Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
11  USE atomic_kind_types, ONLY: atomic_kind_type
12  USE bibliography, ONLY: quip_ref, &
13  cite_reference
14  USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_type
15  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_para_env_type
18  fist_nonbond_env_type, &
19  quip_data_type
20  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
21  USE pair_potential_types, ONLY: pair_potential_pp_type, &
22  pair_potential_single_type, &
23  quip_pot_type, &
24  quip_type
25  USE particle_types, ONLY: particle_type
26  USE physcon, ONLY: angstrom, &
27  evolt
28 #ifdef __QUIP
29  USE quip_unified_wrapper_module, ONLY: quip_unified_wrapper
30 #endif
32 #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
40  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'manybody_quip'
44 ! **************************************************************************************************
45 !> \brief ...
46 !> \param particle_set ...
47 !> \param cell ...
48 !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
49 !> \param potparm ...
50 !> \param fist_nonbond_env ...
51 !> \param pot_quip ...
52 !> \param para_env ...
53 ! **************************************************************************************************
54  SUBROUTINE quip_energy_store_force_virial(particle_set, cell, atomic_kind_set, potparm, fist_nonbond_env, &
55  pot_quip, para_env)
56  TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
57  TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
58  TYPE(atomic_kind_type), POINTER :: atomic_kind_set(:)
59  TYPE(pair_potential_pp_type), POINTER :: potparm
60  TYPE(fist_nonbond_env_type), POINTER :: fist_nonbond_env
61  REAL(kind=dp) :: pot_quip
62  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), OPTIONAL, &
63  POINTER :: para_env
65 #ifdef __QUIP
66  CHARACTER(len=2), ALLOCATABLE :: elem_symbol(:)
67  INTEGER :: i, iat, iat_use, ikind, &
68  jkind, n_atoms, n_atoms_use, &
69  output_unit
70  LOGICAL :: do_parallel
71  LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: use_atom(:)
72  REAL(kind=dp) :: lattice(3, 3), virial(3, 3)
73  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: force(:, :), pos(:, :)
74  TYPE(pair_potential_single_type), &
75  POINTER :: pot
76  TYPE(quip_data_type), POINTER :: quip_data
77  TYPE(quip_pot_type), POINTER :: quip
79 #endif
80 #ifndef __QUIP
81  mark_used(particle_set)
82  mark_used(cell)
83  mark_used(atomic_kind_set)
84  mark_used(potparm)
85  mark_used(fist_nonbond_env)
86  mark_used(pot_quip)
87  mark_used(para_env)
88  CALL cp_abort(__location__, "In order to use QUIP you need to download "// &
89  "and install the libAtoms/QUIP library (check CP2K manual for details)")
90 #else
91  n_atoms = SIZE(particle_set)
92  ALLOCATE (use_atom(n_atoms))
93  use_atom = .false.
95  NULLIFY (quip)
97  DO ikind = 1, SIZE(atomic_kind_set)
98  DO jkind = 1, SIZE(atomic_kind_set)
99  pot => potparm%pot(ikind, jkind)%pot
100  DO i = 1, SIZE(pot%type)
101  IF (pot%type(i) /= quip_type) cycle
102  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(quip)) quip => pot%set(i)%quip
103  DO iat = 1, n_atoms
104  IF (particle_set(iat)%atomic_kind%kind_number == ikind .OR. &
105  particle_set(iat)%atomic_kind%kind_number == jkind) use_atom(iat) = .true.
106  END DO ! iat
107  END DO ! i
108  END DO ! jkind
109  END DO ! ikind
110  n_atoms_use = count(use_atom)
111  ALLOCATE (pos(3, n_atoms_use), force(3, n_atoms_use), elem_symbol(n_atoms_use))
113  iat_use = 0
114  DO iat = 1, n_atoms
115  IF (.NOT. use_atom(iat)) cycle
116  iat_use = iat_use + 1
117  pos(1:3, iat_use) = particle_set(iat)%r*angstrom
118  elem_symbol(iat_use) = particle_set(iat)%atomic_kind%element_symbol
119  END DO
120  IF (iat_use > 0) CALL cite_reference(quip_ref)
121  output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit()
122  lattice = cell%hmat*angstrom
123  do_parallel = .false.
