No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief methods for arnoldi iteration
10!> \par History
11!> 2014.09 created [Florian Schiffmann]
12!> 2023.12 Removed support for single-precision [Ole Schuett]
13!> 2024.12 Removed support for complex input matrices [Ole Schuett]
14!> \author Florian Schiffmann
15! **************************************************************************************************
24 get_data,&
27 USE cp_dbcsr_api, ONLY: &
31 USE kinds, ONLY: dp
33#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
39 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'arnoldi_methods'
46! **************************************************************************************************
47!> \brief Alogorithm for the implicit restarts in the arnoldi method
48!> this is an early implementation which scales subspace size^4
49!> by replacing the lapack calls with direct math the
50!> QR and gemms can be made linear and a N^2 sacling will be acchieved
51!> however this already sets the framework but should be used with care.
52!> Currently all based on lapack.
53!> \param arnoldi_env ...
54! **************************************************************************************************
55 SUBROUTINE arnoldi_iram(arnoldi_env)
56 TYPE(arnoldi_env_type) :: arnoldi_env
58 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'arnoldi_iram'
60 COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: tau, work, work_measure
61 COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: q, safe_mat, tmp_mat, tmp_mat1
62 INTEGER :: handle, i, info, j, lwork, msize, nwant
63 REAL(kind=dp) :: beta, sigma
64 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: qdata
65 TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER :: control
66 TYPE(arnoldi_data_type), POINTER :: ar_data
68 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
70 ! This is just a terribly inefficient implementation but I hope it is correct and might serve as a reference
71 ar_data => get_data(arnoldi_env)
72 control => get_control(arnoldi_env)
73 msize = control%current_step
74 nwant = control%nval_out
75 ALLOCATE (tmp_mat(msize, msize)); ALLOCATE (safe_mat(msize, msize))
76 ALLOCATE (q(msize, msize)); ALLOCATE (tmp_mat1(msize, msize))
77 ALLOCATE (work_measure(1))
78 ALLOCATE (tau(msize)); ALLOCATE (qdata(msize, msize))
79 !make Q identity
80 q = cmplx(0.0, 0.0, dp)
81 DO i = 1, msize
82 q(i, i) = cmplx(1.0, 0.0, dp)
85 ! Looks a bit odd, but safe_mat will contain the result in the end, while tmpmat gets violated by lapack
86 tmp_mat(:, :) = cmplx(ar_data%Hessenberg(1:msize, 1:msize), 0.0, kind=dp)
87 safe_mat(:, :) = tmp_mat(:, :)
89 DO i = 1, msize
90 ! A bit a strange check but in the end we only want to shift the unwanted evals
91 IF (any(control%selected_ind == i)) cycle
92 ! Here we shift the matrix by subtracting unwanted evals from the diagonal
93 DO j = 1, msize
94 tmp_mat(j, j) = tmp_mat(j, j) - ar_data%evals(i)
96 ! Now we repair the damage by QR factorizing
97 lwork = -1
98 CALL zgeqrf(msize, msize, tmp_mat, msize, tau, work_measure, lwork, info)
99 lwork = int(work_measure(1))
101 IF (SIZE(work) .LT. lwork) THEN
102 DEALLOCATE (work)
103 END IF
104 END IF
105 IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(work)) ALLOCATE (work(lwork))
106 CALL zgeqrf(msize, msize, tmp_mat, msize, tau, work, lwork, info)
107 ! Ask Lapack to reconstruct Q from its own way of storing data (tmpmat will contain Q)
108 CALL zungqr(msize, msize, msize, tmp_mat, msize, tau, work, lwork, info)
109 ! update Q=Q*Q_current
110 tmp_mat1(:, :) = q(:, :)
111 CALL zgemm('N', 'N', msize, msize, msize, cmplx(1.0, 0.0, dp), tmp_mat1, &
112 msize, tmp_mat, msize, cmplx(0.0, 0.0, dp), q, msize)
113 ! Update H=(Q*)HQ
114 CALL zgemm('C', 'N', msize, msize, msize, cmplx(1.0, 0.0, dp), tmp_mat, &
115 msize, safe_mat, msize, cmplx(0.0, 0.0, dp), tmp_mat1, msize)
116 CALL zgemm('N', 'N', msize, msize, msize, cmplx(1.0, 0.0, dp), tmp_mat1, &
117 msize, tmp_mat, msize, cmplx(0.0, 0.0, dp), safe_mat, msize)
119 ! this one is crucial for numerics not to accumulate noise in the subdiagonals
120 DO j = 1, msize
121 safe_mat(j + 2:msize, j) = cmplx(0.0, 0.0, dp)
122 END DO
123 tmp_mat(:, :) = safe_mat(:, :)
124 END DO
126 ! Now we can compute our restart quantities
127 ar_data%Hessenberg = 0.0_dp
128 ar_data%Hessenberg(1:msize, 1:msize) = real(safe_mat, kind=dp)
129 qdata(:, :) = real(q(:, :), kind=dp)
131 beta = ar_data%Hessenberg(nwant + 1, nwant); sigma = qdata(msize, nwant)
133 !update the residuum and the basis vectors
134 IF (control%local_comp) THEN
135 ar_data%f_vec = matmul(ar_data%local_history(:, 1:msize), qdata(1:msize, nwant + 1))*beta + ar_data%f_vec(:)*sigma
136 ar_data%local_history(:, 1:nwant) = matmul(ar_data%local_history(:, 1:msize), qdata(1:msize, 1:nwant))
137 END IF
138 ! Set the current step to nwant so the subspace build knows where to start
139 control%current_step = nwant
141 DEALLOCATE (tmp_mat, safe_mat, q, qdata, tmp_mat1, work, tau, work_measure)
142 CALL timestop(handle)
144 END SUBROUTINE arnoldi_iram
146! **************************************************************************************************
147!> \brief Call the correct eigensolver, in the arnoldi method only the right
148!> eigenvectors are used. Lefts are created here but dumped immediately
149!> This is only the serial version
150!> \param arnoldi_env ...
