Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 ! Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4 ! !
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
8 ! **************************************************************************************************
9 !> \brief Interactive shell of CP2K
10 !> \note
11 !> sample of a simple runner that uses the f77_interface
12 !> it can be used to connect c programs, communicating through std-in/ std-out
13 !>
14 !> positions are in angstrom, energies in evolt
15 !>
16 !> commands:
17 !> load filename: loads the filename, returns the env_id, or -1 in case of error
18 !> natom [env_id]: returns the number of atoms in the environment env_id
19 !> (defaults to the last loaded)
20 !> setpos [env_id]: sets the positions of the atoms, should be followed
21 !> by natom*3 (on a line) and then all the positions [angstrom]
22 !> getpos [env_id]: gets the positions of the atoms, returns
23 !> natom*3 (on a line) and then all the positions [angstrom]
24 !> calcE [env_id]: calculate the energy and returns it (in eV)
25 !> calcEF [env_id]: calculate the energy and forces and returns it,
26 !> first the energy on a line (in eV), then the natom*3 (on a line)
27 !> and finally all the values (in eV/angstrom)
28 !> \par History
29 !> 2019: Complete refactoring (Ole Schuett)
30 !>
31 !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
32 ! **************************************************************************************************
33 MODULE cp2k_shell
34  USE iso_fortran_env, ONLY: iostat_end
35  USE cp2k_info, ONLY: compile_arch,&
36  compile_date,&
37  compile_host,&
39  cp2k_home,&
40  cp2k_version,&
42  USE cp2k_runs, ONLY: run_input
43  USE cp_files, ONLY: close_file,&
44  open_file
47  cp_logger_type
48  USE f77_interface, ONLY: &
51  USE input_cp2k_read, ONLY: empty_initial_variables
52  USE input_section_types, ONLY: section_type
53  USE kinds, ONLY: default_path_length,&
54  dp
55  USE machine, ONLY: m_chdir,&
56  m_flush,&
57  m_getcwd,&
58  m_getlog,&
59  m_getpid,&
60  m_hostnm
61  USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_para_env_type
62  USE physcon, ONLY: angstrom,&
63  evolt
64  USE string_utilities, ONLY: uppercase
65 #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
70  ! Queried by ASE. Increase version after bug-fixing or behavior changes.
73  TYPE cp2k_shell_type
74  REAL(dp) :: pos_fact = 1.0_dp
75  REAL(dp) :: e_fact = 1.0_dp
76  LOGICAL :: harsh = .false.
77  TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER :: para_env => null()
78  CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: units = "au"
79  INTEGER :: env_id = -1
80  INTEGER :: iw = -1
81  END TYPE cp2k_shell_type
83  PUBLIC :: launch_cp2k_shell
87 ! **************************************************************************************************
88 !> \brief Launch the interactive CP2K shell.
89 !> \param input_declaration ...
90 ! **************************************************************************************************
91  SUBROUTINE launch_cp2k_shell(input_declaration)
92  TYPE(section_type), POINTER :: input_declaration
94  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: arg1, arg2, cmd
95  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
96  TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: logger
98  logger => cp_get_default_logger()
99  shell%para_env => logger%para_env
100  shell%iw = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit()
102  DO
103  IF (.NOT. parse_next_line(shell, cmd, arg1, arg2)) EXIT
105  ! dispatch command
106  SELECT CASE (cmd)
107  CASE ('HELP')
108  CALL help_command(shell)
110  CALL info_license_command(shell)
112  CALL version_command(shell)
114  CALL write_file_command(shell)
116  CALL get_last_env_id(shell)
118  CALL bg_load_command(shell, input_declaration, arg1)
119  CASE ('LOAD')
120  CALL load_command(shell, input_declaration, arg1, arg2)
122  CALL destroy_force_env_command(shell, arg1)
123  CASE ('NATOM', 'N_ATOM')
124  CALL get_natom_command(shell, arg1)
126  CALL set_pos_command(shell, arg1)
128  CALL set_cell_command(shell, arg1)
130  CALL get_cell_command(shell, arg1)
132  CALL get_stress_command(shell, arg1)
134  CALL get_pos_command(shell, arg1)
135  CASE ('GETE', 'GET_E')
136  CALL get_energy_command(shell, arg1)
137  CASE ('EVALE', 'EVAL_E')
138  CALL eval_energy_command(shell, arg1)
139  CASE ('CALCE', 'CALC_E')
140  CALL calc_energy_command(shell, arg1)
142  CALL eval_energy_force_command(shell, arg1)
143  CASE ('GETF', 'GET_F')
144  CALL get_forces_command(shell, arg1)
146  CALL calc_energy_forces_command(shell, arg1)
147  CASE ('RUN')
148  CALL run_command(shell, input_declaration, arg1, arg2)
150  CALL set_units_ev_a(shell)
151  CASE ('UNITS_AU')
152  CALL set_units_au(shell)
153  CASE ('UNITS')
154  CALL get_units(shell)
155  CASE ('HARSH')
156  shell%harsh = .true.
