No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief Outtakes from Wannier90 code
10!> \par History
11!> 06.2016 created [JGH]
12!> \author JGH
13! **************************************************************************************************
14!-*- mode: F90; mode: font-lock; column-number-mode: true -*-!
15! !
16! WANNIER90 !
17! !
18! The Maximally-Localised Generalised !
19! Wannier Functions Code !
20! !
21! Wannier90 v2.0 authors: !
22! Arash A. Mostofi (Imperial College London) !
23! Jonathan R. Yates (University of Oxford) !
24! Giovanni Pizzi (EPFL, Switzerland) !
25! Ivo Souza (Universidad del Pais Vasco) !
26! !
27! Contributors: !
28! Young-Su Lee (KIST, S. Korea) !
29! Matthew Shelley (Imperial College London) !
30! Nicolas Poilvert (Penn State University) !
31! Raffaello Bianco (Paris 6 and CNRS) !
32! Gabriele Sclauzero (ETH Zurich) !
33! !
34! Please cite !
35! !
36! [ref] A. A. Mostofi, J. R. Yates, Y.-S. Lee, I. Souza, !
37! D. Vanderbilt and N. Marzari, "Wannier90: A Tool !
38! for Obtaining Maximally Localised Wannier !
39! Functions", Computer Physics Communications, !
40! 178, 685 (2008) !
41! !
42! in any publications arising from the use of this code. !
43! !
44! !
45! Wannier90 is based on Wannier77, written by N. Marzari, !
46! I. Souza and D. Vanderbilt. For the method please cite !
47! !
48! [ref] N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt, !
49! Phys. Rev. B 56 12847 (1997) !
50! !
51! [ref] I. Souza, N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt, !
52! Phys. Rev. B 65 035109 (2001) !
53! !
54! !
55! Copyright (C) 2007-13 Jonathan Yates, Arash Mostofi, !
56! Giovanni Pizzi, Young-Su Lee, !
57! Nicola Marzari, Ivo Souza, David Vanderbilt !
58! !
59! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU !
60! General Public License. See the file `LICENSE' in !
61! the root directory of the present distribution, or !
62! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . !
63! !
67 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
68 USE physcon, ONLY: bohr
69#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
74 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'wannier90'
76 !Input
77 INTEGER :: iprint
78 CHARACTER(len=20) :: length_unit
79 INTEGER :: stdout
81 !parameters dervied from input
82 INTEGER :: num_kpts
83 REAL(kind=dp) :: real_lattice(3, 3)
84 REAL(kind=dp) :: recip_lattice(3, 3)
85 REAL(kind=dp) :: cell_volume
86 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE ::kpt_cart(:, :) !kpoints in cartesians
87 REAL(kind=dp) :: lenconfac
88 INTEGER :: num_exclude_bands
90 REAL(kind=dp) :: kmesh_tol
91 INTEGER :: num_shells
92 INTEGER :: mp_grid(3)
93 INTEGER :: search_shells
94 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: shell_list(:)
95 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: kpt_latt(:, :) !kpoints in lattice vecs
97 ! kmesh parameters (set in kmesh)
98 INTEGER :: nnh ! the number of b-directions (bka)
99 INTEGER :: nntot ! total number of neighbours for each k-point
100 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nnlist(:, :) ! list of neighbours for each k-point
101 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: neigh(:, :)
102 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nncell(:, :, :) ! gives BZ of each neighbour of each k-point
103 REAL(kind=dp) :: wbtot
104 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: wb(:) ! weights associated with neighbours of each k-point
105 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: bk(:, :, :) ! the b-vectors that go from each k-point to its neighbours
106 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: bka(:, :) ! the b-directions from 1st k-point to its neighbours
108 ! The maximum number of shells we need to satisfy B1 condition in kmesh
109 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_shells = 6
110 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: num_nnmax = 12
112 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nsupcell = 5
113 INTEGER :: lmn(3, (2*nsupcell + 1)**3)
115 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: eps5 = 1.0e-5_dp
116 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: eps6 = 1.0e-6_dp
117 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: eps8 = 1.0e-8_dp
121! **************************************************************************************************
125! **************************************************************************************************
126!> \brief ...
127!> \param mp_grid_loc ...
128!> \param num_kpts_loc ...
129!> \param real_lattice_loc ...
130!> \param recip_lattice_loc ...
131!> \param kpt_latt_loc ...
132!> \param nntot_loc ...
133!> \param nnlist_loc ...
134!> \param nncell_loc ...
135!> \param iounit ...