151! **************************************************************************************************
152 SUBROUTINE compute_evals(arnoldi_env)
153 TYPE(arnoldi_env_type) :: arnoldi_env
155 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'compute_evals'
157 COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: levec
158 INTEGER :: handle, ndim
159 TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER :: control
160 TYPE(arnoldi_data_type), POINTER :: ar_data
162 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
164 ar_data => get_data(arnoldi_env)
165 control => get_control(arnoldi_env)
166 ndim = control%current_step
167 ALLOCATE (levec(ndim, ndim))
169 ! Needs antoher interface as the calls to real and complex geev differ (sucks!)
170 ! only perform the diagonalization on processors which hold data
171 IF (control%generalized_ev) THEN
172 CALL arnoldi_symm_local_diag('V', ar_data%Hessenberg(1:ndim, 1:ndim), ndim, &
173 ar_data%evals(1:ndim), ar_data%revec(1:ndim, 1:ndim))
174 ELSE
175 IF (control%symmetric) THEN
176 CALL arnoldi_tridiag_local_diag('N', 'V', ar_data%Hessenberg(1:ndim, 1:ndim), ndim, &
177 ar_data%evals(1:ndim), ar_data%revec(1:ndim, 1:ndim), levec)
178 ELSE
179 CALL arnoldi_general_local_diag('N', 'V', ar_data%Hessenberg(1:ndim, 1:ndim), ndim, &
180 ar_data%evals(1:ndim), ar_data%revec(1:ndim, 1:ndim), levec)
181 END IF
182 END IF
184 DEALLOCATE (levec)
185 CALL timestop(handle)
187 END SUBROUTINE compute_evals
189! **************************************************************************************************
190!> \brief Interface for the initialization of the arnoldi subspace creation
191!> currently it can only setup a random vector but can be improved to
192!> various types of restarts easily
193!> \param matrix pointer to the matrices as described in main interface
194!> \param vectors work vectors for the matrix vector multiplications
195!> \param arnoldi_env all data concerning the subspace
196! **************************************************************************************************
197 SUBROUTINE arnoldi_init(matrix, vectors, arnoldi_env)
198 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:) :: matrix
199 TYPE(m_x_v_vectors_type) :: vectors
200 TYPE(arnoldi_env_type) :: arnoldi_env
202 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'arnoldi_init'
204 INTEGER :: col, col_size, handle, i, iseed(4), &
205 ncol_local, nrow_local, row, row_size
206 LOGICAL :: local_comp
207 REAL(dp) :: rnorm
208 REAL(kind=dp) :: norm
209 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: v_vec, w_vec
210 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: data_block
211 TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER :: control
212 TYPE(arnoldi_data_type), POINTER :: ar_data
213 TYPE(dbcsr_iterator_type) :: iter
214 TYPE(mp_comm_type) :: pcol_group
216 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
218 control => get_control(arnoldi_env)
219 pcol_group = control%pcol_group
220 local_comp = control%local_comp
222 ar_data => get_data(arnoldi_env)
224 ! create a local data copy to store the vectors and make Gram Schmidt a bit simpler
225 CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=vectors%input_vec, nfullrows_local=nrow_local, nfullcols_local=ncol_local)
226 ALLOCATE (v_vec(nrow_local))
227 ALLOCATE (w_vec(nrow_local))
228 v_vec = 0.0_dp; w_vec = 0.0_dp
229 ar_data%Hessenberg = 0.0_dp
231 IF (control%has_initial_vector) THEN
232 ! after calling the set routine the initial vector is stored in f_vec
233 CALL transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(vectors%input_vec, ar_data%f_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
234 ELSE
235 ! Setup the initial normalized random vector (sufficient if it only happens on proc_col 0)
236 CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, vectors%input_vec)
237 DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
238 CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, row, col, data_block, row_size=row_size, col_size=col_size)
239 iseed(1) = 2; iseed(2) = mod(row, 4095); iseed(3) = mod(col, 4095); iseed(4) = 11
240 CALL dlarnv(2, iseed, row_size*col_size, data_block)
241 END DO
242 CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
243 END IF
245 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%input_vec, v_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
247 ! compute the vector norm of the random vectorm, get it real valued as well (rnorm)
248 CALL compute_norms(v_vec, norm, rnorm, control%pcol_group)
250 IF (rnorm == 0) rnorm = 1 ! catch case where this rank has no actual data
251 CALL dbcsr_scale(vectors%input_vec, real(1.0, dp)/rnorm)
253 ! Everything prepared, initialize the Arnoldi iteration
254 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%input_vec, v_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
256 ! This permits to compute the subspace of a matrix which is a product of multiple matrices
257 DO i = 1, SIZE(matrix)
