Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Methods to perform free energy and free energy derivatives calculations
10 !> \author Teodoro Laino (01.2007) [tlaino]
11 ! **************************************************************************************************
16  cp_logger_type,&
17  cp_to_string
20  USE cp_subsys_types, ONLY: cp_subsys_type
21  USE force_env_types, ONLY: force_env_get,&
22  force_env_type
23  USE fparser, ONLY: evalf,&
24  evalfd,&
25  finalizef,&
26  initf,&
27  parsef
28  USE free_energy_types, ONLY: free_energy_type,&
29  ui_var_type
30  USE input_constants, ONLY: do_fe_ac,&
31  do_fe_ui
33  section_vals_type,&
35  USE kinds, ONLY: default_path_length,&
37  dp
38  USE mathlib, ONLY: diamat_all
39  USE md_environment_types, ONLY: get_md_env,&
40  md_environment_type
41  USE memory_utilities, ONLY: reallocate
42  USE simpar_types, ONLY: simpar_type
43  USE statistical_methods, ONLY: k_test,&
45  sw_test,&
46  vn_test
47  USE string_utilities, ONLY: compress
48 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
53  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'free_energy_methods'
54  PUBLIC :: free_energy_evaluate
58 ! **************************************************************************************************
59 !> \brief Main driver for free energy calculations
60 !> In this routine we handle specifically biased MD.
61 !> \param md_env ...
62 !> \param converged ...
63 !> \param fe_section ...
64 !> \par History
65 !> Teodoro Laino (01.2007) [tlaino]
66 ! **************************************************************************************************
67  SUBROUTINE free_energy_evaluate(md_env, converged, fe_section)
68  TYPE(md_environment_type), POINTER :: md_env
69  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: converged
70  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: fe_section
72  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'free_energy_evaluate'
74  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: coupling_function
75  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length), &
76  DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: my_par
77  INTEGER :: handle, ic, icolvar, nforce_eval, &
78  output_unit, stat_sign_points
79  INTEGER, POINTER :: istep
80  REAL(kind=dp) :: beta, dx, lerr
81  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: my_val
82  TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
83  TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER :: subsys
84  TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER :: force_env
85  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
86  TYPE(simpar_type), POINTER :: simpar
87  TYPE(ui_var_type), POINTER :: cv
89  NULLIFY (force_env, istep, subsys, cv, simpar)
90  logger => cp_get_default_logger()
91  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
92  converged = .false.
93  CALL get_md_env(md_env, force_env=force_env, fe_env=fe_env, simpar=simpar, &
94  itimes=istep)
95  ! Metadynamics is also a free energy calculation but is handled in a different
96  ! module.
97  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%meta_env) .AND. ASSOCIATED(fe_env)) THEN
98  SELECT CASE (fe_env%type)
99  CASE (do_fe_ui)
100  ! Umbrella Integration..
101  CALL force_env_get(force_env, subsys=subsys)
102  fe_env%nr_points = fe_env%nr_points + 1
103  output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
104  DO ic = 1, fe_env%ncolvar
105  cv => fe_env%uivar(ic)
106  icolvar = cv%icolvar
107  CALL colvar_eval_glob_f(icolvar, force_env)
108  CALL reallocate(cv%ss, 1, fe_env%nr_points)
109  cv%ss(fe_env%nr_points) = subsys%colvar_p(icolvar)%colvar%ss
110  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
111  WRITE (output_unit, *) "COLVAR::", cv%ss(fe_env%nr_points)
112  END IF
113  END DO
114  stat_sign_points = fe_env%nr_points - fe_env%nr_rejected
115  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
116  WRITE (output_unit, *) fe_env%nr_points, stat_sign_points
117  END IF
118  ! Start statistical analysis when enough CG data points have been collected
119  IF ((fe_env%conv_par%cg_width*fe_env%conv_par%cg_points <= stat_sign_points) .AND. &
120  (mod(stat_sign_points, fe_env%conv_par%cg_width) == 0)) THEN
121  output_unit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, fe_section, "FREE_ENERGY_INFO", &
122  extension=".FreeEnergyLog", log_filename=.false.)
123  CALL print_fe_prolog(output_unit)
124  ! Trend test.. recomputes the number of statistically significant points..
125  CALL ui_check_trend(fe_env, fe_env%conv_par%test_k, stat_sign_points, output_unit)
126  stat_sign_points = fe_env%nr_points - fe_env%nr_rejected
127  ! Normality and serial correlation tests..
128  IF (fe_env%conv_par%cg_width*fe_env%conv_par%cg_points <= stat_sign_points .AND. &
129  fe_env%conv_par%test_k) THEN
130  ! Statistical tests
131  CALL ui_check_convergence(fe_env, converged, stat_sign_points, output_unit)
132  END IF
133  CALL print_fe_epilog(output_unit)
134  CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(output_unit, logger, fe_section, "FREE_ENERGY_INFO")
135  END IF
136  CASE (do_fe_ac)
137  CALL initf(2)
138  ! Alchemical Changes
139  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%mixed_env)) &
140  CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
141  'ASSERTION (cond) failed at line '//cp_to_string(__line__)// &
142  ' Free Energy calculations require the definition of a mixed env!')