158  shell%harsh = .false.
159  CASE ('CD', 'CHDIR')
160  CALL set_pwd_command(shell, arg1)
161  CASE ('PWD', 'CWD')
162  CALL get_pwd_command(shell)
163  CASE ('EXIT')
164  IF (shell%iw > 0) WRITE (shell%iw, '(a)') '* EXIT'
165  EXIT
166  CASE default
167  CALL print_error('unknown command: '//cmd, shell)
169  END DO
171  END SUBROUTINE launch_cp2k_shell
173 ! **************************************************************************************************
174 !> \brief ...
175 !> \param shell ...
176 !> \param cmd ...
177 !> \param arg1 ...
178 !> \param arg2 ...
179 !> \return ...
180 ! **************************************************************************************************
181  FUNCTION parse_next_line(shell, cmd, arg1, arg2) RESULT(success)
182  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
183  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(out) :: cmd, arg1, arg2
184  LOGICAL :: success
186  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: line
187  INTEGER :: i, iostat
189  success = .true.
190  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
191  WRITE (shell%iw, '("* READY")')
192  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
193  READ (*, '(a)', iostat=iostat) line
194  IF (iostat /= 0) THEN
195  IF (iostat == iostat_end) THEN
196  WRITE (shell%iw, '(a)') '* EOF'
197  END IF
198  success = .false. ! EOF
199  END IF
200  END IF
201  CALL shell%para_env%bcast(success)
202  IF (.NOT. success) RETURN
203  CALL shell%para_env%bcast(line)
205  ! extract command
206  line = trim(line)
207  DO i = 1, len_trim(line)
208  IF (line(i:i) == ' ') EXIT
209  END DO
210  cmd = line(1:i)
211  CALL uppercase(cmd)
212  line = adjustl(line(i:)) ! shift
214  ! extract first arg
215  DO i = 1, len_trim(line)
216  IF (line(i:i) == ' ') EXIT
217  END DO
218  arg1 = line(1:i)
219  line = adjustl(line(i:)) ! shift
221  ! extract second arg
222  DO i = 1, len_trim(line)
223  IF (line(i:i) == ' ') EXIT
224  END DO
225  arg2 = line(1:i)
227  ! ignore remaining line
228  END FUNCTION parse_next_line
230 ! **************************************************************************************************
231 !> \brief Falls be env_id unchagned if not provided
232 !> \param str ...
233 !> \param shell ...
234 !> \return ...
235 ! **************************************************************************************************
236  FUNCTION parse_env_id(str, shell) RESULT(success)
237  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: str
238  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
239  LOGICAL :: success
241  INTEGER :: iostat
243  success = .true.
244  IF (len_trim(str) > 0) THEN
245  READ (str, *, iostat=iostat) shell%env_id
246  IF (iostat /= 0) THEN
247  shell%env_id = -1
248  success = .false.
249  CALL print_error("parse_env_id failed", shell)
250  END IF
251  ELSE IF (shell%env_id < 1) THEN
252  CALL print_error("last env_id not set", shell)
253  success = .false.
254  END IF
255  ! fallback: reuse last env_id
256  END FUNCTION parse_env_id
258 ! **************************************************************************************************
259 !> \brief ...
260 !> \param condition ...
261 !> \param message ...
262 !> \param shell ...
263 !> \return ...
264 ! **************************************************************************************************
265  FUNCTION my_assert(condition, message, shell) RESULT(success)
266  LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: condition
267  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: message
268  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
269  LOGICAL :: success
271  success = condition
272  IF (.NOT. success) THEN
273  CALL print_error(message, shell)
274  END IF
275  END FUNCTION my_assert
277 ! **************************************************************************************************
278 !> \brief ...
279 !> \param message ...
280 !> \param shell ...
281 ! **************************************************************************************************
282  SUBROUTINE print_error(message, shell)
283  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: message
284  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
286  IF (shell%harsh) cpabort(message)
288  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
289  WRITE (shell%iw, '("* ERROR ",a)') message
290  END IF
291  END SUBROUTINE print_error
293 ! **************************************************************************************************
294 !> \brief ...
295 !> \param shell ...
