Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \par History
10 !> \author
11 ! **************************************************************************************************
14  USE distribution_1d_types, ONLY: distribution_1d_type
15  USE extended_system_types, ONLY: map_info_type
17  gle_type
18  USE input_constants, ONLY: &
26  section_vals_type,&
28  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
29  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_comm_type,&
30  mp_para_env_type
31  USE molecule_kind_types, ONLY: molecule_kind_type
32  USE molecule_types, ONLY: global_constraint_type,&
33  molecule_type
36  USE particle_types, ONLY: particle_type
37  USE simpar_types, ONLY: simpar_type
39  USE thermostat_types, ONLY: thermostat_info_type
43 #include "../../base/base_uses.f90"
48  PUBLIC :: gle_particles, &
54  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'gle_system_dynamics'
58 ! **************************************************************************************************
59 !> \brief ...
60 !> \param gle ...
61 !> \param molecule_kind_set ...
62 !> \param molecule_set ...
63 !> \param particle_set ...
64 !> \param local_molecules ...
65 !> \param group ...
66 !> \param shell_adiabatic ...
67 !> \param shell_particle_set ...
68 !> \param core_particle_set ...
69 !> \param vel ...
70 !> \param shell_vel ...
71 !> \param core_vel ...
72 !> \date
73 !> \par History
74 ! **************************************************************************************************
75  SUBROUTINE gle_particles(gle, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, local_molecules, &
76  group, shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
78  TYPE(gle_type), POINTER :: gle
79  TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set(:)
80  TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule_set(:)
81  TYPE(particle_type), POINTER :: particle_set(:)
82  TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules
83  TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: group
84  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: shell_adiabatic
85  TYPE(particle_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: shell_particle_set(:), &
86  core_particle_set(:)
87  REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: vel(:, :), shell_vel(:, :), &
88  core_vel(:, :)
90  CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'gle_particles'
92  INTEGER :: handle, iadd, ideg, imap, ndim, num
93  LOGICAL :: my_shell_adiabatic, present_vel
94  REAL(dp) :: alpha, beta, rr
95  REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: a_mat, e_tmp, h_tmp, s_tmp
96  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
98  CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
99  my_shell_adiabatic = .false.
100  IF (PRESENT(shell_adiabatic)) my_shell_adiabatic = shell_adiabatic
101  present_vel = PRESENT(vel)
102  ndim = gle%ndim
103  ALLOCATE (s_tmp(ndim, gle%loc_num_gle))
104  s_tmp = 0.0_dp
105  ALLOCATE (e_tmp(ndim, gle%loc_num_gle))
106  ALLOCATE (h_tmp(ndim, gle%loc_num_gle))
108  map_info => gle%map_info
109  CALL ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, &
110  local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)
111  DO ideg = 1, gle%loc_num_gle
112  imap = gle%map_info%map_index(ideg)
113  gle%nvt(ideg)%kin_energy = map_info%s_kin(imap)
114  END DO
116  CALL momentum_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, &
117  local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)
119  DO ideg = 1, gle%loc_num_gle
120  imap = gle%map_info%map_index(ideg)
121  IF (gle%nvt(ideg)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
122  gle%nvt(ideg)%s(1) = map_info%s_kin(imap)
123  s_tmp(1, imap) = map_info%s_kin(imap)
124  rr = gle%nvt(ideg)%gaussian_rng_stream%next()
125  e_tmp(1, imap) = rr
126  DO iadd = 2, ndim
127  s_tmp(iadd, imap) = gle%nvt(ideg)%s(iadd)
128  rr = gle%nvt(ideg)%gaussian_rng_stream%next()
129  e_tmp(iadd, imap) = rr
130  END DO
131  END DO
132  num = gle%loc_num_gle
133  a_mat => gle%gle_s
134  alpha = 1.0_dp
135  beta = 0.0_dp
136  CALL dgemm('N', 'N', ndim, num, ndim, alpha, a_mat(1, 1), ndim, e_tmp(1, 1), ndim, beta, h_tmp(1, 1), ndim)
137 !
