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2! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <https://cp2k.org> !
4! !
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
8! **************************************************************************************************
9!> \brief All kind of helpful little routines
10!> \par History
11!> - Cleaned (22.04.2021, MK)
12!> \author CJM & JGH
13! **************************************************************************************************
14MODULE ao_util
16 USE kinds, ONLY: dp,&
17 sp
18 USE mathconstants, ONLY: dfac,&
19 fac,&
20 rootpi
21 USE orbital_pointers, ONLY: coset
22#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
28 CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'ao_util'
30 ! Public subroutines
32 PUBLIC :: exp_radius, &
40! **************************************************************************************************
41!> \brief The exponent of a primitive Gaussian function for a given radius
42!> and threshold is calculated.
43!> \param l ...
44!> \param radius ...
45!> \param threshold ...
46!> \param prefactor ...
47!> \return ...
48!> \date 07.03.1999
49!> \par Variables
50!> - exponent : Exponent of the primitive Gaussian function.
51!> - l : Angular momentum quantum number l.
52!> - prefactor: Prefactor of the Gaussian function (e.g. a contraction
53!> coefficient).
54!> - radius : Calculated radius of the Gaussian function.
55!> - threshold: Threshold for radius.
56!> \author MK
57!> \version 1.0
58! **************************************************************************************************
59 FUNCTION gauss_exponent(l, radius, threshold, prefactor) RESULT(exponent)
61 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: radius, threshold, prefactor
62 REAL(kind=dp) :: exponent
64 exponent = 0.0_dp
66 IF (radius < 1.0e-6_dp) RETURN
67 IF (threshold < 1.0e-12_dp) RETURN
69 exponent = log(abs(prefactor)*radius**l/threshold)/radius**2
71 END FUNCTION gauss_exponent
73! **************************************************************************************************
74!> \brief The radius of a primitive Gaussian function for a given threshold
75!> is calculated.
76!> g(r) = prefactor*r**l*exp(-alpha*r**2) - threshold = 0
77!> \param l Angular momentum quantum number l.
78!> \param alpha Exponent of the primitive Gaussian function.
79!> \param threshold Threshold for function g(r).
80!> \param prefactor Prefactor of the Gaussian function (e.g. a contraction
81!> coefficient).
82!> \param epsabs Absolute tolerance (radius)
83!> \param epsrel Relative tolerance (radius)
84!> \param rlow Optional lower bound radius, e.g., when searching maximum radius
85!> \return Calculated radius of the Gaussian function
86!> \par Variables
87!> - g : function g(r)
88!> - prec_exp: single/double precision exponential function
89!> - itermax : Maximum number of iterations
90!> - contract: Golden Section Search (GSS): [0.38, 0.62]
91!> Equidistant sampling: [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
92!> Bisection (original approach): [0.5]
93!> Array size may trigger vectorization
94! **************************************************************************************************
95 FUNCTION exp_radius(l, alpha, threshold, prefactor, epsabs, epsrel, rlow) RESULT(radius)
97 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: alpha, threshold, prefactor
98 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: epsabs, epsrel, rlow
99 REAL(kind=dp) :: radius
101 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: itermax = 5000, prec_exp = sp
102 REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: contract(*) = (/0.38, 0.62/), &
103 mineps = 1.0e-12, next = 2.0, &
104 step = 1.0
106 INTEGER :: i, j
107 REAL(kind=dp) :: a, d, dr, eps, r, rd, t
108 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(SIZE(contract)) :: g, s
110 IF (l .LT. 0) THEN
111 cpabort("The angular momentum quantum number is negative")
112 END IF
114 IF (alpha .EQ. 0.0_dp) THEN
115 cpabort("The Gaussian function exponent is zero")
