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module | qs_kpp1_env_methods |
| module that builds the second order perturbation kernel kpp1 = delta_rho|_P delta_rho|_P E drho(P1) drho
subroutine, public | qs_kpp1_env_methods::kpp1_create (kpp1_env) |
| allocates and initializes a kpp1_env
subroutine, public | qs_kpp1_env_methods::calc_kpp1 (rho1_xc, rho1, xc_section, lrigpw, do_triplet, qs_env, p_env, calc_forces, calc_virial, virial) |
| ...
subroutine, public | qs_kpp1_env_methods::kpp1_did_change (kpp1_env) |
| function to advise of changes either in the grids