136! **************************************************************************************************
137 SUBROUTINE wannier_setup(mp_grid_loc, num_kpts_loc, &
138 real_lattice_loc, recip_lattice_loc, kpt_latt_loc, &
139 nntot_loc, nnlist_loc, nncell_loc, iounit)
141 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in) :: mp_grid_loc
142 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_kpts_loc
143 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), INTENT(in) :: real_lattice_loc, recip_lattice_loc
144 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, num_kpts_loc), &
145 INTENT(in) :: kpt_latt_loc
146 INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nntot_loc
147 INTEGER, DIMENSION(num_kpts_loc, num_nnmax), &
148 INTENT(out) :: nnlist_loc
149 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3, num_kpts_loc, num_nnmax), &
150 INTENT(out) :: nncell_loc
151 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iounit
153 INTEGER :: nkp
155 ! interface uses atomic units
156 length_unit = 'bohr'
157 lenconfac = 1.0_dp/bohr
158 stdout = iounit
160 CALL w90_write_header(stdout)
162 WRITE (stdout, '(a/)') ' Setting up k-point neighbours...'
164 ! copy local data into module variables
165 mp_grid = mp_grid_loc
166 num_kpts = num_kpts_loc
167 real_lattice = real_lattice_loc
168 recip_lattice = recip_lattice_loc
169 ALLOCATE (kpt_latt(3, num_kpts))
170 ALLOCATE (kpt_cart(3, num_kpts))
171 kpt_latt(1:3, 1:num_kpts) = kpt_latt_loc(1:3, 1:num_kpts)
172 DO nkp = 1, num_kpts
173 kpt_cart(:, nkp) = matmul(kpt_latt(:, nkp), recip_lattice(:, :))
174 END DO
176 num_shells = 0
177 ALLOCATE (shell_list(max_shells))
179 cell_volume = real_lattice(1, 1)*(real_lattice(2, 2)*real_lattice(3, 3) - real_lattice(3, 2)*real_lattice(2, 3)) + &
180 real_lattice(1, 2)*(real_lattice(2, 3)*real_lattice(3, 1) - real_lattice(3, 3)*real_lattice(2, 1)) + &
181 real_lattice(1, 3)*(real_lattice(2, 1)*real_lattice(3, 2) - real_lattice(3, 1)*real_lattice(2, 2))
182 iprint = 1
183 search_shells = 12
184 kmesh_tol = 0.000001_dp
185 num_exclude_bands = 0
187 CALL w90_param_write(stdout)
189 CALL w90_kmesh_get()
191 nntot_loc = nntot
192 nnlist_loc = 0
193 nnlist_loc(:, 1:nntot) = nnlist(:, 1:nntot)
194 nncell_loc = 0
195 nncell_loc(:, :, 1:nntot) = nncell(:, :, 1:nntot)
197 DEALLOCATE (bk, bka, wb)
198 DEALLOCATE (nncell, neigh, nnlist)
199 DEALLOCATE (kpt_latt, kpt_cart, shell_list)
201 WRITE (stdout, '(/a/)') ' Finished setting up k-point neighbours.'
203 END SUBROUTINE wannier_setup
204! **************************************************************************************************
205!> \brief ...
206!> \param stdout ...
207! **************************************************************************************************
208 SUBROUTINE w90_write_header(stdout)
209 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: stdout
211 WRITE (stdout, *)
212 WRITE (stdout, *) ' +---------------------------------------------------+'
213 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
214 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | WANNIER90 |'
215 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
216 WRITE (stdout, *) ' +---------------------------------------------------+'
217 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
218 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Welcome to the Maximally-Localized |'
219 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Generalized Wannier Functions code |'
220 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | http://www.wannier.org |'
221 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
222 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Wannier90 v2.0 Authors: |'
223 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Arash A. Mostofi (Imperial College London) |'
224 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Giovanni Pizzi (EPFL) |'
225 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Ivo Souza (Universidad del Pais Vasco) |'
226 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Jonathan R. Yates (University of Oxford) |'
227 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
228 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Wannier90 Contributors: |'
229 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Young-Su Lee (KIST, S. Korea) |'
230 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Matthew Shelley (Imperial College London) |'
231 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Nicolas Poilvert (Penn State University) |'
232 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Raffaello Bianco (Paris 6 and CNRS) |'
233 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Gabriele Sclauzero (ETH Zurich) |'
234 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
235 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Wannier77 Authors: |'
236 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Nicola Marzari (EPFL) |'
237 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Ivo Souza (Universidad del Pais Vasco) |'
238 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | David Vanderbilt (Rutgers University) |'
239 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
240 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Please cite |'
241 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
242 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | [ref] "Wannier90: A Tool for Obtaining Maximally |'
243 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Localised Wannier Functions" |'
244 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | A. A. Mostofi, J. R. Yates, Y.-S. Lee, |'
245 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | I. Souza, D. Vanderbilt and N. Marzari |'
246 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Comput. Phys. Commun. 178, 685 (2008) |'
247 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
248 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | in any publications arising from the use of |'
249 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | this code. For the method please cite |'
250 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
251 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | [ref] "Maximally Localized Generalised Wannier |'
252 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Functions for Composite Energy Bands" |'
253 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt |'
254 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Phys. Rev. B 56 12847 (1997) |'
255 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
256 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | [ref] "Maximally Localized Wannier Functions |'
257 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | for Entangled Energy Bands" |'
258 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | I. Souza, N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt |'
259 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Phys. Rev. B 65 035109 (2001) |'
260 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
261 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
262 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Copyright (c) 1996-2015 |'
263 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Arash A. Mostofi, Jonathan R. Yates, |'
264 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Young-Su Lee, Giovanni Pizzi, Ivo Souza, |'
265 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | David Vanderbilt and Nicola Marzari |'
266 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
267 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Release: 2.0.1 2nd April 2015 |'
268 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
269 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | This program is free software; you can |'
270 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms |'
271 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | of the GNU General Public License as published by |'
272 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of |'
273 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | the License, or (at your option) any later version|'
274 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
275 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | This program is distributed in the hope that it |'
276 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without |'
277 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or |'
278 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU |'
279 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | General Public License for more details. |'
280 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
281 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | You should have received a copy of the GNU General|'
282 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | Public License along with this program; if not, |'
283 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., |'
284 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. |'
285 WRITE (stdout, *) ' | |'
286 WRITE (stdout, *) ' +---------------------------------------------------+'
287 WRITE (stdout, *) ''
289 END SUBROUTINE w90_write_header
291! **************************************************************************************************
292!> \brief ...
