Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief a module to allow simple internal preprocessing in input files.
10 !> \par History
11 !> - standalone proof-of-concept implementation (20.02.2008,AK)
12 !> - integration into cp2k (22.02.2008,tlaino)
13 !> - variables added (23.02.2008,AK)
14 !> - @IF/@ENDIF added (25.02.2008,AK)
15 !> - @PRINT and debug ifdefs added (26.02.2008,AK)
16 !> \author Axel Kohlmeyer [AK] - CMM/UPenn Philadelphia
17 !> \date 20.02.2008
18 ! **************************************************************************************************
20  USE cp_files, ONLY: close_file, &
23  USE cp_parser_inpp_types, ONLY: inpp_type
24  USE kinds, ONLY: default_path_length, &
26  USE memory_utilities, ONLY: reallocate
27  USE string_utilities, ONLY: is_whitespace, &
28  uppercase
29 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
34  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'cp_parser_inpp_methods'
35  LOGICAL, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: debug_this_module = .false.
36  INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: max_message_length = 400
39  PRIVATE :: inpp_find_variable, inpp_list_variables
43 ! **************************************************************************************************
44 !> \brief Validates whether the given string is a valid preprocessor variable name
45 !> \param str The input string (must be already trimmed if necessary)
46 !> \return .TRUE. if it is a valid variable name, .FALSE. otherwise
47 ! **************************************************************************************************
48  LOGICAL PURE FUNCTION is_valid_varname(str)
50  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"
51  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: alphanum = alpha//"0123456789"
52  INTEGER :: idx
54  is_valid_varname = .false.
56  IF (len(str) == 0) &
59  IF (index(alpha, str(1:1)) == 0) &
62  DO idx = 2, len(str)
63  IF (index(alphanum, str(idx:idx)) == 0) &
65  END DO
67  is_valid_varname = .true.
68  END FUNCTION is_valid_varname
69 ! **************************************************************************************************
70 !> \brief process internal preprocessor directives like @INCLUDE, @SET, @IF/@ENDIF
71 !> \param inpp ...
72 !> \param input_line ...
73 !> \param input_file_name ...
74 !> \param input_line_number ...
75 !> \param input_unit ...
76 !> \par History
77 !> - standalone proof-of-concept implementation (20.02.2008,AK)
78 !> - integration into cp2k (22.02.2008,tlaino)
79 !> - variables added (23.02.2008,AK)
80 !> - @IF/@ENDIF added (25.02.2008,AK)
81 !> \author AK
82 ! **************************************************************************************************
83  SUBROUTINE inpp_process_directive(inpp, input_line, input_file_name, input_line_number, &
84  input_unit)
85  TYPE(inpp_type), POINTER :: inpp
86  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: input_line, input_file_name
87  INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: input_line_number, input_unit
89  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: cond1, cond2, filename, mytag, value, &
90  varname
91  CHARACTER(LEN=max_message_length) :: message
92  INTEGER :: i, indf, indi, istat, output_unit, pos1, &
93  pos2, unit
94  LOGICAL :: check
96  output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit()
98  cpassert(ASSOCIATED(inpp))
100  ! Find location of directive in line and check whether it is commented out
101  indi = index(input_line, "@")
102  pos1 = index(input_line, "!")
