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kpoint_methods.F File Reference

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module  kpoint_methods
 Routines needed for kpoint calculation.


subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_initialize (kpoint, particle_set, cell)
 Generate the kpoints and initialize the kpoint environment.
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_env_initialize (kpoint, para_env, blacs_env, with_aux_fit)
 Initialize the kpoint environment.
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_initialize_mos (kpoint, mos, added_mos, for_aux_fit)
 Initialize a set of MOs and density matrix for each kpoint (kpoint group)
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_initialize_mo_set (kpoint)
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_init_cell_index (kpoint, sab_nl, para_env, dft_control)
 Generates the mapping of cell indices and linear RS index CELL (0,0,0) is always mapped to index 1.
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::rskp_transform (rmatrix, cmatrix, rsmat, ispin, xkp, cell_to_index, sab_nl, is_complex, rs_sign)
 Transformation of real space matrices to a kpoint.
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_set_mo_occupation (kpoint, smear)
 Given the eigenvalues of all kpoints, calculates the occupation numbers.
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_density_matrices (kpoint, energy_weighted, for_aux_fit)
 Calculate kpoint density matrices (rho(k), owned by kpoint groups)
subroutine, public kpoint_methods::kpoint_density_transform (kpoint, denmat, wtype, tempmat, sab_nl, fmwork, for_aux_fit, pmat_ext)
 generate real space density matrices in DBCSR format