293!> \param stdout ...
294! **************************************************************************************************
295 SUBROUTINE w90_param_write(stdout)
296 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: stdout
298 INTEGER :: i, nkp
300 ! System
301 WRITE (stdout, '(36x,a6)') '------'
302 WRITE (stdout, '(36x,a6)') 'SYSTEM'
303 WRITE (stdout, '(36x,a6)') '------'
304 WRITE (stdout, *)
305 WRITE (stdout, '(28x,a22)') 'Lattice Vectors (Bohr)'
306 WRITE (stdout, '(20x,a3,2x,3F11.6)') 'a_1', (real_lattice(1, i)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
307 WRITE (stdout, '(20x,a3,2x,3F11.6)') 'a_2', (real_lattice(2, i)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
308 WRITE (stdout, '(20x,a3,2x,3F11.6)') 'a_3', (real_lattice(3, i)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
309 WRITE (stdout, *)
310 WRITE (stdout, '(19x,a17,3x,f11.5)', advance='no') &
311 'Unit Cell Volume:', cell_volume*lenconfac**3
312 WRITE (stdout, '(2x,a8)') '(Bohr^3)'
313 WRITE (stdout, *)
314 WRITE (stdout, '(22x,a34)') 'Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Bohr^-1)'
315 WRITE (stdout, '(20x,a3,2x,3F11.6)') 'b_1', (recip_lattice(1, i)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
316 WRITE (stdout, '(20x,a3,2x,3F11.6)') 'b_2', (recip_lattice(2, i)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
317 WRITE (stdout, '(20x,a3,2x,3F11.6)') 'b_3', (recip_lattice(3, i)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
318 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
319 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
320 ! K-points
321 WRITE (stdout, '(32x,a)') '------------'
322 WRITE (stdout, '(32x,a)') 'K-POINT GRID'
323 WRITE (stdout, '(32x,a)') '------------'
324 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
325 WRITE (stdout, '(13x,a,i3,1x,a1,i3,1x,a1,i3,6x,a,i5)') 'Grid size =', mp_grid(1), 'x', mp_grid(2), 'x', mp_grid(3), &
326 'Total points =', num_kpts
327 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
328 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
329 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| k-point Fractional Coordinate Cartesian Coordinate (Bohr^-1) |'
330 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
331 DO nkp = 1, num_kpts
332 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a1,i6,1x,3F10.5,3x,a1,1x,3F10.5,4x,a1)') '|', &
333 nkp, kpt_latt(:, nkp), '|', kpt_cart(:, nkp)/lenconfac, '|'
334 END DO
335 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
336 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
338 END SUBROUTINE w90_param_write
340! **************************************************************************************************
341!> \brief ...
342! **************************************************************************************************
343 SUBROUTINE w90_kmesh_get()
345 ! Variables that are private
347 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: eta = 99999999.0_dp
349 INTEGER :: counter, i, ifound, j, l, loop, loop_b, loop_s, m, multi(search_shells), n, na, &
350 nap, ndnn, ndnntot, ndnnx, nkp, nkp2, nlist, nn, nnsh, nnshell(num_kpts, search_shells), &
351 nnx, shell
352 LOGICAL :: isneg, ispos
353 REAL(kind=dp) :: bb1, bbn, bk_local(3, num_nnmax, num_kpts), bweight(max_shells), ddelta, &
354 dist, dnn(search_shells), dnn0, dnn1, vkpp(3), vkpp2(3), wb_local(num_nnmax)
355 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: bvec_tmp(:, :)
357 WRITE (stdout, '(/1x,a)') &
358 '*---------------------------------- K-MESH ----------------------------------*'
360 ! Sort the cell neighbours so we loop in order of distance from the home shell
361 CALL w90_kmesh_supercell_sort
363 ! find the distance between k-point 1 and its nearest-neighbour shells
364 ! if we have only one k-point, the n-neighbours are its periodic images
366 dnn0 = 0.0_dp
367 dnn1 = eta
368 ndnntot = 0
369 DO nlist = 1, search_shells
370 DO nkp = 1, num_kpts
371 DO loop = 1, (2*nsupcell + 1)**3
372 l = lmn(1, loop); m = lmn(2, loop); n = lmn(3, loop)
373 !
374 vkpp = kpt_cart(:, nkp) + matmul(lmn(:, loop), recip_lattice)
375 dist = sqrt((kpt_cart(1, 1) - vkpp(1))**2 &
376 + (kpt_cart(2, 1) - vkpp(2))**2 + (kpt_cart(3, 1) - vkpp(3))**2)
377 !
