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atom_utils.F File Reference

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interface  atom_utils::integrate_grid


module  atom_utils
 Some basic routines for atomic calculations.


subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_set_occupation (ostring, occupation, wfnocc, multiplicity)
 Set occupation of atomic orbitals.
pure integer function, public atom_utils::get_maxl_occ (occupation)
 Return the maximum orbital quantum number of occupied orbitals.
pure integer function, dimension(0:lmat), public atom_utils::get_maxn_occ (occupation)
 Return the maximum principal quantum number of occupied orbitals.
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_denmat (pmat, wfn, nbas, occ, maxl, maxn)
 Calculate a density matrix using atomic orbitals.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_density (density, pmat, basis, maxl, typ, rr)
 Map the electron density on an atomic radial grid.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_write_zmp_restart (atom)
 ZMP subroutine to write external restart file.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_read_zmp_restart (atom, doguess, iw)
 ZMP subroutine to read external restart file.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_read_external_density (density, atom, iw)
 ZMP subroutine to read external density from linear grid of density matrix.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_read_external_vxc (vxc, atom, iw)
 ZMP subroutine to read external v_xc in the atomic code.
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_orbital_charge (charge, wfn, rcov, l, basis)
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_core_density (corden, potential, typ, rr)
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_local_potential (locpot, gthpot, rr)
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_orbital_max (rmax, wfn, rcov, l, basis)
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_orbital_nodes (node, wfn, rcov, l, basis)
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_wfnr0 (value, wfn, basis)
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_solve (hmat, umat, orb, ener, nb, nv, maxl)
 Solve the generalised eigenproblem for every angular momentum.
subroutine, public atom_utils::coulomb_potential_numeric (cpot, density, grid)
 Numerically compute the Coulomb potential on an atomic radial grid.
subroutine, public atom_utils::coulomb_potential_analytic (cpot, pmat, basis, grid, maxl)
 Analytically compute the Coulomb potential on an atomic radial grid.
subroutine, public atom_utils::exchange_numeric (kmat, state, occ, wfn, basis, hfx_pot)
 Calculate the exchange potential numerically.
subroutine, public atom_utils::exchange_semi_analytic (kmat, state, occ, wfn, basis, hfx_pot)
 Calculate the exchange potential semi-analytically.
pure real(kind=dp) function, public atom_utils::atom_trace (opmat, pmat)
 Compute Trace[opmat * pmat] == Trace[opmat * pmat^T] .
subroutine, public atom_utils::numpot_matrix (imat, cpot, basis, derivatives)
 Calculate a potential matrix by integrating the potential on an atomic radial grid.
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::ceri_contract (jmat, erint, pmat, nsize, all_nu)
 Contract Coulomb Electron Repulsion Integrals.
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::eeri_contract (kmat, erint, pmat, nsize)
 Contract exchange Electron Repulsion Integrals.
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::err_matrix (emat, demax, kmat, pmat, umat, upmat, nval, nbs)
 Calculate the error matrix for each angular momentum.
subroutine, public atom_utils::slater_density (density1, density2, zcore, state, grid)
 Calculate Slater density on a radial grid.
pure subroutine, public atom_utils::wigner_slater_functional (rho, vxc)
 Calculate the functional derivative of the Wigner (correlation) - Slater (exchange) density functional.
pure logical function, public atom_utils::atom_consistent_method (method, multiplicity)
 Check that the atomic multiplicity is consistent with the electronic structure method.
subroutine, public atom_utils::get_rho0 (atom, rho0)
 Calculate the total electron density at R=0.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_condnumber (basis, crad, iw)
 Print condition numbers of the given atomic basis set.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_completeness (basis, zv, iw)
 Estimate completeness of the given atomic basis set.
subroutine, public atom_utils::atom_basis_condnum (basis, rad, cnum)
 Calculate the condition number of the given atomic basis set.
subroutine, public atom_utils::contract2 (int, omat, cm)
 Transform a matrix expressed in terms of a uncontracted basis set to a contracted one.
subroutine, public atom_utils::contract2add (int, omat, cm)
 Same as contract2(), but add the new contracted matrix to the old one instead of overwriting it.
subroutine, public atom_utils::contract4 (eri, omat, cm1, cm2)
 Contract a matrix of Electron Repulsion Integrals (ERI-s).