258 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix(i)%matrix, vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
259 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
260 CALL dbcsr_copy(vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec)
261 END DO
263 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%result_vec, w_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
265 ! Put the projection into the Hessenberg matrix, and make the vectors orthonormal
266 ar_data%Hessenberg(1, 1) = dot_product(v_vec, w_vec)
267 CALL pcol_group%sum(ar_data%Hessenberg(1, 1))
268 ar_data%f_vec = w_vec - v_vec*ar_data%Hessenberg(1, 1)
270 ar_data%local_history(:, 1) = v_vec(:)
272 ! We did the first step in here so we should set the current step for the subspace generation accordingly
273 control%current_step = 1
275 DEALLOCATE (v_vec, w_vec)
276 CALL timestop(handle)
278 END SUBROUTINE arnoldi_init
280! **************************************************************************************************
281!> \brief Computes the initial guess for the solution of the generalized eigenvalue
282!> using the arnoldi method
283!> \param matrix pointer to the matrices as described in main interface
284!> \param matrix_arnoldi ...
285!> \param vectors work vectors for the matrix vector multiplications
286!> \param arnoldi_env all data concerning the subspace
287! **************************************************************************************************
288 SUBROUTINE gev_arnoldi_init(matrix, matrix_arnoldi, vectors, arnoldi_env)
289 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:) :: matrix, matrix_arnoldi
290 TYPE(m_x_v_vectors_type) :: vectors
291 TYPE(arnoldi_env_type) :: arnoldi_env
293 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'gev_arnoldi_init'
295 INTEGER :: col, col_size, handle, iseed(4), &
296 ncol_local, nrow_local, row, row_size
297 LOGICAL :: local_comp
298 REAL(dp) :: rnorm
299 REAL(kind=dp) :: denom, norm
300 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: v_vec, w_vec
301 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: data_block
302 TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER :: control
303 TYPE(arnoldi_data_type), POINTER :: ar_data
304 TYPE(dbcsr_iterator_type) :: iter
305 TYPE(mp_comm_type) :: pcol_group
307 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
309 control => get_control(arnoldi_env)
310 pcol_group = control%pcol_group
311 local_comp = control%local_comp
313 ar_data => get_data(arnoldi_env)
315 ! create a local data copy to store the vectors and make Gram Schmidt a bit simpler
316 CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=vectors%input_vec, nfullrows_local=nrow_local, nfullcols_local=ncol_local)
317 ALLOCATE (v_vec(nrow_local))
318 ALLOCATE (w_vec(nrow_local))
319 v_vec = 0.0_dp; w_vec = 0.0_dp
320 ar_data%Hessenberg = 0.0_dp
322 IF (control%has_initial_vector) THEN
323 ! after calling the set routine the initial vector is stored in f_vec
324 CALL transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(vectors%input_vec, ar_data%f_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
325 ELSE
326 ! Setup the initial normalized random vector (sufficient if it only happens on proc_col 0)
327 CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, vectors%input_vec)
328 DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
329 CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, row, col, data_block, row_size=row_size, col_size=col_size)
330 iseed(1) = 2; iseed(2) = mod(row, 4095); iseed(3) = mod(col, 4095); iseed(4) = 11
331 CALL dlarnv(2, iseed, row_size*col_size, data_block)
332 END DO
333 CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
334 END IF
336 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%input_vec, v_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
338 ! compute the vector norm of the reandom vectorm, get it real valued as well (rnorm)
339 CALL compute_norms(v_vec, norm, rnorm, control%pcol_group)
341 IF (rnorm == 0) rnorm = 1 ! catch case where this rank has no actual data
342 CALL dbcsr_scale(vectors%input_vec, real(1.0, dp)/rnorm)
344 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix(1)%matrix, vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
345 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
347 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%result_vec, w_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
349 ar_data%rho_scale = 0.0_dp
350 ar_data%rho_scale = dot_product(v_vec, w_vec)
351 CALL pcol_group%sum(ar_data%rho_scale)
353 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix(2)%matrix, vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
354 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
356 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%result_vec, w_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
358 denom = 0.0_dp
359 denom = dot_product(v_vec, w_vec)
360 CALL pcol_group%sum(denom)
361 IF (control%myproc == 0) ar_data%rho_scale = ar_data%rho_scale/denom
362 CALL control%mp_group%bcast(ar_data%rho_scale, 0)
