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grid_basis_set.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  grid_basis_set
 Internal representation of a basis set. More...


void grid_create_basis_set (const int nset, const int nsgf, const int maxco, const int maxpgf, const int lmin[nset], const int lmax[nset], const int npgf[nset], const int nsgf_set[nset], const int first_sgf[nset], const double sphi[nsgf][maxco], const double zet[nset][maxpgf], grid_basis_set **basis_set)
 Allocates a basis set which can be passed to grid_create_task_list.
void grid_free_basis_set (grid_basis_set *basis_set)
 Deallocates given basis set.

Function Documentation

◆ grid_create_basis_set()

void grid_create_basis_set ( const int  nset,
const int  nsgf,
const int  maxco,
const int  maxpgf,
const int  lmin[nset],
const int  lmax[nset],
const int  npgf[nset],
const int  nsgf_set[nset],
const int  first_sgf[nset],
const double  sphi[nsgf][maxco],
const double  zet[nset][maxpgf],
grid_basis_set **  basis_set_out 

Allocates a basis set which can be passed to grid_create_task_list.

nsetNumber of sets this basis is composed of.
nsgfSize of contracted spherical basis, ie. the block size
maxcoMaximum number of Cartesian functions across all sets.
maxpgfMaximum number of primitive Gaussians across all sets.
 The following params are given for each set:
lminLowest angular momentum.
lmaxHighest angular momentum.
npgfNumber of primitive Gaussians, ie. exponents.
nsgf_setNumber of spherical basis functions
first_sgfIndex of first spherical basis function (one based).
sphiTransformation matrix for (de-)contracting the basis.
zetExponents of primitive Gaussians.
basis_setHandle to the created basis set.
Ole Schuett

Allocates a basis set which can be passed to grid_create_task_list.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 19 of file grid_basis_set.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ grid_free_basis_set()

void grid_free_basis_set ( grid_basis_set basis_set)

Deallocates given basis set.

Ole Schuett

Definition at line 67 of file grid_basis_set.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: