, ncgf, nsgf, all_potential, tnadd_potential, gth_potential, sgp_potential, upf_potential, se_parameter, dftb_parameter, xtb_parameter, dftb3_param, zeff, elec_conf, mao, lmax_dftb, alpha_core_charge, ccore_charge, core_charge, core_charge_radius, paw_proj_set, paw_atom, hard_radius, hard0_radius, max_rad_local, covalent_radius, vdw_radius, gpw_r3d_rs_type_forced, harmonics, max_iso_not0, max_s_harm, grid_atom, ngrid_ang, ngrid_rad, lmax_rho0, dft_plus_u_atom, l_of_dft_plus_u, n_of_dft_plus_u, u_minus_j, u_of_dft_plus_u, j_of_dft_plus_u, alpha_of_dft_plus_u, beta_of_dft_plus_u, j0_of_dft_plus_u, occupation_of_dft_plus_u, dispersion, bs_occupation, magnetization, no_optimize, addel, laddel, naddel, orbitals, max_scf, eps_scf, smear, u_ramping, u_minus_j_target, eps_u_ramping, init_u_ramping_each_scf, reltmat, ghost, floating, name, element_symbol, pao_basis_size, pao_potentials, pao_descriptors, nelec)
Get attributes of an atomic kind.
Define the neighbor list data types and the corresponding functionality.
subroutine, public release_neighbor_list_sets(nlists)
releases an array of neighbor_list_sets
subroutine, public neighbor_list_iterator_create(iterator_set, nl, search, nthread)
Neighbor list iterator functions.
subroutine, public nl_set_sub_iterator(iterator_set, ikind, jkind, iatom, mepos)
subroutine, public neighbor_list_iterator_release(iterator_set)
subroutine, public get_neighbor_list_set_p(neighbor_list_sets, nlist, symmetric)
Return the components of the first neighbor list set.
integer function, public neighbor_list_iterate(iterator_set, mepos)
subroutine, public get_iterator_info(iterator_set, mepos, ikind, jkind, nkind, ilist, nlist, inode, nnode, iatom, jatom, r, cell)
Generate the atomic neighbor lists.
subroutine, public atom2d_cleanup(atom2d)
free the internals of atom2d
subroutine, public pair_radius_setup(present_a, present_b, radius_a, radius_b, pair_radius, prmin)
subroutine, public build_neighbor_lists(ab_list, particle_set, atom, cell, pair_radius, subcells, mic, symmetric, molecular, subset_of_mol, current_subset, operator_type, nlname, atomb_to_keep)
Build simple pair neighbor lists.
subroutine, public atom2d_build(atom2d, distribution_1d, distribution_2d, atomic_kind_set, molecule_set, molecule_only, particle_set)
Build some distribution structure of atoms, refactored from build_qs_neighbor_lists.
3-center overlap type integrals containers
subroutine, public get_o3c_iterator_info(o3c_iterator, mepos, iatom, jatom, katom, ikind, jkind, kkind, rij, rik, cellj, cellk, integral, tvec, force_i, force_j, force_k)
subroutine, public o3c_iterator_create(o3c, o3c_iterator, nthread)
subroutine, public release_o3c_container(o3c_container)
subroutine, public o3c_iterator_release(o3c_iterator)
integer function, public o3c_iterate(o3c_iterator, mepos)
subroutine, public init_o3c_container(o3c, nspin, basis_set_list_a, basis_set_list_b, basis_set_list_c, sab_nl, sac_nl, only_bc_same_center)
This module computes the basic integrals for the truncated coulomb operator.
Definition t_c_g0.F:57
subroutine, public init(nder, iunit, mepos, group)
Definition t_c_g0.F:1357
integer function, public get_lmax_init()
Returns the value of nderiv_init so that one can check if opening the potential file is worhtwhile.
Definition t_c_g0.F:1464
3-center integrals machinery for the XAS_TDP method
subroutine, public build_xas_tdp_3c_nl(ac_list, basis_a, basis_c, op_type, qs_env, excited_atoms, x_range, ext_dist2d)
Builds a neighbor lists set taylored for 3-center integral within XAS TDP, such that only excited ato...
subroutine, public compute_ri_coulomb2_int(ex_kind, xas_tdp_env, xas_tdp_control, qs_env)
Computes the two-center Coulomb integral needed for the RI in kernel calculation. Stores the integral...
subroutine, public build_xas_tdp_ovlp_nl(ab_list, basis_a, basis_b, qs_env, excited_atoms, ext_dist2d)
Builds a neighbor lists set for overlaping 2-center S_ab, where b is restricted on a a given list of ...
subroutine, public fill_pqx_tensor(pq_x, ab_nl, ac_nl, basis_set_list_a, basis_set_list_b, basis_set_list_c, potential_parameter, qs_env, only_bc_same_center, eps_screen)
Fills the given 3 dimensional (pq|X) tensor with integrals.
subroutine, public compute_ri_3c_coulomb(xas_tdp_env, qs_env)
Computes the RI Coulomb 3-center integrals (ab|c), where c is from the RI_XAS basis and centered on t...
subroutine, public compute_ri_exchange2_int(ex_kind, xas_tdp_env, xas_tdp_control, qs_env)
Computes the two-center Exchange integral needed for the RI in kernel calculation....
subroutine, public create_pqx_tensor(pq_x, ab_nl, ac_nl, matrix_dist, blk_size_1, blk_size_2, blk_size_3, only_bc_same_center)
Prepares a tensor to hold 3-center integrals (pq|X), where p,q are distributed according to the given...
subroutine, public get_opt_3c_dist2d(opt_3c_dist2d, ab_list, ac_list, basis_set_a, basis_set_b, basis_set_c, qs_env, only_bc_same_center)
Returns an optimized distribution_2d for the given neighbor lists based on an evaluation of the cost ...
subroutine, public compute_ri_3c_exchange(ex_atoms, xas_tdp_env, xas_tdp_control, qs_env)
Computes the RI exchange 3-center integrals (ab|c), where c is from the RI_XAS basis and centered on ...
Define XAS TDP control type and associated create, release, etc subroutines, as well as XAS TDP envir...
Provides all information about an atomic kind.
Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell.
Definition cell_types.F:55
represent a pointer to a 1d array
represent a pointer to a 2d array
represent a blacs multidimensional parallel environment (for the mpi corrispective see cp_paratypes/m...
structure to store local (to a processor) ordered lists of integers.
distributes pairs on a 2d grid of processors
stores all the informations relevant to an mpi environment
Provides all information about a quickstep kind.
Type containing control information for TDP XAS calculations.
Type containing informations such as inputs and results for TDP XAS calculations.