19 USE iso_c_binding,
ONLY: c_intptr_t
38#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
44 CHARACTER(len=*),
PRIVATE :: moduleN =
PRIVATE :: careful_mod = .false.
90 TYPE(dbcsr_csr_type) :: csr_mat_p = dbcsr_csr_type(), csr_mat_ks = dbcsr_csr_type(), &
91 csr_mat_s = dbcsr_csr_type(), csr_mat_e = dbcsr_csr_type(), &
92 csr_mat_f = dbcsr_csr_type()
93#if defined(__LIBPEXSI)
98 REAL(kind=
POINTER :: kts => null()
100 POINTER :: matrix_w => null()
101 INTEGER(KIND=C_INTPTR_T) :: plan = 0_c_intptr_t
102 INTEGER :: nspin = -1, num_ranks_per_pole = -1
105 POINTER :: max_ev_vector => null()
DIMENSION(2) :: mp_dims = -1
109 LOGICAL :: csr_screening = .false., do_adaptive_tol_nel = .false.
110 REAL(kind=
dp) :: adaptive_nel_alpha = -1.0_dp, adaptive_nel_beta = -1.0_dp, &
111 tol_nel_initial = -1.0_dp, tol_nel_target = -1.0_dp
INTENT(IN) :: nspin
131 CHARACTER(len=*),
PARAMETER :: routinen =
133 INTEGER :: handle, ispin, npsymbfact, &
138 IF (logger%para_env%is_source())
144 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
149 pexsi_env%mp_group = mp_group
150 associate(numnodes => pexsi_env%mp_group%num_pe, mynode => pexsi_env%mp_group%mepos)
154 IF ((pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole .GT. numnodes) &
155 .OR. (pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole .EQ. 0))
156 pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole = numnodes
162 DO WHILE (mod(numnodes, pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole) .NE. 0)
163 pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole = pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole + 1
167 IF ((npsymbfact .GT. pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole) .OR. (npsymbfact .EQ. 0))
173 pexsi_env%mp_dims = 0
174 CALL mp_dims_create(pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole, pexsi_env%mp_dims)
177 pexsi_env%nspin = nspin
178 ALLOCATE (pexsi_env%kTS(nspin))
179 pexsi_env%kTS(:) = 0.0_dp
180 ALLOCATE (pexsi_env%max_ev_vector(nspin))
181 ALLOCATE (pexsi_env%matrix_w(nspin))
182 DO ispin = 1, pexsi_env%nspin
183 ALLOCATE (pexsi_env%matrix_w(ispin)%matrix)
188 pexsi_env%mp_dims(2), mynode)
191 pexsi_env%do_adaptive_tol_nel = .false.
194 IF (unit_nr > 0)
CALL print_pexsi_info(pexsi_env, unit_nr)
196 CALL timestop(handle)
209 CHARACTER(len=*),
PARAMETER :: routinen =
211 INTEGER :: handle, ispin
213 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
214 CALL cp_pexsi_plan_finalize(pexsi_env%plan)
215 DEALLOCATE (pexsi_env%kTS)
216 DEALLOCATE (pexsi_env%max_ev_vector)
217 DO ispin = 1, pexsi_env%nspin
218 DEALLOCATE (pexsi_env%matrix_w(ispin)%matrix)
220 DEALLOCATE (pexsi_env%matrix_w)
221 CALL timestop(handle)
INTENT(IN) :: direction
239 REAL(kind=dp),
OPTIONAL :: numelectron
240 TYPE(dbcsr_type),
OPTIONAL :: matrix_p
241 TYPE(dbcsr_p_type),
OPTIONAL :: matrix_w
242 REAL(kind=dp),
244 CHARACTER(len=*),
PARAMETER :: routinen =
247 REAL(kind=dp) :: scaling
249 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
251 SELECT CASE (direction)
258 IF (
PRESENT(numelectron)) numelectron = scaling*numelectron
259 IF (
CALL dbcsr_scale(matrix_p, scaling)
260 IF (
CALL dbcsr_scale(matrix_w%matrix, scaling)
261 IF (
PRESENT(kts)) kts = scaling*kts
263 CALL timestop(handle)
271 SUBROUTINE print_pexsi_info(pexsi_env, unit_nr)
INTENT(IN) :: unit_nr
275 INTEGER :: npsymbfact, numnodes, numpole, ordering, &
277 REAL(kind=dp) :: gap, muinertiaexpansion, &
278 muinertiatolerance, mumax0, mumin0, &
279 mupexsisafeguard, temperature
281 numnodes = pexsi_env%mp_group%num_pe
283 CALL cp_pexsi_get_options(pexsi_env%options, temperature=temperature, gap=gap, &
284 numpole=numpole, mumin0=mumin0, mumax0=mumax0, muinertiatolerance= &
285 muinertiatolerance, muinertiaexpansion=muinertiaexpansion, &
286 mupexsisafeguard=mupexsisafeguard, ordering=ordering, rowordering=rowordering, &
287 npsymbfact=npsymbfact)
289 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Initialized with parameters"
290 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Electronic temperature", temperature
