Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /* CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations */
3 /* Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> */
4 /* */
5 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
6 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 #include <stdbool.h>
10 /*******************************************************************************
11  * \brief Definitions for the functions exported in libcp2k.F
12  * \author Mohammad Hossein Bani-Hashemian
13  ******************************************************************************/
15 #ifndef LIBCP2K_H
16 #define LIBCP2K_H
18 #ifdef __cplusplus
19 extern "C" {
20 #endif
22 typedef int force_env_t;
24 /*******************************************************************************
25  * \brief Get the CP2K version string
26  * \param version_str The buffer to write the version string into
27  * \param str_length The size of the buffer (must be large enough)
28  ******************************************************************************/
29 void cp2k_get_version(char *version_str, int str_length);
31 /*******************************************************************************
32  * \brief Initialize CP2K and MPI
33  * \warning You are supposed to call cp2k_finalize() before exiting the program.
34  ******************************************************************************/
35 void cp2k_init();
37 /*******************************************************************************
38  * \brief Initialize CP2K without initializing MPI
39  * \warning You are supposed to call cp2k_finalize() before exiting the program.
40  ******************************************************************************/
43 /*******************************************************************************
44  * \brief Finalize CP2K and MPI
45  ******************************************************************************/
48 /*******************************************************************************
49  * \brief Finalize CP2K and without finalizing MPI
50  ******************************************************************************/
53 /*******************************************************************************
54  * \brief Create a new force environment
55  * \param new_force_env the created force environment
56  * \param input_file_path Path to a CP2K input file
57  * \param output_file_path Path to a file where CP2K is going to append its
58  * output (created if non-existent)
59  * \warning You are supposed to call cp2k_destroy_force_env() to cleanup,
60  * before cp2k_finalize().
61  ******************************************************************************/
62 void cp2k_create_force_env(force_env_t *new_force_env,
63  const char *input_file_path,
64  const char *output_file_path);
66 /*******************************************************************************
67  * \brief Create a new force environment (custom managed MPI)
68  * \param new_force_env the created force environment
69  * \param input_file_path Path to a CP2K input file
70  * \param output_file_path Path to a file where CP2K is will write its output.
71  * Will be created if not existent, otherwise appended.
72  * \param mpi_comm Fortran MPI communicator if MPI is not managed by CP2K
73  * \warning You are supposed to call cp2k_destroy_force_env() to cleanup,
74  * before cp2k_finalize().
75  ******************************************************************************/
77  const char *input_file_path,
78  const char *output_file_path, int mpi_comm);
80 /*******************************************************************************
81  * \brief Destroy/cleanup a force environment
82  * \param force_env the force environment
83  ******************************************************************************/
86 /*******************************************************************************
87  * \brief Set positions of the particles
88  * \param force_env the force environment
89  * \param new_pos Array containing the new positions of the particles
90  * \param n_el Size of the new_pos array
91  ******************************************************************************/
92 void cp2k_set_positions(force_env_t force_env, const double *new_pos, int n_el);
94 /*******************************************************************************
95  * \brief Set velocity of the particles
96  * \param force_env the force environment
97  * \param new_vel Array containing the new velocities of the particles
98  * \param n_el Size of the new_vel array
99  ******************************************************************************/
100 void cp2k_set_velocities(force_env_t force_env, const double *new_vel,
101  int n_el);
103 /*******************************************************************************
104  * \brief Set the size of the cell
105  * \param force_env the force environment
106  * \param new_cell Array containing the new cell
107  ******************************************************************************/
108 void cp2k_set_cell(force_env_t force_env, const double *new_cell);
110 /*******************************************************************************
111  * \brief Get an arbitrary result as 1D array from CP2K
112  * \param force_env the force environment
113  * \param description The string tag of the result
114  * \param results Pre-allocated array
115  * \param n_el size of the results array
116  ******************************************************************************/
117 void cp2k_get_result(force_env_t force_env, const char *description,
118  double *result, int n_el);
120 /*******************************************************************************
121  * \brief Get the number of atoms
122  * \param force_env the force environment
123  * \param natom The number of atoms
124  ******************************************************************************/
125 void cp2k_get_natom(force_env_t force_env, int *natom);
127 /*******************************************************************************
128  * \brief Get the number of particles
129  * \param force_env the force environment
130  * \param nparticle The number of particles
131  ******************************************************************************/
132 void cp2k_get_nparticle(force_env_t force_env, int *nparticle);
134 /*******************************************************************************
135  * \brief Get the positions of the particles
136  * \param force_env the force environment
137  * \param pos Pre-allocated array of at least 3*nparticle elements.
138  * Use cp2k_get_nparticle() to get the number of particles.
139  * \param n_el Size of the force array
140  ******************************************************************************/
141 void cp2k_get_positions(force_env_t force_env, double *pos, int n_el);
143 /*******************************************************************************
144  * \brief Get the forces for the particles
145  * \param force_env the force environment
146  * \param force Pre-allocated array of at least 3*nparticle elements.
147  * Use cp2k_get_nparticle() to get the number of particles.
