No Matches
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2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief Handles the multiple unit cell option regarding atomic coordinates
10!> \author Teodoro Laino [tlaino] - 05.2009
11! **************************************************************************************************
13 USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_type
20 USE kinds, ONLY: default_string_length,&
21 dp
24#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
28 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'topology_multiple_unit_cell'
32! *** Public parameters ***
33 PUBLIC :: topology_muc
37! **************************************************************************************************
38!> \brief Handles the multiple_unit_cell for the atomic coordinates..
39!> \param topology ...
40!> \param subsys_section ...
41!> \author Teodoro Laino [tlaino] - 05.2009
42! **************************************************************************************************
43 SUBROUTINE topology_muc(topology, subsys_section)
44 TYPE(topology_parameters_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: topology
45 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: subsys_section
47 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routinen = 'topology_muc'
49 CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length) :: unit_str
50 INTEGER :: handle, i, ind, j, k, m, n, natoms, nrep
51 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: iwork, multiple_unit_cell
52 LOGICAL :: check, explicit, scale
53 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3) :: trsl, trsl_i, trsl_j, trsl_k
54 TYPE(cell_type), POINTER :: cell
55 TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: work_section
57 CALL timeset(routinen, handle)
58 NULLIFY (multiple_unit_cell, iwork, cell)
59 CALL section_vals_val_get(subsys_section, "TOPOLOGY%MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL", &
60 i_vals=multiple_unit_cell)
61 ! Fail is one of the value is set to zero..
62 IF (any(multiple_unit_cell <= 0)) &
63 CALL cp_abort(__location__, "SUBSYS%TOPOLOGY%MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL accepts "// &
64 "only integer values larger than 0! A value of 0 or negative is meaningless!")
65 IF (any(multiple_unit_cell /= 1)) THEN
66 ! Check that the setup between CELL and TOPOLOGY is the same..
67 CALL section_vals_val_get(subsys_section, "CELL%MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL", &
68 i_vals=iwork)
69 IF (any(iwork /= multiple_unit_cell)) &
70 CALL cp_abort(__location__, "SUBSYS%TOPOLOGY%MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL and "// &
72 "setup to two different values!! Correct this error!")
73 cell => topology%cell_muc
74 natoms = topology%natoms*product(multiple_unit_cell)
76 ! Check, if velocities are provided, that they are consistent in number with the atoms...
77 work_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(subsys_section, "VELOCITY")
78 CALL section_vals_get(work_section, explicit=explicit)
79 IF (explicit) THEN
80 CALL section_vals_val_get(work_section, '_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_', n_rep_val=nrep)
81 check = nrep == natoms
82 IF (.NOT. check) &
83 CALL cp_abort(__location__, &
84 "Number of available entries in VELOCITY section is not compatible with the number of atoms!")
87 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%id_molname, 1, natoms)
88 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%id_resname, 1, natoms)
89 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%resid, 1, natoms)
90 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%id_atmname, 1, natoms)
91 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%r, 1, 3, 1, natoms)
92 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%atm_mass, 1, natoms)
93 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%atm_charge, 1, natoms)
94 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%occup, 1, natoms)
95 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%beta, 1, natoms)
96 CALL reallocate(topology%atom_info%id_element, 1, natoms)
97 ind = 0
98 DO k = 1, multiple_unit_cell(3)
99 trsl_k = cell%hmat(:, 3)*real(k - 1, kind=dp)
100 DO j = 1, multiple_unit_cell(2)
101 trsl_j = cell%hmat(:, 2)*real(j - 1, kind=dp)
102 DO i = 1, multiple_unit_cell(1)
103 trsl_i = cell%hmat(:, 1)*real(i - 1, kind=dp)
104 trsl = trsl_i + trsl_j + trsl_k
105 ind = ind + 1
106 IF (ind == 1) cycle
108 ! loop over atoms
109 n = (ind - 1)*topology%natoms
110 DO m = 1, topology%natoms
111 topology%atom_info%id_atmname(n + m) = topology%atom_info%id_atmname(m)
112 topology%atom_info%r(1, n + m) = topology%atom_info%r(1, m) + trsl(1)
113 topology%atom_info%r(2, n + m) = topology%atom_info%r(2, m) + trsl(2)
114 topology%atom_info%r(3, n + m) = topology%atom_info%r(3, m) + trsl(3)
115 topology%atom_info%id_molname(n + m) = topology%atom_info%id_molname(m)
116 topology%atom_info%id_resname(n + m) = topology%atom_info%id_resname(m)
117 topology%atom_info%resid(n + m) = topology%atom_info%resid(m)
118 topology%atom_info%id_element(n + m) = topology%atom_info%id_element(m)
119 topology%atom_info%atm_mass(n + m) = topology%atom_info%atm_mass(m)
120 topology%atom_info%atm_charge(n + m) = topology%atom_info%atm_charge(m)
121 END DO
122 END DO
123 END DO
124 END DO
125 topology%natoms = natoms
127 ! Deallocate the coordinate section (will be rebuilt later with the whole atomic set)
128 work_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(subsys_section, "COORD")
129 CALL section_vals_get(work_section, explicit=explicit)
130 IF (explicit) THEN
131 CALL section_vals_val_get(work_section, "UNIT", c_val=unit_str)
132 CALL section_vals_val_get(work_section, "SCALED", l_val=scale)
133 END IF
134 CALL section_vals_remove_values(work_section)
135 IF (explicit) THEN
136 CALL section_vals_val_set(work_section, "UNIT", c_val=unit_str)
137 CALL section_vals_val_set(work_section, "SCALED", l_val=scale)
138 END IF
139 END IF
140 CALL timestop(handle)
141 END SUBROUTINE topology_muc
Handles all functions related to the CELL.
Definition cell_types.F:15
objects that represent the structure of input sections and the data contained in an input section
subroutine, public section_vals_val_set(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals_ptr, i_vals_ptr, r_vals_ptr, c_vals_ptr)
sets the requested value
subroutine, public section_vals_remove_values(section_vals)
removes the values of a repetition of the section
recursive type(section_vals_type) function, pointer, public section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals, subsection_name, i_rep_section, can_return_null)
returns the values of the requested subsection
subroutine, public section_vals_get(section_vals, ref_count, n_repetition, n_subs_vals_rep, section, explicit)
returns various attributes about the section_vals
subroutine, public section_vals_val_get(section_vals, keyword_name, i_rep_section, i_rep_val, n_rep_val, val, l_val, i_val, r_val, c_val, l_vals, i_vals, r_vals, c_vals, explicit)
returns the requested value
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public default_string_length
Definition kinds.F:57
Utility routines for the memory handling.
Handles the multiple unit cell option regarding atomic coordinates.
subroutine, public topology_muc(topology, subsys_section)
Handles the multiple_unit_cell for the atomic coordinates..
Control for reading in different topologies and coordinates.
Definition topology.F:13
Type defining parameters related to the simulation cell.
Definition cell_types.F:55