124  IF (PRESENT(para_env)) THEN
125  do_parallel = para_env%num_pe > 1
126  END IF
127  IF (do_parallel) THEN
128  CALL quip_unified_wrapper( &
129  n=n_atoms_use, pos=pos, lattice=lattice, symbol=elem_symbol, &
130  quip_param_file=trim(quip%quip_file_name), &
131  quip_param_file_len=len_trim(quip%quip_file_name), &
132  init_args_str=trim(quip%init_args), &
133  init_args_str_len=len_trim(quip%init_args), &
134  calc_args_str=trim(quip%calc_args), &
135  calc_args_str_len=len_trim(quip%calc_args), &
136  energy=pot_quip, force=force, virial=virial, &
137  output_unit=output_unit, mpi_communicator=para_env%get_handle())
138  ELSE
139  CALL quip_unified_wrapper( &
140  n=n_atoms_use, pos=pos, lattice=lattice, symbol=elem_symbol, &
141  quip_param_file=trim(quip%quip_file_name), &
142  quip_param_file_len=len_trim(quip%quip_file_name), &
143  init_args_str=trim(quip%init_args), &
144  init_args_str_len=len_trim(quip%init_args), &
145  calc_args_str=trim(quip%calc_args), &
146  calc_args_str_len=len_trim(quip%calc_args), &
147  energy=pot_quip, force=force, virial=virial, output_unit=output_unit)
148  END IF
149  ! convert units
150  pot_quip = pot_quip/evolt
151  force = force/(evolt/angstrom)
152  virial = virial/evolt
153  ! account for double counting from multiple MPI processes
154  IF (PRESENT(para_env)) pot_quip = pot_quip/real(para_env%num_pe, dp)
155  IF (PRESENT(para_env)) force = force/real(para_env%num_pe, dp)
156  IF (PRESENT(para_env)) virial = virial/real(para_env%num_pe, dp)
157  ! get quip_data to save force, virial info
158  CALL fist_nonbond_env_get(fist_nonbond_env, quip_data=quip_data)
159  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(quip_data)) THEN
160  ALLOCATE (quip_data)
161  CALL fist_nonbond_env_set(fist_nonbond_env, quip_data=quip_data)
162  NULLIFY (quip_data%use_indices, quip_data%force)
163  END IF
164  IF (ASSOCIATED(quip_data%force)) THEN
165  IF (SIZE(quip_data%force, 2) /= n_atoms_use) THEN
166  DEALLOCATE (quip_data%force, quip_data%use_indices)
167  END IF
168  END IF
169  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(quip_data%force)) THEN
170  ALLOCATE (quip_data%force(3, n_atoms_use))
171  ALLOCATE (quip_data%use_indices(n_atoms_use))
172  END IF
173  ! save force, virial info
174  iat_use = 0
175  DO iat = 1, n_atoms
176  IF (use_atom(iat)) THEN
177  iat_use = iat_use + 1
178  quip_data%use_indices(iat_use) = iat
179  END IF
180  END DO
181  quip_data%force = force
182  quip_data%virial = virial
184  DEALLOCATE (use_atom, pos, force, elem_symbol)
185 #endif
186  END SUBROUTINE quip_energy_store_force_virial
188 ! **************************************************************************************************
189 !> \brief ...
190 !> \param fist_nonbond_env ...
191 !> \param force ...
192 !> \param virial ...
193 ! **************************************************************************************************
194  SUBROUTINE quip_add_force_virial(fist_nonbond_env, force, virial)
195  TYPE(fist_nonbond_env_type), POINTER :: fist_nonbond_env
196  REAL(kind=dp) :: force(:, :), virial(3, 3)
198 #ifdef __QUIP
199  INTEGER :: iat, iat_use
200  TYPE(quip_data_type), POINTER :: quip_data
201 #endif
203 #ifndef __QUIP
204  mark_used(fist_nonbond_env)
205  mark_used(force)
206  mark_used(virial)
208 #else
209  CALL fist_nonbond_env_get(fist_nonbond_env, quip_data=quip_data)
210  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(quip_data)) RETURN
212  DO iat_use = 1, SIZE(quip_data%use_indices)
213  iat = quip_data%use_indices(iat_use)
214  cpassert(iat >= 1 .AND. iat <= SIZE(force, 2))
215  force(1:3, iat) = force(1:3, iat) + quip_data%force(1:3, iat_use)
216  END DO
217  virial = virial + quip_data%virial
218 #endif
219  END SUBROUTINE quip_add_force_virial
221 END MODULE manybody_quip
Define the atomic kind types and their sub types.
collects all references to literature in CP2K as new algorithms / method are included from literature...
Definition: bibliography.F:28
integer, save, public quip_ref
Definition: bibliography.F:43
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
Definition: cell_types.F:15
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
returns the unit nr for the ionode (-1 on all other processors) skips as well checks if the procs cal...
subroutine, public fist_nonbond_env_get(fist_nonbond_env, potparm14, potparm, nonbonded, rlist_cut, rlist_lowsq, aup, lup, ei_scale14, vdw_scale14, shift_cutoff, do_electrostatics, r_last_update, r_last_update_pbc, rshell_last_update_pbc, rcore_last_update_pbc, cell_last_update, num_update, last_update, counter, natom_types, long_range_correction, ij_kind_full_fac, eam_data, quip_data, nequip_data, allegro_data, deepmd_data, charges)
sets a fist_nonbond_env
subroutine, public fist_nonbond_env_set(fist_nonbond_env, potparm14, potparm, rlist_cut, rlist_lowsq, nonbonded, aup, lup, ei_scale14, vdw_scale14, shift_cutoff, do_electrostatics, r_last_update, r_last_update_pbc, rshell_last_update_pbc, rcore_last_update_pbc, cell_last_update, num_update, last_update, counter, natom_types, long_range_correction, eam_data, quip_data, nequip_data, allegro_data, deepmd_data, charges)
sets a fist_nonbond_env
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
subroutine, public quip_add_force_virial(fist_nonbond_env, force, virial)
subroutine, public quip_energy_store_force_virial(particle_set, cell, atomic_kind_set, potparm, fist_nonbond_env, pot_quip, para_env)
Definition: manybody_quip.F:56
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
integer, parameter, public quip_type
Define the data structure for the particle information.
Definition of physical constants:
Definition: physcon.F:68
real(kind=dp), parameter, public evolt
Definition: physcon.F:183
real(kind=dp), parameter, public angstrom
Definition: physcon.F:144