Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Defines functions to perform rmsd in 3D
10 !> \author Teodoro Laino 09.2006
11 ! **************************************************************************************************
12 MODULE rmsd
14  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
15  USE mathlib, ONLY: diamat_all
16  USE particle_types, ONLY: particle_type
17 #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
22  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'rmsd'
23  REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: epsi = epsilon(0.0_dp)*1.0e4_dp
25  PUBLIC :: rmsd3
29 ! **************************************************************************************************
30 !> \brief Computes the RMSD in 3D. Provides also derivatives.
31 !> \param particle_set ...
32 !> \param r ...
33 !> \param r0 ...
34 !> \param output_unit ...
35 !> \param weights ...
36 !> \param my_val ...
37 !> \param rotate ...
38 !> \param transl ...
39 !> \param rot ...
40 !> \param drmsd3 ...
41 !> \author Teodoro Laino 08.2006
42 !> \note
43 !> Optional arguments:
44 !> my_val -> gives back the value of the RMSD
45 !> transl -> provides the translational vector
46 !> rotate -> if .true. gives back in r the coordinates rotated
47 !> in order to minimize the RMSD3
48 !> rot -> provides the rotational matrix
49 !> drmsd3 -> derivatives of RMSD3 w.r.t. atomic positions
50 ! **************************************************************************************************
51  SUBROUTINE rmsd3(particle_set, r, r0, output_unit, weights, my_val, &
52  rotate, transl, rot, drmsd3)
53  TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particle_set
54  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: r, r0
55  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: output_unit
56  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: weights
57  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: my_val
59  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: transl
60  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT), &
61  OPTIONAL :: rot, drmsd3
63  INTEGER :: i, ix, j, k, natom
64  LOGICAL :: my_rotate
65  REAL(kind=dp) :: dm_r(4, 4, 3), lambda(4), loc_tr(3), &
66  m(4, 4), mtot, my_rot(3, 3), q(0:3), &
67  rr(3), rr0(3), rrsq, s, xx, yy, &
68  z(4, 4), zz
69  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: w
70  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: r0p, rp
72  cpassert(SIZE(r) == SIZE(r0))
73  natom = SIZE(particle_set)
74  my_rotate = .false.
75  IF (PRESENT(rotate)) my_rotate = rotate
76  ALLOCATE (w(natom))
77  IF (PRESENT(weights)) THEN
78  w(:) = weights
79  ELSE
80  ! All atoms have a weight proportional to their mass in the RMSD unless
81  ! differently requested
82  DO i = 1, natom
83  w(i) = particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
84  END DO
85  mtot = minval(w)
86  IF (mtot /= 0.0_dp) w(:) = w(:)/mtot
87  END IF
88  ALLOCATE (rp(3, natom))
89  ALLOCATE (r0p(3, natom))
90  ! Molecule given by coordinates R
91  ! Find COM and center molecule in COM
92  xx = 0.0_dp
93  yy = 0.0_dp
94  zz = 0.0_dp
95  mtot = 0.0_dp
96  DO i = 1, natom
97  mtot = mtot + particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
98  xx = xx + r((i - 1)*3 + 1)*particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
99  yy = yy + r((i - 1)*3 + 2)*particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
100  zz = zz + r((i - 1)*3 + 3)*particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
101  END DO
102  xx = xx/mtot
103  yy = yy/mtot
104  zz = zz/mtot
105  DO i = 1, natom
106  rp(1, i) = r((i - 1)*3 + 1) - xx
107  rp(2, i) = r((i - 1)*3 + 2) - yy
108  rp(3, i) = r((i - 1)*3 + 3) - zz
109  END DO
110  IF (PRESENT(transl)) THEN
111  transl(1) = xx
112  transl(2) = yy
113  transl(3) = zz
114  END IF
115  ! Molecule given by coordinates R0
116  ! Find COM and center molecule in COM
117  xx = 0.0_dp
118  yy = 0.0_dp
119  zz = 0.0_dp
120  DO i = 1, natom
121  xx = xx + r0((i - 1)*3 + 1)*particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
122  yy = yy + r0((i - 1)*3 + 2)*particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
123  zz = zz + r0((i - 1)*3 + 3)*particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%mass
124  END DO
125  xx = xx/mtot
126  yy = yy/mtot
127  zz = zz/mtot
128  DO i = 1, natom
129  r0p(1, i) = r0((i - 1)*3 + 1) - xx
130  r0p(2, i) = r0((i - 1)*3 + 2) - yy
131  r0p(3, i) = r0((i - 1)*3 + 3) - zz
132  END DO
133  loc_tr(1) = xx
134  loc_tr(2) = yy
135  loc_tr(3) = zz
136  ! Give back the translational vector
137  IF (PRESENT(transl)) THEN
138  transl(1) = transl(1) - xx
139  transl(2) = transl(2) - yy
140  transl(3) = transl(3) - zz
141  END IF
142  m = 0.0_dp
143  !