364 ! if the maximum ev is requested we need to optimize with -A-rho*B
365 CALL dbcsr_copy(matrix_arnoldi(1)%matrix, matrix(1)%matrix)
366 CALL dbcsr_add(matrix_arnoldi(1)%matrix, matrix(2)%matrix, 1.0_dp, -ar_data%rho_scale)
368 ar_data%x_vec = v_vec
370 CALL timestop(handle)
372 END SUBROUTINE gev_arnoldi_init
374! **************************************************************************************************
375!> \brief Here we create the Krylov subspace and fill the Hessenberg matrix
376!> convergence check is only performed on subspace convergence
377!> Gram Schidt is used to orthonogonalize.
378!> If this is numericall not sufficient a Daniel, Gragg, Kaufman and Steward
379!> correction is performed
380!> \param matrix ...
381!> \param vectors ...
382!> \param arnoldi_env ...
383! **************************************************************************************************
384 SUBROUTINE build_subspace(matrix, vectors, arnoldi_env)
385 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:) :: matrix
386 TYPE(m_x_v_vectors_type), TARGET :: vectors
387 TYPE(arnoldi_env_type) :: arnoldi_env
389 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'build_subspace'
391 INTEGER :: handle, i, j, ncol_local, nrow_local
392 REAL(dp) :: rnorm
393 REAL(kind=dp) :: norm
394 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: h_vec, s_vec, v_vec, w_vec
395 TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER :: control
396 TYPE(arnoldi_data_type), POINTER :: ar_data
397 TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER :: input_vec, result_vec, swap_vec
399 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
401 ar_data => get_data(arnoldi_env)
402 control => get_control(arnoldi_env)
403 control%converged = .false.
405 ! create the vectors required during the iterations
406 CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=vectors%input_vec, nfullrows_local=nrow_local, nfullcols_local=ncol_local)
407 ALLOCATE (v_vec(nrow_local)); ALLOCATE (w_vec(nrow_local))
408 v_vec = 0.0_dp; w_vec = 0.0_dp
409 ALLOCATE (s_vec(control%max_iter)); ALLOCATE (h_vec(control%max_iter))
411 DO j = control%current_step, control%max_iter - 1
413 ! compute the vector norm of the residuum, get it real valued as well (rnorm)
414 CALL compute_norms(ar_data%f_vec, norm, rnorm, control%pcol_group)
416 ! check convergence and inform everybody about it, a bit annoying to talk to everybody because of that
417 IF (control%myproc == 0) control%converged = rnorm .LT. real(control%threshold, dp)
418 CALL control%mp_group%bcast(control%converged, 0)
419 IF (control%converged) EXIT
421 ! transfer normalized residdum to history and its norm to the Hessenberg matrix
422 IF (rnorm == 0) rnorm = 1 ! catch case where this rank has no actual data
423 v_vec(:) = ar_data%f_vec(:)/rnorm; ar_data%local_history(:, j + 1) = v_vec(:); ar_data%Hessenberg(j + 1, j) = norm
425 input_vec => vectors%input_vec
426 result_vec => vectors%result_vec
427 CALL transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(input_vec, v_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
429 ! This permits to compute the subspace of a matrix which is a product of two matrices
430 DO i = 1, SIZE(matrix)
431 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix(i)%matrix, input_vec, result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
432 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
433 swap_vec => input_vec
434 input_vec => result_vec
435 result_vec => swap_vec
436 END DO
438 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(input_vec, w_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
440 ! Let's do the orthonormalization, to get the new f_vec. First try the Gram Schmidt scheme
441 CALL gram_schmidt_ortho(h_vec, ar_data%f_vec, s_vec, w_vec, nrow_local, j + 1, &
442 ar_data%local_history, ar_data%local_history, control%local_comp, control%pcol_group)
444 ! A bit more expensive but simply always top up with a DGKS correction, otherwise numerics
445 ! can become a problem later on, there is probably a good check whether it's necessary, but we don't perform it
446 CALL dgks_ortho(h_vec, ar_data%f_vec, s_vec, nrow_local, j + 1, ar_data%local_history, &
447 ar_data%local_history, control%local_comp, control%pcol_group)
448 ! Finally we can put the projections into our Hessenberg matrix
449 ar_data%Hessenberg(1:j + 1, j + 1) = h_vec(1:j + 1)
450 control%current_step = j + 1
451 END DO
453 ! compute the vector norm of the final residuum and put it in to Hessenberg
454 CALL compute_norms(ar_data%f_vec, norm, rnorm, control%pcol_group)
455 ar_data%Hessenberg(control%current_step + 1, control%current_step) = norm
457 ! broadcast the Hessenberg matrix so we don't need to care later on
458 CALL control%mp_group%bcast(ar_data%Hessenberg, 0)
460 DEALLOCATE (v_vec, w_vec, h_vec, s_vec)
461 CALL timestop(handle)
463 END SUBROUTINE build_subspace
465! **************************************************************************************************
466!> \brief builds the basis rothogonal wrt. the metric.