143  my_par => force_env%mixed_env%par
144  my_val => force_env%mixed_env%val
145  dx = force_env%mixed_env%dx
146  lerr = force_env%mixed_env%lerr
147  coupling_function = force_env%mixed_env%coupling_function
148  beta = 1/simpar%temp_ext
149  CALL parsef(1, trim(coupling_function), my_par)
150  nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
151  CALL dump_ac_info(my_val, my_par, dx, lerr, fe_section, nforce_eval, &
152  fe_env%covmx, istep, beta)
153  CALL finalizef()
155  ! Do Nothing
157  END IF
158  CALL timestop(handle)
160  END SUBROUTINE free_energy_evaluate
162 ! **************************************************************************************************
163 !> \brief Print prolog of free energy output section
164 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
165 !> \par History
166 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
167 ! **************************************************************************************************
168  SUBROUTINE print_fe_prolog(output_unit)
169  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: output_unit
171  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
172  WRITE (output_unit, '(T2,79("*"))')
173  WRITE (output_unit, '(T30,"FREE ENERGY CALCULATION",/)')
174  END IF
175  END SUBROUTINE print_fe_prolog
177 ! **************************************************************************************************
178 !> \brief Print epilog of free energy output section
179 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
180 !> \par History
181 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
182 ! **************************************************************************************************
183  SUBROUTINE print_fe_epilog(output_unit)
184  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: output_unit
186  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
187  WRITE (output_unit, '(T2,79("*"),/)')
188  END IF
189  END SUBROUTINE print_fe_epilog
191 ! **************************************************************************************************
192 !> \brief Test for trend in coarse grained data set
193 !> \param fe_env ...
194 !> \param trend_free ...
195 !> \param nr_points ...
196 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
197 !> \par History
198 !> Teodoro Laino (01.2007) [tlaino]
199 ! **************************************************************************************************
200  SUBROUTINE ui_check_trend(fe_env, trend_free, nr_points, output_unit)
201  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
202  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: trend_free
203  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr_points, output_unit
205  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'ui_check_trend'
207  INTEGER :: handle, i, ii, j, k, my_reject, ncolvar, &
208  ng_points, rejected_points
209  LOGICAL :: test_avg, test_std
210  REAL(kind=dp) :: prob, tau, z
211  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: wrk
213  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
214  trend_free = .false.
215  test_avg = .true.
216  test_std = .true.
217  ncolvar = fe_env%ncolvar
218  ! Number of coarse grained points
219  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
220  WRITE (output_unit, *) nr_points, fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
221  END IF
222  ng_points = nr_points/fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
223  my_reject = 0
224  ! Allocate storage
225  CALL create_tmp_data(fe_env, wrk, ng_points, ncolvar)
226  ! Compute the Coarse Grained data set using a reverse cumulative strategy
227  CALL create_csg_data(fe_env, ng_points, output_unit)
228  ! Test on coarse grained average
229  DO j = 1, ncolvar
230  ii = 1
231  DO i = ng_points, 1, -1
232  wrk(ii) = fe_env%cg_data(i)%avg(j)
233  ii = ii + 1
234  END DO
235  DO i = my_reject + 1, ng_points
236  IF ((ng_points - my_reject) .LT. min_sample_size) THEN
237  my_reject = max(0, my_reject - 1)
238  test_avg = .false.
239  EXIT
240  END IF
241  CALL k_test(wrk, my_reject + 1, ng_points, tau, z, prob)
242  print *, prob, fe_env%conv_par%k_conf_lm
243  IF (prob < fe_env%conv_par%k_conf_lm) EXIT
244  my_reject = my_reject + 1
245  END DO
246  my_reject = min(ng_points, my_reject)
247  END DO
248  rejected_points = my_reject*fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
249  ! Print some info
250  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
251  WRITE (output_unit, *) "Kendall trend test (Average)", test_avg, &
252  "number of points rejected:", rejected_points + fe_env%nr_rejected
253  WRITE (output_unit, *) "Reject Nr.", my_reject, " coarse grained points testing average"
254  END IF
255  ! Test on coarse grained covariance matrix
256  DO j = 1, ncolvar
257  DO k = j, ncolvar
258  ii = 1
259  DO i = ng_points, 1, -1
260  wrk(ii) = fe_env%cg_data(i)%var(j, k)
261  ii = ii + 1
262  END DO
263  DO i = my_reject + 1, ng_points
264  IF ((ng_points - my_reject) .LT. min_sample_size) THEN
265  my_reject = max(0, my_reject - 1)
266  test_std = .false.
267  EXIT
268  END IF
269  CALL k_test(wrk, my_reject + 1, ng_points, tau, z, prob)
270  print *, prob, fe_env%conv_par%k_conf_lm
271  IF (prob < fe_env%conv_par%k_conf_lm) EXIT
272  my_reject = my_reject + 1
273  END DO
274  my_reject = min(ng_points, my_reject)
275  END DO
276  END DO
277  rejected_points = my_reject*fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
278  fe_env%nr_rejected = fe_env%nr_rejected + rejected_points
279  trend_free = test_avg .AND. test_std
280  ! Print some info
281  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
282  WRITE (output_unit, *) "Kendall trend test (Std. Dev.)", test_std, &
283  "number of points rejected:", fe_env%nr_rejected
284  WRITE (output_unit, *) "Reject Nr.", my_reject, " coarse grained points testing standard dev."
285  WRITE (output_unit, *) "Kendall test passed:", trend_free
286  END IF
287  ! Release storage
288  CALL destroy_tmp_data(fe_env, wrk, ng_points)
289  CALL timestop(handle)
290  END SUBROUTINE ui_check_trend
292 ! **************************************************************************************************
293 !> \brief Creates temporary data structures
294 !> \param fe_env ...