103  pos2 = index(input_line, "#")
104  IF (((pos1 > 0) .AND. (pos1 < indi)) .OR. ((pos2 > 0) .AND. (pos2 < indi))) THEN
105  ! Nothing to do
107  END IF
109  ! Get the start of the instruction and find "@KEYWORD" (or "@")
110  indf = indi
111  DO WHILE (.NOT. is_whitespace(input_line(indf:indf)))
112  indf = indf + 1
113  END DO
114  mytag = input_line(indi:indf - 1)
115  CALL uppercase(mytag)
117  SELECT CASE (mytag)
119  CASE ("@INCLUDE")
120  ! Get the file name, allow for " or ' or nothing
121  filename = trim(input_line(indf:))
122  IF (len_trim(filename) == 0) THEN
123  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
124  "No filename argument found for "//trim(mytag)// &
125  " directive in file <"//trim(input_file_name)// &
126  "> Line:", input_line_number
127  cpabort(trim(message))
128  END IF
129  indi = 1
130  DO WHILE (is_whitespace(filename(indi:indi)))
131  indi = indi + 1
132  END DO
133  filename = trim(filename(indi:))
135  ! Handle quoting of the filename
136  pos1 = index(filename, '"')
137  pos2 = index(filename(pos1 + 1:), '"')
138  IF ((pos1 /= 0) .AND. (pos2 /= 0)) THEN
139  filename = filename(pos1 + 1:pos1 + pos2 - 1)
140  ELSE
141  pos1 = index(filename, "'")
142  pos2 = index(filename(pos1 + 1:), "'")
143  IF ((pos1 /= 0) .AND. (pos2 /= 0)) THEN
144  filename = filename(pos1 + 1:pos1 + pos2 - 1)
145  ELSE
146  ! Check quoting of the included file name
147  pos2 = index(filename, '"')
148  IF ((pos1 /= 0) .OR. (pos2 /= 0)) THEN
149  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
150  "Incorrect quoting of the included filename in file <", &
151  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
152  cpabort(trim(message))
153  END IF
154  END IF
155  END IF
157  ! Let's check that files already opened won't be again opened
158  DO i = 1, inpp%io_stack_level
159  check = trim(filename) /= trim(inpp%io_stack_filename(i))
160  cpassert(check)
161  END DO
163  CALL open_file(file_name=trim(filename), &
164  file_status="OLD", &
165  file_form="FORMATTED", &
166  file_action="READ", &
167  unit_number=unit)
169  ! Make room, save status and position the parser at the beginning of new file.
170  inpp%io_stack_level = inpp%io_stack_level + 1
171  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_channel, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
172  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_lineno, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
173  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_filename, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
175  inpp%io_stack_channel(inpp%io_stack_level) = input_unit
176  inpp%io_stack_lineno(inpp%io_stack_level) = input_line_number
177  inpp%io_stack_filename(inpp%io_stack_level) = input_file_name
179  input_file_name = trim(filename)
180  input_line_number = 0
181  input_unit = unit
183  CASE ("@FFTYPE", "@XCTYPE")
184  ! Include a &XC section from the data/xc_section directory or include
185  ! a &FORCEFIELD section from the data/forcefield_section directory
186  ! Get the filename, allow for " or ' or nothing
187  filename = trim(input_line(indf:))
188  IF (len_trim(filename) == 0) THEN
189  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
190  "No filename argument found for "//trim(mytag)// &
191  " directive in file <"//trim(input_file_name)// &
192  "> Line:", input_line_number
193  cpabort(trim(message))
194  END IF
195  indi = 1
196  DO WHILE (is_whitespace(filename(indi:indi)))
197  indi = indi + 1
198  END DO
199  filename = trim(filename(indi:))
201  ! Handle quoting of the filename
202  pos1 = index(filename, '"')
203  pos2 = index(filename(pos1 + 1:), '"')
204  IF ((pos1 /= 0) .AND. (pos2 /= 0)) THEN
205  filename = filename(pos1 + 1:pos1 + pos2 - 1)
206  ELSE
207  pos1 = index(filename, "'")
208  pos2 = index(filename(pos1 + 1:), "'")
209  IF ((pos1 /= 0) .AND. (pos2 /= 0)) THEN
210  filename = filename(pos1 + 1:pos1 + pos2 - 1)
211  ELSE
212  ! Incorrect quotes (only one of ' or ").
213  pos2 = index(filename, '"')
214  IF ((pos1 /= 0) .OR. (pos2 /= 0)) THEN
215  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
216  "Incorrect quoting of the filename argument in file <", &
217  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
218  cpabort(trim(message))
219  END IF
220  END IF
221  END IF
223  ! Add file extension ".sec"
224  filename = trim(filename)//".sec"
225  ! Check for file
226  IF (.NOT. file_exists(trim(filename))) THEN
227  IF (filename(1:1) == "/") THEN
228  ! this is an absolute path filename, don't change
229  ELSE
230  SELECT CASE (mytag)
231  CASE ("@FFTYPE")
232  filename = "forcefield_section/"//trim(filename)
233  CASE ("@XCTYPE")
234  filename = "xc_section/"//trim(filename)
236  END IF
237  END IF
238  IF (.NOT. file_exists(trim(filename))) THEN
239  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
240  trim(mytag)//": Could not find the file <"// &
241  trim(filename)//"> with the input section given in the file <"// &
242  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line: ", input_line_number
243  cpabort(trim(message))
244  END IF
246  ! Let's check that files already opened won't be again opened
247  DO i = 1, inpp%io_stack_level
248  check = trim(filename) /= trim(inpp%io_stack_filename(i))
249  cpassert(check)
250  END DO
252  ! This stops on error so we can always assume success
253  CALL open_file(file_name=trim(filename), &
254  file_status="OLD", &
255  file_form="FORMATTED", &
256  file_action="READ", &
257  unit_number=unit)
259  ! make room, save status and position the parser at the beginning of new file.