138  a_mat => gle%gle_t
139  beta = 1.0_dp
140  CALL dgemm("N", "N", ndim, num, ndim, alpha, a_mat(1, 1), ndim, s_tmp(1, 1), ndim, beta, h_tmp(1, 1), ndim)
142  DO ideg = 1, gle%loc_num_gle
143  imap = gle%map_info%map_index(ideg)
144  IF (gle%nvt(ideg)%nkt == 0.0_dp) cycle
146  map_info%v_scale(imap) = h_tmp(1, imap)/s_tmp(1, imap)
147  DO iadd = 2, ndim
148  gle%nvt(ideg)%s(iadd) = h_tmp(iadd, ideg)
149  END DO
150  END DO
152  CALL vel_rescale_particles(map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, &
153  local_molecules, my_shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, &
154  vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
156  CALL ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, &
157  local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)
158  DO ideg = 1, gle%loc_num_gle
159  imap = gle%map_info%map_index(ideg)
160  gle%nvt(ideg)%thermostat_energy = gle%nvt(ideg)%thermostat_energy + &
161  0.5_dp*(gle%nvt(ideg)%kin_energy - map_info%s_kin(imap))
162  END DO
164  DEALLOCATE (e_tmp, s_tmp, h_tmp)
166  CALL timestop(handle)
167  END SUBROUTINE gle_particles
169 ! **************************************************************************************************
170 !> \brief ...
171 !> \param thermostat_info ...
172 !> \param simpar ...
173 !> \param local_molecules ...
174 !> \param molecule ...
175 !> \param molecule_kind_set ...
176 !> \param para_env ...
177 !> \param gle ...
178 !> \param gle_section ...
179 !> \param gci ...
180 !> \param save_mem ...
181 !> \author
182 ! **************************************************************************************************
183  SUBROUTINE initialize_gle_part(thermostat_info, simpar, local_molecules, &
184  molecule, molecule_kind_set, para_env, gle, gle_section, &
185  gci, save_mem)
187  TYPE(thermostat_info_type), POINTER :: thermostat_info
188  TYPE(simpar_type), POINTER :: simpar
189  TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules
190  TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule(:)
191  TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set(:)
192  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
193  TYPE(gle_type), POINTER :: gle
194  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: gle_section
195  TYPE(global_constraint_type), POINTER :: gci
196  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: save_mem
198  LOGICAL :: restart
199  REAL(dp) :: mtmp(gle%ndim, gle%ndim)
201  restart = .false.
203  CALL gle_to_particle_mapping(thermostat_info, simpar, local_molecules, &
204  molecule, molecule_kind_set, gle, para_env, gci)
206  IF (gle%ndim /= 0) THEN
207  CALL init_gle_variables(gle)
208  END IF
209  CALL restart_gle(gle, gle_section, save_mem, restart)
211  ! here we should have read a_mat and c_mat; whe can therefore compute S and T
212  ! deterministic part of the propagator
213  CALL gle_matrix_exp((-simpar%dt*0.5_dp)*gle%a_mat, gle%ndim, 15, 15, gle%gle_t)
214  ! stochastic part
215  mtmp = gle%c_mat - matmul(gle%gle_t, matmul(gle%c_mat, transpose(gle%gle_t)))
216  CALL gle_cholesky_stab(mtmp, gle%gle_s, gle%ndim)
218  END SUBROUTINE initialize_gle_part
220 ! **************************************************************************************************
221 !> \brief ...
222 !> \param M ...
223 !> \param n ...
224 !> \param j ...
225 !> \param k ...
226 !> \param EM ...
227 !> \author Michele
228 !> routine to compute matrix exponential via scale & square
229 ! **************************************************************************************************
230  SUBROUTINE gle_matrix_exp(M, n, j, k, EM)
232  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n
233  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: m(n, n)
234  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: j, k
235  REAL(dp), INTENT(out) :: em(n, n)
237  INTEGER :: i, p
238  REAL(dp) :: sm(n, n), tc(j + 1)
240  tc(1) = 1._dp
241  DO i = 1, j
242  tc(i + 1) = tc(i)/real(i, kind=dp)
243  END DO
245  !scale
246  sm = m*(1._dp/2._dp**k)
247  em = 0._dp
248  DO i = 1, n
249  em(i, i) = tc(j + 1)
250  END DO
252  !taylor exp of scaled matrix
253  DO p = j, 1, -1
254  em = matmul(sm, em)
255  DO i = 1, n
256  em(i, i) = em(i, i) + tc(p)
257  END DO
258  END DO
260  !square
261  DO p = 1, k
262  em = matmul(em, em)
263  END DO
264  END SUBROUTINE gle_matrix_exp
266 ! **************************************************************************************************
267 !> \brief ...
268 !> \param SST ...
269 !> \param S ...
270 !> \param n ...
