ls_matrix_exp.F File Reference

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module  ls_matrix_exp
 Routines for calculating a complex matrix exponential with dbcsr matrices. Based on the code in matrix_exp.F from Florian Schiffmann.


subroutine, public ls_matrix_exp::cp_complex_dbcsr_gemm_3 (transa, transb, alpha, A_re, A_im, B_re, B_im, beta, C_re, C_im, filter_eps)
 Convenience function. Computes the matrix multiplications needed for the multiplication of complex sparse matrices. C = beta * C + alpha * ( A ** transa ) * ( B ** transb ) More...
subroutine, public ls_matrix_exp::taylor_only_imaginary_dbcsr (exp_H, im_matrix, nsquare, ntaylor, filter_eps)
 specialized subroutine for purely imaginary matrix exponentials More...
subroutine, public ls_matrix_exp::taylor_full_complex_dbcsr (exp_H, re_part, im_part, nsquare, ntaylor, filter_eps)
 subroutine for general complex matrix exponentials on input a separate dbcsr_type for real and complex part on output a size 2 dbcsr_p_type, first element is the real part of the exponential second the imaginary More...
subroutine, public ls_matrix_exp::bch_expansion_imaginary_propagator (propagator, density_re, density_im, filter_eps, filter_eps_small, eps_exp)
 The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff expansion for a purely imaginary exponent (e.g. rtp) Works for a non unitary propagator, because the density matrix is hermitian. More...
subroutine, public ls_matrix_exp::bch_expansion_complex_propagator (propagator_re, propagator_im, density_re, density_im, filter_eps, filter_eps_small, eps_exp)
 The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff expansion for a complex exponent (e.g. rtp) Works for a non unitary propagator, because the density matrix is hermitian. More...