260  inpp%io_stack_level = inpp%io_stack_level + 1
261  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_channel, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
262  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_lineno, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
263  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_filename, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
265  inpp%io_stack_channel(inpp%io_stack_level) = input_unit
266  inpp%io_stack_lineno(inpp%io_stack_level) = input_line_number
267  inpp%io_stack_filename(inpp%io_stack_level) = input_file_name
269  input_file_name = trim(filename)
270  input_line_number = 0
271  input_unit = unit
273  CASE ("@SET")
274  ! Split directive into variable name and value data.
275  varname = trim(input_line(indf:))
276  IF (len_trim(varname) == 0) THEN
277  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
278  "No variable name found for "//trim(mytag)//" directive in file <"// &
279  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
280  cpabort(trim(message))
281  END IF
283  indi = 1
284  DO WHILE (is_whitespace(varname(indi:indi)))
285  indi = indi + 1
286  END DO
287  indf = indi
288  DO WHILE (.NOT. is_whitespace(varname(indf:indf)))
289  indf = indf + 1
290  END DO
291  value = trim(varname(indf:))
292  varname = trim(varname(indi:indf - 1))
294  IF (.NOT. is_valid_varname(trim(varname))) THEN
295  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
296  "Invalid variable name for "//trim(mytag)//" directive in file <"// &
297  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
298  cpabort(trim(message))
299  END IF
301  indi = 1
302  DO WHILE (is_whitespace(value(indi:indi)))
303  indi = indi + 1
304  END DO
305  value = trim(value(indi:))
307  IF (len_trim(value) == 0) THEN
308  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
309  "Incomplete "//trim(mytag)//" directive: "// &
310  "No value found for variable <"//trim(varname)//"> in file <"// &
311  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
312  cpabort(trim(message))
313  END IF
315  ! sort into table of variables.
316  indi = inpp_find_variable(inpp, varname)
317  IF (indi == 0) THEN
318  ! create new variable
319  inpp%num_variables = inpp%num_variables + 1
320  CALL reallocate(inpp%variable_name, 1, inpp%num_variables)
321  CALL reallocate(inpp%variable_value, 1, inpp%num_variables)
322  inpp%variable_name(inpp%num_variables) = varname
323  inpp%variable_value(inpp%num_variables) = value
324  IF (debug_this_module .AND. output_unit > 0) THEN
325  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(3A,I6,4A)") "INPP_@SET: in file: ", &
326  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number, &
327  " Set new variable ", trim(varname), " to value: ", trim(value)
328  WRITE (output_unit, *) trim(message)
329  END IF
330  ELSE
331  ! reassign variable
332  IF (debug_this_module .AND. output_unit > 0) THEN
333  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(3A,I6,6A)") "INPP_@SET: in file: ", &
334  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number, &
335  " Change variable ", trim(varname), " from value: ", &
336  trim(inpp%variable_value(indi)), " to value: ", trim(value)
337  WRITE (output_unit, *) trim(message)
338  END IF
339  inpp%variable_value(indi) = value
340  END IF
342  IF (debug_this_module) CALL inpp_list_variables(inpp, 6)
344  CASE ("@IF")
345  ! detect IF expression.
346  ! we recognize lexical equality or inequality, and presence of
347  ! a string (true) vs. blank (false). in case the expression resolves
348  ! to "false" we read lines here until we reach an @ENDIF or EOF.
349  indi = indf
350  pos1 = index(input_line, "==")
351  pos2 = index(input_line, "/=")
352  ! shave off leading whitespace
353  DO WHILE (is_whitespace(input_line(indi:indi)))
354  indi = indi + 1
355  IF (indi > len_trim(input_line)) EXIT
356  END DO
357  check = .false.
358  IF (pos1 > 0) THEN
359  cond1 = input_line(indi:pos1 - 1)
360  cond2 = input_line(pos1 + 2:)
361  check = .true.
362  IF ((pos2 > 0) .OR. (index(cond2, "==") > 0)) THEN
363  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
364  "Incorrect "//trim(mytag)//" directive found in file <", &
365  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
366  cpabort(trim(message))
367  END IF
368  ELSE IF (pos2 > 0) THEN
369  cond1 = input_line(indi:pos2 - 1)
370  cond2 = input_line(pos2 + 2:)
371  check = .false.