144  DO i = 1, natom
145  IF (w(i) == 0.0_dp) cycle
146  rr(1) = rp(1, i)
147  rr(2) = rp(2, i)
148  rr(3) = rp(3, i)
149  rr0(1) = r0p(1, i)
150  rr0(2) = r0p(2, i)
151  rr0(3) = r0p(3, i)
152  rrsq = w(i)*(rr0(1)**2 + rr0(2)**2 + rr0(3)**2 + rr(1)**2 + rr(2)**2 + rr(3)**2)
153  rr0(1) = w(i)*rr0(1)
154  rr0(2) = w(i)*rr0(2)
155  rr0(3) = w(i)*rr0(3)
156  m(1, 1) = m(1, 1) + rrsq + 2.0_dp*(-rr0(1)*rr(1) - rr0(2)*rr(2) - rr0(3)*rr(3))
157  m(2, 2) = m(2, 2) + rrsq + 2.0_dp*(-rr0(1)*rr(1) + rr0(2)*rr(2) + rr0(3)*rr(3))
158  m(3, 3) = m(3, 3) + rrsq + 2.0_dp*(rr0(1)*rr(1) - rr0(2)*rr(2) + rr0(3)*rr(3))
159  m(4, 4) = m(4, 4) + rrsq + 2.0_dp*(rr0(1)*rr(1) + rr0(2)*rr(2) - rr0(3)*rr(3))
160  m(1, 2) = m(1, 2) + 2.0_dp*(-rr0(2)*rr(3) + rr0(3)*rr(2))
161  m(1, 3) = m(1, 3) + 2.0_dp*(rr0(1)*rr(3) - rr0(3)*rr(1))
162  m(1, 4) = m(1, 4) + 2.0_dp*(-rr0(1)*rr(2) + rr0(2)*rr(1))
163  m(2, 3) = m(2, 3) - 2.0_dp*(rr0(1)*rr(2) + rr0(2)*rr(1))
164  m(2, 4) = m(2, 4) - 2.0_dp*(rr0(1)*rr(3) + rr0(3)*rr(1))
165  m(3, 4) = m(3, 4) - 2.0_dp*(rr0(2)*rr(3) + rr0(3)*rr(2))
166  END DO
167  ! Symmetrize
168  m(2, 1) = m(1, 2)
169  m(3, 1) = m(1, 3)
170  m(3, 2) = m(2, 3)
171  m(4, 1) = m(1, 4)
172  m(4, 2) = m(2, 4)
173  m(4, 3) = m(3, 4)
174  ! Solve the eigenvalue problem for M
175  z = m
176  CALL diamat_all(z, lambda)
177  ! Pick the correct eigenvectors
178  s = 1.0_dp
179  IF (z(1, 1) .LT. 0.0_dp) s = -1.0_dp
180  q(0) = s*z(1, 1)
181  q(1) = s*z(2, 1)
182  q(2) = s*z(3, 1)
183  q(3) = s*z(4, 1)
184  IF (PRESENT(my_val)) THEN
185  IF (abs(lambda(1)) < epsi) THEN
186  my_val = 0.0_dp
187  ELSE
188  my_val = lambda(1)/real(natom, kind=dp)
189  END IF
190  END IF
191  IF (abs(lambda(1) - lambda(2)) < epsi) THEN
192  IF (output_unit > 0) WRITE (output_unit, fmt='(T2,"RMSD3|",A)') &
194  END IF
195  ! Computes derivatives w.r.t. the positions if requested
196  IF (PRESENT(drmsd3)) THEN
197  DO i = 1, natom
198  IF (w(i) == 0.0_dp) cycle
199  rr(1) = w(i)*2.0_dp*rp(1, i)
200  rr(2) = w(i)*2.0_dp*rp(2, i)
201  rr(3) = w(i)*2.0_dp*rp(3, i)
202  rr0(1) = w(i)*2.0_dp*r0p(1, i)
203  rr0(2) = w(i)*2.0_dp*r0p(2, i)
204  rr0(3) = w(i)*2.0_dp*r0p(3, i)
206  dm_r(1, 1, 1) = (rr(1) - rr0(1))
207  dm_r(1, 1, 2) = (rr(2) - rr0(2))
208  dm_r(1, 1, 3) = (rr(3) - rr0(3))
210  dm_r(1, 2, 1) = 0.0_dp
211  dm_r(1, 2, 2) = rr0(3)
212  dm_r(1, 2, 3) = -rr0(2)
214  dm_r(1, 3, 1) = -rr0(3)
215  dm_r(1, 3, 2) = 0.0_dp
216  dm_r(1, 3, 3) = rr0(1)
218  dm_r(1, 4, 1) = rr0(2)
219  dm_r(1, 4, 2) = -rr0(1)
220  dm_r(1, 4, 3) = 0.0_dp
222  dm_r(2, 2, 1) = (rr(1) - rr0(1))