296 ! **************************************************************************************************
297  SUBROUTINE help_command(shell)
298  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
300  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
301  WRITE (shell%iw, *) 'Commands'
302  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' '
303  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' If there is [env_id] it means that an optional env_id can be given,'
304  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' if none is given it defaults to the last env_id loaded'
305  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' All commands are case insensitive.'
306  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' '
307  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' INFO: returns some information about cp2k.'
308  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' VERSION: returns shell version. (queried by ASE to assert features & bugfixes)'
309  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' WRITE_FILE: Writes content to a file (allows for using ASE over ssh).'
310  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' LOAD <inp-filename> [out-filename]: loads the filename, returns the env_id, or -1 in case of error'
311  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' out-filename is optional and defaults to <inp-filename>.out'
312  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' use "__STD_OUT__" for printing to the screen'
313  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' BG_LOAD <filename>: loads the filename, without returning the env_id'
314  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' LAST_ENV_ID: returns the env_id of the last environment loaded'
315  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' DESTROY [env_id]: destroys the given environment (last and default env'
316  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' might become invalid)'
317  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' NATOM [env_id]: returns the number of atoms in the environment env_id'
318  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' SET_POS [env_id]: sets the positions of the atoms, should be followed'
319  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' by natom*3 (on a line) and then all the positions. Returns the max'
320  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' change of the coordinates (useful to avoid extra calculations).'
321  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' SET_CELL [env_id]: sets the cell, should be followed by 9 numbers'
322  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' GET_CELL [env_id]: gets the cell vectors'
323  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' GET_STRESS [env_id]: gets the stress tensor of the last calculation on env_id'
324  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' GET_POS [env_id]: gets the positions of the atoms, returns'
325  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' natom*3 (on a line) and then all the positions then "* END" '
326  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' (alone on a line)'
327  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' GET_E [env_id]: gets the energy of the last calculation on env_id'
328  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' GET_F [env_id]: gets the forces on the atoms,of the last calculation on '
329  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' env_id, if only the energy was calculated the content is undefined. Returns'
330  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' natom*3 (on a line) and then all the forces then "* END" (alone on'
331  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' a line)'
332  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' CALC_E [env_id]: calculate the energy and returns it'
333  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' EVAL_E [env_id]: calculate the energy (without returning it)'
334  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' CALC_EF [env_id]: calculate energy and forces and returns them,'
335  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' first the energy on a line, then the natom*3 (on a line)'
336  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' and finally all the values and "* END" (alone on a line)'
337  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' EVAL_EF [env_id]: calculate the energy and forces (without returning them)'
338  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' RUN <inp-filename> <out-filename>: run the given input file'
339  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' HARSH: stops on any error'
340  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' PERMISSIVE: stops only on serious errors'
341  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' UNITS: returns the units used for energy and position'
342  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' UNITS_EV_A: sets the units to electron volt (energy) and Angstrom (positions)'
343  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' UNITS_AU: sets the units atomic units'
344  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' CD <dir>: change working directory'
345  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' PWD: print working directory'
346  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' EXIT: Quit the shell'
347  WRITE (shell%iw, *) ' HELP: writes the present help'
348  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
349  END IF
350  END SUBROUTINE help_command
352 ! **************************************************************************************************
353 !> \brief ...
354 !> \param shell ...
355 ! **************************************************************************************************
356  SUBROUTINE info_license_command(shell)
357  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
359  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: cwd, host_name, user_name
360  INTEGER :: pid
362  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
363  CALL m_getcwd(cwd)
364  CALL m_getpid(pid)
365  CALL m_getlog(user_name)
366  CALL m_hostnm(host_name)
367  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(A,A)") &
368  " PROGRAM STARTED ON ", trim(host_name)
369  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(A,A)") &
370  " PROGRAM STARTED BY ", trim(user_name)
371  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(A,i10)") &
372  " PROGRAM PROCESS ID ", pid
373  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(A,A)") &
374  " PROGRAM STARTED IN ", trim(cwd)
375  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(/,T2,A,T31,A50)") &
376  "CP2K| version string: ", &
377  adjustr(trim(cp2k_version))
378  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(T2,A,T41,A40)") &
379  "CP2K| source code revision number:", &
380  adjustr(compile_revision)
381  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(T2,A,T41,A40)") &
382  "CP2K| is freely available from ", &
383  adjustr(trim(cp2k_home))
384  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(T2,A,T31,A50)") &
385  "CP2K| Program compiled at", &
386  adjustr(compile_date(1:min(50, len(compile_date))))
387  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(T2,A,T31,A50)") &
388  "CP2K| Program compiled on", &
389  adjustr(compile_host(1:min(50, len(compile_host))))
390  WRITE (unit=shell%iw, fmt="(T2,A,T31,A50)") &
391  "CP2K| Program compiled for", &
392  adjustr(compile_arch(1:min(50, len(compile_arch))))
394  CALL print_cp2k_license(shell%iw)
395  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
396  END IF
398  END SUBROUTINE info_license_command
400 ! **************************************************************************************************
401 !> \brief ...