372  IF ((pos1 > 0) .OR. (index(cond2, "/=") > 0)) THEN
373  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
374  "Incorrect "//trim(mytag)//" directive found in file <", &
375  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
376  cpabort(trim(message))
377  END IF
378  ELSE
379  IF (len_trim(input_line(indi:)) > 0) THEN
380  IF (trim(input_line(indi:)) == '0') THEN
381  cond1 = 'XXX'
382  cond2 = 'XXX'
383  check = .false.
384  ELSE
385  cond1 = 'XXX'
386  cond2 = 'XXX'
387  check = .true.
388  END IF
389  ELSE
390  cond1 = 'XXX'
391  cond2 = 'XXX'
392  check = .false.
393  END IF
394  END IF
396  ! Get rid of possible parentheses
397  IF (index(cond1, "(") /= 0) cond1 = cond1(index(cond1, "(") + 1:)
398  IF (index(cond2, ")") /= 0) cond2 = cond2(1:index(cond2, ")") - 1)
400  ! Shave off leading whitespace from cond1
401  indi = 1
402  DO WHILE (is_whitespace(cond1(indi:indi)))
403  indi = indi + 1
404  END DO
405  cond1 = cond1(indi:)
407  ! Shave off leading whitespace from cond2
408  indi = 1
409  DO WHILE (is_whitespace(cond2(indi:indi)))
410  indi = indi + 1
411  END DO
412  cond2 = cond2(indi:)
414  IF (len_trim(cond2) == 0) THEN
415  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(3A,I6)") &
416  "INPP_@IF: Incorrect @IF directive in file: ", &
417  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number
418  cpabort(trim(message))
419  END IF
421  IF ((trim(cond1) == trim(cond2)) .EQV. check) THEN
422  IF (debug_this_module .AND. output_unit > 0) THEN
423  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(3A,I6,A)") "INPP_@IF: in file: ", &
424  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number, &
425  " Conditional ("//trim(cond1)//","//trim(cond2)// &
426  ") resolves to true. Continuing parsing."
427  WRITE (output_unit, *) trim(message)
428  END IF
429  ! resolves to true. keep on reading normally...
431  ELSE
432  IF (debug_this_module .AND. output_unit > 0) THEN
433  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(3A,I6,A)") "INPP_@IF: in file: ", &
434  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number, &
435  " Conditional ("//trim(cond1)//","//trim(cond2)// &
436  ") resolves to false. Skipping Lines."
437  WRITE (output_unit, *) trim(message)
438  END IF
439  istat = 0
440  DO WHILE (istat == 0)
441  input_line_number = input_line_number + 1
442  READ (unit=input_unit, fmt="(A)", iostat=istat) input_line
443  IF (debug_this_module .AND. output_unit > 0) THEN
444  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(1A,I6,2A)") "INPP_@IF: skipping line ", &
445  input_line_number, ": ", trim(input_line)
446  WRITE (output_unit, *) trim(message)
447  END IF
449  indi = index(input_line, "@")
450  pos1 = index(input_line, "!")
451  pos2 = index(input_line, "#")
452  IF (((pos1 > 0) .AND. (pos1 < indi)) .OR. ((pos2 > 0) .AND. (pos2 < indi))) THEN
453  ! Nothing to do
454  cycle
455  END IF
457  ! Get the start of the instruction and find "@KEYWORD"
458  indi = max(1, indi)
459  indf = indi
460  DO WHILE (input_line(indf:indf) /= " ")
461  indf = indf + 1
462  END DO
463  cpassert((indf - indi) <= default_string_length)
464  mytag = input_line(indi:indf - 1)
465  CALL uppercase(mytag)
466  IF (index(mytag, "@ENDIF") > 0) THEN
467  ! ok found it. go back to normal
468  IF (debug_this_module .AND. output_unit > 0) THEN
469  WRITE (output_unit, *) "INPP_@IF: found @ENDIF. End of skipping."
470  END IF
472  END IF
473  END DO
474  IF (istat /= 0) THEN
475  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
476  "Error while searching for matching @ENDIF directive in file <"// &
477  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line:", input_line_number
478  cpabort(trim(message))
479  END IF
480  END IF
482  CASE ("@ENDIF")
483  ! In normal mode, just skip line and continue
484  IF (debug_this_module .AND. output_unit > 0) THEN
485  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(A,I0)") &
486  trim(mytag)//" directive found and ignored in file <"// &
487  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line: ", input_line_number
488  END IF
490  CASE ("@PRINT")
491  ! For debugging of variables etc.