378 IF ((dist .GT. kmesh_tol) .AND. (dist .GT. dnn0 + kmesh_tol)) THEN
379 IF (dist .LT. dnn1 - kmesh_tol) THEN
380 dnn1 = dist ! found a closer shell
381 counter = 0
382 END IF
383 IF (dist .GT. (dnn1 - kmesh_tol) .AND. dist .LT. (dnn1 + kmesh_tol)) THEN
384 counter = counter + 1 ! count the multiplicity of the shell
385 END IF
386 END IF
387 END DO
388 END DO
389 IF (dnn1 .LT. eta - kmesh_tol) ndnntot = ndnntot + 1
390 dnn(nlist) = dnn1
391 multi(nlist) = counter
392 dnn0 = dnn1
393 dnn1 = eta
394 END DO
396 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
397 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| Distance to Nearest-Neighbour Shells |'
398 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| ------------------------------------ |'
399 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| Shell Distance (Bohr^-1) Multiplicity |'
400 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| ----- ------------------ ------------ |'
401 DO ndnn = 1, ndnntot
402 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a,11x,i3,17x,f10.6,19x,i4,12x,a)') '|', ndnn, dnn(ndnn)/lenconfac, multi(ndnn), '|'
403 END DO
404 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
406 ! Get the shell weights to satisfy the B1 condition
407 CALL kmesh_shell_automatic(multi, dnn, bweight)
409 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)', advance='no') '| The following shells are used: '
410 DO ndnn = 1, num_shells
411 IF (ndnn .EQ. num_shells) THEN
412 WRITE (stdout, '(i3,1x)', advance='no') shell_list(ndnn)
413 ELSE
414 WRITE (stdout, '(i3,",")', advance='no') shell_list(ndnn)
415 END IF
416 END DO
417 DO l = 1, 11 - num_shells
418 WRITE (stdout, '(4x)', advance='no')
419 END DO
420 WRITE (stdout, '("|")')
422 nntot = 0
423 DO loop_s = 1, num_shells
424 nntot = nntot + multi(shell_list(loop_s))
425 END DO
426 IF (nntot > num_nnmax) THEN
427 WRITE (stdout, '(a,i2,a)') ' **WARNING: kmesh has found >', num_nnmax, ' nearest neighbours**'
428 WRITE (stdout, '(a)') ' '
429 WRITE (stdout, '(a)') ' This is probably caused by an error in your unit cell specification'
430 WRITE (stdout, '(a)') ' '
432 ALLOCATE (bvec_tmp(3, maxval(multi)))
433 bvec_tmp = 0.0_dp
434 counter = 0
435 DO shell = 1, search_shells
436 CALL kmesh_get_bvectors(multi(shell), 1, dnn(shell), bvec_tmp(:, 1:multi(shell)))
437 DO loop = 1, multi(shell)
438 counter = counter + 1
439 WRITE (stdout, '(a,I4,1x,a,2x,3f12.6,2x,a,2x,f12.6,a)') ' | b-vector ', counter, ': (', &
440 bvec_tmp(:, loop)/lenconfac, ')', dnn(shell)/lenconfac, ' |'
441 END DO
442 END DO
443 WRITE (stdout, '(a)') ' '
444 DEALLOCATE (bvec_tmp)
445 cpabort('kmesh_get: something wrong, found too many nearest neighbours')
446 END IF
448 ALLOCATE (nnlist(num_kpts, nntot))
449 ALLOCATE (neigh(num_kpts, nntot/2))
450 ALLOCATE (nncell(3, num_kpts, nntot))
452 ALLOCATE (wb(nntot))
453 ALLOCATE (bka(3, nntot/2))
454 ALLOCATE (bk(3, nntot, num_kpts))
456 nnx = 0
457 DO loop_s = 1, num_shells
458 DO loop_b = 1, multi(shell_list(loop_s))
459 nnx = nnx + 1
460 wb_local(nnx) = bweight(loop_s)
461 END DO
462 END DO
464 ! Now build up the list of nearest-neighbour shells for each k-point.
465 ! nnlist(nkp,1...nnx) points to the nnx neighbours (ordered along increa
466 ! shells) of the k-point nkp. nncell(i,nkp,nnth) tells us in which BZ is
467 ! nnth nearest-neighbour of the k-point nkp. Construct the nnx b-vectors
468 ! go from k-point nkp to each neighbour bk(1:3,nkp,1...nnx).
469 ! Comment: Now we have bk(3,nntot,num_kps) 09/04/2006
471 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
472 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| Shell # Nearest-Neighbours |'
473 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| ----- -------------------- |'
474 !
475 ! Standard routine
476 !