271 !> \author Michele
272 !> "stabilized" cholesky to deal with small & negative diagonal elements,
273 !> in practice a LDL^T decomposition is computed, and negative els. are zeroed
274 !> \par History
275 !> 05.11.2015: Bug fix: In rare cases D(j) is negative due to numerics [Felix Uhl]
276 ! **************************************************************************************************
277  SUBROUTINE gle_cholesky_stab(SST, S, n)
278  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n
279  REAL(dp), INTENT(out) :: s(n, n)
280  REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: sst(n, n)
282  INTEGER :: i, j, k
283  REAL(dp) :: d(n), l(n, n)
285  d = 0._dp
286  l = 0._dp
287  s = 0._dp
288  DO i = 1, n
289  l(i, i) = 1.0_dp
290  d(i) = sst(i, i)
291  DO j = 1, i - 1
292  l(i, j) = sst(i, j);
293  DO k = 1, j - 1
294  l(i, j) = l(i, j) - l(i, k)*l(j, k)*d(k)
295  END DO
296  IF (abs(d(j)) > epsilon(1.0_dp)) l(i, j) = l(i, j)/d(j)
297  END DO
298  DO k = 1, i - 1
299  d(i) = d(i) - l(i, k)*l(i, k)*d(k)
300  END DO
301  END DO
302  DO i = 1, n
303  DO j = 1, i
304  IF ((abs(d(j)) > epsilon(1.0_dp)) .AND. (d(j) > 0.0_dp)) THEN
305  s(i, j) = s(i, j) + l(i, j)*sqrt(d(j))
306  END IF
307  END DO
308  END DO
310  END SUBROUTINE gle_cholesky_stab
312 ! **************************************************************************************************
313 !> \brief ...
314 !> \param thermostat_info ...
315 !> \param simpar ...
316 !> \param local_molecules ...
317 !> \param molecule_set ...
318 !> \param molecule_kind_set ...
319 !> \param gle ...
320 !> \param para_env ...
321 !> \param gci ...
322 !> \author
323 ! **************************************************************************************************
324  SUBROUTINE gle_to_particle_mapping(thermostat_info, simpar, local_molecules, &
325  molecule_set, molecule_kind_set, gle, para_env, gci)
327  TYPE(thermostat_info_type), POINTER :: thermostat_info
328  TYPE(simpar_type), POINTER :: simpar
329  TYPE(distribution_1d_type), POINTER :: local_molecules
330  TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER :: molecule_set(:)
331  TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER :: molecule_kind_set(:)
332  TYPE(gle_type), POINTER :: gle
333  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env
334  TYPE(global_constraint_type), POINTER :: gci
336  INTEGER :: i, imap, j, mal_size, natoms_local, &
337  nkind, number, region, &
338  sum_of_thermostats
339  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: deg_of_freedom, massive_atom_list
340  LOGICAL :: do_shell
341  REAL(kind=dp) :: fac
342  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
344  do_shell = .false.
345  NULLIFY (massive_atom_list, deg_of_freedom)
346  SELECT CASE (simpar%ensemble)
348  cpabort("Unknown ensemble!")
351  cpabort("Never reach this point!")
354  map_info => gle%map_info
355  nkind = SIZE(molecule_kind_set)
356  sum_of_thermostats = thermostat_info%sum_of_thermostats
357  map_info%dis_type = thermostat_info%dis_type
358  number = thermostat_info%number_of_thermostats
359  region = gle%region
361  CALL thermostat_mapping_region(map_info, deg_of_freedom, massive_atom_list, &
362  molecule_kind_set, local_molecules, molecule_set, para_env, natoms_local, &
363  simpar, number, region, gci, do_shell, thermostat_info%map_loc_thermo_gen, &
364  sum_of_thermostats)
366  ! This is the local number of available thermostats
367  gle%loc_num_gle = number
368  gle%glob_num_gle = sum_of_thermostats
369  mal_size = SIZE(massive_atom_list)
370  cpassert(mal_size /= 0)
371  CALL gle_thermo_create(gle, mal_size)
372  gle%mal(1:mal_size) = massive_atom_list(1:mal_size)
374  ! Sum up the number of degrees of freedom on each thermostat.
375  ! first: initialize the target
376  map_info%s_kin = 0.0_dp
377  DO i = 1, 3
378  DO j = 1, natoms_local
379  map_info%p_kin(i, j)%point = map_info%p_kin(i, j)%point + 1
380  END DO
381  END DO
383  ! If thermostats are replicated but molecules distributed, we have to
384  ! sum s_kin over all processors
385  IF (map_info%dis_type == do_thermo_communication) CALL para_env%sum(map_info%s_kin)
387  ! We know the total number of system thermostats.