295 !> \param wrk ...
296 !> \param ng_points ...
297 !> \param ncolvar ...
298 !> \par History
299 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
300 ! **************************************************************************************************
301  SUBROUTINE create_tmp_data(fe_env, wrk, ng_points, ncolvar)
302  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
303  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: wrk
304  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ng_points, ncolvar
306  INTEGER :: i
308  ALLOCATE (fe_env%cg_data(ng_points))
309  DO i = 1, ng_points
310  ALLOCATE (fe_env%cg_data(i)%avg(ncolvar))
311  ALLOCATE (fe_env%cg_data(i)%var(ncolvar, ncolvar))
312  END DO
313  IF (PRESENT(wrk)) THEN
314  ALLOCATE (wrk(ng_points))
315  END IF
316  END SUBROUTINE create_tmp_data
318 ! **************************************************************************************************
319 !> \brief Destroys temporary data structures
320 !> \param fe_env ...
321 !> \param wrk ...
322 !> \param ng_points ...
323 !> \par History
324 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
325 ! **************************************************************************************************
326  SUBROUTINE destroy_tmp_data(fe_env, wrk, ng_points)
327  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
328  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: wrk
329  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ng_points
331  INTEGER :: i
333  DO i = 1, ng_points
334  DEALLOCATE (fe_env%cg_data(i)%avg)
335  DEALLOCATE (fe_env%cg_data(i)%var)
336  END DO
337  DEALLOCATE (fe_env%cg_data)
338  IF (PRESENT(wrk)) THEN
339  DEALLOCATE (wrk)
340  END IF
341  END SUBROUTINE destroy_tmp_data
343 ! **************************************************************************************************
344 !> \brief Fills in temporary arrays with coarse grained data
345 !> \param fe_env ...
346 !> \param ng_points ...
347 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
348 !> \par History
349 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
350 ! **************************************************************************************************
351  SUBROUTINE create_csg_data(fe_env, ng_points, output_unit)
352  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
353  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ng_points, output_unit
355  INTEGER :: i, iend, istart
357  DO i = 1, ng_points
358  istart = fe_env%nr_points - (i)*fe_env%conv_par%cg_width + 1
359  iend = fe_env%nr_points - (i - 1)*fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
360  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
361  WRITE (output_unit, *) istart, iend
362  END IF
363  CALL eval_cov_matrix(fe_env, cg_index=i, istart=istart, iend=iend, output_unit=output_unit)
364  END DO
366  END SUBROUTINE create_csg_data
368 ! **************************************************************************************************
369 !> \brief Checks Normality of the distribution and Serial Correlation of
370 !> coarse grained data
371 !> \param fe_env ...
372 !> \param test_passed ...
373 !> \param nr_points ...
374 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
375 !> \par History
376 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
377 ! **************************************************************************************************
378  SUBROUTINE ui_check_norm_sc(fe_env, test_passed, nr_points, output_unit)
379  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
380  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: test_passed
381  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr_points, output_unit
383  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'ui_check_norm_sc'
385  INTEGER :: handle, ng_points
387  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
388  test_passed = .false.
389  DO WHILE (fe_env%conv_par%cg_width < fe_env%conv_par%max_cg_width)
390  ng_points = nr_points/fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
391  print *, ng_points
392  IF (ng_points < min_sample_size) EXIT
393  CALL ui_check_norm_sc_low(fe_env, nr_points, output_unit)
394  test_passed = fe_env%conv_par%test_vn .AND. fe_env%conv_par%test_sw
395  IF (test_passed) EXIT
396  fe_env%conv_par%cg_width = fe_env%conv_par%cg_width + 1
397  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
398  WRITE (output_unit, *) "New coarse grained width:", fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
399  END IF
400  END DO
401  IF (fe_env%conv_par%cg_width == fe_env%conv_par%max_cg_width .AND. (.NOT. (test_passed))) THEN
402  CALL ui_check_norm_sc_low(fe_env, nr_points, output_unit)
403  test_passed = fe_env%conv_par%test_vn .AND. fe_env%conv_par%test_sw
404  END IF
405  CALL timestop(handle)
406  END SUBROUTINE ui_check_norm_sc
408 ! **************************************************************************************************
409 !> \brief Checks Normality of the distribution and Serial Correlation of
410 !> coarse grained data - Low Level routine
411 !> \param fe_env ...
412 !> \param nr_points ...
413 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
414 !> \par History
415 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
416 ! **************************************************************************************************
417  SUBROUTINE ui_check_norm_sc_low(fe_env, nr_points, output_unit)
418  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
419  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr_points, output_unit
421  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'ui_check_norm_sc_low'
423  INTEGER :: handle, i, j, k, ncolvar, ng_points
424  LOGICAL :: avg_test_passed, sdv_test_passed
425  REAL(kind=dp) :: prob, pw, r, u, w
426  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: wrk
428  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
429  ncolvar = fe_env%ncolvar
430  ! Compute the Coarse Grained data set using a reverse cumulative strategy
431  fe_env%conv_par%test_sw = .false.