148  * \param n_el Size of the force array
149  ******************************************************************************/
150 void cp2k_get_forces(force_env_t force_env, double *force, int n_el);
152 /*******************************************************************************
153  * \brief Get the potential energy of the system
154  * \param force_env the force environment
155  * \param e_pot The potential energy
156  ******************************************************************************/
157 void cp2k_get_potential_energy(force_env_t force_env, double *e_pot);
159 /*******************************************************************************
160  * \brief Get the size of the cell
161  * \param force_env the force environment
162  * \param cell Array containing the cell
163  ******************************************************************************/
164 void cp2k_get_cell(force_env_t force_env, const double *cell);
166 /*******************************************************************************
167  * \brief Get the size of the qmmm cell
168  * \param force_env the force environment
169  * \param cell Array containing the qmmm cell
170  ******************************************************************************/
171 void cp2k_get_qmmm_cell(force_env_t force_env, const double *cell);
173 /*******************************************************************************
174  * \brief Calculate energy and forces of the system
175  * \param force_env the force environment
176  ******************************************************************************/
179 /*******************************************************************************
180  * \brief Calculate only the energy of the system
181  * \param force_env the force environment
182  ******************************************************************************/
185 /*******************************************************************************
186  * \brief Make a CP2K run with the given input file
187  * \param input_file_path Path to a CP2K input file
188  * \param output_file_path Path to a file where CP2K is going to append its
189  * output (created if non-existent)
190  ******************************************************************************/
191 void cp2k_run_input(const char *input_file_path, const char *output_file_path);
193 /*******************************************************************************
194  * \brief Make a CP2K run with the given input file (custom managed MPI)
195  * \param input_file_path Path to a CP2K input file
196  * \param output_file_path Path to a file where CP2K is going to append its
197  * output (created if non-existent)
198  * \param mpi_comm Fortran MPI communicator if MPI is not managed by CP2K
199  ******************************************************************************/
200 void cp2k_run_input_comm(const char *input_file_path,
201  const char *output_file_path, int mpi_comm);
203 /*******************************************************************************
204  * \brief Transport parameters read from a CP2K input file.
205  * This definition matches the respective type definition in the
206  * transport_env_types module
207  ******************************************************************************/
208 typedef struct {
209  int n_occ;
210  int n_atoms;
211  double energy_diff;
212  double evoltfactor;
213  double e_charge;
214  double boltzmann;
215  double h_bar;
216  int iscf;
217  int method;
224  int num_pole;
225  int ordering;
229  int n_kpoint;
240  int cutout[2];
242  double eps_limit;
243  double eps_limit_cc;
244  double eps_decay;
246  double eps_mu;
248  double eps_fermi;
250  double min_interval;
251  double temperature;
252  double dens_mixing;
253  double n_rand_beyn;
255  double svd_cutoff;
257  int *nsgf;
258  double *zeff;
260  bool extra_scf;
263 /*******************************************************************************
264  * \brief CP2K's C-interoperable CSR matrix
265  * This definition matches the respective type definition in the
266  * transport_env_types module
267  ******************************************************************************/
268 typedef struct {
279  double *nzvals_local;
282 /*******************************************************************************
283  * \brief Function pointer type for the externally evaluated density matrix
284  * Function pointer type pointing to a C routine that takes the S and H
285  * matrices as input and outputs a P matrix.
286  *
287  * Function definition example:
288  * \code{.c}
289  * void c_scf_method(
290  * cp2k_transport_parameters cp2k_transport_params,
291  * cp2k_csr_interop_type S,
292  * cp2k_csr_interop_type KS,
293  * cp2k_csr_interop_type* P,
294  * cp2k_csr_interop_type* PImag
295  * );
296  * \endcode
297  * \sa cp2k_transport_parameters, cp2k_csr_interop_type
298  ******************************************************************************/
300  cp2k_transport_parameters, // Transport parameters
301  cp2k_csr_interop_type, // S-Matrix
302  cp2k_csr_interop_type, // H-Matrix
303  cp2k_csr_interop_type *, // P-Matrix
304  cp2k_csr_interop_type * // PImag-Matrix
305 );
307 /*******************************************************************************
308  * \brief Set the function callback for the externally evaluated density matrix
309  ******************************************************************************/
313 /*******************************************************************************
314  * \brief Get the number of molecular orbitals in the active space
315  * \param force_env the force environment
316  * \returns The number of elements or -1 if unavailable
317  ******************************************************************************/
320 /*******************************************************************************
321  * \brief Get the Fock submatrix for the active space
322  * \param force_env the force environment
323  * \param buf Pre-allocated array of at least mo_count^2 elements.
324  * Use `cp2k_active_space_get_mo_count()` to get the number of
325  * molecular orbitals.
326  * \param buf_len Size of the buf array
327  * \returns The number of elements written to buf or -1 if unavailable
328  ******************************************************************************/
329 long int cp2k_active_space_get_fock_sub(force_env_t force_env, double *buf,
330  long int buf_len);
332 /*******************************************************************************
333  * \brief Get the number of non-zero elements in the ERI matrix
334  * \param force_env the force environment
335  * \returns The number of elements or -1 if unavailable
336  ******************************************************************************/
339 /*******************************************************************************
340  * \brief Get the non-zero elements of the ERI matrix
341  * The buf_coords will contain the coordinates in the format
342  * `[i1, j1, k1, l1, i2, j2, k2, l2, ... ]`.