402 !> \param shell ...
403 ! **************************************************************************************************
404  SUBROUTINE version_command(shell)
405  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
407  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
408  WRITE (shell%iw, '(a,a)') "CP2K Shell Version: ", cp2k_shell_version
409  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
410  END IF
411  END SUBROUTINE version_command
413 ! **************************************************************************************************
414 !> \brief ...
415 !> \param shell ...
416 ! **************************************************************************************************
417  SUBROUTINE write_file_command(shell)
418  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
420  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: line, out_filename
421  INTEGER :: file_unit, i, iostat, n_lines
423  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
424  READ (*, '(a)', iostat=iostat) out_filename
425  IF (iostat /= 0) cpabort('WRITE_FILE bad filename')
426  READ (*, *, iostat=iostat) n_lines
427  IF (iostat /= 0) cpabort('WRITE_FILE bad number of lines')
428  CALL open_file(file_name=trim(out_filename), unit_number=file_unit, &
429  file_status="UNKNOWN", file_form="FORMATTED", file_action="WRITE")
430  DO i = 1, n_lines
431  READ (*, '(a)', iostat=iostat) line
432  IF (iostat /= 0) cpabort('WRITE_FILE read error')
433  WRITE (file_unit, '(a)', iostat=iostat) trim(line)
434  IF (iostat /= 0) cpabort('WRITE_FILE write error')
435  END DO
436  READ (*, '(a)', iostat=iostat) line
437  IF (iostat /= 0) cpabort('WRITE_FILE read error')
438  IF (trim(line) /= "*END") cpabort('WRITE_FILE bad end delimiter')
439  CALL close_file(unit_number=file_unit)
440  END IF
441  END SUBROUTINE write_file_command
443 ! **************************************************************************************************
444 !> \brief ...
445 !> \param shell ...
446 ! **************************************************************************************************
447  SUBROUTINE get_last_env_id(shell)
448  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
450  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
451  WRITE (shell%iw, '(i10)') shell%env_id
452  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
453  END IF
454  END SUBROUTINE get_last_env_id
456 ! **************************************************************************************************
457 !> \brief ...
458 !> \param shell ...
459 !> \param input_declaration ...
460 !> \param arg1 ...
461 ! **************************************************************************************************
462  SUBROUTINE bg_load_command(shell, input_declaration, arg1)
463  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
464  TYPE(section_type), POINTER :: input_declaration
465  CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: arg1
467  INTEGER :: ierr
469  IF (.NOT. my_assert(len_trim(arg1) > 0, "file argument missing", shell)) RETURN
470  CALL create_force_env(new_env_id=shell%env_id, &
471  input_declaration=input_declaration, &
472  input_path=trim(arg1), &
473  output_path=trim(arg1)//'.out', &
474  owns_out_unit=.true., ierr=ierr)
475  IF (ierr /= 0) THEN
476  shell%env_id = -1
477  CALL print_error("create_force_env failed", shell)
478  END IF
479  END SUBROUTINE bg_load_command
481 ! **************************************************************************************************
482 !> \brief ...
483 !> \param shell ...
484 !> \param input_declaration ...
485 !> \param arg1 ...
486 !> \param arg2 ...
487 ! **************************************************************************************************
488  SUBROUTINE load_command(shell, input_declaration, arg1, arg2)
489  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
490  TYPE(section_type), POINTER :: input_declaration
491  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1, arg2
493  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: inp_filename, out_filename
494  INTEGER :: ierr
496  IF (.NOT. my_assert(len_trim(arg1) > 0, "file argument missing", shell)) RETURN
497  inp_filename = arg1
498  out_filename = trim(inp_filename)//'.out'
499  IF (len_trim(arg2) > 0) out_filename = arg2
500  CALL create_force_env(new_env_id=shell%env_id, &
501  input_declaration=input_declaration, &
502  input_path=inp_filename, &
503  output_path=out_filename, &
504  owns_out_unit=.true., ierr=ierr)
505  IF (ierr /= 0) THEN
506  shell%env_id = -1
507  CALL print_error("create_force_env failed", shell)
508  ELSE IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
509  WRITE (shell%iw, '(i10)') shell%env_id
510  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
511  END IF
512  END SUBROUTINE load_command
514 ! **************************************************************************************************
515 !> \brief ...
516 !> \param shell ...