467!> The structure looks similar to normal arnoldi but norms, vectors and
468!> matrix_vector products are very differently defined. Therefore it is
469!> cleaner to put it in a separate subroutine to avoid confusion
470!> \param matrix ...
471!> \param vectors ...
472!> \param arnoldi_env ...
473! **************************************************************************************************
474 SUBROUTINE gev_build_subspace(matrix, vectors, arnoldi_env)
475 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:) :: matrix
476 TYPE(m_x_v_vectors_type) :: vectors
477 TYPE(arnoldi_env_type) :: arnoldi_env
479 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'gev_build_subspace'
481 INTEGER :: handle, j, ncol_local, nrow_local
482 REAL(kind=dp) :: norm
483 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: h_vec, s_vec, v_vec, w_vec
484 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: bzmat, czmat, zmat
485 TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER :: control
486 TYPE(arnoldi_data_type), POINTER :: ar_data
487 TYPE(mp_comm_type) :: pcol_group
489 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
491 ar_data => get_data(arnoldi_env)
492 control => get_control(arnoldi_env)
493 control%converged = .false.
494 pcol_group = control%pcol_group
496 ! create the vectors required during the iterations
497 CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=vectors%input_vec, nfullrows_local=nrow_local, nfullcols_local=ncol_local)
498 ALLOCATE (v_vec(nrow_local)); ALLOCATE (w_vec(nrow_local))
499 v_vec = 0.0_dp; w_vec = 0.0_dp
500 ALLOCATE (s_vec(control%max_iter)); ALLOCATE (h_vec(control%max_iter))
501 ALLOCATE (zmat(nrow_local, control%max_iter)); ALLOCATE (czmat(nrow_local, control%max_iter))
502 ALLOCATE (bzmat(nrow_local, control%max_iter))
504 CALL transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(vectors%input_vec, ar_data%x_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
505 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix(2)%matrix, vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
506 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
507 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%result_vec, bzmat(:, 1), nrow_local, control%local_comp)
509 norm = 0.0_dp
510 norm = dot_product(ar_data%x_vec, bzmat(:, 1))
511 CALL pcol_group%sum(norm)
512 IF (control%local_comp) THEN
513 zmat(:, 1) = ar_data%x_vec/sqrt(norm); bzmat(:, 1) = bzmat(:, 1)/sqrt(norm)
514 END IF
516 DO j = 1, control%max_iter
517 control%current_step = j
518 CALL transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(vectors%input_vec, zmat(:, j), nrow_local, control%local_comp)
519 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix(1)%matrix, vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
520 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
521 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%result_vec, czmat(:, j), nrow_local, control%local_comp)
522 w_vec(:) = czmat(:, j)
524 ! Let's do the orthonormalization, to get the new f_vec. First try the Gram Schmidt scheme
525 CALL gram_schmidt_ortho(h_vec, ar_data%f_vec, s_vec, w_vec, nrow_local, j, &
526 bzmat, zmat, control%local_comp, control%pcol_group)
528 ! A bit more expensive but simpliy always top up with a DGKS correction, otherwise numerics
529 ! can becom a problem later on, there is probably a good check, but we don't perform it
530 CALL dgks_ortho(h_vec, ar_data%f_vec, s_vec, nrow_local, j, bzmat, &
531 zmat, control%local_comp, control%pcol_group)
533 CALL transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(vectors%input_vec, ar_data%f_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
534 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix(2)%matrix, vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
535 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
536 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%result_vec, v_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
537 norm = 0.0_dp
538 norm = dot_product(ar_data%f_vec, v_vec)
539 CALL pcol_group%sum(norm)
541 IF (control%myproc == 0) control%converged = real(norm, dp) .LT. epsilon(real(1.0, dp))
542 CALL control%mp_group%bcast(control%converged, 0)
543 IF (control%converged) EXIT
544 IF (j == control%max_iter - 1) EXIT
546 IF (control%local_comp) THEN
547 zmat(:, j + 1) = ar_data%f_vec/sqrt(norm); bzmat(:, j + 1) = v_vec(:)/sqrt(norm)
548 END IF
549 END DO
551 ! getting a bit more complicated here as the final matrix is again a product which has to be computed with the
552 ! distributed vectors, therefore a sum along the first proc_col is necessary. As we want that matrix everywhere,