343  *
344  * \param force_env the force environment
345  * \param buf_coords Pre-allocated array of at least 4*nze_count elements.
346  * Use `cp2k_active_space_get_eri_nze_count()` to get the
347  * number of non-zero elements.
348  * \param buf_coords_len Size of the buf_coords array
349  * \param buf_values Pre-allocated array of at least nze_count elements.
350  * Use `cp2k_active_space_get_eri_nze_count()` to get the
351  * number of non-zero elements.
352  * \param buf_values_len Size of the buf_values array
353  * \returns The number of elements written to buf_values or -1 if unavailable
354  ******************************************************************************/
355 int cp2k_active_space_get_eri(force_env_t force_env, int *buf_coords,
356  long int buf_coords_len, double *buf_values,
357  long int buf_values_len);
359 #ifdef __cplusplus
360 }
361 #endif
363 #endif
void cp2k_create_force_env(force_env_t *new_force_env, const char *input_file_path, const char *output_file_path)
Create a new force environment.
int cp2k_active_space_get_mo_count(force_env_t force_env)
Get the number of molecular orbitals in the active space.
void cp2k_get_qmmm_cell(force_env_t force_env, const double *cell)
Get the size of the qmmm cell.
void(* ext_method_callback_f_ptr)(cp2k_transport_parameters, cp2k_csr_interop_type, cp2k_csr_interop_type, cp2k_csr_interop_type *, cp2k_csr_interop_type *)
Function pointer type for the externally evaluated density matrix Function pointer type pointing to a...
Definition: libcp2k.h:299
void cp2k_run_input_comm(const char *input_file_path, const char *output_file_path, int mpi_comm)
Make a CP2K run with the given input file (custom managed MPI)
void cp2k_run_input(const char *input_file_path, const char *output_file_path)
Make a CP2K run with the given input file.
void cp2k_transport_set_callback(force_env_t force_env, ext_method_callback_f_ptr func)
Set the function callback for the externally evaluated density matrix.
void cp2k_get_forces(force_env_t force_env, double *force, int n_el)
Get the forces for the particles.
void cp2k_get_version(char *version_str, int str_length)
Get the CP2K version string.
void cp2k_set_positions(force_env_t force_env, const double *new_pos, int n_el)
Set positions of the particles.
int force_env_t
Definitions for the functions exported in libcp2k.F.
Definition: libcp2k.h:22
long int cp2k_active_space_get_fock_sub(force_env_t force_env, double *buf, long int buf_len)
Get the Fock submatrix for the active space.
void cp2k_set_velocities(force_env_t force_env, const double *new_vel, int n_el)
Set velocity of the particles.
void cp2k_get_natom(force_env_t force_env, int *natom)
Get the number of atoms.
int cp2k_active_space_get_eri(force_env_t force_env, int *buf_coords, long int buf_coords_len, double *buf_values, long int buf_values_len)
Get the non-zero elements of the ERI matrix The buf_coords will contain the coordinates in the format...
long int cp2k_active_space_get_eri_nze_count(force_env_t force_env)
Get the number of non-zero elements in the ERI matrix.
void cp2k_init()
Initialize CP2K and MPI.
void cp2k_get_positions(force_env_t force_env, double *pos, int n_el)
Get the positions of the particles.
void cp2k_finalize_without_mpi()
Finalize CP2K and without finalizing MPI.
void cp2k_get_nparticle(force_env_t force_env, int *nparticle)
Get the number of particles.
void cp2k_destroy_force_env(force_env_t force_env)
Destroy/cleanup a force environment.
void cp2k_get_cell(force_env_t force_env, const double *cell)
Get the size of the cell.
void cp2k_set_cell(force_env_t force_env, const double *new_cell)
Set the size of the cell.
void cp2k_init_without_mpi()
Initialize CP2K without initializing MPI.
void cp2k_get_result(force_env_t force_env, const char *description, double *result, int n_el)
Get an arbitrary result as 1D array from CP2K.
void cp2k_calc_energy_force(force_env_t force_env)
Calculate energy and forces of the system.
void cp2k_get_potential_energy(force_env_t force_env, double *e_pot)
Get the potential energy of the system.
void cp2k_calc_energy(force_env_t force_env)
Calculate only the energy of the system.
void cp2k_create_force_env_comm(force_env_t *new_force_env, const char *input_file_path, const char *output_file_path, int mpi_comm)
Create a new force environment (custom managed MPI)
void cp2k_finalize()
Finalize CP2K and MPI.
CP2K's C-interoperable CSR matrix This definition matches the respective type definition in the trans...
Definition: libcp2k.h:268
double * nzvals_local
Definition: libcp2k.h:279
Transport parameters read from a CP2K input file. This definition matches the respective type definit...
Definition: libcp2k.h:208
double eps_singularity_curvatures
Definition: libcp2k.h:245