38 INTEGER(C_INT) FUNCTION libcp2kmw_setgrid(rx, ry, rz, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz) bind(C, NAME='libcp2kmw_setgrid')
42 REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz
75 SUBROUTINE maxwell_solver(maxwell_control, v_ee, sim_step, sim_time, scaling_factor)
INTENT(IN) :: sim_step
79 REAL(kind=
INTENT(IN) :: sim_time
80 REAL(kind=
INTENT(IN) :: scaling_factor
82#if defined(__LIBMAXWELL)
84 CHARACTER(len=*),
PARAMETER :: routinen =
86 INTEGER :: handle, iounit, res, my_rank, num_pe, &
87 gid, master, tag, i, j, ip
DIMENSION(3) :: lbounds, lbounds_local, npoints, &
91 npoints_local, ubounds, ubounds_local
92 REAL(c_double),
DIMENSION(:) :: buffer
94 mark_used(maxwell_control)
99 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
104 my_rank = v_ee%pw_grid%para%group%mepos
105 num_pe = v_ee%pw_grid%para%group%num_pe
106 gid = v_ee%pw_grid%para%group
109 lbounds = v_ee%pw_grid%bounds(1, :)
110 ubounds = v_ee%pw_grid%bounds(2, :)
111 npoints = v_ee%pw_grid%npts
113 lbounds_local = v_ee%pw_grid%bounds_local(1, :)
114 ubounds_local = v_ee%pw_grid%bounds_local(2, :)
115 npoints_local = v_ee%pw_grid%npts_local
117 ALLOCATE (buffer(lbounds(3):ubounds(3)))
119 IF (my_rank == 0)
123 WRITE (iounit, *)
"MAXWELL| Called, step = ", sim_step,
" time = ", sim_time
126 res = libcp2kmw_setgrid( &
127 ubounds(1) - lbounds(1) + 1, &
128 ubounds(2) - lbounds(2) + 1, &
129 ubounds(3) - lbounds(3) + 1, &
130 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(1, 1)*(ubounds(1) - lbounds(1) + 1), &
131 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(2, 1)*(ubounds(1) - lbounds(1) + 1), &
132 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(3, 1)*(ubounds(1) - lbounds(1) + 1), &
133 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(1, 2)*(ubounds(2) - lbounds(2) + 1), &
134 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(2, 2)*(ubounds(2) - lbounds(2) + 1), &
135 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(3, 2)*(ubounds(2) - lbounds(2) + 1), &
136 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(1, 3)*(ubounds(3) - lbounds(3) + 1), &
137 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(2, 3)*(ubounds(3) - lbounds(3) + 1), &
138 v_ee%pw_grid%dh(3, 3)*(ubounds(3) - lbounds(3) + 1) &
141 res = libcp2kmw_step(sim_step, sim_time)
144 WRITE (iounit, *)
"MAXWELL| Returned with value ", res
145 WRITE (iounit, *)
"MAXWELL| Distributing potential to MPI processes..."
151 CALL gid%bcast(buffer(lbounds(3):ubounds(3)), 0)
154 DO i = lbounds(1), ubounds(1)
155 DO j = lbounds(2), ubounds(2)
158 IF ((lbounds_local(1) <= i) .AND. (i <= ubounds_local(1)) .AND. &
159 (lbounds_local(2) <= j) .AND. (j <= ubounds_local(2)))
161 v_ee%array(i, j, lbounds(3):ubounds(3)) = buffer(lbounds(3):ubounds(3))*scaling_factor
168 WRITE (iounit, *)
"MAXWELL| All done."
171 CALL timestop(handle)
175 mark_used(maxwell_control)
179 mark_used(scaling_factor)
181 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
182 "The Maxwell solver interface requires CP2k to be compiled &
183 &with the -D__LIBMAXWELL preprocessor option.")