553 ! we set it to zero before and compute the distributed product only on the first col and then sum over the full grid
554 ar_data%Hessenberg = 0.0_dp
555 IF (control%local_comp) THEN
556 ar_data%Hessenberg(1:control%current_step, 1:control%current_step) = &
557 matmul(transpose(czmat(:, 1:control%current_step)), zmat(:, 1:control%current_step))
558 END IF
559 CALL control%mp_group%sum(ar_data%Hessenberg)
561 ar_data%local_history = zmat
562 ! broadcast the Hessenberg matrix so we don't need to care later on
564 DEALLOCATE (v_vec); DEALLOCATE (w_vec); DEALLOCATE (s_vec); DEALLOCATE (h_vec); DEALLOCATE (czmat);
565 DEALLOCATE (zmat); DEALLOCATE (bzmat)
567 CALL timestop(handle)
569 END SUBROUTINE gev_build_subspace
571! **************************************************************************************************
572!> \brief Updates all data after an inner loop of the generalized ev arnoldi.
573!> Updates rho and C=A-rho*B accordingly.
574!> As an update scheme is used for he ev, the output ev has to be replaced
575!> with the updated one.
576!> Furthermore a convergence check is performed. The mv product could
577!> be skiiped by making clever use of the precomputed data, However,
578!> it is most likely not worth the effort.
579!> \param matrix ...
580!> \param matrix_arnoldi ...
581!> \param vectors ...
582!> \param arnoldi_env ...
583! **************************************************************************************************
584 SUBROUTINE gev_update_data(matrix, matrix_arnoldi, vectors, arnoldi_env)
585 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:) :: matrix, matrix_arnoldi
586 TYPE(m_x_v_vectors_type) :: vectors
587 TYPE(arnoldi_env_type) :: arnoldi_env
589 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'gev_update_data'
591 COMPLEX(dp) :: val
592 INTEGER :: handle, i, ind, ncol_local, nrow_local
593 REAL(dp) :: rnorm
594 REAL(kind=dp) :: norm
595 REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: v_vec
596 TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER :: control
597 TYPE(arnoldi_data_type), POINTER :: ar_data
599 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
601 control => get_control(arnoldi_env)
603 ar_data => get_data(arnoldi_env)
605 ! compute the new shift, hack around the problem templating the conversion
606 val = ar_data%evals(control%selected_ind(1))
607 ar_data%rho_scale = ar_data%rho_scale + real(val, dp)
608 ! compute the new eigenvector / initial guess for the next arnoldi loop
609 ar_data%x_vec = 0.0_dp
610 DO i = 1, control%current_step
611 val = ar_data%revec(i, control%selected_ind(1))
612 ar_data%x_vec(:) = ar_data%x_vec(:) + ar_data%local_history(:, i)*real(val, dp)
613 END DO
614 ! ar_data%x_vec(:)=MATMUL(ar_data%local_history(:,1:control%current_step),&
615 ! ar_data%revec(1:control%current_step,control%selected_ind(1)))
617 ! update the C-matrix (A-rho*B), if the maximum value is requested we have to use -A-rho*B
618 CALL dbcsr_copy(matrix_arnoldi(1)%matrix, matrix(1)%matrix)
619 CALL dbcsr_add(matrix_arnoldi(1)%matrix, matrix(2)%matrix, 1.0_dp, -ar_data%rho_scale)
621 ! compute convergence and set the correct eigenvalue and eigenvector
622 CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=vectors%input_vec, nfullrows_local=nrow_local, nfullcols_local=ncol_local)
623 IF (ncol_local > 0) THEN
624 ALLOCATE (v_vec(nrow_local))
625 CALL compute_norms(ar_data%x_vec, norm, rnorm, control%pcol_group)
626 v_vec(:) = ar_data%x_vec(:)/rnorm
627 END IF
628 CALL transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(vectors%input_vec, v_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
629 CALL dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix_arnoldi(1)%matrix, vectors%input_vec, vectors%result_vec, 1.0_dp, &
630 0.0_dp, vectors%rep_row_vec, vectors%rep_col_vec)
631 CALL transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vectors%result_vec, v_vec, nrow_local, control%local_comp)
632 IF (ncol_local > 0) THEN
633 CALL compute_norms(v_vec, norm, rnorm, control%pcol_group)
634 ! check convergence
635 control%converged = rnorm .LT. control%threshold
636 DEALLOCATE (v_vec)
637 END IF
638 ! and broadcast the real eigenvalue
639 CALL control%mp_group%bcast(control%converged, 0)
640 ind = control%selected_ind(1)
641 CALL control%mp_group%bcast(ar_data%rho_scale, 0)
643 ! Again the maximum value request is done on -A therefore the eigenvalue needs the opposite sign
644 ar_data%evals(ind) = ar_data%rho_scale
646 CALL timestop(handle)
648 END SUBROUTINE gev_update_data
650! **************************************************************************************************
651!> \brief Helper routine to transfer the all data of a dbcsr matrix to a local array
652!> \param vec ...