432  fe_env%conv_par%test_vn = .false.
433  ! Number of coarse grained points
434  avg_test_passed = .true.
435  sdv_test_passed = .true.
436  ng_points = nr_points/fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
437  CALL create_tmp_data(fe_env, wrk, ng_points, ncolvar)
438  CALL create_csg_data(fe_env, ng_points, output_unit)
439  ! Testing Averages
440  DO j = 1, ncolvar
441  DO i = 1, ng_points
442  wrk(i) = fe_env%cg_data(i)%avg(j)
443  END DO
444  ! Test of Shapiro - Wilks for normality
445  ! - Average
446  CALL sw_test(wrk, ng_points, w, pw)
447  print *, 1.0_dp - pw, fe_env%conv_par%sw_conf_lm
448  avg_test_passed = (1.0_dp - pw) <= fe_env%conv_par%sw_conf_lm
449  fe_env%conv_par%test_sw = avg_test_passed
450  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
451  WRITE (output_unit, *) "Shapiro-Wilks normality test (Avg)", avg_test_passed
452  END IF
453  ! Test of von Neumann for serial correlation
454  ! - Average
455  CALL vn_test(wrk, ng_points, r, u, prob)
456  print *, prob, fe_env%conv_par%vn_conf_lm
457  avg_test_passed = prob <= fe_env%conv_par%vn_conf_lm
458  fe_env%conv_par%test_vn = avg_test_passed
459  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
460  WRITE (output_unit, *) "von Neumann serial correlation test (Avg)", avg_test_passed
461  END IF
462  END DO
463  ! If tests on average are ok let's proceed with Standard Deviation
464  IF (fe_env%conv_par%test_vn .AND. fe_env%conv_par%test_sw) THEN
465  ! Testing Standard Deviations
466  DO j = 1, ncolvar
467  DO k = j, ncolvar
468  DO i = 1, ng_points
469  wrk(i) = fe_env%cg_data(i)%var(j, k)
470  END DO
471  ! Test of Shapiro - Wilks for normality
472  ! - Standard Deviation
473  CALL sw_test(wrk, ng_points, w, pw)
474  print *, 1.0_dp - pw, fe_env%conv_par%sw_conf_lm
475  sdv_test_passed = (1.0_dp - pw) <= fe_env%conv_par%sw_conf_lm
476  fe_env%conv_par%test_sw = fe_env%conv_par%test_sw .AND. sdv_test_passed
477  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
478  WRITE (output_unit, *) "Shapiro-Wilks normality test (Std. Dev.)", sdv_test_passed
479  END IF
480  ! Test of von Neumann for serial correlation
481  ! - Standard Deviation
482  CALL vn_test(wrk, ng_points, r, u, prob)
483  print *, prob, fe_env%conv_par%vn_conf_lm
484  sdv_test_passed = prob <= fe_env%conv_par%vn_conf_lm
485  fe_env%conv_par%test_vn = fe_env%conv_par%test_vn .AND. sdv_test_passed
486  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
487  WRITE (output_unit, *) "von Neumann serial correlation test (Std. Dev.)", sdv_test_passed
488  END IF
489  END DO
490  END DO
491  CALL destroy_tmp_data(fe_env, wrk, ng_points)
492  ELSE
493  CALL destroy_tmp_data(fe_env, wrk, ng_points)
494  END IF
495  CALL timestop(handle)
496  END SUBROUTINE ui_check_norm_sc_low
498 ! **************************************************************************************************
499 !> \brief Convergence criteria (Error on average and covariance matrix)
500 !> for free energy method
501 !> \param fe_env ...
502 !> \param converged ...
503 !> \param nr_points ...
504 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
505 !> \par History
506 !> Teodoro Laino (01.2007) [tlaino]
507 ! **************************************************************************************************
508  SUBROUTINE ui_check_convergence(fe_env, converged, nr_points, output_unit)
509  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
510  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: converged
511  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr_points, output_unit
513  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'ui_check_convergence'
515  INTEGER :: handle, i, ic, ncolvar, ng_points
516  LOGICAL :: test_passed
517  REAL(kind=dp) :: max_error_avg, max_error_std
518  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: avg_std, avgmx
519  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: cov_std, covmx
521  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
522  converged = .false.
523  ncolvar = fe_env%ncolvar
524  NULLIFY (avgmx, avg_std, covmx, cov_std)
525  CALL ui_check_norm_sc(fe_env, test_passed, nr_points, output_unit)
526  IF (test_passed) THEN
527  ng_points = nr_points/fe_env%conv_par%cg_width
528  ! We can finally compute the error on average and covariance matrix
529  ! and check if we converged..
530  CALL create_tmp_data(fe_env, ng_points=ng_points, ncolvar=ncolvar)
531  CALL create_csg_data(fe_env, ng_points, output_unit)
532  ALLOCATE (covmx(ncolvar, ncolvar))
533  ALLOCATE (avgmx(ncolvar))
534  ALLOCATE (cov_std(ncolvar*(ncolvar + 1)/2, ncolvar*(ncolvar + 1)/2))
535  ALLOCATE (avg_std(ncolvar))
536  covmx = 0.0_dp
537  avgmx = 0.0_dp
538  DO i = 1, ng_points
539  covmx = covmx + fe_env%cg_data(i)%var
540  avgmx = avgmx + fe_env%cg_data(i)%avg
541  END DO
542  covmx = covmx/real(ng_points, kind=dp)
543  avgmx = avgmx/real(ng_points, kind=dp)
545  ! Compute errors on average and standard deviation
546  CALL compute_avg_std_errors(fe_env, ncolvar, avgmx, covmx, avg_std, cov_std)
547  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
548  WRITE (output_unit, *) "pippo", avgmx, covmx
549  WRITE (output_unit, *) "pippo", avg_std, cov_std
550  END IF
551  ! Convergence of the averages
552  max_error_avg = sqrt(maxval(abs(avg_std))/real(ng_points, kind=dp))/minval(avgmx)
553  max_error_std = sqrt(maxval(abs(cov_std))/real(ng_points, kind=dp))/minval(covmx)
554  IF (max_error_avg <= fe_env%conv_par%eps_conv .AND. &
555  max_error_std <= fe_env%conv_par%eps_conv) converged = .true.
557  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
558  WRITE (output_unit, '(/,T2,"CG SAMPLING LENGTH = ",I7,20X,"REQUESTED ACCURACY = ",E12.6)') ng_points, &
559  fe_env%conv_par%eps_conv
560  WRITE (output_unit, '(T50,"PRESENT ACCURACY AVG= ",E12.6)') max_error_avg
561  WRITE (output_unit, '(T50,"PRESENT ACCURACY STD= ",E12.6)') max_error_std
562  WRITE (output_unit, '(T50,"CONVERGED FE-DER = ",L12)') converged
564  WRITE (output_unit, '(/,T33, "COVARIANCE MATRIX")')
565  WRITE (output_unit, '(T8,'//cp_to_string(ncolvar)//'(3X,I7,6X))') (ic, ic=1, ncolvar)
566  DO ic = 1, ncolvar
567  WRITE (output_unit, '(T2,I6,'//cp_to_string(ncolvar)//'(3X,E12.6,1X))') ic, covmx(ic, :)
568  END DO
569  WRITE (output_unit, '(T33, "ERROR OF COVARIANCE MATRIX")')
570  WRITE (output_unit, '(T8,'//cp_to_string(ncolvar)//'(3X,I7,6X))') (ic, ic=1, ncolvar)
571  DO ic = 1, ncolvar
572  WRITE (output_unit, '(T2,I6,'//cp_to_string(ncolvar)//'(3X,E12.6,1X))') ic, cov_std(ic, :)
573  END DO
575  WRITE (output_unit, '(/,T2,"COLVAR Nr.",18X,13X,"AVERAGE",13X,"STANDARD DEVIATION")')
576  WRITE (output_unit, '(T2,"CV",I8,21X,7X,E12.6,14X,E12.6)') &
577  (ic, avgmx(ic), sqrt(abs(avg_std(ic))), ic=1, ncolvar)
578  END IF
579  CALL destroy_tmp_data(fe_env, ng_points=ng_points)
580  DEALLOCATE (covmx)
581  DEALLOCATE (avgmx)
582  DEALLOCATE (cov_std)
583  DEALLOCATE (avg_std)
584  END IF
585  CALL timestop(handle)
586  END SUBROUTINE ui_check_convergence
588 ! **************************************************************************************************
589 !> \brief Computes the errors on averages and standard deviations for a
590 !> correlation-independent coarse grained data set
591 !> \param fe_env ...
592 !> \param ncolvar ...
593 !> \param avgmx ...
594 !> \param covmx ...
595 !> \param avg_std ...
596 !> \param cov_std ...
597 !> \par History
598 !> Teodoro Laino (02.2007) [tlaino]
599 ! **************************************************************************************************
600  SUBROUTINE compute_avg_std_errors(fe_env, ncolvar, avgmx, covmx, avg_std, cov_std)
601  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
602  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncolvar
603  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: avgmx
604  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: covmx
605  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: avg_std
606  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: cov_std
608  INTEGER :: i, ind, j, k, nvar
609  REAL(kind=dp) :: fac
610  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: awrk, eig, tmp
611  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: wrk
613 ! Averages
615  nvar = ncolvar
616  ALLOCATE (wrk(nvar, nvar))
617  ALLOCATE (eig(nvar))
618  fac = real(SIZE(fe_env%cg_data), kind=dp)
619  wrk = 0.0_dp
620  eig = 0.0_dp
621  DO k = 1, SIZE(fe_env%cg_data)
622  DO j = 1, nvar
623  DO i = j, nvar
624  wrk(i, j) = wrk(i, j) + fe_env%cg_data(k)%avg(i)*fe_env%cg_data(k)%avg(j)
625  END DO
626  END DO
627  END DO
628  DO j = 1, nvar
629  DO i = j, nvar
630  wrk(i, j) = wrk(i, j) - avgmx(i)*avgmx(j)*fac
631  wrk(j, i) = wrk(i, j)
632  END DO
633  END DO
634  wrk = wrk/(fac - 1.0_dp)
635  ! Diagonalize the covariance matrix and check for the maximum error
636  CALL diamat_all(wrk, eig)
637  DO i = 1, nvar
638  avg_std(i) = eig(i)
639  END DO
640  DEALLOCATE (wrk)
641  DEALLOCATE (eig)
642  ! Standard Deviations
643  nvar = ncolvar*(ncolvar + 1)/2
644  ALLOCATE (wrk(nvar, nvar))
645  ALLOCATE (eig(nvar))
646  ALLOCATE (awrk(nvar))
647  ALLOCATE (tmp(nvar))
648  wrk = 0.0_dp
649  eig = 0.0_dp
650  ind = 0
651  DO i = 1, ncolvar
652  DO j = i, ncolvar
653  ind = ind + 1
654  awrk(ind) = covmx(i, j)
655  END DO
656  END DO
657  DO k = 1, SIZE(fe_env%cg_data)
658  ind = 0
659  DO i = 1, ncolvar
660  DO j = i, ncolvar
661  ind = ind + 1
662  tmp(ind) = fe_env%cg_data(k)%var(i, j)
663  END DO
664  END DO
665  DO i = 1, nvar
666  DO j = i, nvar
667  wrk(i, j) = wrk(i, j) + tmp(i)*tmp(j) - awrk(i)*awrk(j)
668  END DO
669  END DO
670  END DO
671  DO i = 1, nvar
672  DO j = i, nvar
673  wrk(i, j) = wrk(i, j) - fac*awrk(i)*awrk(j)
674  wrk(j, i) = wrk(i, j)
675  END DO
676  END DO
677  wrk = wrk/(fac - 1.0_dp)
678  ! Diagonalize the covariance matrix and check for the maximum error
679  CALL diamat_all(wrk, eig)
680  ind = 0
681  DO i = 1, ncolvar
682  DO j = i, ncolvar
683  ind = ind + 1
684  cov_std(i, j) = eig(ind)
685  cov_std(j, i) = cov_std(i, j)
686  END DO
687  END DO
688  DEALLOCATE (wrk)
689  DEALLOCATE (eig)
690  DEALLOCATE (awrk)
691  DEALLOCATE (tmp)
693  END SUBROUTINE compute_avg_std_errors
695 ! **************************************************************************************************
696 !> \brief Computes the covariance matrix
697 !> \param fe_env ...
698 !> \param cg_index ...
699 !> \param istart ...
700 !> \param iend ...
701 !> \param output_unit which unit to print to
702 !> \param covmx ...
703 !> \param avgs ...
704 !> \par History
705 !> Teodoro Laino (01.2007) [tlaino]
706 ! **************************************************************************************************
707  SUBROUTINE eval_cov_matrix(fe_env, cg_index, istart, iend, output_unit, covmx, avgs)
708  TYPE(free_energy_type), POINTER :: fe_env
709  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: cg_index, istart, iend, output_unit
710  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: covmx
711  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: avgs
713  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'eval_cov_matrix'
715  INTEGER :: handle, ic, jc, jstep, ncolvar, nlength
716  REAL(kind=dp) :: tmp_ic, tmp_jc
717  TYPE(ui_var_type), POINTER :: cv
719  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
720  ncolvar = fe_env%ncolvar
721  nlength = iend - istart + 1
722  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg = 0.0_dp
723  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var = 0.0_dp
724  IF (nlength > 1) THEN
725  ! Update the info on averages and variances
726  DO jstep = istart, iend
727  DO ic = 1, ncolvar
728  cv => fe_env%uivar(ic)
729  tmp_ic = cv%ss(jstep)
730  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg(ic) = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg(ic) + tmp_ic
731  END DO
732  DO ic = 1, ncolvar
733  cv => fe_env%uivar(ic)
734  tmp_ic = cv%ss(jstep)
735  DO jc = 1, ic
736  cv => fe_env%uivar(jc)
737  tmp_jc = cv%ss(jstep)
738  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var(jc, ic) = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var(jc, ic) + tmp_ic*tmp_jc
739  END DO
740  END DO
741  END DO
742  ! Normalized the variances and the averages
743  ! Unbiased estimator
744  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var/real(nlength - 1, kind=dp)
745  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg/real(nlength, kind=dp)
746  ! Compute the covariance matrix
747  DO ic = 1, ncolvar
748  tmp_ic = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg(ic)
749  DO jc = 1, ic
750  tmp_jc = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg(jc)*real(nlength, kind=dp)/real(nlength - 1, kind=dp)
751  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var(jc, ic) = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var(jc, ic) - tmp_ic*tmp_jc
752  fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var(ic, jc) = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var(jc, ic)
753  END DO
754  END DO
755  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
756  WRITE (output_unit, *) "eval_cov_matrix", istart, iend, fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg, fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var
757  END IF
758  IF (PRESENT(covmx)) covmx = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%var
759  IF (PRESENT(avgs)) avgs = fe_env%cg_data(cg_index)%avg
760  END IF
761  CALL timestop(handle)
762  END SUBROUTINE eval_cov_matrix
764 ! **************************************************************************************************
765 !> \brief Dumps information when performing an alchemical change run
766 !> \param my_val ...
767 !> \param my_par ...
768 !> \param dx ...
769 !> \param lerr ...
770 !> \param fe_section ...
771 !> \param nforce_eval ...
772 !> \param cum_res ...
773 !> \param istep ...
774 !> \param beta ...
775 !> \author Teodoro Laino - University of Zurich [tlaino] - 05.2007
776 ! **************************************************************************************************
777  SUBROUTINE dump_ac_info(my_val, my_par, dx, lerr, fe_section, nforce_eval, cum_res, &
778  istep, beta)
779  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: my_val
780  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length), &
781  DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: my_par
782  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: dx, lerr
783  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: fe_section
784  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nforce_eval
785  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: cum_res
786  INTEGER, POINTER :: istep
787  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: beta
789  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: coupling_function
790  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: def_error, par, this_error
791  INTEGER :: i, iforce_eval, ipar, isize, iw, j, &
792  nequilstep
793  REAL(kind=dp) :: avg_bp, avg_det, avg_due, d_ene_w, dedf, &
794  ene_w, err, err_det, err_due, std_det, &
795  std_due, tmp, tmp2, wfac
796  TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
797  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: alch_section
799  logger => cp_get_default_logger()
800  alch_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(fe_section, "ALCHEMICAL_CHANGE")
801  CALL section_vals_val_get(alch_section, "PARAMETER", c_val=par)
802  DO i = 1, SIZE(my_par)
803  IF (my_par(i) == par) EXIT
804  END DO
805  cpassert(i <= SIZE(my_par))
806  ipar = i
807  dedf = evalfd(1, ipar, my_val, dx, err)
808  IF (abs(err) > lerr) THEN
809  WRITE (this_error, "(A,G12.6,A)") "(", err, ")"
810  WRITE (def_error, "(A,G12.6,A)") "(", lerr, ")"
811  CALL compress(this_error, .true.)
812  CALL compress(def_error, .true.)
813  CALL cp_warn(__location__, &
814  'ASSERTION (cond) failed at line '//cp_to_string(__line__)// &
815  ' Error '//trim(this_error)//' in computing numerical derivatives larger then'// &
816  trim(def_error)//' .')
817  END IF
819  ! We must print now the energy of the biased system, the weigthing energy
820  ! and the derivative w.r.t.the coupling parameter of the biased energy
821  ! Retrieve the expression of the weighting function:
822  CALL section_vals_val_get(alch_section, "WEIGHTING_FUNCTION", c_val=coupling_function)
823  CALL compress(coupling_function, full=.true.)
824  CALL parsef(2, trim(coupling_function), my_par)
825  ene_w = evalf(2, my_val)
826  d_ene_w = evalfd(2, ipar, my_val, dx, err)
827  IF (abs(err) > lerr) THEN
828  WRITE (this_error, "(A,G12.6,A)") "(", err, ")"
829  WRITE (def_error, "(A,G12.6,A)") "(", lerr, ")"
830  CALL compress(this_error, .true.)
831  CALL compress(def_error, .true.)
832  CALL cp_warn(__location__, &
833  'ASSERTION (cond) failed at line '//cp_to_string(__line__)// &
834  ' Error '//trim(this_error)//' in computing numerical derivatives larger then'// &
835  trim(def_error)//' .')
836  END IF
837  CALL section_vals_val_get(alch_section, "NEQUIL_STEPS", i_val=nequilstep)
838  ! Store results
839  IF (istep > nequilstep) THEN
840  isize = SIZE(cum_res, 2) + 1
841  CALL reallocate(cum_res, 1, 3, 1, isize)
842  cum_res(1, isize) = dedf
843  cum_res(2, isize) = dedf - d_ene_w
844  cum_res(3, isize) = ene_w
845  ! Compute derivative of biased and total energy
846  ! Total Free Energy
847  avg_det = sum(cum_res(1, 1:isize))/real(isize, kind=dp)
848  std_det = sum(cum_res(1, 1:isize)**2)/real(isize, kind=dp)
849  ! Unbiased Free Energy
850  avg_bp = sum(cum_res(3, 1:isize))/real(isize, kind=dp)
851  wfac = 0.0_dp
852  DO j = 1, isize
853  wfac = wfac + exp(beta*(cum_res(3, j) - avg_bp))
854  END DO
855  avg_due = 0.0_dp
856  std_due = 0.0_dp
857  DO j = 1, isize
858  tmp = cum_res(2, j)
859  tmp2 = exp(beta*(cum_res(3, j) - avg_bp))/wfac
860  avg_due = avg_due + tmp*tmp2
861  std_due = std_due + tmp**2*tmp2
862  END DO
863  IF (isize > 1) THEN
864  err_due = sqrt(std_due - avg_due**2)/sqrt(real(isize - 1, kind=dp))
865  err_det = sqrt(std_det - avg_det**2)/sqrt(real(isize - 1, kind=dp))
866  END IF
867  ! Print info
868  iw = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, fe_section, "FREE_ENERGY_INFO", &
869  extension=".free_energy")
870  IF (iw > 0) THEN
871  WRITE (iw, '(T2,79("-"),T37," oOo ")')
872  DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
873  WRITE (iw, '(T2,"ALCHEMICAL CHANGE| FORCE_EVAL Nr.",I5,T48,"ENERGY (Hartree)= ",F15.9)') &
874  iforce_eval, my_val(iforce_eval)
875  END DO
877  trim(par), dedf
879  trim(par), dedf - d_ene_w
881  ene_w
883  IF (isize > 1) THEN
884  WRITE (iw, '(/,T2,"ALCHEMICAL CHANGE| DERIVATIVE TOTAL FREE ENERGY ",T50,F15.9,1X,"+/-",1X,F11.9)') &
885  avg_det, err_det
887  avg_due, err_due
888  ELSE
889  WRITE (iw, '(/,T2,"ALCHEMICAL CHANGE| DERIVATIVE TOTAL FREE ENERGY ",T50,F15.9,1X,"+/-",1X,T76,A)') &
890  avg_det, "UNDEF"
892  avg_due, "UNDEF"
893  END IF
894  WRITE (iw, '(T2,79("-"))')
895  END IF
896  END IF
897  CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iw, logger, fe_section, "FREE_ENERGY_INFO")
899  END SUBROUTINE dump_ac_info
901 END MODULE free_energy_methods
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE double fac(const int i)
Factorial function, e.g. fac(5) = 5! = 120.
Definition: grid_common.h:48
defines collective variables s({R}) and the derivative of this variable wrt R these can then be used ...
subroutine, public colvar_eval_glob_f(icolvar, force_env)
evaluates the derivatives (dsdr) given and due to the given colvar
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
returns the unit nr for the ionode (-1 on all other processors) skips as well checks if the procs cal...
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
routines to handle the output, The idea is to remove the decision of wheter to output and what to out...
integer function, public cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, basis_section, print_key_path, extension, middle_name, local, log_filename, ignore_should_output, file_form, file_position, file_action, file_status, do_backup, on_file, is_new_file, mpi_io, fout)
subroutine, public cp_print_key_finished_output(unit_nr, logger, basis_section, print_key_path, local, ignore_should_output, on_file, mpi_io)
should be called after you finish working with a unit obtained with cp_print_key_unit_nr,...
types that represent a subsys, i.e. a part of the system
Interface for the force calculations.
recursive subroutine, public force_env_get(force_env, in_use, fist_env, qs_env, meta_env, fp_env, subsys, para_env, potential_energy, additional_potential, kinetic_energy, harmonic_shell, kinetic_shell, cell, sub_force_env, qmmm_env, qmmmx_env, eip_env, pwdft_env, globenv, input, force_env_section, method_name_id, root_section, mixed_env, nnp_env, embed_env)
returns various attributes about the force environment
This public domain function parser module is intended for applications where a set of mathematical ex...
Definition: fparser.F:17
real(rn) function, public evalf(i, Val)
Definition: fparser.F:180
real(kind=rn) function, public evalfd(id_fun, ipar, vals, h, err)
Evaluates derivatives.
Definition: fparser.F:976
subroutine, public finalizef()
Definition: fparser.F:101
subroutine, public initf(n)
Definition: fparser.F:130
subroutine, public parsef(i, FuncStr, Var)
Parse ith function string FuncStr and compile it into bytecode.
Definition: fparser.F:148
Methods to perform free energy and free energy derivatives calculations.
subroutine, public free_energy_evaluate(md_env, converged, fe_section)
Main driver for free energy calculations In this routine we handle specifically biased MD.
defines types for metadynamics calculation
collects all constants needed in input so that they can be used without circular dependencies
integer, parameter, public do_fe_ac
integer, parameter, public do_fe_ui
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
recursive type(section_vals_type) function, pointer, public section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals, subsection_name, i_rep_section, can_return_null)
returns the values of the requested subsection
subroutine, public section_vals_val_get(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, n_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals, i_vals, r_vals, c_vals, explicit)
returns the requested value
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition: kinds.F:57
integer, parameter, public default_path_length
Definition: kinds.F:58
Collection of simple mathematical functions and subroutines.
Definition: mathlib.F:15
subroutine, public diamat_all(a, eigval, dac)
Diagonalize the symmetric n by n matrix a using the LAPACK library. Only the upper triangle of matrix...
Definition: mathlib.F:376
subroutine, public get_md_env(md_env, itimes, constant, used_time, cell, simpar, npt, force_env, para_env, reftraj, t, init, first_time, fe_env, thermostats, barostat, thermostat_coeff, thermostat_part, thermostat_shell, thermostat_baro, thermostat_fast, thermostat_slow, md_ener, averages, thermal_regions, ehrenfest_md)
get components of MD environment type
Utility routines for the memory handling.
Type for storing MD parameters.
Definition: simpar_types.F:14
Methods to perform on the fly statistical analysis of data -) Schiferl and Wallace,...
subroutine, public vn_test(xdata, n, r, u, prob)
Von Neumann test for serial correlation.
integer, parameter, public min_sample_size
subroutine, public k_test(xdata, istart, n, tau, z, prob)
Kandall's test for correlation.
subroutine, public sw_test(ix, n, w, pw)
Shapiro - Wilk's test or W-statistic to test normality of a distribution R94 APPL....
Utilities for string manipulations.
subroutine, public compress(string, full)
Eliminate multiple space characters in a string. If full is .TRUE., then all spaces are eliminated.