subroutine, public | cp_units::cp_unit_create (unit, string) |
| creates a unit parsing a string
elemental subroutine, public | cp_units::cp_unit_release (unit) |
| releases the given unit
character(len=cp_unit_desc_length) function, public | cp_units::cp_unit_desc (unit, defaults, accept_undefined) |
| returns the "name" of the given unit
real(kind=dp) function, public | cp_units::cp_unit_to_cp2k1 (value, unit, defaults, power) |
| transform a value to the internal cp2k units
real(kind=dp) function, public | cp_units::cp_unit_from_cp2k1 (value, unit, defaults, power) |
| converts from the internal cp2k units to the given unit
real(kind=dp) function, public | cp_units::cp_unit_to_cp2k (value, unit_str, defaults, power) |
| converts to the internal cp2k units to the given unit
real(kind=dp) function, public | cp_units::cp_unit_from_cp2k (value, unit_str, defaults, power) |
| converts from the internal cp2k units to the given unit
logical function, public | cp_units::cp_unit_compatible (ref_unit, unit) |
| returs true if the two units are compatible
subroutine, public | cp_units::cp_unit_set_create (unit_set, name) |
| initializes the given unit set
subroutine, public | cp_units::cp_unit_set_release (unit_set) |
| releases the given unit set
subroutine, public | cp_units::export_units_as_xml (iw) |
| Exports all available units as XML.
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_none = 0 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_energy = 1 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_length = 2 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_temperature = 3 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_angle = 4 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_pressure = 5 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_time = 6 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_mass = 7 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_undef = 8 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_potential = 9 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_force = 10 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_ukind_max = 10 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_none = 100 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_au = 101 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_m_e = 110 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_amu = 111 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_kg = 112 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_hartree = 130 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_wavenum = 131 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_joule = 132 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_kcalmol = 133 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_ry = 134 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_ev = 135 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_kjmol = 136 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_jmol = 137 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_kev = 138 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_bohr = 140 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_angstrom = 141 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_m = 142 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_pm = 143 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_nm = 144 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_k = 150 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_bar = 161 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_atm = 162 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_kbar = 163 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_pa = 164 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_mpa = 165 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_gpa = 166 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_rad = 170 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_deg = 171 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_fs = 180 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_s = 181 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_wn = 182 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_ps = 183 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_volt = 190 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_newton = 200 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_units_mnewton = 201 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_unit_max_kinds = 8 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_unit_basic_desc_length = 15 |
integer, parameter, public | cp_units::cp_unit_desc_length = cp_unit_max_kinds*cp_unit_basic_desc_length |