492  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
493  WRITE (unit=output_unit, fmt="(T2,A,I0,A)") &
494  trim(mytag)//" directive in file <"// &
495  trim(input_file_name)//"> Line: ", input_line_number, &
496  " ->"//trim(input_line(indf:))
497  END IF
501  END SUBROUTINE inpp_process_directive
503 ! **************************************************************************************************
504 !> \brief Restore older file status from stack after EOF on include file.
505 !> \param inpp ...
506 !> \param input_file_name ...
507 !> \param input_line_number ...
508 !> \param input_unit ...
509 !> \par History
510 !> - standalone proof-of-concept implementation (20.02.2008,AK)
511 !> - integrated into cp2k (21.02.2008)
512 !> \author AK
513 ! **************************************************************************************************
514  SUBROUTINE inpp_end_include(inpp, input_file_name, input_line_number, input_unit)
515  TYPE(inpp_type), POINTER :: inpp
516  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: input_file_name
517  INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: input_line_number, input_unit
519  cpassert(ASSOCIATED(inpp))
520  IF (inpp%io_stack_level > 0) THEN
521  CALL close_file(input_unit)
522  input_unit = inpp%io_stack_channel(inpp%io_stack_level)
523  input_line_number = inpp%io_stack_lineno(inpp%io_stack_level)
524  input_file_name = trim(inpp%io_stack_filename(inpp%io_stack_level))
525  inpp%io_stack_level = inpp%io_stack_level - 1
526  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_channel, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
527  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_lineno, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
528  CALL reallocate(inpp%io_stack_filename, 1, inpp%io_stack_level)
529  END IF
531  END SUBROUTINE inpp_end_include
533 ! **************************************************************************************************
534 !> \brief expand all ${VAR} or $VAR variable entries on the input string (LTR, no nested vars)
535 !> \param inpp ...
536 !> \param input_line ...
537 !> \param input_file_name ...
538 !> \param input_line_number ...
539 !> \par History
540 !> - standalone proof-of-concept implementation (22.02.2008,AK)
541 !> - integrated into cp2k (23.02.2008)
542 !> \author AK
543 ! **************************************************************************************************
544  SUBROUTINE inpp_expand_variables(inpp, input_line, input_file_name, input_line_number)
545  TYPE(inpp_type), POINTER :: inpp
546  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: input_line, input_file_name
547  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: input_line_number
549  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: newline
550  CHARACTER(LEN=max_message_length) :: message
551  CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_value, var_name
552  INTEGER :: idx, pos1, pos2, default_val_sep_idx
554  cpassert(ASSOCIATED(inpp))
556  ! process line until all variables named with the convention ${VAR} are expanded
557  DO WHILE (index(input_line, '${') > 0)
558  pos1 = index(input_line, '${')
559  pos1 = pos1 + 2
560  pos2 = index(input_line(pos1:), '}')
562  IF (pos2 == 0) THEN
563  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(3A,I6)") &
564  "Missing '}' in file: ", &
565  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number
566  cpabort(trim(message))
567  END IF
569  pos2 = pos1 + pos2 - 2
570  var_name = input_line(pos1:pos2)
572  default_val_sep_idx = index(var_name, '-')
574  IF (default_val_sep_idx > 0) THEN
575  var_value = var_name(default_val_sep_idx + 1:)
576  var_name = var_name(:default_val_sep_idx - 1)
577  END IF
579  IF (.NOT. is_valid_varname(var_name)) THEN
580  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(5A,I6)") &
581  "Invalid variable name ${", var_name, "} in file: ", &
582  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number
583  cpabort(trim(message))
584  END IF
586  idx = inpp_find_variable(inpp, var_name)
588  IF (idx == 0 .AND. default_val_sep_idx == 0) THEN
589  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(5A,I6)") &
590  "Variable ${", var_name, "} not defined in file: ", &
591  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number
592  cpabort(trim(message))
593  END IF
595  IF (idx > 0) &
596  var_value = trim(inpp%variable_value(idx))
598  newline = input_line(1:pos1 - 3)//var_value//input_line(pos2 + 2:)
599  input_line = newline
600  END DO
602  ! process line until all variables named with the convention $VAR are expanded
603  DO WHILE (index(input_line, '$') > 0)
604  pos1 = index(input_line, '$')
605  pos1 = pos1 + 1 ! move to the start of the variable name
606  pos2 = index(input_line(pos1:), ' ')
608  IF (pos2 == 0) &
609  pos2 = len_trim(input_line(pos1:)) + 1
611  pos2 = pos1 + pos2 - 2 ! end of the variable name, minus the separating whitespace
612  var_name = input_line(pos1:pos2)
613  idx = inpp_find_variable(inpp, var_name)
615  IF (.NOT. is_valid_varname(var_name)) THEN
616  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(5A,I6)") &
617  "Invalid variable name ${", var_name, "} in file: ", &
618  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number
619  cpabort(trim(message))
620  END IF
622  IF (idx == 0) THEN
623  WRITE (unit=message, fmt="(5A,I6)") &
624  "Variable $", var_name, " not defined in file: ", &
625  trim(input_file_name), " Line:", input_line_number
626  cpabort(trim(message))
627  END IF
629  newline = input_line(1:pos1 - 2)//trim(inpp%variable_value(idx))//input_line(pos2 + 1:)
630  input_line = newline
631  END DO
633  END SUBROUTINE inpp_expand_variables
635 ! **************************************************************************************************
636 !> \brief return index position of a variable in dictionary. 0 if not found.