116 ELSE
117 a = abs(alpha)
118 END IF
120 IF (threshold .NE. 0.0_dp) THEN
121 t = abs(threshold)
122 ELSE
123 cpabort("The requested threshold is zero")
124 END IF
126 radius = 0.0_dp
127 IF (PRESENT(rlow)) radius = rlow
128 IF (prefactor .EQ. 0.0_dp) RETURN
130 ! MAX: facilitate early exit
131 r = max(sqrt(0.5_dp*real(l, dp)/a), radius)
133 d = abs(prefactor); g(1) = d
134 IF (l .NE. 0) THEN
135 g(1) = g(1)*exp(real(-a*r*r, kind=prec_exp))*r**l
136 END IF
137 ! original approach may return radius=0
138 ! with g(r) != g(radius)
139 !radius = r
140 IF (g(1) .LT. t) RETURN ! early exit
142 radius = r*next + step
143 DO i = 1, itermax
144 g(1) = d*exp(real(-a*radius*radius, kind=prec_exp))*radius**l
145 IF (g(1) .LT. t) EXIT
146 r = radius; radius = r*next + step
147 END DO
149 ! consider absolute and relative accuracy (interval width)
150 IF (PRESENT(epsabs)) THEN
151 eps = epsabs
152 ELSE IF (.NOT. PRESENT(epsrel)) THEN
153 eps = mineps
154 ELSE
155 eps = huge(eps)
156 END IF
157 IF (PRESENT(epsrel)) eps = min(eps, epsrel*r)
159 dr = 0.0_dp
160 DO i = i + 1, itermax
161 rd = radius - r
162 ! check if finished or no further progress
163 IF ((rd .LT. eps) .OR. (rd .EQ. dr)) RETURN
164 s = r + rd*contract ! interval contraction
165 g = d*exp(real(-a*s*s, kind=prec_exp))*s**l
166 DO j = 1, SIZE(contract)
167 IF (g(j) .LT. t) THEN
168 radius = s(j) ! interval [r, sj)
169 EXIT
170 ELSE
171 r = s(j) ! interval [sj, radius)
172 END IF
173 END DO
174 dr = rd
175 END DO
176 IF (i .GE. itermax) THEN
177 cpabort("Maximum number of iterations reached")
178 END IF
180 END FUNCTION exp_radius
182! **************************************************************************************************
183!> \brief computes the radius of the Gaussian outside of which it is smaller
184!> than eps
185!> \param la_min ...
186!> \param la_max ...
187!> \param lb_min ...
188!> \param lb_max ...
189!> \param pab ...
190!> \param o1 ...
191!> \param o2 ...
192!> \param ra ...
193!> \param rb ...
194!> \param rp ...
195!> \param zetp ...
196!> \param eps ...
197!> \param prefactor ...
198!> \param cutoff ...
199!> \param epsabs ...
200!> \return ...
201!> \par History
202!> 03.2007 new version that assumes that the Gaussians origante from spherical
203!> Gaussians
204!> \note
205!> can optionally screen by the maximum element of the pab block
206! **************************************************************************************************
207 FUNCTION exp_radius_very_extended(la_min, la_max, lb_min, lb_max, pab, o1, o2, ra, rb, rp, &
208 zetp, eps, prefactor, cutoff, epsabs) RESULT(radius)
210 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: la_min, la_max, lb_min, lb_max
211 REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: pab
212 INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: o1, o2
213 REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: ra(3), rb(3), rp(3), zetp, eps, &
214 prefactor, cutoff
215 REAL(kind=dp), OPTIONAL :: epsabs
216 REAL(kind=dp) :: radius
218 INTEGER :: i, ico, j, jco, la(3), lb(3), lxa, lxb, &
219 lya, lyb, lza, lzb
220 REAL(kind=dp) :: bini, binj, coef(0:20), epsin_local, &
221 polycoef(0:60), prefactor_local, &
222 rad_a, rad_b, s1, s2
224! get the local prefactor, we'll now use the largest density matrix element of the block to screen
226 epsin_local = 1.0e-2_dp
227 IF (PRESENT(epsabs)) epsin_local = epsabs
229 IF (PRESENT(pab)) THEN
230 prefactor_local = cutoff
231 DO lxa = 0, la_max
232 DO lxb = 0, lb_max
233 DO lya = 0, la_max - lxa
234 DO lyb = 0, lb_max - lxb
235 DO lza = max(la_min - lxa - lya, 0), la_max - lxa - lya
236 DO lzb = max(lb_min - lxb - lyb, 0), lb_max - lxb - lyb
237 la = (/lxa, lya, lza/)
238 lb = (/lxb, lyb, lzb/)
239 ico = coset(lxa, lya, lza)
240 jco = coset(lxb, lyb, lzb)
241 prefactor_local = max(abs(pab(o1 + ico, o2 + jco)), prefactor_local)
242 END DO
243 END DO
244 END DO
245 END DO
246 END DO
247 END DO
248 prefactor_local = prefactor*prefactor_local
249 ELSE
250 prefactor_local = prefactor*max(1.0_dp, cutoff)
251 END IF
253 !