517 !> \param arg1 ...
518 ! **************************************************************************************************
519  SUBROUTINE destroy_force_env_command(shell, arg1)
520  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
521  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
523  INTEGER :: ierr
525  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
526  CALL destroy_force_env(shell%env_id, ierr)
527  shell%env_id = -1
528  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL print_error('destroy_force_env failed', shell)
529  END SUBROUTINE destroy_force_env_command
531 ! **************************************************************************************************
532 !> \brief ...
533 !> \param shell ...
534 !> \param arg1 ...
535 ! **************************************************************************************************
536  SUBROUTINE get_natom_command(shell, arg1)
537  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
538  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
540  INTEGER :: ierr, iostat, n_atom
542  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
543  CALL get_natom(shell%env_id, n_atom, ierr)
544  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_natom failed', shell)) RETURN
545  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
546  WRITE (shell%iw, '(i10)', iostat=iostat) n_atom
547  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
548  END IF
549  END SUBROUTINE get_natom_command
551 ! **************************************************************************************************
552 !> \brief ...
553 !> \param shell ...
554 !> \param arg1 ...
555 ! **************************************************************************************************
556  SUBROUTINE set_pos_command(shell, arg1)
557  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
558  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
560  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: line
561  INTEGER :: i, ierr, iostat, n_atom
562  REAL(kind=dp) :: max_change
563  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: old_pos, pos
565  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
566  CALL get_natom(shell%env_id, n_atom, ierr)
567  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_natom failed', shell)) RETURN
568  ALLOCATE (pos(3*n_atom), old_pos(3*n_atom))
569  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
570  READ (*, *, iostat=iostat) n_atom
571  IF (.NOT. my_assert(iostat == 0, 'setpos read n_atom failed', shell)) RETURN
572  IF (.NOT. my_assert(n_atom == SIZE(pos), 'setpos invalid number of atoms', shell)) RETURN
573  READ (*, *, iostat=iostat) pos
574  IF (.NOT. my_assert(iostat == 0, 'setpos read coords failed', shell)) RETURN
575  pos(:) = pos(:)/shell%pos_fact
576  READ (*, '(a)', iostat=iostat) line
577  IF (.NOT. my_assert(iostat == 0, 'setpos read END failed', shell)) RETURN
578  CALL uppercase(line)
579  IF (.NOT. my_assert(trim(line) == '*END', 'missing *END', shell)) RETURN
580  END IF
581  CALL shell%para_env%bcast(pos)
582  CALL get_pos(shell%env_id, old_pos, n_el=3*n_atom, ierr=ierr)
583  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_pos error', shell)) RETURN
584  CALL set_pos(shell%env_id, new_pos=pos, n_el=3*n_atom, ierr=ierr)
585  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'set_pos error', shell)) RETURN
586  max_change = 0.0_dp
587  DO i = 1, SIZE(pos)
588  max_change = max(max_change, abs(pos(i) - old_pos(i)))
589  END DO
590  DEALLOCATE (pos, old_pos)
591  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
592  WRITE (shell%iw, '(ES22.13)') max_change*shell%pos_fact
593  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
594  END IF
595  END SUBROUTINE set_pos_command
597 ! **************************************************************************************************
598 !> \brief ...
599 !> \param shell ...
600 !> \param arg1 ...
601 ! **************************************************************************************************
602  SUBROUTINE set_cell_command(shell, arg1)
603  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
604  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
606  INTEGER :: ierr, iostat
607  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3) :: cell
609  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
610  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
611  READ (*, *, iostat=iostat) cell
612  IF (.NOT. my_assert(iostat == 0, 'setcell read failed', shell)) RETURN
613  cell(:, :) = cell(:, :)/shell%pos_fact
614  END IF
615  CALL shell%para_env%bcast(cell)
616  CALL set_cell(shell%env_id, new_cell=cell, ierr=ierr)
617  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'set_cell failed', shell)) RETURN
618  END SUBROUTINE set_cell_command
620 ! **************************************************************************************************
621 !> \brief ...
622 !> \param shell ...
623 !> \param arg1 ...
624 ! **************************************************************************************************
625  SUBROUTINE get_cell_command(shell, arg1)
626  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
627  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
629  INTEGER :: ierr
630  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3) :: cell
632  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
633  CALL get_cell(shell%env_id, cell=cell, ierr=ierr)
634  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_cell failed', shell)) RETURN
635  cell(:, :) = cell(:, :)*shell%pos_fact
636  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
637  WRITE (shell%iw, '(9ES22.13)') cell
638  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
639  END IF
640  END SUBROUTINE get_cell_command
642 ! **************************************************************************************************
643 !> \brief ...