477 nnshell = 0
478 DO nkp = 1, num_kpts
479 nnx = 0
480 ok: DO ndnnx = 1, num_shells
481 ndnn = shell_list(ndnnx)
482 DO loop = 1, (2*nsupcell + 1)**3
483 l = lmn(1, loop); m = lmn(2, loop); n = lmn(3, loop)
484 vkpp2 = matmul(lmn(:, loop), recip_lattice)
485 DO nkp2 = 1, num_kpts
486 vkpp = vkpp2 + kpt_cart(:, nkp2)
487 dist = sqrt((kpt_cart(1, nkp) - vkpp(1))**2 &
488 + (kpt_cart(2, nkp) - vkpp(2))**2 + (kpt_cart(3, nkp) - vkpp(3))**2)
489 IF ((dist .GE. dnn(ndnn)*(1 - kmesh_tol)) .AND. (dist .LE. dnn(ndnn)*(1 + kmesh_tol))) THEN
490 nnx = nnx + 1
491 nnshell(nkp, ndnn) = nnshell(nkp, ndnn) + 1
492 nnlist(nkp, nnx) = nkp2
493 nncell(1, nkp, nnx) = l
494 nncell(2, nkp, nnx) = m
495 nncell(3, nkp, nnx) = n
496 bk_local(:, nnx, nkp) = vkpp(:) - kpt_cart(:, nkp)
497 END IF
498 !if we have the right number of neighbours we can exit
499 IF (nnshell(nkp, ndnn) == multi(ndnn)) cycle ok
500 END DO
501 END DO
502 ! check to see if too few neighbours here
503 END DO ok
505 END DO
507 DO ndnnx = 1, num_shells
508 ndnn = shell_list(ndnnx)
509 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a,24x,i3,13x,i3,33x,a)') '|', ndnn, nnshell(1, ndnn), '|'
510 END DO
511 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,"+",76("-"),"+")')
513 DO nkp = 1, num_kpts
514 nnx = 0
515 DO ndnnx = 1, num_shells
516 ndnn = shell_list(ndnnx)
517 DO nnsh = 1, nnshell(nkp, ndnn)
518 bb1 = 0.0_dp
519 bbn = 0.0_dp
520 nnx = nnx + 1
521 DO i = 1, 3
522 bb1 = bb1 + bk_local(i, nnx, 1)*bk_local(i, nnx, 1)
523 bbn = bbn + bk_local(i, nnx, nkp)*bk_local(i, nnx, nkp)
524 END DO
525 IF (abs(sqrt(bb1) - sqrt(bbn)) .GT. kmesh_tol) THEN
526 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,2f10.6)') bb1, bbn
527 cpabort('Non-symmetric k-point neighbours!')
528 END IF
529 END DO
530 END DO
531 END DO
533 ! now check that the completeness relation is satisfied for every kpoint
534 ! We know it is true for kpt=1; but we check the rest to be safe.
535 ! Eq. B1 in Appendix B PRB 56 12847 (1997)
537 DO nkp = 1, num_kpts
538 DO i = 1, 3
539 DO j = 1, 3
540 ddelta = 0.0_dp
541 nnx = 0
542 DO ndnnx = 1, num_shells
543 ndnn = shell_list(ndnnx)
544 DO nnsh = 1, nnshell(1, ndnn)
545 nnx = nnx + 1
546 ddelta = ddelta + wb_local(nnx)*bk_local(i, nnx, nkp)*bk_local(j, nnx, nkp)
547 END DO
548 END DO
549 IF ((i .EQ. j) .AND. (abs(ddelta - 1.0_dp) .GT. kmesh_tol)) THEN
550 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,2i3,f12.8)') i, j, ddelta
551 cpabort('Eq. (B1) not satisfied in kmesh_get (1)')
552 END IF
553 IF ((i .NE. j) .AND. (abs(ddelta) .GT. kmesh_tol)) THEN
554 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,2i3,f12.8)') i, j, ddelta
555 cpabort('Eq. (B1) not satisfied in kmesh_get (2)')
556 END IF
557 END DO
558 END DO
559 END DO
561 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| Completeness relation is fully satisfied [Eq. (B1), PRB 56, 12847 (1997)] |'
562 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,"+",76("-"),"+")')
564 !
565 wbtot = 0.0_dp
566 nnx = 0
567 DO ndnnx = 1, num_shells
568 ndnn = shell_list(ndnnx)
569 DO nnsh = 1, nnshell(1, ndnn)
570 nnx = nnx + 1
571 wbtot = wbtot + wb_local(nnx)
572 END DO
573 END DO
575 nnh = nntot/2
576 ! make list of bka vectors from neighbours of first k-point
577 ! delete any inverse vectors as you collect them
578 na = 0
579 DO nn = 1, nntot
580 ifound = 0
581 IF (na .NE. 0) THEN
582 DO nap = 1, na
583 CALL utility_compar(bka(1, nap), bk_local(1, nn, 1), ispos, isneg)
584 IF (isneg) ifound = 1
585 END DO
586 END IF
587 IF (ifound .EQ. 0) THEN
588 ! found new vector to add to set
589 na = na + 1
590 bka(1, na) = bk_local(1, nn, 1)
591 bka(2, na) = bk_local(2, nn, 1)
592 bka(3, na) = bk_local(3, nn, 1)
593 END IF
594 END DO
595 IF (na .NE. nnh) cpabort('Did not find right number of bk directions')
597 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| b_k Vectors (Bohr^-1) and Weights (Bohr^2) |'
598 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| ------------------------------------------ |'
599 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| No. b_k(x) b_k(y) b_k(z) w_b |'
600 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| --- -------------------------------- -------- |'
601 DO i = 1, nntot
602 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,"|",11x,i3,5x,3f12.6,3x,f10.6,8x,"|")') &
603 i, (bk_local(j, i, 1)/lenconfac, j=1, 3), wb_local(i)*lenconfac**2
604 END DO
605 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,"+",76("-"),"+")')
606 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| b_k Directions (Bohr^-1) |'
607 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| ------------------------ |'
608 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| No. x y z |'