254 ! assumes that we can compute the radius for the case where
255 ! the Gaussians a and b are both on the z - axis, but at the same
256 ! distance as the original a and b
257 !
258 rad_a = sqrt(sum((ra - rp)**2))
259 rad_b = sqrt(sum((rb - rp)**2))
261 polycoef(0:la_max + lb_max) = 0.0_dp
262 DO lxa = 0, la_max
263 DO lxb = 0, lb_max
264 coef(0:la_max + lb_max) = 0.0_dp
265 bini = 1.0_dp
266 s1 = 1.0_dp
267 DO i = 0, lxa
268 binj = 1.0_dp
269 s2 = 1.0_dp
270 DO j = 0, lxb
271 coef(lxa + lxb - i - j) = coef(lxa + lxb - i - j) + bini*binj*s1*s2
272 binj = (binj*(lxb - j))/(j + 1)
273 s2 = s2*(rad_b)
274 END DO
275 bini = (bini*(lxa - i))/(i + 1)
276 s1 = s1*(rad_a)
277 END DO
278 DO i = 0, lxa + lxb
279 polycoef(i) = max(polycoef(i), coef(i))
280 END DO
281 END DO
282 END DO
284 polycoef(0:la_max + lb_max) = polycoef(0:la_max + lb_max)*prefactor_local
285 radius = 0.0_dp
286 DO i = 0, la_max + lb_max
287 radius = max(radius, exp_radius(i, zetp, eps, polycoef(i), epsin_local, rlow=radius))
288 END DO
290 END FUNCTION exp_radius_very_extended
292! **************************************************************************************************
293!> \brief ...
294!> \param alpha ...
295!> \param l ...
296!> \return ...
297! **************************************************************************************************
298 FUNCTION gaussint_sph(alpha, l)
300 ! calculates the radial integral over a spherical Gaussian
301 ! of the form
302 ! r**(2+l) * exp(-alpha * r**2)
303 !
305 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: alpha
307 REAL(dp) :: gaussint_sph
309 IF ((l/2)*2 == l) THEN
310 !even l:
311 gaussint_sph = rootpi*0.5_dp**(l/2 + 2)*dfac(l + 1) &
312 /sqrt(alpha)**(l + 3)
313 ELSE
314 !odd l:
315 gaussint_sph = 0.5_dp*fac((l + 1)/2)/sqrt(alpha)**(l + 3)
316 END IF
318 END FUNCTION gaussint_sph
320! **************************************************************************************************
321!> \brief ...
322!> \param A ...
323!> \param lda ...
324!> \param B ...
325!> \param ldb ...
326!> \param m ...
327!> \param n ...
328!> \return ...