388  IF ((sum_of_thermostats == 1) .AND. (map_info%dis_type /= do_thermo_no_communication)) THEN
389  fac = map_info%s_kin(1) - deg_of_freedom(1) - simpar%nfree_rot_transl
390  IF (fac == 0.0_dp) THEN
391  cpabort("Zero degrees of freedom. Nothing to thermalize!")
392  END IF
393  gle%nvt(1)%nkt = simpar%temp_ext*fac
394  gle%nvt(1)%degrees_of_freedom = floor(fac)
395  ELSE
396  DO i = 1, gle%loc_num_gle
397  imap = map_info%map_index(i)
398  fac = (map_info%s_kin(imap) - deg_of_freedom(i))
399  gle%nvt(i)%nkt = simpar%temp_ext*fac
400  gle%nvt(i)%degrees_of_freedom = floor(fac)
401  END DO
402  END IF
403  DEALLOCATE (deg_of_freedom)
404  DEALLOCATE (massive_atom_list)
407  END SUBROUTINE gle_to_particle_mapping
409 ! **************************************************************************************************
410 !> \brief ...
411 !> \param gle ...
412 !> \param gle_section ...
413 !> \param save_mem ...
414 !> \param restart ...
415 ! **************************************************************************************************
416  SUBROUTINE restart_gle(gle, gle_section, save_mem, restart)
418  TYPE(gle_type), POINTER :: gle
419  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: gle_section
420  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: save_mem
421  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: restart
423  CHARACTER(LEN=rng_record_length) :: rng_record
424  INTEGER :: glob_num, i, ind, j, loc_num, n_rep
425  LOGICAL :: explicit
426  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buffer
427  TYPE(map_info_type), POINTER :: map_info
428  TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: work_section
430  NULLIFY (buffer, work_section)
432  explicit = .false.
433  restart = .false.
435  IF (ASSOCIATED(gle_section)) THEN
436  work_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(gle_section, "S")
437  CALL section_vals_get(work_section, explicit=explicit)
438  restart = explicit
439  END IF
441  IF (restart) THEN
442  map_info => gle%map_info
443  CALL section_vals_val_get(gle_section, "S%_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", r_vals=buffer)
444  DO i = 1, SIZE(gle%nvt, 1)
445  ind = map_info%index(i)
446  ind = (ind - 1)*(gle%ndim)
447  DO j = 1, SIZE(gle%nvt(i)%s, 1)
448  ind = ind + 1
449  gle%nvt(i)%s(j) = buffer(ind)
450  END DO
451  END DO
453  IF (save_mem) THEN
454  NULLIFY (work_section)
455  work_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(gle_section, "S")
456  CALL section_vals_remove_values(work_section)
457  END IF
459  ! Possibly restart the initial thermostat energy
460  work_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals=gle_section, &
461  subsection_name="THERMOSTAT_ENERGY")
462  CALL section_vals_get(work_section, explicit=explicit)
463  IF (explicit) THEN
464  CALL section_vals_val_get(section_vals=work_section, keyword_name="_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
465  n_rep_val=n_rep)
466  IF (n_rep == gle%glob_num_gle) THEN
467  DO i = 1, gle%loc_num_gle
468  ind = map_info%index(i)
469  CALL section_vals_val_get(section_vals=work_section, keyword_name="_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
470  i_rep_val=ind, r_val=gle%nvt(i)%thermostat_energy)
471  END DO
472  ELSE
473  CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
474  "Number of thermostat energies not equal to the number of "// &
475  "total thermostats!")
476  END IF
477  END IF
479  ! Possibly restart the random number generators for the different thermostats
480  work_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals=gle_section, &
481  subsection_name="RNG_INIT")
483  CALL section_vals_get(work_section, explicit=explicit)
484  IF (explicit) THEN
485  CALL section_vals_val_get(section_vals=work_section, keyword_name="_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
486  n_rep_val=n_rep)
488  glob_num = gle%glob_num_gle
489  loc_num = gle%loc_num_gle
490  IF (n_rep == glob_num) THEN
491  DO i = 1, loc_num
492  ind = map_info%index(i)
493  CALL section_vals_val_get(section_vals=work_section, keyword_name="_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
494  i_rep_val=ind, c_val=rng_record)
495  gle%nvt(i)%gaussian_rng_stream = rng_stream_type_from_record(rng_record)
496  END DO
497  ELSE
498  CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
499  "Number pf restartable stream not equal to the number of "// &
500  "total thermostats!")
