Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Calculation of integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions for [a|(r-Ra)^(2m)|b]
10 !> Ra is the position of center a
11 !> \par Literature
12 !> S. Obara and A. Saika, J. Chem. Phys. 84, 3963 (1986)
13 !> \par History
14 !> none
15 !> \par Parameters
16 !> - ax,ay,az : Angular momentum index numbers of orbital a.
17 !> - cx,cy,cz : Angular momentum index numbers of orbital c.
18 !> - coset : Cartesian orbital set pointer.
19 !> - dac : Distance between the atomic centers a and c.
20 !> - l{a,c} : Angular momentum quantum number of shell a or c.
21 !> - l{a,c}_max : Maximum angular momentum quantum number of shell a or c.
22 !> - l{a,c}_min : Minimum angular momentum quantum number of shell a or c.
23 !> - ncoset : Number of orbitals in a Cartesian orbital set.
24 !> - npgf{a,c} : Degree of contraction of shell a or c.
25 !> - rac : Distance vector between the atomic centers a and c.
26 !> - rac2 : Square of the distance between the atomic centers a and c.
27 !> - zet{a,c} : Exponents of the Gaussian-type functions a or c.
28 !> - zetp : Reciprocal of the sum of the exponents of orbital a and b.
29 !> - zetw : Reciprocal of the sum of the exponents of orbital a and c.
30 !> \author Dorothea Golze (08.2016)
31 ! **************************************************************************************************
34  USE ai_os_rr, ONLY: os_rr_ovlp
35  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
36  USE mathconstants, ONLY: fac,&
37  pi
38  USE orbital_pointers, ONLY: coset,&
39  ncoset
40 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
43  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'ai_operator_ra2m'
47  ! *** Public subroutines ***
49  PUBLIC :: operator_ra2m
51 ! **************************************************************************************************
55 ! **************************************************************************************************
56 !> \brief Calculation of the primitive two-center [a|(r-Ra)^(2m)|b] integrals over Cartesian
57 !> Gaussian-type functions; operator is here (r-Ra)^(2m)
58 !> \param la_max ...
59 !> \param la_min ...
60 !> \param npgfa ...
61 !> \param zeta ...
62 !> \param lb_max ...
63 !> \param lb_min ...
64 !> \param npgfb ...
65 !> \param zetb ...
66 !> \param m exponent in (r-Ra)^(2m) operator
67 !> \param rab ...
68 !> \param sab ...
69 !> \param dsab ...
70 !> \param calculate_forces ...
71 ! **************************************************************************************************
72  SUBROUTINE operator_ra2m(la_max, la_min, npgfa, zeta, &
73  lb_max, lb_min, npgfb, zetb, &
74  m, rab, sab, dsab, calculate_forces)
75  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: la_max, la_min, npgfa
76  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: zeta
77  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lb_max, lb_min, npgfb
78  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: zetb
80  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: rab
81  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: sab
82  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: dsab
83  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: calculate_forces
85  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'operator_ra2m'
87  INTEGER :: ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, coa, cob, &
88  handle, i, ia, ib, ipgf, j, jpgf, k, &
89  la, lb, ldrr, lma, lmb, ma, mb, na, &
90  nb, ofa, ofb
91  REAL(kind=dp) :: a, b, dumx, dumy, dumz, f0, prefac, &
92  rab2, tab, xhi, zet
93  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: rr
94  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: rap, rbp
