subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::current_operators (current_env, qs_env) |
| Calculate the first order hamiltonian applied to the ao and then apply them to the ground state orbitals, the h1_psi1 full matrices are then ready to solve the non-homogeneous linear equations that give the psi1 linear response orbitals.
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::issc_operators (issc_env, qs_env, iatom) |
| ...
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::polar_operators (qs_env) |
| Calculate the dipole operator in the AO basis and its derivative wrt to MOs.
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::polar_operators_berry (qs_env) |
| Calculate the Berry phase operator in the AO basis and then the derivative of the Berry phase operator with respect to the ground state wave function (see paper Putrino et al., JCP, 13, 7102) for the AOs; afterwards multiply with the ground state MO coefficients.
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::polar_operators_local (qs_env) |
| Calculate the Berry phase operator in the AO basis and then the derivative of the Berry phase operator with respect to the ground state wave function (see paper Putrino et al., JCP, 13, 7102) for the AOs; afterwards multiply with the ground state MO coefficients.
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::polar_operators_local_wannier (qs_env, dcdr_env) |
| Calculate the dipole operator referenced at the Wannier centers in the MO basis.
real(dp) function, public | qs_linres_op::fac_vecp (a, b, c) |
| ...
integer function, public | qs_linres_op::ind_m2 (ii, iii) |
| ...
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::set_vecp (i1, i2, i3) |
| ...
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::set_vecp_rev (i1, i2, i3) |
| ...
subroutine, public | qs_linres_op::fm_scale_by_pbc_ac (matrix, ra, rc, cell, ixyz) |
| scale a matrix as a_ij = a_ij * pbc(rc(:,j),ra(:,i))(ixyz)