653!> \param array ...
654!> \param n ...
655!> \param is_local ...
656! **************************************************************************************************
657 SUBROUTINE transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array(vec, array, n, is_local)
658 TYPE(dbcsr_type) :: vec
659 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: array
660 INTEGER :: n
661 LOGICAL :: is_local
663 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: data_vec
665 data_vec => dbcsr_get_data_p(vec)
666 IF (is_local) array(1:n) = data_vec(1:n)
668 END SUBROUTINE transfer_dbcsr_to_local_array
670! **************************************************************************************************
671!> \brief The inverse routine transferring data back from an array to a dbcsr
672!> \param vec ...
673!> \param array ...
674!> \param n ...
675!> \param is_local ...
676! **************************************************************************************************
677 SUBROUTINE transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr(vec, array, n, is_local)
678 TYPE(dbcsr_type) :: vec
679 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: array
680 INTEGER :: n
681 LOGICAL :: is_local
683 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: data_vec
685 data_vec => dbcsr_get_data_p(vec)
686 IF (is_local) data_vec(1:n) = array(1:n)
688 END SUBROUTINE transfer_local_array_to_dbcsr
690! **************************************************************************************************
691!> \brief Gram-Schmidt in matrix vector form
692!> \param h_vec ...
693!> \param f_vec ...
694!> \param s_vec ...
695!> \param w_vec ...
696!> \param nrow_local ...
697!> \param j ...
698!> \param local_history ...
699!> \param reorth_mat ...
700!> \param local_comp ...
701!> \param pcol_group ...
702! **************************************************************************************************
703 SUBROUTINE gram_schmidt_ortho(h_vec, f_vec, s_vec, w_vec, nrow_local, &
704 j, local_history, reorth_mat, local_comp, pcol_group)
705 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: h_vec, f_vec, s_vec, w_vec
706 INTEGER :: nrow_local, j
707 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: local_history, reorth_mat
708 LOGICAL :: local_comp
709 TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: pcol_group
711 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'Gram_Schmidt_ortho'
713 INTEGER :: handle
715 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
717 ! Let's do the orthonormalization, first try the Gram Schmidt scheme
718 h_vec = 0.0_dp; f_vec = 0.0_dp; s_vec = 0.0_dp
719 IF (local_comp) CALL dgemv('T', nrow_local, j, 1.0_dp, local_history, &
720 nrow_local, w_vec, 1, 0.0_dp, h_vec, 1)
721 CALL pcol_group%sum(h_vec(1:j))
723 IF (local_comp) CALL dgemv('N', nrow_local, j, 1.0_dp, reorth_mat, &
724 nrow_local, h_vec, 1, 0.0_dp, f_vec, 1)
725 f_vec(:) = w_vec(:) - f_vec(:)
727 CALL timestop(handle)
729 END SUBROUTINE gram_schmidt_ortho
731! **************************************************************************************************
732!> \brief Compute the Daniel, Gragg, Kaufman and Steward correction
733!> \param h_vec ...
734!> \param f_vec ...
735!> \param s_vec ...
736!> \param nrow_local ...
737!> \param j ...
738!> \param local_history ...
739!> \param reorth_mat ...
740!> \param local_comp ...
741!> \param pcol_group ...