644 !> \param shell ...
645 !> \param arg1 ...
646 ! **************************************************************************************************
647  SUBROUTINE get_stress_command(shell, arg1)
648  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
649  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
651  INTEGER :: ierr
652  REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3) :: stress_tensor
654  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
655  CALL get_stress_tensor(shell%env_id, stress_tensor=stress_tensor, ierr=ierr)
656  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_stress_tensor failed', shell)) RETURN
657  stress_tensor(:, :) = stress_tensor(:, :)*(shell%e_fact/shell%pos_fact**3)
658  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
659  WRITE (shell%iw, '(9ES22.13)') stress_tensor
660  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
661  END IF
662  END SUBROUTINE get_stress_command
664 ! **************************************************************************************************
665 !> \brief ...
666 !> \param shell ...
667 !> \param arg1 ...
668 ! **************************************************************************************************
669  SUBROUTINE get_pos_command(shell, arg1)
670  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
671  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
673  INTEGER :: ierr, n_atom
674  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: pos
676  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
677  CALL get_natom(shell%env_id, n_atom, ierr)
678  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_natom failed', shell)) RETURN
679  ALLOCATE (pos(3*n_atom))
680  CALL get_pos(shell%env_id, pos=pos, n_el=3*n_atom, ierr=ierr)
681  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_pos failed', shell)) RETURN
682  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
683  WRITE (shell%iw, '(i10)') 3*n_atom
684  WRITE (shell%iw, '(3ES22.13)') pos(:)*shell%pos_fact
685  WRITE (shell%iw, '(a)') "* END"
686  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
687  END IF
688  DEALLOCATE (pos)
689  END SUBROUTINE get_pos_command
691 ! **************************************************************************************************
692 !> \brief ...
693 !> \param shell ...
694 !> \param arg1 ...
695 ! **************************************************************************************************
696  SUBROUTINE get_energy_command(shell, arg1)
697  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
698  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
700  INTEGER :: ierr
701  REAL(kind=dp) :: e_pot
703  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
704  CALL get_energy(shell%env_id, e_pot, ierr)
705  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_energy failed', shell)) RETURN
706  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
707  WRITE (shell%iw, '(ES22.13)') e_pot*shell%e_fact
708  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
709  END IF
710  END SUBROUTINE get_energy_command
712 ! **************************************************************************************************
713 !> \brief ...
714 !> \param shell ...
715 !> \param arg1 ...
716 ! **************************************************************************************************
717  SUBROUTINE eval_energy_command(shell, arg1)
718  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
719  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
721  INTEGER :: ierr
723  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
724  CALL calc_energy_force(shell%env_id, calc_force=.false., ierr=ierr)
725  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL print_error('calc_energy_force failed', shell)
726  END SUBROUTINE eval_energy_command
728 ! **************************************************************************************************
729 !> \brief ...
730 !> \param shell ...
731 !> \param arg1 ...
732 ! **************************************************************************************************
733  SUBROUTINE calc_energy_command(shell, arg1)
734  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
735  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
737  INTEGER :: ierr
738  REAL(kind=dp) :: e_pot
740  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
741  CALL calc_energy_force(shell%env_id, calc_force=.false., ierr=ierr)
742  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'calc_energy_force failed', shell)) RETURN
743  CALL get_energy(shell%env_id, e_pot, ierr)
744  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_energy failed', shell)) RETURN
745  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
746  WRITE (shell%iw, '(ES22.13)') e_pot*shell%e_fact
747  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
748  END IF
749  END SUBROUTINE calc_energy_command
751 ! **************************************************************************************************
752 !> \brief ...
753 !> \param shell ...
754 !> \param arg1 ...
755 ! **************************************************************************************************
756  SUBROUTINE eval_energy_force_command(shell, arg1)
757  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
758  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
760  INTEGER :: ierr
762  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
763  CALL calc_energy_force(shell%env_id, calc_force=.true., ierr=ierr)
764  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL print_error('calc_energy_force failed', shell)
765  END SUBROUTINE eval_energy_force_command
767 ! **************************************************************************************************
768 !> \brief ...
769 !> \param shell ...
770 !> \param arg1 ...