501  END IF
502  END IF
503  END IF
505  END SUBROUTINE restart_gle
507 ! **************************************************************************************************
508 !> \brief ...
509 !> \param gle ...
510 ! **************************************************************************************************
511  SUBROUTINE init_gle_variables(gle)
513  TYPE(gle_type), POINTER :: gle
515  INTEGER :: i, j
516  REAL(dp) :: rr(gle%ndim), cc(gle%ndim, gle%ndim)
518  CALL gle_cholesky_stab(gle%c_mat, cc, gle%ndim)
519  DO i = 1, gle%loc_num_gle
520  DO j = 1, gle%ndim
521  ! here s should be properly initialized, when it is not read from restart
522  rr(j) = gle%nvt(i)%gaussian_rng_stream%next()
523  END DO
524  gle%nvt(i)%s = matmul(cc, rr)
525  END DO
527  END SUBROUTINE init_gle_variables
529 END MODULE gle_system_dynamics
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE double fac(const int i)
Factorial function, e.g. fac(5) = 5! = 120.
Definition: grid_common.h:48
static void dgemm(const char transa, const char transb, const int m, const int n, const int k, const double alpha, const double *a, const int lda, const double *b, const int ldb, const double beta, double *c, const int ldc)
Convenient wrapper to hide Fortran nature of dgemm_, swapping a and b.
stores a lists of integer that are local to a processor. The idea is that these integers represent ob...
Lumps all possible extended system variables into one type for easy access and passing.
subroutine, public gle_particles(gle, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, local_molecules, group, shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
subroutine, public restart_gle(gle, gle_section, save_mem, restart)
subroutine, public gle_cholesky_stab(SST, S, n)
subroutine, public gle_matrix_exp(M, n, j, k, EM)
subroutine, public initialize_gle_part(thermostat_info, simpar, local_molecules, molecule, molecule_kind_set, para_env, gle, gle_section, gci, save_mem)
subroutine, public gle_thermo_create(gle, mal_size)
collects all constants needed in input so that they can be used without circular dependencies
integer, parameter, public do_thermo_no_communication
integer, parameter, public nph_uniaxial_ensemble
integer, parameter, public npt_i_ensemble
integer, parameter, public isokin_ensemble
integer, parameter, public nph_uniaxial_damped_ensemble
integer, parameter, public npe_f_ensemble
integer, parameter, public langevin_ensemble
integer, parameter, public npe_i_ensemble
integer, parameter, public npt_ia_ensemble
integer, parameter, public nve_ensemble
integer, parameter, public npt_f_ensemble
integer, parameter, public reftraj_ensemble
integer, parameter, public nvt_ensemble
integer, parameter, public do_thermo_communication
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
subroutine, public section_vals_remove_values(section_vals)
removes the values of a repetition of the section
recursive type(section_vals_type) function, pointer, public section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals, subsection_name, i_rep_section, can_return_null)
returns the values of the requested subsection
subroutine, public section_vals_get(section_vals, ref_count, n_repetition, n_subs_vals_rep, section, explicit)
returns various attributes about the section_vals
subroutine, public section_vals_val_get(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, n_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals, i_vals, r_vals, c_vals, explicit)
returns the requested value
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Define the molecule kind structure types and the corresponding functionality.
Define the data structure for the molecule information.
Parallel (pseudo)random number generator (RNG) for multiple streams and substreams of random numbers.
type(rng_stream_type) function, public rng_stream_type_from_record(rng_record)
Create a RNG stream from a record given as an internal file (string).
integer, parameter, public rng_record_length
Define the data structure for the particle information.
Type for storing MD parameters.
Definition: simpar_types.F:14
subroutine, public thermostat_mapping_region(map_info, deg_of_freedom, massive_atom_list, molecule_kind_set, local_molecules, molecule_set, para_env, natoms_local, simpar, number, region, gci, shell, map_loc_thermo_gen, sum_of_thermostats)
Main general setup thermostat regions (thermostat independent)
Thermostat structure: module containing thermostat available for MD.
Utilities for thermostats.
subroutine, public momentum_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)
subroutine, public vel_rescale_particles(map_info, molecule_kind_set, molecule_set, particle_set, local_molecules, shell_adiabatic, shell_particle_set, core_particle_set, vel, shell_vel, core_vel)
subroutine, public ke_region_particles(map_info, particle_set, molecule_kind_set, local_molecules, molecule_set, group, vel)