637 !> \param inpp ...
638 !> \param varname ...
639 !> \return ...
640 !> \par History
641 !> - standalone proof-of-concept implementation (22.02.2008,AK)
642 !> - integrated into cp2k (23.02.2008)
643 !> \author AK
644 ! **************************************************************************************************
645  FUNCTION inpp_find_variable(inpp, varname) RESULT(idx)
646  TYPE(inpp_type), POINTER :: inpp
647  CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: varname
648  INTEGER :: idx
650  INTEGER :: i
652  idx = 0
653  DO i = 1, inpp%num_variables
654  IF (trim(varname) == trim(inpp%variable_name(i))) THEN
655  idx = i
657  END IF
658  END DO
660  END FUNCTION inpp_find_variable
662 ! **************************************************************************************************
663 !> \brief print a list of the variable/value table
664 !> \param inpp ...
665 !> \param iochan ...
666 !> \par History
667 !> - standalone proof-of-concept implementation (22.02.2008,AK)
668 !> - integrated into cp2k (23.02.2008)
669 !> \author AK
670 ! **************************************************************************************************
671  SUBROUTINE inpp_list_variables(inpp, iochan)
672  TYPE(inpp_type), POINTER :: inpp
673  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iochan
675  INTEGER :: i
677  WRITE (iochan, '(A)') ' # NAME VALUE'
678  DO i = 1, inpp%num_variables
679  WRITE (iochan, '(I4," | ",A,T30," | ",A," |")') &
680  i, trim(inpp%variable_name(i)), trim(inpp%variable_value(i))
681  END DO
682  END SUBROUTINE inpp_list_variables
684 END MODULE cp_parser_inpp_methods
subroutine uppercase(string)
Definition: dumpdcd.F:1376
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int idx(const orbital a)
Return coset index of given orbital angular momentum.
Definition: grid_common.h:153
Utility routines to open and close files. Tracking of preconnections.
Definition: cp_files.F:16
subroutine, public open_file(file_name, file_status, file_form, file_action, file_position, file_pad, unit_number, debug, skip_get_unit_number, file_access)
Opens the requested file using a free unit number.
Definition: cp_files.F:308
subroutine, public close_file(unit_number, file_status, keep_preconnection)
Close an open file given by its logical unit number. Optionally, keep the file and unit preconnected.
Definition: cp_files.F:119
logical function, public file_exists(file_name)
Checks if file exists, considering also the file discovery mechanism.
Definition: cp_files.F:494
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
returns the unit nr for the ionode (-1 on all other processors) skips as well checks if the procs cal...
a module to allow simple internal preprocessing in input files.
subroutine, public inpp_expand_variables(inpp, input_line, input_file_name, input_line_number)
expand all ${VAR} or $VAR variable entries on the input string (LTR, no nested vars)
subroutine, public inpp_end_include(inpp, input_file_name, input_line_number, input_unit)
Restore older file status from stack after EOF on include file.
subroutine, public inpp_process_directive(inpp, input_line, input_file_name, input_line_number, input_unit)
process internal preprocessor directives like @INCLUDE, @SET, @IF/@ENDIF
a module to allow simple internal preprocessing in input files.
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition: kinds.F:57
integer, parameter, public default_path_length
Definition: kinds.F:58
Utility routines for the memory handling.
Utilities for string manipulations.
elemental logical function, public is_whitespace(testchar)
returns .true. if the character passed is a whitespace char.
elemental subroutine, public uppercase(string)
Convert all lower case characters in a string to upper case.