609 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| --- -------------------------------- |'
610 DO i = 1, nnh
611 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,"|",11x,i3,5x,3f12.6,21x,"|")') i, (bka(j, i)/lenconfac, j=1, 3)
612 END DO
613 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,"+",76("-"),"+")')
614 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
616 ! find index array
617 DO nkp = 1, num_kpts
618 DO na = 1, nnh
619 ! first, zero the index array so we can check it gets filled
620 neigh(nkp, na) = 0
621 ! now search through list of neighbours of this k-point
622 DO nn = 1, nntot
623 CALL utility_compar(bka(1, na), bk_local(1, nn, nkp), ispos, isneg)
624 IF (ispos) neigh(nkp, na) = nn
625 END DO
626 ! check found
627 IF (neigh(nkp, na) .EQ. 0) THEN
628 WRITE (stdout, *) ' nkp,na=', nkp, na
629 cpabort('kmesh_get: failed to find neighbours for this kpoint')
630 END IF
631 END DO
632 END DO
634 !fill in the global arrays from the local ones
635 DO loop = 1, nntot
636 wb(loop) = wb_local(loop)
637 END DO
639 DO loop_s = 1, num_kpts
640 DO loop = 1, nntot
641 bk(:, loop, loop_s) = bk_local(:, loop, loop_s)
642 END DO
643 END DO
645 END SUBROUTINE w90_kmesh_get
647! **************************************************************************************************
648!> \brief ...
649! **************************************************************************************************
650 SUBROUTINE w90_kmesh_supercell_sort
651 !==================================================================!
652 ! !
653 ! We look for kpoint neighbours in a large supercell of reciprocal !
654 ! unit cells. Done sequentially this is very slow. !
655 ! Here we order the cells by the distance from the origin !
656 ! Doing the search in this order gives a dramatic speed up !
657 ! !
658 !==================================================================!
659 INTEGER :: counter, indx(1), l, &
660 lmn_cp(3, (2*nsupcell + 1)**3), loop, &
661 m, n
662 REAL(kind=dp) :: dist((2*nsupcell + 1)**3), &
663 dist_cp((2*nsupcell + 1)**3), pos(3)
665 counter = 1
666 lmn(:, counter) = 0
667 dist(counter) = 0.0_dp
668 DO l = -nsupcell, nsupcell
669 DO m = -nsupcell, nsupcell
670 DO n = -nsupcell, nsupcell
671 IF (l == 0 .AND. m == 0 .AND. n == 0) cycle
672 counter = counter + 1
673 lmn(1, counter) = l; lmn(2, counter) = m; lmn(3, counter) = n
674 pos = matmul(lmn(:, counter), recip_lattice)
675 dist(counter) = sqrt(dot_product(pos, pos))
676 END DO
677 END DO
678 END DO
680 DO loop = (2*nsupcell + 1)**3, 1, -1
681 indx = internal_maxloc(dist)
682 dist_cp(loop) = dist(indx(1))
683 lmn_cp(:, loop) = lmn(:, indx(1))
684 dist(indx(1)) = -1.0_dp
685 END DO
687 lmn = lmn_cp
688 dist = dist_cp
690 END SUBROUTINE w90_kmesh_supercell_sort
692! **************************************************************************************************
693!> \brief ...
694!> \param dist ...
695!> \return ...
696! **************************************************************************************************
697 FUNCTION internal_maxloc(dist)
698 !=========================================================================!
699 ! !
700 ! A predictable maxloc. !
701 ! !
702 !=========================================================================!
704 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: dist((2*nsupcell + 1)**3)
705 INTEGER :: internal_maxloc
707 INTEGER :: counter, guess(1), &
708 list((2*nsupcell + 1)**3), loop
710 list = 0
711 counter = 1
713 guess = maxloc(dist)
714 list(1) = guess(1)
715 ! look for any degenerate values
716 DO loop = 1, (2*nsupcell + 1)**3
717 IF (loop == guess(1)) cycle
718 IF (abs(dist(loop) - dist(guess(1))) < eps8) THEN
719 counter = counter + 1
720 list(counter) = loop
721 END IF
722 END DO
723 ! and always return the lowest index
724 internal_maxloc = minval(list(1:counter))
726 END FUNCTION internal_maxloc
728! **************************************************************************************************
729!> \brief ...
730!> \param multi ...
731!> \param dnn ...
732!> \param bweight ...
733! **************************************************************************************************
734 SUBROUTINE kmesh_shell_automatic(multi, dnn, bweight)
735 !==========================================================================!
736 ! !
737 ! Find the correct set of shells to satisfy B1 !
738 ! The stratagy is: !
739 ! Take the bvectors from the next shell !
740 ! Reject them if they are parallel to existing b vectors !
741 ! Test to see if we satisfy B1, if not add another shell and repeat !
742 ! !
743 !==========================================================================!
