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spherical_harmonics.F File Reference

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Data Types

interface  spherical_harmonics::y_lm
interface  spherical_harmonics::dy_lm
interface  spherical_harmonics::clebsch_gordon


module  spherical_harmonics
 Calculate spherical harmonics.


subroutine, public spherical_harmonics::clebsch_gordon_deallocate ()
subroutine, public spherical_harmonics::clebsch_gordon_init (l)
real(kind=dp) function, public spherical_harmonics::legendre (x, l, m)
real(kind=dp) function, public spherical_harmonics::dlegendre (x, l, m)
subroutine, public spherical_harmonics::clebsch_gordon_coefficient (j1, m1, j2, m2, j, m, cg_coeff)
 Compute the Clebsch-Gordon coefficient C = < j1 m1 j2 m2 | J M > = < j1 j2; m1 m2 | J M >
subroutine, public spherical_harmonics::wigner_3j (j1, m1, j2, m2, j3, m3, w_3j)
 Compute the Wigner 3-j symbol / j1 j2 j3 \ \ m1 m2 m3 / using the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients.