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construct_shg.F File Reference

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module  construct_shg
 Calculation of the integrals over solid harmonic Gaussian(SHG) functions. Routines for (a|O(r12)|b) and overlap integrals (ab), (aba) and (abb).


subroutine, public construct_shg::get_real_scaled_solid_harmonic (rlm_c, rlm_s, l, r, r2)
 computes the real scaled solid harmonics Rlm up to a given l
subroutine, public construct_shg::get_w_matrix (lamax, lbmax, lmax, rc, rs, waux_mat)
 calculates the angular dependent-part of the SHG integrals, transformation matrix W, see literature above
subroutine, public construct_shg::get_dw_matrix (lamax, lbmax, waux_mat, dwaux_mat)
 calculates derivatives of transformation matrix W,
subroutine, public construct_shg::construct_int_shg_ab (la, first_sgfa, nshella, lb, first_sgfb, nshellb, swork_cont, waux_mat, sab)
 calculates [ab] SHG overlap integrals using precomputed angular- dependent part
subroutine, public construct_shg::construct_dev_shg_ab (la, first_sgfa, nshella, lb, first_sgfb, nshellb, rab, swork_cont, waux_mat, dwaux_mat, dsab)
 calculates derivatives of [ab] SHG overlap integrals using precomputed angular-dependent part
subroutine, public construct_shg::construct_overlap_shg_aba (la, first_sgfa, nshella, lb, first_sgfb, nshellb, lca, first_sgfca, nshellca, cg_coeff, cg_none0_list, ncg_none0, swork_cont, waux_mat, saba)
 calculates [aba] SHG overlap integrals using precomputed angular- dependent part
subroutine, public construct_shg::dev_overlap_shg_aba (la, first_sgfa, nshella, lb, first_sgfb, nshellb, lca, first_sgfca, nshellca, cg_coeff, cg_none0_list, ncg_none0, rab, swork_cont, waux_mat, dwaux_mat, dsaba)
 calculates derivatives of [aba] SHG overlap integrals using precomputed angular-dependent part
subroutine, public construct_shg::construct_overlap_shg_abb (la, first_sgfa, nshella, lb, first_sgfb, nshellb, lcb, first_sgfcb, nshellcb, cg_coeff, cg_none0_list, ncg_none0, swork_cont, waux_mat, sabb)
 calculates [abb] SHG overlap integrals using precomputed angular- dependent part
subroutine, public construct_shg::dev_overlap_shg_abb (la, first_sgfa, nshella, lb, first_sgfb, nshellb, lcb, first_sgfcb, nshellcb, cg_coeff, cg_none0_list, ncg_none0, rab, swork_cont, waux_mat, dwaux_mat, dsabb)
 calculates derivatives of [abb] SHG overlap integrals using precomputed angular-dependent part