745 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: multi(search_shells)
746 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: dnn(search_shells)
747 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(out) :: bweight(max_shells)
749 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: lwork = max_shells*10
750 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: target(6) = (/1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp/)
752 INTEGER :: cur_shell, info, loop_b, loop_bn, &
753 loop_i, loop_j, loop_s, shell
754 LOGICAL :: b1sat, lpar
755 REAL(kind=dp) :: delta, work(lwork)
756 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: bvector(:, :, :)
757 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: singv
758 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: amat, smat, umat, vmat
760 ALLOCATE (bvector(3, maxval(multi), max_shells))
761 bvector = 0.0_dp; bweight = 0.0_dp
763 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| The b-vectors are chosen automatically |'
765 b1sat = .false.
766 DO shell = 1, search_shells
767 cur_shell = num_shells + 1
769 ! get the b vectors for the new shell
770 CALL kmesh_get_bvectors(multi(shell), 1, dnn(shell), bvector(:, 1:multi(shell), cur_shell))
772 ! We check that the new shell is not parallel to an existing shell (cosine=1)
773 lpar = .false.
774 IF (num_shells > 0) THEN
775 DO loop_bn = 1, multi(shell)
776 DO loop_s = 1, num_shells
777 DO loop_b = 1, multi(shell_list(loop_s))
778 delta = dot_product(bvector(:, loop_bn, cur_shell), bvector(:, loop_b, loop_s))/ &
779 sqrt(dot_product(bvector(:, loop_bn, cur_shell), bvector(:, loop_bn, cur_shell))* &
780 dot_product(bvector(:, loop_b, loop_s), bvector(:, loop_b, loop_s)))
781 IF (abs(abs(delta) - 1.0_dp) < eps6) lpar = .true.
782 END DO
783 END DO
784 END DO
785 END IF
787 IF (lpar) THEN
788 IF (iprint >= 3) THEN
789 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| This shell is linearly dependent on existing shells: Trying next shell |'
790 END IF
791 cycle
792 END IF
794 num_shells = num_shells + 1
795 shell_list(num_shells) = shell
797 ALLOCATE (amat(max_shells, num_shells))
798 ALLOCATE (umat(max_shells, max_shells))
799 ALLOCATE (vmat(num_shells, num_shells))
800 ALLOCATE (smat(num_shells, max_shells))
801 ALLOCATE (singv(num_shells))
802 amat = 0.0_dp; umat = 0.0_dp; vmat = 0.0_dp; smat = 0.0_dp; singv = 0.0_dp
804 amat = 0.0_dp
805 DO loop_s = 1, num_shells
806 DO loop_b = 1, multi(shell_list(loop_s))
807 amat(1, loop_s) = amat(1, loop_s) + bvector(1, loop_b, loop_s)*bvector(1, loop_b, loop_s)
808 amat(2, loop_s) = amat(2, loop_s) + bvector(2, loop_b, loop_s)*bvector(2, loop_b, loop_s)
809 amat(3, loop_s) = amat(3, loop_s) + bvector(3, loop_b, loop_s)*bvector(3, loop_b, loop_s)
810 amat(4, loop_s) = amat(4, loop_s) + bvector(1, loop_b, loop_s)*bvector(2, loop_b, loop_s)
811 amat(5, loop_s) = amat(5, loop_s) + bvector(2, loop_b, loop_s)*bvector(3, loop_b, loop_s)
812 amat(6, loop_s) = amat(6, loop_s) + bvector(3, loop_b, loop_s)*bvector(1, loop_b, loop_s)
813 END DO
814 END DO
816 info = 0
817 CALL dgesvd('A', 'A', max_shells, num_shells, amat, max_shells, singv, umat, &
818 max_shells, vmat, num_shells, work, lwork, info)
819 IF (info < 0) THEN
820 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a,1x,I1,1x,a)') 'kmesh_shell_automatic: Argument', abs(info), 'of dgesvd is incorrect'
821 cpabort('kmesh_shell_automatic: Problem with Singular Value Decomposition')
822 ELSE IF (info > 0) THEN
823 cpabort('kmesh_shell_automatic: Singular Value Decomposition did not converge')
824 END IF
826 IF (any(abs(singv) < eps5)) THEN
827 IF (num_shells == 1) THEN
828 CALL cp_abort(__location__, "kmesh_shell_automatic: "// &
829 "Singular Value Decomposition has found a very small singular value.")
830 ELSE
831 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| SVD found small singular value, Rejecting this shell and trying the next |'
832 b1sat = .false.
833 num_shells = num_shells - 1
834 DEALLOCATE (amat, umat, vmat, smat, singv)
835 cycle
836 END IF
837 END IF
839 smat = 0.0_dp
840 DO loop_s = 1, num_shells
841 smat(loop_s, loop_s) = 1/singv(loop_s)
842 END DO
844 bweight(1:num_shells) = matmul(transpose(vmat), matmul(smat, matmul(transpose(umat), TARGET)))
845 IF (iprint >= 2) THEN
846 DO loop_s = 1, num_shells
847 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a,I2,a,f12.7,5x,a8,36x,a)') '| Shell: ', loop_s, &
848 ' w_b ', bweight(loop_s)*lenconfac**2, '('//trim(length_unit)//'^2)', '|'
849 END DO
850 END IF
852 !check b1
853 b1sat = .true.