771 ! **************************************************************************************************
772  SUBROUTINE get_forces_command(shell, arg1)
773  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
774  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
776  INTEGER :: ierr, n_atom
777  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: forces
779  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
780  CALL get_natom(shell%env_id, n_atom, ierr)
781  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_natom failed', shell)) RETURN
782  ALLOCATE (forces(3*n_atom))
783  CALL get_force(shell%env_id, frc=forces, n_el=3*n_atom, ierr=ierr)
784  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_force failed', shell)) RETURN
785  forces(:) = forces(:)*(shell%e_fact/shell%pos_fact)
786  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
787  WRITE (shell%iw, '(i10)') 3*n_atom
788  WRITE (shell%iw, '(3ES22.13)') forces
789  WRITE (shell%iw, '("* END")')
790  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
791  END IF
792  DEALLOCATE (forces)
793  END SUBROUTINE get_forces_command
795 ! **************************************************************************************************
796 !> \brief ...
797 !> \param shell ...
798 !> \param arg1 ...
799 ! **************************************************************************************************
800  SUBROUTINE calc_energy_forces_command(shell, arg1)
801  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
802  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
804  INTEGER :: ierr, n_atom
805  REAL(kind=dp) :: e_pot
806  REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: forces
808  IF (.NOT. parse_env_id(arg1, shell)) RETURN
809  CALL calc_energy_force(shell%env_id, calc_force=.true., ierr=ierr)
810  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'calc_energy_force failed', shell)) RETURN
811  CALL get_energy(shell%env_id, e_pot, ierr)
812  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_energy failed', shell)) RETURN
813  CALL get_natom(shell%env_id, n_atom, ierr)
814  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_natom failed', shell)) RETURN
815  ALLOCATE (forces(3*n_atom))
816  CALL get_force(shell%env_id, frc=forces, n_el=3*n_atom, ierr=ierr)
817  IF (.NOT. my_assert(ierr == 0, 'get_energy failed', shell)) RETURN
818  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
819  WRITE (shell%iw, '(ES22.13)') e_pot*shell%e_fact
820  WRITE (shell%iw, '(i10)') 3*n_atom
821  WRITE (shell%iw, '(3ES22.13)') forces*(shell%e_fact/shell%pos_fact)
822  WRITE (shell%iw, '("* END")')
823  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
824  END IF
825  DEALLOCATE (forces)
826  END SUBROUTINE calc_energy_forces_command
828 ! **************************************************************************************************
829 !> \brief ...
830 !> \param shell ...
831 !> \param input_declaration ...
832 !> \param arg1 ...
833 !> \param arg2 ...
834 ! **************************************************************************************************
835  SUBROUTINE run_command(shell, input_declaration, arg1, arg2)
836  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
837  TYPE(section_type), POINTER :: input_declaration
838  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1, arg2
840  IF (.NOT. my_assert(len_trim(arg1) > 0, "input-file argument missing", shell)) RETURN
841  IF (.NOT. my_assert(len_trim(arg2) > 0, "input-file argument missing", shell)) RETURN
842  CALL run_input(input_declaration, arg1, arg2, empty_initial_variables)
843  END SUBROUTINE run_command
845 ! **************************************************************************************************
846 !> \brief ...
847 !> \param shell ...
848 ! **************************************************************************************************
849  SUBROUTINE set_units_ev_a(shell)
850  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
852  shell%e_fact = evolt
853  shell%pos_fact = angstrom
854  shell%units = 'eV_A'
855  END SUBROUTINE set_units_ev_a
857 ! **************************************************************************************************
858 !> \brief ...
859 !> \param shell ...
860 ! **************************************************************************************************
861  SUBROUTINE set_units_au(shell)
862  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
864  shell%e_fact = 1.0_dp
865  shell%pos_fact = 1.0_dp
866  shell%units = 'au'
867  END SUBROUTINE set_units_au
869 ! **************************************************************************************************
870 !> \brief ...
871 !> \param shell ...
872 ! **************************************************************************************************
873  SUBROUTINE get_units(shell)
874  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
876  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
877  WRITE (shell%iw, '(a)') trim(shell%units)
878  CALL m_flush(shell%iw)
879  END IF
880  END SUBROUTINE get_units
882 ! **************************************************************************************************
883 !> \brief ...
884 !> \param shell ...
885 !> \param arg1 ...
886 ! **************************************************************************************************
887  SUBROUTINE set_pwd_command(shell, arg1)
888  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
889  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: arg1
891  INTEGER :: ierr
893  IF (.NOT. my_assert(len_trim(arg1) > 0, 'missing directory', shell)) RETURN
894  CALL m_chdir(arg1, ierr)
895  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL print_error('changing directory failed', shell)
896  END SUBROUTINE set_pwd_command
898 ! **************************************************************************************************
899 !> \brief ...
900 !> \param shell ...