291 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Spectral gap", gap
292 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Number of poles", numpole
293 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Target tolerance in number of electrons", &
294 pexsi_env%tol_nel_target
295 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Convergence tolerance for inertia counting in mu", &
297 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Restart tolerance for inertia counting in mu", &
299 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Expansion of mu interval for inertia counting", &
302 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Parallelization scheme"
303 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Number of poles processed in parallel", &
304 numnodes/pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole
305 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Number of processors per pole", &
306 pexsi_env%num_ranks_per_pole
307 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Process grid dimensions", &
308 pexsi_env%mp_dims(1), pexsi_env%mp_dims(2)
309 SELECT CASE (ordering)
311 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Ordering strategy",
313 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Ordering strategy",
315 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Ordering strategy",
"multiple minimum degree"
317 SELECT CASE (rowordering)
319 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Row permutation strategy",
"no row permutation"
321 WRITE (unit_nr,
" PEXSI| Row permutation strategy",
"make diagonal entry larger than off diagonal"
323 IF (ordering .EQ. 0)
WRITE (unit_nr,
'(A,T61,I20/)') &
324 " PEXSI| Number of processors for symbolic factorization", npsymbfact
326 END SUBROUTINE print_pexsi_info
collects all references to literature in CP2K as new algorithms / method are included from literature...
integer, save, public lin2009
integer, save, public lin2013
subroutine, public dbcsr_scale(matrix, alpha_scalar)
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
recursive integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local, skip_not_ionode)
asks the default unit number of the given logger. try to use cp_logger_get_unit_nr
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
Defines the basic variable types.
integer, parameter, public dp
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
subroutine, public mp_dims_create(nodes, dims)
wrapper to MPI_Dims_create
Interface to the PEXSI library, providing wrappers for all PEXSI routines that are called inside CP2K...
subroutine, public cp_pexsi_set_options(pexsi_options, temperature, gap, deltae, numpole, isinertiacount, maxpexsiiter, mumin0, mumax0, mu0, muinertiatolerance, muinertiaexpansion, mupexsisafeguard, numelectronpexsitolerance, matrixtype, issymbolicfactorize, ordering, rowordering, npsymbfact, verbosity)
Set PEXSI internal options.
subroutine, public cp_pexsi_get_options(pexsi_options, temperature, gap, deltae, numpole, isinertiacount, maxpexsiiter, mumin0, mumax0, mu0, muinertiatolerance, muinertiaexpansion, mupexsisafeguard, numelectronpexsitolerance, matrixtype, issymbolicfactorize, ordering, rowordering, npsymbfact, verbosity)
Access PEXSI internal options.
subroutine, public cp_pexsi_plan_finalize(plan)
integer(kind=c_intptr_t) function, public cp_pexsi_plan_initialize(comm, numprocrow, numproccol, outputfileindex)
Environment storing all data that is needed in order to call the DFT driver of the PEXSI library with...
subroutine, public convert_nspin_cp2k_pexsi(direction, numelectron, matrix_p, matrix_w, kts)
Scale various quantities with factors of 2. This converts spin restricted DFT calculations (PEXSI) to...
integer, parameter, public cp2k_to_pexsi
subroutine, public lib_pexsi_init(pexsi_env, mp_group, nspin)
Initialize PEXSI.
integer, parameter, public pexsi_to_cp2k
subroutine, public lib_pexsi_finalize(pexsi_env)
Release all PEXSI data.
type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be l...