854 DO loop_i = 1, 3
855 DO loop_j = loop_i, 3
856 delta = 0.0_dp
857 DO loop_s = 1, num_shells
858 DO loop_b = 1, multi(shell_list(loop_s))
859 delta = delta + bweight(loop_s)*bvector(loop_i, loop_b, loop_s)*bvector(loop_j, loop_b, loop_s)
860 END DO
861 END DO
862 IF (loop_i == loop_j) THEN
863 IF (abs(delta - 1.0_dp) > kmesh_tol) b1sat = .false.
864 END IF
865 IF (loop_i /= loop_j) THEN
866 IF (abs(delta) > kmesh_tol) b1sat = .false.
867 END IF
868 END DO
869 END DO
871 IF (.NOT. b1sat) THEN
872 IF (shell < search_shells .AND. iprint >= 3) THEN
873 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a,24x,a1)') '| B1 condition is not satisfied: Adding another shell', '|'
874 ELSEIF (shell == search_shells) THEN
875 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
876 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a,i3,a)') 'Unable to satisfy B1 with any of the first ', search_shells, ' shells'
877 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') 'Your cell might be very long, or you may have an irregular MP grid'
878 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') 'Try increasing the parameter search_shells in the win file (default=12)'
879 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
880 cpabort('kmesh_get_automatic')
881 END IF
882 END IF
884 DEALLOCATE (amat, umat, vmat, smat, singv)
886 IF (b1sat) EXIT
888 END DO
890 IF (.NOT. b1sat) THEN
891 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
892 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a,i3,a)') 'Unable to satisfy B1 with any of the first ', search_shells, ' shells'
893 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') 'Your cell might be very long, or you may have an irregular MP grid'
894 WRITE (stdout, '(1x,a)') 'Try increasing the parameter search_shells in the win file (default=12)'
895 WRITE (stdout, *) ' '
896 cpabort('kmesh_get_automatic')
897 END IF
899 END SUBROUTINE kmesh_shell_automatic
901! **************************************************************************************************
902!> \brief ...
903!> \param multi ...
904!> \param kpt ...
905!> \param shell_dist ...
906!> \param bvector ...
907! **************************************************************************************************
908 SUBROUTINE kmesh_get_bvectors(multi, kpt, shell_dist, bvector)
909 !==================================================================!
910 ! !
911 ! Returns the bvectors for a given shell and kpoint !
912 ! !
913 !===================================================================
915 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: multi, kpt
916 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: shell_dist
917 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(out) :: bvector(3, multi)
919 INTEGER :: loop, nkp2, num_bvec
920 REAL(kind=dp) :: dist, vkpp(3), vkpp2(3)
922 bvector = 0.0_dp
924 num_bvec = 0
925 ok: DO loop = 1, (2*nsupcell + 1)**3
926 vkpp2 = matmul(lmn(:, loop), recip_lattice)
927 DO nkp2 = 1, num_kpts
928 vkpp = vkpp2 + kpt_cart(:, nkp2)
929 dist = sqrt((kpt_cart(1, kpt) - vkpp(1))**2 &
930 + (kpt_cart(2, kpt) - vkpp(2))**2 + (kpt_cart(3, kpt) - vkpp(3))**2)
931 IF ((dist .GE. shell_dist*(1.0_dp - kmesh_tol)) .AND. dist .LE. shell_dist*(1.0_dp + kmesh_tol)) THEN
932 num_bvec = num_bvec + 1
933 bvector(:, num_bvec) = vkpp(:) - kpt_cart(:, kpt)
934 END IF
935 !if we have the right number of neighbours we can exit
936 IF (num_bvec == multi) cycle ok
937 END DO
938 END DO ok
940 IF (num_bvec < multi) cpabort('kmesh_get_bvector: Not enough bvectors found')
942 END SUBROUTINE kmesh_get_bvectors
944! **************************************************************************************************
945!> \brief Checks whether a ~= b (ispos) or a ~= -b (isneg) up to a precision of eps8
946!> \param a 3-vector
947!> \param b 3-vector
948!> \param ispos true if |a-b|^2 < eps8, otherwise false
949!> \param isneg true if |a+b|^2 < eps8, otherwise false
950! **************************************************************************************************
951 PURE SUBROUTINE utility_compar(a, b, ispos, isneg)
952 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in) :: a, b
953 LOGICAL, INTENT(out) :: ispos, isneg
955 ispos = sum((a - b)**2) .LT. eps8
956 isneg = sum((a + b)**2) .LT. eps8
957 END SUBROUTINE utility_compar
959! **************************************************************************************************
961END MODULE wannier90
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
An array-based list which grows on demand. When the internal array is full, a new array of twice the ...
Definition list.F:24
Definition of physical constants:
Definition physcon.F:68
real(kind=dp), parameter, public bohr
Definition physcon.F:147
Outtakes from Wannier90 code.
Definition wannier90.F:66
subroutine, public wannier_setup(mp_grid_loc, num_kpts_loc, real_lattice_loc, recip_lattice_loc, kpt_latt_loc, nntot_loc, nnlist_loc, nncell_loc, iounit)
Definition wannier90.F:140
subroutine, public w90_write_header(stdout)
Definition wannier90.F:209