329! **************************************************************************************************
330 PURE FUNCTION trace_r_axb(A, lda, B, ldb, m, n)
332 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lda
333 REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: a(lda, *)
334 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ldb
335 REAL(dp), INTENT(in) :: b(ldb, *)
336 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: m, n
337 REAL(dp) :: trace_r_axb
339 INTEGER :: i1, i2, imod, mminus3
340 REAL(dp) :: t1, t2, t3, t4
342 t1 = 0._dp
343 t2 = 0._dp
344 t3 = 0._dp
345 t4 = 0._dp
346 imod = modulo(m, 4)
347 SELECT CASE (imod)
348 CASE (0)
349 DO i2 = 1, n
350 DO i1 = 1, m, 4
351 t1 = t1 + a(i1, i2)*b(i1, i2)
352 t2 = t2 + a(i1 + 1, i2)*b(i1 + 1, i2)
353 t3 = t3 + a(i1 + 2, i2)*b(i1 + 2, i2)
354 t4 = t4 + a(i1 + 3, i2)*b(i1 + 3, i2)
355 END DO
356 END DO
357 CASE (1)
358 mminus3 = m - 3
359 DO i2 = 1, n
360 DO i1 = 1, mminus3, 4
361 t1 = t1 + a(i1, i2)*b(i1, i2)
362 t2 = t2 + a(i1 + 1, i2)*b(i1 + 1, i2)
363 t3 = t3 + a(i1 + 2, i2)*b(i1 + 2, i2)
364 t4 = t4 + a(i1 + 3, i2)*b(i1 + 3, i2)
365 END DO
366 t1 = t1 + a(m, i2)*b(m, i2)
367 END DO
368 CASE (2)
369 mminus3 = m - 3
370 DO i2 = 1, n
371 DO i1 = 1, mminus3, 4
372 t1 = t1 + a(i1, i2)*b(i1, i2)
373 t2 = t2 + a(i1 + 1, i2)*b(i1 + 1, i2)
374 t3 = t3 + a(i1 + 2, i2)*b(i1 + 2, i2)
375 t4 = t4 + a(i1 + 3, i2)*b(i1 + 3, i2)
376 END DO
377 t1 = t1 + a(m - 1, i2)*b(m - 1, i2)
378 t2 = t2 + a(m, i2)*b(m, i2)
379 END DO
380 CASE (3)
381 mminus3 = m - 3
382 DO i2 = 1, n
383 DO i1 = 1, mminus3, 4
384 t1 = t1 + a(i1, i2)*b(i1, i2)
385 t2 = t2 + a(i1 + 1, i2)*b(i1 + 1, i2)
386 t3 = t3 + a(i1 + 2, i2)*b(i1 + 2, i2)
387 t4 = t4 + a(i1 + 3, i2)*b(i1 + 3, i2)
388 END DO
389 t1 = t1 + a(m - 2, i2)*b(m - 2, i2)
390 t2 = t2 + a(m - 1, i2)*b(m - 1, i2)
391 t3 = t3 + a(m, i2)*b(m, i2)
392 END DO
394 trace_r_axb = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
396 END FUNCTION trace_r_axb
398END MODULE ao_util
static GRID_HOST_DEVICE int modulo(int a, int m)
Equivalent of Fortran's MODULO, which always return a positive number. https://gcc....
All kind of helpful little routines.
Definition ao_util.F:14
real(dp) function, public gaussint_sph(alpha, l)
Definition ao_util.F:299
real(kind=dp) function, public exp_radius(l, alpha, threshold, prefactor, epsabs, epsrel, rlow)
The radius of a primitive Gaussian function for a given threshold is calculated. g(r) = prefactor*r**...
Definition ao_util.F:96
pure real(dp) function, public trace_r_axb(a, lda, b, ldb, m, n)
Definition ao_util.F:331
real(kind=dp) function, public exp_radius_very_extended(la_min, la_max, lb_min, lb_max, pab, o1, o2, ra, rb, rp, zetp, eps, prefactor, cutoff, epsabs)
computes the radius of the Gaussian outside of which it is smaller than eps
Definition ao_util.F:209
real(kind=dp) function, public gauss_exponent(l, radius, threshold, prefactor)
The exponent of a primitive Gaussian function for a given radius and threshold is calculated.
Definition ao_util.F:60
Defines the basic variable types.
Definition kinds.F:23
integer, parameter, public dp
Definition kinds.F:34
integer, parameter, public sp
Definition kinds.F:33
Definition of mathematical constants and functions.
real(kind=dp), dimension(-1:2 *maxfac+1), parameter, public dfac
real(kind=dp), parameter, public rootpi
real(kind=dp), dimension(0:maxfac), parameter, public fac
Provides Cartesian and spherical orbital pointers and indices.
integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public coset