96  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
98  sab = 0.0_dp
99  IF (calculate_forces) dsab = 0.0_dp
101  ! Distance of the centers a and b
103  rab2 = rab(1)*rab(1) + rab(2)*rab(2) + rab(3)*rab(3)
104  tab = sqrt(rab2)
106  ! Maximum l for auxiliary integrals
107  lma = la_max + 2*m
108  lmb = lb_max
109  IF (calculate_forces) lma = lma + 1
110  ldrr = max(lma, lmb) + 1
112  ! Allocate space for auxiliary integrals
113  ALLOCATE (rr(0:ldrr - 1, 0:ldrr - 1, 3))
115  ! Number of integrals, check size of arrays
116  ofa = ncoset(la_min - 1)
117  ofb = ncoset(lb_min - 1)
118  na = ncoset(la_max) - ofa
119  nb = ncoset(lb_max) - ofb
120  cpassert((SIZE(sab, 1) >= na*npgfa))
121  cpassert((SIZE(sab, 2) >= nb*npgfb))
123  ! Loops over all pairs of primitive Gaussian-type functions
124  ma = 0
125  DO ipgf = 1, npgfa
126  mb = 0
127  DO jpgf = 1, npgfb
129  ! Calculate some prefactors
130  a = zeta(ipgf)
131  b = zetb(jpgf)
132  zet = a + b
133  xhi = a*b/zet
134  rap = b*rab/zet
135  rbp = -a*rab/zet
137  ! [s|s] integral
138  f0 = (pi/zet)**(1.5_dp)*exp(-xhi*rab2)
140  ! Calculate the recurrence relation
141  CALL os_rr_ovlp(rap, lma, rbp, lmb, zet, ldrr, rr)
143  DO lb = lb_min, lb_max
144  DO bx = 0, lb
145  DO by = 0, lb - bx
146  bz = lb - bx - by
147  cob = coset(bx, by, bz) - ofb
148  ib = mb + cob
149  DO la = la_min, la_max
150  DO ax = 0, la
151  DO ay = 0, la - ax
152  az = la - ax - ay
153  coa = coset(ax, ay, az) - ofa
154  ia = ma + coa
155  DO i = 0, m
156  DO j = 0, m
157  DO k = 0, m
158  IF (i + j + k /= m) cycle
159  prefac = fac(m)/fac(i)/fac(j)/fac(k)
160  sab(ia, ib) = sab(ia, ib) + prefac*f0 &
161  *rr(ax + 2*i, bx, 1)*rr(ay + 2*j, by, 2)*rr(az + 2*k, bz, 3)
162  IF (calculate_forces) THEN
163  ! (da|b) = 2*a*(a+1|b) - N(a)*(a-1|b)
164  ! dx
165  dumx = 2.0_dp*a*rr(ax + 2*i + 1, bx, 1)
166  IF (ax + 2*i > 0) dumx = dumx - real(ax + 2*i, dp)*rr(ax + 2*i - 1, bx, 1)
167  dsab(ia, ib, 1) = dsab(ia, ib, 1) + prefac*f0*dumx*rr(ay + 2*j, by, 2)*rr(az + 2*k, bz, 3)
168  ! dy
169  dumy = 2.0_dp*a*rr(ay + 2*j + 1, by, 2)
170  IF (ay + 2*j > 0) dumy = dumy - real(ay + 2*j, dp)*rr(ay + 2*j - 1, by, 2)
171  dsab(ia, ib, 2) = dsab(ia, ib, 2) + prefac*f0*rr(ax + 2*i, bx, 1)*dumy*rr(az + 2*k, bz, 3)
172  ! dz
173  dumz = 2.0_dp*a*rr(az + 2*k + 1, bz, 3)
174  IF (az + 2*k > 0) dumz = dumz - real(az + 2*k, dp)*rr(az + 2*k - 1, bz, 3)
175  dsab(ia, ib, 3) = dsab(ia, ib, 3) + prefac*f0*rr(ax + 2*i, bx, 1)*rr(ay + 2*j, by, 2)*dumz
176  END IF
177  END DO
178  END DO
179  END DO
180  !
181  END DO
182  END DO
183  END DO !la
184  END DO
185  END DO
186  END DO !lb
188  mb = mb + nb
189  END DO
190  ma = ma + na
191  END DO
193  DEALLOCATE (rr)
195  CALL timestop(handle)
197  END SUBROUTINE operator_ra2m
199 END MODULE ai_operator_ra2m
Calculation of integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions for [a|(r-Ra)^(2m)|b] Ra is the posit...
subroutine, public operator_ra2m(la_max, la_min, npgfa, zeta, lb_max, lb_min, npgfb, zetb, m, rab, sab, dsab, calculate_forces)
Calculation of the primitive two-center [a|(r-Ra)^(2m)|b] integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type func...
subroutine, public os_rr_ovlp(rap, la_max, rbp, lb_max, zet, ldrr, rr)
Calculation of the basic Obara-Saika recurrence relation.
Definition: ai_os_rr.F:39
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Definition of mathematical constants and functions.
Definition: mathconstants.F:16
real(kind=dp), parameter, public pi
real(kind=dp), dimension(0:maxfac), parameter, public fac
Definition: mathconstants.F:37
Provides Cartesian and spherical orbital pointers and indices.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public ncoset
integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public coset