223  dm_r(2, 2, 2) = (rr(2) + rr0(2))
224  dm_r(2, 2, 3) = (rr(3) + rr0(3))
226  dm_r(2, 3, 1) = -rr0(2)
227  dm_r(2, 3, 2) = -rr0(1)
228  dm_r(2, 3, 3) = 0.0_dp
230  dm_r(2, 4, 1) = -rr0(3)
231  dm_r(2, 4, 2) = 0.0_dp
232  dm_r(2, 4, 3) = -rr0(1)
234  dm_r(3, 3, 1) = (rr(1) + rr0(1))
235  dm_r(3, 3, 2) = (rr(2) - rr0(2))
236  dm_r(3, 3, 3) = (rr(3) + rr0(3))
238  dm_r(3, 4, 1) = 0.0_dp
239  dm_r(3, 4, 2) = -rr0(3)
240  dm_r(3, 4, 3) = -rr0(2)
242  dm_r(4, 4, 1) = (rr(1) + rr0(1))
243  dm_r(4, 4, 2) = (rr(2) + rr0(2))
244  dm_r(4, 4, 3) = (rr(3) - rr0(3))
246  DO ix = 1, 3
247  dm_r(2, 1, ix) = dm_r(1, 2, ix)
248  dm_r(3, 1, ix) = dm_r(1, 3, ix)
249  dm_r(4, 1, ix) = dm_r(1, 4, ix)
250  dm_r(3, 2, ix) = dm_r(2, 3, ix)
251  dm_r(4, 2, ix) = dm_r(2, 4, ix)
252  dm_r(4, 3, ix) = dm_r(3, 4, ix)
253  END DO
254  !
255  DO ix = 1, 3
256  drmsd3(ix, i) = 0.0_dp
257  DO k = 1, 4
258  DO j = 1, 4
259  drmsd3(ix, i) = drmsd3(ix, i) + q(k - 1)*q(j - 1)*dm_r(j, k, ix)
260  END DO
261  END DO
262  drmsd3(ix, i) = drmsd3(ix, i)/real(natom, kind=dp)
263  END DO
264  END DO
265  END IF
266  ! Computes the rotation matrix in terms of quaternions
267  my_rot(1, 1) = -2.0_dp*q(2)**2 - 2.0_dp*q(3)**2 + 1.0_dp
268  my_rot(1, 2) = 2.0_dp*(-q(0)*q(3) + q(1)*q(2))
269  my_rot(1, 3) = 2.0_dp*(q(0)*q(2) + q(1)*q(3))
270  my_rot(2, 1) = 2.0_dp*(q(0)*q(3) + q(1)*q(2))
271  my_rot(2, 2) = -2.0_dp*q(1)**2 - 2.0_dp*q(3)**2 + 1.0_dp
272  my_rot(2, 3) = 2.0_dp*(-q(0)*q(1) + q(2)*q(3))
273  my_rot(3, 1) = 2.0_dp*(-q(0)*q(2) + q(1)*q(3))
274  my_rot(3, 2) = 2.0_dp*(q(0)*q(1) + q(2)*q(3))
275  my_rot(3, 3) = -2.0_dp*q(1)**2 - 2.0_dp*q(2)**2 + 1.0_dp
276  IF (PRESENT(rot)) rot = my_rot
277  ! Give back coordinates rotated in order to minimize the RMSD
278  IF (my_rotate) THEN
279  DO i = 1, natom
280  r((i - 1)*3 + 1:(i - 1)*3 + 3) = matmul(transpose(my_rot), rp(:, i)) + loc_tr
281  END DO
282  END IF
284  DEALLOCATE (rp)
285  DEALLOCATE (r0p)
288 END MODULE rmsd
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Collection of simple mathematical functions and subroutines.
Definition: mathlib.F:15
subroutine, public diamat_all(a, eigval, dac)
Diagonalize the symmetric n by n matrix a using the LAPACK library. Only the upper triangle of matrix...
Definition: mathlib.F:376
Define the data structure for the particle information.
Defines functions to perform rmsd in 3D.
Definition: rmsd.F:12
subroutine, public rmsd3(particle_set, r, r0, output_unit, weights, my_val, rotate, transl, rot, drmsd3)
Computes the RMSD in 3D. Provides also derivatives.
Definition: rmsd.F:53