742! **************************************************************************************************
743 SUBROUTINE dgks_ortho(h_vec, f_vec, s_vec, nrow_local, j, &
744 local_history, reorth_mat, local_comp, pcol_group)
745 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: h_vec, f_vec, s_vec
746 INTEGER :: nrow_local, j
747 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :) :: local_history, reorth_mat
748 LOGICAL :: local_comp
749 TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: pcol_group
751 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'DGKS_ortho'
753 INTEGER :: handle
755 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
757 IF (local_comp) CALL dgemv('T', nrow_local, j, 1.0_dp, local_history, &
758 nrow_local, f_vec, 1, 0.0_dp, s_vec, 1)
759 CALL pcol_group%sum(s_vec(1:j))
760 IF (local_comp) CALL dgemv('N', nrow_local, j, -1.0_dp, reorth_mat, &
761 nrow_local, s_vec, 1, 1.0_dp, f_vec, 1)
762 h_vec(1:j) = h_vec(1:j) + s_vec(1:j)
764 CALL timestop(handle)
766 END SUBROUTINE dgks_ortho
768! **************************************************************************************************
769!> \brief Compute the norm of a vector distributed along proc_col
770!> as local arrays. Always return the real part next to the complex rep.
771!> \param vec ...
772!> \param norm ...
773!> \param rnorm ...
774!> \param pcol_group ...
775! **************************************************************************************************
776 SUBROUTINE compute_norms(vec, norm, rnorm, pcol_group)
777 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: vec
778 REAL(kind=dp) :: norm
779 REAL(dp) :: rnorm
780 TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: pcol_group
782 ! the norm is computed along the processor column
783 norm = dot_product(vec, vec)
784 CALL pcol_group%sum(norm)
785 rnorm = sqrt(real(norm, dp))
786 norm = rnorm
788 END SUBROUTINE compute_norms
790END MODULE arnoldi_methods
provides a unified interface to lapack geev routines
subroutine, public arnoldi_general_local_diag(jobvl, jobvr, matrix, ndim, evals, revec, levec)
subroutine, public arnoldi_symm_local_diag(jobvr, matrix, ndim, evals, revec)
subroutine, public arnoldi_tridiag_local_diag(jobvl, jobvr, matrix, ndim, evals, revec, levec)
methods for arnoldi iteration
subroutine, public compute_evals(arnoldi_env)
Call the correct eigensolver, in the arnoldi method only the right eigenvectors are used....
subroutine, public arnoldi_init(matrix, vectors, arnoldi_env)
Interface for the initialization of the arnoldi subspace creation currently it can only setup a rando...
subroutine, public arnoldi_iram(arnoldi_env)
Alogorithm for the implicit restarts in the arnoldi method this is an early implementation which scal...
subroutine, public gev_build_subspace(matrix, vectors, arnoldi_env)
builds the basis rothogonal wrt. the metric. The structure looks similar to normal arnoldi but norms,...
subroutine, public gev_update_data(matrix, matrix_arnoldi, vectors, arnoldi_env)
Updates all data after an inner loop of the generalized ev arnoldi. Updates rho and C=A-rho*B accordi...
subroutine, public gev_arnoldi_init(matrix, matrix_arnoldi, vectors, arnoldi_env)
Computes the initial guess for the solution of the generalized eigenvalue using the arnoldi method.
subroutine, public build_subspace(matrix, vectors, arnoldi_env)
Here we create the Krylov subspace and fill the Hessenberg matrix convergence check is only performed...
collection of types used in arnoldi
type(arnoldi_data_type) function, pointer, public get_data(arnoldi_env)
type(arnoldi_control_type) function, pointer, public get_control(arnoldi_env)
operations for skinny matrices/vectors expressed in dbcsr form
subroutine, public dbcsr_matrix_colvec_multiply(matrix, vec_in, vec_out, alpha, beta, work_row, work_col)
the real driver routine for the multiply, not all symmetries implemented yet
subroutine, public dbcsr_scale(matrix, alpha_scalar)
subroutine, public dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iterator, row, column, block, block_number_argument_has_been_removed, row_size, col_size, row_offset, col_offset)
logical function, public dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iterator)
subroutine, public dbcsr_iterator_stop(iterator)
subroutine, public dbcsr_copy(matrix_b, matrix_a, name, keep_sparsity, keep_imaginary)
subroutine, public dbcsr_get_info(matrix, nblkrows_total, nblkcols_total, nfullrows_total, nfullcols_total, nblkrows_local, nblkcols_local, nfullrows_local, nfullcols_local, my_prow, my_pcol, local_rows, local_cols, proc_row_dist, proc_col_dist, row_blk_size, col_blk_size, row_blk_offset, col_blk_offset, distribution, name, matrix_type, group)
real(kind=dp) function, dimension(:), pointer, public dbcsr_get_data_p(matrix, lb, ub)
subroutine, public dbcsr_iterator_start(iterator, matrix, shared, dynamic, dynamic_byrows)
subroutine, public dbcsr_add(matrix_a, matrix_b, alpha_scalar, beta_scalar)
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
Interface to the message passing library MPI.