901 ! **************************************************************************************************
902  SUBROUTINE get_pwd_command(shell)
903  TYPE(cp2k_shell_type) :: shell
905  CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length) :: cwd
907  IF (shell%iw > 0) THEN
908  CALL m_getcwd(cwd)
909  WRITE (shell%iw, '(a)') trim(cwd)
910  END IF
911  END SUBROUTINE get_pwd_command
913 END MODULE cp2k_shell
static void parse_next_line(const char key[], FILE *fp, const char format[], const int nargs,...)
Parses next line from file, expecting it to match "${key} ${format}".
Definition: grid_replay.c:42
some minimal info about CP2K, including its version and license
Definition: cp2k_info.F:16
character(len= *), parameter, public cp2k_home
Definition: cp2k_info.F:42
character(len= *), parameter, public compile_host
Definition: cp2k_info.F:60
character(len= *), parameter, public compile_arch
Definition: cp2k_info.F:48
subroutine, public print_cp2k_license(iunit)
Definition: cp2k_info.F:280
character(len= *), parameter, public compile_revision
Definition: cp2k_info.F:37
character(len= *), parameter, public compile_date
Definition: cp2k_info.F:54
character(len= *), parameter, public cp2k_version
Definition: cp2k_info.F:40
subroutine, public run_input(input_declaration, input_file_path, output_file_path, initial_variables, mpi_comm)
runs the given input
Definition: cp2k_runs.F:958
Interactive shell of CP2K.
Definition: cp2k_shell.F:33
subroutine, public launch_cp2k_shell(input_declaration)
Launch the interactive CP2K shell.
Definition: cp2k_shell.F:92
Utility routines to open and close files. Tracking of preconnections.
Definition: cp_files.F:16
subroutine, public open_file(file_name, file_status, file_form, file_action, file_position, file_pad, unit_number, debug, skip_get_unit_number, file_access)
Opens the requested file using a free unit number.
Definition: cp_files.F:308
subroutine, public close_file(unit_number, file_status, keep_preconnection)
Close an open file given by its logical unit number. Optionally, keep the file and unit preconnected.
Definition: cp_files.F:119
various routines to log and control the output. The idea is that decisions about where to log should ...
integer function, public cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger)
returns the unit nr for the ionode (-1 on all other processors) skips as well checks if the procs cal...
type(cp_logger_type) function, pointer, public cp_get_default_logger()
returns the default logger
interface to use cp2k as library
Definition: f77_interface.F:20
recursive subroutine, public destroy_force_env(env_id, ierr, q_finalize)
deallocates the force_env with the given id
subroutine, public get_natom(env_id, n_atom, ierr)
returns the number of atoms in the given force env
subroutine, public get_cell(env_id, cell, per, ierr)
gets a cell
recursive subroutine, public calc_energy_force(env_id, calc_force, ierr)
updates the energy and the forces of given force_env
subroutine, public get_energy(env_id, e_pot, ierr)
returns the energy of the last configuration calculated
subroutine, public get_pos(env_id, pos, n_el, ierr)
gets the positions of the particles
recursive subroutine, public create_force_env(new_env_id, input_declaration, input_path, output_path, mpi_comm, output_unit, owns_out_unit, input, ierr, work_dir, initial_variables)
creates a new force environment using the given input, and writing the output to the given output uni...
subroutine, public set_cell(env_id, new_cell, ierr)
sets a new cell
subroutine, public set_pos(env_id, new_pos, n_el, ierr)
sets the positions of the particles
subroutine, public get_stress_tensor(env_id, stress_tensor, ierr)
gets the stress tensor
subroutine, public get_force(env_id, frc, n_el, ierr)
gets the forces of the particles
recursive subroutine, public calc_force(env_id, pos, n_el_pos, e_pot, force, n_el_force, ierr)
returns the energy of the configuration given by the positions passed as argument
parse cp2k input files
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition: kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition: kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_path_length
Definition: kinds.F:58
Machine interface based on Fortran 2003 and POSIX.
Definition: machine.F:17
subroutine, public m_getpid(pid)
Definition: machine.F:555
subroutine, public m_flush(lunit)
flushes units if the &GLOBAL flag is set accordingly
Definition: machine.F:106
subroutine, public m_getcwd(curdir)
Definition: machine.F:507
subroutine, public m_chdir(dir, ierror)
Definition: machine.F:536
subroutine, public m_getlog(user)
Definition: machine.F:632
subroutine, public m_hostnm(hname)
Definition: machine.F:474
Interface to the message passing library MPI.
Definition of physical constants:
Definition: physcon.F:68
real(kind=dp), parameter, public evolt
Definition: physcon.F:183
real(kind=dp), parameter, public angstrom
Definition: physcon.F:144
Utilities for string manipulations.
elemental subroutine, public uppercase(string)
Convert all lower case characters in a string to upper case.